When World's Collide: Chapter 2

Story by Cee-Jayy on SoFurry

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#2 of When World's Collide

Chris show's Drake what it's like to be human, and they both explore their feelings for each other. What will happen when both the humans and dragons find out about them?

Chapter 2

Chris would spend most of his afternoons in the clearing with Drake. It was about a week since they met, and they were enjoying each other's company quite a bit. He learned that Drake liked to live alone, he was called a solitary. Chris' inner scientist was raging with questions, about their home world, their technology, physiology, evolution. So many questions that humans have never been given the answer to, or had an opportunity to ask the questions. When they crash landed here 10 years ago on one of their carrier ships, harboring over 1 million Dragons, the UN decided to give them asylum under a strict contract decided on by both the UN and Dragon Senate. They allowed us to call them Dragons, because we could not begin to understand their language, although there have been rumors that some organisations have cracked the language and have been able to convert it into a form we can hear and understand.

The Dragons knew they had superior technology, and their bodies evolved along side their intelligence, so in one-on-one combat humans had absolutely no chance. The humans knew this as well, and the only reason the assimilation was put forward smoothly was for the fact that if it came down to it, the Dragons could very well wipe out the human race. The Dragons got the better end of the contract, they would share some of their knowledge with the humans if they agreed to help them get back to their fleet. Their communications was destroyed on impact after a fault in their ship caused them to crash. We don't have the resources needed on Earth to repair their ship, but they are trying to figure out a way around that by combining human technology with theirs. The Dragons must be given their own 'home base' that they could work from, an area where their ship could be repaired and they could set up a camp until they could figure out how to leave this world and return to their fleet. This 'camp' had come to be known as Dragon City, which would only be accessable to the very most powerful political leaders on Earth as a show of good faith from the Dragons. But that's it. That's all we know. We are not allowed to perform tests on Dragons, of any kind, besides the ones that were initially done to ensure they carried no diseases that could possibly harm us. Any information they have shared has definitely not been made public, so from Chris' perspective, this was a thousand Christmas' in one.

"You're an incredibly diverse species... More diverse than any I have encountered", said Drake. "It's kind of our gift and curse. It's our diversity that gives us individuality, and that's great, but its also our downfall. Take your arrival for example. It completely split the world in two, half of us think you're a God send, and the other half want your heads on spikes. It's caused so much civil unrest, it only started to calm down after 3 years when it was made clear you weren't leaving anytime soon, and after the attack on Dragon City, we found out the hard way that you guys were not to be fucked with", "I don't know if there was any fucking going on", Chris smiled, such an advanced species but couldn't pick up on our lingo after a decade. "Like I was saying, after that happened, it started to calm down, but then the Dragons started to wander. Move further away from the city. Then the contract changed. You were allowed to be among us. Thinking it would bridge the gap between the species, it did for some, and once again, made it worse for others. They were calling the contract another Magna Carter", "A what?" "Don't worry, we'll get into that later. But the fact is our difference in opinion has caused many great wars, and that's not only bound to religious wars. Our diversity allows for great things, but is also at the root of a lot of our conflict".

Drake laid back on the ground next to Chris, thinking over what he had just said. They were an interesting species, and Chris was an interesting individual. "So which half do you fit into? Do you think I'm a God send? Or do you want my head on a spike?" Chris smirked, "Well, I'm still making my mind up on that. But it depends" "On?" Drake said, cocking his head. "Are you going to finish that last slice of pizza?" They both smiled, as Drake handed him the last slice. Chris brought him something different every time, showing him the diverse range of foods humans had. Drake had said humans were one of the only species to take so much pride and effort in their food, for most other species ate out of necessity, rather than pleasure.

"It's time you answer some of my questions". "You know I can't do that, Chris", said Drake, sitting up. "Oh fuck off, you know I'm not some government official, im just curious. Feel my heart, tell me if I'm lying, it'll be elevated if I am", said Chris as he took the dragons hand and placed it on his chest. Drake felt his heart beat, he didn't need to feel it to know if Chris was lieing, but he didn't move his hand either. He just left it there. The warmth of Chris' body radiated through his hand, up his arm, and into him. This was strange. Chris also realised that he never let go of Drakes hand, it was very impulsive for him to take his hand as they really didn't touch each other at all, this was the first contact they've had. It felt... Familiar. It didn't feel foreign at all, it felt like it belonged. Looking into Drakes eyes, he unconsciously stroked his hand with his thumb, like he did that lizard the first day he met Drake. And like the lizard, Drake was strangely calmed by it. After a moment Drake broke the silence, removing his hand quickly and looking away, shuffling his position a bit awkwardly.

