Friday Chapter I A Friday Afternoon

Story by Todd Fox on SoFurry

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By: Todd Fox

Friday- Border Collie Genome

Berry- Border collie (normal)

Fredrick- human male

Jake- Blue merle collie Genome

Tiffany- human female

"I think I used to have a voice, now I never make a sound,.." ~NIN~

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a man and a dog. - Mark Twain

~Fantasy is the place we go to escape our horrible lives in reality, to dreams. We call it the place of dreams not the idea of dreams

All matter is energy moving at a slow vibration. All things of our reality are energy, energy of creation. What must we do to matter, to change our reality? When can we have the energy to create our dreams?~

The world is a cruel and unfair place, anyone who tells you different, is trying to sell you something.

This story is about a Border collie Genome named Friday. If you are looking for something not furry then you are looking in the

I wrote this story to be a short little story but it kept growing and growing. Now it is as you see it now. This story was inspired by the tale of McKenzie's collie Friday from New Zealand. The setting for this story could be anywhere in the hopeful future.


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Chapter I

A Friday Afternoon

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Cold wind blew across her muzzle, her whiskers twitching in the gusts that buffeted her deep coat of black and white fur that kept her warm as she gazed over the vast ocean, she folded her ears back so the roar of the wind was not so deafening as it rushed over her while she watched the waves crash against the shore, invading the beach and retreating to join the next wave. The eternal washing away of the land that intruded on this world of ocean, a constant battle, but these were not the things she thought about. Behind her was a sea of grass with tiny dots speckled over it shifting like the flotsam of the ocean. Her thoughts made her heart beat nervously in her Border collie chest. Friday, named after another collie that was said to be in her lineage, applied her art just as her names supposed forbearer. She was sold to a scruff middle aged man when she was a pup and taught the art of everything sheep. She lived on a large track of land with one other regular collie, Berry, as well as her master Fredrick Cox. Friday was mute and could not communicate with humans, unless one knew sign language and the variety of shepherd hand signals she used for communication.

Berry came in behind her, even distracted she knew it was Berry because of the usual strong scent of sheep and male dog musk that even a strong wind the opposite direction could not hide. She reeked of sheep and her own scent but thought her scent a bit sweeter than the dog that now nuzzled the back of her neck. With a sniff and a butting on her shoulder with his she smiled and touched the side of his muzzle with the tip of her nosepad. He was a cute collie, she liked him, he was her friend and constant companion.

He nuzzled her muddy white neck and leaned on her panting a grin, she licked the side of his face a few times her tail wagging softly with his. Hearing their masters' whistle to come back the duo bolted back bringing the sheep with them taking about an half hour to get them all rounded up and in the smaller field where they could be counted and watched. She heard her master's footsteps and tensed up before she felt his bony hand swat her butt making her jump as it always did. He thought it was funny but it hurt her, but not as bad as other things he would do to her. She turned around to face his semi bearded face in time to see him slip his hand back over his long hair and smile. "You know what I want." He said and waited for her to answer.

‘Fifteen lambs' she signed.

Fredrick nodded and poked her in the chest between her fur hidden breasts as his usual threat, he no longer needed words now as to what would happen to her. She slowly backed off, her tail slightly between her legs until she could bolt away on all fours, signaling for Berry to follow her, they had to do a bit of running to get to the second ranch over. Fredric was greedy and cruel but he was not so stupid as to take from his neighbors. It lessened suspicion of who to look at and talk to when lambs or sheep disappeared as well as his own false reports of missing sheep.

After trotting for about an hour they came to the Athens ranch. They watched as the white puffs lazed amongst the green grass the lambs with their mothers. Friday signaled to Berry as they both stalked over the grassy meadow singling out the lambs. Friday stood near the fence line as Berry herded the lambs over to her in ones and twos, letting her catch them and toss them hastily over the fence and electric wire. It didn't take Berry long to herd over sixteen lambs the extra one should be good to assure they would not be punished.

Their mission complete Friday and Berry skipped the fence and herded the lambs as quietly as they could. It was rather slow going and took them almost two hours to get the lambs back to their barn where Friday locked the lambs in a stall before she walked over to the house her master occupied and tapped on his bedroom window. There was no answer, she tapped again and again until she was grabbed from behind and her ears and head ruffed admirably. "So you got them?" he said and she just nodded, she wanted to surprise him with the extra lamb.

