A Different Kind of Trainer - Chapter 1

Story by Kandrel on SoFurry

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#1 of A Different Kind of Trainer

_Dear Mother,

I know it's been too long since I last wrote, and I'm sure you've been anxious about me. You needn't worry, though, as I've just returned from Snowpoint. Other than rosy cheeks and a head cold, I'm no worse for the wear. Thank you for the care package. It found me at Eterna City, and your home-baked cookies did quite a bit to help me beat the cold and feel ready to travel again.

I've come quite a ways from the little terror you remember running around Twinleaf daycare with pidgey feathers glued to his arms trying to fly. Lusu, Razz and I have met Pokémon large and small, and a few so strange that I wasn't even sure they were really there. For me, it's a dream come true. That old Pokédex that uncle Cedar left to me is only about half full, so even though I've come quite a ways, I know that there's much more ahead of me. It's becoming harder day by day to find Pokémon that I haven't seen before, so I have the feeling that the last half will be harder than the first.

Lusu says to say hi, and gives her love to Rayk and Jun. We're all looking forward to seeing you again, next time we're in Twinleaf.


After folding the letter carefully into thirds, I slipped it into its envelope. The old pelipper that served as Eterna City's post master had fallen asleep, so I simply left the letter at its feet, sure that it'd find it when it woke again.

Talking about sleeping, Lusu had fallen asleep at my feet as well. She was curled tightly around my feet, and she was heavy enough that I wasn't going anywhere until she budged. Her arm-fins were tucked up against her belly, and her long floatation sack rose and sank as she snored. It was long past when a Floatzel would normally curl up for the night, and it was only her dedication to me that kept her at my side at this ungodly hour. I reached down and tickled her whiskers until she slapped at my fingers half-heartedly. She yawned widely, then stood, leaning against my leg for support. The moon rode high above, basking in the artificial glow of Eterna City's bright neon lights. I knew it was long after sunset, but the city never sleeps.

It had been a long day, and I knew tomorrow was going to be just as long. Feeling a bit guilty for keeping Lusu up far too long, I reached down and picked her up. She squirmed a bit, but after a moment, went still so I could keep ahold. With a grunt of effort, I lifted her just over my head, then wrapped her around my shoulders. Her nose tucked in against my neck, and after a few moments, she began to snore.

I trotted back to the room we'd rented. There were still people passing by me on both sides of the street. The street lights were bright enough that it could pass for day if I didn't glance up to the dark, star-studded sky. One road up, then right down the side-street towards the Pokémon Center, our hotel towered five stories above the surrounding houses. Inside, a portly gentleman manned the front desk. He smiled and nodded wordlessly to me as I walked past, taking the elevator to the top floor.

Just outside our hotel room door, I finally started to succumb to the lethargy of a long, tiring day. I opened the door with the slim magnetic swipe card, then dropped the card back into my pocket. Inside, Razz lifted his head from the floor. His tail gave a warning spark that filled the room with a faint smell of ozone, but as soon as he whiffed my scent, he lowered his head back to the rug. The star-shaped puff of fur at the end of the luxray's tail flicked back and forth for a few moments, then went still as he resumed his previous slumber.

With another groan of protesting muscles, I lifted Lusu from around my neck. The floatzel flicked her ears, but stayed asleep as I laid her gently on the bed. After a moment spent removing my trainer's shirt and pants, I joined her. I felt the heavy patter of paws on my legs as Razz hopped up to the bed, then with a heavy thump, the luxray settled himself over my calves. As soon as I closed my eyes, exhaustion caught up with me, and I slept.

A scampering around my legs woke me in an instant. I was about to scold Razz for keeping me awake so late at night, but as I opened my mouth, reality suddenly kicked in. Sunlight was streaming in through the windows behind me, lighting the hotel room in the brilliant glow of the start of a gorgeous day. I pulled myself up so I could lean against the head board of the bed, and let the lethargy of sleep drain from my head.

At my feet, Razz had woken, and was taunting Lusu with his whippy tail. The floatzel crouched, bunching her short hindlegs, then jumped at the yellow puff of Razz's tail star. The tail was tugged away just before she could corner it, though, then hung tantalizingly within reach as she prepared for another pounce. I smiled, and as they both realized that I was awake, the bounded towards my head, rubbing themselves against my shoulders in the morning greetings.

