Addiction - Chapter Eleven: The Little Games

Story by Rufus01 on SoFurry

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#11 of Addiction

When we last left Alex and Dustin in the forest, something very important happened, something incredibly taboo and irreversible. What one could stretch and call belated teenage exploration and curiosity has been punctuated with something well beyond the capacity to cover up as such. A barrier has been broken. There is no going back. Alex got to feel what a female orgasm feels like, but the entertainment came included with lifetime membership in the club of the incestuous. Now she has to adjust to life carrying around that invisible card through her home, the halls of her school, and indeed everywhere she goes. The only proof is a memory, but it's as vivid as a movie, a scar, a scarlet letter. Chapter Eleven: Alex files for moral bankruptcy.

This is a work of fiction that will contain graphic incest between consenting adult characters. All characters are 100% fictional. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental.

The consequences of what happened up in the forest are indeed bearing down on Alex, but surprisingly they are not as harsh as they should be. How will she adjust to life now that she is carrying around that card? Did the first and effective rush of serotonin get her hooked? Is there something deeper in play? Are the emotions she's feeling the beginnings of a crush? Find out on this and next week's chapter of Addiction!


Chapter Eleven

The Little Games


Rufus Quentin

October, 1998

It definitely became a very strange feeling, walking through our house, down the halls of our school, talking to my friends between classes, keeping a very illicit secret to myself. For the next day and for the next week I rode a metaphorical roller coaster, riding the highs and lows of what could only be a turning point. Whatever I felt seemed too difficult to process, though I interrogated it during daydreams. It felt like the early days of a crush, a hope that my brother was thinking about me as much as I thought about him, that he wasn't put off by the fact we were related, and that maybe, just maybe, he would want to do what I let happened happen again. Despite the rush I knew it was a dead end; that something like a relationship was beyond impractical, it was forbidden by law and culture. I told myself I didn't even want it, but nonetheless I found myself weaving what-if scenarios in which it did play out. It had been a long time since I felt that intoxicating mélange of emotions, the hope, the anxiety, and the light euphoria as if spring had come six months early.

"What's gotten into you?" Said Bryn on a Thursday afternoon just after school. Dustin absconded to work, leaving me stranded on campus. The greyhound offered me a ride, but she was in no hurry to get home. I was familiar with her highly Christian parents and their rather strict practices. I didn't blame her for wanting to bide a few more hours away from home. If it weren't a weeknight, I'd have offered her to spend the night. For the moment we sat in the library, if one could call it that, doing homework together. Luckily it was just her and I and I didn't have to worry about guarding my words like I had to among all the others.

"What do you mean?" I asked, cracking the lead of my pencil on my math homework.

"First you're all distracted. This week you've been all bouncy. I'd almost say you're glowing. Anything you want to tell me?"

"Nothing to tell," I said, worried that some sudden facial vasodilation may betray some truth I would have liked to omit from conversation. I swept my ears back in a humble gesture, keeping from view the redness inside.

"The girls think you're crushing," Bryn said, flat out.

"I'm not. I told you I haven't met anybody new this year," I said, which was technically true.

"Didn't think so. Usually those things are hard to hide. No real reason for you to try an hide it anyway. You've wanted it and we want you to find it. That was my argument, anyway."

I chuckled a nervous little expression of relief. "Would mean we wouldn't see as much of each other," I said, trying to change the topic.

Bryn smiled. "True," she said. "They are a distraction aren't they?"

"Yea," I said, sharpening my pencil to a finer point. I slyly swept the shavings onto the floor.

"Glad you're happy though," Bryn said, "or at least you really seem to be. Guys aren't everything and the pickings here are slim to begin with."

"Oh, I'm over it." I said, and scribbled a flower onto the margins of my assignment. "I've made peace with my situation and maybe that explains my behavior."

"Good," she said, "I'm glad you're finding your stride without them. It makes me happy to see this side of you. Devil may care, right?"

I chuckled. "Right," I said, "That's what being a senior is all about."

"Have you decided where you're going to go yet?" Bryn asked, thankfully on a new topic.

"I've decided where I'm going to apply. You?"

"Locals," Bryn said. "My dad is pushing some religious schools on me. Probably gonna end up at one of those."

"Where do you want to go?"

Bryn shrugged. "Someplace with an open mind. Preferably out of state."

"My number one is Brown."

"Why Brown?"

"Good reputation. It's a big school. They've got an excellent pre-med department and everything else is good in case I change my mind. Plus I never want to go to Harvard or Yale."

"Me neither," said Bryn. "What's number two?"

"Duke and UNC Chapel Hill are tied. Chapel Hill is a lot cheaper. Then maybe Emory and Johns Hopkins, but both of those are really expensive. I'll probably just end up at UWV if money is really tight."

"Maybe I'll add some of those to my list. Might have to sneak out an application though."

"Are your parents really that strict?" I asked as if I needed too.

Bryn just wordlessly nodded, ears drooped. "They're just paranoid," she said after a while. "I don't blame them. They love me so they want to protect me. And you do hear a lot of crazy things that happen on campuses. That and they are all so political."

"Yea," I chuckled, "I'm sure a lot of parents worry about their kids coming back as lesbian, or worse, Democrat."

"Or informed," added Bryn, a very brief smile curling her lips.

I smiled as well and went back to my homework.

"How about Dustin?" Bryn asked after a while. Again the question went straight to the flesh.

"Why do you ask?" I said, reordering my cards so I could play them carefully.

"You've been spending a lot of time with him recently. I figured you two buried the hatchet."

