The Knight Academy - Chapter II

Chapter II The next morning, Nathan woke up after a long sleep. He rubbed his eyes, yawned once, and looked through the room. It was still dark outsite, and just a bit light was filling the room. Still, he could made out his roommate, Alexander. He...

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The Knight Academy - Chapter III

Chapter III A few weeks were gone since the new year started on the academy. Most fresh students got a long with the rules and daily stuff, and got into their new living schedule. The teachers started with more difficult lectures, and all cubs and...

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Together at Freddy's

Together at Freddy's Timmy was still a bit nervous. He trusted his friend, that for sure! But seeing his friend inside the restaurant with only his boxerbriefs on, made him not only blush, but also curious. Why would he stay in here with only his...

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Different kind of Love III - a digimon story

Chapter 3 "Mhh... you're getting so good at this, TK!", moaned Agumon. Takeru was on all fours, having half of Agumons dinosaur cock in his mouth. He was slurping all over the head, saving the taste of his precum. "Indeed!", gasped Patamon. He was...

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Different kind of Love II - a digimon story

Chapter 2 After the night in the old mansion, the digidestined decided to stay there for a bit longer, getting some rest and also train with their partners, to be more effective when facing evil digimon. Also, they had, with the great garden behind...

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Different kind of Love I - a digimon story

Chapter 1 It was a few weeks since the seven digidestined children came to the digital world. They fought a lot of evil digimon, controlled by the dark digimon called Devimon. When they reached a forest, it started raining and they were glad to find...

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The Knight Academy - Chapter I

Chapter I "This is the Knight Academy of Forrestia.." a young bunny boy marveled when he saw the huge building up the road. The Knight Academy of Forrestia was the most popular school in the whole land of Forrestia. Young people were coming from...

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A Night at Freddy's

A Night at Freddy's It started to be a wonderful day! Jamie, a eleven year old fox cub, 4 feet tall, grey furred, was allowed to invite his best friend over, they had a great day and would have a sleepover for the whole weekend! And then, his parents...

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