"Oof, you two aren't as small as you used to be." Lusu wriggled herself down under the bed covers. At just over two and a half feet, not counting the two thick tails that were half as long as her body, the floatzel leaned heavily on my stomach as she wriggled around. Meanwhile, docile Razz had laid his head on my shoulder, only his whippy tail twitching.

"Well good morning to you guys too. What are you... Ooh." My sentence trailed off as Lusu squirmed herself between my legs. Razz lifted his head and licked at my ears, and belatedly, I sensed a conspiracy. "You two planned this, didn't you?"

Razz ignored my question, while I heard a muffled "Bui..." from beneath the covers. Sighing, I wrapped my arm around Razz's chest, pulling him into a tight hug. "We can't do this here, though. It's a bad idea." I was intentionally vague, so to my mind, anyone overhearing us casually would be none the wiser.

Razz had other ideas, though, and nudged my cheek. He glanced towards the door, far across the hotel room from the bed, and a faint ring arced around the doorknob. He turned back to me, making sure I'd seen it, then nudged his nose against my neck and licked.

I pondered for a moment as Lusu nipped lightly at my inner thigh. I knew it was my baser, primitive instincts advising me, but the door was closed and locked, and Razz's shock should disable its electronic lock until we were good and ready to leave. Then, as Lusu's broad tongue dragged up my thigh, I suddenly lost the will to care about the door.

"Evil. Both of you." I complained as I spread my legs wider. Razz took the comment in stride, shuffling himself closer as both of my Pokémon showed me just what they had planned for the morning.

I felt blunt claws drag lightly at my waist, then tug at the hem of my underpants. I shuffled my hips upwards, and Lusu's webbed fingers just managed to pull the fabric down to mid-thigh. The lump in bedsheets where she lay jostled for a moment, then as her skilled paws tugged the underwear lower still, the same smooth tongue I'd felt earlier applied itself to my nutsack.

"Your adventures are going to get all of us in trouble one day, you do know thmmf." Razz put his paw on my mouth, frowning at me while the tongue slowly wended its way upwards. After a moment, the luxray removed his paw, and I squeezed around his middle. "Okay, I'll shut up." With the two of them as determined as they were, I was in no position to complain.

I pulled at the arm I had wrapped around his midsection, and as he shifted to give me room, I twisted my hand down and spread my fingers beneath his tail. His triangular ears gave an expressive twitch, and he leaned into me heavily. I teased and tickled in ways that only human hands could achieve, prodding against his thin fur and puckered skin in feather-soft caresses. I shivered momentarily as a hot muzzle closed around my sac, hot tongue caressing me as I focused my attention on Razz. Fingers strayed down between his hindlegs, and as I cupped my palm over his fuzzy sac, he let out a soft whine and rolled his hips against my hand.

Below the covers, Lusu finally let my left orb fall from her snout. I felt her webbed paws step on my thighs, and that soft tongue dragged slowly along the length of my half-hard cock. I gave her an encouraging throb, and a dot of fluid leaked through the bright sheets that covered her body. I let out a long moan, but was interrupted halfway through as Razz licked at my open mouth.

Razz's kisses were his own Pokémon adaptation of the human tradition that had taken some time to get used to. He licked around my lips, his long tongue rasping at my gums as it slipped into my mouth. His breath smelled faintly of fish, but he was a fastidiously clean creature, and there was never more than a hint of it.

Teasing, I caught his tongue with my lips as my fingers moved up to his sheath. His purrs travelled through his tongue, vibrating my head just slightly as I squeezed at his own length through his pouch. He rolled, and his entire front rubbed against my chest as he moulded himself to my side. Hips rolled, and the sheath in my fingers was pulled away from me as he slid his groin against the sheets over my belly, leaving a wet stain behind him. I released his tongue as I glanced down, catching the hint of pink while he ground himself against me.

I felt Lusu shift between my legs, and then a heavy weight descended on my belly. Razz was forced to move as the Floatzel wriggled up against me. As she writhed, her smooth, oily fur kept in contact with my quickly hardening shaft, and her legs spread to the sides. She squirmed her nose out from under the restraining sheet, snuffling in fresh air while I peeled the sheet back to give her room. When her rounded head lay on my chest, I felt hot flesh press wetly against my balls as she thrust her tails between my legs. She gazed pleadingly up towards me, humping against my crotch as my shaft lay trapped beneath her.

