Different kind of Love I - a digimon story

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Well, i like digimon since a long time, and thats just something that was on my mind. I really like Patamon, he's cute! Also, most of the others are too! ^^ but he's one of my favorite.

So this is mostly something about him and Takeru, but it will feature other digimons as well, also a bit with their respective partners in this first chapter. Anyway! Enjoy ^^

Also, english isn't my first language and it was my first attempt for it^^

Chapter 1

It was a few weeks since the seven digidestined children came to the digital world. They fought a lot of evil digimon, controlled by the dark digimon called Devimon. When they reached a forest, it started raining and they were glad to find an empty villa there. It seemed very old, but it was still ok. It got a bit destroyed from the weather, maybe other digimons, but they could at least sleep in there, safe from the rain.

When they were inside, it looked a lot better then from the outside. They explored the two floors, and found some bedrooms, one for each child and his partner. Also they found two big bathrooms, one for girls, and one for boys, and all decided that some showers would be very nice, and a welcome variety to the cold lakes they washed themselves in. After everyone was washed, clean, and ready for bed, they seperated and wished each other a good night.

When Patamon and Takeru were in their room, they both jumped happily on the soft bed, giggling. "Wow, this bed looks so comfortable!", Takeru said. He was lying on his back, with Patamon beside him. "Yeah, I hope we will have a great sleep tonight. Sleeping outside isn't that much fun, right?" Both boys giggled. Takeru sat up on the bed, looking around the room before he saw a window.

"Mind if i open it? Its very stuffy inside!" Patamon was ok with it, and the human child opened the window a bit and enjoyed the cool air that came through it.

"Much better!", he said laughing, before he jumped back on the bed. He then toke of his hoodie and brown shorts, lying only their in some green boxerbriefs, ready for the night.

"I'm pretty sleepy.", he yawned, and looked over to Patamon.

"No problem. I'll explore the mansion a bit more. I'll be back in a few minutes." He walked over to the door and opened it slowly, waving a last time to Takeru before he was in the hallway.

He walked around in both floors, smiling at some digimon pictures on the wall, showing some humanoid-shaped digimon, mostly champion or ultra form in different locations, and antique stuff on little shelfs. All other digidestined and their partners seemed to be asleep, and when he got around the corner and was in the same hallway his and Takeru's room were, he decided to call it a night. Suddenly, he heard something, coming from another door behind him. He listened to the sounds, just small whispers and something else, and decided to eavesdrop on the door.

As Patamon reached the door, the sounds got louder. Carefuly he opened the wooden door, just a bit, to peak inside. There was just a tiny bit of light, coming from a single candle on the nightdrawer beside the bed. On the bed he could see Taichi and Agumon, and the sounds coming from them obviously. He silently gasped at what he saw!

On the bed were Taichi and Agumon, kissing passionately. Tai was on his back, wearing only some blue briefs. His digimon partner was on top, their tongues licking each others outside their mouths, exchanging saliva, and the lizards tongue went deep into the humans mouth, letting him moan loudly. The brunetts hands were on his partners butt, pressing him closer to him, while Agumon had one claw behind his humans back, and one on the bed to support himself. Patamon noticed the deep pink, 7inch Penis of the dinosaur. It was large on the base and got a bit smaller to the tip, just perfect to penetrate and stretch. Precum was leaking out of it, stain the boys underwear which had an obviously bulge. Both lovers grinded their crotchs into eachother, moaning into their kiss.

When Agumon broke the kiss, a small string of saliva connected their tongues, and the yellow digimon licked once more over his partners mouth, staring lovingly into his eyes. "You sure you want this, Tai? It'll probably hurt a bit.", Agumon whispered, and the brunett boy nodded. "Yes, Agumon. I trust you, and this will let our bond grow stronger, right? Besides, what we already did all that nights since we're in the digiworld... was fun, so..."

