Into the Sun: Part 4/11-The Few, The Proud

Story by VoodooRoo on SoFurry

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#4 of Into the Sun

This story depicts sexual acts of a GAY nature between two MALE furs. If you don't LIKE MxM or are under 18 (21 in some states) DON'T READ!!!! Otherwise, enjoy =)


He rolled over in bed, his arm encircling his mate's chest, squeezing tight.

"Good morning," murmured the kangaroo.

"Try afternoon," said the leopard quietly. Noon-time sunlight filtered in through the blinds on the window above the bed.

"Think it's time to get up?" asked the roo.

"I dunno," said leopard. "My butt still hurts from last night."

The kangaroo grinned devilishly. "Then I guess I did something right."

The leopard smacked him playfully and swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

At six feet, Ty was an impressive specimen of masculinity. He stood next to the bed nude, the sun catching his fur and giving it a golden tint. He'd been working out since high school, but not to the point of going overboard, and it showed; chiseled chest, six-pack abs, muscular legs. His golden eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

Josh propped his head up on his paw. "Sexy beast."

"Try and control yourself," said Ty, noting Josh's erection.

"But why?" asked Josh. "Morning wood is the best." He encircled his cock with his paw. "C'mon."

Ty shook his head. "Didn't you get enough last night?"

"Can never get enough of that ass of yours," said Josh, and they both laughed.

Ty grabbed boxers, pants and a shirt and wandered into the bathroom. He looked over his shoulder as Josh started to jack himself off.

Going into the bathroom, Ty closed the door, leaving it slightly ajar if Josh wanted to come in.

He set his clothes down on the back of the sink, bracing himself over the sink. It had been a year since he and Josh had gotten their own apartment together; they'd done so as soon as they could afford it. They'd been seeing each other since 'that' year in high school. It had been another year, however, before they'd told Josh's parents. Ty's had always known he was gay, but Josh's parents had had no idea, and hadn't seen it coming. His mother had wanted to know where they went wrong, and his dad's idea had been to 'fix' him by sending him to a therapist. They'd fought, and Josh had spent quite some time living with Ty and his parents. But they knew they couldn't stay there forever, so they'd decided to get their own apartment, and near the college they'd wanted to attend.

The plan had been for both of them to go into the same college, just like Race and Lance had done. But, Ty hadn't gotten in; his entrance exam scores hadn't been high enough. So, Josh had stayed out for a semester, and they were going to try again in the fall.

So now they were both working part-time jobs; enough to cover rent, which wasn't too high, and food. The apartment wasn't very big; had a small living room, kitchen/dining room, single bath, and single bedroom. But it was big enough for just the two of them to ramble around in.

Ty reached over and turned the faucets on in the shower, still hearing Josh grunting with himself over the sound of the water hitting the tub. Ty stepped under the water, feeling good as it spilled over him. He could still smell a little of Josh on himself right before he scrubbed it away.

Josh was the most exuberant guy in bed Ty had ever met. He was wild, seeming to get energy from nowhere. He could go two or three times before he was ready to be done, and Ty LIKED it. And neither one of them had a problem with trying new things and being creative. Ty had almost been concerned with the fact Josh was ONLY with him for the sex, until one night six months ago.

Ty heard the door open and Josh slipped inside. He was wiping semen from his paw, and cum was still dripping from the end of his cock.

"Enjoy that?" asked TY.

"Yeah, actually I did," said Josh. "I was just envisioning last night."

Ty smirked and went back to cleansing himself. He thought Josh was just going to clean himself off and leave, but he knew better by now, and would almost be disappointed if what he knew was coming DIDN'T come.

Josh parted the bath curtain and stepped in behind Ty, putting his paws on Ty's shoulders.

"It's no fun to shower alone," said Josh, kissing Ty's neck.

Ty giggled. "I suppose not, but I wonder where the usual guy is," he said, slyly.

"Tease," whispered Josh. He put his paw up between Ty's legs and massaged Ty's testicles from behind. "Need a little help down there?"

Ty whimpered with pleasure. "I suppose you could if you wanted."

Josh reached around Ty's hips with his other paw, running his paw along Ty's sheath, teasing his pink member out. He started to slide his paw up and down when it was fully erect, trying to keep his own erection down, but it wouldn't; he kept poking Ty in the back.