"I can't do anything if you don't let me reach it, precious." My hand patted along her flank, and after a prolonged moment, her hindlegs pressed into my thighs as she lifted herself. I dipped my hand between her hindlegs and fingered at that wet opening I'd felt just moments before, and she let out an excited trill. The excitable temptress bit my nipple, and I let out a yelp of my own. "Careful there!" She let go reluctantly, and as she flagged her tail end upwards against the last remaining bits of the sheet, I lifted my cock, aiming it towards the hot fleshy slit.

Only past experience prepared me for what happened next. Feeling the blunt head pressing against her, Lusu dropped her hips. My dripping tip pressed tightly against her velvety entrance, and in one second of delightfully slick pressure, her tails thumped the bed as she took me to the hilt. Her hot insides clenched around me in fluttering waves as her whole body shivered.

Razz pawed at my shoulder, and I felt just a moment of guilt for neglecting him. I reached out with both hands as Lusu squeezed around my shaft, and Razz stepped forward onto my chest. "Yes, you too, my spiky little furball. Come here." His forepaws landed on my shoulders, and I lifted his hind end off of the bed. He shook his faux-crown, the spikes of black fur on crest flopping back and forth as I dragged him over my head. I nudged with my nose at his belly as he latch his forelegs around my ears, and as I held his thighs, he tugged and pushed his dripping sheath against my cheek.

With an excited chuckle, I stuck my tongue out, licking at the thin pink tip that poked from his pouch. As I felt his hips move, I cupped my tongue under the sheath, ready for his thrust as he humped my mouth. The bulging sheath slapped my gums, spraying hot liquid against the roof of my mouth. I closed my mouth around his tip, and as he felt the hot pressure, he thrust with his hips.

I take a certain pride in the pleasure I can bring my two beloved companions, and they're certainly eager to take every opportunity to enjoy it. Experience told me that I should squeeze down right behind his sheath as he thrust forward, and practice allowed me to stay still as his tapered shaft rubbed against the washboard roof of my mouth and tickled the back of my throat. I ran my tongue along the underside of his slippery length, holding his shivering hips firmly in my hands to keep him from stumbling.

Meanwhile, as I was distracted, Lusu decided she'd had enough teasing. She folded her tails down between my legs, cradling my balls as it conformed itself to the trough between my thighs. With a tight squeeze around the shaft lodged deep in her slit, she quickly lifted her hips just a few inches, then rolled them back down. She humped frantically, twice or three times a second, stroking like a silken glove gripped around my cock. With her speed, I couldn't tell at any one point which way she was moving, so it felt like a constant slippery sliding sensation, slick around me from tip to base. Lusu let out a stream of happy chirps. Her forelegs gripped around my belly tightly as her hips worked their magic on both of us.

As soon as my lips closed around the base of his length, Razz started thrusting. Unlike Lusu, he liked to take full strokes, pulling from my mouth completely, then thrusting back in, guided by my tongue. Cradling his thighs, I wormed my fingers up beneath his tail, poking and prodding at his pucker as he thrust. I knew that he wouldn't last long with this kind of treatment, so I held my breath, ready at any moment to swallow. True to my predictions, after just a few hard thrusts, he stopped dead, holding himself hilted. His tapered shaft jumped against my tongue, then a hot splash of luxray cum splattered my tonsils.

Paws scraped on my shoulders, and Razz tugged his hips, dislodging his length from my lips. I sputtered and closed my eyes, as just a moment later, a wet splash coated my forehead, dripping in rivulets down my face. I coughed a little and licked my lips, trying to clear my mouth to breathe.

"You imp! You did that on purpose!" I wiped at my face as Razz jumped free, still dribbling semen onto the bedspread. He pranced a bit, a quirky smile on his muzzle, as I wiped the liquid from my eyelids to keep it from irritating my eyes. "I'll get you for that, you evil little demon." I leaned back, face at least nominally clean, and let myself really focus on Lusu's enthusiasm.

Now that my attention wasn't split between the two of my Pokémon, I was able to really enjoy the sensation of that tight passage sliding up and down my shaft. I leaned back as I revelled in it. Wanting to see the whole act, I lifted the sheet, pulling it off to the side. She was clutched to my belly, head resting on my lower chest, as her hips bounced away. The bluish fins on her forelimbs fluttered against my sides, and I felt her drooling on my chest as she worked herself on my length.

As I felt her body start to shudder, I reached down and stroked her ears. Her breath was hot against my chest, her eyes clenched shut forcefully. I felt wetness spreading around my crotch as she clenched in quick, tight waves, the bouncing of her hips stopping as she reached her peak. I sat still, teetering on the edge of my own orgasm, but not wanting to interrupt Lusu's pleasure.