Agumon trailed with his tongue more down the boys body, flicking over his nipple multiple times, while caressing the other with his claw. When he got enough gasps from the boy, he licked more over his tummy, down to his crotch. He reached the boys briefs, looking up again to the panting boy, and after he got the ok, he pulled the underwear down carefully.

Tais penis jumped up, being fully hard at 4 inches with a few strands of brown pubes, not really much to call it pubes. Agumon wasted no time in licking all around it, from the head to the base, slurping and kissing his way down to his balls. He sniffed there, and then started to lick them very slowly, making Taichi moan in bliss. Agumon gently let his lizardtongue trail over each ball twice, before getting back to his still hard, throbbing penis and taking it in his mouth with a slurping noise. "Ngh, every time you take my penis in your maw, it feels so amazing!", Tai whispered with half closed eyes and watched his partner taking all of his cock into his maw. The boy now lay his hands on Agumons head, pushing him more. Agumons Tongue swirled all over his cock, giving him an amazing feeling. Each time he bobbed his head up, Tai inhaled sharply, and moan when he goes back down.

After a while, Agumon stopped his blowjob, licking his lips and stroked his boys butt with both claws. Tai lifted his legs a bit, to give the dinosaur mon a bit more access. Softly he spread his cheeks, exposing Taichis butthole. With a single claw, he gently circled it around the boys anus, letting Tai gasp loudly.

Patamon watched with awe, and realized just how hard he was himself. His 5 and a half inch, red penis was out of its secret pouch, leaking pre over the floor. His own paw also stroked it, he didn't realized while watching the pair do those naughty things. When he heard Tai moan loudly, he looked up and was blushing brightly. Agumon had his tongue deep inside the boys ass, letting Tai move uncontrollably on the bed, while pushing Agumon more into himself. Carefuly, he closed the door, leaving the pair to have their fun. He knew what would come next.

"That was... amazing.", he whispered to himself, never thought a human and a digimon could have sex together. Sure, all of the digimon still were more like cubs,considering the fact they're also were just born a few days before the humans arrived, but they're born with the knowledge of sex and other stuff.

After seeing the intimidate scene from Agumon and Tai, he thought about Takeru. Sure, he was abit younger then the rest of the humans, but Patamon thought about him as a cute boy. Up until now, he'd never thought about sexual stuff with him, but now...

Another sound reached his ears, and he tried to get the source of it. It was on the opposite door to Tai's and Agumons. He wasn't sure which room it was, so he again opened the door very carefully, just to see Matt and Gabumon on the bed. But they weren't sleeping.

Matt sucked on Gabumons canine cock. It was, including the 2.5 inch thick knot, 7 inches long, deep red and you could see some veins on it. It was a bit thinner at the head then at the base, without messing the knot. Matt just wear some dark blue boxershorts. With one hand, he masturbated the dog digigmon on his knot, gently stroking it, and with the other, he fingered his partners anus. Gabumon was panting, supporting himself with both hands on the bed to watch his human lover blow him.

"Matt, if you continue that, i'll cum soon.", Gabumon moaned, but Matt didn't stop. He pushed his fingers deep inside Gabumon, and toke as much of his precum covered cock into his mouth then he could without gagging, and Gabumon couldn't hold back. With a whimper and loud moan, he filled his blond humans mouth with several shoots of thick, gooey cum. Matt swallowed all of them, just a bit dripped out of his mouth. Gabumon was panting heavyly, while the blond boy licked and kissed all over his blue dogs hard rod. Matts eyes got up and met Gabumons, both looking very lovingly to the other. The human boy crawled over the digimons body, embracing him and kissing him deeply. Both were moaning into the kiss, and had their eyes closed. Suddenly, Matt opened his mouth in surprise when he felt Gabumons paw rubbing his hard boyhood through his boxershorts. The blue furred digimon toke the chance to push his tongue in Matts mouth, swirling it around, tasting his lover. Their tongues danced around each other, exchanging saliva, until Gabumon broke the kiss softly. He pushed Matt gently away, and blushing brightly.