"Put that somewhere else," said Ty.

Josh smiled. "Okay." He slowly pressed himself up inside Ty's tail hole, pushing his hard penis inside of Ty. Ty moaned, well-used to this feeling. He let Josh penetrate him while the roo continued to stroke up and down his shaft. Josh was jacking Ty off in time with his own rhythm. Ty moaned as the warm water sluiced over his cock as Josh continued to caress him up, intensifying the feeling. Ty had to reach out to the wall and steady himself before his legs gave out, his hips bucking a bit.

Josh had closed his eyes, slowly slipping himself in and out of his mate over and over. He started to fondle Ty faster and faster as he got more excited, feeling his semen start to push up through his cock, the base of his penis starting to feel fuzzy. He flexed his cock inside Ty, trying to keep his ejaculation from coming and prolong his coupling with his boyfriend.

Ty kept focusing on his own cock, feeling Josh's paw moving up and down. He loved to masturbate, but he always liked it MORE when Josh did it for him. He liked letting his boyfriend take over and bring him to orgasm. He was panting, feeling his balls churning now, ready to push his seed up and out. He felt Josh put his muzzle on his shoulder, and Ty put his arm around Josh's neck, just to be even closer to his lover. Ty closed his eyes now, throwing his head back and moaning loudly; he was always curious what the neighbors thought was going on in here.

It wasn't much longer before Josh came inside of Ty, and Ty came at the same time, his cum hitting the wall of the tub, and Josh's seed getting planted firmly inside of Ty. Josh bucked his hips hard, pressing as much of himself inside of Ty as he could, staying inside until he'd finished his last spasm. Ty was still watching Josh milk semen from his cock, and it dribbled down over Josh's paw, getting washed away and down the drain.

"Nice way to start the day," whispered Josh in Ty's ear, pulling his cock from Ty's tail hole.

"Isn't it?" asked Ty, smiling. He turned around and kissed his boyfriend. "I love you."

"I love you, too," said Josh, hugging him. "I guess we should get clean for real now, huh?"

"I suppose," said Ty, feigning disappointment.

"Hey, there's always later tonight," remarked Josh, laughing. Ty smiled and laughed with him.


Ty walked back into the apartment, the mail in his hand.

"Anything good?" asked Josh from the couching, playing their PS2.

"Not really," said Ty. "This month's rent bill, a flyer promising that we'll double our money guaranteed on an investment venture, your...erm...magazine...."

"Hey, don't get on me for that," said Josh. "I've seen you digging through my naughty drawer before."

Ty tossed Josh his magazine. "Hey, some of it's not bad. Horses are hung...well, like a horse."

Josh laughed, opening up the center-fold. "Whew, I didn't even know THAT was physically possible."

"Gonna go whack off again?" teased Ty.

"Maybe later," said Josh, tossing aside the magazine. He patted the seat next to him. "Right now, I wanna snuggle...and kill things."

Ty laughed and sat next to Josh, putting his arms around the kangaroo but so he didn't inhibit Josh's game playing. Josh had picked the Playstation up cheap when one of their friends was going to college and said he wouldn't have time to play it, so he sold it to Josh.

"Feel like doing anything today?" asked Ty.

"I was going to go over to the college and pick up more registration forms, and get an approximate price for going there," said Josh. "I don't think we ever checked into that."

"Now that you mention it, no, we didn't," replied Ty.

"Well, I think we should know," said Josh, matter-of-factly. "I'll play for a little while longer and go."

"I'll go with you," said Ty.

"Nah, you can stay here," said Josh. "Unless you REALLY want to go."

"I REALLY want to," said Ty.

Josh laughed. "Okay."


The college was a large, sprawling state university. As opposed to smaller, private colleges, this had been designed to hold as many students as physically possible in the smallest amount of space. It could almost be its own self-functioning city.

The two of them crossed the parking lot, going into the administration building; despite the fact it wasn't THAT warm outside, the air conditioning was still on, keeping the building at a comfortable sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit.

"Third floor," said Josh, examining a nearby office list.

Ty hit the button for the elevator. When it opened, they stepped in, hitting the '3.'

