Tales of Ocrinia- The World of Score

Story by Caramelhusky on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales of Ocrinia

"Sigh" Alrite just like what everybody else says. If you are under the age of 18/21+ please stop reading this. If you dont and get caught, I recieve the rights of saying, "I told you so" Now for everyone else. Enjoy!


When the blue hawk kissed me. I felt a tingly feeling in my stomach. I guess you can call it love. When we broke our kiss. I was already on my knees and unzipping his pants.

"Eager are we?", he said with a chuckle.

"Heh, well when theres a hot blue hawk infront of me. What else would I do."

"Well for starters. You can do this in privacy." He said as he pointed to another figure in a black robe.

I started to blush as I stood up. The blue hawk saw that his pants was still unzip, so he zip his pants up. The figure in black slowly walked toward us. "You can never resist, can you Falcnor."

"Oh shut up Taruntus. You know you like it when we do it or when you do it with Tyler."

The black figure stop walking toward us and removed his robe. He was a bull. I quickly took notes on Taruntus. He seem to be standing between 6.4ft and 6.5ft. His eyes were green, which were behind a pair of oval shape glasses. He wasn't topless but I was still able to see that he was very muscular. He seem to have lost his horns. Above everything he was a regular bull. The bullvine started to speak again. "Falcnor please bring the chosen one back to the Castle." The blue hawk just groan. "Come on Alex follow me" , he said with a wink. I blushed even more as he grab my hands with his feather like-one.


Meanwhile in a castle...


"LUKE!!!!!!!! Where is that boy?" a young maid ask.

"He's probably in the forest again.", said another maid.

"Yeah you might be right."

As they both left a wolf walked in. "Sigh. Luke why do you have to keep leaving the castle like this." As he was about to leave a rabbit jumped in front of him. "AHHH!!!" The wolf scream as he ran all the way towards a wall. His back facing the wall as his face the rabbit. The rabbit just giggle. "Sorry Lloyd. Forgot you are afraid women."

"Well Natalia just don't do that again. But I'm sure you will."

"Haha. I bet your right. Anyway where is Luke?"

"I have a hunch where he is at."



In the forest


A dragon with scales of red sits on a tree. He looks up at the sky as he takes a deep breath in. "It feels good to step out of the castle once in a while.", he said. He closes his eyes but was suddenly open when he heard a twig snap. He looks around to find a wolf grinning at him.

"You got scared." he said mockingly.

"Shut up Llloyd."

"Heh, well Luke you have a visitor."

"A visitor? I wonder who it is?"

"Its me. Luke."

Luke and Lloyd both look at the rabbit.

"Oh its you, Natalia."

"What kind of greeting is that?"

"Well its the only one your going to get. "

Natalia started to pout. "Well I'm your fiance."

"I told you before I don't remember anything from my childhood."

"Thats right you were kidnapped and you lost all your memories."

"Well I personal don't care" the wolf finally said. "All I care about is Luke getting home safely."

"Thanks Lloyd" Luke said as he tried to cover up his blush.

"Heh anytime Luke."

"Awww the love you two show makes you seem like a couple."

Both the wolf and the dragon both blush.

"Errr....Umm.." the wolf was lost for words. Luke jsut giggle as he saw the wolf stumble for words. [Lloyd is so cute when he does that.] The wolf blushed harder when he heard the dragon giggle. [Luke is so cute when he giggles.]


"Huh what?" They both said in unison.

"Geez you guys. Anyway lets go back to the castle."


Back at the castle...


"Oh there back honey." A yellow scaled dragon said.

"Hmm seems you are right dear." said an orange scaled dragon.

Luke shouted, "Father, Mother!"

"We can see that son!" Luke's father stated as the three of them reached the dragon couple.

"We have guests", said Luke's mother.

Lloyd and Natalia both knew who it was. "They found the chosen one already?" Lloyd ask Luke's father.

With a quick reply he said, "yes"


An 2 hours earlier


"Falcnor. When would we get our privacy?"