"I guess you can say we did," I said, which again was no lie. "Not having a ride sucks so we've been forced to make up, but in retrospect that thing was probably the cause of a lot of our fights."

"Is he going to college?"

"I don't know," I said and shrugged. "I hope he decides to."

"He doesn't have super bad grades, does he?"

"Well, math and science aren't really his subjects, but everything else is decent. He's good in History if it interests him. Overall, he's doing a lot better this year. Not flunking anything."

"Good," Bryn said and got back to work. "Haven't seen much of him around recently either," she continued after a few moments silence.

"He got a job," I added.

"Good for him," she said. Again a pause ensued, albeit a briefer one. "Has he found anyone yet?"

I sighed and felt a peculiar pain as if anxiety could work physical discomfort. "How should I know?" I said, somewhat curt.

Bryn didn't respond and I suddenly felt bad. I found myself searching for words that could do damage control but wouldn't really give away too much of the unspeakable. "I'm pretty sure he's single, but I can't play matchmaker. I'm sorry. I'm sure Dustin isn't the kind of guy who would broker me off to his friends and I'm not really comfortable doing the same to him, even though of everybody I wouldn't mind seeing you with him. You two would make a cute couple, but it's up to Dustin." Everything felt very difficult to say.

"I understand," Bryn said, "say no more. By the way, I'm having difficulty finding the derivative here, can you take a look?"

"Sure," I said, still anxious. We traded pages and worked on each other's solutions. "Besides. your parents would hate him," I added halfway into proofreading.

"That's the point," the greyhound said, lifting her long elegant muzzle my way in order to show off a sly grin.

My ears flicked nervously as I pretended not to see my girlfriend's mental clockwork unfold, but it was too late. I smiled and nodded in a gesture of well-wishing indifference, but that's not how I felt inside. It took me a few years to interpret it, to call the weird emptiness what it was; jealousy. Bryn could have Dustin and I couldn't, despite the physical acts my brother and I practiced on the sly. Beneath that superficial bit of selfishness lay something else, something far more disquieting. I wanted it to happen again. I was hooked. Lost in my own contradictions. Bryn was my last hope. Only she could rescue me from pursuing incest with Dustin. Unfortunately, that was the last thing I wanted.

The next week I spotted Bryn and Dustin walking side by side down the hall. Even with my ears perked I couldn't hear what they said to one another. It could have been casual, it could have been salacious. I didn't know. All I remember was the sudden wish to melt into a little puddle and cease to exist. A few days after that Amanda took her turn to accost him. She intercepted him at the bus stop just after seventh period before I could get there. I froze and observed them both from a distance. My brother nodded every once in a while as the Lynx chattered away. After a while the both of them walked away from the bus stop and over to the senior parking lot. I warned myself not to be a stalker, but I followed them anyway. Dustin climbed in Amanda's truck and in a moment both travelled on their way off campus and down the highway. I vacillated between seething resentment and under-the-table deal making with a seldom appealed to deity on the bus ride and the lonely and irksome two-mile hike to our front door. Dustin waited for me kitchen, halfway through a coke and the reassembly of a handgun.

"What was that all about?" I asked as I pulled out and dumped my textbooks onto the kitchen table.

"What was what about?" Dustin replied.

I bit my tongue. My next words were more carefully chosen as not to give away that a certain collie had not shadowed her sibling and hidden behind a juniper bush as not to be caught spying. "Didn't see you at the bus stop today."

"Your girlfriend gave me a ride."

"Which one?"

"What is she a lynx? Bobcat?"



"What you guys talk about?"

"We planned out this awesome marathon sex-session this weekend. It's gonna be radical."

"Bodacious." I said, recognizing sarcasm as I heard it.


I got to work on my calculus or at least I tried, knowing I wasn't going to get a better answer out of Dustin. Halfway through Dustin joined me in doing homework, pulling out some algebra for me to proof for him. I did the corrections and explained the mistakes, but I could tell he wasn't listening.

"She bores the piss out of me," he interrupted somewhere around question eight.

"Who?" I said, giving up.

"Amanda," he said. "She won't leave me alone. Offered me a ride like four times this week. Jesus H. Christ."

"Well, she is cute," I said, fishing for a little more info.

"I'll give her a seven outta ten," he said.

"What about Bryn and all the others?" I asked.

"Bryn's an eight, because I'm not just counting looks, but she's a bit too holy roller for me. Hate to drag a girl like that into whatever layer of hell I'm destined for."

"That's open for debate, but I'm sure you at least have a studio apartment reserved for you in circle number two."

"I'm movin' on up," Dustin said and smirked, "Rumor has it the doe is taken. The mare hasn't bothered me much and Jennifer, the bear. No. no. no. I'll paw myself raw before I stick it in that passive aggressive sack of negativity."

"She approaches you?"

"She's worse than Amanda. I've pretty much given her all the polite hints I can to take a hike. How much will it cost to reserve the billboard on highway 152 between the creek and the gas station?"

I chuckled, a little bit at ease.

"Can you tell 'em to lay off?"

"I can try," I said, as if I hadn't already.

"That way you can stop being jealous," he said and smirked.

"Why should I be jealous?" I asked.

"You've already gotten the treatment they've all been after."

"Shhh," I hushed, glaring at my brother. "Not here."

"Come on. Brandon's upstairs."

"Just don't. Don't say anything about what happened here."

"If you say so."

"Please." I said, "I just don't want to get caught."

"We won't, but speaking of which, wouldn't this be a bit more fun outdoors."

