A Fox Behind Bars part 26

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#26 of A Fox Behind Bars

Part 26! A plot heavy part, but it was necessary.https://www.sofurry.com/view/893238 and there's a little character reference if ya want a quick reminder in case I didn't make some one memorable enough yet .

Sorry this one wasn't finished sooner, but the last two weeks have really been... Blagrh! head explodes

Thankfully, things should be back to normal and part 27 will show up within a week.

Oh! And, assuming I've averaged 4k words per installment, part 26 marks the 100k word mark. By far the longest thing I've ever written yet. And we still have a long way to go

Thanks for reading. You peeps are awesome!

If you see anything I could improve upon, or any comments at all, feel free to express yourself and I shall learn

The Yard was warming up. I guessed maybe another week and I wouldn't have to wear a jacket anymore. I could hardly wait.

Vince and his pack were waiting for us outside the doors. My eyes locked on Hash and I had to stop myself from jumping up and down like an excited puppy.

"Vince," Dimitri growled, "we gotta talk."

The wolf's ear twitched and he glanced at Greg, making sure the bigger wolf was ready to jump in and save his ass if Dimitri started talking with his fists.

"Sure... Hash, why don't you take Jake and Ellie over to the shed. Greg's busy."

I tried not to laugh at Vince. Any fur would be scared if Dimitri told them they needed to talk and I couldn't blame him for keeping Greg handy. Not that it would have helped.

As soon as we were away, my coyote turned to Jake and me. "Herb's getting transferred to Cellblock-H. Vince sent Dimitri a note, but he didn't want you two to know. But, you should be in on this too."

My heart swelled. Hash cared more about me than Vince's orders. "Yeah, Herb moved in already. Besides, Dimitri has me read the letters to him, so I kind of knew it was happening." It's the thought that counts. "He says the political shit isn't worth the effort to read Vince's scribbles," I added hastily, just so no one questioned the whys of it.

Hash stopped walking for a moment. "Oh. You get to read the notes?"


He smiled and it was like the Yard warmed another ten degrees. "That's great! Vince usually makes me take the notes to the Pack messengers. If you get to read them, I can start writing you." He took a step towards me before halting, frustration that mirrored my own. It wasn't safe for us to show the affection we both craved. He sighed.

We kept walking to the shed where Jake had a job to do. It was hard to tell if he slipped into that distant, trance-like state he went to that held his sanity together when he did the disgusting things he had to to survive. Or maybe he was just being his normal quiet, withdrawn self.

The contrast between how loved Hash made me feel, and how alone Jake was, hurt me. "Jake," I said softly, getting his attention. "If that bison gets rough, just bang on the walls, or yell, and I'll bust down the door. Together we should be able to take him."

Jake gave an unenthused half-smile. He might not have been in the mood for humor, but I wanted to tell him I wasn't joking. I'd probably get my ass kicked, but if the bison, or any fur, tried to hurt my friends - the real ones I made in here, not those poser bitches that abandoned me on the outside - I'd like to think there'd be no hesitation. I'm probably a hypocrite to still call myself a pacifist, but sometimes you only have limited options.

I struck me that I was starting to understand the reasoning behind the pack dynamic my ancestors developed. Well, not my ancestors exactly, we fox's were always the independent sorts, but the close relatives of my ancestors.

Outside the maintenance shed stood a bison, his horns filed blunt, in keeping with prison policy, and a nervous wolf that kept adjusting his guard's uniform like it was trying to reject its wearer out of some sudden sense of moral outrage gained from witnessing so much corruption. That, or he had fleas. Either one would make me happy.

"You're fuckin' late," the itchy wolf grumbled. "Where's Fatty and One-Ear?"

I laughed. Somehow Hash and Jake managed to keep their professionalism.

"They're busy. Just open the door. I'm handling things today." Hash sounded so confident I felt my fur prickle with excitement.

The itchy guard eyed the unflinching coyote. "Ok. You know the drill, don't steal shit, don't break shit, if you get caught, I've never seen you," he said to us before unlocking the door and quickly distancing himself from us.

I tried to pat Jake on the shoulder for support, but he flinched away from my touch, his mind elsewhere. "We're here if you need us, Jake," I said as the lumbering bison led him into the shed. I looked at Hash for conformation, I mean, we were there for him, right? Hash nodded in approval and my tail wagged.

