Office Workload

Story by WolfeByte on SoFurry

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Written for a [contest](%5C)on the [Erotric Furry Writing (EFW)](%5C) Yahoo group. The writing prompt this time was as follows, with my specifics included in the brackets:

Sexes- MF (optional third- M)

Races- Collie (M - Rian Jones), Arctic Fox (M - Lyle Weatherby), Brown bear (F - Marge Weatherby)

Setting- Business Office

Extra Credit- kink (D/s, Voyeurism, cuckolding, etc.), pamphlet, expensive shoes, little bird

Insanely enough, that managed to inspire this, a 50 page epic that revolves mostly around a collie who just happens to have a huge cock. And my first bi-sexual story, woo-hoo! Enjoy! :D


Lyle Weatherby had to see Rian Jones' cock, hard and throbbing and up close enough to measure, by the end of the day or his life would be ruined. His wife of 25 years would see to that, and not only with the divorce, but with the pictures.

Those damn pictures... Thought the anxious little fox, pacing like a caged animal as he absently groomed his fluffy white tail, before stopping himself with a curse. If he didn't stop that, he'd wear a bald patch in his tail, and how would that look to everyone then? Those damn pictures! How could I be so stupid!

The fox shivered, remembering the terror and shock of that night - His wife's gloating laugh, the feel of the other bear's fingers tightening on the back of his head as the brute held him there, on the big male's cock so the bitch could snap a few more shots of the startled, strangled look on Lyle's face as he choked on it. Then the brawny brown bear had let him go, and he had pulled away before realizing the big bastard was cumming and the first spurt had spattered across his face as he fell back. The humiliation as they'd both laughed at him, standing over him, his own cock rapidly shrinking even as he couldn't help but lick at the male's seed as it came within reach of his tongue. His wife still snapping pictures as he lay there, covered in semen, tears in his eyes, frozen in shock. He must've been in shock, or he would have done more, tried to get the camera away from the conniving cunt...

Not that anything he could have done would have mattered. The male bear was at least twice his size, and with his wife there as well... And even had he gotten the still camera, his wife and her accomplice had the room rigged with video feeds. Video! Of him sucking cock! How could I have been so stupid! The arctic fox railed at himself. It had seemed way to convenient, and really, it was...

She explained it all later. The other bear had been the friend-of-friend of his wife's, back in her days as dirt-poor trailer trash sleaze - A life he had saved the ungrateful whore from. It was an easy thing to slip the big horny fucker two-hundred dollars - of Lyle's money, of course - to convince him to go along. Like the bear cared, right? He got paid and got a blow-job from a hot white fox, he was a winner either way. He just walked up, offered his admittedly-large, and attractive, piece of meat to the usually shy fox, led Lyle to the room, and sat back and enjoyed. And got to laugh a long afterwards.

Probably the best head he'd ever gotten, the ugly fucker... It was only Lyle that had paid for that night, and he'd been paying ever since. His wife held the evidence over his head, threatening exposure at his slightest resistance to her every whim. It hadn't been too bad when all he'd had to do was buy her expensive things, or later when she'd made him perform for her sexual gratification, almost everything you could think of. Trotting him out like some well-trained stud-fox, meant entirely for her pleasure...

He hadn't even minded when she'd stopped using him to gratify herself, for the most part, preferring to make him watch as she used a myriad number of sex toys to pleasure herself, allowing him only to help her with his paws or muzzle, his cock ignored until she dismissed him to his own room, often with her telling him to "Think of Bruno while he beat it, little pup..."

Little pup, he thought, rubbing his neck fur absently, still feeling where his collar normally rested, and wondering if anyone could see the mark it left yet. Wondering if that nickname had given her the idea for the rest, or whether some website or another had recommended it. He'd arrived home one afternoon from earning her money, with his lucrative advertising firm, to find a set of matching dog dishes with his name on them waiting on the floor of the foyer. She'd given him the collar later that evening, after forbidding him to eat at his own table. His own table! With food his money had bought!

She'd complimented him on how well it suited him, as she informed him his meal was getting cold in the foyer. He stopped eating at home that night, and wore the collar whenever he was at the house, in private, and even that he could tolerate... Hell, he almost liked it, if only because she showed him some actual affection whenever she coddled him like a goddamned common dog.

He was crushed the day she'd made him watch as she fucked another male. The fact she'd chosen Bruno for the first time wasn't lost on him either, and the way the big ugly bear had smiled back at him as his wife, Lyle's wife, to have and to hold unto death do we part, squealed as the big bear rutted her savagely in a way that Lyle, small fox that he was, could never have done.

He should have killed her then. Both of them. Or himself. But he'd watched, and didn't react. He was stone, and his heart was a cold, hard diamond lump in his chest. He'd said nothing, made no move or sound of recognition, even when Bruno had asked him if he'd like to lick the bear's dripping shaft clean of his wife's fluids. He'd just stared, until the bear seemed to realize that the fox may actually become dangerous one day.

Even if his wife never thought so.

But now, now.... Today, this morning, she had told him that she was getting tired of watching the video of him sucking off Bruno the bear. She'd informed him that she'd like to see her darling husband choke on yet another male's cock, maybe even take it up the ass. She even had someone in mind, someone Lyle knew. Rian Jones.

Rian Jones, the talented new blood at the agency, Rian Jones, young and fresh and so very, very hot. Rian Jones was rumored to swing both ways, Mrs. Weatherby had told Lyle, so maybe the sexy dog would do her after he'd finished with the fox. Rian Jones was also rumored, or so Mrs. Weatherby's inquiries informed her, to have a huge, attractive cock worth dying for... Lyle had of course almost died of a heart attack right on the spot, and demanded how she'd learn such a thing without talking to people, people that knew her, that knew them.... People that could talk, people that might wonder why Mr. Lyle Weatherby's wife was asking about the endowments of other males...

"Oh, I assure you, dear," Said Marge Weatherby, with a dismissive wave and an evil smile, "My source is discrete, though not entirely reliable. So I'm going to ask you to double check on his 'endowment' for us. You could do that for me, couldn't you my sweets? I mean it was so easy for you to pick up guys to suck off in the washrooms of malls, or have a quickie with in the BMW... Or to accept Bruno up to the spare room for a muzzle-job. Surely checking out Mr. Jones' cock should be an easy thing."

And all Lyle's protest's fell on deaf ears, all his oft-repeated explanations ignored. Never mind that it was the guys that always came on to him, even if he signaled his availability subtly. Asking to blow someone, let alone someone he knew, was not at all the same...

Mr. Lyle Weatherby, owner and CEO of the cities second largest advertising firm, was drawn from his thoughts by the chirping of a little yellow bird. He straightened up as adrenaline shot through his system, and released his tail which had developed quite the noticeable short-spot where he'd been nervously grooming it again. He stared at the twittering little bird that was there informing him that Rian Jones was headed towards the bathroom. Lyle fed the little inter-office-messenger bird a treat, and took a deep, steadying breath.

Remember, Lyle, you're still the boss. Rian likes you, and loves his job. A sexy older gent like you should convince a lad like him to drop his pants in no time...

Lyle's inner pep talk helped a little, and he strolled from his office, trying to look casual. He just had to hope Rian liked the idea of letting a sexy arctic fox like Lyle into his pants. Or at least liked it better than losing his job...


Rian Jones stepped into the cool, tastefully lit executive washroom and glanced around. The facilities here were so much more posh than the open-to-the-public ones at his old firm. Recessed bounce lighting, wallpaper and tiling that wasn't chipped or peeling, clean floors, well stocked supplies and lightly playing classical music piped in to some unknown speakers somewhere.

The collie caught a glimpse of someone at the urinals in his quick glance around, and turned towards the sinks instead of going straight towards them. He ran some water and wet his paws, before running them through his head fur as if trying to fix a stray tuft or two. He perked his ears and studied his reflection, and preened for a bit at his own image, but the figure at the middle urinal never moved at all. He shifted his focus onto the male's image reflected behind him, and realized it was Mr. Weatherby, his boss and the CEO. He felt suddenly nervous, and took a deep breath, clearing his throat slightly.

Mr. Weatherby never moved at all. Rian dried his paws and adjusted his tie while studying the fox behind him. Weatherby seemed to be staring stoically ahead, hands at his crotch in 'the position' with his large, white tail slightly raised (perhaps more than would be expected) and flicking back and forth as if Rian's superior was nervous about something as well. Rain admired his boss's ass casually, and then deciding there was nothing left to do but stand there awkwardly, turned and strolled towards the urinal closest to the door, on Weatherby's right.

The dog saw Mr. Weatherby flick a ear as he approached, and could almost have sworn the smaller canid lifted his tail even a bit higher as if inviting Rian to check him out. The collie resisted the urge, sure he was mistaken at the foxes intent, coming to stand at the urinal. "Hello, Sir." Said Rian, without looking over, but watching from the corner of his eye as the fox looked over at him quite openly.

"Oh!" Said Weatherby, sounding almost as if he hadn't known Rian was there. "Hello, Mr. Jones!" The collie couldn't really say for sure, but it sounded like Weatherby had drawn his hello out a bit, more like 'hell-looow...'. The dog looked over at Weatherby and met his eyes for just a moment, and had the distinct feeling that they looked haunted. Rian Jones had never really seen what writers had referred to as a 'haunted look' before, but imagined the look in the arctic fox senior executive's eyes would have fit the bill almost exactly. Then the smaller canine's eyes scanned slowly, obviously down Rian's body, until they settled on where the collie's hands were fumbling open his fly to pull himself free of his boxers. Weatherby's gaze rested there as he said, "Yes, yes, young Mr. Jones... Quite a job you did on the Arcwood account. Very good work, indeed. Exceptional."

Rian saw his boss lick his lips, actually lick his chops like a hungry dog, as the collie finally managed to slip his cock from his pants, pointing it down towards the porcelain receptacle. The collie quickly moved his gaze, and his head, straight forward again, as Weatherby looked up at him. "Ummm... Thanks." Said Rian, trying to ignore the other male.

There was an awkward pause as Rian tried to convince his bladder to work as it indicated it needed too. He imagined waterfalls and flushing toilets and streams, but could feel the fox's gaze still on him. Finally his boss spoke again.

"Oh, no problem..." Said Mr. Weatherby in a low, almost seductive voice, "Credit where credit is due, Mr. Jones, and it's always a pleasure to compliment such a nice... virile, and talented... young dog."

Rian openly gaped at his boss, and the little white fox grinned back at him, stepping back slightly from the urinal and bringing the collie's attention to his own cock. Weatherby's cock was rampant and stiff in his paws, sticking up proudly and not at all small, given the male's size - The white fox barely came up to the collie's shoulder. Rian pulled his gaze away from his boss's cock as quickly as he could, staring ahead once again, feeling his skin flush red under his fur. "Ummm, Mr. Weatherby-"

"Please, call me Lyle when we're alone."

"Lyle, Sir, I don't know-"

"Sure ya do, kid," Interrupted Weatherby again, "I'm coming onto you, Rian. You don't mind me calling you by your first name, do you? Surely a bright, creative lad like yourself can imagine what a guy like me might be getting at -" The fox dropped his eyes back to the collie's cock once more, "- I mean, you've got such a promising history, and could have such a bright, bright future."

"Mr. Weather-"


"Lyle." Agreed Rian, "You're not seriously... I mean, you can't really be..?" Rian couldn't find the exact thing he was trying to say to express his disbelief. Had his boss just come onto him, in a washroom at his work, and imply that Rian's career might be at risk here? "If this is some kind of kinky game, or your idea of a joke, I don't piss on people, and I don't think this is very funny."

"Look, Rian, I'll be straight with you," Said the fox, and Rian had to resist a smile at the choice of the term 'straight', "I don't want to threaten you, or force you, and I'm hoping I really don't have to. I admit I'm an older male than you, and perhaps you don't find me attractive, at least not nearly as attractive as you'd likely find a sultry vixen with a D-cup coming onto you at a singles bar. But you're an attractive male, in many ways, and I want - No, I need - to... To touch your cock, to feel it in my hands, and maybe my mouth. I'd love to blow you."

Rian stared at his boss, as the little fox finished his short, desperate plea and took a deep shuddering breathe as if the whole thing had taken a lot of effort. The collie did like males, and was fond of the smaller canines, but had never really seen Mr. Weatherby that way before. It wasn't that he was too old (though the vulpine could likely have been Rian's father, age-wise), or unattractive especially since the fox was much older than the collie, it was just that Rian had never really seen Mr. Weatherby, Lyle, as anything other than his boss. He was the male in charge, the authority figure, the rich guy in the $2000 suit that made all the decisions and... And Rian had never once suspected the little fox was one of the frequent folks that wanted into his pants.

He looked at the fox's face again, seeing the hopeful, lustful look undershadowed by that haunted sense from before. He checked the smaller canine out casually, seeing him for the first time, really, as anything other than the untouchable, assailable boss-dog of his own corporate food chain. The arctic fox was pretty hot, and the collie knew that sometimes a little experience could make all the difference between a good sex partner and a great one. Rian figured Mr. Lyle Weatherby could probably show him a thing or two.

It also didn't hurt that the last time he'd gotten off, was with his hand, and even that had been 3 days ago. The last time he'd had any help had probably been with that human dude at the Halloween party, weeks ago. He smiled at the fox, and saw Weatherby's sharp features perk up noticeably, and that haunted look almost disappeared completely. "Okay, boss..." Said Rian, his smile turning into more of a smirking, playful grin, "Why not? But if you don't want to do some kinda kinky piss thing, you might want to excuse me while I go. It's really difficult for me when someone's watching..."

"Oh! I understand completely, Rian, I'll be in the back stall, um... Waiting for you." The fox grinned back, but Rian couldn't help notice that the Fox seemed nervous in another sort of way now. The collie shrugged inwardly and watched the fox walk away towards the back stall, tail swishing behind him. Rian tried not to think about the foxes ass, or what might be coming in moments - If he didn't take a leak and fast, he felt he was going to rupture something, and an erection never made going any easier...


Lyle sat on the toilet in the last stall of the executive washroom, and waited. He felt a lot less nervous now that Rian had seemed so at ease finally, with the idea of the fox wanting to get at his cock, but felt the familiar funny tingly feeling in the pit of his stomach that he always felt whenever he was about to go down on, or even just play with, a new male. His cock throbbed hotly between his thighs, his pants puddled around his ankles, as he thought about the new male he was about to play with now.

He wondered how different it would be, submitting himself to the cock of an actual subordinate - Sure, he'd gotten on his knees for males of all types, mostly of a lower social and economic class than him, but this would be the first time with a male he knew, and who he was otherwise directly in control of. I'm the alpha male until I get some cock between my lips... He thought with a grin, as he heard the urinal flush, and then flush a minute later again. He listened as the collie washed his paws (Why bother, he'll be touching his dick again in a minute anyway...) and a minute later, Rian Jones slipped into the cubicle with Lyle Weatherby, closing the door and leaning back against it as he eyed the fox up and down.

"You look very excited about this boss." Said the bigger dog, with a grin.