"Oh your still thinking about that? Heh guess you were eager." I started to blush. We were still holding each other hands....well my hand and his feather one. "Hmm I think we will get it soon. Don't worry"

I started to blush even harder thinking about what I'm about to do with the blue hawk. I look back at the hawk. His body was muscular. He had some scars which interested me. He was 6ft tall. His eyes were blue but a lighter shade then his feathers. He didn't have a beak like most birds do but he had a muzzle. [Why does he have a muzzle?]

"Hey umm. Falcnor?"


"Why do you have a muzzle?"

"I forgot to tell. Well my mom is a blue hawk. While my dad is a German Sheperd."

"Oh that explains it. I think."

"Haha I would tell you more when we get aboard. [his face soes resemble a dog]

"Hey Tar! How far did you guys put it?"

"Were almost there don't worry." the bullvine said.

[What are they talking about? Better ask]

"Hey Falcnor. What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh just about a machine called." He chuckled before he said the next word. "Taruntus"

"But isnt he Taruntus?" I said as I pointed towards the bull.

"Haha yeah. But the owner of the machine nickname it Taruntus."


"Its better if I explained it said the bull. You see the owner of the machine named Tyler. And Tyler and me are mates."

"Oh so he nicknamed it after you."


"Awww thats sweet of him"

The bullvine just grunted. But I could tell that he was blushing.

"We're here." stated Taruntus as he pointed toward a big machine.

I look at it with my mouth agaped. It was a huge machine. It looked like a mansion but it was a little bit taller and it had cannons around it.

"Hey your mouths open", said Falcnor

I closed my mouth and started to blush.

"Heh thanks"

"Its no problem. Well it wasnt really a problem to start with."

I was about to say something, when the machine open a latch and a ramp came down. A husky walked down the ramp. When he finally reach the ground he pounce onto Taruntus.

"Took you long enough" the husky said . Tyler kiss Taruntus right on the lips. [Awww they looked cute together] I then felt a tight grip on my hand. I look at it and then at the feather like-hand. I then looked at Falcnor. "Something troubling you?" He looked at me and before I could ask again. He kissed me. He grabbed me and he pushed me closer to him. His arms wrapped around my waist. My hands fell upon his chest. I then felt a tongue pushing against my lips. I open my lips but it was force open when Falcnor tongue force its way into my mouth. He then started to explore my mouth. I wanted some of the action too. So I moved pushed my tongue against his. He notice this so he retreated his tongue back. Thats when I started to move my tongue around his. We then heard someone say.."Awww they look so cute together."

We stopped kissing and we both looked at the husky and bull who was both staring back at us. Falcnor then stuck his tongue at both of them. They both laugh and so did I. Falcnor released his grip on me. I felt a sudden chill. I wanted his warmth again but Taruntus and Tyler were there so I resisted jumping on to Falcnor. The four of us got aboard the machine. Tyler and Taruntus walked in front of us. They both were holding paws. [Hmm maybe I should hold Falcnor.] But before I could the blue hawk grabbed my hand. I started to giggle. When we got aboard. Tyler and Taruntus released their paws and went seperways. "Tyler is going to the captain's hold. And Taruntus is probably going his room.", Falcnor said. He then pulled me closer to him and he planted his lips on me. It was a quick kiss because Taruntus came back.

"Seriously you guys. Get a room."

We both blushed as Taruntus left.

"I guess we do need some 'privacy' Falcnor."

"Heh. I did promise you that didn't I."

"Yup now lets go!" I said as I walked into a random room.

"Thats the bathroom."

I went out as I blush. "Guess you better lead the way."

"Yes I better lead the way."

I went up to him and I grabbed his hand. He just smiled at me and said, "When we get to my room I want to ask you something. Hope its ok with you."

"Yea" [Wonder whats he's going to ask.]

We walked around the Taruntus. It was so beautiful. There were chandeliers and painting on the walls. It was just like a castle. When we finally got to Falcnor room. He open it and pulled me inside. When he closed the door behind us. He quickly pulled me in for a kiss. I should had expected this. But I didn't care. I was in a state of pure happiness. When he pulled back. He said, " Your brown eyes are cute." I blushed a little. [He complimented my eyes in a weird way. Guess he is trying to be nice.] I looked back at him. His face change into a more serious look.