I took a second to contemplate, then another to feign a difficult decision. In the end I nodded. "But after math."

That mere suggestion broke my concentration. I fidgeted on the tiny kindling of excitement, unwittingly drawing out my homework and delaying myself from the reward. The first time it happened, I thought it was a fluke; a mistake caused by a little too much curiosity and repressed sexual energy. Then it happened again, I am loath to admit, after I intentionally orchestrated a similar scenario, but without repression as an excuse. After a third time of having to peer down my naked body and seeing my very own brother pressing his muzzle upon my vulva, watching his tongue dash between my folds, the energy to fight the compulsion melted as is if lapped up by the very same motions of Dustin's tongue. As I lay there post orgasmic with my brother ceaselessly hard at work with his tongue slithering between my occasionally jerking labia, warming me up to the possibility of a second climax, I decided that if this were the new normal, certain ground rules would have to be set.

If he wanted to get pawed off, if he wanted to see his sister naked, and if he wanted to taste me, he would have to do some work. There would have to be order. It started off simple with wordless consensus. I made him do his homework before I reached into his pants and took out his sheath. Then I made a game of things when the work of the semester piled up. I'd lose an article of clothing for every job well done, or I'd let him lose one of his. The choice was left up to him. Only when we were finished, when all the chores and assignments were done to the best of their ability, would I let his muzzle disappear between my legs and his tongue chase after whatever it was about me that tasted so good.

That's how it would happen, again, and again, and again. I would pack up my homework at night, go to school in the morning, and almost every afternoon my brother had off, he and I would return to the forest where we would lose our clothes, and where without failing, he would volunteer to pleasure me. His muzzle would so intimately end up buried between my thighs. For weeks as October progressed, he would lick me cleaner than I've ever felt before and have me singing and writhing in climax. After he'd gotten me off and I still felt aroused, I'd paw him off and let him cum in my paw. Needless to say his grades improved dramatically. Gone were the Cs and Fs, in came As and Bs, even in his difficult subjects. I wasn't quite sure if what I was doing was ethical, it sure as hell wasn't moral, but since it was consensual, effective, and the both of us enjoyed it, I let it continue to happen.

For the most part he was content in our agreement. A little bit of oral and a little bit of pawing for his commitment to his homework. I knew boys pretty well, so it didn't surprise me when one day he asked me after he'd had his fun going down on me and I was reciprocating. We were there buck naked with our backs leaning against a log upon the quilt in our usual spot. My brother sat there with his thighs wide apart. His venous cock pointed straight up, as hard and as knotted as I ever saw it. He stared down at the sight of my paw sliding up and down his maleness. His own rested in my lap, his palm concealing my furless vulva, occasionally allowing a finger to pass through the lips he just finished spending a half hour cleaning. The entire length of his muzzle still looked soaked in my ejaculate. He breathed heavily, and occasionally bucked up into my grasp. My arm was starting to feel tired, so I let my fingers reaffirmed their grasp around his girth, switching from long strokes to shorter, easier tugs along his canine tip and the sensitive spots just under the crown of his glans. Both my paw and his length were wet with pre. It seemed his turn was imminent.

"Hey sis," he huffed.

"What?" I said, breathing heavily myself.

"Have you ever thought about going down on a guy?"

Though I expected him to ask any day, it still hit me with that rather apprehensive feeling that I'd gotten myself into a situation I didn't want to be in. My paw slowed down as I grew distracted. "I have," I honestly replied, my fingers stopping and playing with the base of his length where his shaft transitioned into the large orb of his knot.

"I'm not asking you to, I'm just wondering," he clarified.

My fingers spread as they slid around my brother's knot, paw-pads idly caressing that firm warm bulge. "Yea you are. Back when I was dating Riley and he was starting to drop hints about possibly doing something together, something like this," I said, giving Dustin a fill length stroke. "He started by hinting for me to go down on him the same way you are."

"You said you never did anything with him."

"I didn't," I confirmed, "not even anything like what I've let you do, but he asked for it in the roundabout way boys do, like you're doing. So if you ask me if I thought about it, then yes, I have. I seriously contemplated it."

"Why didn't you?" Dustin asked, not seeming to mind that the pawing I was giving him wasn't gonna get him off at that rate.

"A lot of reasons. I thought I was too young. I didn't really bond with him either. That and I don't really like the idea of, you know, sucking cock. It's vulgar. Perhaps if he took the route you did, I may have gotten intimate with him. Maybe let him touch me, get some naked photographs from me, maybe even go down on me, but no. The first thought through his mind was to get the bitch to give him head and that ruined it for him."

"Sorry," Dustin said.

"Don't be. I'm glad I didn't suck that dumb dog's cock," I replied and continued my job, picking up the pace again. I had him edging close to climax within a few minutes, his pre practically poured from his slit, easing my rapid strokes. It was true that I didn't like the idea of giving head, but I continued to think about it, as I had for many months. Since my brother and I had gotten intimate those thoughts were thrust into the inside lane of my attention. I kind of owed it to him, I thought, trying and failing to count the exact number of times he'd gone down on me without qualm. Boys were different, though. You suggest something sexual, and they do it without question. I at least had to warm up on the idea. Under the right conditions, in the right context, with the right person the idea didn't seem so bad, enticing even. What if I could orchestrate those conditions with my brother? "I'm still thinking about it," I said, just as I'd found another sensitive spot around the ridges of Dustin' tip.

"It doesn't have to be today," Dustin huffed, breathing out short sentences as he visibly got closer. "I'd like it. I'll be honest. If you want to try it. It's your call."