"It's been awhile," Lyle admitted, resisting the urge to just leap at the sexy stud before him. Play it cool, fox, you'll get it... Rian looked sort of uncertain, and the fox motioned him forward. The dog had even done his pants up entirely again, noted the fox as the collie stepped towards him. Lyle reached out and ran his hands down the dog's shirt, and then down to his crotch to rub the bigger canine through his pants.

"Do you want me to get it out?" Asked the collie, and the fox smiled.

"No, that's okay," Said Lyle, starting to unbuckle the dog's belt, "If I need any help, I'll ask you, I promise." Rian nodded, mutely. "Haven't done this much, have you?" The older fox asked.

"No sir," Replied Rian, "Not sober at least."

"Ah, I see." Lyle said, "And what do you drink?" He had finished with the dog's belt, and popped open the button on the big canine's khakis.

"Ummm, anything, I guess." Said Rian, than as if sensing this didn't satisfy Lyle's interest, added, "I like Vodka. And Whisky..."

The dog's pants slid down his thighs, while Lyle had already moved his attention to the collie's boxer shorts, using the search under the canine's shirt to rub his paws through Rian's belly fur. "Crown Royal? Jim Bean?"

"Canadian Club." Murmured the dog, his excitement already tenting his boxers in front of the fox's face, and Lyle nuzzled the hidden treasure,"Ahhhh..!"

"Guess I'm not the only one excited anymore," Chuckled the fox, snuffling his black nose into the opening Rian's boxers, inhaling the younger dog's heady scent with relish as his white paws reached up to hook the garment's waist band. He gave a tug, before remembering he'd forgotten the tail-button at the back, but the collie was already undoing it. Lyle closed his eyes and left his nose pressed into the dog's crotch, savoring the musky, male scent, and the feel of Rian's swelling sheath pressed against his sensitive nose, before pulling away and tugging the collie's boxers free. They slid down the bigger canine's finely shaped thighs as well, to rest atop the dog's pants.

The fox nuzzled his entire face into the collie's crotch, before leaning back to look up at the dog as his hands slid up to caress and stroke the canine's crotch. Lyle's gaze wandered the length of Rian's body, and he licked his lips again, "God's, you are one hot, sexy stud, Mr. Jones. Gorgeous."

"Why is it I believe you more when you say that, than I ever believed anyone else?" Asked Rian, smiling and panting lightly as the fox's talented hands teased him.

"Maybe because it's the sincere voice of experience, my young hunky friend..." The fox wanted to rip the collies shirt off, and drool and a fawn over his chest as well, but figured he'd save something for later, and contented himself with stroking, and squeezing the dog's sheath and shaft and balls, encouraging the stud towards full erection.

"Or maybe old dog's just lie better." Grinned Rian.

Lyle laughed and thought fondly of how good it felt, how good this felt. Rian's casual acceptance of the older canine's intention, the young dog's slick shaft between his fingers, the smell of aroused male canine. "Well, either way, as long as you believe it. It's true." Replied the fox, moving his hands up to tightly grip the collie's cock in his hands, one above the other. A good portion of the young stud's length still projected up from the fox's top hand, "And Holy Christ you're a big boy, Rian, and I definitely say that from experience!"

Rian moaned from the encompassing grip on his shaft, his eyes closing briefly before he smiled down at Lyle again, "Ah, well, an old fox like you has seen a lot of cock in your day, boss?"

Lyle kept his gaze locked with the larger canine's, a smile along his muzzle still though his ears were submissively drawn back, as he leaned forward slightly to circle his tongue around the collie's cock-tip. "I've seen enough to know yours is phenomenal, my sexy young friend, though not as much as I'd have liked to." Said Lyle, thinking of his wife, thinking of Bruno, for a moment, before trying to shove them from his mind. He wanted to enjoy his new friend here before he took him home to the bitch...

"I had noticed the ring." Said Rian, his larger hands wrapping around Lyle's own, to stop the smaller fox from stroking him, "You are married then, still?"

"Oh, yes." Lyle heard himself say, his own voice sounding strangely flat. He pushed his hands up as he dipped his head down to lap at the collie's balls for a few moments before continuing, "Oh, yes, I'm still married, unfortunate though I find it. It's no problem though, for you, she's the reason I'm here, licking your nuts for you..." The fox returned his tongue to the dog's balls, bouncing them gently against his tongue, his nose pressed into the bass of Rian's sheath, as he lapped at the dangling sac.

The collie removed his hands from Lyle's, and the smaller vulpine began stroking him gently once again, "Mmmm... I like that," The dog said, spreading his legs a bit more and jutting his hips a bit further towards the fox's lapping. "You're wife's the reason you're here?"

Lyle lifted his head back up as his adjusted his position slightly to get a better angle at the dog's intimidating endowment, "Oh, yes..." He said again, "My wife's the only reason I'm here... Best thing she's asked me to do in almost a month, as well I might add." The fox stroked his hands slowly down the collie's thick shaft, lapping again at the tip, "She really wants to 'meat' you."

With that, Lyle opened his muzzle wide and plunged the dog's cock into his mouth, taking as much of it as he could take easily, and stifling a slight gag as the tip of the tasty member prodded against his throat before he stopped. Rian gasped, and the fox felt the bigger canine tremble slightly between his lips.

"Good god's, Fox! Holy shit! You took like half of it in one gulp!" The collie sounded a mix of both impressed and amused, and Lyle felt a rush of pride and delight at the dogs reaction. "Your wife wants to meet me?"

Lyle almost smiled around the dog's big shaft, "Mmm-hmmm..." He managed while slowly sliding Rian's cock back bit by bit, slathering the taught skin with his tongue as he did so. His hands stroked the dog's notable length that wouldn't fit into his muzzle, and fondled the big canine's balls, while he lavished his oral attentions on the rest.


Rian was in heaven. He let out a protracted growl-groan of pleasure as his boss began bobbing his vulpine muzzle along the upper length of the collie's turgid cock. He'd had no clue Mr. Weatherby's muzzle would feel so good, and had never dreamed that the stern, proper little business-fox could be such a talented cocksucker. The dog panted and looked down at the sexy middle-aged arctic fox nursing at his groin, and met the fox's eyes as Lyle looked back at him, not slowing his actions in the slightest. Watching his generous length slip between the smaller canine's muzzle as he looked up into Rian's eyes was so fucking hot, the dog felt a surge of pleasure wash through him, and thought he was going to cum right there.

As much as he hated to stop the little fox, he said, "So, uh..." Rian panted, "Why's your wife want to meet me?" The collie had tried, through the haze of pleasure radiating through his mind from his crotch, to think of why the boss's wife would even know of him, let alone want to meet him.. He'd come up with nothing, so asked as much to actually know, as to delay his imminent orgasm. He wanted to enjoy this a bit longer before blowing his load, it was so much better than the half-remembered times with college-queers at frat parties.

Still, he almost growled when the pleasurable sensations around his shaft and cock-head ceased, and had to resist the urge to pull Weatherby's head back down onto him to finish in the smaller canine's muzzle. The fox never neglected him to answer, though, his deft and dexterous paws seeming to dance along Rian's entire length as the vulpine looked up at him. "Mostly for this, I think," Lyle said, giving the dog's shaft a quick squeeze.

"For what?" Rian asked, not catching the hint until the vulpine squeezed him again, more firmly, drawing a moan from the collie. "My... Cock?" He said disbelievingly, looking down at the white canid that was taking the moments delay while Rian tried to understand to nuzzle and lap at the dog's scrotum again, which wasn't really an aid to thought.

"Yes, indeed, you big dicked S-O-B," The fox was looking up at him again, and Rian had the peculiar impression that his boss was using his cock like I microphone, and tried not to laugh at the image. He smiled widely down at the vulpine beneath his prick, between his thighs. "Someone has been letting slip the size of this piece of meat, and my old lady caught word of it." The fox said, before pushing the dog's cock against his belly, and lapping his way up along the underside.

Rian stared down at the vulpine, every flick of Lyle's tongue against his shaft sending tingles of pleasure up his spine to his brain, again making it very hard for the poor dog to think straight. Someone here talking about is cock? Eileen from accounting? Maybe Ted from copy, who'd walked in on him changing that night during the poker game he'd hosted... Or...

"Are you done asking questions, Mr. Jones?" Weatherby asked, and Rian looked back down at him again.

"Huh?" The dog asked, his mind blanking on him.

"Because I'd really like to finish you off now."

"Oh... Um," Said Rian, "Fuck, Mr. Weatherby, boss. Uh, Lyle... Sure." Real fucking smooth, idiot dog, he chastised himself. He watched the fox's tongue lash out again, and across his seeping tip, and shivered in lust. "Ummm, do you like... Uh... I mean, can I cum in your mouth?" He thought to ask, but Mr. Lyle Weatherby seemed not to hear, as the little white vulpine just opened his lips and made Rian gasp again as his member was engulfed in the hot, moist confines of the fox's muzzle.

Rian felt his cock-tip nudge the smaller canine's throat again, and had to resist his urge to grab his boss's head and shove his cock deeper into the talented fox's muzzle. The collie let out a growl of restrained lust, and held himself steady as Lyle went down on him, the vulpine's paws stroking along with the motions of his muzzle, and squeezing the base of the dog's shaft. The collie watched, panting, as his length disappeared and reappeared by turns from between the fox's lips, the smaller canine seeming to be focused intently, solely, on Rian's cock as if determined to get the larger canine off as quickly as possible now.

Rian Jones, standing in a bathroom cubicle with his boss, his sexy middle-aged-arctic-fox boss, slurping away on his cock didn't think it'd take very long at all to get off in the smaller canine's muzzle. The dog whimpered quietly as the vulpine worked Rian's member over in his mouth, Lyle pulling back to lap and suck just on the sensitive, seeping tip, which elicited a much louder, desperate sort of whimper from the collie. Rian felt almost embarrassed by his reactions to the fox's talented muzzle, but the white canine was just so good at what he was doing. The dog actually yipped before he could stop himself, as the fox found a particularly sensitive spot and dug at it with his tongue. Rian could swear the little fox almost choked on his cock while trying to laugh at him.

For his own part, the collie just tried to content himself with petting and stroking the little fox's head and shoulders, sometimes scratching behind the ears, partly to encourage the vulpine, and partly just to prevent himself from gripping the smaller canine's head and forcefully muzzle-humping him. Rian felt awkward enough just touching his boss in that sort of affectionate way, and although the fox had expressed his pleasure at the collie's actions which reassured him, he felt that grabbing Lyle's head and trying to control the action on his shaft a bit more would be pushing his luck. Not that the arctic fox was doing a bad job on his own, quite the contrary, but Rian was having trouble's holding still as the pleasure built up in his loins under the vulpine's talented ministrations.

"Gods... fox...!" Rian managed to pant, before it dissolved into whimpers of pleasure. He wanted to tell his boss, tell Lyle, tell the hot little white fox slurping up and down his shaft how great it felt, how completely incredible it was. How incredible Lyle was, at pleasuring him, but the feeling made him tremble and shake and it was too hard to speak. The big dog could feel ever lap and lick the fox's tongue made against his shaft, feel the fox's throat work against his cock-tip every time the collie's length went in that far, feel the slight suction and the wet, tight seal of the fox's lips as they slid slickly along the dog's taut, tumescent flesh. All of it worked together, conspired towards bringing the dog to a earth-moving climax...

And then it was gone, the fox's mouth pulling away, to be replaced by the tight grip of his hands, one above the other along the length of Rian's straining cock, and the collie actually thrust forward as if hoping to find the vulpine's muzzle waiting still. Lyle's hand's stroked him, as the smaller canine panted. "Oh, yeah, getting close ain't ya, stud?" Rian felt his shaft lifted against his belly again and felt the fox's tongue lap over his tightened balls, "Definitely ready, eh, pup? Big dog's going to blow a nice big load for his boss, aren't you?"

Rian opened his eyes, not even sure when he'd closed them, and managed to look down at the teasing, torturous canine. Lyle looked back at him with a sly, mischievous grin. Why yes, I'm about to explode the biggest load of my life all over you face, Sir, thanks for asking... Rian thought, but, "Fuck... Close..." is all he managed to pant.

Lyle snaked out his tongue to tease the underside of the collie's glans for a moment, as his hands continued to rhythmically squeeze and stroke the entire length, keeping the dog on edge. "I thought so... Want me to just beat you off, my tongue teasing your tip as you jizz all over it?" The fox asked, "So you can watch me swallow it all down, or should I just get it back in my muzzle and let you cum where it's warm and wet?"

Rian growled, and having no desire for reenacting the 10 best money-shots of all time or anything, managed to pant out, "In... your... mouth..."

"Mmmm.... Okay, lets do that then." Agreed Lyle, his lips coming towards the dripping tip of the collies cock, but as the dog thrust through the fox's grip to get it inside the smaller canine moved back, with a chuckle. "Oh, so eager." He admonished, leaning back as the dog thrust again. Rian moved forward a bit, to maintain his balance and to follow the vulpine's grip on his shaft, and before long found himself straddling both the toilet and Mr. Weatherby's well-dressed form before the little fox opened his mouth and allowed the collie's next thrust to bury his bone inside.

Rian paused upon feeling the upper half of his maleness once more wrapped in the hot, moist confines of the fox's muscle, thinking Lyle would again start doing his magic. The fox did wrap his lips around the dog's thick meat, and he did lap at it and apply suction, but aside from the gentle squeezing caress of the vulpid's hands on the lower shaft and the dog's balls, there was no movement. The collie thrust forward a bit more, as if thinking maybe the fox didn't know his cock was there, and felt the smaller canine swallow around the tip of his cock before Rian's lust filled brain clued in.

Rian pulled back and felt the fox's hands and mouth stroke over his shaft, the vulpine's tongue swirling around his tip, before plunging back in to Lyle's mouth with a deeply satisfied grunt from both of them. The smaller canine made some sort of muffled moaning-humming sound around the collie's big cock. As if the sound of pleasure from the fox was some kind of signal, Rian began humping himself steadily between the fox's fists and into Lyle's mouth. It didn't take long for the dog to find his pleasure starting to build again, and his pace increased, each thrust bringing a whimpering grunt from him and a muffled murr of pleasure from around his cock, as if the fox was answering him back.


Lyle Weatherby groaned with lust with each lurch of the big stud's shaft through his hands and between his lips. The horny little arctic fox flexed himself inside his now-very-tight custom-tailored pants, his cock held imprisoned in his sheath sending ripples of pleasure-pain through him, though far more pleasure than pain. Rian was really fucking his face now, and though the fox wanted to try to deep-throat the huge piece of meat the dog was packing, he didn't think this was the best time for that kind of experiment. Besides he was more than half-certain his wife would be wanting the well-hung collie to shove as much of it down his throat as he could take later, whether Lyle was inclined to want it or not.

The big dog's tempo increased, as did his intensity, each thrust forward moving the smaller fox back a bit on the toilet as he tried to maintain the best grip on his bigger partner's swollen cock. Still both canine's tails swayed happily behind them, even as the force of the big canine's humping started to push Lyle's neck and shoulders hard against the toilet as he was unable to move back any further. He was sure if he hinted towards any discomfort at all the big dog would stop doing what he was doing, but the slightly awkward jostling was more than overshadowed by the fox's enjoyment of the activity, and his anticipation of it's finish.

