All Work and No Play...

Story by capthavoc123 on SoFurry

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All Work and No Play...

by Havoc

"You can't hit a home run unless you step up to the plate. You can't catch a fish unless you put your line in the water. You can't reach your goals if you don't try."

-Kathy Seligman

*Why are we doing this?* Arvin asked. The Aggron reached down to find the next rock to lower himself down the cliff.

The Rhydon climbing next to him looked over. *Just shut up and climb,* he said. *Unless you want to jump back down.* He looked down towards the bottom of Jagged Pass. *Scary...*

*You're a Rock-type, Alan,* Arvin joked, scrabbling at a handhold and managing to grab on with his steely fingers. *This is supposed to be your thing.*

*Looks who's talking.* Alan slipped for a moment, and flailed his long stone tail in an effort to regain his balance. *You're half Rock-type, too, you know.*

A few meters above them, a tall, bronze-skinned woman in a skintight orange bodysuit and gloves glanced down. "Hey, you guys!" their trainer called. "Quit yakking! We've still got a good hundred feet before we're on the ground again, and my arms are getting tired."

*If Kaia was worried about that, she should have taken the path instead of scaling the cliff...,* Arvin muttered.

Under the surface, Arvin and Alan were complaining about a lot more than just the climb that they were on this afternoon. Their trainer, Kaia, had taken them to Lavaridge Town in the Hoenn region for what she had said was going to be a vacation, but upon arrival they had quickly learned that to her, vacation really meant "intense weekend of training." Their hopes had been high upon arrival in the small town. Kaia had checked them all into a hotel near the Lavaridge Pokémon Center, a small spa and resort location that catered to Pokémon Trainers. In the hotel, pokémon were allowed to remain free from their poké balls and enjoy everything that the place had to offer, the same as if they were humans. That included the outdoor play areas, where pokémon belonging to different trainers could interact in a non-battle setting, as well as the luxury hot springs, a natural "onsen", or outdoor, spring open to both humans and pokémon, heated from underneath the ground by the magma chambers of Mt. Chimney.

Unfortunately, while the resort was seemingly set up for Arvin and Alan's enjoyment, Kaia had other plans. She let them have the evening they'd arrived off, but as soon as the sun rose in the morning she had taken them a short way out of town to Mt. Chimney for what had turned out to be a rough day of exercise and training. First, they had gone to Jagged Pass, the rugged path that hikers took to climb up the mountain. But they hadn't gone that route. Kaia had them climb the mountain the hard way. And now, after a long day of training up on the mountaintop, they were descending the same way.

She had always been like that, ever since Alan could remember. It was probably the reason that she preferred to train Rock-type pokémon. Alan, a Rhydon, had been her first Rock-type. She'd caught him in Kanto in the Safari Zone as a Rhyhorn five years ago. A year after that, she had caught Arvin, the Aggron, as an Aron in Granite Cave, just outside of Dewford Town in Hoenn. They had become her main battling pokémon, the ones that she always kept with her.

While Alan was somewhat annoyed with her definition of a weekend getaway, he did have to admit that the drive of his trainer was what he admired about her. She'd gained his respect through the way that she lived and battled, and he thought that if he had to be a pokémon in captivity, he'd really lucked out with the trainer who had captured him. And that was the reason that the Rhydon had begun to look at his trainer with something more than companionship in mind.

Arvin's foot touched ground, and the Aggron let out a breath of relief. *Finally,* he said. *I thought I'd never be on solid ground again.*

Alan hopped down beside him, and Kaia came down a second later. "Good work, you two," she said, brushing a hand back through her long black hair. "It'll be dark soon. Let's go back to the hotel. We'll have a good rest and then be ready to go at it again in the morning!" Her pokémon nodded wearily, and she started off along the route that led back to Lavaridge Town. Alan and Arvin filed in behind her.

