First time with a Wolf

Story by KittenChaos on SoFurry

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She sat up all the way, stretching her back up fully straight and leaning backwards with just her back, arching far passed what most others could and bending with snake-like flexability. Then she straightened out again, gazing at him wantingly, eyeing him up and down--all parts of him.

Depression shuddered, watching her eye him--and being turned on even further; growing further erect even. His body hardened; and suddenly he shuddered--a glowing arora surrounding him, and then disappearing; to show him in his wolf-form. His black hair, almost silvery because of how shiny and smooth it was, shimmered; and he flicked his tail; growling eagerly at her.

She moaned, seeing his form--sleek, and amazingly powerful. Eagerly, she moved to a different position, and crawled over to him on her hands and knees. His muscular, animal figure shivered--and he smirked, his long row of teeth glistening. She got up beside him, and sat on her knees; bringing her hands up, and placing them on his side, feeling his animal form and the hard muscles under her hands. He was so much larger than himself, in his animal form...giant, in fact. He growled softly, letting her touch him, and flicking his tail eagerly, but patiently. Soronian wolves differed so much...their hair, obviously not to shed, like a earthy dog, their build, almost more human--more joints, to perform much more appropriate tasks...not so stiff, like an earthy dog. Very built, in fact...very, very built. She could feel the obvious muscles, layered and powerful, under her delicate hands; a turn-on in itself. Moving slowly, exploring his form in a way she never really had, she moved her hands over his back and sides. His moan was so animal, like. A real wolf, growling...moaning, under her touch. His long body shuddered, and trembled, causing him to be even harder.

For a moment, her hands stopped; a passive thought running through her head, that made her body grow all the more cold.

If he's this much bigger than he normally big is...

She couldn't even complete that thought, before running her hands down his sides, and under to his stomach; and then, backwards slowly, with great hesitation.

Depression's eyes widened, and his golden irises surrounding each pupil overlapped; contradicting what they did in his human form; and making his eyes without blackness--rather than all. He groaned, and arched his slender body towards her touch, pushing his hips towards her hand, and craving everything she did.

More quickly than she thought, she slid her hands to his erection; and groaned loudly, cravingly, and finding with another eager groan that it was indeed in proportion to every other part of his larger frame. He moaned hard and loud, pulling a large paw towards her, and forcing himself over her just barely, his chest heaving to find breath.

She groaned, his bare force enough to push her back more than intended, just for his sheer size. He softened his touch on her, and used that paw to wrap around her back, pulling her towards him, and breathing against her neck.

Glycerin groaned loudly, bringing her hands up, and wrapping her arms around his largish neck and sliding under him slowly. A very deep, (deeper than anything he could normally do), growl escaped from inside of his chest; and he slid his tongue against her skin--which smelled of his scent, his animal breath covered in it; a strong version of what he smelled like as a human. Much stronger.

Glycerin continued to slide herself under him, planting her feet firmly on the ground and walking her hips down further under him by keeping her body pressed up to him with her arms around his neck. He moaned, deep still, and pressed his hips down closer to hers; bending his upper body, so he could be close to her.

She groaned, tilting her head into his, and gripping onto his neck; arching her hips to his, and feeling her slit slide against his tip briefly. Depression let out a deep bark; mainly like a scream, and slid up; feeling her slide against him, and moaning deeply in his scratchy, threatening sounding voice.

Tenderly, not wanting to hurt herself with his size, she slid her hips forwards; pressing the tip firmly to her slit, and already knowing that this was going to have to be taken slowly at first; because otherwise, he would seriously hurt her. He knew it too--only letting her do what she wanted; and not moving forward; but keeping his hips down low, to where she could reach. He moaned, and closed his large, golden pupil-less eyes; baring his teeth slightly.

She shuddered, looking down between their contrasted bodies; her, feeling so delicate against his powerful, animalistic one. Her hips pressed down somewhat more, feeling herself part more than she ever had before, as even just the tip started to enter her.

He moaned, trying hard to keep still, and rested his long chin against her shoulder; digging his claws hard into the bed. She pushed down slightly more, then drew her hips back, then forwards again; pushing herself onto him more gradually with each thrust she made on him. That in itself, made him even harder--in fact, more difficult, to hold back.