The two dogs and their master walked to the barn where the captive lambs bleated. Both dogs got a rub on the head and a wide toothy grin. "You two will eat good tonight." He went over to a small room in the barn and brought out a long curved knife and a bit of twine. He cut a length of twine and went into the small stall with the lambs and was followed by Friday and Berry. Berry was just there to take advantage of the situation while Friday took the length of twine and began tying up the lambs by the back legs. The lambs protested but their fate was sealed as the knots tightened on their ankles. Friday picked up the first tied lamb and handed it to her master.

Fredrick hung the lamb on a hook and chain from the rafter and with a deft move with the very sharp knife slit the bleating lambs' throat. While it choked and writhed he began to cut off the front legs and skin it. Berry was under the lamb immediately lapping the spilled blood from the steel pan under the slaughter. Most of the organs fell on Berry's head and neck when the lamb was disemboweled. This gave Friday the chance to leap in and snatch the liver and heart. A bit of the lungs was snatched as well and she ate them greedily, relishing the iron and musky flavor. Berry happily ate the rest and lapped still at the pan while Friday was asked for another lamb. Fifteen times the scene played out, the frighteningly quick movements of the blade in Fredricks' hands was enough to remind her, that it would be nothing for him to do the same to her. Everything from slitting the throat to finally hanging the carcass in the freezer took no more than three minuets a lamb.

The dogs feasted on the leavings in the steel tray, their muzzles, paws and parts of their bodies where speckled in blood, the lamb heads where left on another table with the skins. Then came the final lamb, Fredrick smiled and pet both dogs, "You two are sneaky and smart." He complemented then offered his bloodied hands to them to lick clean before wiping them on his shirt, almost negating the dogs cleaning and then picked up the extra lamb. Both dogs brightened as the last lamb bleated, the scent of blood and death strong in the air. "Well for being such good dogs, I think you deserve this." He said and slit the lambs throat and with frightening speed found the place between two vertebrate that separated the ribcage from the back and split the lamb evenly in half. He tossed the rear half to Friday who greedily ate the entrails and began gnashing on the rump, spitting out the wool as she ate, Berry receiving the front and relished the fantastic meal. Fredrick petted them both "You are good dogs, you deserve that." He said again and patted Friday a bit extra on her head, "when you get done. Knock on my window."

Friday slowed in her eating and let her ears fall back. She knew her fate too and ate slowly but not too slowly. She had to nerve herself up for what she knew was coming. Most of the lamb rump was buried for later, her urine the marker. She felt sick, and trembled as she walked to the window. Her paw trembled as it tapped on the glass. She prayed he was asleep or not in the room but she heard him move and sat on the woodpile just outside the window to wait for him. He was half dressed but that would not last long after they were in the hay barn. She could hardly stand she was shaking so bad by the time they made it to the hay barn when he turned to her and grabbed her by the scruff of her neck where she immediately pissed herself in fear and submission. She was slammed face first into the barn wall and her right arm grabbed and pulled up behind her and up, painfully as her scruff was released and her left arm grabbed. She heard the duct tape before she felt it on her wrists as she was taped all the way up her forearms.

Her arms where tugged roughly forcing her to walk backwards before she was positioned near a bale of straw. Fred grabbed the back of her head his fingers in her deep fur and shoved her down until her digigrade knees sat on the floor her upper body held over the bale with her head pressed into the sweet smelling straw as he taped her feet together. It was uncomfortable to be on her canine knees, her body was not made for being on them but that mattered little to her master. She lifted her tail and soon felt her master pushing her fur away from her cunt but he kept missing and pulling her long fur. He cursed and swore and slapped her rear and drove her head in the straw as if it was her fault her fur was long. She tried to lift her tail higher to help him find her canine slit.

Her yelp was muffled in her taped muzzle as she felt her tailhole roughly invaded. She was thankful the lambing fluid he used as lubricant was still a bit on his cock as he shoved his way into her colon. She wiggled and tried to reposition herself so he was more comfortable in her but he only gripped her shoulder harder and pushed in her further as his other hand tried to push her head in the bale of straw. She blew mucus out her nose her eyes watering as her master thrust into her tail pleasuring himself until she felt the pulse of his cock against her tight tormented sphincter. She trembled a bit as he laid over her spent but still in her to the hilt.