We stepped away, neither of us wanting to hear what was going on. Hash looked at me.

"What?" I asked. He had this weird expression on his face.

"You're too nice to be in here."

I blushed. "I bet you say that to all the gray foxes, convicted of second degree murder, who get a psychotic tiger for a cellmate, and end up falling in love with a coyote."

"Yes. I do." Hash tried to keep a straight face, but we both ended up laughing.


Yard time was over far too soon. At least I was looking forward to one of Vince's folded notes for the first time now. Hash promised he'd add little addendums for me as often as he could. It was a one way communication until he could figure a way to let me get a line back to him without Dimitri or Vince knowing about it.

As much as I liked Dmitri, and tolerated Vince, they really annoyed me at times. Just because they owned our asses and held the power of life and death over us, they acted like we didn't have lives of our own and a need for occasional privacy.

Jake didn't need me and Hash to rescue him from the bison he was giving a handjob to. In fact, it went as well as prostituting yourself behind bars could go. But as we sat with Dimitri and Sanders at the feline table in the common area, he started to get more fidgety than he'd been out on the Yard, where there had been a real element of danger. Here, Dimitri was never out of shouting range and if I remembered correctly, the rustic hare he had to service wasn't big enough to snap Jake in half, like the bison had been.

The new wolf and fennec - the reason we were camped at the table instead of Dimitri watching television and me getting a chance to read through my book again - were both in Piter's cell. Cole, the tall jackal, was standing guard. The actual prison guard, a grumpy razorback, pretended not to notice the pack plotting their criminal acts right under his snout.

I was bored. The cats we too busy watching the dogs to entertain me. Sanders said later to a game of checkers and Dimitri swatted me away when I attempted a poorly conceived bit of seduction in hopes of getting my ears rubbed. That left Jake to talk to. I sighed.

"So... Jake."

He nodded.

"Um, you really like what Kalvin does?" My mind flashed back to being tied to the bars, the sting of the hare's improvised whip.

Jake nodded again. He glanced up at Kalvin's cell. I couldn't help but wonder how the red fox wasn't freaking out at what was going to happen. If anything, he looked anxious for it to start.

I drummed my fingers on the table. He was too distracted to hold a conversation. Yeah, I could have asked Dimitri to let me go back to his cell, but I didn't want to be alone. After my time with Tox, I was feeling physically awesome which meant I'd have only my thoughts to dwell on. A dangerous position for me to get in.

Jake jolted out of his seat like he was electrocuted. We all turned to see Styen and Kalvin leaving their cell. Even if I didn't understand it, I was happy that Jake had something that brought him pleasure. A scary, painful pleasure, but pleasure none the less.

Sanders seemed a little perplexed by it all too. I caught him looking from Jake, to Kalvin, to Dimitri as if wanting to ask the tiger if he was really going to let this happen. I wanted to tell him that Dimitri offered Jake the option to back out. But Dimitri might feel the need to punish me for daring to suggest he had a soft side.

"Once again, I'm forced out of my home," Styen announced as he got to the table.

"I keep tellin' ya, you can join in," Kalvin drawled.

Styen laughed sharply and took Jake's seat. "I like my ass intact, thank you very much."

Kalvin shook his head and smirked. He looked at Dimitri. "Vince clear everything with you?"

"Yes," Dimitri rumbled before going back to watching Piter's cell.

Kalvin snapped his fingers, prompting Jake to rush to his side. I filed away the finger snap thing to see if that would work with Tox. Maybe I should be taking notes, I mused.

"What are we doing?" Styen asked as Kalvin and Jake left.

Sanders was still watching Jake. "Getting a read on the new dog scum. No offense, Regal. They've been in Piter's cell for awhile now. Might be some kind of a gang bang with that fennec bitch. Wolves have been going in and out."

Styen nodded. "They have been getting rather pissy since the loss of all that sweet fox ass. No offense, Regal. Maybe this'll clear some of the tension I've been sensing."

"All fucking dogs should be neutered," Dimitri growled.

I sighed. "No offence, Regal," I said quietly on the tiger's behalf. When he gave me a hard look, I pretended to be busy straightening my shirt. "Styen, wanna play some checkers?" I flashed my innocent smile.


