Movie Night with Max III

Story by Vikthefox on SoFurry

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#11 of Royalty

Author's Note: Thanks to all my friends, watchers, and viewers. You guys rock!

Movie Night with Max III

Max's POV

I was cuddling on the couch in my TV room with my boyfriend Lucius when I got the idea to watch a movie. He agreed so I turned on the TV and the Laserdisc player using their respective remotes, but before I could get up and get the movie, my LD player started playing a disc that was already inside the machine.

"Let's find out what it is", my adorable wolf suggested

"Okay", I said

The disc must have been on side two, because the characters on the screen were deep in conversation about having just run away from an axe-wielding homicidal maniac from hell. I hate it when I start a movie from the middle instead of the beginning, but now I was interested in seeing how things would play out.

"Dude, I remember reading this old occult book back in college and it said that if we use the power of sex we can kill this thing", one of the characters, a female brown fox, said

"So we have to fuck to stay alive", a muscular, male grey fox said

"Yep", the brown fox said

"Well okay, but remember I'm taking you up the ass because I don't want you to get pregnant", the grey fox said

They then proceeded to fuck, which didn't turn me on at all being that I'm gay. Lucius was bi, however, and I could feel his cock getting hard as the scene went on.

"I'm turning this off", I said

"Why", my boyfriend asked

"Because I don't like watching straight yiff", I said

I ejected the disc, and when I got off the couch to take it out, I noticed that an "N" had been written in black sharpie on the label of the disc. The title of the movie was called, "The Power of Sex IV: Special Summertime Edition."

"He used MY Laserdisc player for Yiff", I shouted

"Who", Lucius asked

"Nathaniel, my royal adviser. I let him borrow my player sometimes. This is an outrage! I told him that if he wants to watch yiff, he has to buy his own machine", I said

"I always watch my porn on VHS. I wouldn't waste money buying it on LD", Lucius said.

"I agree. Sorry Nathaniel messed up our movie night", I said

"It's okay foxy. How about we make our own porn", Lucius said playfully

"I like the sound of that", I said

I turned off the LD player and the TV and threw Nathaniel's porn somewhere and then proceeded to take off Lucius' clothes. My handsome wolf started undressing me too and soon we were making out like crazy. My dick was rock hard and so was his. Just to be funny, I decided to add a little fantasy roleplay.

"Oh no, I think a homicidal axe-wielding maniac from hell is coming to get us. What should we do", I said in a playful voice

"Back in my college days when I used to smoke weed and read magical books from the thrift shop I remember seeing a chapter on this very situation", Lucius said in an equally playful voice

"What did it say", I replied

"It said to show me that beautiful ass of yours and let me pound it hard and fast", he replied

I bent over and showed him my ass. I still preferred topping and so did he, but I played along anyway. Honestly, the only problem with our relationship is that we're both tops.

Lucius' POV

I slipped on a condom and then I banged my foxy's ass hard and fast just like I said I would. I love being inside my foxy. I started spanking him too and he loved it when I did that. We went at it for a few minutes until I came. I really enjoyed this, but I'm not sure if my foxy did. I knew he liked the spanking, but I could tell when I fucked him that he wasn't too into it.

"Did you like my little roleplay", Max said playfully

"I did, but I loved your tight ass even more", I said

Max didn't say anything when I said that.

"You don't like being fucked, do you", I asked bluntly

"Well...not really", he said

"Me neither", I replied back

"I bottom to make you happy", he replied

"I do the same for you foxy", I replied

We cuddled for the rest of the night, but in the back of my mind I wondered "is there any way in which we can be both completely satisfied when it comes to anal?" The next day, I would get my answer.