If Rian fed him as large of a load as the cum-hungry little vulpine expected, the whole deal would even be worth the bruises he'd have tomorrow. He was already enjoying the plentiful spurts and dribbles of the larger canine's natural lubricant as it slathered over his tongue and coated his lips. Lyle groaned again, as the collie's frenzied fucking got even harder, though less steady, each thrust driving the bloated tip of the dog's cock into the fox's throat now. He tightened his grip a bit more, trying his hardest to lap and suck the pumping rod just a little bit better, bring just that much more pleasure to the big sexy stud above him. Lyle was preparing for the impending climax even as he heard Rian grunt-growl his intent.

"I'm...gonna... cum!" The big dog managed between grunts and heavy panted breaths.

Oh, fuck, yeah... Thought the fox, and made some sort of affirming sound around the dog's thick shaft, hoping it conveyed to the sexy stud that Lyle definitely didn't expect or want the collie's seed deposited anywhere else but down his throat and across his tongue. Rian seemed content with his earlier choice though, and didn't show any hint that he even thought of pulling himself from the fox's muzzle before letting go, and Lyle could almost swear he got a taste of the bigger canine's seed, and he moaned in blissful appreciation at the flavor, before he felt the dog's cock start to pulse between his lips, and heard the dog's first whimpering-grunt of release.

Rian kept pumping his hips through the little fox's hands even as his first actual spurt splattered across Lyle's tongue and swallowed down, to be chased an instant later by the second one shot directly into the back of the vulpine's throat. Then the dog's humping abruptly ceased, his meat pushed as far as it would go before the studs body stiffened and held in place, the pulsing of his cock the only action needed to deliver his semen into the fox's maw.

Lyle distantly heard the big canine's barking-yips of pleasure turn into a longer growl-moan as the fox drank his seed in gulps directly for a few spurts, before pushing the collie back a half step to catch the rest of the dog's load on his tongue, to savor the taste of the stud's cum as it flooded his mouth and tricked down his throat. The fox groaned back lustily at the dog, though it was muffled by both the sizable cock and a mouthful of warm semen, and took one hand off the bigger canine's still slowly pulsing shaft to rub at his own.

Lyle hadn't planned on cumming himself just yet, but when he pressed his palm against the stiff, straining bulge in his pants, he was overcome with an incredible need to bring himself off as well. With his muzzle still full with a sexy male's cock, and the strong, heady smell of the seed trickling down his throat filling his nose, the fox started to rub himself rapidly through his pants, humping up against his own hand and moaning around the dog's cock. It took only seconds, and he was conscious of gulping the mouthful of Rian's cum down all at once as a warm wetness started to spread across his crotch and belly fur and the explosive pleasure of his own orgasm ripped through his body and mind.

The fox was sure that if he had blacked out for a moment, overwhelmed by the pleasure, it hadn't been for long, but the next thing he knew Rian's cock was pulled from his muzzle, drips of saliva and semen spilling down the vulpine's chin, and probably across his shirt, not that he was concerned at that point, with the aftershocks of pleasure still making him twitch and shudder. Then the bigger canine was holding his shoulder, with a concern that was mirrored in his expression as he peered down at the fox.

"Damn, Mr. Weatherby, you alright?"

The fox couldn't move his attention away from the dog's still dripping cock, as another shiver of pleasure remembered passed. "Call me Lyle." He said, reaching out to grab the dog's meat again, and leaned forwards to lap the seeping tip back into his mouth.

"Lyle, right." Repeated Rian, straightening back up, and allowing the fox to clean his softening cock with a bemused expression on his face. "Holy shit, you're something else, you know?"

The arctic fox never replied until he was sure he's gotten the last dredges from the collie's cock, and then let it slip from his muzzle again with a contented sigh as he leaned back on the toilet. "Thanks, Rian. I think that's what makes this company special, a CEO with a difference." He chuckled, and the collie laughed as well.

"Damn, you really enjoyed that, eh?" Asked to dog, looking pointedly at where a dark wet stain marked the fox's shirt and pants, evidence of Lyle's own climax.

"I did." Replied the fox, looking at the stain and wondering the best way to handle it. He had a change of clothes in his office, actually had bought a new suit for just that reason, in case he ever needed a change before going home to the bitch, his wife. But getting there might require some finesse... "Hopefully you enjoyed it as much, if not more than I did, my young friend. I'm hoping you'll want to do it again later."

"Later?" asked the dog.

The fox stood, and adjusted himself, ignoring the uncomfortable wet, clinging sensation of his cum-stained garments. "Yes. Tonight, after work, in my office. As I said, the wife wants to meet you."

"Your wife, in your office?"

The fox fixed his tie, and buttoned his jacket up over his shirt and his pants. "I trust you'll be there, Mr. Jones?" Lyle asked, stepping towards to door, as the dog moved aside automatically. "I'd hate to disappoint the missus, you know." She can be such a spiteful old cow... The arctic fox finished in his mind.

"Umm, sure, I guess..." Started the collie, before Lyle cut him off.

"Excellent. See you there... Stud." Lyle winked at his subordinate, before slipping out of the stall quickly, and letting it close behind him.

The executive checked himself quickly in the mirror, hoping the stain showing below his suit jacket wasn't too obvious, and that nobody would think to hard about the smell of sex that would follow him all the way back to his office. He said a silent prayer to whatever powers that might be out there looking after the trapped, slightly terrified foxes of the world like himself, and then ducked out of the bathroom (not even noticing who was about to enter the room as he left, dodging around them without hesitation) and made a beeline for his office, not stopping once to look at or acknowledge anybody as he went.

He brushed by his secretary who told him his wife called as he went, and muttered a thanks as he stepped into his office and closed the door behind him. He locked it, and then turned and leaned back against it. Lyle stared blankly at his office and his view of the city skyline as he played over the scene he'd just experienced with the taste of Rian still in his mouth. The fox licked his lips, and found himself absently stroking his cock through the wet spot on his trousers. He was hard again, which was incredible. At his age, you never knew when it's start misbehaving, but Rian was one hot dog, with a cock to die for.

He sighed, and started to undress, wondering if he could still hate his wife after she'd managed to get him to do what he'd just done. Never in a million years would he have managed it, without that bitch hanging his life over the edge as motivation. He dropped his wet boxers onto the pile of clothes in front of his door, and ran his fingers through his sticky pubic fur, then lapped at his fingers. He'd have to call the cunt, whether he still hated her or not. Then he'd have a cool, refreshing shower in his private washroom, and use lots of soap to get his own stink from his fur, so she wouldn't know he'd gotten off without permission. He was supposed to feel the lad up, not suck him off, but what she didn't know, wouldn't hurt him.

Lyle padded across his plush pile carpet, savoring the feel of the fabric against his footpads and the thrill of walking around his office in the nude. Funny the things he had just never done before, that he did now almost to spite his old-selfs sense of propriety. Maybe he'd thank his wife one day, after all, he thought as he lapped more of his cooling semen from his fingers as he picked up his phone with the other. He sat down, his erection poking himself in the belly as he slouched in his expensive leather office chair. He hit the auto-dial with his 'clean' hand, and put the receiver to his ear.

"Hello my pet, where were you when I called?" The bitches voice was so patronizing, he felt his erection wilt slightly just at the sound of it. And of course no, pleasantries, just straight to the demands.

"It's true what they said about the dog." He said, seeing if getting her distracted by another male might avoid any annoying explanations on his part.

"Oh, really? How big is he?" True to form she suddenly sounded eager, and given how much Rian's cock excited him, Lyle guessed he couldn't really blame her this time.

The fox stared at his still-slightly sticky hand, trying to gauge how wide it was, and remember how much of the collie's cock had protruded over the combined length of his two hand together around his shaft. That thought got his erection perked back up, even with the old cow yammering in his ear, trying to make him hurry. As if nagging ever helped anyone think better. "It was, ummm... probably 11 or 12 inches."

"Inches, what?" She asked, and it took a moment for his brain to clue in.

He stifled a sigh, but had to be glad he'd gotten at least 20 seconds of respite from her stupid game. "11 or 12 inches, Mistress." He said.

"There's a good little fox," She cooed at him, "So he's at least 10 inches then?"

"Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress." Lyle said.

"And how thick? Was he thick, dear? Thick enough to choke you?"

Thick enough to choke anyone but a whore like you... Unfortunately. Bitch. Thought Lyle, spitefully, but replied only, "I think so Mistress, yes. He seemed very thick. Mistress."

"Thick enough to choke a faggot like you?"

"Yes Mistress." Lyle replied, his voice emotionless.

"You'll like gagging on it for me, won't you, dearest? Choking down another guy's cock, after he's fucked your wife?"

"Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress."

"So, tonight like I asked? You told him his job depends on it?"

"Yes Mistress, right after work, Mistress, he'll be at my office." The fox felt his muzzle split open in a wide feral grin.

"Your office?" She took it how he expected, and had to stifle a laugh. She hadn't even noticed his last 'mistress' was omitted, and every utterance of that word he managed to avoid was a small victory in his mind.

"Yes Mistress. He didn't feel comfortable coming to the house, seemed afraid it was some kind of trick. That maybe we were dangerous, Mistress.." Lyle spilled his carefully planned ruse quickly, letting the nervousness of his lie pass as nervousness at her reaction. "He said he'd only come to the house if he could tell someone where he was going, and we wouldn't want that, for either of us, would we, Mistress?"

The office stud being invited to the boss's home to meet his wife... No, she wouldn't want that.

"No, I wouldn't want that." She said, as if reading his mind. "So your office, at 6 then?"

"I'll send a car, Mistress. I'll tell them we plan to go for a stroll by the river, and have dinner at that French place down there...." The excuse was needed, people might wonder where she was going, and even the staff shouldn't know what games she played. There was a pause. "Mistress?" He asked, the grin still on his face. He stroked himself and licked his paw quietly as he waited.

"Okay, Lyle," she replied finally. "But there'll be punishment for your failure and I'll be bringing your collar with me. I wanted the dog here, tonight. It would have been better. Safer."

"Yes, Mistress, sorry, Mistress." Said the fox, the tremble in his voice as he tried not to laugh, would hopefully pass as a tremble of fear at her promised punishment. He wasn't sure though, since by the time he said "Thank you, Mistress." His wife had already hung up.

Mr. Lyle Weatherby cackled wildly out loud to himself, and then sighed, settling happily into thought, staring into nothingness as he idly licked his paw again, and wiped it through the now-drying spooge on his belly fur. He repeated the action, lick and wipe, lick and wipe, his erection standing tall and unnoticed, until he'd barely need a shower to wash the rest out. He'd still have one though, of course, but first he picked up the phone again, looking his brother's number up in his palm-pilot before dialing. Who knew having a lawyer in the family would one day prove more useful than he would ever have guessed...


Rian Jones thought he might have the wrong office - The collie could not grasp the idea that the large female brown bear that answered his knock could be Mr. Weatherby's wife. She smiled broadly at him, "Mr. Jones, how nice to see you made it." She said, giving him a very approving once over with her half-lidded eyes, before turning around and inviting him in with a crick of her finger.

The dog looked around outside the office once more, expecting at any moment to see some sign that he had, indeed found the wrong office by mistake, even though he'd been to his boss's office numerous times. Not catching anything out of place, the dog just assumed the bear was supposed to be there, and stepped through to door.

"Close it behind you, would you, Rian?" The bear asked over her shoulder as she made her way slowly across the room, swaying her hips in such a way that might have caught the dog's attention had she been a wolfess or a vixen. The collie closed the door, and was about to turn back when she added, "Oh, and would you mind locking it? We don't want to be disturbed, now do we?" He locked it, and turned around.

The bear had leaned back with her ample bottom resting against Mr. Weatherby's thankfully sturdy oak desk, with her arms propping her up, her hands gripping the edge of the desk, in a pose that served to push her equally ample bosom out slightly. She was looking the dog over with that appraising, approving, hungry look again, and he felt somewhat ill at ease.

"Ummm, what about Mr. Weatherby?" He asked.

"He's getting changed." She said, eyeing him up even more obviously, "But never mind him for now, I'd like to get to now you a bit more, even though Lyle-," She said his name as if it was distasteful, "- has told me so much about you." Her gaze came to rest directly on his crotch for a good moment or two, before she seemed to remember herself, and glanced up at his face again. Subtlety was obviously not her specialty. Rian wasn't sure what expression was showing on his face, but when she saw it, her wide smile faltered a bit, before she forced it back into place. "You are one handsome stud-dog, aren't you?"

"Uhhh..." Rian shrugged, "Thanks, I guess." He looked away, feeling awkwardly like a piece of meat. He glanced around the spacious office, thinking it was about the size of his first apartment he'd lived in for three years. His attention was drawn back to the bear by her huge sigh.

"He did tell you why you're her, right?" She asked, any facade of beguiling seductress apparently forgotten in her irritation.

"He said his wife wanted to meet me..." Said Rian cautiously, still not quite believing the big she-bear could be the small fox's wife.

"I do." Said the bear, dismissing any hopeful doubt the dog had held, her face lighting up again as she stood. "Come over here for a minute, Rian. I brought some champagne." The bear walked around Weatherby's desk, and Rian noticed the bottle settled in a bucket of ice beside two goblets for the first time. She popped the cork from the bottle with practiced ease, and poured a generous amount in each glass.

"Um, Mrs. Weatherby-"

"Please, Rian, call me Marge."

"Right, Marge," The dog repeated, thinking the bear and the fox had something in common afterall. "I don't know if this was such a good idea..."

"Nonsense, dear! Here, have a drink, relax a little. I don't bite." She offered up a glass towards the collie, who reluctantly walked around the big desk to take it. "There we are... Cheers! To a good fuck and soon to be good friends!"

Rian watched her numbly as she raised her glass, not thinking to raise his own back. Marge made a tipping motion as if touching it to his own glass which she apparently imagined he had raised anyway, and then took a long sip. The dog blinked and touched his lips to the chill liquid in return, and then looked at the big smiling she bear as she again tried to position herself in such a way as to present her feminine assets to his perusal.

"So, what about Mr. Weatherby?" He asked, again, hoping to distract that hungry look from her face again.

"I told you he's changing." She said, her smile slipping again.

"I know, but shouldn't he be done by now, or shouldn't we wait-"

"Lyle's been a bad pet, Rian. He's being punished."

What the fuck? Thought the dog, staring at the she-bear as if she'd lost her mind. "Punished?" He asked blankly.

"Yes, Rian. Do you find that hard to believe? I assure you my husband can be a real naughty pup sometimes." She continued in a very conversational tone, as if informing him about the weather, or the latest stock quotes. "So of course he had to be punished. So no wine for him, and no sexy collie dog for him until later, either. He'll join us later, though, I promise." She said the last bit as if promising a small child that they'd go eat at McDonald's later, if they were good while visiting grandma...

Rian laughed. "You're joking!" He looked around as if looking to see a group of people, or Lyle at least, jumping out to yell 'April fools!' but saw nobody. He looked back at Marge and saw that the bear definitely wasn't laughing. The dog cleared his throat. "I mean, it is right? A joke?" The she bear just glared at him. "You can't be serious? Lyle is your 'pet' and he's been 'naughty' so you're punishing him, by depriving him of wine and ...?" He couldn't finish the '...And sex with me' part.