She whimpered pleasurably, her eyes closing tightly as she sank lower on him, feeling him stretch her painfully--the pain turning to pleasure quickly, though, as she adjusted.

Depression remained still; clenching his paws, and digging them hard into the bed, lifting his chin, and kissing her neck with his canine mouth--finding it not more or less difficult to do, than when he was in his human form.

The feeling of him kissing her neck in his wolf form just added to the erotic feeling she already had--causing her to lubricate steadily while arching her body to his tightly. Once again, she raised her hips, and pushed down on him; sliding him in fully with one last hiss of pain that turned completely to pleasure.

Depression growled very low, and opened his mouth; breathing his scent against her skin, and resting his large canines against her neck. Glycerin groaned loudly, her neck, back, and hips all arching to him as much as possible. He growled again, the noise echoing off of her skin, and trickling warm beats throughout her body. He moaned softly, and pushed down slow, being extremely careful, not to hurt her.

A long moan escaped her, as she relaxed her upper body somewhat; taking her hands off of his neck, and laying her forearms flat against the ground to hold herself up, keeping her hips up but not moving them; letting him be the one to thrust, so she wouldn't get hurt accidentally if she got out of hand.

He shuddered, and thrusted into her slow, and steady; gaining so much from it, but keeping it contained--letting some of it go through his mouth; licking her gently with his new, smooth, long canine tongue. She arched to his tongue, loving the feeling so deeply, drawing a long desperate moan from her; her body constantly shaking from the pleasure.

His hips pushed forward, feeling so different; and powerful--but he was very gentle with her, even as an animal. Even with his gentle thrusts, her body moved back and forth slightly under him, being pushed by his thrusts.

Glycerin dug her hands into the bed, groaning loudly, and moaning constantly; but quietly, in whimpers, as she felt completely dominated by him.

He shuddered, and leaned forward, opening his jaws, and very gently clamping down onto her shoulder; just to feel her between his teeth at all, a turn on. Glycerin moaned, tilting her head to the side to press her face to his, as he bit on her shoulder; and very hesitantly, she pressed her hips up, in return to his thrusts. He hesitated, and thrusted back to her softly, moaning deep in a long, tattered growl.

She groaned in a somewhat deep tone, and closed her eyes half way, thrusting back to him, and sliding her body against his. He moaned, and pushed into her slow--but deep; trying not to hurt her at all, and pressing both of his large paws against her shoulders. She groaned, and was pushed back again somewhat, still being rocked gently with his thrusts; unable to contain her pleasure completely, and biting her lip while a moan forced out of her chest, pushing up to him slightly more rough than before.

Depression moaned hard; afraid to push with any more pressure to her, and panted against her throat, his eyes completely and solid gold in color. Glycerin whimpered again, thrashing somewhat, obviously losing the battle to pleasure and not caring if she got hurt--just wanting him so badly, craving for him, begging for him in a whimper.

He moaned loud, and thrusted--a little bit hard, even for his size; but to him, it felt so good, to be so powerful. He growled loudly, and thrusted again, pulling deep into her, and squeezing his paws against her shoulders to hold her in place.

"Oh, please...please, Depression, take me, harder..." Glycerin whimpered loudly, her breath escaping her in shudders, her whole body tense and wanting as she thrust her hips back to him eagerly.

Depression's large, black ears pressed forward, and he snapped them backwards quickly; eagerly, and thrust harder into her--growling deeply. She screamed, as a wave of pain moved through her, but again it just turned to extreme pleasure; causing her to scream again, in a very wanting way.

Depression moaned loudly, growling deep, and almost threateningly, as his body rocked back and forth with his thrusts. His long, black tail stiffened, and suddenly his whole body tightened up; causing all of his muscle to become hard and defined--rippling off of him in waves, so that even his fur couldn't hide the definition.

She thrashed against him, moaning out loud and desperate 'yes's to him, begging for him to please her and use her at the same time. That in itself made his eyes completely whiten--inverting to what they normally would've done.