"Ok, but don't ask me for our nuclear launch codes, or I'll have to kill you" Chris smiled; liking that Drake was getting a human sense of humour. "You guys don't even have nukes, I'm sure you've got something much worse. Ok then, quid pro quo, Clarice" "My names not Clarice", "Shut up Drake. Ok.. Let' see.. Why were you guys in space?" Drake shifted awkwardly again, still hesitant, but eventually gave in "Our home world orbits a binary star, their orbits change every year, spiraling closer and closer to each other. It was a story they used to tell on our planet, the dance of death. Two lovers both as deadly as each other knew everything they touched would burn, including one another but cared not. For the briefest moment of contact between the two was worth dieing for. And that's why we had to leave, to find another planet to live on. The dance was almost at an end. We had found a suitable planet to colonise, it was in the habitable zone of a star, and had no intelligent life on it, only vegetation with no other higher life-forms. But something went wrong with our ship, and we got separated from the fleet, and crashed here. The rest, as you say, is history". "That's beautiful.. The story, that is. Tragic, but beautiful".

They both sat in silence, enjoying each others presence. Chris couldn't stop thinking about holding Drakes hand, that connection he felt, and he worried that it was not felt on Drake's end. But, he didn't pull away at first, did he? And Chris knew he saw something when he looked into his eyes, he must have. Well, his instincts haven't been wrong with Drake so far, why should he doubt them now? He sat up and faced Drake, looking at him intensely. Drake opened his eyes and stared at Chris "What? What is it?" And slowly, Chris reached out his hand, moving closer, closer to Drakes face. Drake watched, didn't react, curious and confused at the same time as to what would happen. Chris slowly placed a hand on Drakes cheek, and caressed it. To Drakes surprise, he leaned into his hand. It was comforting as he just followed what his body was telling him to do. He let out what sounded like a rumble at first, but turned into a soft murr. Chris smiled, stroking his cheek with his thumb. "Why?" Asked Drake. "I... I don't know. This is uncharted territory for me. Why... Why aren't you stopping me?" he said as he moved closer to Drake without realizing. Drake just looked at him back and repeated "Uncharted territory". Chris didn't kiss him, as much as he felt like he needed to. He just placed himself on Drake, cozying up to his neck, and Drake took him in his arms and held him close as if he was going to drift away. They stayed like that, silent, both contemplating the dance they had just begun.

Alvanax, the feared Red Dragon General, watched his white dragoness approach him slowly, swaying her hips seductively, knowing how much that riled him up. She moved to the back of his chair slithering her hands down his shoulders and over his stomach, teasing him. In the dragon tongue, she cooed in his ear "What of this group of humans murdering dragons? The human government thinks we don't know". He leaned his head back, inhaling deeply. He could smell her wetness. Grinning, he grabbed the back of her head, roughly tugging at it, bringing her ear to his mouth, "Must we talk about work during play time Sareth? You know how much it bores me" he licked the side of her face, like tasting his food before he engorges himself. "It's time to stop playing nice. The Senate are fools, leave the politics to the humans. I'll take a handful of my soldiers and deal with the vermin. I'll skin them alive". Hearing those words, she moaned and moved her hands further down grabbing his throbbing hardness, ready to be taken by her general. He revelled at her touch, grabbing her and flinging her down onto his desk. He squeezed her soaking vagina in his hands, putting two fingers in and watched her quiver with anticipation. "If only the High-Councillor knew his precious daughter was begging for my cock, it would wipe the snide smirk off his face", "Lets not talk about my father, and ruin the mo-OH!" He thrusted inside her without warning, smiling at her twisted face of pleasure and surprise. "What's the matter darling? Cock too big? You wanna slow down a bit?" pulling out of her he grinned sinisterly, and rammed back in, slamming his hot prick into her awaiting cunt. He loved watching her squirm, all the anger and frustration he has towards the High-Councillor he takes out in their little fuck sessions. He grabbed her plump perky tits, squeezed them hard and continued to jack hammer into her, as Sareth cried out and begged for more. "Yes, general! Fuck me harder! More, give me MORE!"