"It's not a joke, Rian." Marge said coldly. "I though Lyle had at least done that much right, but I guess he didn't explain things clearly enough for a male like you. I guess he deserves his punishment more than I had thought."

"Where is he, and what kind of sick game are you people playing?" Rian's hackles were up, and he glared back at the bear, a snarl on his lips.

"Don't get macho on me, stud." The bear laughed at him, though it sounded slightly forced. "If my husband, little faggot that he is, had bothered to explain, this all would be going alot smoother. But here's the deal, you do what I want tonight, or my husband fires you. My husband does what I want, because I have evidence of exactly what kind of tail-raising fag-fox he is, and he can't bear to have the world know his dirty little secrets." The big bitch got right up into the dog's face, muzzles almost touching. "And what I want from you, is your cock, to stick wherever I so decide I want it, got that big boy?" She reached down and grabbed his crotch roughly, and he jumped back, spilling his champaign everywhere. She laughed, and took a big swallow of her own.

The collie just stared at her,dumbfounded. She was blackmailing her own husband into finding guys for her to fuck? "You're fucking insane." Rian said, quietly.

"Aww, c'mon, don't be that way." She said, her voice sounding that wheedling, semi-seductive way again, "Am I so unattractive that you won't stick that big fucking prick of your up inside me to save you job? Or maybe you're as gay as my dearest pet, and a woman is too much for you?" She sneered, though her tone never changed. "If you really are more interested in that old shit, I do promise he'll be joining us later."

Rian had no idea what to say, what to do, but he was convinced that this female was out of her fucking mind. She got close to him again, "I also promise I'll make it good for you, Rian... " She moved her hand to his crotch again, but much more gently this time, and started feeling him up beneath his pants. "And you do feel like such a gifted male, just like Lyle always said you were..."

"I think he was talking about my sense of design," Said Rian, closing his eyes and trying not to respond to Marge's touch. "Not my cock."

"Not this afternoon he wasn't." The bear nuzzled against him, "This afternoon he called me up and told me all about your nice... Big.... Cock." The last three words were punctuated by a gentle squeeze of the female's paw on his sheath, and the dog couldn't help but start to feel aroused.

"Uh, Mrs... Er, Marge?" The dog tried to resist the temptation to just give in, fuck the bitch, and get it over with. "Is...Is Lyle okay?"

The she-bear's hand quit stroking his groin, and when he opened his eyes, she was staring at him intently, as if trying to gauge his sincerity. "What do you mean?"

"Y-You... Didn't hurt him, did you?"

Marge stared into his eyes a few more seconds and then seemed to figure out that he was indeed, sincere, and not just fucking around to avoid fucking around as it were. "Oh, gods, no... No. No I didn't hurt Lyle. Well... Not much, anyway. Did you want me to call him out here?" Rian nodded and she sighed. "Oh fine, then." She raised her voice, "Lyle dearest, would you step out here, please? Rian would like to see how naughty pups are punished."

Rian looked over his shoulder to see where the fox might've been hiding, and saw the door to Mr. Weatherby's private washroom open. He turned around and watched the small white canine walk gingerly out towards him. The collie perked his ears as he could here a low humming coming from the fox, as if something electronic vibrating, that got louder as Lyle approached. The fox appeared to be wearing nothing but a collar and some kind of weird leather-and-metal belt or undergarment, and as the smaller canine drew closer, Rian could see the strange sort of cage attached to the belt that ensnared the fox's sheath, and the tight band that held it tightly shut.

He felt the bear embrace him from behind and nuzzle between his shoulder and neck. "See stud? The little faggot's fine..." She reached around to the collies front, and started feeling him up again, but he growled.

"What the hell is that thing?"

He could feel her staring at him again, as if gauging his reaction and interest once more. Lyle looked up at Rian with pleading eyes, and whimpered softly.

"It's sort of like a male chastity belt." The bear said, conversationally, looking over his shoulder at the pitiful fox, apparently completely unmoved. "It, uhhh, makes it uncomfortable if he gets, or rather tries to get an erection."

Rian's hackles raised again, unbidden. "And the buzzing sound?" He asked through clenched teeth, stepping away from her and turning to glare at her between pitying glances at Lyle.

"Oh that," Said Marge Weatherby, would-be dominatrix. "That would be the well-greased, slim little vibrator I had him slide up his ass. Figured he'd enjoy it."

"Jeezus... You crazy bitch." Rian spat, his ears laying back and a deep growl rising in his chest.

"Hey, what did I-"

"I don't fucking care, lady. I'll let you order me around and have your fun for a night. I'll even fuck you til you scream so hard and can't walk tomorrow, but I'm not going to sit here and let you torture someone while you do it. Take it off. Now."

She looked stunned, almost, but opened her mouth to argue again, "Look here you-"

"No! You look, Bitch. Does it look like I'm fucking negotiating here? Fire me and fuck up his life if you want, but either way, it's coming off. It's your choice whether I boot fuck your ass instead, and then call the cops on this freaky little game you're playing, or whether you just lay off the bullshit and take the fucking thing off. Got it?"

She sniffed, and glared at him. Then sighed. "I wouldn't touch that filthy thing. He put it on, he could take it off."

Rian looked at the fox, who was looking back at him like the dog was some kind of saint or savior descended from on high, and all aglow with the glory of heaven. Or maybe Lyle just never expected the collie to have the balls to stand up to his wife the way he couldn't do. He whimpered again, helplessly, and looked from Rian to his wife and back.

Rian looked at the bear. "Then tell him he can take it off. Now."

Marge looked from the angry, bristling dog to her husband and back, before nodding at her husband. Rian watched the little dog fumble with the clasps of the belt with his trembling hands, and stepped over to help. Lyle whispered a quiet "Thank you." as he just held still and let the dog remove the evil contraption. Once it was free, Rian saw the smaller canine reaching under his own tail, and couldn't help but notice the vulpine's swollen, sore looking length practically spring from the confines of fox's sheath. The dog turned away to glare once more at the bear. His anger was still boiling his blood.

"You." He growled. "You want to be fucked, eh? Fucked by me? You want my big fucking cock jammed up your twat, you nasty fucking cunt?"

Her eyes widened in surprise moments before he lunged at her, catching her around the thighs, his arms finding purchase under her heavy ass, as he heaved her off her feet. He physically hauled her over to his boss's desk, as his boss stared at him with wide-eyed amazement again, and flopped the big female bruin across the large wooden surface. Marge gave a little cry of shock as Rian tilted her back, his hands running up under her dress to catch his fingers in the waistband of her panties, before he ripped them off with one quick motion. He started unbuckling his belt and his pants with one hand while he rubbed his other one over the mound of her sex, feeling the aroused swollen lips of her cunny open and waiting for him. His hand came away wet, and the dog sniffed at it deeply.

"Well, imagine that! Normally I'd stand for a bit more foreplay, but it seems watching your husband suffer was enough for you." The big canine's pants fell to the floor, and he pried his shorts down over his throbbing length before giving it a couple vigorous strokes with his wet palm, "Or maybe you just like it rough..."

Rian lined himself up with his boss's wife's wet, waiting snatch, and then slammed himself home with one powerful thrust. He grunted as her body closed around his entire length, and she gasped in either shock, pleasure or pain, or maybe a bit of all three. Moments later the big she-bear cleared any doubt from the dog's mind by wrapping her legs around his body and grinding herself onto his shaft.

"Oh, gods, now that's a fucking cock! Fuck me, you asshole! Oh, yeah, make me feel it..." She bellowed, and Rian was thankful the building would be empty until the security made their rounds in another hour or so. The dog wasn't used to such a vocal partner, and in this case found it actually rather distracting, especially when she turned her attention back towards Lyle, goading the little fox with comments, "You watching this, my sweets? Seeing how a real stud fucks a women? Wanna get a real close look at what a real cock looks like fucking your wife?"

Rian was about to tell her to shut the hell up and fuck, but the fox actually beat him to the punch. Marge was silenced abruptly by the completely unexpected sound of Lyle's laughter. At first it was just a sharp little cackle of mirth, then a short pause, and then he was full-out laughing his ass off. Marge just stared over at her husband, apparently almost forgetting she had Rian's rather large endowment plumbing her depths, and after a second or two, the dog stopped and looked over at his boss as well.

Mr. Lyle Weatherby, wearing nothing but a collar, was sitting flat on his ass, head thrown back in some sort of comical-equivelent to a howl, and laughing with tears streaming down his cheek-fur. He'd stop for a second and then look at the both of them, before breaking into peels of laughter once more, until he was clutching his stomach in pain from laughing so hard.

Rian exchanged a look with marge, and then the both looked back at the little white male still laughing and crying, and trying to say something. Thinking this was terribly awkward (and that 'terribly awkward' was an understatement if ever there was one), the dog made as if to disengage with the big she-bear, though she showed no sign of unwrapping her legs from him, when the fox abruptly sobered.

"Hey!" He snapped, reminding Rian quite suddenly of the no-non-sense Mr. Weatherby he had known the entire time prior to their engagement in the washroom. "Don't stop fucking the bitch, Rian. I'm supposed to be watching that. Up close." Lyle began picking himself up off the floor, as Rian exchanged another look with the bear. She seemed as baffled as he did.

"He's lost his fucking perverted little mind." She muttered.

"Au contraire, mon cher," Lyle said as he started towards them, "Rian has a phenomenal cock, I should be glad to watch him fuck my wife. It was your idea, after all..." The fox was grinning maniacally at both their stunned expressions. "Speaking of which, Rian, why don't you let her be on top? My Margaret always loved being in control, and having her way."

"You want a better angle to watch a better man fuck your wife, you little faggot?" Marge sneered.

"At this point, my sweet, sweet, Margaret, it feels more like I'm letting my friend fuck my wife..." The fox replied, completely unruffled, "And yes, I'd like a better view, if it's alright with the two of you?"


Mr. Lyle Weatherby watched his wife unwrap her legs from around the big sexy collie's body, and watched the dog move out of the way so his wife could struggle slightly to heave her bulk up into a sitting position on the desk. She glared at him.

"I think the couch maybe best, dear." The fox offered, mildly. Rian headed over towards the couch and Lyle watched his cock bobbing along all the way, apparently immune to any sort of inconvenient interruptions in it's pleasure. When he turned back, Marge was standing right in front of him, her glare even more heated as she looked down at him.

"You better watch yourself, little man. I'm still in charge here." His bear of a wife growled, and Lyle had to suppress the urge to lay his ears back and look away, but managed to show no sign of concern or submission, looking back up at her calmly until she turned and stalked towards Rian. The fox grinned, humorously now, sorry he'd gotten the dog into this, but still glad he had.

Watching Rian stand up to his wife had been like a moment of truth for the arctic fox, an epiphany of sorts. The dog had made a choice, taken a stand for something he believed, even in the face of threats to his career and everything that meant to his life. And the dog had made that choice, in a very real sense, for Lyle as well, for the fox's benefit. When Rian had helped him remove that... That thing... from him, Lyle had never felt more connected to anyone, except maybe his wife in the early days - He'd wanted to jump at the big dog, and hug him and kiss him and nuzzle him and somehow convey his gratitude.

Lyle was sorry now, that he's only managed his whispered thanks, but felt maybe he could really make it up to the dog later, though in a way with, perhaps, far less significance than Rian's earlier display. The fox shook his head to clear it, and walked towards where the other two had arranged themselves on the couch. Rian had submitted himself with more dignity than Lyle ever had to his wife's advances, and was sprawled out on the couch beneath the she-bear with a look somewhere between disgusted disbelief and reluctant pleasure.

Marge had mounted herself on the big dog's cock while facing towards Lyle, and she glared at the fox between looks of intense bliss everytime the big collie shoved himself up to meet her descending sex. "Why don't you crawl... Over between our legs... Get a good look pet!" She said between the gasps and grunts of pleasure that ruined her attempt at being the stern mistress she apparently wanted to be.

Lyle considered laughing at her again, but decided to comply anyway - He did want to get between the dog's legs again, see that beautiful cock stretching her wide. The fox didn't crawl though, just walked over to them, returning her gaze, before kneeling between both sets of outstretched legs and lowering his eyes to watch as Rian's slick wet cock pulled from his wife's snatch. The folds of her labia were spread wide in her arousal, offering the fox clear view of the dog's shaft slipping within her hole as she reached down to toy slightly, gently with her swollen clit. Rian's cock looked less thick in comparison to Marge's sex than it had felt filling his muzzle, but the sight of such a well endowed male fucking in his wife still aroused him in a way he had never considered it might. It didn't help that the smell of arousal and sex was almost overpowering between the legs of the two coupling furs.

The fox barely heard himself whimper in lust at the sight, but noted it with shame somewhere in his mind. He knelt between the legs of Rian and his wife, his gaze focused intently on the dog's thick meat pumping steadily in and out of Marge's pussy, and ran his own hand across his still slightly sore arousal. Deciding the pleasure was better than the discomfort he began to stroke himself slowly, while he watched, almost unblinkingly, the smooth shaft of the collie disappear into his wife, followed by her grunt or gasp of pleasure, before it started to reappear.

So enrapt by the lewd scene, he never even heard what his wife said at first, and looked up at her, "Huh?"

"I said... Get that... Talented tongue... Involved..."

Lyle glanced back down at the collie's beautiful slick cock pushing it's way up into her, her sex clasping around the thick invader as she rode up and down to meet the dog's thrusting, and realized he did want to be involved, to taste her fluids dripping down Rian's cock, and to taste Rian's cock itself against his tongue again. The little fox just wish he'd thought of it before Marge had. He sighed resignedly, and leaned forward, moving now onto all fours, his own cock left alone as he stretched his tongue out to tentatively lick at the dog's cock, while it was free from Marge's cunny.

The piquant and familiar flavour of his wife filled his mouth as he pulled back slightly to consider, and he could still make out the sort of metalic-musky taste of Rian's cock, more recently tasted. He imagined the collie's plentiful, tasty emissions seeping and squirting up inside his wife's virgina, mingling with her fluids before being slathered down the canine's cock and being left as a flavourful residue on his exposed shaft. Lyle went back for another lick. Then another.

Before he even really knew it, the fox found himself lavishing his tongue over the big collie's cock, pausing at first every time his wife's genitals came too close on their trip down Rian's cock. After a few minutes, the eager, orally-inclined vulpine didn't even bother pausing for that, his eyes closed as his tongue lapped over slick shaft and swollen cunt-lips alike, without discrimination, as they presented themselves. He was dimly aware of his two partner's appreciative gasps and sighs, his wife practically squealing as his muzzle or nose or tongue caught her clit, and the fox never even registered his wife's increasing urgency, and her increased moans and whimpers of pleasure until she reached down and clutched his head in her hands and mashed his muzzle against her clit. It almost broke Lyle's mood, but the fox shrugged, in his mind, and obediently began lapping vigorously at his wife's little nub of sensitive flesh.

