Dragon Story: A Pet Reborn

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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After a very long time in dormancy, we have a small resurgence of this old Pet Store universe commissioned by FA: Heru during the dragon stream. Enjoy.

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A Pet Reborn for Heru by Draconicon

Haverlon shook his head as he walked through the halls of his home, the manor large even to the tall red dragon, and empty despite the number of pets that lived with him. A series of soft grunts could be heard from one of the many rooms, but that was such a constant sound around his household that Haverlon was able to tune it out without even thinking about it.

Instead, he kept walking down the hallway to one of the few bedrooms where the door tended to stay shut. As he paused, the one across the way opened, and Bubba the bull looked over at him and waved.

"Hey, Master. Are you -"

"Just a little busy right now, Bubba. How are you?"

"Doing great. That new milker you bought me is doing wonders."

The bull hefted his cock, which bore the signature marks of a cock pump around the base, looking a bit like a ring in the bull's flesh. The dragon chuckled, shaking his head a few times before patting the bull on the arm.

"Looks like you're doing good. Just don't overdo it, okay? You look your sexiest when you're hard."

"Nah, I look my best when you have me bent over with the others."

"Heh, that too."

Giving the bull a good slap on the ass, the dragon turned his attention back to the closed door. With any other pet, he would have just opened it and walked in, but with this one...well, he knew better than to push his luck. He knocked on the door, and waited for the soft grunt from the other side before opening it.

"Reator, I think it's time we talked - oh."

The phoenix was already naked on his bed, one scaly leg crossed with the sole pointed towards the door. His collar was off, something that was less than ideal. Admittedly, he'd been weening the avian off of the gas puffer that was on the front of the collar for the last month or so, but he hadn't thought that the bird would actually take it off completely.

Stepping inside and shutting the door behind him, Haverlon walked over to the bed and pulled one of the chairs up for him to sit on. He glanced along the shelves for a moment, taking in the sight of a number of dildos and plugs that had gone untouched - as far as he could tell - for weeks before looking at his pet again.

"Well...no real need to beat around the bush, I guess. Why'd you take off the collar?"

"Because it makes it hard to think."

"It also calmed you down, so you didn't -"

"It made me stupid!"

Haverlon ducked the phoenix's pillow, and when he sat back up, Reator was off the bed, pacing back and forth across the room. His tailfeathers were down, but that didn't hide his curvy, feathered rump. The dragon watched him, staying quiet as the bird kept pacing back and forth in the middle of the room.

"You're making me into something I'm not. That first day, you remember? You left me outside the store, leashed to a post. I was yelling at people to fuck me, for fucks sake!"

"It was part of -"

"It wasn't part of anything! It was humiliation, plain and simple."

Haverlon didn't respond, and the phoenix didn't push him. The dragon still remembered that day; it was the first time he'd gotten Reator to admit that he didn't like wanting to be a pet, and that the phoenix needed to be forced into it to be able to accept his place. Back then, he'd pushed the phoenix under with a mix of musk and sex, and then fitted him with the very collar he'd so recently removed. The whole thing had been an attempt to keep the avian relaxed enough to accept his sluttier side.

Evidently, it hadn't been working as well as he'd hoped. The red dragon shook his head a few times as Reator leaned against the dresser on the far side of the room, and forced himself to wait a little longer. If the phoenix wanted to get something off of his chest, he would -

"Why didn't you just...let me be who I was?"

"Because you were being abusive to everyone around you. Because you couldn't calm down and -"

"No, not that. That...I was being a jerk. But..."

The phoenix turned around, leaning against his dresser.

"You turned me into a giggly little slut. If I was a female, I'd say you basically made me a bimbo. Why didn't you try anything else?"

He blinked, and then slowly shook his head.

"I don't know. I thought...I guess I wanted to bring you out of your shell. Let you see how much fun you had as a slutty sort of bird, and hope that it would make you feel better about it when you weren't so high."

"It almost worked."

The phoenix chuckled as Haverlon blinked.

"Oh, don't look like that. I was...having fun. But I don't want to be like that. I don't want you to be making me someone I'm not."