*Hey, Arvin,* Alan asked. *Got a question for you.*

*Oh, yeah? What is it?*

*When you were still in the wild, did you ever have a mate?*

Arvin looked over at Alan. *Yeah, a few,* the Aggron replied. *Why? You seen a lady at the resort you're into? There was a pretty good-looking Feraligatr in the dining hall who was giving you the eye last night.*

*I noticed, but I wasn't talking about her.* The Rhydon kept his eyes forward. *I was wondering what kinds of things you did to catch the girls' eyes.*

*'s not that hard.* Arvin thought for a moment. *You do things like hunt food for them, help them if they have trouble with other females...stuff like that.*

*I don't think that's really going to work with this female.*

*What do you mean?* Arvin followed Alan's eyes, and his gaze lighted on Kaia. *Are you thinking of who I think you're thinking of?*

Alan kept his tone evasive. *Maybe...*

*Oh, come on,* Arvin laughed. *You could have your pick of any of the girls at that resort, and you want to settle for a human? Good one, Alan.*

*I'm not joking.*

*No way, you can't be...* Arvin stopped at the look on Alan's face. *You're serious.* Alan nodded. *You mean you really want to-*

"Hey, snap it up, you two!" Kaia called back, smiling. She had pulled far ahead of the two pokémon. "The sooner we get back, the sooner we eat!" A short ways ahead of her, the walking path was opening up to reveal the outskirts of Lavaridge Town.

*Talk later,* Alan said.

The resort where Kaia, Alan, and Arvin were staying was a very nice place. The suites in the hotel portion were made so that pokémon and trainers could stay together, and came in different varieties depending on the type of pokémon. Kaia had reserved a suite of three rooms that was tailored to appeal to Fighting-, Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-type pokémon. Her portion of the suite looked like what you would find in a normal hotel for humans, with carpet and furniture. Alan and Arvin's rooms, however, each had a dirt and rock floor with boulders scattered around and a large, flat stone for the pokémon to sleep on. It was a lot more like what they had been used to in the wild.

After taking a little time to relax and cool down from a full day of exercise, Kaia took her Rhydon and Aggron to the dining area of the resort. There were a lot of pokémon in the expansive facility, and an equal number of different types of food available. The resort prided itself on offering a wide selection of natural food for pokémon. Consequently, each member of the trio had something completely different on their plate. Kaia had pasta and a salad, Alan had grasses and berries native to the Safari Zone, and Arvin dined on a selection of iron chunks and other heavy metals, complete with a nice tall glass of mercury.

Kaia finished eating before the two pokémon and left them to get cleaned up before bedtime. They hadn't really needed to refrain from talking up to that point, since their trainer couldn't have understood them anyway, but for some reason Alan had felt uncomfortable talking in front of her nonetheless. But with her gone, that was no longer a problem, and they took the opportunity to continue their conversation from earlier.

*So you're really serious about wanting to have Kaia as your mate?* Arvin asked. *A human?*

*Not so loud,* Alan hissed, looking around. There were other pokémon sitting nearby, and he knew they were absorbed in their own affairs, but the Rhydon wasn't comfortable with just anyone overhearing what they were talking about. *Yes, I'm serious about it. I've been thinking about it for a long time.*

*Well, what do you want me to do about it? It's not like I have any romantic experience with humans. And how likely is she to want to be your mate? You don't walk down the street and see humans hand in hand with pokémon, you know. As far as I know, it's just as taboo with them as it is with us. Not to mention that even if she's not totally against it she might not want to risk losing her training license.* The Aggron seemed to be a little overwhelmed, and he was spouting off objections before Alan even had a chance to really get into it.

*I know,* Alan said. *But I have to try, at least. And I figured you could just give me a few general pointers about dealing with females.*

Arvin took a slow bite of iron, crunching it up very thoroughly. *I dunno about this, man. I don't think I can help you much. And besides, what's the point if you can't even talk to her?*

*Come on, it's not like you're the one who's going to be mating with her,* Alan said, starting to grow a little irritated. *I'm just asking you to help me figure out how I can show her I want her.*

Arvin sighed. *Alright,* the Aggron said. *Let me think for a minute.* He bought a few minutes by munching on his food. *Since you can't talk to her, you'll have to rely on cruder methods of getting your feelings across. To start with, you're going to want to be around her as much as you can. Shouldn't be that hard, considering that you're going to be together most of the time anyway with this training weekend kick she's on.*

*Good point. So that won't be enough.*

*Not by a long shot,* Arvin agreed. *You'll also have to start doing things for her.*

Alan polished off the last of his meal. *Like what?*

*I don't know...Whatever you think she needs help with. Maybe carry her stuff for her.* Arvin shrugged. *It's easy with wild female pokémon. They have a lot of things they can use help with, since they're usually weaker than males. But Kaia takes care of herself pretty well, so...*