"Oh, fuck, yes!" She screeched, clasping the smaller white canine's head to her crotch as he played his part to set her over the edge, even as she bounced herself rapidly on the larger collie's cock like it was her own private fuck-toy. Lyle felt her tremble and shake, her hands uncomfortably tight on his head, until she went suddenly very weak, and he slipped free, lapping his way back down from her clit. The fox tasted the strong secretions of her climax as he lapped over Rian's shaft again, noting the dog was now humping himself up at his wife's quivering cunny with a fury, driving towards his own climax, Lyle assumed.

"Fuck, I... Should I pull out?" The dog asked, then added, "Don't really want to be a father yet..."

"God's no!" Lyle heard his wife reply, "Don't worry your sexy little head, dog, I want your cum inside me... Cum for me, stud, so my husband can taste your seed dripping from my snatch..."

Lyle heard his own lusty groan matched by Rian's, as his tongue wandered down to lap at where his wife's juices had soaked he dog's sheath and balls. The fox teased the collie's tightening scrotum, delving his tongue beneath the dog's nut's as they drew up tight to the big canine's crotch. Rian's thrusts grew erratic, and then with a final thrust the dog buried himself deep into Marge's sex, and Lyle quickly moved his lapping, licking tongue up to play against to tiny bit of the collie's shaft showing, to feel the male's cock pulsing against his tongue.

Rian practically howled out his orgasm, and Lyle counted the heavy pulses of the collie's cock, imagining each spurt of the big dog's semen as it flooded his wife's insides. There was a tense, trembling sort of stillness to all three of them as the dog shot his load, interrupted only by the more obvious jerks of the big canine's body as the pleasure of orgasm swept through Rian. The fox had counted the sixth pulse of the dog's shaft against his tongue when Marge shifted above him, and started to rise from the collie's lap, and almost without thinking the smaller canine was lapping his way up Rian's cock as it slid free. Lyle crawled forward as he went, and moaned at the first taste of the collies seed that he tasted against his tongue, but didn't make it to the collies tip before it slipped out of Marge's sex, and a weaker spurt sent semen splashing against her before it dribbled down to to fox's questing tongue. The eager vulpine had moved right up onto his knees, grabbing Rian's cock in his paws and pulled it towards him, to slip the tip into his muzzle with a mutual groan. Lyle took to last of the collie's load on his tongue as the bear settled herself back to watch, planting herself on Rian's belly.

"That's it dear, gobble that cum down," Marge cooed, ignoring the collie's trembles and whimpers as the fox's tongue and mouth began suckling gently on his now-over sensitive shaft. "Clean up the stud's cock for him, make him squirm..." Lyle realized the dog's discomfort, and flushed with shame, stopped his motions and just rested there with Rian's cock in his muzzle, seeping out the last remnant's of his load. "Aw, c'mon, that's no fun..." She pouted, seeing the dog's cock was starting to shrink slightly.

"Jeezus lady, you're not done yet?" Lyle heard Rian ask, and could have told him his wife wouldn't be satisfied just getting her own pleasure from the dog.

"Not unless fag-fox here can't get a young stud like yourself back up and ready for action." Lyle could sense the bitch staring at him, considering, "C'mon, my pet, get back to work... Rian's had his rest, start sucking."

The arctic fox sighed to himself, but was eager to comply - His own cock hadn't deflated at all, while Rian's was about half the size it was at full-mast, though again only the upper couple of inches rested in the fox's muzzle. Lyle was content to suck the big stud back to his full majesty, and then beyond to completion if he could. He'd happily swallow another full load from Rian's balls before he even touched his own cock, assuming his wife let him. The little white canine started slurping his way down the dog's length, tonguing the residue of sex away as he went, and in it's semi-flaccid state he could get the whole thing into his muzzle for the first time, swallowing slightly and stifling his gag reflex with the tip in his throat.

"Fuck, fox... Wow!" He heard Rian say from behind and beneath the bulk of his wife.

"Nice work, dear pet." Said Marge, "Watching you muzzle-work a cock makes me almost wish I had one."

Me too! Thought the fox. He moaned around his mouthful of cock, already feeling it growing once more.

"We'll have to see if you can take the thing all the way when it's hard." His wife said, "But hold that pose would you? I've gotta go get my camera."

The big female hefted herself up off of Rian's body, and the fox peered up at the collie to exchange a look with the dog. "Camera?" Asked Rian.

The fox flicked his ear dismissively and offered the dog a wink. He imagined he looked pretty silly with his muzzle stuffed with the dog's cock, and winking up at him, but Rian certainly didn't laugh. The dog just looked torn between uncertainty and lust. Lyle swallowed again, knowing his throat trying to draw the collie's cock further down would add to the lust. It seemed to work, as the bigger canine grinned and groaned, and made no move to dislodge himself from the fox's gullet.

Marge reappeared with her digital camcorder already running, directed at the look of pleasure on Rian's face before she panned it down the dogs body to focus on Lyle's cock-stuffed muzzle. "Oh, you always were so photogenic, dearest," She sneered, "Now back of his cock slowly, and lap your way down to his balls or something. I wanna watch the thing grow before you choke on it."

Oh, for fuck's sake, now she's a director? Thought the fox, but complied anyway, slipping slowly of the dog's growing penis, and then holding it up and gently stroking it with his paws as he dipped his head down to lap around the base where it vanished into the sheath, before moving down to lap at Rian's balls, where he could still taste his wife's fluids.

"You guys, ummm... Make movies a lot?" Asked Rian, sounding curious and nervous, as if uncertain he should be talking while she filmed her husband sucking him off.

"Not really, just one other. It's getting old though, so I wanted something new." Replied Marge, unpeturbed. "The one with ol' Lyle here sucking down my good buddy Bruno is hot, though, maybe he'll show you sometime."

Fat chance, Thought Lyle. His wife had played puppet-master for almost long enough as far as he was concerned.

"Oh. Maybe." Said Rian.

"Fuck that things a beauty, you know, Rian?" Said Marge, "And the little faggot just loves it, too... Get back up there and start sucking again, pet, it's as big as it's going to get I think"

Lyle lifted is head and saw that Rian was opening his mouth to reply. The fox opened his muzzle and dived onto the collie's shaft much as he had the very first time earlier in the day. The dog groaned, and humped instinctively up to meat the fox's descent, and then they both groaned again as the dog's cock-tip again jammed into the vulpine's throat. Lyle then began using every trick he could to keep the dog whimpering and moaning in pleasure.

"Oh, yeah, look'it him gobble that cock, the little queer loves it!" Marge remarked, though Lyle had no notion of whether she spoke for her benefit, the camera's or Rian's. Rian and the camera never replied, and lyle noted his wife's shadow moving across Rian's belly, as she moved in for a close up. "I may have married a fag, but holy shit that's hot!" She continued, "C'mon dear, take some more of it!"

The fox stood, never moving his mouth from the dog's thick meat, leaning over to keep a firm hold on it, and get a better angle. Obligingly, and in part (he had to admit, at least to himself) to sate his own cock-lust as well, Lyle tried to let Rian's impressive cock slide a few more inches into his mouth. He managed to get a couple more inches past his lips before gagging slightly, and having to move back of to lap and suck on just the upper half again, while he recovered and prepared for another attempt.

Marge laughed when he gagged, and Rian whimpered. "Try again, foxy," Said his beloved wife, with mocking sweetness, "And this time take a deep breathe, 'cuz the horny stud here's going to help you down!"

She said it like it was the most natural idea in the world, but Lyle was happy to here Rian's reply. "What? No, I'm not!"

"C'mon dog, the fag just needs a bit of encouragement to choke for your pleasure..."

"And your amusement? Forget it, bitch."

Lyle was ready to try again, and went down on the dog fast to make the attempt. He knew he could do it, having deep-throated males before... Just never one quite as big as the collie. He felt the dog' cock-tip nudge his throat again and pushed a bit further, swallowing, just as he heard his wife say, "Fine if you won't, I will!" As the tip of the big canine's cock slipped down a bit and he started to gag slightly again, he felt Marge's large, powerful bear-hand cover the back of his head and hold him there. The fox felt himself start to choke, and was dismayed to find even that turned him on all the more. Then the bitch-bear's hand was pushing him down farther, and he fought back the urge to resist, his mind forcing his throat to relax, his gagging to stop.

Mr. Lyle Weatherby snorted wetly, a wheeze of air squeezing past the blockage in his throat, as he straightened his neck a bit to line it up better, and suddenly with a rather uncomfortable rubbing-friction as if he was swallowing a piece of meat not fully chewed, the huge cock slid completely into the little arctic fox's throat. He heard Rian gasp in sudden, surprised pleasure, and Marge cackled with glee, her hand still holding him firm, but most of his attention was focused on the sensation of having his mouth and throat stuffed with the big stud-dog's entire cock, Lyle's nose pressed into the collie's pubic fur, with the canine's highly compressed sheath bunched against his upper lip.

Lyle would have sworn if anyone had touched his cock, he would have came right on the spot. Even as it was, he could feel a quantity of fluid squirt and drip from his own bone-hard cock. He's buy Rian a new pair of the most stylish, expensive shoes if he'd just ruined the pair the dog wore, but wow, it was worth it. It was sick, but he was in heaven.

Now if only he could breath...


"Holy fucking god's in heaven!" Rian exclaimed, his eyes wide as he stared at the small arctic fox male impaled on his cock. All the way on his cock. The dog could feel the fox's throat muscles trying to pull his cock deeper still, hot and wet and mind-blowingly arousing. Nobody had ever managed to suck his entire cock before, maybe because he was too kind to ever want to hurt anyone even accidentally. And now that his boss had Rian's shaft all the way down his throat - the little white canine's nose was pressed into his pubis hair - Rian didn't think he'd ever been so turned on in his life. "He fucking took it!"

"He's a talented little faggot." His wife spat, still peering into her camcorders viewfinder even as her hand held her husband down on Rian's cock. The dog felt revulsion and shame start to kill the buzz of having his cock buried completely in hot, moist fox-throat.

"You're fucking unbelievable." Rian stared from the evil sneer on the bear's face, to the look of shocked pleasure on the fox's. "You're both unbelievable, but you, you're just fucked in the head. Let him go." The she-bear seemed not to have heard him, as she stared at her husband over her camera and licked her lips as if wishing it was her mouth impaled on Rian's shaft. "Did you hear me? Let him go!"

Marge cackled. "Na, I think he's fine. He probably loves it..."

"Maybe he does, but it's his choice, let him go."

"I think I'll leave him there, until he passes out."

"Don't be crazy, bitch, let him go. He can't breath!" Indeed the little fox's look of blissed-out contentment had turned to a slightly concerned look of distress. Rian felt the vulpine's jaw quiver around his girth, and the fox made a sort of strangled noise. The bear held Lyle's head so firmly, that Rian didn't know it he'd know whether the canine was trying to pull off or not. "Let him go!"

"Maybe I'll hold him there until he dies... He'd want to go that way, anyway. Choking on cock." She laughed, her evil smile becoming even plainer on her muzzle.

Rian's blood went cold, and he was stunned that his cock seemed to show no signs of shrinking even in his sudden fright. "You freaky cunt, let him fucking go, right now!" The collie's sharp mind tried to figure some way of slipping free from the fox's mouth himself, but was petrified with fear. His cock felt so rigid, but the tissue of the vulpine's esophagus didn't seem that strong. He had no idea what kind of damage had been done, or could be done, if he tried to hard to get himself out of the little canine's throat. He brought his knee up hard, smashing it into her arm that held Lyle in place, but it seemed barely to phase her, though the sudden lessening of pressure brought desperate choking sound from the fox.

As if anticipating that the dog's next intent was to punch her if the head, the bear swiveled around, with her hand on her husband's head as a pivot, out of his easy reach. She laughed, "Not so tough now, eh, stud? Don't move too much he might bite it off!"

Rian gaped at her. The sick fucking cunt actually thought he was worried about himself, while her husband choked to death on his prick... Un-fucking-believable. "You malicious, perverted cunt! I warn you, even if..." He found himself unable to seriously consider, let alone say, even then the unthinkable. Choking to death on my cock! He thought, Fucking no way! "No matter what, when I get my hands on you..." He growled.

"Such a tough fucking male you are, Rian... Even when you have no control. Tell you what..." She smiled at him, lifting the camera up to point at his face.

"What?" Rian asked, "What the fuck do you want?" The fox was panicking, and the dog could tell he was struggling now, first pushing and then pounding against his expensive leather sofa.

"If I let him up, I wanna see you fuck his pretty little ass."

"Wha-? You've got to be fucking kidding me, you sick fucking bitch!" Un-fucking-believable. Un-fucking-real. The cunt was smiling a sweet little oh-please-won't-you-agree smile at him, while choking her husband to death on his cock. "You're not kidding, you sick fuck..."

"Not even. I think my little fag's a virgin, and seeing your big fuck-stick buried up his ass-" Just then Lyle gave a loud trembling squelching moan from around Rian's cock. Fucking hell...

"Fine, fuck, okay!" Fucking psycho bitch, just let him up...

"Swear?" The she-bear inquired, as if eliciting a sacred oath from some childhood classmate on a grade school playground, "Cross your heart, hope to die, stick a needle in me eye?"

"You loopy fucking broad- Yes!"

"You swear?"


"Swear on your honour as a male and a gentleman?"

"For the love of god, I swear! On my honour! On my mother's grave! Whatever!" Rian shouted at the crazy bitch.

She let Lyle go, and the little fox popped up off Rian's prick like a jack-in-the-box, and then slumped over onto his side on the floor, coughing and retching. Marge Weatherby laughed. In an instant the dog was on his feet, and her laughing died with a strangled yelp, and then the big bitch was on the ground herself, and Rian loomed over her. The collie wasn't even sure what he'd done, whether he'd hit her, or where, or just shoved her, but now he had his fist back and growled down at where she stared up at him with all her gloating, smug laughter wiped off her evil face and replaced with clear, startling fear. Fear of Rian, and the big collie was going to show her she should be afraid, the psycho sick fucking whore...

"Wait." A small voice choked from behind him. "Wait, Rian. Don't." Lyle choked out again, then coughed some more.

Rian stopped himself, fist held ready. The look of terror on her face turned again to a malicious smirk. "Always the boss's dog, eh, stud?"

"Why you dumb stupid fu-"

"Don't." Lyle said again, behind him, and Rian's fury told him to fucking smack the bitch down anyway. Normally he'd never hit a women, his mother had raised him right and proper, bless her, but this... This creature was no woman, this... "She's not worth it, Rian." Lyle said, sounding a bit better already, though still raspy.

And Marge, this time, seemed to sense the big dog was at the end of his leash, Lyle's or his own. She never said anything, never even smirked. She just waited, watching the dog with wide eyes.

He wasn't sure how long it was before he felt Lyle's hand on his shoulder. "Really, Rian, it's okay. She really isn't worth it." Rian felt the tension leave his body, but not his anger. He glared down at Mrs. Margaret Weatherby as she slumped on the floor, and wished horrible things on her. "Thank you, though, Rian." Said the fox quietly, looking down at his wife as well. "For getting her the let me go. And for everything."

"But-" The collie began, thinking of what he said he'd do. She still had whatever it was she had to blackmail Weatherby with, and going through all this shit for her to use it against the fox anyway seemed absurdly unjust. He wasn't a kid by any stretch of the imagination anymore, but he still had some idealistic notion that there should be some justice in the world. And some honour. And he'd promised, swore to the fucking maniacal bitch, that he'd fuck Lyle...

