Chapter 10: The Power of the Golden Armor

Story by Cedricdream on SoFurry

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#10 of Pokemon Ranger: Secret of Oblivia

Disclaimer: I have permission to upload this story here.

"Chapter 10: The Power of the Golden Armor

This story stars the Pokémon Rangers from the third Pokémon Ranger game, Guardian Signs. It takes place at the point where the rangers need help getting through the thunderstorm. Ben and Summer work together in their mission to save the Oblivia region. Rather than summoning either Latias or Latios, both are summoned, but they soon discover a secret hidden deep within them.

Was actually inspired by artwork of the Eon pokémon being ridden by a pichu."

At the other side of the hallway stood Doctor Edward, though he was now known as Ed "the Thinker". He smiled confidently at the disguised rangers as they rushed to meet him, stopping mere meters away.

"So you've finally come this far, pokémon rangers! Commendable for youths such as yourselves," he greeted, "though reckless all the same."

"Ed, this is as far as your scheme goes! Surrender peacefully," Ben suggested.

"My plan is almost on the verge of completion. Soon Oblivia-no, the whole world- will be mine. It's far too early to surrender."

"Your doctor job... was that all a ruse?"

"Oh no, that was real." Ed paced around his area as he spoke. "You see, being a doctor was what I worked towards in my youth. However, I was born bad, so I sought a balance to keep things simple. That's how most villains are, more or less. Additionally, this is how I found out about the secrets of Oblivia. My patients thought the idea of immortality to be ridiculous, but I knew it could be acquired. I thought long and hard about my choice, and I realized that immortality really is my deepest desire. Eternal life and the world were the only treasures I sought but could never get my hands on... until now." He clenched his fist to emphasize his point.

"That's so selfish!" Summer cried.

"Is it? Everyone will live happily in my new world, and as the absolute ruler of that world, dying would not be a possibility for me. I may even somehow grant immortality to others who win my favor. Isn't that the perfect world people want?"

"No, Edward, it isn't," Rand said as he and Nema entered the room. "Everyone gives their all because life is limited. We take on tasks, love others, protect the world we live in and our children..." He paused as he looked at Nema before continuing. "It's the limited time we have that ultimately enriches the world. Ed, why do you have the armor once worn by the Ancient Ruler? Is it possible that they grew tired of immortality?"

"That is a valid point. However, I know I can handle it, unlike the Ancient Ruler. I have thought this through time and again, and I know that this is my deepest desire. ...I see that words are not enough to convince you, so instead I will show you how strongly my mind is made up." Ed "the Thinker" snapped his fingers, materializing the Golden Armor's helmet around his head, and clenched his fists, then opened them. A large, purple portal appeared to his left as Mewtwo appeared, holding itself together. It soon released itself and levitated at its full height.

"So that really was Mewtwo we saw back there..." Pichu said.

"Mewtwo?!" Rand cried.

"Now to begin my first task as the new Ancient Ruler," Ed said. "Eliminate all those who oppose me, Mewtwo! Get them!" Ben and Summer readied their Stylers. Rand pulled his daughter to safety before joining his fellow rangers.

"Brace yourselves!" Mewtwo fired a large Shadow Ball at them. Rand jumped away and fired his Capture Disc. He managed to get a few loops in before Mewtwo quickly fired a Confusion attack, breaking the line. Ben and Summer charged their Capture Discs, then fired them at the same time. To confuse the controlled pokémon, they traveled in different directions.

"Keep it up, you guys!" Nema cheered. Suddenly Mewtwo curled up before letting out a burst of psychic energy that broke both lines and created crackling orbs of psychic energy around it.

"Pichu, are you ready?" She pointed her Styler at him and enveloped him in a protective red light. He then ran forward and played his ukulele, weakening Mewtwo's desire to fight with every note. The pokémon's attempts at attacking him were thwarted by Summer's power. Once he was finished, he unleashed a potent Thunderbolt attack, paralyzing Mewtwo temporarily.