"Matt, can you please...", he whispered and got up on all fours, lifting his tail to expose his hole to Matt.

"You're very eager today, Gabumon.", Matt chuckled, got to his knees and pulled down his shorts. His 4 and a half Inch human cock sprang free, bouncing. He positioned himself behind his partner, feeling over his rump down to his balls, stroking slowly over his knot.

"Also, i wouldn't have mind you taking me tonight.", he whispered, and squeezing it for a moment, letting his digimon moan out.

"T-tomorrow!!", Gabumon replied impatiently. The blond boy let go of the red dog cock, and got one hand back on his partners butt. Matt toke his penis and pushed it a bit, until it touched the anus.

With a bit of effort, he pushed his member in the anus, letting Gabumon gasp. After a few seconds, he looked back to Matt and nodded, giving him the signal to start. Matt didn't wait long until he trusted his cock inside his lover, pulling it out, and pushing in again, trying to find the sweet spot. It toke him some seconds, but then, the digimon moaned loud, and Matt smiled. He put his hands on the dog mons hips, and started to thrust faster.

Patamon was totally aroused by now, closing the door and looking down to his now fully erect cock. "Phew... that made me steel hard. I should take care of it, but all of this... i think i should go back to Takeru first!" With a lot in his mind, the orange digimon made his way back to the room he shared with his partner.

Takeru was still asleep on the bed, sleeping peacefully. Patamon walked over to the bed, crawled in as quiet as possible, and sat against the wall. He sighed when he looked over his still hard, raging cock. Then, his gaze wandered to the boy next to him. The blond human had his eyes closed, lying a bit in fetal, with his back to Patamon. He only wear some light green boxerbriefs, and his breath was going slowly. The digimon gulped. "Maybe just..."

His paw touched the boys covered butt. It felt soft, but still firm. He stroke it a bit, feel all over his boy's cute cheeks. Patamon hold his breath, going with his paw under the boxerbriefs, and touched the boys bare butt. He moaned silently, feeling that soft flesh under his paw, not even realizing that he started stroking his own meat. His tiny fingers were moving over the humans butt, and he reached the crack. The orange digimon moaned with closed eyes when he felt over the tight hole of the blond boy.

"Patamon, what are you doing?" he suddenly took his paw away, looking scared to the child that just awoke. Takeru rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and watched over to his digimon partner. He still layed there with his thick, red cock that leaked pre, and was very restless.

"T-Takeru i'm just.. uhm.. ah.." Takeru crawled over to him, watching the penis that still produced precum.

"Were you... masturbating?" he asked innocently. Patamon blushed and nodded.

"You know what that is, TK?", he asked in a whisper. The boy nodded.

"Uh huh, Matt told me about it when i saw him doing it. He told me boys need to do that when they feel a bit strange, and their penis gets hard. I told him that mine does that too, and he showed me how you do it." Patamon looked to his partner. Little Takeru really knows about that stuff, and he learned from his big brother? "So... you know what it means when a boy strokes his dick?", he asked, still having his paw on his rod. Takeru nodded with a smile.

"It makes it feel good. I do it too sometimes!" Patamon was blushing by now, and would go even further.

"Do you know that boys do it together and for each other sometimes?" Takeru nodded again. "Sure! Tai and Matt do it together. I saw my brother stroking Taichi's penis, and Taichi even licked on Matt's! When i asked him, he told me its called a... uhm..." "Blowjob." Takeru giggled. "Yes, that! He said it feels even better, but i'd never tried that. Matt didn't allow me to do it with him or Tai, and i didn't want to ask another friend to do stuff together."

Patamons mind was on fire. There was his chance.

"We're partners, TK. Maybe we could do stuff? I heard people saying it even makes the friendship grow stronger." Takerus smile grow brighter.

"I would really like that! But your penis looks so different then mine..." Patamon was breathing heavily now, and he toke all his courage together.