"Whats wrong?"

"Umm. Remember earlier where I said I need to ask you something when we get into my room?"


"Well..." He took a deep breath before he continued. "Will you be my mate?"

I was shock to hear him ask that. I remember everything that have happen. I also remember that feeling when we first kissed. It was still there too. I looked back at him. I saw his dog-like face. I knew I felt it again...the feeling of love.

"Yes. I would be your mate."

His face became into a more happier look. He pressed his lips onto mines. He started to force his tongue into my mouth again. I was glad he did. I wanted to fight with his tongue again. When he slid his tongue in. My tongue was expecting it and it then found the intruder. They started to rub against each other. He broke our kiss and he kiss my neck. I moaned a little.

He then took off my shirt and he played with my nipple until it became hard. He then took off his shirt plus his pants. I saw that he had a tent in his boxers. I bent down to help him relieve the pressure. When I pulled it down. His black member smack me directly on my nose. Falcnor laughed as I rub my nose. His member was was leaking. I lick the base of his shaft which cause him to moan and shiver. I then lick from his shaft to the tip. Which cause him to moan. I finally dicided to take his 8 inch cock into my mouth. I started from the tip of his cock. I slowly moved down. Causing the hawk to moan even louder. When I finally got to the base of his cock. I felt something. "It's my...pant...knot." [His knot?] I just grabbed his knot and began to squeeze it. He murred as I played with his knot. He spurted out more pre. I gulped it down. It tasted salty but I wanted more so I began to bob my head up and down. He grabed the back of my head and he started to jackhammer his cock into my mouth. His pre just started to drip from his cock non-stop. He stop and he pulled my head off of his cock. I gave him a confused look. "Can you...pant...take off your pants?" I stood up and remove my pants with my boxers. My cock was also dripping. He grinned evilly as he grabbed my 6 inch cock. I gasped when he gave it a squeeze.

He then pulled me towards his bed. He then place me on his bed bending over. I knew what he was going to do next. "It might hurt at first but you will get used to it. [Knew it]. He then slowly push the head of his cock in. I gasp. Thankfully I lube his cock with my saliva. If not then probably his pre will do it. He then slowly shoved more of his cock in. Feeling my hole being stretch made me moan but with the sound of lust. When I felt his knot I knew he had his cock in me. It felt bigger in my hole then when it was in my mouth. "How you doing?" I gave him the thumbs up sign."Alrite", he said. He starts rammin my hole with his knot, but not enough for his knot to slip in. Both of of were moaing. Loudly in fact that I bet Taruntus and Tyler coud hear. But it didn't matter. I was in pure esctasy. After more of Falcnor cock ramming into me. I felt my balls retract into me. "I feel it!" The blue hawk just kept going. I then heard him say "I'm going to shove my knot in. Hope your ready." I just nodded. He slowly pulled out but then with a quick thrust his pushed his cock back in. His knot came into my hole with a 'Pop' sound. I gritted my teeth from feeling his knot open me. He stop and ask, "You ok cutie?" It made me giggle when I heard him call cutie. "Yeah I'm ok sweetheart." He just smiled at me. "Well..." He started to gyrotate his cock him me. I moaned and he murred. After what seem forever of him gyrotating his cock but trust me, I didnt want it to end. He shouted "I feel it." I grinned so I started to squeeze his cock and his knot in me. He moaned even louder and he was panting. His eyes then open and shouted, "I'm going to....CUM!!!" He shoved his cock deep into me. Squirting strands of cum into my bowels. Which made me cum. "NGH" was all I could say as I cum onto his bed and the floor. When we finish his moved me by his cock onto his bed and he grabbed the blankets that were folded by the foot of the bed and draped it over us. I could smell the musk in the room that has wrafted in the room by our sex. "I love you Alex"

"I love you too." I said as I pushed my back into him. He hugged me and pulled me closer. His warmth caused me to fall asleep. Before I fell asleep, I heard the blue hawk saying, "I love you" again before I was overcome by complete slumber.