When World's Collide: Chapter 6

Darryl awoke with a thrumming in his head, and an ache in his bones. He tried to pull himself up, but found himself rendered useless. He peered down and saw that he was strapped to a table, naked. He had no visible injuries. The room was completely...

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When World's Collide: Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Chris awoke with an unease that lingered in him. With the useless hope of desperation he told himself that when he opened his eyes, he would be staring at the ceiling in his room, ready for another uneventful day. He opened his eyes, and was...

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When World's Collide: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 "If you leave now, I won't hunt you down", said Drake in a voice that scared Chris more than these hunters did, it sounded like someone completely different. "Well shit, boys! I guess we better pack up and go home!" They laughed...

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When World's Collide: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Chris would spend most of his afternoons in the clearing with Drake. It was about a week since they met, and they were enjoying each other's company quite a bit. He learned that Drake liked to live alone, he was called a solitary. Chris'...

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When World's Collide: Chapter 1

Pre-note: Hey guys, this is the first chapter in my first story series, so whatever feed back you can give is much appreciated. It's a pretty short chapter, i just wanted to test the waters to see what kind of reception it would have. This is mainly...

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When World's Collide: Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Drake smiled to himself, looking at Chris' peaceful face and the soft rise and fall of his bare chest as he slept quietly. He dragged his hand over his hair, caressing it gently. It perplexed him how strongly he felt for him. The...

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