He let out a snarl, and curled his paws around her shoulders; bending his upper body, and thrusting hard into her; like he would do if she herself was as large as him. Then he leaned his mouth towards her, nipping at her skin slightly. It set her off--her body arching harshly, as her muscles completely tensed and flexed, and she screamed; orgasming around him, and thrashing wildly, moaning his name in whimpers and screams.

Depression moaned loudly, and his cock seemed to pulse; as he himself ejaculated--pushing a very thick, and large amount of sperm into her through a long stream.

It was too much for her to keep inside of her, already filled to the limit with the size of him alone, and some ran out of her; even so, the feeling of his erection pulsing inside of her, and releasing his sperm, sent her automatically into another intense orgasm; her walls spasming, almost trying to milk him of everything he had, to bring her ultimate pleasure.

And instantly, he did it again as well--spilling even more into her, and screaming in a very animal way. She whimpered, still deep in pleasure, her eyes rolling somewhat with the intensity of it--feeling almost faint. He growled, and panted, his canines showing, glistening from his mouth.

She gazed at him, shuddering, pushing her hips up to him slowly; weak with pleasure and then again just plain weak. Depression stared at her, and leaned forward; carefully pressing his mouth to hers, and kissing her--much like he would if he were human.

Glycerin moaned sensually into his mouth, bringing her hands up, and placing them on his neck; gripping into his fur and kissing him back, as much as she could. He smiled; showing his canines, and opened his mouth, sliding his tongue gently against her lips, and feeling her. She moaned quietly, parting her lips, her whole body slumping in weakness but still trying to keep going.

Depression slowed his thrusting, and his body loosened. He pulled his tongue away, and stared at her, softly panting, and watching. She gazed at him, her eyes glazed heavily, but she lifted her hand from his neck; placing it on top of his muzzle, and stroking it softly. He whined, a soft whimper--showing obvious affection, and liking towards her touch.

She smiled gently, and slid herself up against him; planting small kisses on his muzzle and snout, while sliding her hands back into his fur. He shuddered, and smiled, licking her as if he were a puppy. She sighed contently, shutting her eyes, and giggling softly; so adoring of him, and not able to resist the urge to wrap her arms around his neck and hug him like he was a big stuffed animal.

He smiled, and nuzzled his head against her, like any pet might do. Only he was...well, in better terms--a pet that happened to be her lover. Her hands traveled over his skull, cupping his ears, and running her cold hands up the length of them; laughing quietly, and still pressing her body to his lovingly. Depression liked it...he liked feeling like a pet. He liked the way she looked at him, when he was like adoring, like he was her pet. He liked being treated like that...her laugh made him smile, bigger than he could normally, and his left ear twitched gently, out of his happiness.

This made her laugh again, almost like a small child, because of the pure adoration in her tone could really only be matched by the innocence of a small child in the wake of a dangerous animal.

Depression barked a quiet laugh, and licked her cheek again, wagging his tail gently, and pushing his hips forward. She groaned slightly, still smiling though, and running her hands over the parts of his body she could reach; basically limited to his front legs and shoulders.

He smiled, and thrust softly again, sighing against her cheek, and licking her again playfully. She moaned softly, grabbing handfuls of his fur, and pushing her hips back to him gently; tilting her head down to rest her chin against her chest, and pressing her head into his body, pressing her chest up against his.

He moaned, and then paused; glancing at her with a smile in his eyes, rather than on his face, and very gently pulling out of her. She groaned, her eyes widening some as he pulled out of her; feeling more empty than ever before. Her body, trembling, shakily let down her hips; finally coming to rest on the bed.

Depression backed up, and pressed his lips to her stomach, sliding his very long tongue out of his mouth, and sliding it against her icy skin. She sighed, her body trembling constantly, and watched him without lifting her head; raising her hand, and placing it on his head, but not doing anything else.

He moved down, and paused right above her hips, before moving down again to the right, and across the surface of her thigh. Glycerin tensed minutely, and spread her thighs without really thinking about it, sighing softly and maybe just a bit excitedly. Depression grinned, never even dreaming he'd be able to do this, as a wolf. He felt a little more natural, this way, the same time, turned on.