"We'll see," I said, as I redoubled me efforts and concentrated on getting my brother off. In those last moments I performed the quicker, shaft-long strokes, twisting my wrist around his tip, the technique I learned from watching him successfully tend to himself before. The idea of fitting a cock in my muzzle was still a foreign concept, let alone my brother's. I wondered what he would taste like. Would he be clean or musky? How would pre taste? Cum? Would I swallow? All questions circulated in my mind as my paw gripped his smooth, venous surface, appraising him in the first ever moment I considered going down on a guy. In seconds he was throbbing, gasping out a sigh, bucking upward into my paw. I felt him pulse, watched the first jets of his pearly white cum shoot from his tip and arch onto his belly. My movements slowed, gripping down at the base of his shaft where I could feel his seed course through him in rhythmic bursts. Dustin groaned and vented breath as if he just won a race. I hummed in approval and vicarious satisfaction while I watched with curiosity as my brother's sperm accumulated on his fur and on my wrist, marking me in a very personal way.

We both breathed deeply just seconds later, since boy's climaxes tend to be over quick. Getting Dustin off was always a bit of a workout for me. Knowing what I know about guys I'm surprised not every dude has ripped biceps. Even with my tired arm I'd hold onto him until the final twitch. The last of his pungent semen oozed out his tip and ran down his shaft in a viscous cascade, ultimately catching in the fur of my fingers. I was reminded of the spit or swallow debate my friends and I used to joke about at slumber parties. Back then I didn't know too much about the substance, aside from the fact that it got you pregnant. I'd only recently been exposed to its qualities, texture, and scent, which made those conversations a bit more relatable and made their talking points a little closer to home. If it tasted anything like it smelled like, I doubted if I could swallow.

"You serious about going down on me?" Dustin asked, as soon as he recuperated enough to address me.

I let go of his softening girth and flexed my paws. His cum webbed between my fingers. I was in no hurry to brush it off. I looked over into his lap, and my brother's oozing, semi erect, and relatively funny looking male canine member, then up at his face. "All I said is I'll think about it," I said, gazing into his wide, expectant eyes, and the little shimmer of post-ejaculatory haze.

"Don't do it because you think you owe me," he said, "I love going down on you. I don't expect any sort of repayment from that. All I want is for you to keep letting me."

"I know," I said, bringing my paw close enough to my muzzle to catch a whiff of Dustin's scent, but not too close as to appear showing that was what I was doing. "I'll keep letting you, so long as your grades are up. We'll put a rain check on that whole going down on you thing, okay? I'm not saying no, but I really, genuinely need to sleep on it."

Sleep on it I did, a couple of nights, a week or more. Our habits didn't change during that time. Dustin brought home his SAT registration form the next week, showing me he was signed up for the first round of testing on the same day as I. I practiced with him every day, usually with the same incentives I'd been utilizing to boost his GPA. I was proud of him for signing up, and I wanted him to get a good enough score not to discourage him from taking it again, or from applying for college altogether, so I made sure he knew his stuff. I'd work with him in our little spot, on the same blanket we fooled around upon. One day I had an idea on how to reward him, one I didn't want to share with him until it was time. I couldn't believe my own thoughts as I realized I was planning on it. It scared me, but the day I'd go through with it had arrived.

"Okay, very good," I said, pulling my hoodie off over my head. It was the first sacrifice of the new little game we played. It was a bit chilly out, but not cool enough to make me miss it.

"Nice," Dustin said, wasting little time moving to the next equation. He scribbled for a few moments, erased, and began again. After a minute he handed his sheet to me.

My eyes scanned his process and I nodded. "Correct. What do you want off?"

"Pants," he said, smiling.

"Of course you do, but let's just start with the belt." I pulled it off and handed it to him.

The next question took him three tries, and each time he said "fuck," but got back to work without further complaint. When he found success, I found myself reaching for my pant-buttons.

"Now solve for Y," I said, slipping out of my jeans.

"Those are the really hard ones. We haven't even gotten to those yet."

"You can do 'em."

"I'd rather try one more of these."

"Okay, but you'll have to finish through question 20 to be worth my shirt."

"Fine," he said, getting to work. It didn't take him as long as I thought for him to finish. Sure enough all looked correct.

"You're getting the hang of this," I said, handing his worksheet back.

"You're a good teacher."

"I hope your teachers aren't doing this for you," I said, peeling off my t-shirt and dropping it upon my previous offerings.

Dustin chuckled and got started on the more difficult set. "This one's for your bra," he said.

"Fine, but only if it's right the first time." I hugged my knees and quietly waited for him. It definitely felt odd sitting there in my underwear, bribing my brother with nudity. I still had to see if I would even be in the mood for what I was planning, but only if he made it as far.

Dustin scribbled some more, erased, wrote another line. I could actually tell he was proofing his answer. Progress, I thought, watching with interest. "Here," he said, after a long moment, passing along the nearly half-page equation. Sure enough every line looked correct and graph looked solid.

"Good work. On the first time too."

"Hand em over!"

"Don't ya want to wait? You're on a role and I don't want to distract you."

"My mind's already in the gutter. Might as well lose it now."

"Fair enough," I said, unlatching the back strap to my bra. I uncovered my breasts for Dustin and gave him a moment to look me over.

"Rawr," he said, in what I'd come to take as a compliment.

"Now get back to work, I want to see the rest done."

"Fine," he said, putting pencil to paper.

