Learning By Doing

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This is a coming of age love story between a young female Eevee kit pupil and her overly analytical Flareon father.

"Learning by doing" The young Eevee kit just didn't know what it was, these new feelings of warmth all up in a buzz. But daddy Flareon knew that fair smell all too well, a male quite unsheathed and all ready with swell.  A special scent so entropic to heart and to mind, its cause floods all systems until that connection you find.  For it's the calling to release what has damned from within, to spill of one's essence and give way in great sin.  Because making sense out of scents so beyond logic and reason, soon feels like a crime against your own self that is treason; even still if it's the young form of your own fur and flesh daughter who just come into her very first season...

I awoke in our den with an annoying, out of control need of which I haven't encountered in the longest of times; since being the youngest of Eevee in fact.  Gently reaching downwards along my inactive form to place a paw upon the misbehaving, very active morning erection protruding through my crotch fur, I found my body to be gripped with feelings and emotions that I no longer needed or cared to entertain; for I was deeply contented and happy with my life and where I was, and in no need of this in my life, so why... "Father, what's that...?"  Were the delicate and tiny words that hummed in my ears before I swiftly turned to face the equally small Eevee cub who voiced them; 'was I like this because of her?! Oh my Mew, is she in heat?!  My body has betrayed me...  So much for years upon years of mental and emotional training to combat that damned of season scent...' "Well, you see! It's not--" "I do see...  What is it...?"  The cub interrupted, determined to get her answer without hesitation. "Flare-eh! Heh, heh, heh!" I awkwardly laugh while turning over to lay on my side and face my back towards one curious Eevee kit, then quickly cover my jutting Flareon tool with both forepaws to try and contain the situation; 'why am I feeling like this?! And for her?! This isn't just some lust sensation or some easy quick fix like it has been in the past, as I can feel the intense glow and beckoning warmth of it all in my heart place as well... Not just between my hind legs...  It's distinctly different... Or... Or is this how it always feels?!  I can't remember!  Damn my inexperience with all of this!  It's been so long too...'  "That was Daddy's Eevee maker." I go on to explain.  "I even used it to help create you! But that was a long time ago... And I don't--" "Have you decided you wanted to create another Eevee, father?  Why was it so alive and activated?"  The cub interrupts yet again; 'why did I have to raise such an astute and observant offspring?  It doesn't seem like this is going to go away so very easily...' Sighing deeply to myself in an attempt to calm down, my training does finally seem to kick in a bit now as I remember that it's always good practice to take long, slow and deep breathes in times that are giving you anxiety or distress. "Why are you doing your breathing meditations so early in the morning, father?  Can't we play?! I feel like playing... I think... I feel funny though mainly...  Like hot...  Like hot between my hind legs...  And......  Like active...  Like active between my hind legs...  It feels alive and activated, father, my daddy...  Just like how your Eevee maker is turned on activated...  I think mine is as well...  I am a female Pokémon and you are a male, and both of our Eevee makers are turned on, is that correct?  Is this another kind of test or a lesson, father? I hope I'm doing well enough!"  The Eevee spoke her heart and her mind as best she could, articulating and conveying her thoughts and feelings with great care and slow pauses for introspection, just like he had always taught her to do when venturing into unknown territories. 'Her words!  They seep into the core of my being like a forbidden love song...  Why am I feeling this way towards her?! How?! Why?! How...?! Why...?!  I was so sure that I had worked up a fortitude strong enough to control my body in all regards and even around heating females!  I had always done so well in the past with this, not even becoming the slightest bit unsheathed in the presence of one, so why?!!! .......  I almost wish I hadn't taught her that if she didn't yet have the vocabulary to explain what it is that she were encountering either externally and outside of herself, or feelings from within the inside of herself, that she should always describe 'around the situation' and to use the word 'like' so that she could best get her message across as much as possible and gather information about the matter at forepaw; but her way of putting things was just too incredibly cute to me right now...  So exciting beyond reason... Talking to me in that way, while I am in such a state of arousal...  It's only making it all so much worse......  I can't think straight at all......  My thoughts are wondering and my emotions are overflowing out of control......' "Father?" My little brown furred daughter curiously inquired after being ignored for so long, before then daintily trotting around to the front side of my body where my forepaws were still tightly clamping around my maleness in an attempt to cover its secrets. 'She was always so terribly observant and adamant to get her answers, always so fixed and engaged with the process of gaining more understandings and learnings to better herself...  