The fox never let him finish, though, just cutting straight to the issue once again, just has he had at thousands of board meetings. Admittedly no board meeting had ever been like this. "It's fine, Rian. You swore, and... And I'd be happy if you'd be my first. Happier than you could know."

The dog stared at the diminutive arctic fox in disbelief. What did he mean, happy? Happier than he, than Rian, could ever know? "I don't understand." Rian said, "Mr. Weatherby, Lyle.. I'm huge. You've never done this before?"

"No, but I trust you. I've tried a few, umm..." Lyle looked at his wife, who was still staring up at them from the floor, looking as if the night was unfolding in a way she'd never imagined, and she had just become aware of it herself. She looked almost as stunned as Rian felt. Lyle smiled at the dog, then. "I've poked around a bit under my tail, lets just say, shall we? It'll be okay."

"But... I'm huge." The dog repeated, as if the fox was daft. He stroked his cock a bit for emphasis, though only a finger of it poked from his sheath at this point. Apparently the collie's persistently optimistic endowment wasn't completely incapable of losing it's vigor under appropriately weird and non-erotic circumstances after all, thought the collie. He noticed Lyle smiled when he looked at Rian's deflated maleness, and licked his lips. The dog had little doubt the fox could get the dog's motor running once more.

"I know, Rian." Said the fox, kindly. "You've got a remarkable cock, and it might hurt like a dickens taking it. But I trust you Rian. You'll be careful, and go slow."

Rian nodded mutely at the older fox, not at all certain this was a good idea, but definitely sure he'd be as careful and slow as the smaller canine needed him to be, to adjust to the dog's size.

"Good. Now there's a bottle of very nice lubricant in the washroom, if you'll go get it? I think I'd like a drink before... Well, before, at any rate." The little fox nodded, to himself, Rian figured, and then headed to his little in-office wet bar. "Scotch, I think."

The collie headed to the bathroom, and took a quick look around. Seeing Lyle's shoes sat neatly on top of his folded slacks brought the big dog's attention to his own, where sometime during this fiasco of an engagement, he'd apparently gotten some bodily drippings of some sort on them, which were drying the a crusty white mess. He sighed, noting a bit on his pant leg as well.

Deciding wisdom was better late in coming than never, he quickly stripped off all his clothes but his undershirt, and then located the bottle of lube Lyle had mentioned. He checked the label, and didn't recognize it as anything you'd find in the prophylactic aisle of his local drug store. The price tag was still on it, and the collie gave an appreciative whistle. Somehow he wasn't surprised his boss would be buying specialty lubricants from god-knows-where that were hideously expensive, but he still resolved to not waste a drop of the stuff, even if he needed a lot of it to make things easier on the fox. The dog had spent less on a week's worth of food than an ounce of this stuff cost.

Shaking his head, he took the lube out to the office and stopped. He growled. The bitch was looming over the fox threateningly, and though Lyle didn't seem that ruffled by her posturing, or whatever she was muttering at him, the collie felt his hackles raise, and this strange sort of protective instinct he'd felt growing throughout the very weird evening surged forward. He growled louder and stormed towards the two of them, and they heard him this time. Lyle smiled at him, but the big she-bear had that scared look on her face again, and was backing away from the fox with her hands raised.

"You." He glared at her, coming to stand between them, the fox behind him. "You want to get your jollies, that's fine, you do so. Film all you want, but keep your distance or bad things might happen. Got it?"

"Relax, Rian... It's okay." Said Lyle, sounding like he was somehow pleased nonetheless with Rian's behavior. The dog handed the white canine the bottle of lube offhandedly, and let the fox guide him to stand before the couch, where Lyle sat down. Rian was still glaring at the bear when he felt the first nibble of her husband's teeth, tugging gently on his sheath. The fox's nimble hands began to massage and stroke the dog's groin, but Rian was really forced to divert his attention from the big she-bear once the Lyle's tongue started probing down inside the opening of his cock's protective sleeve. The big dog closed his eyes and growled, only in pleasure this time, as the smaller canine teased and stimulated the tip of Rian's hidden member.

The collie's cock didn't stay hidden for long, just as he had expected. Under the fox's skilled manipulation, Rian's length was exposed and rampant in a matter of moments again, and the dog peered down in a haze of pleasure as Lyle lapped enticingly at the base of the thick shaft even as his hands worked to open the bottle of lube. The vulpine grinned up at him and squirted a generous line of the slippery liquid along the top length of Rian's cock, and giggled when the dog inhaled sharply at the sudden chill of it. Rian smiled, and chuckled in return, and it was almost possible to believe this situation might have arose on it's own between the two would-be friends who were mere coworkers on friendly terms the day before.

"C'mon you love birds, get on with the unf-unf bit already, would you?" Rian sighed, and glared at Marge, sitting now in Lyle's office chair, which she rolled around even on the plush carpeting, to get whatever angle she wanted. Lazy bitch. Rian had almost managed to forget she was there again.

Lyle seemed to ignore his wife completely. The fox wrapped his hands around the bass of Rian's member, and his muzzle around the unlubed tip, and began to slowly spread the lubricant around the dog's big cock while his tongue and lips worked over the tip, making Rian grr and moan his pleasure. The collie reached over and cupped the smaller fox's head in his hands, petting Lyle gently, and scratching behind the little canine's ears once more, before Lyle's paws got to the point where he had to pull his muzzle of Rian's tip. The fox looked strangely reluctant as his slathered the slick stuff over the collie's cock-head.

"Aww, isn't that cute? The little faggot wishes he could keep sucking it, even after what happened last time. Guess that shit must taste awful!" Marge guffawed as if this was the height of humour, "Don't worry, sweets, if you want another taste of the stud's cum, you can eat me out while he reams you, how's that sound? Still feel kinda drippy, you might get a treat..."

Rian was disgusted, personally, by the idea, but Lyle seemed somewhat keen on the whole prospect. The arctic fox look abashed as he licked his lips, and gave Rian an apologetic look, handing him the bottle of lubricant, before nodding to his wife. The bear laughed some more. The fox stood, and Rian stepped back as the white canine turned around to kneel on the couch, patting the broad back of it, which was almost as well padded as the rest of it.

"Come sit up here, then, dear..." Lyle offered quietly. The big bear grinned arrogantly at Rian, and lumbered over to climb onto the couch, settling her ample ass on the backrest in front of Lyle. The fox glanced back at Rian, gave a halfhearted smile, and raised his tail in invitation.

"Yeah, get a move on it, pup, the views great from up here." Marge laughed again, and Rian wished he could just reach out and smack her once more. Instead, the collie just focused on the task ahead, opening the bottle and pouring a glop of the stuff on his finger. Reaching up under his boss's tail, Rian smeared the oily stuff across and around the fox's tail-hole, and then added a second blob to his finger, and repeated the motion, this time probing a bit inside. Lyle moaned, and the dog felt him tighten around the tip of his finger for a moment before he relaxed again. Rian added more lube, and went back, and once more again, before he'd worked his entire finger inside. He wiggled it around a bit and Lyle groaned again. The dog grinned, and reached his other hand down under the bent over fox, and wrapped his hand around the rigid, hot fox-cock he found there, and Lyle gasped.

"Ah! Rian, no... Don't do that, my friend, you'll set me off and make this take a whole lot longer!"

"Like it could possibly take any longer, you old cur." Muttered Marge. She was sitting there with her arms folded, camera off for once as she waited for the 'real' action to start.

"Marge, shut the fuck up, alright? It's hard enough keeping an erection with you in the same room, let alone when you're yapping." Rian said, pulling his hand out from under the fox, and stroking his cock as if to keep it hard, though it seemed happy to stay that way as long as he wasn't getting ready to actually beat anyone. The dog figured adding to the lube on it wouldn't hurt any, anyway.

"Fuck you." The she-bear replied.

"Did that, already, you old boot. Next time I'll do you in the ass without lube, make it fun for me, how's that?" Marge never said anything, just glared and smirked. Rian added lube to a second finger. "Ready for two fingers this time, boss-dog?" Rian asked Lyle, who had his eyes closed with his head hanging down, as if trying to sleep or tune out the universe at the very least. The collie saw him nod, but got no other response.

"If he screams, I'll just make him muzzle-fuck me, that'll shut him up..."

Rian ignored the bear, and slipped his hand back under the fox's big bushy white tail. The dog managed to work a second finger up inside the little fox without as sound other than heavy, panted breathes from any of them. Adding a bit more lube to his by-now fairly saturated hand (he didn't feel 'over doing it' was a big issue at this point) the big canine started feeling how much resistance his boss's rear had to three digits at one, but though that definitely got a groan from the small vulpine, the fox never tensed up overtly much or anything else, seeming quite comfortable relaxed now with Rian's probing exploration.

The collie felt a certain level of relief that his superior hadn't had more trouble with things so far, and was actually starting to feel the familiar lustful anticipation of the act to come. Getting this intimately acquainted with Lyle's nether regions had no more crossed his mind than had the idea that the little fox would one day be sucking him off in a rest room, but now that he was here the idea appealed to him more than he'd ever have wanted to admit. Having fingered the little canine with such little resistance, the collie felt certain his cock wouldn't actually do any damage if he took it slow, and he was eager to feel the fox's tight channel envelope his maleness, and grip it, the way the vulpine occasionally had tightened so firmly on the dog's fingers. The fact that the small, submissive canine he'd be taking up the ass was otherwise his boss had a definite kinky appeal as well, and his mind was happy to omit any role the fox's wife had in the matter entirely.

"That feel alright, boss?" He asked, pulling his hand free and stroking his cock with the slickened palm. Lyle nodded again, this time raising his head and opening his eyes to glance back at Rian. The fox waved his tail a bit, and smiled, and Rian saw that having committed himself to taking the collie's cock, the smaller canine was definitely intent, even eager to actually do so - There was lust in the fox's look, and the sway of his tail definitely had a seductive allure to it. "I'll try to make it so we both enjoy it, my friend." Rian said, stroking himself a few more times, as he lifted his cock up under the fox's tail, aligning it with the small white males well-lubed hole.

"It's abo-" Was all Marge got out before the dog silenced her with a look. He was tired of the woman's attitude and impatience and everything, really. Rian had to admit he wanted this now, at least as much as she ever had wanted to see it, and might even have felt some small gratitude towards her meddling for bringing it about, but he definitely didn't like the female, nor would he put up with her grating, off-putting interruptions. He waited patiently, poised and ready, while she got her camcorder going again, the little light blinking as she pointed it down at the set features of her husband between her immense thighs. She nodded to Rian, but the dog waited a moment more.

"Ready?" He whispered, and Lyle nodded once more.

The big collie pushed himself forward the slightest bit, feeling the fox's tail-hole against the end of his member. He rubbed it around a tiny bit, teasingly, but got no reaction from Lyle. Rian had the impression the older fox wanted and hated wanting this all at the same time, and that he was probably terrified and eager to be actually here, about to get it. The dog ignored the electric whine of Marge's camera as she focused it's lens somewhere else, and instead pushed himself at the vulpine's entrance. The fox's opening allowed the very tip to push in almost effortlessly, but then the bigger canine felt definite resistance and even a slight squeeze, even before his cock-head had really even started. Still, he was lined up and in place, and on his way, so he moved his hands up to stroke Lyle's lower back and tail.

He felt the fox relax again and took his opportunity, knowing there was no point in waiting, and felt the head of his penis pop inside the smaller canine's body before the fox tightened down one more. They both groaned, Rian's a sound of frustrated pleasure while he was sure the fox's must be of discomfort.

"Relax, Lyle, c'mon, buddy..." Rian encouraged. "Relax, you sexy little fox, it'll start to feel better before you know it..."

The fox made a sound that might have been a suppressed whimper, "Okay, stud, but as soon as I manage it, you better stick that thing in me, and don't stop until you've got at least a few inches in, got it?"

"You sure?" Rian asked, "I'm trying to go as slow as I can, so it won't hurt-"

"It's going to feel pretty fucking awkward and uncomfortable either way, Rian, so get it in, alright? Consider it an order." Lyle smiled back at Rian, and the dog nodded.

The guy's got more balls than me, thought the dog. "You're the boss, boss."

There was a long moment before the bigger canine felt the little fox loosen up once more. Rian gripped the white canine's slim rump in his hands and firmly pushed himself deeper with a deep, satisfied growl of lust - He thrust faster than he had planned too, but stopped again as soon as he felt any serious resistance from the slight canine's body. The fox let out a sharp yip of pain or discomfort, but seemed to take it well overall. Rian shuddered with pleasure, noting his cock was just over halfway buried in the vulpine's tight ass, and content to just leave it there until the fox was ready. It was as deep as some of his other lovers had ever managed to take him, anyway...

"Gods, the looks on your faces! Give him a few more inches, dog, it made him look so painfully delighted..." Marge just had to throw her two cents in, to piss the dog off, but Rian was feeling too good with his cock wrapped in Lyle's hot body to care.

The collie panted, leaning over to rub and pet the fox wherever he could reach as the vulpine's lush tail rubbed gently back and forth against his chest between them, and the smaller canine made a contented appreciative sound at the attention. Rian felt the fox relaxing slowly again, and reached under the fox with one hand to rub the smaller canine's belly as he slowly pulled back slightly, drawing his cock out a bit. The comparatively chill air on Rian's cock as it slid from the fox's anus created a invigorating contrast to the velvety warmth of Lyle's depths. The movement got a shallow, prolonged gasp - a louder intake of air at best - from the fox, and when Rian pushed back in there was an exquisite resistance but no sudden, reactive tightening of the fox's bowel.

The big dog repeated the slow cycle, out and in, and asked, "That feel alright, now, foxy?"

Rian's boss nodded, "It... It feels okay, Rian, keep going slow though, okay? For now?"

"Fuck, fox, you're taking half my monster up your rear, slow is good enough for me. You feel fantastic." Rian wasn't kidding either, he felt you could keep this nice leisurely pace going right up until he came. He felt relaxed and content, and just happy to be sharing this experience with this kindly and handsome, older arctic fox. He moved slowly inside Lyle's body, continuing to caress and stroke the vulpine's silky white fur as he fucked his boss, his friend, who he felt a growing fondness for. Rian felt regretful, suddenly, that this intimate shared encounter couldn't have happened under better, more appropriate circumstances. The big collie found himself hoping, sincerely hoping, that Lyle and him could do this again, sometime, in a happier context.

As if to emphasize everything that wasn't right with this context, Rian heard the electric whine of the camcorder refocusing as the big bitch responsible for this all shifter her bulk, shoving her pelvis forwards slightly as she settled back once more. "C'mon dear, you're fuck-buddie's cock-cream ain't getting any fresher in my snatch... Get you're tongue in gear, and start licking."

"Jeezus, lady," Said Rian, though he didn't think 'lady' fit Mrs. Marge Weatherby in the slightest, "Can't you at least try to be a bit less crude? It's totally killing the mood..."

"Ha! What kinda mood is it supposed to have, when you're buggering your boss, cute-stuff?" The bear scoffed, "I though rude and raunchy was fitting, myself..."

