hidden obsessions

Story by arca vasnoth on SoFurry

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hidden obsessions.

takato couldnt think of three things more boring then working in his parents bakery. why today of all days did they ask for his help? he wanted to go to bed mostly for the reason that three bullies wouldnt leave him alone, his parents said to not respond they would tire of it and eventually go away. that was a week ago, and they still were pestering him.

takato finally got done with the work his parents had given him and he immediatly crawled upstairs to his room and no sooner had he lied down his digivice beeped and rika told him they needed his help so he wearily got up. he got his bike and rode to the place that they called him from to see that they had taken care of it themselves. why me takato wondered, as soon as takato turned around to head home he saw the three bullies and takato bolted away on his bike towards guilmons cave he hardly made it in one piece.

guilmon started to say something when takato told him to be quiet he was being chased. guilmon nodded worried about takato. after the three bullies were not in takatos range of view he told guilmon to stay in the cave while he made sure everything was alright. takato stepped outside of the cave only to find it was an ambush.

takato did his best to fight back, but he was always the boy who was picked last in gym classes he was pathetic at sports and most of all fighting... eventually they got the best of takato he was held to the ground as one kicked his side repeatedly. then they picked him up and two held him still...

wheres your pride now?

what the hell are you talking about?

dont play stupid almost everyone knows about that thing that you fight beside... or i mean let fight while you cower at the sidelines.

so what if i dont fight with him?

thats not the problem

than what is?

you dont deserve to be in existance, let alone have a friend like that to save your pitiful hide everyday you walk out of your sad house!

go to hell!

oh thats a pleasure that we were saving just for you.

the bully walked to the front of the cave and walked back carrying an aluminum bat. hold him still we wouldnt want our little guest to not recieve our gifts.

takato looked up as he swung the bat smacking takatos left temple. takatos head rose very slowly, the bully swung the bat again this time hitting takato on the side of the face right beside the eye. takato fell limply in the arms of his attackers.

guilmon wondered what the noise was his curiosity getting the better of him. he walked to the front of the cave to see what the noises were. the bully was about to attack again when he heard takatomon whats that sound.

what do you want, you want some of this too? theres plenty left!

thats when guilmon appeared and saw takato limp on the ground with some odd red stuff covering his face. takatomon screamed guilmon. the two bullies held takato down as the one with the bat searched for whoever was talking. the bully who found nothing walked back to takatos limp body and said lets finish this he wont last much longer and as he raised the bat they all heard pyrosphere as a fireball melted the bat till it was only about 7 inches tall. the bullies looked to see guilmon racing towards them. run screamed the lead bully dropping the melted bat.

takatomon? takatomon? guilmon nuzzled takatos unresponding body. guilmon started to cry taakaatoomon and he tried licking takatos hand in a futile attempt to awaken his badly hurt friend.

guilmon bowed his head thinking takato was dead. guilmon knew takato had said to never leave his cave without him there, but takato needed help so guilmon ran out of the cave searching for help. guilmon did find a few people around and they all ran away in fear. guilmon knew what had to be done, he just hoped takato wouldnt be mad...

guilmon went to the place takato called home and actually thought for a moment, he knew that takatos parents would be afraid and they wouldnt listen to him either. so guilmon went to the alley beside takatos house and found a large delivery box. he went to the front door and ringed the bell and quickly hid under the box.

the door opened and takatos mother showed up and looked down at the box quizzicaly. then she jumped when guilmon spoke to her.

excuse me are you takatomons mom?

do you mean takatos mom if so then yes...

wheres is takatos father?

why do you ask?

i need to talk to you about takato...

ok then can you take that box off?

uh... not now...

ok then, wait here a moment.

the door closed for a moment and guilmon could hear some talking behind the door. then it opened again and takatos parents appeared. takatos father chuckled for a moment before he spoke

now that im here can you take off that box?

ill take the box off when were done speaking, because you would not talk to me if you saw who i was...

ok so what do you want?

takato needs help... he was chased back to my cave by three boys then they beat him with a weird metal stick that they swung at his head, his head is leaking some weird red stuff... hes my friend please he needs help.

takato told me to never ever come here but theres nothing else i can do to help, i did manage to frighten off the mean people that hurt him... if i take off this box will you follow me to him?

takatos parents looked at eachother and their eyes started to water. then they looked back at the box and in unison they both said yes we dont care what you look like please take us there...

the box slowly started to raise and guilmon came into view. takatos in the park please hurry.

takatos parents started to twitch a little bit, but they hesitantly followed guilmon to his cave where they seen takato...

takato was in horrable shape, his jaw was swollen, head was covered with blood as well as a small puddle of it under his head, his body motionless.

takatos parents looked in horror as they quickly picked takato up off the rock floor and ran to the hospital. they were relieved the next day when takato started to move, but only slightly.

takatos parents did need to say their thanks to that red lizard thing that saved takato, so they went back to the cave to see him looking out the door the whole time...