An unstoppable little brown furred ball of growth and vitality is what I aimed to create, and so it seems I did; only now it was biting me in the rump, or rather in the sheath... Somehow, and for some reason that eluded me entirely like none other before...  My body is responding in such an interesting way and......  It needs to...... I have to let her......' "Explore..."  Is all I could manage to whisper in a heated and raspy kind of 'caught off guard' voice as my right hind leg began slowly rising upwards into the air almost on its own accord and my two forepaws removed themselves to give the gift of sight upon my unsheathed maleness to her. "Father...?  A lesson...?" 'My heart is pounding out of control...  I can't think straight... I can't think......  So I won't...  I will just feel... I will give the emotions an outlet like they want...  I will succumb to them... I have to...  It feels as though I will die if I don't... All the feelings are rushing towards her...  She is so cute... So, so, so cute...  She has her father's prowess for knowledge and thirst for being the best that she can be at all times and her mother's beauty, her gentleness, her softness...  Ahhh~ I feel like I can relax now...  It's not so bad just to feel what's happening around you and not to think at all any further about things...  It all feels at peace... It all feels wonderful!  Aroused, excited without reason, and yet still calm, safe and relaxed...  I think everything will be alright... Rather, I feel it will be alright...  It's nice to feel things so deeply again'; and indeed the next thing I physically feel is the cold and curious gentle prodding of my own Eevee daughter's nose against my hot Flareon member... Blushing deeply as I push my troubling thoughts and misguided sanity aside, I find myself slowly bringing my forepaws upwards to grip the fluff of my mane around the front of my neck to brace myself in anticipation; my maw lovingly biting into my mane just below my muzzle as well as I can't help but squint my eyes in embarrassed and a heated pleasure like no other I have experienced before... It all just felt so natural to do...  I've never felt like this before...  Like I'm supposed to this...  So aroused in all ways somehow...  So... So... So...... "Father...  Is this a joke?!"  The unassuming Eevee cub yipped in response to her father's silly body language as she quickly jumped back a little bit to face his head instead before then lowering the front end of her body to the ground and keeping her rear raised in the air to wag her tail back and forth in a 'ready to play' manner like a happy flag.  "Ee-he! Vee-he! Hehehe!" She went on to laugh hysterically at Flareon as he carefully opened just one eye at her in response.  "I've never seen you like this!  You're so different and funny today!  Do you want to play after all?!  My body itself wants to play, father! It really does...! I can't describe it but I need to play! So badly...! Pleeeaase can we play!  Like play! Like play! Like play! It's like play, but not... So pleeeeeaaaaassssee!" 'What is this...  So cute...... I can't even.........  No more thoughts............  Just awareness...............

~~~~' And I can truly feel myself lifting off now and becoming lighter as I let go of all troublesome, heavy thoughts~ Feeling so amazing and awakened on a whole new unexplored level~ Feeling how natural it is to go with the flow of my emotions that I've kept held back and suppressed under my control as best I could~ Now the emotions are my friends and allies instead of prisoner~ Now I am free along with them~ "Ye--Yes...  Let's play...  Eevee... I..." The Flareon shares some scattered words as he rises up onto all four paws and then slowly pads around to position himself behind her 'ready-to-play' stance. "Father?"  The Eevee kit asked; not knowing why he was acting so terribly strange as she continued to remain in her playful stance but stopped all wiggly happy motions of her body's unspoken language to remain perfectly still before him. He could smell his daughter's heating sex all too well and perfectly as he stood behind her now, just a few short paw steps away, and the enticing female aroma seemed to call to everything within him that was male as it continued to stream so very deeply within his being and pull him forward towards her in such a way he's never been moved before. With no more blocks or barriers walling the Flareon within his own personal system of control, the scent of all scents was finally allowed to consume him as it settled into his body and seemed to take his actions over completely; moving the Pokémon not only by instincts but mainly by a glowing feeling in his heart's center that told him everything would be okay as the heated air wafting from the young Eevee's activated mating parts filtered in through his nostrils and slightly parted muzzle lips in deep, heavy inhalations to set ablaze the entirety of his insides with a burning kind of pleasure that wanted nothing more than to connect and comingle with everything that she was... To consume of her entirely and to give to her however he could...  She was his of him, yes... His offspring...  But she had also came to be such a close reflection of his very own heart as well; only the cute, young female version of him.  He loved her, with all that he was... And no longer didn't understand why he couldn't just... Why he couldn't...... "Flare...  Eon.."  