"Now's our chance!" Summer charged her capture disc and looped it around the Genetic pokémon. With every loop, the orbs surrounding it disappeared one by one. Rand and Ben charged their capture discs and followed Summer's path.

"Mewtwo, unleash your Psystrike!" Edward cried frantically, but it was too late. Before he knew it, Mewtwo's desire to fight was completely gone as it floated back to Edward's side, dormant once more. "Th-this is impossible...! How could this have happened?!"

"We're not the only ones opposing you, Edward," Summer explained. "As we battled Mewtwo, I heard several voices from all over Oblivia."

"I... see," he muttered angrily, glaring at his foes from his helmet. "If that's so, I'll let you hear the real voices of Oblivia, though I'm afraid they'll be screams."

"What do you mean?" the disguised latios asked.

"You'll know soon enough." A panel opened up below him and he pressed the button with his right foot.

"Now what?"

"Renbow Island will share the same fate as Dolce Island," he responded calmly. "Let's hear what those "voices" really sound like."

"What? Don't do anything rash, Ed!"

"It's too late. The Giga-Plasma Cannon has already begun charging its energy. In moments Renbow Island will be cast into oblivion."

"But, my mom is there!" Nema cried. Rand chuckled and placed a hand on his daughter's shoulder.

"Relax, Nema. Renbow Island isn't going anywhere," the elder ranger responded calmly.

"Rand, you aren't seriously underestimating my weapon, are you?" Ed questioned.

"It won't work. I made sure of that," he answered smugly, "with my daughter's invention. She just saved the life of everyone in Oblivia from your weapon."

"Was that what that explosion was?!" Edward's calm front began to falter as he looked around. "Arley! Hocus! Kasa! With all the armor pieces, I will surely emerge victorious."

"You're pathetic, Edward." Everyone looked around for the source of the voice and got their answer in the form of a yellow portal appearing to Edward's right. A gardevoir stepped out of it, soon followed by a chuckling Purple Eyes. The gardevoir immediately closed it and teleported elsewhere.

"Purple Eyes!"

"Still?!" Ben asked, baffled by the man's persistence.

"Hmph! You rangers are no better about your tenacity," he chided. "Ed, you're right about the Golden Armor. You'd never lose if you wore all the pieces."

"Nitwit," he replied. He scowled at his former lackey. "You don't know everything."

"I owe my knowledge to my experience in archaeology. After what happened at Layuda Mountain, I did my best to make sense of those writings. Here are the fruits of my labor." Three pieces of the Golden Armor materialized in front of him. Everyone gasped in shock.

"You scoundrel! What did you do to Kasa and the others?!"

"Stealing these from those old fops was like taking candy from a baby."

"You work for us, Purple Eyes! Have you forgotten that?"

"It's too late for that, Eddie-boy. You fired me, remember?" The leader of the Societea grunted in frustration, wishing he had the foresight to account for such a stubborn person. "All I need is those pauldrons and helmet you have and the set will be complete."

"T-There's no way I'll hand them over! I've come too far...! What?"

"Heh heh heh. You don't have a choice." The armor pieces Edward had disappeared and materialized in front of Purple Eyes. "The pieces know who their rightful owner is. Now, I'll show you how to properly wield its power." All the armor pieces disappeared, then re-materialized in their correct spots among Purple Eyes's body. All that remained was the helmet.


"Now, Eddie," he spoke, a hint of vengeance evident in his condescending expression. "I have a lot of respect for you, so I offer you this chance to be in my inner circle."

"That... that's enough nonsense!" he cried angrily. Purple Eyes donned the helmet and was enveloped in a fiery, purple aura. The power he radiated forced everyone to take a step back as Mewtwo teleported to his right side, will to fight restored.

"Take your time. Think it over," Purple Eyes said casually. "Still, it feels like this armor was made for me. This power is incredible... so incredible that I'll give some it it to Mewtwo." He pointed at Mewtwo and sent a burst of energy its way. This caused Mewtwo to be cloaked in the same fiery aura surrounding Purple Eyes. "That should keep me in check."