He kissed her thigh, and then bent his head forward; kissing her inner thigh, close to her groin. Her thighs parted more, naturally wanting to give him more room; and to encourage him to continue. Depression growled, and parted his jaws, spreading them between her legs, and resting his bottom teeth on either side of her slit, while his top teeth rested against the skin above her groin.

Glycerin's eyes widened fully, and her pupil slits thinned; her lower back arching barely, wanting the touch of his tongue on her.

Depression moaned, the taste of her filling his mouth, already there, before he'd even touched her. He growled, and clamped very gently; surprised at how easy it was, to bite down, rather being used to his human form. He pressed his tongue to her, warm, and smooth--and slid it inside, finding it much easier to push in, as he clamped down on her.

The moan that came from her was both shocked and extremely sinuous.

"God, Depression...oh god...yes..." she lifted her front half with her abdomen, putting her arms behind her with her forearms against the ground to hold herself up, and tilted her head down to stare at him feverishly.

Depression moaned, sliding his large, smooth tongue in and out of her, and feeling the lubrication wrap around him as he moved in and out of her. She screamed his name quietly, shuddering, and bending her neck backwards to stare at the ceiling; shutting her eyes, and gritting her teeth in the pleasure.

He moaned again, his tongue just about as big as his penis in human form slipping against everything inside of her, and tasting as well. He curled his tongue, and slid it against the top of her inside, slipping over her clit, and scooping whatever lubrication he could, and swallowing.

She continued to shudder almost helplessly, her breasts heaving up and down with her deep trembling breathing, loving the feel of his tongue in her. He himself, was breathing hard--his own chest pumping for air, and thriving for more when he got any. He paused, and left his tongue in her; breathing through his nose for a moment, before continuing to gently thrash inside of her.

"Yes, baby...Oh Depression...come on...please...oohhhh..." she moaned, her body convulsing and tensing.

He growled playfully, and rested his paws against the sides of her rear; stretching his body out, and then sucking from her; tightening his tongue up.

Her body arched harshly, her thighs and body tensing, even digging her fingers into the bed as her slit contracted around him; spasming on his tongue, and sending more lubrication through her at her pleasure. Depression's body hardened, and he felt his lower body tighten up; almost too sudden for him to stop. His eyes widened, and their golden, pupil-less status showed his obvious excitement.

She hardly noticed--riding his tongue for the maximum amount of pleasure as she groaned and shuddered. Depression moaned, his voice scratchy and animal like; and he thrusted his tongue towards her; groaning again, as his lower body started to harden, and become almost painful.

Finally she started to come down from her high, groaning lowly, and shuddering; slumping back down onto the bed, and breathing raggedly. Over her own breathing, though, she heard his groan, and looked down her body at him--understanding, and wanting to help him. He slid his tongue half way out of her, and licked around the outside of her slit; trying to ignore it, and trying to fight it--shuddering, and smirking a little wildly at what he felt.

She groaned, letting him lick her for a moment, before pulling away; pulling her legs under her, and sitting in front of him, breathing still laborously. Depression stood up, his back legs shaking, and smirked at her; more than just a bit hyped. She smirked back at him, blushing--and leaned forwards onto her palms so she was on her hands and knees, and turned; half showing her rear to him.

His eyes glowed, and he stared at her; lifting his body fully from the bed; so that he was standing--much taller, than he would be on hands and knees. He looked desperate, and his back legs shook gently.

She slid her tail to the side, revealing her slit to him, looking over her shoulder at him; her body trembling in anticipation, and almost nervousness, as she backed up to him just slightly.

Depression groaned again, and his body seemed to have froze; but he pulled himself over her gently; touching the underside of his body to her, so that his tip automatically touched softly to her slit. She gasped quietly, letting her head droop down between her shoulders slightly, gazing down at the bed and shuddering gently; pushing back on him very gently.

Depression felt himself shudder, almost not even aware of himself doing so; and gently thrusted forward, clawing the bed. She let out a sharp groan, her body shuddering again and somewhat tense with the anticipation, and pressed back to him; helping him push into her, but still gently.