He could concentrate if he wanted to and all things considered he did a good job. His next set of answers weren't all correct. I knelt beside him, bare topped, in nothing but boxers, and coached him through each question, asking him questions through each hang up. My near nakedness didn't seem to bother him. With the last question finished and proofed, I had no choice left but to slip off my boxers and hand them to him as prize.

"That's all of them!" He said, slamming the book shut and grinning at me.

"Not so fast," I said. "Can you do functions?"

"I hate functions."

"But you know of them?"

"Yea, from last the last time I took algebra II."

"They're probably next."

"They're coming up."

"Can you do some for me? I can guarantee you they'll be on the SATs."

"I guess so."

"If you can get some right for me, I'll do that thing we've been talking about," I said, hardly believing the words coming out of my mouth. I wasn't quite sure if I should feel slutty for being the one to bring it up, or for offering it for something as trivial as a few correct functions. I think the truth was that it had taken quite a while for me to psych myself up for it, and seeing my brother working as hard as he was made me think that today was as good a day as any to return the favor.

"You sure?" Dustin asked, his ears perking in a confusing mix of interest and apprehension. "I didn't think you wanted to do that."

"I'm thinking about it," I said. "Besides, you have to get them correct."

"I can try," he said, flipping open the book and paging to the next chapter. "I don't want this to ruin what what's going on. I'll only agree to this if you promise to keep letting me go down on you, even if it's not the best experience."

"I promise," I said. "If I like it I like it, if I don't well, I'll have tried it."

"Suit yourself," Dustin said and quickly took out a fresh leaf of paper and read the guide carefully. He asked me a few clarification questions before he even got to work. A pile of crumpled up attempts grew beside him. It took him four tries to get the first one to me. It proved correct.

"Good, now questions two and three. That's all you have to do."

Two also came through correct, but three had an error. According to our deal I wasn't obligated to do anything. The error was a small one, a simple order of operations slip up. I remembered how much I struggled on functions when I learned them. I just took my pencil, made the necessary corrections and handed the sheet back to him.

"Was it alright?" he asked, ears perked.

"Yea," I said, "close enough. It's really impressive how far you've come along."

"It's getting a lot easier."

"It shows, you're getting the fundamentals now. If anything is getting to tough, you just have to take a step back and figure out what's not working. Once you understand that you can move ahead to the tougher things, since they all sort of link into one another."

"Alex," Dustin said. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

I chuckled, almost forgetting my nakedness. I took in a deep breath and exhaled it, seriously debating backing out. I had a reason to, but at the same time I kind of felt obligated, and yes, curiosity was a factor too. "I'll still do it," I said, nodding once more in affirmation.

"You sure?"

"Yes," I exhaled.

We looked at each other. He still wore clothes and I lay totally naked. It seemed like an odd imbalance with a simple solution, oddly one Dustin took his time to rectify. He slowly began to strip, obviously not expecting me to follow through. I shifted on my side and gave him as good a view of myself as I could offer. I tried to mimic one of the poses out of his magazines, but I just felt silly in it. Instead I tried something natural, breasts exposed, legs parted just enough to suggest rather than give an explicit view of what interested him. I watched the pile of his clothes grow as he joined me in nudity, surprised by a visceral twinge of excitement as his certainly covetable physique came into view. There wasn't any part of him I hadn't seen before, but simply seeing him undress, just for me, felt electric.

Dustin slipped his boxers down his hips and stepped out of them, giving me a full frontal view. "How do you want me?" He said, standing visibly self-conscious and unsure of what to do with his naked self.

"Any way that's comfortable," I said, closing my legs for fear of showing off just how aroused I had become.

"How about this?" He said, taking a seat on the blanket where he stood. He sat on his tail and reclined slightly, bracing himself on his paws. His legs parted in my direction, leaving no obstacles between myself and his sheath.

"Should work," I said, my eyes gracing his features before I dared to move. I crawled on all fours in his direction, between his parted knees.

"Just because I did it for you doesn't mean you have to do it for me. I know how you feel about it and it doesn't matter either way."

"I think I'm ready. I kind of want to try it, at least once. You know?"

"If you don't like it you can always stop. I won't mind. I'm actually pretty happy just pawing together or going down on you."

I chuckled nervously, facing my brother's sheath and aware of the absurdity of the situation. "I'm not sure what to expect. I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

"Go ahead then, I just want you to enjoy it as much as I enjoy what I do. You know."

"I'll try," I said, realizing a moment later that it may have come across as a little insulting. "It helps that it's with you," I continued in damage control, offering a smile.

He smiled too, "I'm glad," he said. "It means a lot that you're even gonna try it."

I looked down between his legs, charging myself for the decisive moment. I reached out and caressed Dustin's presented maleness, letting my paw-pads brush his pubic fur and the softer fuzz of his sheath and balls. The feeling was nothing new. Thanks to our exploration I'd already grown acquainted with the, in my opinion, weird and impractical anatomy of the opposite sex. Only my intentions differed this time. I tugged on his warm sheath a little, feeling the contents through the fur and thin layer of skin.

I smiled up at him, trying my best to look comforting and sexy. Even though Dustin usually instigated most of our transgressions he seemed apprehensive this time, nervous for a reason I couldn't understand. He always felt protective of me, as he still does now. Despite all the things we both did wrong leading up to that moment, maybe this time he thought he was asking for too much. I leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the nose, one of the smaller pecks we both felt comfortable giving each other.

My thumb rubbed his sheath in a slow and sensual circle. I could feel his cock firm and swell within, growing in my paw as the moments passed. We both looked down when I tugged back his sheath, exposing his pink tip to our eyes. "Good boy," I said, chuckling at the silliness of my chosen words. I just couldn't think of anything else to say. He bucked into my paw in reply.