The captivated eeveelution whined as he gently moved paw step after paw step forwards to close the gap between himself and his daughter's raised, presenting rear end; heat and warmth rocking his insides and darting around everywhere all at once in a maelstrom of forbidden and determined emotion, crimson hued orbs remained locked onto the slightly inflamed entrance of one Eevee kit's blossoming vagina as her father's maw dampened with an increased moisture and hungry anticipation. The fire Pokémon swallowed hard and licked his muzzle lips, finding them oddly dry as suddenly all four of his legs seemed to turn to mush underneath him and give way; only now realizing just how very much his maw was salivating just inside as his body trembled and fell to the floor, he then found his current state almost uncontainable and unmanageable as he began to pant and pant his heated breaths into the air and stare blankly into the distance; orange and red fire visibly being seen between his heat maw with each deep exhalation as if tiny flamethrower attacks were caught in his throat. "Father what is going on?! Are you alright?!" The Eevee barked as she quickly whipped around to face him, very concerned. "I...  I need your help..."  Flareon manages to explain between his heavy pantings; then lifting his right hind leg into the air, just like before, he presented his jutting Pokémon tool to his daughter.  "My Eevee maker is out of control... And it needs your help..." The young female looked onwards in astonishment, not really able to comprehend what was happening much at all.  Such a new experience this was, and with her feeling so weird and different and now him actin the strange way he was, there no previous data to go off of for any of it at all!  But she did know that she was with her father and so everything was alright. She knew that she was loved and cared for, and knew that she loved him dearly, with all of the love she had to give. "Fa--father... Okay..."  The cub staggered a reply before tentatively walking towards him, trusting him and knowing everything would be okay... Flareon began panting quicker and quicker as his beloved cub approached his crotch, and couldn't help but start gently thrusting his hips up and down to hump against the air as a tiny forepaw came to press against her father's very activated and alive Eevee maker. "Ee.. Eeeevee..." Flareon gently howled his daughter's name, almost sounding like an Eevee himself as he whimpered in pleasure under his breath and forced his body to remain as still as possible as the entirety of his energy and essence could be felt focused upon his genital area and streaming upwards out of his neglected sex; and like a damned river being liberated and allowing for its natural flow once more, the powerful fire eeveelution felt his seed bursting forth like white hot lava as it came to spray against the underfur and soft pads of his daughter's right forepaw. "Something came out!"  The kit astutely exclaimed before bringing the obtained substance to her snout for an exploratory sniff.  "Does it feel better now, father?"  She went on to say before promptly sitting backwards onto her rear end. "I think... I think that my Eevee maker is out of control too... And that it might need your help... It's been bothering me ever since I woke up..." Gripped by emotion, the Flareon simply stared onward at his daughter as she began using that very same male-cum exposed paw to gently prod and press against her heating female hole. "Maybe it needs these liquids of yours... To help cool it off..."  The kit hummed as she pressed one of her digits to her vaginal slit and began gently began rubbing her father's seed against her inflamed sex, even dipping inside slightly. "Father, tell me, do you really take me for such a dense and naïve Pokémon...?"  She continued on to say as her previously innocent tone suddenly dropped and she slowly motioned to stand up and onto all four paws. Flareon swallowed hard upon seeing the very same white essence that was used to create this Eevee now be placed within the unseen territory of her own fleshy and fertile grounds, and then visibly gulped as she remarked about him mistaking her for a dense Pokémon; he knew she had been entirely too coy and overly innocent seeming about this whole thing... "I have known what mating is for quite some time now... Father... Did you not think I would be more observant and curious when we had happened upon the Rattata and then the Pidgeotto who were "practicing their quick attacks" on one another's rear ends when we did last spring? Did you really think I would believe such an explanation? Indeed I noticed how the whole ordeal made you blush and drop your usually always held guard in both instances... Indeed I noticed the bright red penis on both of those males as they claimed their female counterparts again and again... Indeed I picked up on the intriguing scents that their interesting interactions were producing." Eevee reveals her true self to her father as she pauses for a moment in thought, and then motions to continue with the opening of her muzzle lips. "Of course I knew then that you wouldn't give me the answers I sought, so I asked around until I obtained them..." "Father... Do you really think me that young still?  I'm in heat and old enough to mate... Do you really think me that naïve?  I'm YOUR daughter after all...  Do you not already know that I am yours, and in more ways than one?  Indeed you raised me, and raised me well, but now my scents and sights have raised and aroused you... I know your heart and body burns and glows for me... I know, because, it's just as mine feels for you, so please...  Come claim me...  