Rian just tuned her out again, focusing instead on the fox's tight warm grip on his cock, and scritching along the white vulpine's back even as Lyle lifted his muzzle and began to lick tentatively at his wife's crotch. The collie closed his eyes and tried not to think about the smaller canine eating out his own wife, whom the big dog had just fucked to climax only what seemed a few minutes ago. The dog tried not to let the idea that Lyle was lapping the dog's load happily from his wife's cunny turn him on, or think that it obviously turned both the arctic fox and his large ursine wife on. The two of them had a kinky streak a mile long, it seemed to Rian, but the dog couldn't help but think the Lyle's could be turned towards healthier, more self-affirming activities, that while being as kinky, perhaps, were less destructive to the fox's personality. Lyle was so kind and full of vigorous, willful strength otherwise... Seeing the fox so cowed by his wife was quite a shock to the collie. This whole deal was fucked up...

A muffled grunt from the fox brought the dog back to the moment, and he realized he'd started pumping away at the fox significantly faster than he'd intended, and wondered how long he'd been doing so before he'd heard the fox. He stopped altogether for a moment, and was about to resume at his former pace when the little fox spoke up, lapping his wife's juices from his chops as he did, "No, Rian... Keep going. It... It feels okay." Lyle said, glancing only a moment back at the dog, "It feels good, actually-."

The fox's wife pulled his muzzle back to her crotch, and Lyle began contentedly licking once more. Rian groaned as the fox's ass clenched him twice, encouragingly, and the collie started pumping into the vulpine's hot, tight body again, this time at a moderate pace. He noticed that the fox was taking more of his cock, apparently without much trouble, and wondered what kind of toys the kinky vulpid had actually tried. Not that Rian was complaining, fucking three-forths of his length into the welcoming heat of the fox's ass was certainly better than half, and the dog found himself contemplating whether the remarkable little canine could take his whole cock on this end as well...

Best not to try it... Rian thought. Under these circumstances, hurting his new friend would be a really shitty ending to a shitty day that was showing at least some promise of a not-too-unhappy ending. He was happy just humping the fox's ass at a speed and depth that got the little vulpine to grunt and growl and groan with pleasure quite frequently.

Just then Marge started groaning as well, "Aw, damn, this is too fucking hot..." The big she-bear had one hand holding the camera, though it's focus seemed to be off in some random corner somewhere, as the bear herself was too preoccupied to point it at the action. Marge's other hand divided it's time between guiding and stroking her husband's head and muzzle (a gesture Rian found strangely endearing towards their relationship, despite himself) and rubbing at herself around Lyle's tongue. "Gods, Lyle, you've got such a hot fucking tongue... Fuck him harder, stud. Cock is a good motivation for my husband to service his wife..."

Shaking his head disbelievingly, Rian did as he was asked, thrusting just a bit more firmly into the fox's rear, and true to form, Lyle seemed to redouble his efforts at bringing his wife off with his tongue. Rian watching as the smaller canine's muzzle swallowed the big bears clit, the vulpine's lips and jaw working as if he was nursing it like a teat. Marge dropped the camcorder, both hands going to pull on her husband's head, mashing the fox's muzzle against her body as if even that wasn't enough stimulation on her pleasure button.

The big she-bear flung her head back a started a long roll-call of expletives interspliced with cries of 'oh god!' and 'oh dear' the eventually dissolved into incoherent grunts and gasps before she climaxed with a tremendous bellowing cry much befitting a bear. Rian saw a gush of juices spill from between her thighs, splashing against Lyle's muzzle and still-lapping tongue, and dripping from his chin. The fox uttered a lust filled moan of his own, and Rian almost expected the telltale twitching of the white canine's rectum around his shaft to indicate the little fox was having his climax as well, but it never came.

Marge shivered and twitched as Lyle lapped at her still, and then opened her eyes to stare right at Rian. She smiled, "You're not done yet are you?" The collie shook his head. "Good, I wanna see you cream my faggot's ass, and get in on tape." She slipped out from behind Lyle, leaving a wet stain along the back of the couch, and Rian could see the bear's heavy drippings had already splattered down towards the seat-cushions anyway. What would the cleaning staff think?

The big dog didn't get much time to dwell on it, because with his attention away from his wife, Lyle's attention had apparently shifted completely to the collie's cock up his ass. The fox squeezed him pleasantly, and pulled himself forward and back along Rian's cock, as if to remind to dog he was there. The big canine blinked, and looked at the fox, who was peering back over his shoulder at Rian, and grinning. The horny vulpine repeated the motion, squeezing himself a bit tighter around Rian's cock, and the big dog groaned, rocking his hips to mimic Lyle's motions himself, and then stopped as the fox did it again, once more.

"Feel good?" Lyle asked, and Rian chuckled.

"Fan-fucking-tastic like I said, fox."

"For me too." The fox said, wiggling his ass on the dog's dick, as if checking again, just to be sure. "Feels real good. Now."

"Glad to hear it," Replied Rian, "And if you want to take over doing the work, I'm all for it..." The dog grinned back, and then groaned again as the frisky fox started doing just that - Hands on the back of the couch, tail held high and swaying, Lyle began to move himself up and down, fucking himself on the collie's big shaft. Rian just stood there, offering minimal reciprocal movement aside from what seemed almost to be outside of his control, and panted happily, his hands resting on the fox's back, stroking and scratching lightly with the vulpine's movements.

Marge had retrieved her camera and was now hovering around with it zoomed in on where Rian's length disappeared under Lyle's tail. The she-bear seemed enrapt in the action, but still found room to comment, "Look at him fucking himself on your cock, stud, I knew the little faggot would love it..." but even the bitch's vitriolic attitude couldn't interfere with Rian's pleasure in knowing the fox was enjoying what they were doing now, as much as he was. The collie just ignored the bear and enjoyed the sensation of the small canine's tight anal ring slipping up and down his well-lubed length. The fox was showing no hint of discomfort now at taking the upper majority of Rian's slick cock, and was practically bouncing himself on it with complete abandon, with each movement down the shaft accompanied by a happy little yip or grunt or whine of pleasure.

It didn't take long for the collie to want to take a more active role in the little fox's fucking, and the dog caught the slighter canine on a downward thrust and thrust up again on his own to avoid Lyle accidentally impaling himself with the combined force of their efforts. The fox whined in appreciation as the big dog covered his back with his chest, and wrapped his arms around the smaller canine, hugging him close as the dog made rapid, shallow jabbing thrusts into the fox's innards. Both males were panting happily, and Lyle managed to nuzzle at the bigger collie's chin from below as they shared this closer, more tender position for a minute or two.

"Ahhh... Fuck, Rian... I never knew... cock... Could feel... Sooo goood..." Panted the fox, his eyes closed as he pressed himself back toward the collies fevered thrusting, squeezing himself around the big dog's shaft, "I mean... there... You know?"

Rian managed to dip his head down to lick the fox's muzzle affectionately, "Glad you like..." He managed. He kind of knew his third orgasm of the day would be hard coming, and he was starting to tire, but it felt 'sooo goood', just like Lyle said. The fox's once-virgin ass was so tight and warm, the fox himself so eager, and the dog's own sense of concern and caring and protectiveness for the little vulpine, which was new to him, made the experience strangely transcendent compared to many of his past liaisons. He lapped the fox's muzzle once more, and smiled.

Lyle whimpered and tried to nuzzle him back again, but missed, and the dog smiled wider at the cute gesture. "Hey," said the fox, trying to sound annoyed but failing. Then he shifted himself under the dog for a moment before asking, "Rian... Can we change position?"

"Sure, what?"

"On my back?"

"Sure, ready?"


Rian never let the fox finish his affirmation, suddenly pulling from the dog with a wet popping noise, even as he physically turned the smaller canine around, half lifting him on the ground and flopping him easily down onto his back on the less-used and messy end of the sofa, before climbing on between Lyle's legs himself. Rian lifted the slight canine's rump effortlessly into place to line his cock up once more with the fox's opening, and then pushed himself back smoothy inside the smaller males body once more. Lyle gasped at the reentry, and then both canine's shared a contented grunt as the dog's cock one more slide as deep as he'd ever been before.

"Gods be damned, Rian, you're one hot fucking male..."

"I feel the same way about you, fox-butt." Replied the collie with a grin, his tail wagging at the praise and the excitement. "Comfy?" He asked, and Lyle nodded. "Excellent." Said the dog, pulling his cock back almost completely from the fox's ass, until just his very tip was left enveloped in the vulpine's hot tight grip, and then sliding smoothly and completely back in once again.

They again both shared a grunt, and then a quick smiling look, before Rian repeated the motion a bit faster, this time eliciting an actual yip of pleasure from the fox beneath him. The larger canine looked down to see a dribble of precum drip from Lyle's own rampant cock, starting a small pool on the fox's clean white belly fur. Gods, this is hot, thought the collie. And so fucking unbelievable. He was going to fuck this little fox, his boss, until the smaller canine blew off in his own face, and then the dog was going to let himself pump his own load up the cute older male's ass. Not even the bear-bitch's incessant yammering was going to spoil it for him...


Mr. Lyle Weatherby grunted and smiled contentedly as the big stud dog, his leading creative director, long-dicked him once more with that remarkable cock of his. The fox was in heaven, ass up and filled with the younger male's cock, while the vulpine was curled, almost doubled over, under the control and weight of the larger, dominant canine. The fox watched with wonder as the dog's big cock slide into him with an ease, and pleasure, he'd never have believed - The thick length speared deep within his body, filling him with a wonderful pressure while pushing and rubbing against his insides in a way that was indescribable. The sensation of Rian's slick member pushing into his ass, prodding and stimulating places deep inside the fox that Lyle had never even contemplated before, let alone experienced, was an exquisite pleasure the fox would never forget, and knew he would long for again, for certain.

The arctic fox grunted as the big dog's cock bumped past his prostate, and watched through slitted eyes as precum dribbled from his own cock to soak into his belly fur, before he closed his eyes and focused entirely on the feeling of Rian's cock as it pumped into him. It wasn't easy, though - Rian seemed to manage to tune Lyle's wife out almost completely, but the fox himself wasn't so lucky. He could still here her constant chatter, her constant bitching, despite his efforts - Now she was complaining that the new position made it harder for her to see, to film, and Lyle smiled to himself as Rian's cock elicited a grunt from him once more.

That's it, dearest Margaret, make it all about you, as loudly as you can. Thought the small, business-savvy CEO, Make it obvious this is all for you, for your pleasure. Make it obvious that you wish I wasn't enjoying this kind, sexy stud's big cock up my ass...

As if reading his mind Rian pulled Lyle's legs up a bit higher, over the fox's own head as he leaned down over the smaller canine to nuzzle him and ask, "You're still loving this, aren't you, boss? Like your ass filled with another male's big cock?"

The dog said it quietly, and Lyle was sure the microphones wouldn't here it too clearly, but didn't answer aloud anyway, choosing to nuzzle under the big collie's chin, lapping surreptitiously at his neck as encouragement. Actions barely seen were always subject to interpretation far more so than words, but the intent was not lost on Rian: The big dog shifted further over the small vulpine and started fucking into the fox's ass with greater speed, but shorter strokes. Lyle groaned audibly, and squeezed himself around the larger canine's cock.

The collie was panting hard now, and Lyle was as well, as the stud fucked his boss forcefully, each thrust pushing the smaller canine's pelvis - and his own cock - towards his face. Lyle gasped and grunted happy little getting-fucked sounds, opening his eyes to see his own hard dripping cock bobbing over his torso, watching with intense and growing lust where the dog's thick member pistoned into his body. Each motion of Rian's thrusts being mimicked in the fox's own body, his balls bouncing in their sac and the tapered tip of his own cock dancing before his eyes, seeping and dripping copious amounts of fluid onto his chest now. Lyle shifted slightly, barely needing to stretch to lap at his tasty effluence, running his nimble tongue around the head of his own cock. Both the taste or himself, and the added stimulation of his tongue on his cock-tip made the fox shiver in lust and tighten down on the dog's member moving inside of him.

"Holy fuck, do that again!" Rian whispered excitedly, making Lyle look up to see the collie watching him with wide eyes.

"What, this?" The fox tightened down on the dog again, and the dog's steady rhythmic humping almost faltered, but he shook his head. "This then?" Asked Lyle once more, and reached his tongue out to lap at his own cock once more.

"That's the hottest thing I've ever seen, fox!" The collie said, and his gyrating hips did falter, and then stop, holding himself deep inside Lyle's ass, which held the smaller canine's hips as close to his own muzzle as the were when the dog was still humping. "Can you get it any further?"

"Maybe, but fuck me, dog, don't stop..." Lyle whimpered, and the collie obligingly began his motion once more, albeit with a bit less gusto.

"Sorry, I didn't want to hurt you or anything."

"Not at all, stud, I'm barely stretching here." Lyle said, smiling, then looked back down at his own bobbing, seeping cock once more, before catching it on his tongue and bringing it into his muzzle slightly. Lyle had never really considered he might be able to give himself head, but found that the feel of having his own cock inside his muzzle was quite enjoyable. He wondered why he'd never tried before.

"Holy fuck..." Rian moaned lustily, "You could suck yourself off as I fucked you, Lyle... That's too fucking hot!"

"I think I can get it in further, if you pushed me up a bit more.."

The big dog grabbed Lyle's legs with one arm and lurched the both of them up and over even further, until the little fox's entire body was in the air, supported only on the back of his neck completely doubled over with his hips over his head and his cock hanging down rubbing against his muzzle. Meanwhile the dog's legs were spread wide, his feet planted on either side of the fox's shoulders, as the rest of his weight was held off the slight, flexible canine by his hands sinking into the arm of the expensive, overstuffed couch.

"You okay?" Rian asked, and Lyle realized he was moaning with his eyes pressed closed, as ever motion of the precariously balanced duo was translated directly to his ass through the thick shaft of the collie's cock spreading it open.

The flexible, horny little fox could only nod, opening his eyes just slightly as he maneuvered his own cock into his muzzle and began lapping and sucking on it, his own balls hanging down to brush against his nose. The scent of his own musky crotch and the taste of his own cock and it's copious precum dripping across his tongue and down his throat filled his senses, and the flexible little vulpine thought he was in heaven.

Then the big stud dog above him shifted a bit and thrust into him just slightly, the movement making Lyle's cock move within his own muzzle muzzle, and the fox trembled and shook in rapture, swallowing instinctively as a rush of his own fluids filled his throat. He whimpered and sucked himself and tried to squeeze the collie's invading length all at once, but wasn't sure how successful he was. The pleasure of the whole ordeal was escalating rapidly, his own muzzle bringing his aroused and neglected member much needed and desired stimulation at last, as the huge cock up his ass rubbed and stroked and bumped against his prostate, sending his nerves into overload. The ecstasy built exponentially in his balls with each steady, pumping thrust of Rian's cock within him, and Lyle dimly noted his balls drawing up tight away from his nose even as each downward motion of the dog's hips started driving Lyle's cock even deeper into his own muzzle. The little fox whimpered and moaned and worked his muzzle feverishly around his cock, wiggling himself desperately between the collie's thrusting cock, and his desire to swallow his own cock whole before he came.