*So I'm going to have to come up with my own ideas about that.*

Arvin nodded. *Seems that way.*

*Great...* Alan stood up. *I'm done, so I'm going back to the room. Maybe if I sleep on it, some ideas will come to me.*

*Okay. See you later.*

The suite of rooms that Kaia had reserved for her pokémon was arranged in a cloverleaf pattern, so when Alan arrived back at the suite he entered into a central living space. That room was furnished with two couches, a few tables, and a television. Right now it was empty. Across the room from the main door was the door that led into Kaia's room. On the left was Alan's room, and on the right was Arvin's room.

Alan started to go for his room, but decided that he wasn't quite ready for sleep yet. He detoured to one of the couches and took a seat. The couch creaked a little, but the resort's proprietors had evidently thought ahead, and it had been reinforced to account for heavier pokémon such as a Rhydon. He glanced over towards Kaia's door. He could just make out the sound of water running. She must be in the shower. Alan sat back and started thinking about her, and what Arvin had said to him at the dinner table.

I wish I had a better idea of what to do, he thought. But I guess I'll have to make do with what little advice Arvin was able to give me, and with what I already know about Kaia. And he did know quite a bit about her from being with her for so long. He knew that she was tough, strong, and attractive. She liked physical activity and probably would have been described as what humans referred to as a tomboy, but when she wasn't around other people she presented a more feminine demeanor. Alan had caught her with a needle and thread more than once, although she had immediately put her sewing away when she'd noticed he was looking. He got the feeling that she didn't like appearing to be anything less than a rough-and-tumble kind of girl.

Alan noticed that the showering noises had ceased. He didn't give it much thought until he heard a soft thud from the other room. His ears perked up, and he wondered what the noise could have been. A second later he heard a sharp cry of pain. That caught his attention.

That was definitely Kaia! he thought. Worried, Alan got up from the couch and went to Kaia's door. He tried the knob, and found it unlocked. He went in and saw that the bathroom door was ajar. The Rhydon hesitated for a moment until he heard another pained cry. He opened the bathroom door, and almost immediately felt embarrassment wash over himself.

Kaia was half-sitting, half-lying on the bathroom floor, a wince on her face and not a stitch of clothing on her body. She was still soaked from being in the shower, and her hair was tousled. It seemed as though she had fallen somehow. Alan didn't mean to, but he couldn't help looking at her. Her body was nearly hairless, and her bronze skin looked really smooth. Alan felt guilty for looking without her permission, but despite himself he had to admit that she had a very nice, athletic figure for a human.

"Alan!" Kaia said, sounding oddly relieved. "I didn't know you were here, but I'm glad you are! I slipped getting out of the shower, and I twisted my ankle pretty bad." She touched her right ankle. "I don't know if it's broken or not, but I don't want to put any weight on it. Could you help me out?"

Feeling lucky that an opportunity to help her had presented itself without him really having to do anything, Alan moved to give her a hand. Before he got to her, though, she seemed to realize her state of undress. Rather belatedly, she moved her hands to cover herself up.

"Um, wait," Kaia said, her face reddening. "Do you think you could give me a towel first? There's one hanging on the rack on the back of the bathroom door." Alan reached a hand around the door. He brought out a pink, fluffy towel that was embellished with the resort's emblem, a Gardevoir stitched in gold-colored thread. Kaia took it from his outstretched hand and wrapped it around herself. "Okay, now help me out. Just take me to the bed so I can check my ankle out."

Alan bent down and picked Kaia up from the bathroom floor. She put her arms around his neck as he lifted her. He carried her out of the bathroom and into her bedroom, and laid her down on the bed. She sat up, keeping the towel in place as best she could, and reached down to feel her ankle.

"I don't think it's broken," she said. "But it might be sprained." She tried to rotate her foot, but it looked like she was having some difficulty, and her face screwed up with pain. "Yeah, it's sprained. I'll need to take it easy on that." She looked at Alan. "Go to the closet and get my bag. There's a first-aid kit in the utility pocket."