"Not that good," he said, letting his lips curl into a sly smile.

"That so?"

"Did I tell ya I learned algebra to get a girl naked?"

"She must have trained you just right."

"Or maybe I trained her," he said with his ears perked, "and you know what else?"


"Don't tell anyone this, but I've been up studying really late."

"For what?"

"For this," he bucked into my paw.

"That so?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I don't know if that makes you good or bad."

"Let's just call it the good kind of bad."

I chuckled softly, my paw never leaving my brother. I began to rub him with his own sheath, coaxing him out with deliberate touch. It didn't take him long to start to peek. After an inch or two of red and pink flesh emerged I figured it was time for me to get to business. He just smiled at me with no particular look of urgency, but I didn't need to read his mind to know he was holding back how much he wanted it. I took a deep breath and inched a little closer, still unsure if I wanted to go through with it or not. I tugged down his sheath once more to reveal his canine form. My finger-pads brushed along the details of his tip and down the smooth venous girth along his urethral ridge. I took in his scent, the musky male aroma I recognized from when we were close. It seemed denser now, purely sexual, and very real.

I shut my eyes and let my muzzle descend, closing the few inches between us. I kissed the very tip of Dustin's cock, my lips pressing lightly upon his canine skin. After a moment spent drawing upon all remaining reservoirs of courage I let his vein-speckled tip into my muzzle. My tongue greeted his glans as soon as it entered, following the details in one circular lick and coating his textures in a layer of saliva. My brother exhaled a blissful sigh the moment the warmth of my mouth greeted his private part. He seemed so very tense.

Dustin's paw came to rest behind my ears. His fingers sank into my fur, partially combing, partially petting me in a gentle, very intimate way. His actions bore none of the resemblance to the porn we watched, or the magazines we paged through. It took me a moment to realize, for I never felt that kind of affection before, but I soon realized how comforting and encouraging such a light touch could be. I badly needed that tenderness. So far was I out of my comfort zone that I probably couldn't have gone on without it.

My lips squeezed around my brother's girth and my tongue swished around his ridges and point. His flavor dissipated into all corners of my mouth, satiating the curiosity of what cock tasted like. It wasn't unpleasant or overly musky, just male, and just a more direct complement to his scent. Some of my fears and apprehensions abated as I realized it wasn't like I expected. After my tongue washed away the mild musk of his sheath, all I could taste was bare skin. He kept growing and I kept sliding down, taking more of Dustin's erection into my muzzle until my lips met his sheath and my nose pressed into his pubic fur, into the densest of his scents.

Had someone taken a picture of us and shown it to me, I would not have believed it. I was doing what I promised myself I'd never do, something I'd technically ended a yearlong relationship over. Yet there I knelt, muzzle deep in my brother's lap on my own volition, cradling his erection with my tongue, and oddly enough aroused by every moment of it. My brother succeeded by merely suggesting it once, whereas my ex failed after badgering me too many times to count. It may have been an inappropriate moment for self-reflection, one perhaps a moment or two too late, but like the weeks before when I gazed upon my brother's face between my open thighs, the surreal qualities of it all had a way of pulling one aside, giving them cause to question what exactly one was doing.

I naively sucked, because that was what I thought you were supposed to do. My training consisted of what I saw on my older brother's old VHS porn. We watched one together more as a joke, giggling at the grainy footage, ridiculous dialogue, and the aesthetics dated decades before we were even born. Dustin nudged my chin after a moment or so, in a way that seemed to instruct my muzzle to rise and fall the way we had seen demonstrated for us. I did my best to mimic the movement, the grotesquely enthusiastic bobbing, and submissive upward eye contact. As his paw caressed me in a way that felt anything other than domineering, and as he whispered, "Hey, you can go a little slower, if you want," I realized he didn't want to recreate those terrible scenes at all.

I set my own pace, sliding my lips up and down his length while my tongue swished over his girth and details. It took more concentration than I anticipated. Every flick of my tongue was intentional. Avoiding scraping him with my fangs took a great deal of effort. His knot grew in my paw and became part of my task. My fingers caressed the firm canine bulge, squeezing and teasing it, while my tongue leaped out to lubricate it in warm saliva. A few isolated throbs pulsed between my lips. In a few moments another flavor began to seep across my tongue, the salty flavor of canine pre. Dustin bucked, his hips rising as if yearning for me me to take as much of his cock as I could, offering me every inch of his length. Another similar motion occurred a moment later, then another, each with slightly less hesitation between them. My paw governed his more vigorous thrusts. I knew he couldn't help it, he seemed to like what I was doing, and by now he wanted to get off. I just didn't want to embarrass myself by gagging on him my first time around.

The word among the girls at school, as confirmed by the lascivious how-to guides in my brother's magazines, was that you had to swallow. Guys loved it when you swallowed. As I slid up and down my brother's length, restraining his ever more frequent bucks with my grip on his knot, I prepared myself to do just that. His pre didn't taste so bad, but what if I didn't like his cum? What if it made me spit? Would he be upset with me, or would he even let me? Should the girls at school or the porno mags even be trusted? Doubts have the capacity to multiply and multiply they did, even though my body may not have shown it.