The third floor was for admissions, and as such had quite a number of students milling around, even though classes had already been in session for a month. They went straight across from the elevator and into the office they'd gone to before when trying to get in the first time.

"Can I help you?" a younger-looking female hyena across the desk asked them when they walked in.

"Maybe," said Josh. "We're looking for tuition fee information and admission test dates."

She reached to her left, where two large stacks of papers were, grabbing one of each. "There you are; that'll tell you everything."

Josh took the papers, looking over them. "Thank you."

"That was easy," said Ty, as they turned and left.

"The next part will be slightly more challenging," said Josh, looking over the papers.

"Why?" asked Ty.

Josh hit the elevator button again, and they stepped on.

"Well, for one, they're charging for the exam this time; fifty dollars," said Josh.

"Not so bad; a hundred for both of us," said Ty.

"Gets better," said Josh, glumly. "Tuition fees are six-thousand dollars."

"What, a year?" asked Ty.

"A semester," mumbled Josh.

"Whoa," said Ty. "I guess we should have checked into that before."

"Seems like it," murmured Josh.

The elevator hit the bottom and they both went back outside, towards the car.

"Maybe you can get some loans," pondered Josh.

Ty shook his head. "It wouldn't be enough. I checked into that before. Because of my parents' income, I only get a thousand dollars in assistance a semester. What about you?"

Josh shook his head. "I'd need my parents' information and such, and they're....we're not talking much right now."

Ty took Josh's paw. "It's okay; we'll think of something, even if we have to hold off for a semester or two and save up some money. Or even look into scholarships."

"Hmmm," mused Josh. "But I wanted to get in this semester; the longer we wait, the longer it'll be to graduate, and the longer we have to put up with these stupid entry-level jobs."

"We do what we have to," said Ty, quietly. "Come on, let's go home."


Papers were strewn about the table, Josh and Ty sitting in the middle of them, calculator in hand.

"Okay," sighed Ty. "Here's our current situation; we've got twenty-two-hundred in the account between the two of us. We get about five-hundred every week between our two jobs, minus rent and necessity stuff, like food. And we need at least twelve-hundred, after rent, car stuff, and other things, for tuition for the first semester."

Josh whistled.

"And that semester is in less than two months; in fact entry exams are in two weeks, so there's another hundred," said Ty.

"You could still get that thousand," reminded Josh.

"It'll help, but it's a drop in the bucket," said Ty. He braced his elbows on the table, putting his face in his paws. "And the next-closest college is way beyond day-travel everyday, and there's no guarantee they're cheaper, and we're locked in here in our lease for at least another year, since we KNEW this where we wanted to go, and...."

Josh stood up, putting his arms around Ty, hugging him tight. "It's okay, we'll get it. We always get by, don't we?"

Ty looked up at his boyfriend. "Yeah, I guess we do."

"Come on," said Josh, leading Ty by the paw.

"Do I even have to ask where we're going?" asked Ty.

"No," said Josh, leading him to the bedroom.

Josh sat down on the bed. "C'mere."

Ty sat down next to Josh, Josh encircling Ty with his arms. "Even if we have to live on the street, I wouldn't care, as long as you're still here."

Ty hugged Josh back. "I know. I wouldn't go anywhere else without you either."

The two of them lay back on the bed, face to face, not making any move to undress or attempt at sex, just being with each other. Ty reached his paw behind Josh's head, pulling him close and kissing him deeply. Josh put his paws across Ty's hips, wrapping his legs around Ty.

Ty was so happy to be so close to Josh; and he could still remember that night the two of them shared six months ago.


It was a cold winter night. They'd been in the apartment for some time now, and going out for the night.

"Where do want to go to eat?" asked Josh, grabbing his jacket.

"How 'bout the diner around the corner?" asked Ty.

"Sounds good," said Josh. He slapped Ty on the ass as he passed him to get to the door. "And when we get back, we'll have dessert."

Ty smiled half-heartedly. It seemed like Josh ALWAYS wanted sex; not that he objected much, but it would've been nice to have a night where they talked or just cuddled rather than always having to jump in bed. Ty was happy Josh still had enthusiasm for him physically, but he was afraid that the only thing Josh still had enthusiasm for.