Alan did as she instructed and retrieved the kit. He brought it back to her, and she told him what she needed from it. Before long, she had a bandage expertly wrapped around her right ankle. This wasn't the first time she'd sprained her ankle, although she usually did it working out, and she knew how to take care of a sprain. The way she had herself wrapped up, Alan knew she would be able to walk and be reasonably comfortable, as long as she wasn't too hard on herself.

"Thanks, Alan," Kaia said once she was done. "I might have been in a tight spot if you hadn't been around." She shivered a little.

Realizing that his trainer was still soaking wet underneath the towel, Alan reached out and started drying her off. She tensed for a second, but then relaxed and let him tend to her. The towel only covered her from her shoulders to her upper thighs, so he was only able to dry that off, and would eventually have to move the towel to dry the rest of her. Unsure of himself, he gathered his courage and made a bold move, loosening the towel from Kaia's body and gathering it up in his hands to dry her hair. She didn't resist. Alan kept his motions gentle, taking care not to overuse his strength and be too rough with her.

"That's nice," she said. "I appreciate the help."

A little thrill running through his body, Alan grew bolder. He moved the towel back down, and started rubbing it over her torso. Kaia drew in a breath, but she didn't make any moves to stop him. He could feel her breasts through the soft material of the towel. They were medium-sized, not too big for her body size, and felt soft but firm at the same time. He hadn't felt anything like them before. The sensation was beginning to arouse him, and he realized that his penis was starting to protrude from the fleshy sheath that was normally hidden between his legs, below his reptile-like underbelly.

He moved on to her stomach. Her muscles were well-toned, and he could feel them flexing as her breath quickened. She was looking up at his face now, her eyelids drooping a little bit. Alan slowly brought the towel down, inching towards the apex of her thighs. As the soft cloth just brushed the top of her sex, Kaia's eyes widened. She clamped her legs tightly together and grabbed the towel with both hands.

"I...I think that's enough, Alan," she said, looking down and seeing his forming erection. Her face went beet-red again. "I'm...I'm all dry, now." She pulled the towel up to cover herself again. "Please leave me alone."

His arousal disappearing to be replaced by shame, Alan opened his mouth to apologize. A second later, he remembered that she wouldn't be able to understand him. He turned around and rushed out of the room. He closed the door behind him, and slowly slinked into his room. On autopilot, he went to the flat rock that served as his own bed and sank onto it, face first.

Great, he thought. I bet I just messed up any chance I might have ever had. I'm such an idiot.

Back in her room, Kaia laid back on her bed. She reflected on what had just happened. If she was interpreting things correctly, then her pokémon had just been putting the moves on her. And...she hadn't been entirely truthful with her last statement to him. She wasn't completely dry...

Kaia rolled onto her side and tried to ignore the treacherous moisture that had begun to collect between her legs. She told herself that it was because she hadn't gotten laid in almost two years, so the sight of any cock was going to turn her on, even her Rhydon's. And the fact that his had been right there hadn't helped any. She could have touched it if she'd wanted to. It had looked so big, and hard...But she wasn't some kind of pervert...

Who are you kidding, Kaia? she asked herself. You wanted to touch it. And you wanted him to touch you, too. You would have let him, if you hadn't thought about what other people would think if they found out. She looked down. God, I'm soaked. She put a hand between her legs, and touched herself lightly. A spasm trembled up her body. That feels a lot better than it should. It really has been a while, hasn't it? She traced a finger around the slick, silky smooth skin. Why do I even bother shaving down there? It's not like I've got anyone to show it to...

Kaia looked up at the door. Alan had closed it on his way out. She got up from the bed and limped over, opening it just a crack. He wasn't out in the main suite area. He must have gone to his room. She closed the door again, and locked it. Dropping her towel over one of the bed posts, she got on the bed and lay down on her back.

"I...I really shouldn't...," she said quietly. "Not thinking about my Rhydon..." She laid a hand on her pussy, rubbing in a slow, lazy circle. "'s just this once. No one will find out..."

Kaia spread her legs a little wider, stroking her sex in earnest now. She sometimes masturbated to unwind after a long day, but tonight was the first time she felt like she really needed to. Thinking about Alan touching her made that need even greater. She sandwiched her index finger in between her swollen labia, and began sawing it back and forth along the slick crevice. A shiver went through her, not due to cold, but because of the heat that was beginning to radiate up through the rest of her body.