An hour of playing the panther had us about even. Piter and his entourage finally left his cell. None of the felines would ever admit it, but the pack was intimidating. Piter's demonic visage and bulging muscles. Max's permanent snarl and web of tattoos that made him look like a living death-metal album cover. The towering jackal, Cole, with his exotic aura that made me just assume he knew some sort of martial arts. If it wasn't for Dimitri, I'm sure I'd have my tail tucked between my legs and be looking for a corner to hide in.

Now this new wolf. He was big, like Greg, but if Greg traded his fat for tone and definition. Viewing him up close, I could see that silver streak that ran down the center of his hair kept along the fur, down his spine to the tip of his tail. Personally, I would have gone with a color that better compliments the dark grays of his natural fur coloring. But then the big wolf smiled, the light gleamed off a set of chrome plated fangs. I now understood what he was going for.

"You don't suppose he got those because of poor oral hygiene?" I wondered aloud. The way the wolf looked at us like he could hear me was unsettling in a way I couldn't take.

"Sir," I whined.

Dimitri was staring off with the wolf. "Pet," said without looking at me. "It's been over an hour. Why don't you go check on Jake and see if I need to add another name to the list of furs I'm going to send to the infirmary."

"Thanks, sir," I said with an undignified half-run towards the stairs.

Kalvin had a sheet draped over the bars like he used when I was with him. I didn't want to be a total pussy, so tried hard to keep my voice steady and knocked on the metal. "H-h-hello," fuck, I cursed my traitorous vocal cords. "Um, Dimitri sent me to check and see if everything is alright."

"C'mon in," Kalvin said. His rural hospitality seemed at odds with his BDSM hobby, but I wasn't going to say anything.

I brushed aside the sheet and entered. Jake was naked, on his knees. His arms stretched wide and tied tightly to the bunk frame. Kalvin was sporting an erection as he twirled an electric cord he must has gotten from the hotplate that he kept in his cell.

I didn't know where to look so my eyes danced around. "Sorry to interrupt. Dimitri was just-" I stopped before I blurted out something I'd regret.

"No problem," the hare offered cheerfully. "I'm mighty glad y'all took over from Piter. That husky was a pain to deal with, and a fox this talented needs a better class of manager. Ain't that right. boy?"

Jake's bushy tail flicked once.

Kalvin gestured to the bound fox, letting me inspect him. I knelt next to Jake. His eyes were glazed and his fur was damp with what I hoped was just sweat. I used the tips of my fingers and removed a gag of socks that had been shoved in his mouth. Gross, I thought.

"Are you ok, Jake," I asked quietly. Even with his red fur I could see a latticework of bright welts crossing his back. That was going to hurt for awhile.

"I'm good," he whispered.

"Did, did you want to call it a night?"

He shook his head weakly. "Can I please have another hour? Please?"

He must have been at least a little out of it. He was never that polite to me. I asked him if he was sure and put the spit soaked gag back in for him. Still gross.

"Satisfied?" Kalvin drawled.

"I guess," I shrugged. "Don't hurt him too much."

"Regal. Remember when we talked about the difference between bad pain and good pain? Jake'll be fine in a day or two, or y'all can tar 'n feather me."

"Uh-huh," I still wasn't convinced, but his damn disarming charm made it hard to think he'd do anything to permanently damage Jake. I tried to give him one of those I'll be watching you kind of looks, but he just laughed and thought I was flirting or something. As soon as the sheet closed behind me, I heard a whistling snap and Jake's muffled shriek.

Before I made it the couple of steps to the stairs, I heard my name. I spun around, ready to rescue my fellow fox, but it hadn't come from Kalvin's cell. I looked at the group of inmates that gathered on the walkway. They we mostly species that lacked the clout to claim one of the common area tables.

"Regal," my name was whispered again.

Cautiously I approached the cluster of furs. A zebra caught my eye. He jerked his head for me to get closer. Three thoughts went through my mind. One: he was going to proposition me, in which case I would direct him to Dimitri. Two: Vince was somehow able to get messengers into the cellblock without Piter knowing by using non-Pack members.