"You wanna touch it?", he ask with a stammering voice. Takeru was blushing now, but instead of answering, he got closer to it, and let his hand move over to the red, pulsating cock. In the moment his cute fingers touched it, Patamon let out a loud moan. Now the smile came back to TK, when he saw his partner moaning.

"You sound like Taichi!", he giggled.

When he started stroking it gently, Patamon watched with lust in his eyes. Takerus used both hands to feel all over the digimons cock. When he got near the tip and felt the precum, he was curious.

"Is that the... semen?", he asked, sounding like he knows it. Patamon chuckled a bit. "Not yet. This is just the precum, it helps uhm, getting off. It comes out the more i get aroused from stuff. It lubes my penis up, so you can stroke it more easily or to put it in. You'll have that in few years i guess."

Takeru was no rubbing the tip, smearing the precum all over it. "What to you mean, put it in?" He was obviously very interested in the whole thing, is voice sounded so innocent and curious.

"Uhm, well, did you ever heard the term... sex?" He nodded slowly. "Its when a man and woman love each other, and i guess when the man puts... oh! That did you mean. So you can put that into a girl, and the.. precum helps you?"

"Yes, exactly. You're very smart, TK!" Happy about that praise, he stroked Patamons dick more, getting another moan from him.

"So, you know that boys can have sex too?", he asked the curious child. TK thought about it. "But i have a penis, and no cunt."

"True, but you have another hole were a dick can be put in." Takeru giggled a bit.

"You mean my butthole? But isn't your penis a bit too big for it? It looks like it can hurt." Patamon was now smirking. "You thought about me putting it in you? Thats sweet." Takeru was now blushing, and looked a bit flustered.

"Well, you said we can do things together as friends, and even be better friends. So of course i thought about that we can have sex, since Matt and Taichi had it too, and they're best friends. I just fear it will hurt me, since its really big."

Patamon laughed a bit. "It's ok, TK. You know, we can also have fun with eachother without the real sex thing. Sex is not only when someone sticks his penis inside anothers hole. What we do right now, you masturbating me, its also the beginning of sex. We can start slowly, and when you feel like you wanna try to get my cock into your butt, we can do it. So lets just explore each other tonight, ok?" Takeru nodded happily, leaning forward an licking some of the precum up. Patamon gasped when he felt the boys tongue on his cock.

"W-wow, Takeru, that feels amazing!" "When Tai did that to Matt, he also seem to like it. I thought you'll taste funny, since its your penis, but it smells and taste actually good." He closed his eyes and get back to work, slipping his tongue over the whole penis. He liked the taste, and tried to get every drop of it, not wasting any. The blond licked slowly down a bit, getting some moans from Patamon. His hands were roaming around the base, even slighty touching his balls from time to time. When he licked back up and came to the precum covered tip, he kissed it with the slit.

"Gosh, you're very good, Takeru. It feels amazin. T-try to take it in your mouth and suck on it like a candy. And move, so you're over me and i'm between your legs." Takeru obeyed. Slowly he moved himself on all fours over his partner, and then closed his eyes, taking a bit of the red, hot penis inside his mouth. It felt kinda weird, but good weird. He got addicted to it very quick, slurping over the head, now at the source of the tasty precum. His tongue swirled around, getting as much as he could. In a few seconds, he even started to bob his head, like he saw Taichi do. He wanted to please his digimon as much as he could.

Patamons couldn't believe he do that with his partner. Takeru sucked him with innocent curiousity, and he loved every second of it. Now, in front of him was the butt he touched already. Again, his hands were roaming all over it, making Takeru moan slightly. The orange digimon smiled, his paws found the way to his covered boyhood. Even with the boxerbriefs, he could feel how hard it was.

Takeru was, with his mouth full of digihood, whimpering now, as Patamon gently touched every bit he could reach. When he felt his partner taking as much of his cock inside his mouth as he could, he released a big spurt of precum for him with a loud moan.