Fred panted hard and looked down at the collie bitch he owned. He gave her a playful rub on the back of her head which only pressed her head in the straw more. With no more ceremony than when he started he pulled from her tailhole and pulled her head awkwardly to him forcing her to move her body so now she faced him, he shoved his cock in her face "clean me up" he commanded but the tape around her jaw would not let her even stick her tongue out. He saw why he was not being cleaned and pulled her muzzle up to pull the tape off but could not find the end of the tape to unwind it from her muzzle no matter how many times he ran his fingernails over it. Finally in disgust he tossed her head on the floor and without the use of her arms the rest of her body followed.

He looked annoyed at her as he used a bit of old wool to clean himself off before he put his overalls up. He sneered and reached for her, jerking her on her belly by her taped ankles. She felt him unbind her ankles but she just laid there still, sore and tired, but there was no rest for her.

She was pulled up roughly and could feel the tape painfully ripping up her feathery fur on her arms as it was yanked to come off. Fred cursed and swore as he tried to jerk the tape off to no real progress except to make Friday wince. She then felt herself tugged and forced to walk backward awkwardly and then half dragged to the sheep shearing area. She felt him buzz and jerk the tape away as he cut the fur off her arms. But he didn't stop there. A man who is an expert at wool harvesting had no problems shaving her fur off from head to tail tip. Only her muzzle and whiskers remained untouched, mostly because the tape was still there. At the end he finally dropped her feet plopping her rear on the ground after shaving the feathery fur off her butt and nodded at a job well done. "Clean up this mess and take the sheep out to pasture three today." He commanded her as he cleaned the sheep shears and left Friday to slowly peel the tape off her muzzle and clean up the barn of her fur. She liked being shaved down, it got rid of a lot of the heat from the warming spring and got the sticks and burrs from her dense coat. That and it helped her to get at the ticks and fleas she was often infested with.

She swept the last of her fur out the door ignoring the wondrous red sunrise that greeted her shaven body with gentle warmth and turned off the lights as she left. She saw Fred putting the last of the heisted lamb carcasses in the back of the mobile freezer in his truck to head to the farmers market. He often sold at a very low price but to him it was all profit. Fred looked at her, laughed and pointed. "You look like a weird rat without your fur, but your tits look a lot better." He walked over and groped her small breasts and slapped her in the face like he was a mob boss explaining something to a newbie. "You are a good fuck, but if you don't get your ass and those sheep to pasture I will cut that silly rat throat of yours." He smiled and ruffed her between the ears. "You are replaceable." He told her as he walked away to sell his illicit lambs.

Friday took to all fours and bolted to the paddock and barn to take the sheep to the pasture, Berry bolted after her eager to get to work and enjoy the freedom of the pastures and play with his genome companion. The bleating masses before them, the collies did what they excelled at, controlling sheep. They directed the dirty cloud of sheep and dispersed them about pasture three. Friday took advantage of the time to roll in the grass as the sheep grazed about. She looked about for trouble and where the sheep wandered to when she took up a stalking position. Her body low to the ground she watched her unsuspecting prey as she crept up slowly keeping downwind watchful she was not noticed. The stealthy collie then leapt, pouncing on Berry, her paws lifting him up and then back down before she swatted him on the rear playfully before knocking him over and biting his neck. He retaliated with paws against her and his own playful bites to her muzzle and shoulders. She broke off the tussle bolting across the field leaping over sheep and zigzagging, looking back to assure her quadruped counterpart was behind her still. She ran on and then turned to face him suddenly. He was too close and too fast to stop in time and wound up leaping over her.