"This is bad," Rand stated. "Edward, get out of there!"

"I should have been the one wearing the armor," the doctor lamented.

"Hey Eddie!" Purple Eyes shouted cheerfully. "We'll get rid of that regret you're feeling!" As he raised his hands, so did the Genetic pokémon, who charged up a huge Shadow Ball. The doctor stepped back in fear.

"NOOOOO!" Rand immediately leaped toward his former enemy, hoping to take him out of the line of fire. "Mewtwo, stop!" he shouted futilely. Ben, Summer, Pichu, and Nema could only watch in shock and horror as Rand and Edward faded away once the orb made contact with them.

"Rand! Why? Why did this happen?" Ben lamented.

"It's because he got in the way," Purple Eyes said simply. "He made things easier for me, though. Less riffraff to deal with."

"Where's Papa?" Nema asked.

"Ask Mewtwo. It's the one who sent them elsewhere. Now then... Any last words before you suffer the same fate? I'll tell the Ranger Union for you. Of course, I'm only joking. The rangers won't be around in my world."

"You may all be Pinchers, but don't count on us forgiving you like Red Eyes and Blue Eyes," Summer declared. "Nema, find some cover!" She ran out of the room to watch from the door.

"So that's it then. Let's begin." Mewtwo fired a few balls of psychic energy and detonated them, pushing the trio back a short distance. "I know what you really are. Surrender and I'll make your sentence a light one."

"Ben, that aura will make getting close difficult," Summer explained mentally. "Can you lower Mewtwo's defenses?" Both rangers evaded Mewtwo's explosive Double Team.

"Yes, but I'll need some room. Can you distract him?" Ben gestured toward Purple Eyes.

"I'll look for an opportunity." She fired her capture disc, only managing to loop it around the pokémon twice before the line broke.

"Try this! Mewtwo, Shadow Ball!" Purple Eyes commanded. As Mewtwo charged up another massive Shadow Ball, Ben and Pichu headed to the left side of the room. Summer proceeded to the right, but stumbled as one of the tiles detonated beneath her. She tumbled to the floor. Seeing that she wouldn't be able to evade the attack in time, the ranger decided to redirect the full brunt of the attack away from Ben and Pichu.

"I'm wide open! Do your worst, Purple Eyes!" she taunted. Ben and Pichu looked at her, wondering what she had planned.

"You must have lost the will to survive," Purple Eyes commented, shaking his head. "It's quite ironic that the loudest one surrenders quickly. Very well, then. Destroy her!" The Genetic pokémon faced her and dropped the attack on her as she stood on one knee. Summer held up one hand as the ball engulfed her and exploded, kicking up a lot of dust and debris.

"Summer!" Ben cried in horror. As soon as the dust cleared, he looked for her, but she was nowhere to be found. "This can't be...!"

"It seems she was banished like the others," Purple Eyes nonchalantly noted, "rather than destroyed. I don't know where that latias went and I don't care. Surrender or suffer the same fate." A low-scale Hyper Beam erupted from where Ben stood, knocking him to the ground and heavily damaging his Styler. His disguise disintegrated, exposing his true form. "This is your last chance."

"Ben! Ben! You have to get up!" Pichu pleaded as he shook the barely conscious latios. "Summer would have wanted you-would have wanted us to keep fighting! Oblivia needs you!" Ben stared at where Summer was in despair, having lost the desire to save Oblivia without his partner at his side. He wasn't even sure if he could simply call her his partner anymore. Having known each other a short time before they became rangers, and even longer if Ho-Oh was to be believed, he couldn't imagine going through life without her. He shut his eyes, regret diminishing his will to continue.

"Giving up? Wise choice. Mewtwo, put them out of their misery," Purple Eyes ordered confidently. "This world is-augh! Why is this armor so heavy?! Something's not right."