That was the last thing he needed. Slowly, he pulled down Takerus boxerbriefs, exposing his soft, firm cheeks, his tight hole and ballsack, and his hard, 3inch penis. Takeru took out Patamons hard penis from his mouth, looking back to his new found lover and giggled shyly. "You know, i was never this exposed to anyone. Its a bit embarrasing, but i trust you, Patamon. You can do whatever you want." "I'll be very careful. Tonight, i'll just show you how good it can feel." With that said, he toke the human boys penis fully inside his mouth, letting the blond gasp. Overwhelmed from the feelings, he forgot for a few seconds what he did before, pleasuring the orange digimon. He just enjoyed the feeling of the digimons hot mouth around his cock, and his tongue that made feel his glans incredible good. Being a preteen boy, Takeru couldn't produce any cum yet. But still, Patamon thought how good his human partner taste and smell.

When the boy got the feeling under control, he continued his sucking on the bigger red cock, taking half of it in his mouth. Patamons moans filled the room, and he wanted to here Takeru crying out is name in pleasure. With his small paws, he moved them to the boys buttcheeks, feeling them a bit before he pulled them apart, exposing more of the pink, tight hole. Gently he circled a finger around it, letting his boy whimper in delight. He pressed just a bit on it, not insert it yet. He wanted to let him explore the feeling of having your butt played with.

"P-Patamon, this feels so good.", he murred while kissing and licking all the tasty precum from his cock. Patamon remembered what he saw with Agumon and Taichi, and let the boys hard penis fall from his mouth, just to lick over his tight balls, sucking each of them into his mouth. Takeru couldn't control his moans anymore, getting louder each second Patamon was pleasuring him. When he suddenly felt his partners tongue between his buttcheeks, he arched his back. "Patamon!", he moaned softly, looking behind him just to see that his partners snout was between his ass, licking over his sensitive hole. When he started kissing the tight spot, entering it with the tip of his tongue, Takeru just panted with a high pitched voice, whispering his name. Patamon smiled. He could sense that his little boy would reach his climax soon.

"Don't forget to lick me, Takeru. I'll shoot my sperm soon, so be prepared." "I-i wanna taste hit.", he gasped, feeling his little hole getting gently stretched from his partners tongue. Again, he toke Patamons cock into his mouth, sucking on it softly. Patamon was now too aroused, he wanted to cum, badly. He put one paw on his partners cock, masturbating him quick, while licking over and inside the boys hole, making him squeal.

It wasn't too long until Takeru reached his first, real climax. With the digimons tongue inside his ass, and being stroked so fast, he came with a whimpering "Patamon!", his little dick twitching, and Patamon felt his butt also narrow. It was too much for the little mon to bear. "I'm cumming, Takeru!", he moaned, and shoot his load. The first two spurts hit the blondes face and hair, and then he toke the twitching cock back into his mouth, swallowing all the cum Patamon produced. After four more spurts, his climax subside.

Patamon was totally exhausted, lying on his back, with his cute partner licking his softening penis clean, getting all the tasty cum. After TK finished, he smiled at Patamon. "I liked that, Patamon. Especially what you did to my butt with your tongue. But isn't that gross?" Patamon chuckled, while Takeru snuggled up to him. "Remember, we had a shower before bed, so it was ok. I knew you're clean, and didn't it felt good?" The boy just nodded, yawning. He was also exhausted from their fun. "I wanna do more stuff with you, Patamon. I really like you a lot." Patamon looked over to the sleepy boy, who looked back with half closed eyes. Both had the exact same thing in mind, getting closer and pressing their lips softly against each other. They shared this tender kiss for some seconds, before breaking it. "I like you too, Takeru. Now sleep and have sweet dreams." With a smile on his face and snuggled up to his partner, both boy and mon were soon asleep.

Neither of them heard the soft click when the door closed.