As I edged my brother to within a moment of climax, I figured I could do it just this once, just for Dustin. Even as my jaw began to ache and my paw started to weaken, I delved deep into myself for the second wind, for the little bit of endurance I needed to finish. My brother's excitement proved contagious. I boobed along his length faster as if in a rush to finish the deed. My hold on his knot reaffirmed itself, a squeeze and a tug invited another throb of pre into my muzzle. His flavors became all I could taste, overpowering my senses with a strangely thick and sticky salinity. Despite the soreness my tongue kept moving, swirling ceaselessly around shaft and tip, lapping at his urethral ridge as if beckoning him to come.

"I'm gunna." Dustin huffed with a sultry breath, his hips flexing forward in a final buck, presenting me with all of his length. His paw left my scalp and he leaned back, giving me the freedom to do what I wished. He began to pant as if he had held his breath. A soft gasp interjected his calls for air. A final wave of tension arrested his body and a little additional push begged for me to take him as deep into my muzzle as I could allow, or at least to stroke him off if I pulled away. Something about the moment, or seeing my brother so needy made the idea of pulling off no longer an option. I descended and kissed Dustin's swollen knot one final time and let him finish in the warmth of my muzzle.

"Oh god," Dustin huffed as he came, and I in his lap, refused to budge. His knot began to throb in my paw, his shaft between my lips. Despite my preparation it startled me as the rush of little spasms carried the first jets of my brother's cum into the back of my throat with tangible intensity. The taste of semen followed a moment later. The thick, creamy substance crept down my tongue, quickly overpowering the comparatively faint essences of maleness and pre. My tongue flicked through the viscosity spreading around his shaft, stirring the intimate flavors between my fangs. In that instant I felt closer to Dustin than ever before, forgetting for the moment that he was my sibling.

My lips held their seal around his shaft, keeping the accumulation in place until his climax tapered into weaker twitches. With Dustin's load in my muzzle I followed the movement of his body as he sank back into the blanket. "Oh, damn," he said between breaths, his eyes no doubt upon me, watching with pleasure as I suckled even after his last pulse. I swallowed my brother's sperm only after he began to soften, after I was fairly sure he'd shot out all he was going to make. The strange slickness coated my throat all the way down. The taste was far less acrid than I expected, far milder than its aroma. I couldn't call it pleasant, but after trying it I wondered what all the fuss was about.

I eventually pulled off and panted between his legs, keeping my fingers wrapped around his knot. As I caught my breath, I stared at my brother's canine manhood and its speckling of little red capillaries. So I guess I'd just had that thing in my muzzle. My tongue swept over every inch of it. The taste of his sperm lingered in my mouth even after I swallowed, and I noticed I now too carried the aroma of his sex. I watched a little bead of white ooze from his pee-slit. Only then did the surreal feeling of where I was and what I had done really sink in.

I adjusted my sore lower jaw and looked up Dustin's body, up the fur patterns eerily resembling mine. His lean frame rose and sank in heavy breathing. I could tell where his muscles were, even under his summer coat. He wore an endearingly cute expression on his face, one timid yet also quite shameless. I remembered immediately why I did what I did and knew I would probably do it again.

"Damn sis," he sung with his accent surfacing.

"How was that?" I said, moistening my lips with the flavor of his cum.

"Really fucking amazing."

I had a lot of reasons to blush during that moment. Hearing his compliment certainly made me feel it. "Well, now you can scratch getting a BJ from your sister off your bucket list."

He chuckled with me. The notion seemed so silly. "Well, getting a BJ from my sis only made it there recently. And you know it was good. Was it okay for you too? I didn't expect you to let me finish like that."

"It was kind of hard work. I think by the time I got you off, I was thinking to myself, might as well try if I'm gonna put in so much effort."

"How was the taste?"

"Bleh," I stuck out my tongue.

"That bad?"

"Actually not really. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I'm still trying to figure out what it tastes like. Sort of like some tangy water-flour mixture. Let's just say I'd do it again, but cum isn't something they should start bottling."

"That's good to hear. I really enjoyed it. Wouldn't mind making this regular, if you're up for it."

"Possible. Certainly got you to do your homework."

"Felt like you did yours too. You really did a good job."

"Like you I'm a quick learner. I kind of ad libed my way through that."

"Thanks Alex, you're awesome in so many ways."

I could feel my skin blush beneath my fur. I turned away, trying to hide the rouge around my ears and nose.

My brother inched over to me, getting off his tail and onto his knees. His semi-flaccid example of canine anatomy hung between his legs still slick with my saliva. I pivoted backward subconsciously anticipating my brother's intentions and sat reclined on the sheet with my legs between myself and Dustin. He put his paws on my knees and instructed my legs apart, taking a long look at me as if this would be our last time together. "Do I get my turn?" He asked, his eyes slowly shifting from point to point up my body until he reached my face.

"You already got your turn. I have the feeling this is win-win for you, no matter what happens?"

"It's true," he said, scooting closer, his paws sweeping up my legs against the grain of my fur, to the point where I couldn't easily snap them shut, "but I have a feeling you win too when I get you off."

"I do," I confessed, feeling my heart accelerate again. My tail whipped from side to side between my legs, involuntarily curling at the tip as if beckoning my brother closer. I'd been mindful of the tingling in my lower belly and the certain itch I'd been aware of for a while, but hadn't considered addressing. "But it's hard to train you if everything is a reward."

Dustin got to all fours and padded between my knees. His muzzle lowered and his gaze cast back down to my sex, demonstrating a desire for an interest of his. "Never thought I'd say it, but I'd figure ya trained me pretty well all things considered." His paw moved to my sex and spread my lips. "Damn," he said, obviously staring. "Yea, you're ready."