Claim my body... Claim my heart... It's here for you..." With that being said, Eevee then slowly turned around and raised her rear end into the air, presenting her body in grand Pokémon fashion to her father as she assumed the female mating position by making her forepaws go low and forelegs crouched towards the ground while hindquarters remained high, and then gently shifted her hind paw on the ground as well to form a firm hold with them; readying herself for her chosen lover to mount and then hump into her. No words escaped Flareon's muzzle lips in response to his daughter's words or actions, instead, he remained perfectly still to feel his heart beat hard and his member throb in sporadic dance as his brain continued to take a back seat to all of this and he decided to truly listen for once and accept everything as it already was instead of attempting to analyze or question the what or why of things that were happening so he could have the advantage.  A gentle nod was all he could finally manage to give in return a short moment later as he then proceeded to slowly move forward and position himself so that he is standing directly above his daughter's smaller frame and raised rear end. "Make me your female...  I love you..." The Eevee whispered as she looked back over her right shoulder and into her father's eyes, and just as soon she could feel him crotch down against her with his hind legs and begin gently prodding at the moistened entrance of her heating hollow with his member's end. "Our bond is one that is beyond anything you've experienced before, father...  I know your trainer was one of the most elite masters in the world, and forced you to breed with my mother in one of those daycare centers just so he could have a powerful offspring of yours to train as well... But you stole that Eevee kit and ran away with her as a result...  Neither your trainer or my mother are in the picture anymore, but I am... That kit was me, but I'm no longer a kit anymore...   I love you..." The cub continued to confess all of the words she had bottled up and brewing within her over the past previous weeks as Flareon continued to repeatedly poke the tip of his pre-cum drooling member against her behind before rubbing the length of his member against her rear again and again after each miss of the female hole mark to cover her little rear end's fur in his fervent male scent.  "I've even had visions recently, father...  Of you and me mating...  Only I was an Espeon in them... The eeveelution I've also decided I wanted to be... And--" "You talk too much..." Flareon finally spoke up, interrupting his daughter's words just before catching the tip of his penis within her vaginal slit and gently pressing his maleness forward and into her tiny little vee' hole. "Just... Just feel..." He went on to heatedly pant in her ear as he began burying his bright red tool inside her. "Ye--yes father...  Teach me how to do it all... How to be the best of Pokémon... How to mate... I love you..." Eevee whimpered in pleasure as she felt her Flareon guardian turn something else more entirely and his presence came to press deeper and deeper within her body to make her feel connected, safe and secure like never before. "It feels... It feels so good to be mated... It feels like the best......" She panted and quietly whined as he continued to slide his throbbing rod further and further within the secret confines of her hidden flesh tunnel. "Shhh... No more my little Eevee... My equal heart...  My forever love... I love you..." Flareon responded verbally and then physically as well as he rolled both of their bodies over and onto their sides so that he could place then place his massive tail perfectly between her four legs in this new position. "Oh--ohkay..." The kit hummed back to him as she hugged her father's tail with all four legs and squinted her eyes shut as her smaller body came to feel so stuffed and filled with such a larger male's genitals; overwhelming pleasure saturating the cub's body with sensations of love, warmth and caring as more and more of her mate's entirety came to be humped within her and just the smallest bit of uncomfortable feelings came to accompany them.  "Any pain shall pass in just a moment, my love..." The Flareon whispered as he continued to expertly maneuver his erection into the tight little space it had found between his daughter's hind legs, and then ever so gently began humping himself further into her there with the most subtle and caring of motions upon feeling the final bit of his mating tool's girth being met with some resistance. "No pain...  It more so feels...  Feels like just a bit uncomfortable... Feels like uncomfortable... But like not...  Mostly like the best thing ever... Mostly like I love you with all that I am, and I can feel you right now so deeply like I never have before, and--" "Shhh... No more my little vee... Sometimes we just need to feel, and to not speak... So... Just feel..." Flareon interrupted his always enthusiastic and often over analytical offspring. "Oh--ohkay..." Eevee whimpered as she felt her father's maleness come to be gently humped and stuffed entirely within her now, even feeling the fur of his crotch and sheath pressing directly into her rear end and heating vaginal lips as she hugged his massive fluffy tail a bit tighter; feeling completely surrounded by her father's warmth and touch in the very best, all-encompassing and closest of ways.  "But there's something still... I haven't told you...Because just a few days ago, after I had that vision of me as an Espeon mating with you... I have been touching myself down there and trying to make sure you could fit inside me... Because I knew you were going to be within me there eventually... And I was hoping you would mate with me soon even as an Eevee... And I don't know if it really worked or helped at all... But... And..." "Shhh... Just... Feel..." Flareon once more whispered to his daughter as she stumbled around in her speech and they intimately remained laying connected to one another in the ultimate sorts of ways, and then using his right forepaw, he guided the tip of his massive tail's end directly into her muzzle lips, where Eevee then proceed to accept it into her tiny maw and start suckling on the creamy white fur; one of the very same tactics he would use to quiet the kit down when she was crying back when she was just newly born, he couldn't help but admire how mature and intelligent a Pokémon he had managed raise. Eevee was taken to her happiest of happy feeling places where no thoughts were allowed to persist and pleasure and security surrounded her from without and from within as the most familiar touch she had ever known embraced her body entirely and began repeatedly moving itself back and forth along her insides; the cub's vaginal tunnel lighting up with every sliding, rubbing touch of in and out motions as the nagging and uncomfortable heat she had been feeling inside of her crotch area ever since waking up this morning felt as though it was being rubbed off and melting into a liquid puddle of radiating, glowing pleasures inside of her loins. "I love you..." Is all the kit could manage to whine as she released her father's tail from her suckling maw and began heavily panting in an attempt to vent the intense and overwhelming sensations that were coursing through her tiny frame in rocking waves; male and female becoming as one again and again as the cub's wanting hole accommodated her father's presence and sounded with a happy and wetted noise of contented completion, her female juices of female arousal and heat began to dampen the sheath fur of the Flareon she held so dear. "Yes...... It's alright to give in to your emotions sometimes, my little vee... Speak your heart to another and trust it... Flow your heart, less you rust it... It's okay to follow where it leads, even if you can't see the apparent reason in it right away... I know these things now...   You've taught me so much...  And you'll teach me more, as I teach you...  Together, let's stay... Forever and always, and in all ways, I love you... I love you... I love you..."  Flareon gave his very last maw full of words that he had welling up inside of him, and found that they had carried with them a bitter taste that seemed to be holding him back almost as if encapsulating his being in an icy prison until he released them with his breath; and then he truly did feel himself finally being liberated and flowing forward and directly into his beloved little vee; 'am I mating with my own daughter?!'  Was his very last and final fleeting  thought of forgotten desperation attached to his old way of relating to his reality was left behind and the sensation of finally feeling at home and at peace with the world came to replace it. In a rush of ecstasy and heart-entanglement, life creating Pokémon seeds finally rushed forth and began streaming deep within the fleshy virgin fields of one thoroughly loved Eevee daughter turned so very much more, and the cub gently wiggled her rear end into her father's crotch in response. "Feels like warmth in an entirely new kind of way...  Like filled to the brim with everything you are, father... Like streaming liquid happy pleasure being shot so very deep within me..."  The kit quietly exclaimed as she happily took in all of the new sensations and her tiny womb became flooded to the brim with glowing bliss; and with the release of it all, Flareon suddenly realized how very truly he had been afraid to ever make mistakes in life... He realized how he had denied his body the union of a male and female and it had been eating away at his heart this whole time. He realized everything... Everything he had been missing in his life he had somehow found within the one place he dared not ever be willing to even entertain before... "Love, love, love~  Feels like love~" His daughter light heartedly proclaimed in a happy tune as she giggled again to herself in a deeply contented kind of way and continued to lovingly wiggle her hindquarters against her father's genitals, crotch and the inner thighs of his hind legs as he remained deeply still and locked within her there, taking his time to simply feel all of the heavenly sensations that were settling into him; her innocence had stirred his sleeping heart from its depths, and her seemingly inherent maturity and natural beauty had called to a deep place within him that seemed to say: Come play... Come hump into your daughter! Everything will be alright~ I promise~

So what is one to do when a heat is so strong that it calls not only to their loins, but to their heart as well? Setting your entire being ablaze with desire all at once... Do you succumb? What choice do you have...?  To do anything less than to follow the scents and callings of that kind of heat is pure insanity...  And so yes, I am the Flareon in this tale, and I simply allowed myself to become sane in the end...  Sometimes you just have to learn things by doing them...  Just ask my recently evolved Espeon mate! She will and does agree, I decree! 

Confessions of Dog Love

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My Daddy has Nine Tails

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My Furry Soulmate

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