As Reator hopped up onto his dresser, his legs spread and his ass slid around just enough for Haverlon to notice that the phoenix's ass wasn't precisely empty. A little cord with a small tag stuck out, and he had to stifle a chuckle as he realized that the prudish avian was holding a series of anal beads inside of him. He really hadn't expected that.

"So...What are you, then?"

"I'm a fighter, Haverlon -"


"Master Haverlon, then. I'm a fighter. I'm a troublemaker. And I like it when someone pushes me down and makes me do something. When you take away everything that makes me me, then you've decided that I'm not worth anything. And I want..."

The phoenix took a deep, shuddering breath.

"I want to be worth something. Especially after seeing how you treat everyone else here, that's worth something to you."

"Then that's what we'll do."

The dragon stood up, the phoenix barely able to look up at him again before Haverlon had crossed the space between them. He wrapped his arms around the bird, holding him close to his chest. He was amazed to feel some warmth against his shoulder, and wetness; the phoenix had never cried before, and the fact that he was doing it now told the dragon all he needed to know about how sincere the bird was being.

"I want to be here...but I want to be me, too."

"You will be. You will be."

He patted the bird's back, then grunted as he was suddenly shoved back. The dragon stared, shocked that the moment they were sharing had been interrupted. However, the look on the phoenix's face, that slight smirk and the curl of his beak, could only mean one thing. Haverlon chuckled.

"Oh, you naughty little pest..."

He leaped for the dresser, but Reator was just that little bit quicker, the phoenix dodging around him. The dragon's tail whipped out and stopped him, smacking against the bird's stomach and sending him flying towards the bed. Haverlon followed him, pinning the bird down on his stomach with a smirk of his own, and using his heavier bodyweight to make sure that his pet wasn't getting back up so easy.

"Heh, you want to be made to be a slut, huh?"

"Bet you can't."

"I'll have you moaning in a few minutes, bird-butt."

"I - ooooh!"

The phoenix was already groaning as the dragon grabbed hold of the beads, tugging on them with a smirk. The first one took the longest to pop out, but the way that the hole stretched around it when it did was just delicious. The dragon chuckled as he teased with the second one, giving a few small tugs to make it bump against the inner rim before yanking it out. Pop, pop, pop went the beads, until the whole line of them were out.

He threw them on the floor, spreading those ass cheeks. The tail feathers were raised high, a sure sign to him that the bird was enjoying himself, even if Reator was calling out for him to stop 'fucking around'.

I'll show you fucking around, he thought as he dove his head between the feathery ass cheeks. It was surprisingly low on musk, as the feathers seemed to soak up all the oil that caused the smell, but it was damp. He chuckled as he swiped his tongue over the bird's twitching hole, collecting a fair bit of salty sweat in the process. A few little licks, and Reator immediately went still, panting softly as Haverlon licked at him.

Up and down, up and down his tongue went, flicking over the hole repeatedly until it started puckering back at him. By then, the phoenix was a moaning pile of pleasure, and he knew that it was time to move on.

Pulling back, he rolled his pet over and straddled his chest. His tail curled around the phoenix's cock, stroking it as he laid his balls over the bird's nose. The first gasp of breath told him that Reator was loving it, that the musk down there was having its usual effect on him, and he chuckled.

"Kiss it...kiss it and beg for my cock...and I'll give you what you need, you little slut."

He felt the phoenix tense up a bit under him, but there was no way that the bird was resist, not now, not when he was so far gone. He grinned at the first kiss, and barely listened to the begging before pulling back. Flipping the bird over, he grabbed the phoenix's hips and plunged in, moaning from the started as he rutted the stubborn bird as hard as he could.

The bird shook, and he knew that there would be other members of his little harem looking in on them while they had their fun. It didn't matter. He was having his fun, and his cock was getting the best squeeze it could; nobody here could match the bird for tightness, and as much as Reator's rebellion got annoying, he couldn't deny the pleasure of claiming an ass and enforcing that claim like this.

Panting hard, he finally rammed himself in up to the hilt, cumming hard. His bird moaned, coating the bed with his load as well. Haverlon slowly pulled out, making the last bit of his seed land on the bird's ass.

"There...maybe now you've...learned your place."

"Heh...fat chance..."

"Then we'll do this again...and again...until you do."

The bird chuckled, and Haverlon had to admit, he looked forward to it.

The End