She tried to grab his rear leg when he passed over her, But missed, his paws pushed off her rump knocking her foreword on her muzzle. She then felt his fangs on the scruff of her neck before he shook her and pressed his paws into her back making her lay. She tried to curve up into a C and knock him over but it was a move that Barry learned years ago that would bring her down. It was how she lost dominance to him but he was a good friend and alpha dog. She used her hand like paws to grab his rear leg and pulled it under her, a trick she learned drove him nuts especially when she stuck her finger into the place between his paw pads and toes. Berry immediately let her neck go and tried to bite her paws as she tickled his paw but the movement, and their positions and just out of sheer spite she yanked his paw and toppled him over. He was half on his belly when she finally pinned him and bit over his back and shoulders, his retaliation was more a distraction to get free but the advantage of hands helped Friday keep him. She gripped his back legs and bit his tail base. He whirled on her and tugged her ear. The two dogs dueled with their muzzles, butting each other looking for the dominating hold. Friday saw her shot, and snapped for his muzzle but missed as he jerked away from her, and she knew she was finished from there as his countermove brought his muzzle over hers and bit down in a more than playful dominance. Friday lay her tail down and waited for him to let her go, it was only fair, he was alpha.

Berry let her go and licked her muzzle and face. She loved it when he groomed her. He lapped into her ear, it was both wonderful and tickled and she loved it. She grabbed Berry about his chest and pulled him to her making him lay beside her, then next to her as she held her love close to her. She sighed when she felt him relaxing and letting her cuddle to him in the sun warmed grass. Neither slept but laid there lazily their ears open to any threats to the sheep or commands from their master. Friday petted Berry's body and played with his fluffy tail. Her shaved tail whipped the grass under it with steady thumps. For hours they just let the sheep graze only lifting a head to check to make sure there was no trouble.

After a leisurely day as the sun began to set they heard the whistle to come back by their master. The two dogs met their master as he sat on a fence rail watching them work. They both wagged their tails for petting and his soft spoken welcome. Friday took a seat on the ground hugging Berry as their master spoke. "This is a big order, I need you two to go to the Clifford ranch and get about forty lambs." Friday just nodded and thought about the best time and way to get the lambs. Fredrick looked at his two dogs and smiled. "But for now, let's get you something to eat." He smiled and headed to the refrigerator he installed in the barn. He pulled out bits and parts that where the scraps off some ewes he had slaughtered earlier and gave them to his dogs who happily ate the unwanted parts with relish. "Make sure you get them all Friday." Fredrick pointed at her, and she nodded before taking another sheep's leg and chewing on it.

With the meal eaten Friday and Berry romped a little and then laid down in the loose old straw that was left strewn over the wooden floor and slept soundly.

Friday woke with her internal clock telling her it was time to do her job. She made wide stretches and a yawn before she woke Berry who knew there was another job to do. With a set of stretching and a brisk shake the dog and genome quietly left their farm and wound their way to the Clifford ranch.

When the collie duo caught first sight of the Clifford ranch they tested the air to assure there where no early risers and watched for movement then moved in closer. Friday and Berry skulked along the fence line to the Clifford ranch. Friday watched the sheep, she was having a hard time selecting lambs in the group of sheep. They where unusually grouped together. Friday sat and watched the sheep a bit more noticing most didn't eat. She guessed the sheep must have caught their scent and hidden the lambs in the middle of a defensive circle. She leapt the fence followed by Berry the two collies rounding the group of sheep ready to split them and select the lambs when a cry went up startling them both. With no warning two ranch dogs came bolting from the other side of the flock. The two collies ran for the fence and were over in a single bound, the larger German shepherds halted and barked viciously. But that was not the end to their peril, the thunderous crack of a rifle repeated as dirt and rocks exploded leaving small pocks in the ground. The two collies ran as fast as they could over a rise and were gone from the sight of whoever had a rifle. The Clifford farm never had dogs before much less an armed guard. Friday ran faster, she had to warn her master what happened, she then thought of how angry he would be with her. She dreaded going back to him, but where else would she go? Her heart and head conflicted, maybe if he knew about the dogs and the guard he would not beat her, or at least not as badly.

Panting and scared she ran up to the house door and beat on it. She stepped back as her master came to the door. She felt even smaller than she was compared to him and signed. ‘We failed, there where guns and dogs.'

Fred's face was a mask of consideration. The collie shuddered as he spoke. "So," he said in a calm tone she knew did not bode well for her, she started to walk to the side of the porch where the living room jutted out over the porch making a corner. He followed her as he spoke, "you got careless and caught, and then you ran straight back here?"