She put her other hand to her breasts, remembering how Alan had rubbed the towel over them just minutes ago. A sinful little question began to form in her mind. She wondered what it might feel like if he caressed her breasts with nothing in between his hand and her skin, nothing creating a barrier against his touch. Kaia rebuked herself even as a moan escaped her lips at the thought. Perhaps his fingers would feel rough against her flesh, like a volcanic stone plucked from the peak of Mt. Chimney. She could just imagine the feeling as the Rhydon would move his hand upon her, rubbing like sandpaper, pain and pleasure fighting each other for dominance.

Kaia pushed a finger into her body, working it around inside of herself. Her vagina was tight from disuse, and she had to concentrate on relaxing her muscles to be able to insert a second finger. Slowly she drew the fingers out, waiting until just before her fingertips came out to plunge them back in again.

I wonder if Alan would even be able to fit in me, she thought. Oh, but if he could, that would feel...even more...satisfying... The trainer squeezed her eyes shut, as if restricting her vision might also banish her inner desires. But the effort was in vain, and now her mind was consumed with the image of Alan penetrating her, dominating her body. I think...I think I'm going to cum...

Delayed from returning to the suite because of an irresistible desire for seconds, Arvin walked in about twenty minutes after Alan had left him alone in the dining hall. The Aggron looked to the left as he walked into the central room. Alan's door was ajar, and he could see his friend lying on his bed, apparently deep in thought. Not wanting to disturb Alan, who was working through an admittedly difficult issue, he crossed the suite to his own bedroom. On the way, his attention was grabbed by a sharp cry from the room belonging to Kaia. Curious, he approached the door, listening carefully.

"Nnnn...Ahhhh! Alan...yes...Nnnngghh...!"

A startled expression made its way onto Arvin's steely face. I'll be damned, he remarked to himself as he hurriedly made his way to his room, lest his eavesdropping be discovered. She wants him, too.

The next day, Kaia took Alan and Arvin out for training at Mt. Chimney again. They went through about the same routine as the previous day, climbing up the side of Jagged Pass to reach the top of the mountain, where they worked out and challenged a few hiking trainers who came upon them. Both Kaia and Alan felt awkward being around each other. Alan felt guilty for what he felt had been his unwelcome behavior the night before, and Kaia felt guilty for her rampant fantasizing about someone who was supposed to trust her. Nothing was said about what had passed between them in Kaia's room, and their unease around each other rubbed off on Arvin, who could feel that something had happened but wasn't sure what that something was. It was probably just as well that Kaia began complaining of ankle pain a short time after midday, because it offered an excuse to halt training early and return to the resort, where they could have an easier time of staying apart from one another. Instead of climbing back down Jagged Pass, they took the path so that Kaia would not overstress her injury, and made it back to Lavaridge Town in about half the time it would have taken otherwise.

For the rest of the day, Kaia was shut up in her room, while Alan spent his time with Arvin. They roamed the resort, hanging out with other pokémon and killing time before dinner. Arvin avoided the subject of Kaia, waiting for Alan to bring it up. When it came time to eat, the pokémon waited for their trainer outside of the dining hall. She didn't show up, so they finally went in. Once inside, they spotted her sitting by herself off in a corner. She looked like she was trying to be alone. Arvin wanted to go sit with her, but Alan thought it might be a bad idea. They got their food and went to a different part of the dining hall to eat. They were just a few minutes into their meal when Alan started talking.

*I think I messed everything up,* the Rhydon said, sounding dejected.

*What are you talking about?* Arvin asked.

*With Kaia,* Alan said. *I think I really screwed up.*

Arvin looked over his shoulder, to where their trainer was sitting. *You think that's why she hasn't been talking much? And why she's avoiding you?*

*Yeah.* Alan took a halfhearted bite of his food.

*Well, what happened?*

Arvin listened as Alan told the story of what had occurred the night before. While his friend was talking, Arvin tried to square what he was saying with what he'd overheard outside of Kaia's door.