Depressions body hardened even further, and his muscle hardened; making him feel almost like a rock, as he pushed--growling low.

She stretched around him once again, the feeling making her moan and want to thrash, somehow managing to keep calm as he pushed into her further. He pulled one paw forward, and rested it against her shoulder, for leverage, as he pulled finally all the way in; pressing his stomach to her lower back, and groaning loudly.

She groaned softly, lovingly, loving the feel of him so deep inside of her; arching her back to feel his stomach to hers, and at the same time pressing back fully on him.

Depression growled loudly, and thrusted into her; repetitive in his motions, and gently licked her spine; slowly moving towards her neck.

Glycerin's body trembled, and she kept her head hung between her shoulders; exposing the back of her neck, and for that reason especially, feeling extremely dominated by him in this position--not even allowed to see him, only be used by him.

He himself felt extremely powered, and like he could pretty much do anything; thrusting into her with just a slightly higher amount of pressure, and deeper than he was before. He slid his tongue against the back of her neck, and then down her shoulder, kissing her in between.

Her skin was still cool under his tongue, and the feel of the warm texture of his tongue sliding against her skin turned her on further in coupling with his movements. She whimpered quietly, moving her hips back on him when he thrusted forwards, driving him in deeply.

His body shuddered, and he wrapped a large paw around her stomach, pulling himself in slow, and deep, while licking gently against her ear, and kissing her.

She lifted her head then, just halfway, and groaned; tilting her head to the side, to feel him against the side of her face.

"Yes..." she moaned, hardly even aware that she did; encouraging his movements, loving the slow and deep thrusts, almost more than when he did fast.

He growled, and pulled his head back; smelling her hair, and pressing his teeth against her head; almost just playing with her. She moaned, and cringed even though she wasn't scared in the least, and actually pressed back to him a little harder at the feel.

He growled softly, and bit her hair, pulling his head down, and her head up; moaning softly, and holding himself in deep against her walls.

Her neck arched as she lifted her head with his pull, her back caving in the arch, pressing her hips back to him in reaction to the motion with another moan.

Depression let go of her hair, and opened his mouth, pressing his teeth against her scalp again, and thrusting in slowly. His endurance, to her, seemed incredible; that he could mate her (it was the term that entered her head without her really thinking about it) so many times, and still have enough in him to want to do it again. Her body felt weak, dazed, as if one more orgasm would leave her in a faint--but at the same time, not even entirely sure he could give her another one in her current state. But he sure felt ready to--actually straining, because he knew he was about to.

She smiled to herself, moaning out his name, and urging him on softly--knowing he was close. His body froze, and he completely tightened up; growling long, and pressing as far into her as he could; not even making it all the way, before he'd ejaculated-- shuddering hard, and feeling it spill out of her, onto the bed.

She moaned his name in a long, drawn out breath, her head wanting to fall forwards again, and unable to keep her eyes from closing. But she smiled, and groaned, still getting great pleasure from him releasing into her, loving the fact that she could please him like that.

Depression's legs shook; and he pressed down on her--not able to hold himself up. He'd been completely drained, and even his ears were pressed against the top of his head. For a while, they just stayed like that--neither one of them too urgent to move, or to able.

Depression laid his large head against her shoulder; and sighed heavily, shuddering dearly. She tilted her head back to him, breathing in soft whimpers, the breath forced from her as if she was having trouble with it. Depression glanced down at her, and didn't even give second thought; pressing a paw against her, and giving her the rest of all of the energy he had, to her. Then his eyes closed, and he started to breathe in a tired pattern; not exactly even awake.

Glycerin sighed, instantly breathing easier, but still amazingly tired. Pulling her hips forwards softly, she let him slide out of her, maneuvering her body out from under him. He lay motionless on the bed; only opening his eyes to slivers, to watch her tiredly. She kind of slumped over, laying there for a moment just as motionless, before getting back to her hands and knees and crawling back over to his side; slumping against him, her eyes shut.

Depression shut his eyes; and didn't even bother to turn back into a human. He lay there--asleep in less than twenty seconds.