Friday nodded and shied into the corner when the first fist hit her. She fell on her back her head in the corner, she was no idiot she had taken a beating before. She lifted her leg a bit pushing her toes out and under so the stick of kindling he picked up to beat her with would hit her leg and lessen the blows to her chest and breasts, a favorite place for him to hit her as well as the muzzle. Her head in the corner meant most of the blows would drag over the wall before connecting with her. He beat her with the bit of kindling her hoarse rasp the only thing she had left of a voice tried to yelp under the rain of blows. Her tail tucked between her legs in case he decided to hit her there too. But he was really mad at her and even with her plan this beating hurt her so much. She felt him grab the foot she had up blocking and dragged her to the yard and began kicking her in the stomach and chest screaming at her then screamed and beat more as he realized she had expressed her glands in fear, it was not her fault she was scared this time.

"You stupid fucking dog, you fucking led them right here?!" he snarled as he beat her. She had not been beaten so badly since she was forced to miscarry Barrys' pup. Berry seeing how much in trouble Friday was began to run around their master barking and trying to use herding tricks to get between Fred and Friday. The attempt only earned him several hard kicks and a few punches and eventually he was picked up and thrown against a fence with a yelp while Friday used the distraction to scrape and crawl along to the corner to be dragged back out by her tail and kicked. Friday gasped and tried to cry out with her raspy voice. Even after the bows stopped she twitched and winced waiting for more blows. Instead she heard a voice in her ringing ears.

"I want you to take twenty of our lambs and toss them into the Thompson ranch," Fredrick said as he shook out his hands. "You hear me you stupid bitch?!" he said with a kick in her back. She looked up to him and nodded still trying to defend her sore body. "Good, Make sure you get the ones we just de-tailed, that way they can be identified." Friday nodded sorely again, making sure he saw her so as not to incur more of her master's wrath.

Fred looked at her with scorn, "well what the hell are you doing here? Get the fuck to that ranch and put OUR fucking lambs in their fence because you're a fucking idiot dog." He punctuated the last with a swift kick to her thigh as she staggered to get up. Friday staggered and limped over to their paddock and herded twenty of their lambs with cut tails, the purple antibiotic spray still on the stumps. She directed Barry to go on the other side of the fence and tossed the lambs over the fence then turned for the three long painful hours herding the lambs all the way to the Thompson ranch. The predawn dark was the only boon for the two bandit collies as Friday tossed the marked lambs into the pasture. It would be past daybreak by the time they got back especially as her bruises and muscles swelled.

* * * * *

"Here they come now." Fredrick said pointing at the two collies. Friday walked her sore tired and bruised body toward her master and the two officers. She saw him smile his liars smile as his hands signed low and out of notice of the cops sight ‘do not sign."

"Where have you been? One officer said addressing Friday who only looked back and fourth from her master to the cop.

"Oh, I'm sorry Officer, she was born without the ability to speak." He said turning back to face the officers. "I knew her breeder, she was just gonna drown her, but I offered to save her for about fifty bucks, I'm not a man of a lot of means but I got a good heart, couldn't let her go to waste." He grinned to the officer.

"Well we still need to know where your dogs were."

‘You know nothing.' Came the low sign as Fredrick spoke to her. "Did you find those lost lambs?"

Friday bit her tongue and looked nervously to the officer and back to her master. She shook her head as she knelt down and hugged Berry to her. She tried to hide behind him but being smaller than a human she was still larger than a normal collie.

"If my dogs where seen on another ranch it was probably to see if our lambs where mixed in their flock, as you know there is a lot of thefts around here especially at lambing season. I just hate to loose that money." He said to the officer with a half shrug and a look off to his fields.

"Do you have a way to identify your lambs?" The head officer asked.

"Well, not really, I just got the chance to de-tail them and then they where gone."

One officer went back into the car and retrieved a clipboard. "Well if you are a victim of theft then I suggest you make a report."

Fredrick nodded. "Friday, Berry, you two watch the sheep." Fredrick waved them off with his hand.

"I'm not sure they were stolen, just got lost I think is all." She herd him say as she and Berry left to put the sheep into a pasture. She was still sore and worn out from the beating, and now more than any other time as she began to bruise and the adrenaline wore off she hurt more. She fell behind but Berry picked up her slack.