*Look, I've got to tell you,* Arvin said, once Alan had finished talking. *I really don't think things are as bad as you're making them out to be.*

*What would you know about it?*

*I just...have a hunch, alright? It's not a hopeless case for you, yet.* Arvin looked back at Kaia again. She was standing up, preparing to leave the dining hall. *Just give her a little time. I think it's going to work out.*

Alan sighed. *I don't know...*

*Hey, listen,* Arvin said. *You need to relax. You know what you should do? Go check out that hot spring spa attached to this place. I took a look at it yesterday, and it looks real nice. Go around midnight, there'll be nobody there, and you can just have a soak and think about nothing.*

*That...does sound pretty good, actually.*

*Yeah, well, you need it right now. You're starting to stress me out.*

As his Aggron friend had suggested, Alan crept out of their suite late that night and made his way to the hot spring. He had to leave the hotel itself and walk along a cobblestone path to get to it. The place was separated from the rest of the resort by a small grove of trees, and set against the base of the mountains surrounding Lavaridge Town. The trees created a sort of secluded feel to the natural springs and blocked out the noise from the town.

There was a gapless fence surrounding the bathing area, and to get into it one had to go through a bathhouse that was used for undressing and washing off before entering the hot spring itself. Being an authentically traditional onsen, it was a strictly clothing prohibited hot spring, which was perfectly alright with Alan; he didn't have any clothes to be worried about. He dutifully scrubbed his body down, and then walked through a split curtain into the bathing area.

*Ohhhhh...nice,* he said. The hot spring was beautiful, carved out of the side of the mountain. Virtually nothing seemed to have been done to it by whoever had built the resort, other than to put up the surrounding fence and plant a few trees here and there for decoration. Arvin had been right about the place being deserted, too. He walked around the edge of the water, peering through the thick steam, and discovered that he was the only being, pokémon or human, in the hot spring at such a late hour.

Alan picked a spot on the side of the spring farthest from the entrance, and put a foot in. The water was very hot, and he eased in until he was submerged up to his chest. The rock that composed the basin of the spring was irregular, and he found a place where he could sit comfortably. Sighing, he looked up at the night sky. The stars twinkled hazily through the steam that rose from the surface of the water, creating a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.

He thought he might have fallen asleep for a few minutes, he wasn't exactly sure. What he was sure of was that the next thing he knew, he felt ripples in the water and heard soft splashing. Alan opened his eyes and looked around, but couldn't see very well through the steam. A breeze blew into the hot spring, swirling the steam and clearing some of it away. When enough of his field of vision was open, Alan could see who had joined him in the hot spring.

Kaia's eyes bugged out when she saw Alan sitting in the water scarcely ten feet away from her. She had been walking through the water to the deeper side of the spring, where he was, when the steam had begun to blow away. She crossed her arms over her breasts and shot down into the water. "Alan? What are you doing here?"

Alan averted his eyes from her and started to climb out of the hot spring. He wanted to leave, because he was certain she was still set on avoiding him.

"Wait, you don't have to go," Kaia said. "You startled me." She willed her heart to slow down, and stood back up. She hadn't been expecting anyone else to be in the hot spring, which was why she had come at such a late hour. Earlier in the evening, she'd mentioned to Arvin that she was feeling sore from the intense exercise of the past couple of days, and he'd shown her the hot spring in the resort brochure. Could he have been...?

Alan settled back into the water. He watched Kaia find a seat on the rocks next to him. He was a little surprised she wasn't making much of an effort to cover herself anymore, but he supposed she might have just been more comfortable being nude around him in a place where it was expected. They kept their eyes off of each other, and Kaia didn't say much of anything for a while.

Alan was just thinking about making to leave again when she spoke up. "I think I have some explaining to do," Kaia said, her tone one of apology. "I made up the whole thing about my ankle hurting today, just so I could get back to town. I...I wanted to avoid you. I felt like I needed to work some things out in my head." She looked at him. "But I shouldn't have been doing that. Avoiding you, I mean. I could tell it was making you feel bad, and I should have been working through that stuff with you. I'm sorry." For a second, her expression seemed strangely hopeful. "Do you forgive me?"

Thinking this a rather odd turn of events, all Alan found he could do was nod.

Kaia managed a little smile. "Thank you. I'm glad for that." She turned her gaze up to the sky. The breeze from before was holding up, and the steam from the hot water was dissipating somewhat, offering a better view of the stars. An ache started in her shoulders, and she arched her back a little, trying to soothe it away. "I really think I overdid it with the climbing. I told you and Arvin this was going to be a vacation, and then I have you out scaling mountains and stuff, working even harder than we do normally."