Lyle's vision blanked as his orgasm blew his mind even as he blew his own load into his eager throat. The little fox made a choked, muffled squealing yipe of release and began to gulp his own seed down unconsciously as his whole being became focused entirely on the pleasure of his climax. His anus clutched rhythmically around Rian's plunging cock as the dog worked towards his own climax without pause. As the fox's awareness returned to normal, he moaned with each thrust of the big stud's length within him as he nursed on his own still-hard cock and savored the last dredges of his load. The dog's cock still battered against his prostate, and the thick presence filling his ass over and over seemed to prevent the smaller canine's pleasure from ebbing away with his release. Lyle tongued his own shaft that still seemed remarkably receptive to his efforts, not at all oversensitive or numbed to the sensations of his talented mouth, and was amazed and thrilled to feel the pleasure in his loins start to build once again. It was a slower, more normal build up this time, and the lusty little fox worked himself on the big dog's Dick eagerly as each thrust brought him nearer to a second orgasm.

Lyle closed his eyes and released a long, low protracted moan of pleasure which seemed to send the big collie fucking his ass into a sudden spurt of more enthusiastic thrusting. He could hear Rian's pants and grunts and growls seem to grow in intensity, and the thought that the big stud dog was about to flood the fox's ass with his cum had a delicious sense of erotic surrender to Lyle. He was about take another male's load up his ass, receive Rian's seed like he was the big dog's female, his bitch, and the idea was filled with sublime, arousing appeal. The entire concept suddenly seemed to solidify in the vulpine's mind as a fact, that he was being bred by another, more primal, powerful male, who's cock was being buried up his ass, under his tail, to shoot it's load of semen, and the thought set the fox over the edge. With the taste of his last climax still sticky in his muzzle and throat, Lyle tightened himself around Rian's persistent, powerful cock, and came again, even as the big dog slammed himself home and clutched himself to the smaller canine's rump.

The fox felt Rian's cock pulse and spasm inside him as his own twitched between his lips. The dog growl-grunted a load clipped bark with each intense pulse of the stud's cock, and Lyle imagined the dog's plentiful, liquid load filling his bowels as his own much smaller load collected on his tongue and at the back of his throat. The quantity was much less than before, but still a happy mouthful for the cum-loving fox, and the feeling weren't near as intense, but Lyle still felt very light headed and much more exhausted as the last ripple of pleasure coursed through his system. With a trembling shiver of delight, the fox swallowed his climax in a single gulp, making sure the slurp the final drops from his rapidly diminished shaft, before letting it slip from his mouth as he turned his head to pant fresh, unhampered air eagerly.

Lyle yipped almost imperceptibly as Rian pulled his cock free, and missed it's fulfilling presence inside of him almost instantly. Just like that it was over, and for a moment the older fox felt like crying. Then the big collie was scooping the lighter canine into his arms, and spinning him around before the dog flopped back on the couch holding Lyle on top of him in a tight, very comforting sort of hug, and the vulpine felt a warm rush of gratitude and fondness for the bigger, younger male. Rian nuzzled him, and Lyle nuzzled back, lapping the collie on the muzzle, before snuggling down into his thick fur, and burying his muzzle into the bigger canine's shoulder.

"God damn, that was fucking hot faggot shit, right there, you two!" Marge crowed. "And you two sure look comfortably satisfied with yourselves, don't you?"

Neither Lyle nor Rian answered her, and the fox gave the dog another small nuzzle of shared agreement on the point.

"Well, c'mon, my pet, don't get too comfortable. I want to get home and have you make some dinner." She said, then added, "I want to start editing this film a bit too, or course. Maybe you can sit under the desk and help."

The fox sighed contentedly, and smiled into Rian's shoulder, thinking about his wife, and his intentions for her. He wanted to enjoy her blissful ignorance that he'd stopped really playing her game hours before she'd even arrived tonight. And Rian's actions had only added to his resolve to follow through with his plan, when the brave, sexy young dog had stuck up for the fox about his wife's torturous inclinations. He sighed once more, as he felt Marge nudge him.

"C'mon, Lyle, I know you want to be all lovey-dovey gay with your new friend, but I'm hungry."

He lifted his head, and gave an exaggerated yawn, "Order out or something, dearest. I'm not coming home to cook for you, again. Ever. Though I'll see you tomorrow."

There was a long, awkward sort of silence and the fox tried not to laugh as he watched his wife try to understand what he'd said. He could almost hear the gears grinding as she tried to figure out what had changed. "What?" She asked, finally, and Lyle felt Rian shift uncomfortably beneath him, as the dog raised his head to look at the fox as well. Lyle met the collies gaze, and winked, before slipping off of the big canine and standing to face his wife.

"Go home, Marge. I'm staying here. Rian and I need a shower-" The fox tried to ignore the wet feeling between his buttocks, and the fact that he was squeezing himself tightly because he felt like he might leak if he didn't. "-and we have some business to discuss."

"Wait a minute, faggot, you know what happens when you disobey me! I'll-"

"You'll shut up for once in your life, you loud, obnoxious, bitch." Said Lyle, not showing the least bit of anger, or fear, of his wife. All he felt was mild annoyance that maybe she wouldn't clue in. "That is, at least, if you have your best interests in mind." He sighed heavily. "Margaret, my dear, honestly, I wish things had turned out differently. I had no idea you had this kinky streak to you, or I might have made better choices of my own. We could have made this work, and I wish we had, because... Because I still love you, and probably always will. But it's over, go home. Please, just go home... I'll explain tomorrow, what's going to happen with the divorce, and afterwards."

"B-but-, what? D-divorce?" Marge stammered, "But you can't, I'll show the tape to everyone, you'll be ruined, I'll-"

"Go home, Marge." Lyle said firmly. "I'll spend the night here, or in a hotel-"

"Or with me." Rian interrupted, "Ummm, that's if you want, of course, Boss-fox." The dog now stood behind Lyle, and put his hand on the fox's shoulder in support. Lyle felt a rush of gratitude, and waited to see what his wife would do. The vulpine was fully prepared to call security and have her removed, if he had to.

The she-bear - his beautiful, beautiful wife who he once thought was all he'd ever want or need - looked from Lyle to the big collie behind him, and back. She sniffed, but no tears showed in her eyes. "Fine, Lyle, if that's how it's to be..." Marge started storming around, collecting her things, "Don't think your faggot boy friend can save you, or change anything. I hope he still wants your ass when you're bankrupt and outcast. The video will assure that that's what happens-"

"Don't be so hasty with your video, dearest. I assure you, you'll regret it."

"We'll see!" She screamed, and stormed out the door, slamming it behind her.

Lyle felt himself go limp as all the energy seemed to run from his body once more. He again felt the sudden urge to cry, and even Rian's comforting hand and presence didn't seem to help. The dog embraced him from behind, wrapping his strong arms around the older, smaller male, and the fox had the sudden urge to run, to bolt away from the dog's embrace, or turn his frustrations and anger loose on Rian as if this was all the dog's fault instead of his own. Instead he sighed and leaned back against the big collie, and closed his eyes, swallowed the lump in his throat, squashed the anger that tried to arise.

The stood like that for a long, silent while, until Rian gave him a squeeze, and Lyle roused himself somewhat, pulling away gently, and turning to look at the dog.

"Shower, boss?" Asked the collie, uncertainly showing in his everything - His posture, his ears, his tail. Lyle felt for the big male, thinking of how weird this must all be for him. The fox was simply dumbfounded that things with Rian had gone this way, that the bigger canine seemed to want to stay with Lyle, to be with the fox, even after this fucked up fiasco of a threesome.

"A shower together sounds great," Agreed the fox, "But I need the bathroom for a bit, first."

"Oh, ummm... Sure." Said Rian, looking even more uncomfortable again. "I'll give you as long as you want."

"Five minutes, stud, and then you can join me in the shower, okay?"

"Um, okay... You didn't want to, um... Do anything, did you?"

"No way, you can't possibly still be horny?"

"No," Answered the dog, "No, I'm good."

"Good." Lyle stepped forward and hugged the dog quickly, before heading to the washroom, "Then no, I don't want to do anything. Except shower." He smiled back at the dog, and then slipped through the door, and closed it behind him.

The small, middle-aged arctic fox quietly went about his business, finding it took less time than he had figured, and that he wasn't as in need of pre-cleaning prior to his shower as he had thought he might be. He was also distinctly relieved to find no trace of blood when he wiped himself either, and after flushing the toilet, he invited the big collie to join him. The two canine's were quiet and subdued together, in the confines of the fox's executive bathroom, and then even closer and somehow more naked while under the shower. Lyle made the first move, helping to shampoo the larger dog's fur, and found that the collie was eager to respond in turn. They enjoyed each other's touch and presence, and the cleaning heat of the water as it rinsed them both thoroughly.

"So..." Rian began, breaking the long comfortable silence at last. "What sort of business are we going to discuss?"

"Oh, not much." Replied Lyle with a grin, "I'm just giving you a majority share in the company. I'm thinking eighty percent..." The fox said it offhandedly, but could tell it had an impact by the dog's stunned look, and equally stunned silence. He continued, "I had my brother draw up the papers, suitably backdated to a couple months ago, earlier, and the courier had dropped them off about 10 minutes before Marge arrived. I owe him big for that."

"But why?" Rian asked, finally.

"Because usually such things take much, much longer to get together than an afternoon. He had most his staff working on it the whole afternoon, and part of the morning. Pretty much since we had out encounter in the washroom..."

"No, I mean, why are you doing it? At all? What about you? You're wife? Her video?"

"I'm doing it because of my wife. And because I like you, and trust you, Rian-."

"But what about... I dunno, MacIntire? He's been with the company for far longer than me..."

"And he'd run it into the ground in months, with his hackneyed ideas. Plus, nobody would believe for a moment I fell in love with him, let alone to the extent I'd sign over my life's work to his care..." The fox laughed at the idea.

"I don't understand."

"I'm divorcing my wife, Rian." Lyle explained, "The vast majority of my assets are tied up in this company. If I allowed the usual division of my estate with her, she'd get half of it... I'm not willing to let that happen, and thankfully, my brother agrees with me."

"So... If you give eighty percent of it to me-"

"Gave eighty percent of it to you, months ago, Rian. Or at least that's what it'll look like. So the most she can get is-"

"Half of the twenty percent you'll still own?"

"Precisely." The fox said.

"How much is that?"

"No idea. Probably fifty or sixty million dollars in assets at least. Plus, she'll probably want the house, and her BMW that she never drives. I don't need them..." The dog started to do some math in his head, and looked stunned. "You alright, Rian?"

The dog nodded mutely, and then shook his head as if trying to clear it. "But what about her tape?"

"If she shows anyone her tape, I'll show folks mine, from tonight..."

"You... You recorded that, tonight?"

"Oh, yes..." Said the clever little fox, with a grin, "From six different angles, with sound. Once folk's see that, she would be lucky to get anything from the divorce settlement." And then: "Shit. I forgot to turn them off..."


Six months later Rian stood staring out at the sapphire blue ocean as the surf broke and the water washed up around the dog's paws. He smiled and stretched his toes, digging them into the wet sand as the water receded away once more.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

Rian turned to look at the little arctic fox coming down towards him from the Villa - Lyle's once pure white fur was a mottled sort of gray now, midway through it's transition from the sudden change in climate. The smaller canine hated it, but Rian thought he was the hottest male on the island, no matter what colour his fur was. He smiled and nodded at the fox as Lyle joined him just in time for the water to slosh over the vulpine's expensive casual loafers.

The fox yipped and cursed, dancing around as if he could escape the water by lifting both feet at once and floating magically in thin air. Rian reached out and plucked the slight canine off the ground, holding him aloft, shoes dripping, until the water receded once again.

Caye Chapel Island was the paradise the pamphlet had promised, alright, but you'd think the arctic fox had never learned what relaxing meant. Who wore hundred dollar shoes to a Belize beach on their honeymoon? The collie set the fox down, and tried not to laugh at the scandalized look on his face.

"You've ruin more shoes since we got together than I've ever owned in my entire life, Love." Rian said, hugging the little fox as they walked up the beach to dryer, safer territory. "How's things at the office?"

"Terrible. I warned you about leaving MacIntire in charge-"

"I didn't!" Protested Rian, "I put Noelle in charge-"

"Yes, you did!" Broke in the fox once more, "And Noelle and Mac have been butt-buddies since 96, so it's the same thing!"

Rian growled, without much conviction, "You say 'butt-buddies' like the idea's so much beneath you."

"Well... Not if it's your butt, it's not." Lyle conceded with a grin, and the collie laughed.

"Ah, haha! The sneaky little fox is trying to get under my tail again, is he?" Rian grinned back. "Tsk, tsk, what kinda subby fox wants to hump a young, sexy stud like moi, when he could suck my cock instead?"

Lyle had tried to look disappointed as Rian said this, but the collie couldn't miss the way the fox's ears perked at the very thought of sucking the dog. He laughed again. "Well, that sounds alright to me, too... I guess." Lyle commented. "When you're as old as me, you take what you can get."

"Oh, shut up, you're not near that old, fox-butt." Rian scoffed. "Besides, you're still the sexiest canid on this island, hands down."

The dog could see Lyle try not to look to thrilled with the younger male's praise. The fox seemed unable to get over the idea that Rian had fallen for him at least as hard as the fox had fallen for Rian, and the dog's constant attempts to convince him that he really did want to be with Lyle as long as possible still made the smaller canine squirm and look abashed. "Sexier than that hot young Rottie stud that was our waiter on the ship?" The vulpine asked, glancing sidelong at Rian.

The dog smiled widely. Insecure or not, the shyness at the collie's attraction to him seemed to do little to dissuade the fox from fishing for comments to look abashed about though. Rian turned the tables a bit, "Hotter even than that svelte, buxom little vixen you were eyeing up on the 11th hole yesterday."

"Caught that, did you?" Mused the fox, "She was hotter than hell, I say..."

"Yup, I did, and I agree." Agreed Rian.

"Getting horned up just thinking about her..."

"So I see. We should invite her over tomorrow night, maybe."

"Why wait?" Asked Lyle. "Maybe she likes being videoed."

"Hehe... We could send it to Marge?"

"Of course!"

The two canine's laughed and went inside to get dressed before going to look for their vixen quarry. It promised to be an interesting night...



Camp Encounters One: 'Meating' New People, and First Time Toppin'

Unnecessary Disclaimer (Again!): It's not my fault, I swear! The Muse.... She torments me if I don't write what she wants! If she wants cubs, she gets cubs, I'm just the messenger! Contains graphic description of sexual contact between a human boy and...

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Fun Encounters: A New Game, and Anal Sex

Disclaimer (Again!): It's not my fault, I swear! The Muse.... She torments me if I don't write what she wants! If she wants cubs, she gets cubs, I'm just the messenger! Contains graphic description of sexual contact between a human boy and a young...

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Next Encounters: Friends and Neighbors

Disclaimer: It's not my fault, I swear! The Muse.... She torments me if I don't write what she wants! If she wants cubs, she gets cubs, I'm just the messenger! Note: Was going to only post these to a certain cub-focused website, but figured...

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