She felt terrible for her failure to her master, and to her friend Berry. She caused him to work harder and get hurt too. She laid in the still cool grasses, the sun warming her belly. She gasped when she felt Berry lay crossways on her chest and belly. He had his left arm between her breasts his paw on her shoulder. He laid over her like one of the statues of the Egyptian Jackals. His head up and alert, looking down only to give Friday a canine smile and lick her muzzle. He looked up and over her again, telling her ‘rest, I will guard you'

She petted his back and left her paw on his side, holding him only like that, to let him know she loved him, and slept under his watchful protection.

Friday was still stiff and sore when she woke up Berry had already slipped away and was tending sheep or breakfast so she decided to join him in either. She trotted out to see her master playing with Berry. He wrestled the collie and then picked up a piece of sheeps hide that never got tanned and began a game of tug o war. She ran over to her master forgetting about the beating she received even when her body ached. She sat before him and wagged her tail and then made a collie bow to him and he let go of Berry's toy making berry the winner of the contest and let him prance about with the prize. He reached his hand out to her like he was going to slap her but grabbed her muzzle and shook her head with it before letting it go and slapping the sides of her muzzle in play watching her snap at his quick hand before she caught it and was put into a head lock and her head ruffed playfully and realized. She spun back and pounced Berry with his toy prize stealing it from him and running over to Fred with the dirty scrap of sheeps hide and he gripped the other end and pulled as she pulled away from him. He laughed at her and jerked the strip up and down to shake her loose but she clamped her teeth on it hard and didn't surrender. Fred then shook it side to side and Friday did the same trying to rip it form his grip, then Berry leapt in and began to pull the scrap on Fridays side winning it from their masters grip but then began the contest between the two dogs who tussled for the dirty prize, but Berry being quicker on four legs dropped to the ground and spun twice forcing the scrap form Fridays mouth all to the laughing delight of Fredrick who sat back enjoying their antics. Berry came prancing up to Fred and leaned on his legs with the scrap and was rewarded with a fluffing and a pet. Friday even without a scrap trotted up and was greeted the same by her master, his singers hurt her bruises but it was the thought of a touch in kindness that made her not only tolerate but crave his attention. "You two are awesome dogs, never forget that," he said and grabbed each of their muzzles and kissed them on the nosepad and threw their heads playfully to the side and began to wrestle Friday, Berry taking on Fred's side this time.

The trio played and wrestled for a while until Fred got up dusty and panting. "Alright, that's it for me, you two get on looking after those sheep. He pointed to the fields and the dogs both looked and ran to play and herd in the green fields.

* * * * *

She and Berry watched the sheep as they always did in the non lambing months. She wished that this was all they had to do, no nighttime runs to other farms to steal lambs. No risk of being beaten as much for failure. She and Berry where able to play together more, games of tag and dominance play. She wrestled around with him and bested him once for a short time when she had straddled him and held his paws to the ground with her hands. Then he used his long muzzle to reach up and nip one of her breasts which made her grab them to protect them from his teeth and lost her balance then he pushed on her belly and slid out from under her. Taking full advantage of her lack of balance he pounced her belly and nipped her arms and muzzle. She swatted his muzzle with her hands and bolted away as fast as she could before turning to see him right behind her. The aerial jumps and turns the dogs performed around and with and sometimes against each other was the envy of any circus acrobat that would happen to see them. Berry yapped and Friday panted a canine grin as they wore each other out playing in the sheep fields. The warm sun and cool grass was perfect for lazing about.

Rested and bored Friday began to explore the lesser traveled parts of the farms pastures. Friday was particularly happy when she came across a dead ewe in the farthest corner of the pasture. It had been there a while and it had already swollen and began to loose the wool on the top. She grinned in devilish delight as she approached. She loved to pop the dead sheep. She tried to sign Berry over but he was in his own world rolling in the grass on another hill, he was just a large black and white ball with the white balls on that hill. So she decided to take full advantage and make him jealous. She bit hard into the rotting ewe and pulled, the trapped gasses in the ruminant pushed all the organs out and the force made the weakened flesh rip and explode over Friday. She laughed silently at the spectacle and sound. She ate some of the organs and flesh and rolled around in the remains in complete blissful abandon. Her shortened fur let the oils from the sheep soothe her dried skin and helped plaster some unfortunate fleas to her fur to fall off when they tried to kick free of the miring oils. She sniffed herself quite please with the scent that greeted her nose.