I watched Dustin's head dip down and his lips press a kiss on my inner thigh. "Careful," I whispered, a little bit ashamed. "It's because of the run. Because I've also been, ya know, turned on for... a while. I might be a bit musky."

"I'm sure you taste great, sis. You always do," my brother said into the tufts of fur leading to my vulva. He certainly wasn't shy. He pressed his nose into my pubic fur and nuzzled downward. The tip of his muzzle brushed up and down my glistening labia, indiscriminately grazing both wet skin and fur. I heard him breathe in my scent, but it seemed not to dissuade him. A kiss landed upon my lips. A single but unhesitating swipe of his tongue tested me a second later. "You're fine," Dustin said, not moving his muzzle. His warm breath swept against my pussy. A salvo of broad licks followed, caressing the entire length of my slit. "I think I even like you this way," he mumbled into my genitals, caressing my sex with all-encompassing strokes and working his tongue-tip into every crevice and fold he could.

My brother shifted, coming to rest on his elbows and arms. His paws came beneath me and rested on my butt so that his thumbs reached my inner thigh. His thumbs tugged my folds apart, opening my labia so that it became easier for him to pursue my concealed sights. His nose pressed between my lips, flush upon the skin within. Dustin's tongue-tip dashed over the puffy folds of my opening and started shallow upon them before daring to probe deeper inward. His tongue's coarse and smoother sides parted my vagina as he advanced, twisting within my slick passage until it could reach no further. I stared down my body worked up to the point of restlessness, watching my brother's face tilt one direction and then another as he strove to enjoy as much of his sister's anatomy as he could.

I pet my brother's scalp as he worked between my legs, giving me the best performance he could. I cradled his ears and the back of his head with my paws, holding him against me in complete invitation to partake. My pelvis rose involuntarily, bucking against the male canine's nose, then again as Dustin focused on one of my favorite spots. Dustin had me close to that metaphorical wall within minutes. I felt the pressure growing beneath his muzzle. His tongue wiggled against that feeling as if directly upon my bladder. He licked that internal itch as well, sending tingling into tail, toe, and fingertips. The pressure of his nose and the tides of his breath upon my erect clit sent sensations through that nerve laden bundle as pleasing as my brother's efforts to taste every square inch of my vagina. I squirmed, forgetting whether to breathe in and out, and as a result I gasped periodically for air and to vent tones of pleasure. My hips inevitably arched upward, presenting myself to my brother and wordlessly inviting him to taste my cum should he be willing to apply the necessary stimulation to make it flow.

Whether through inexperience, self-control, or a reluctance to pull his nose away from my sex, my brother kept me more or less on razor's edge of cuming. I found myself inhaling, on the verge of begging him not to stray from that spot. Finally his tongue honed in on my trigger. With every strained lick my lungs grew fuller and that spot of pressure grew until it burst. I couldn't exhale as my body arched back and countless nerves fired their rewarding messages of pleasure. I felt the blissful spasms in my lower belly and my sex twitch upon my brother's muzzle and around his tongue. My legs squeezed together, locking him in place, lest he have any other idea than to keep licking that very intimate spot within my quivering passage. Only after the twelfth or so contraction did the tension leave my body and I could unwind, tingling and euphoric on the quilt.

Dustin slipped his canine tongue from my vagina, but kept his muzzle near, nuzzling and kissing my wet and loosened lips with lighter touches. His paw had moved down to his own arousal and stroked his cock which was understandably hard again. After my body grew slack I crossed my arms behind my head and strained to watch him. I still felt too drained and post-orgasmic to share in more than incidental pleasure, but out of a mixture of gratitude and indifference I let him do as he pleased. My weakened knees parted, rendering me as exposed as I'd ever been. I felt too content and relaxed to care about my brother's worship, or the frantic strokes his paw imparted his cock. I felt my brother pant on my pussy a moment later. The sights, scents, and sheer proximity to his sister's sex was apparently enough to inspire him to cum. I watched his back arch and his tail twitch as he unloaded a second round of rough collie sperm onto the blanket between my legs and, as I noticed later to my disappointment, into my tail-fluff as well.

After he finished himself off and quickly recovered, he ascended my body on paws and knees, spending a minute or two suckling on each of my breasts before choosing to kiss me. Dustin smiled at me and hummed a sly chuckle as if he could not possibly become more content. I watched his matted muzzle approach mine. His short fur was drying and disordered all the way up to his cheeks. My nose rose toward him and took in the provocative aromas. He wore my intimate scents just as I wore some of his. Our lips met and our kiss quickly escalated. In a moment his tongue shared the whole spectrum of flavors he'd gathered with me. Even as the potent fragrances filled my nostrils and danced across my tongue, a faint taste underlay the saturation of sexual essences, namely the familiar taste of my brother which became the most thrilling of them all.

We rolled to our sides, away from the clarifying little wet spot my brother made and let our kiss intensify and our paws freely wander upon each other's bodies. I embraced Dustin with my fingers sunk into his long collie fur, clinging to his warmth, pressing my breasts against his rising and falling chest, and defying the fates for putting the only guy in a two-hundred mile radius I could stand into my own bloodline. There we lay like reflections, limbs intertwined, wispy tails flicking one direction and another as if the solid surface of a mirror allowed itself to be breached so that we could embrace for just a moment free of the impermeable barrier keeping us from touching. We twins lay pretending to be anything but fraternal counterparts, role playing the deeds and passions of two normal teenagers who were lucky enough to find each other in the great cosmic shuffle of life. That's all we were. That's all we wished to be; just a random boy and a girl gambling with some very serious emotions like so many our age do.