Razz, for his own part, watched us with what I guessed was rapt interest. I could see just how much he was enjoying the show, because it was standing at attention between his hindlegs, even though he'd just peaked. Sometimes, I thought the Luxray must have been half-psychic, because as I sat there, just a feather's touch away from my own climax, he decided to stand, walk slowly until he was between my legs. With a devious grin, he ducked his head and shoved his nose between Lusu's two tails. I felt his cold nose touch my balls, then before I could prepare, I felt the slightly raspy surface drag over the base of my shaft.

Needless to say, the little extra attention was all that it took to send me screaming into my own glorious orgasm. I tossed my head back, biting at the pillows to avoid making a ruckus, and twitched and spasmed as I peaked into Lusu. For her own part, she clenched herself to my waist and squeezed around me in slow, languid waves. She shifted slightly, and the velvety softness I'd felt just moments ago had been replaced by slick, slimy wetness.

I lay back against the headboard, catching my breath, and simply held my treasure of a floatzel to my chest. She chuttered softly under her breath, eyes still closed. My attention was drawn back to Razz after just a few seconds though, when I felt a hot prod against my nutsack. I glanced down, and stifled a laugh as I saw him humping at Lusu, prodding where the floatzel and I were joined, hoping for some of that action himself.

"Greedy lux. You already got a turn!" It wasn't so much of a complaint as a friendly jab. Lusu and Razz were both much more active than I was, even though I considered myself fairly talented for a human. I looked down at Lusu, and even though the creamy insides of her ears had turned an embarrassed pink, she lifted her hips, my slimy and softening length slipping from her depths with an audible slurp, while her two tails twitched to either side. I held her to my front while Razz lifted his forelegs over her thighs, careful to avoid scratching the yellow floatation sack that ran around her sides.

"Looks like you're the center of attention this morning, Lusu. Lucky you." I stroked her ears lightly, and she fluttered her eyes open.

"Bui..." She responded, licking her lips as Razz's legs tugged at her waist. I couldn't quite see what was going on, but I could feel every little detail. The hot poking prods I'd felt just a moment ago disappeared, and instead I felt the smooth shaft rub against my own slippery length as he slid deep into the floatzel. Razz let out a growling gurgle, and Lusu's paws tightened around my sides. Her tails flipped up as the luxray's belly pushed them apart, and I felt Razz's sac slap against mine as his thrust bottomed out. A moment later, liquid splattered against my half-hard shaft as my semen was forced from Lusu's tight slit.

I leaned back and watched. If I hadn't just peaked in my hot little Lusu's slit, I'd knew I'd be standing at attention and ready for my turn with the show my two fuzzy companions were giving me. As it was, I lay and enjoyed the afterglow as Razz's privates bumped against mine, an impressive amount of wetness spreading from their mating all pooling on my belly and dribbling down my rump cheeks.

It didn't last long. Not half a minute after I felt Razz sink himself to the sheath in Lusu, the floatzel let out another chittering call, and she clenched visibly. A few seconds after, Razz surged forward, bumping his head against mine, and shivered as he emptied himself for the second time that morning. Both of them held their pose for a moment or two, then slid apart with the lazy, light-headed crawl of a very satisfied Pokémon.

I let all three of us recover before saying anything. I knew we'd need to dispose of the evidence, but we were past masters at that. Finally, feeling refreshed, I stood.

"Heh, good morning you two." Even though they couldn't respond in kind, I knew both of them understood my words perfectly. Lusu stood and let out chirping "Bui!" sounds, while Razz hopped off the bed and stood patiently by the door.

"You guys know what to do." I limbered my legs out and stalked over to the bathroom. Behind me, I heard a muffled grunt as Lusu pulled the sopping linens from the bed. Then, as I turned the nozzle on the shower, I felt more than heard a crack of pressure as Razz zapped the pile of sheets. Lusu doused the flame with an offhanded gesture, a precise cascade of water steaming off of the smouldering pile. I hopped into the shower as the two of them prepared the last part of our "act."

In half a minute, just as I'd finished washing the combined juices from my groin, I heard a pounding at my door.

"Just a minute!" I called. A small smile broke on my face, but I quickly hid it.