Alan was starting to feel more comfortable around Kaia again, which made him think twice about what he was thinking of doing. He didn't want to scare her off again. But then he remembered what Arvin had said to him at dinner. *I think it's going to work out.*

I won't let myself be a coward, the Rhydon thought. If nobody took any chances, then nothing would ever happen in this world. He reached his arms out.

Kaia jumped a little as a pair of heavy hands rested on her shoulders. Immediately, she felt the most wonderful feeling in the world as the soreness she was experiencing began to be massaged away. She tilted her head back, looking at Alan. He quit what he was doing, starting to draw his hands away, thinking that last night was about to repeat itself.

Instead, Kaia smiled. "Don't stop," she said. "I like that." She scooted towards him, so that she was sitting in his lap.

Happy that she was more amicable to him tonight, Alan began massaging her shoulders again. Kaia was surprised to find that his hands didn't feel anything like what she had imagined. Instead of being rough, they were very smooth, like a stone that had been tumbling around at the bottom of a river for many years. His hands moved easily over her damp skin, pressing in all the right places and helping to unknot her muscles. Alan wasn't sure exactly what a human would like in a shoulder massage, but Kaia seemed to be enjoying it, so he figured he wasn't doing too poorly.

When Alan's massaging hands moved to her sides, brushing dangerously close to her breasts, Kaia started to reconsider the situation. If someone else was to walk into the hot spring, she might have some explaining to do. But what he was doing felt very, very good. And she was starting to care less and less about what anyone else might think.

Stop making excuses, a voice in the back of her head whispered. Nobody's going to come. Just let it happen. You know you want it.

"Hey, Alan?" Kaia said, her voice sounding uncertain. "You'll probably think this is weird, but..." She hesitated a second. "Do you wanna...I dunno...fool around a little?" She blushed. How ironic, that she was asking him to do it in a public area, where the very thing that had made her refuse his previous advance might well occur. "I mean, it seemed like you were...coming on to me a little last night, and it wasn't like I disliked it,"

Alan blinked, and his hands froze for a moment. Did she just ask me what I think she just asked me?

Kaia sensed that what she'd said had an effect on him. "I...I shouldn't have said that," she backpedaled. "I didn't mean to be so...uh-" She gasped as Alan wrapped his rocky arms around her from behind. In an instant, his hands were on her breasts, squeezing them with gentleness that she wouldn't have imagined possible from a pokémon such as him. Her unnecessary apology died on her tongue, as she put her hands on his and showed him how she wanted to be touched.

Alan took his cues from Kaia. This was a learning experience for both of them, as they took their first steps into something new. He cupped her breasts, teasing them softly, mulling over how they felt in his hands. Kaia made a soft noise of appreciation. Alan bent his head down, touching his horned nose to her neck. He sniffed deeply, taking in her scent. Her hand came up to brush his face, and she turned her head to the side. Due to the difference in the size of their mouths, she wasn't able to kiss him properly, but they did the best they could.

"Oh!" Kaia gasped, as she felt something poke her lower back. Slowly, she reached a hand behind herself. Her hand flinched slightly as she came in contact with his penis, rapidly stiffening to its full length against her body. Her heart was beating quicker by the second as she moved from the bottom to the tip. At what she estimated to be about eight and a half inches long, it felt a little intimidating.

This is really happening, Alan thought. I can't believe this is really happening. He rumbled deep in his chest as Kaia's hand took a firmer grip on his member, starting to massage up and down the shaft. The Rhydon moved one hand from her breasts and started trailing it down her body, moving with a purpose. His hand went underneath the surface of the water. His fingers slid over her bellybutton, and then his touch began moving between her legs.

Kaia made an uncomfortable noise and drew her legs together. Alan withdrew his hand, and hugged her around the middle, pulling her against his belly. He held her there for a few minutes, letting her breathing slow down, waiting for her to be ready. After a little bit, she calmed down.

"S-sorry," Kaia said. "I'm...just nervous, I guess."

Alan touched his nose to her neck again, and then moved his hand back down. This time, her legs parted, giving him access to the most intimate part of her body. He circled a finger around the smooth folds of her sex, causing her to moan loudly with pleasure. Her hands went behind her back again, and she grasped his cock, stroking up and down his length. Both of them marveled at how something that everyone thought was wrong could feel just the opposite.