They skipped the car, deciding to walk, since it was cheaper, and the diner wasn't far at all. The two of them held hands while they walked through the snow, their paws crunching on the newly-fallen snow and more was still coming down.

Walking into the diner, they breathed deeply, taking in the warm air and the aroma of food it brought with it.

"Just two of you?" asked the waitress, and young, cute-looking black Labrador.

"Yeah, two," said Josh, taking Ty's jacket for him.

She sat them down in the corner, taking their drink orders and went off to the kitchen.

"So, the college entry exams are coming up," said Josh.

"Yeah...," said Ty.

"What's wrong?" asked Josh.

"I just....," began Ty. "I'm starting to wonder if we should've gone somewhere like Lance and Race, where you're more or less guaranteed entry, as long as your SAT scores weren't TOO bad. Now we don't know if we'll get in for sure or not...and that scares me."

"Why? We just keep trying until we get in," said Josh.

"That's not what scares me," said Ty. "What if you get in and a I don't?"

Josh furrowed his brow. "What would that have to do with anything?"

"Then you'd be ahead of me, and finish before me, and be ready to move on before," said Ty, casting his eyes at the table.

Josh took Ty's paw again. "I'd never move on from you. EVER. We'll both get in, don't worry; and even if we don't, we'll both wait until we do."

Ty smiled weakly. "Okay."

Josh stroked the back of Ty's paw gently. "You never have to worry about me leaving. I love you."

Ty perked his ears up. "You...what?" That was the first time either of them had said that to the other.

Josh leaned across the table. "I love you, Ty, as much as anyone possibly can, and then more. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, I'm so lucky to have you here in my life."

Ty smiled. Josh had never expressed feelings like this to him before. "Josh...I...I love you, too. A LOT. More than I ever have anyone before."

Josh smiled now. He leaned further and kissed Ty, deeply and passionately.

"Josh! We're in public!!" hissed Ty.

"So?" asked Josh, and kissed Ty again.

Josh sat back as the waitress was coming over with their drinks, Ty blushing madly. She grinned at the two of them as she set their glasses down. They ordered, and she walked away again. Ty took Josh's hand this time when they were alone again.

"So are your fears gone now?" asked Josh.

"Fears? W-what fears?" asked Ty.

"Oh, come on, I could see that look in your eyes every time we made love, like you didn't think I wanted more than your body," said Josh, quietly.

Ty sighed. "Yes, I...I guess I did feel that way sometimes. I mean, I'm glad you're still so interested in me! Every time is like the first time."

Now Josh blushed. "Well, I...."

"But it is nice to hear you say it," said Ty.

"You mean 'I love you'?" asked Josh, grinning.

"Yes, that."



"I love you."

"I love you, too."


They stumbled into the apartment, barely able to keep their hands off of one another. They'd almost run home from the diner, leaving their dinners half-finished. Josh had one arm around Ty, his other paw down Ty's pants, kissing him deeply. Ty was busy getting Josh's pants undone.

They crashed onto the couch, Josh's pants half off, still kissing.

"I am the luckiest guy alive," said Ty, panting as Josh ran his paw over Ty's testicles.

"We both are," Josh whispered in his ear, undoing and unzipping Ty's pants. Ty leaned back a bit so Josh could his pants and boxers off, and then Josh's followed suit.

They fell back on the couch, both nude from the waist down, Ty lying on top of Josh. Neither of them was making a move to penetrate the other, just enjoying the company, save for the occasional brushing together of their cocks, which became more deliberate each time, until eventually Ty was humping Josh's cock. Josh put his head back and closed his eyes, feeling their members brushing against one another, Ty knowing just where to go to catch both their pleasure spots.

Ty braced his paws against Josh's shoulder, rubbing vigorously, using his own pre to slick the way. Their cockheads kept touching, and when that happened, they both jumped a little from the feeling. Josh opened his eyes, looking up at Ty, and looked back down at him, then leaned down and kissed Josh, pushing his tongue into Josh's muzzle. Josh reached arm behind Ty's head, pulling him closer, and Ty stopped his humping for a moment, everything else forgotten as he kissed his lover.

"I really do love you," said Josh. "Nothing can ever change that."