My third thought was about Hash. I knew he was brilliant, and awesome, and the best coyote ever, so it wasn't impossible to me that he'd already come up with a way we could sneak notes to each other. That was the one I clung to. Had I not been thinking with my heart and cock, I would have expected what came next.

The zebra was on the far side of the group. I kept my focus on him as I walked behind the other furs. This put me right next to the open cell doors and kept me from noticing the grizzly bastard that sprang out, clamping his hand around my throat and dragging into his cell.

I tried to scream, but his grip was so tight nothing could get in or out. I panicked, clawing at the hand, raking my nails over anything I could. With one last squeeze, the grizzly flung me to the floor. I was convince my neck was crushed and I was about to die of asphyxiation.

I writhed on the floor, my eyes watering, and my throat spasming. Somehow I managed to suck in a lungful of air. I would have been embarrassed at my sobbing gasps, but I truly thought this was the end, so fuck appearances.

I'd have plenty of time to feel that embarrassment later, it turns out. I was not dying.

"This is what you get for fucking with me."

Oh, God. Herb. I struggled to get up, taking hold of the bunk. The grizzly was blocking the door, and as my vision cleared I could see the fat black and white splotches that could only be the panda. "I," a coughing fit cut me off. "I didn't fuck with you!" I almost made it onto the bunk when the asshole took a cheapshot and kicked me in the ribs.

"You fuckin' owe me, slut. You got me tossed in the hole."

Through the stinging pain I could still think more clearly than this delusional prick. "It was Blake," I wheezed. "Dimitri is going to kill you!" Making threats when you're a small fox who, seconds earlier, was convinced he was going to die, and is presently surrounded by at least a ton of dangerously stupid ursine, may not have been the smartest move.

I rolled over on my stomach, determined to stand. I made it to all fours without the aid of the bunk when Herb stomped down on my left hand. I yelped, desperately trying to pull away, but it was like there was a truck parked on it.

"Listen to me, faggot," Herb shouted over the ringing that must have only been in my head. "I'm buying this cellblock. My dad is putting enough money on my account to buy this whole fuckin' prison. You see those furs out there?"

He ground his heel on my crushed hand when I wasn't fast enough. "Yes!" I shouted. "I see them. Get off me!"

Herb ignored my demands. "I bought them. Those are my furs now. So fuck your Dimitri and fuck your Pack. I run this shit now!"

"Money doesn't buy loyalty in here," I left out, you idiot, because that's not something you say to a fur in position to stomp you to death. "Let me go and won't say anything," God, I could feel bones grinding against the concrete floor. "Please!"

"Starting tomorrow, you're gonna service all my furs. Every. Fuckin'. Day."

He'd lost touch with reality. There was no reasoning with him. "Alright! I promise, just please get," your fat, fucking ass, "off my hand."

He smiled down at me, smug as a douche bag could be. Lifting his foot just enough for me to pull it out. I cradled my throbbing appendage, and bent into a ball. I expected more abuse but Herb just stepped over me. I could hear him announcing to the furs outside his cell that they were all getting blowjobs tomorrow, courtesy of his fox bitch.

My third attempt to struggle to my feet paid off. I had my hand firmly pressed under my arm. Without hesitating, I ran as fast as I could, ducking the grizzly that was watching Herb give his insane speech, rather than me.

On the way down the stairs I tried flexing my hand. It felt like I was wearing a really, really tight glove. There was no point trying to hide what happened from Dimitri. He was already leaving the table, stalking towards me.

"Sir," I whined.

He looked at me, my face, my hand. "Follow me, pet. I am going to rip off that hare's ears." The calmness in his voice was terrifying.

"I-it wasn't Kalvin. Herb and his cellmate. They," my voice cracked, "the grizzly choked me, and Herb stepped on..." Dimitri was halfway up the stairs, not slowing. I ran to catch up. Those furs that were congregating on the walkway moments before, were gone. Scattered at the sight of the tiger.

Dimitri looked in the cells he passed. The furs inside either cowering or trying desperately to look like they weren't involved.

"That the bear?" he asked, looking in on Herb's cell.

I nodded. Dimitri moved fast. No speeches, no pre-fight witticisms. Hell, it was hardly a fight at all. I watched his arm pull back and the blur as his fist connected with the grizzly's neck. The grizzly crumpled.

My eyes widened. Weren't there a lot of arteries in the neck? Should I be afraid Dimitri may have just killed a fur?

