An Alpha's treat

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#1 of Short, yiffy stories.

Well, here is a story as I promised! something that came to mind while doing random things like usual! i hope you guys enjoy, and let me know if i should add another part to this or not, also i do not mind constructive Criticism at all! so feel free to leave a rate and a comment on what you thought of the story and what i should fix/improve in my writing!

The young fox stirred a bit on the pile of leaves she laid upon. watching the entrance of her den intently, while her tail swayed calmly. she didn't have anything in particular that she was looking at, but she still seemed rather interested in what was going on out there. her mother never let her go out when she were in her "heated" State, but she didn't know why.

but tonight was different, she didn't have her mother to stop her this time, sense she were going to be away for the entire night. so the young fox decided to go and be the curious kit she were, and trot out of the den, into the pitch black night.

The air felt wonderful against her fluffy fur, it made her shudder a bit and yip lightly in enjoyment. the new sensation of the cool snowy air caused her to hop and run around frantically, until becoming tired and doing a face plant into the snow. her white, silky soft fur blending in with it perfectly

she laid there for what seemed to be hours to her, the cool snow along with the cold breeze caused her body to tingle and twitch, and she couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of the Snow against her sex. it felt wonderful, it sent chills down her spine, she soon enough started to hump her heated sex into the snow, letting out excited and joyful yips of pleasure every time her sex encountered the snow.

her humping continued for while, until she suddenly felt a large amount of heat build up within her body, and whimpered lightly, curling into a ball, she started lapping at her sex, before groaning and putting her muzzle around it, and sucking.

this final act finally got her to her peak, she moaned, and started humping into her muzzle slightly, while she attempted to reach her orgasm. although no matter how much times she tried this, she never seemed to relieve the strong build up within her body, only being able to manage a few droplets of cum to exit her sex.

she whined, the feeling was wonderful, but not being able to go past her peak, started to cause quite a discomfort, and she eventually stopped her attempts at release, and started to slowly walk back to her den, until she was suddenly stopped by a large, white wolf..

"h.....he-hello......" The kit gulped. her ears going flat against her head while her fur stood on end, looking the wolf over, she could notice something bright pink in between his hind quarters

"Ahh, here's my litte treat, i was searching for you for awhile now, your scent was so faint. but lately it's been much stronger, i'm pleased to meet such a small, lovely fox, are you pleased to meet me?"

"ah.....i..don't know.....are you nice?" unsure of herself, she slowly started backing up, her tail going in between her legs while she eyed the wolf nervously, being unable to take her eyes off of the red rod in between his hind legs.

"You seem to know why i've tracked you down, but sadly, i am not going to rut such a little fox, especially this close to your den. i will take you to my pack, and you will serve as my little toy..understand girly?"

"o.....okay..." The wolf smirked, and walked over to her, before he opened his muzzle and picked her up from the scruff. and starting to walk slowly away from the fox's den. she just watched in front of herself, since given her position, she had no other choice at the time.

The walk was long and hard to remember for such a small kit as herself, she barely remembered even walking, as she was soon carried up a steep hill and was soon brought to a large flat land, looking around wherever she could manage to turn her head, she noticed a lot of other wolves, some lounging, some fighting, and a few that seemed to be playing, but she wasn't sure. they just emitted a strange scent into the air.

The wolves all ranged in colors from white to gray, and all in between. and they all seemed to give her a strange look as she were carried into the Alpha's den. where he put her down onto the hard, cold stone roughly, and walked over to a hide pile, and laid down on it, rolling over to his side.

"Come here girl, you will do as i say or you will be punished."

"o......okay....i will listen..." The fox gulped, and slowly crawled over to the Alpha. where he would eye her up and down before he smirked, lifting his hind leg up, and showing the young fox his fully erect, 7 inch shaft.

"Lick it, bitch! or you will not like me very much."

Hesitant at first, she nodded, and slowly went over to his shaft. before lightly sniffing it. it had a very strange, but alluring scent. she continued to sniff and observe was so slimy! she couldn't get herself to lick made her stomach clench, although before she could react, the Alpha jumped up and tackled the female

"I warned you bitch! you should've listened when you had the chance."

The little fox had no chance to respond, she were forced onto her back, the Alpha crawled over her, and put his shaft right against her muzzle. before he waited. until she suddenly inhaled a deep breathe, and he thrust hard into her muzzle, putting half of his shaft into her muzzle, before he started to hump slightly.

"Suck, you slut, or i will gag you until you do."

not having another option, she just nodded weakly, and started to suck slightly. getting a satisfied moan from the wolf. he continued to slightly push deeper, his knot already fully swollen and formed, his shaft spewing pre cum into the fox's mouth and down her throat, causing her to cough and jerk her head around.

although despite her resistance, the wolf continued to thrust, causing the fox to whimper every time he hit her throat. she started to jerk more frantically the closer the wolf got to climax, until he finally thrust one last time, reaching his climax, he started thrusting much faster, before slipping from her muzzle, and instead came all over her chest and neck fur, and coating her muzzle and a part of her ear as well with thick, sticky cum.

he continued to thrust for what seemed to be a minute or so before he finally calmed down, and crawled off of her, leaving her panting, covered in his fertile seed. she couldn't help but lick the seed from her muzzle, before swishing it around with her tongue and swallowing

"good job fox. you did good for such a little one, and for that. you may sleep beside me tonight. but if i am to catch you trying to leave, i will have the other wolves of my pack fuck and rut you, and believe me, you don't want that."

"o....okay..s-sir..." going over to the hide pile, the wolf laid down onto the pretty warm and soft bed, and the fox soon walked over and joined him, curling up into a ball, she pressed against the wolf's chest, and soon fell into a peaceful sleep, with the help of the Alpha, who was licking her scruff the entire time, until he fell asleep with her.

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