"Open up! Is there a fire? Is everything okay?" The voice was muffled beneath the sound of my shower and the closed door. I spun the nozzle on the shower closed, wrapped a towel around my waist, and rushed to the door.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I think my two little hellions had a bit of a disagreement." I faked a frown, growling at Lusu and Razz. The two of them, true to plan, had their heads hung, and tails tucked pleadingly between their legs.

"Ah, that would explain it. May I..." The hotel keeper motioned towards the door, and I opened it so he could come in and inspect.

He glanced around, and after a moment of inspection, nodded his head. "Just a few bedsheets damaged. I've seen a lot worse from Pokémon disagreements. If you'd be so kind as to..." He trailed off.

"Yes, I'll pay for the sheets." I nodded, expecting the extra cost. With the way my duo performed out in the field, it's not like we were starving for cash.

"Then no harm done!" The hotel manager smiled widely. No doubt he'd charge me five times the cost of the sheets. Actually, with the way they scratched during the night, maybe ten times.

"We'll be checking out soon, after I've finished a little training..." It was my turn to trail off significantly, scowling down at Lusu and Razz.

"Of course sir. I'll let you see to your Pokémon." With that, the portly fellow waddled from the room.

I closed the door behind him, and all three of the tails in the room began to wag. Lusu squirmed in delight, while Razz just sat and smiled. I was starting to get the feeling that the two imps liked the play-acting just as much as the "act" they had to cover.

"Right, now that you devils have had your fun, ready to travel?" Yawning, I dressed while Lusu bounced playfully around my feet. Razz, patient as ever, sat by the door with one arm strap of my backpack in his mouth. I donned my trainer's cap, and finally feeling ready for the day, led the two bundles of energy down to the street.

In the street, the city lived up to its reputation, with people rushing on their way in every direction. Lusu and Razz stuck close to my legs as I wended my way carefully from down town to the east bridge. It looked like construction was being done on the south bike trail, so I'd need to head the other way around Mt. Coronet if I wanted to continue. I lifted my Pokédex and glanced at the map, plotting a route.

"Riki! Riki!" Something crashed into me from behind, and I stumbled into the curb. I barely caught myself, managing to turn around to meet the crushing hug that caught me around the waist.

"Oof. Hi Shelly." I reached down and mussed the blond hair of the bundle of energy that'd attached herself to my midsection. After another squeeze she let go, and as soon as she did, she was crowded on either side by my Pokémon, who each wanted their own greeting.

"Professor Oak says to say 'Hi!'." Shelly straightened up and pulled at the hem of her blouse. She was the grand-daughter of the the professor, the eponymous owner of Oak's Pokémon Institute. At 12, she was the institutes honorary mascot and messenger, and as she seemed to contain more anxious energy than all of the institutes researchers combined, they used any occasion to get her away from their delicate machinery.

Dutifully, I held out my Pokédex. Technically, it was a successor model to the one used by the institute, but the two had been designed to be compatible. Shelly held out a device and pressed a button. Both my Pokédex and the device let out metallic beeps, and I pocketed my model before Shelly had the idea to examine it herself.

She seemed preoccupied with her own device, though. Her brain seemed to spin at the same high speed that the rest of her body displayed, and after just a few moments of scanning, she pulled out the pertinent bits of the data I'd collected. "You fought an Abomisnow! Was it dangerous? What did it look like? Did it really make the air around it cold just by standing there?"

The questions flowed like a waterfall from her excited lips, and I smiled through clenched teeth at her. I remembered that fight vividly; too vividly for comfort. The creature had been as tall as a tree, and both Razz and Lusu were beaten and bloodied by the time it fell. Potion sprays may have cured the wounds from battle, but they did nothing for the nightmares of seeing my beloved companions in such a shape.

"It was quite a fight, Shelly. All the data's there. I need to go, though, we've got a long way to travel by tonight."

Shelly frowned and pouted at me, but her smile was too irrepressible to stay hidden for long.

"You should know, Red fought Flint yesterday, and Flint won. There's still no new champion." She reached down and gave Razz one last scratch behind the ears before she scampered off into the crowd.

So the famous trainer Red had fallen to the elite four? He wouldn't be allowed to challenge again for six months. There was still time. That thought put a smile on my face. It was shaping up to be a good start to the day.


(Fin! Riki, Lusu, and Razz are (c) Kandrel. Any resemblance to other characters is only incedental and unintentional. Reposting is permissable, however, all reposts must be in original form, and must contain the author's name unaltered.)

Send Kandrel mail!

fox at foxyonline dot com

Comments and suggestions are welcome!