Herb was screaming like a girl, throwing a bar of soap from the back of his cell. Dimitri reminded me of one of those slasher film killers, walking to the panda with single purpose and grabbing him by the arm, even as Herb wailed in terror and threw punches with his other free hand.

"Regal," Dimitri growled at me, snapping me out of the stupor I was in. "Here."

I ran to Dimitri's side. All Herb's yelling had to have alerted the guard by now.

"How many fingers?" he rumbled.

"Th-three." I hated knowing what Dimitri meant. I hated more that I had an answer. Two for the times he hurt me, and another for getting Dimitri involved.

It was a wet snap, like breaking a twig that was still damp from the rain. Herb seized up, his mind overloaded with pain. His struggles stopped with a blackout. At the same time, my stomach imploded, shrinking to the size of an olive.

A second snap and I was trying to plug my ears, dropping to my knees over the cell's toilet where I must have left an entire day's worth of half digested food. I had my eyes shut so I didn't have to look at it. The only ray of light was that I was too distracted vomiting to hear the third snap.

A hand came to rest on my back. "Sorry, sir," I mewled.

Dimitri started to lift me to my feet. "We're going to discuss what you were doing near Herb. But first let's go look at you hand."

I stepped over the grizzle. He was shaking, his eyes rolled back to white and foamy spit dripped out the corners of his mouth.

"They'll live," Dimitri said, like he was reading my mind, "for now."

Instead of turning right to go to his cell, Dimitri took me down the stairs to Sanders' cell. I didn't speak as Dimitri sat me on the bunk and lifted my hand. His big paws dwarfed mine, but he was so gentle as he pressed a finger to my knuckles.


"A little," I nodded.

He bent my thumb forward and I winced but didn't yell. "What the fuck is it with you? It's like you're a magnet for this kind of shit." He started moving my fingers.

"I'm sorry, sir." And I was. All I ever wanted to do was give the world something to think about with my art, and be a moral fur. And somehow, this is the life I'm living. Prison bitch and part-time prostitute. It was enough to make me want to cry.

But then Dimitri lifted my hand higher and planted a soft kiss on my finger. "It'll be sore. But nothing's broken."


Dimitri walked me back to his cell after we were sure the guard didn't give a fuck what had just happened, and told me to stay, like I was some puppy getting a timeout. Of course I obeyed him, but don't think I was happy about it. He said he was a little disappointed I walked into, what he said, was an obvious trap. I tried to explain my first two reasons, but saying them out loud did make it seem like I should have known better.

After telling him how sorry I was one more time, I sat in my corner and tried to look remorseful. The urge to follow after Dimitri when he left was almost overwhelming, but I knew there were still limits to how much tenacity he would take coming from me.

Herb was taken to the infirmary before lockdown. I didn't feel any of the guilt I normally had when things like this happened.

My hand hurt. My throat was sore, but not that bad. I think it was getting used to the constant abuse it was put through. Dimitri didn't say if I could read or if I had to sit still, so I was cautious and assumed I was being punished. It wasn't fair if I was, but it's not like I could do anything about it either way.

Dimitri came back to the cell right before lockdown. He asked if I was ok and I thought he might have forgiven me. That's why it felt so bad when the lights dimmed and I wasn't invited to share his bunk again. I curled tight around my pillow and tried not to pay attention to the tightness in my chest or the stinging in my eyes.

Time passed and the cellblock grew as quiet as it ever got. "Regal?" Dimitri called.

I could have pretended to be asleep. If I learned my lesson from earlier, I would have assumed that to be the safest thing I could do. Let Dimitri sleep off whatever he was unhappy about. But a louder, more stubborn, part of me still hoped for the best.

"Yes, sir?"

"Do you remember what we talked about the other day?" I waited for him to elaborate. "The... reading?"

"Yes." Of course I did. It was my latest obsession.

It was quiet for a time and I worried he was going to leave it at that. But finally, "feel like getting started?"

"You mean it?" I asked excitedly. I was standing before he answered. Dimitri moved to the small table after tuning his television to a dead channel, bathing the dark cell in a soft blue glow.

I was already adding a job title to my imaginary business card. Elliot Regal: artist, pet, hooker, and teacher.