"No, it can't change the fact I love you, too," said Ty.

"Why don't we get somewhere more comfortable?" asked Josh.

Ty grinned. "Why don't we?"

The two of them went to the bedroom, pulling their shirts off, closing the door behind them.


Ty awoke in the middle of the night, feeling Josh's arm still around him. He couldn't sleep, he just kept thinking of their college problems. But his memory of that night had been very nice.

He got out of the bed, looking out of the window. In the city, he couldn't see a lot of stars, but he saw a couple. He wondered how they were going to get by; twelve-hundred dollars, at this point, was a lot of money. And what if one of them lost their job? That would cut their income in half, and they were only barely getting by now.

Ty went back out to the living room, picking up the calculator and going back through their finances again.


Josh opened his eyes, briefly disturbed by the fact that when he reached for Ty, he wasn't there.

He sat up in bed, looking around. Light was spilling into the bedroom from the living room. Josh swung his legs over the edge of the bed and went to the door, looking just around the door jam.

Ty was sitting at the living room table, papers strewn around him, his face in his paws, his body getting racked with sobs now and then.

Josh's stomach dropped. He hated seeing Ty like this. He knew they were barely getting by, with rent, food, insurance for both cars, and miscellaneous things that came up.

He went back to the bed, sitting down silently. He thought in the darkness, knowing what he COULD do, and HAD to do, for both of them.

He reached into the dresser next to the bed, taking a pamphlet from the drawer. The address on the front was a local address, since it was where he'd first picked it up, so he knew where he was going. And he knew if he told Ty in advance, he'd never go for it, but it had to be done.

He lie back down, wishing he could hold Ty now, because he knew after tomorrow, he wouldn't have the chance often for a long time.


Josh stood in front the building, looking up. He'd gotten out of the house before Ty had woken up, since he'd eventually fallen asleep on the couch.

He opened the front door and went inside. He went right to the desk, to the hyena sitting behind it. "Can I help you, son?"

"Yes," said Josh, slowly. "I--I'm here to sign up."

The hyena appraised him quickly, looking him square in the eye. "You sure? You don't sound sure."

"I....I'm sure," said Josh. "Because you take care of college tuition, right?"

The hyena nodded. "True, after two years of service."

"Then, yes, I'm sure," said Josh.

"Okay," he said. "Come on around back, we'll get your paperwork running."



Ty was making eggs when Josh slipped into the apartment, a thick stack of papers in his hands.

"Mail already?" asked Ty, quizzically.

"Not quite," said Josh. "Ty, turn that off for a second, and come here."

Ty turned the stove off, worried; Josh didn't look good.

"What?" asked Ty, sitting on the couch.

"I found a way to get college paid for one of us; me," said Josh, not meeting Ty's eyes.

"" asked Ty, slowly.

Josh didn't say anything, he merely dropped the folder in his hands on the couch. A military shield was embossed on the front.

"The army?" asked Ty. "You WANT to join the army!?"

"Not 'want'; I did," Josh said.

Ty felt numb inside. "What is this?"

"Those are my orders to ship out," said Josh, sitting down next to Ty. "I have to be at the government building tomorrow at six AM to go to training camp."

Ty stood up, pacing back and forth. "And you didn't even DISCUSS this with me!?"

"What you have said!?" asked Josh, getting up. "You would've said we'll find some other way or it wasn't necessary when this IS necessary. Two years of active duty and I have anything up to a master's degree paid for. Two years out of my life and I'm SET for the rest."

"Two years away from me!" cried Ty, tears flowing freely now.

"I...I know," said Josh. "But I get a weekend of leave a month, unless we're on active duty, and he assured me there's no active conflict right now to be out on, so I'll be home three days every month. And I get paid five-hundred dollars every two weeks, most of which I'll send home for you to save up."

"But you're still leaving me," said Ty. "You said you'd never leave me!"

"I'm not leaving forever," said Josh. "Just for a little while." He moved towards Ty to hug him.

"NO!" yelled Ty, shoving him away. "Don't touch me!" He ran into the bedroom, slamming the door and locking.

"Ty!" shouted Josh through the door. "Please, I...we don't have much time. I don't want to spend it this way!"