After merely teasing her for a while, Alan began to concentrate on Kaia's pussy in earnest. His short fingers were ill-equipped for the job, but she didn't seem to mind. Her head went back against his chest as he felt around for the entrance to her sex. Finally, Alan found what he was looking for and pressed a finger into her.

"Oh, Alan," Kaia said, her face drawn back in a sort of passionate grimace. "That feels so good. Keep going."

He did what she asked, fingering her gently, making her squirm on his lap. Her hands faltered on his penis as she started to lose the ability to concentrate. It didn't bother him; he was enjoying the reaction he was getting from her too much to care. Kaia began to rock back and forth against his touch. His smooth palm brushed against her clitoris, causing a great tremor to pass through her body. Before long, though, his desire for her became too much to bear, and he took his hand from between her thighs.

Kaia twisted her head around. "Why did you stop?" she asked.

By way of an answer, Alan turned her around so she was facing him. He set her down so that she was straddling his waist, and her face shone bright red as his erection came into contact with her sex. The Rhydon stared into her eyes, telling her what he wanted even though he could speak no words.

"," Kaia said, her voice anxious. She swallowed, and then nodded once. "Alright. We've gone this far. We might as well go all the way." The trainer took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. "I haven't done this in a long time, let's go slowly, okay?"

Alan put his hands underneath her bottom, and lifted her up. Kaia reached underneath herself and grasped his cock. She positioned him so that the tip was resting against her entrance. Alan moved his hands to her waist, and she gradually lowered herself onto him.

"Ah!" she gasped, her eyes tearing up. Her body was resisting the invasion. She bit her lip and pushed down, trying to ignore the pain it caused her. The time gap since the last time she'd had sex, combined with Alan's girth, made it feel like losing her virginity all over again. But she wanted this, and so she relaxed her muscles as best she could. Finally, the head of his cock slipped inside of her vagina. Kaia kept going until she had taken as much as she thought she could handle, leaving an inch or so still outside.

Alan gave her a few minutes to get used to him, and then he started moving his hips. Kaia cried out, throwing her body forward. She wrapped her arms around his chest and put her forehead on his shoulder. He started thrusting in and out of her. The hot water all around them began to churn as they mated. Her sex was like a tight, warm glove around his penis. Alan felt better than he ever had before in his life.

"Alan...," Kaia moaned into his shoulder. "This is amazing! Don't ever stop!" She curled her legs about his waist, rocking herself back and forth against his thrusts. Her pokémon increased his speed, moving in and out of her harder and harder. The breeze continued to blow through the hot spring. The outdoor setting heightened the incredible feelings that their lovemaking was causing, and they both knew that it wouldn't be long now.

Kaia was the first to go. Every inch of her body began to tremble violently, and she could feel heat rising up inside of her that had nothing to do with the water. She howled in ecstasy and pressed her lips hard against Alan's as her sex clenched around his member, catapulting her into pure bliss. Alan carried her along with him as he continued to pump into her body, frantic to join his mate. He could feel himself growing close, while Kaia's strength evaporated. She collapsed against his body just as he climaxed, flooding her womb with his seed.

When it was all over, Alan and Kaia sank into the water up to their necks, tired but satisfied. Kaia knew she would be incredibly sore in the morning, but for now she didn't care. She regretted nothing. Alan, too, knew that he would never wish that the night had gone any other way.

Kaia squeezed Alan tightly. "Thank you," she whispered. "I think I needed that."

Alan smiled weakly and leaned back against the rock wall of the hot spring, bringing Kaia with him so that she was resting against his body.

After a few minutes of enjoying just being together, Kaia spoke again. "We should probably go back to our suite," she said, a touch of reluctance in her voice. "We can't stay in here forever, after all. Someone is bound to come along." Alan nodded, just as reluctantly. He slid out from under her and climbed out of the water. Offering a hand down, he helped Kaia out. On the way back to the exit, after she had changed back into her clothes, she laughed a little. "I should slip in the shower more often, I think."

Alan chuckled, walking out of the hot spring, hand in hand with his new mate.

"Love is like an earthquake: unpredictable, a little scary, but when the hard part is over you realize how lucky you truly are."