He hadn't even begun, and the communicator lit up with the face of one of his soldiers. "General! I have important information and need to speak with you immediately" He didn't even stop fucking her, he stared at the communicator; his soldier became wide-eyed when he realised what he had just disturbed. "I-I'm sorry general, I'll brief you later-" "You'll brief me now, soldier" roared Alvanax, not missing a single beat as Sareth continued to writhe about, legs flailing as he impaled her on his cock. "Y-you told me to keep an eye on the High-Councillors son, I had a recon team keep close watch on him sir, and it seems he's started talking to a human boy. He seems to be getting extremely friendly with him sir" Alvanax stopped. Sareth, completely unaware that Alvanax wasn't even talking to her, looked up in disappointment "What the hell?!" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" He bellowed at her, she whimpered and looked away as he turned to his soldier "What the fuck do you MEAN getting friendly?!", "Sir, they were seen holding each other this afternoon, and they've been talking for about a week now. It's unknown wether he has disclosed any information.. But it could be possible" His nostrils flared, breathing sharpened, eyes went blank, and he just snarled at the soldier who would have rather shot himself in that moment. "An entire week.. And I'm hearing about this now..." he gritted through his teeth in a low, menacing voice. Calmly, he closed the communicator. He'd deal with that soldier later. "Looks like your brother has got himself into some trouble" "M-my brother? I need to see my father" Sareth got off the table and was about to walk out when Alvanax grabbed her by her arm and slammed her face first against the table. "I'm not finished with you yet", he said as he pinned her down, getting ready to finish off his dinner. She could do nothing but wait, and think of her brother and what he has gotten himself into.

"This.. Complicates things" Said Drake, as he stroked Chris' hair gently. "No shit this complicates things, talking to a dragon felt complicated enough, and now having feelings for one? And having one reciprocate those feelings? That's never been heard of before. You... You do reciprocate these feelings right? It can't just be me..." Chris trailed off, scared of the answer. "I do have those same feelings.. It's just I don't know what they are. What they mean. It's a lot different with dragons, yes we may have mates if we choose to, but they are meaningless. When dragons truly feel something for another, they become partnered. For life. I don't know what this means for us". Chris snickered, 'us'. In the midst of being the first inter-species relationship in human history, Chris had butterflies like a high school student. "What are you snickering about Chris?" He looked up at Drake "Oh, uh.. It's stupid. You said 'us' as if we are together. Um.. Stupid human thing, I guess. We tend to linger on the little things". Drake smiled. The little things. Maybe that's why he felt this way towards him. Chris grounded him. He looked down at Chris, and held him tight. He didn't want to let him go. What the hell did he get himself into? Chris sat up, feeling his stomach churn, "Uh oh.." said Chris, becoming a bit pale. Drake sat up with him, "Uh oh? What uh oh?", "Like UH OH uh oh.." Drake was slightly worried. "Drake, im freaking out" "What do you mean you're freaking out?" Chris stood up abruptly "I'M FREAKING OUT. I have feelings for a dragon! What will my family think? My university? I'll be like a pariah! No employer would want me, the government will want to question me! Even lock me up!" Drake was so confused his head hurt "We were fine 30 seconds ago why are you acting like this?!" "IT'S A HUMAN THING WE FREAK OUT SOMETIMES!" Drake stood up, and held his arms, staring him in the face "You will NOT be a pariah, whatever that is-" "An outcast- a black sheep, a reject, a-" "Shut up Chris. That's not the point. The point is no one has to know. And even if they did, there's no way anyone could touch you. I wouldn't allow it. My father is the highest member on The Senate, no government would risk touching you. And besides that, they'd have to get through me". "Y-yeah. That makes sense. Ok, ok. Thanks.. It just kind of hit me" "Yeah, that hit both of us," said Drake as he took Chris into his arms and held him strong. "Wait, did you say your Dad's head of the Senate?" "Yep", "So I'm going out with, like, a Dragon prince?" Drake chuckled, "Not exactly, but kind of. Hey, when did we decide we're going out? Don't I get a say in that?" Chris snickered, "No, you don't" he hugged him tighter than ever before.

Drake's head snapped to the side, eyes narrowed as his body tensed up. "Drake? What's wrong?". He was dead silent. Chris tried to look in the direction he was staring at, but could see nothing. "Get behind me Chris, now" Drake positioned himself in front of Chris, wings spread out so Chris couldn't see what was happening. He heard Drake give a low, guttural growl. Then he heard voices. "Well, well, well. Look at what we have here boys. Two love birds. What do you think Jarred?" He said, smiling at his brother through his rotten teeth and scarred face. Jarreds tattooed face smiled back, "Darryl my dear brother, I think it's time to clip the wings off these love birds. Boys!" He bellowed as 11 other armed men stepped out from the trees, guns positioned at Drakes head. Darryl unsheathed his knife, "Time to hunt".

To be continued...