With mischief on her mind she bolted on all fours to where Berry had now decided he was comfortable on his back with his face buried in the grass. He stirred as she approached and leapt up sniffing the air then her. He licked her back and nuzzled against her. He nosed her muzzle and nipped her playfully, tantalized by the wonderful scent she brought him. She pounced him and bit his scruff and tugged up. Berry leapt up and fell back on her but she grabbed him and kept his scruff. He wiggled and growled menacing at her. He fought her violently and bit her arms hard. She let him go as she made a silent yelp of pain. Berry turned on her and bit her cruelly, digging his claws into her shorter fur and scratching her. Friday knelt on all fours like a dog and nipped at him until he grabbed her hips and she felt him thrust over her in dominance but she slipped her rear up and caught the tip of his member teasing him and he thrust harder until she gelt him inside her. She relaxed as she felt him push into her with all his canine fury, his knot filling her more and more until as always she could barely stand it, her back arched and head up with a stupid grin she could not wipe off her face if she wanted to. Berry still pulsed inside her but she knew no seed came from him. She enjoyed the fullness of her canine companion and lover until nature took its course and she was freed of his thick knot.

Friday sat on her rump, satisfied. She stretched with her fingers interlaced above her head. She pulled her arms down and pulled Berry to her, she kissed him passionately, her paws roving though his coat, sifting out the grass and mud clots in his fur. Her tail wagged at the thought of him in her arms. She lapped the almond tasting fluid from her lower lips and sat back up to bask in not only the sun but her complete satisfaction.

After a few minuets she leaned over against Berry who was in the act of cleaning himself up. Garnering his attention she lifted her head in a ‘follow' motion and took off to the rotting sheep carcass. She enjoyed watching Berry eat and roll in the sheep remains. They both reeked of sheep carrion and where full of the aged flesh when they herded the flock back to the paddock before the two collies crawled into their sleeping area, a converted chicken house. It was warm dry and relatively light on fleas, Friday cleaned it out often and used the bug repellant powder her master bought for them. She laid cuddled to Berry thinking about how lucky she was to have her home and her love. She wished her master let her have his pup, and that Berry was capable of siring another on her. She sighed and stuck her nose into his sheep carrion and male musky fur and fell into a deep and comfortable sleep.

* * * * *

Life for the canine duo became routine. Herd sheep and play in the fields, their nights uninterrupted. It was a good time for them, but it was not going to last, Friday knew it was only a matter of time before their master wanted them to go do their jobs again. Friday was tossing a sheep's skull for Berry to fetch when Fredrick walked out into the fields. Both dogs ran to him and where petted on the head.

"Hey you two." He grinned and stroked his dogs. "I know you two have been on the best of vacations but tonight I want you to go to the Athens ranch and get me about ten ewes."

Friday nodded and held onto Berry who was still excited he had the sheep's skull. Fredrick patted both collies. "Be careful, this is the last trip this season." Friday nodded happily and hugged her love. For the rest of the day the two collies played and wrestled. Friday even took Berry in a rut. Both relaxed and happy they lazed about the fields as well as napped.

Dog City

Dog City () By Sparkle Demon and Todd Fox Todd Fox- This story is a fanfic based on a more mid-adult version of the cartoon Dog City. Two writers worked on this, the lovely Sparkle Demon who writes as wonderfully as she draws (sorry boys...

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Seventy-five Percent 02: Picture Perfect

Seventy-Five Percent 02: Picture Perfect By: Todd Fox Jeff- human male Katrina- Australian shepherd female I put out another story with these two, I think the next story will be the last. I would love to hear the opinions you have. ...

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Toy Cricket, The Extended Rewrite

Toy Cricket By Todd Fox Tom- human Cricket- an anthropomorphic robotic Border Collie toy This story is set in the Toys universe by Lars Helburg I would like to thank my editor, Vaccinated, for proofing this story two times. I thank...

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