"You should've thought of that before you did this!" yelled Ty back.

Josh frowned. "I thought you of all people would understand; I did this for US!"

No response.

"Fine," said Josh, opening the door and leaving, slamming the door behind him.

Ty lay face-down on the bed, crying. He hadn't felt so depressed and sad since Lance had first left him all those years ago, and now he felt like it was happened all over again, that he was being abandoned. He flinched when the apartment door slammed, then cried harder.

Josh pressed the elevator door, not knowing where he was going, but not caring either.

He rode down and went to his car, getting in, starting the engine, and just going.


It was early in the morning when Josh came back inside. He'd been gone all day, just driving around. He quietly closed the door behind him. He set his keys down, and saw the bedroom door was open.

He walked over and looked inside, Ty lying on his stomach in the middle of the bed.

Josh crept to the bed, crawling in next to him, putting an arm around Ty. Ty looked at him in the dark.

"Weren't sleeping, were you?" asked Josh.

Ty shook his head.

"I'm sorry I left," said Josh. "It's after two; we've only got a few hours left."

Ty buried his face in Josh's chest, crying again. Josh didn't say anything, just stroked the back of Ty's head.

"Ty, this is important," said Josh. "All the money I send back, I want you to put towards your tuition, and go to school starting this fall if you get in."

"Josh, I...I could do that," said Ty.

"It's going to be two years before I can attend college," said Josh. "I want you to get a start."

Ty closed his eyes, tears still streaming down. "I'm going to miss you."

"I told you, this isn't forever, just a couple years, and you'll see me once a month for three days. And the rest of the time, I'll always write you."

Ty nuzzled Josh neck. "Promise?"

"I promise; every chance I get," said Josh.

The two of them stayed in each other's arms, until the clock read-out hit five, and it was time for Josh to get up.


"Aren't you packing anything?" asked Ty.

"They told me not to bring anything except what I wearing, and not to wear any personal effects; no earrings, no watches, no bracelets, anything," said Josh.

Ty walked across the room and pressed a small picture into Josh's hand. "Here, see if you can keep that hidden."

Josh looked down at it; it was a picture of the two of them they'd had taken at a carnival photo booth awhile back.

"I will," said Josh, looking at the clock. "I...I have to go."

Ty threw his arms around Josh's neck. "I don't want you to."

"I know," said Josh. He hugged Ty back. "But I have to." He pried Ty off of himself. "I'll be back soon, don't worry. You'll see me again." He kissed Ty.

Ty kissed him back. "I'm not gonna say goodbye...I'll just see you later."

Josh smiled. "See you later." With that, he opened the door and left.

Ty just stared at the door for what felt like hours, but was only a few moments. After a minute had passed, he tore the door open, running for the elevators. He heard the doors ding, and he passed the corner just in time to see the doors closing, the elevator going down. He tried to stop the doors, but they slammed shut in his face. He put his forehead again the metal, banging on them in sadness and anger, crying again.

He slumped to his knees, still against the door, knowing the guy he loved was on his way to leave, and he wouldn't see him until boot camp was over. He cried more, his whole body racked by sobs.

He heard the door next to him ding open, but he didn't pay attention, not caring who saw him.

He didn't look up until he felt a paw on his shoulder. "Ty."

Ty looked up, and saw Josh standing there. He bolted to his feet, hugging his boyfriend, kissing him all over.

"Jeez, it was only thirty seconds," said Josh. "I'm curious what I get after a month."

"You can't back out?" asked Ty.

Josh shook his head. "You know we need free money, all we can get."

"I know," said Ty, glumly. "I...I guess you'd better go."

"You going to be okay?" asked Josh.

"Yeah," said Ty. "I'll get by. If you can be strong enough to go to the army for us, I can be strong for you."

"Okay," said Josh, kissing Ty one last time. "I do love you."

"I love you, too."

Josh stepped back onto the elevator, pressing the button. Ty waved to him as the doors closed. He waited by the elevators for a moment still, seeing if maybe he'd come back twice, but the doors didn't open again, no one else came up.

He went back to apartment, picking up a framed picture of the two of them, laying down on the couch and hugging it to his chest.


See? I didn't forget about Ty and Josh. And no, this isn't the end for them, either.