uh.. what are you doing here?

me i live here

oh... thank you for saving our son... what is your name anyway?

im guilmon

oh and why are you looking out the door?

im waiting for takato to come back said guilmon still staring out the door.

takatos father looked to takatos mother, then at guilmon... would you like to see takato?

guilmon looked up at takatos father with begging eyes

ill take that as a yes so come on

guilmon said hed go by foot and did a very well job of keeping up with the car.

guilmon then actually walked right into the hospital scaring everyone until he spoke wheres takatos room?

he finally walked into a room to find takato again not awake in a medical bed...

hes in a concussion said takatos father. guilmon tilted his head at the word concussion. its a recovery state where he wont wake up for a long time, maybe never...

guilmon ran out of the hospital to takatos house, found his digivice, and ran back to the hospital. he nearly collasped inside the room takato was in.

takatomon i dont know how to work this thing said guilmon digging through the box of cards takato owned. takatos father got up and walked beside guilmon and asked,

what is that its takatos digivice it makes me digivolve... and it may help takato if i can find out how to work it...

hows that?

takato can fuse bodies with me and it would maybe heal him with my energy... if only i could work this thing...

let me help you there...

guilmon then noticed a card unlike the rest.. it was a blue card with a red thing drawn on the front.

guilmon said use this handing the card to takatos father who slid it into the digivice...

a large red light enveloped guilmon and takatos body, then they fused, and gallantmon stood in front of takatos father who fell backwards... im gallantmon im a fusion of takato and guilmon i will be back at your house in a while dont leave me waiting... and with that gallantmon jumped out the window...

uh where am i


guilmon where am i?

your fused with me as gallantmon


you were attacked by people and you werent going to wake up so i used your digivice to turn us into gallantmon


after a long time gallantmon went back to takatos house and knocked on the door and takatos parents anxiously opened the door to see him.


look for yourselves.

as gallantmon said this he defused from takato, and takato stood on in front of his parents widely aware that guilmon was behind him. takato y-your alright, w-we were so worried... we should have listened to you and called the police on those kids in the first place... were sorry.

guilmon slowly started to leave when takatos parents felt sympathetic for guilmon and looked at takato and started asking him questions.

so now that youre awake would you mind telling us about him? and why youre forcing him to sleep in that horrable cave?

i didnt want you to make me get rid of him... you wouldnt even let me have a dog... what would you let me keep him for?

good point takato, but now he can stay in your room with you, you just have to take care of him.


because he saved you for us... kept you in our lives we owe him.

thank you mom, thank you dad... guilmon lets go to my room.

after a few hours of talking and the rules speeches takato nervously got in bed and called guilmon to join him. guilmon sniffed the bed curiously never having used one. guilmon its a bed you sleep on it. guilmon grinned and hopped on the bed and quickly went to sleep. takato on the other hand had a hard time falling asleep, being next to guilmon. he had always had an obsession for guilmon, and now that guilmon saved his life he owed him so much guilmon would never except the idea...

after a long few hours takato finally fell asleep. guilmon felt something moving so he rolled over to see if takato wanted something and he saw that takato was contantly rolling around in his sleep. takato started to talk in his sleep, guilmons eyes widened as he heard takato start talking about his innermost desires in his sleep.


i ...need






takato then suddenly snapped awake and sat up breathing hard, he was drenched in sweat. guilmon was looking at him trying to find the words he needed to say. takato noticed that guilmon was not snoring so he slowly glanced over at guilmon who looked back with a crooked smile.

takato got off the bed and left the room, his parents hearing his footsteps asked him to come in their room for a moment.

takato are you alright, you seem worried?


is everything ok? what happened?

i-its j-just in my sleep i said some things i really would have liked to keep unsaid.

like what?

please dont get mad... i told guilmon what i really thought about him...

is that all?

your not mad that i may be... well...gay?

not at all takato, were just happy that your not going to be single forever.

whats that suppossed to mean? and for the second problem i dont even know what all i said in my sleep, i dont even know what he thinks about the whole situation...

just go talk to him takato... dont worry if we hear thuding on the wall we will not interfere.

what is so funny about this? im being serious!

oh grow up takato it was just a joke but really you should go see his thoughts, if you dont thats a great way to ruin a perfectly designed friendship.

takato knew that his parents were right and slowly crept back to his room and with a shaky hand turned the knob and opened the door. guilmon was still staring at him weirdly and takato walked over to the bed and sighed as he sat down.

guilmon im sorry for not saying anything, i just dont think that youd want to be apart of any such activities, and i cant even ask you because in most peoples view two males in a relationship is horrible wrong so i didnt know your point of view... im sorry you had to hear my sleep talk...

takato got up to leave the room again when guilmon said takatomon im not upset... i like you too, guilmons tail lowered as he said i was worried youd be mad at me if i told you how i felt...

takato looked back at guilmon who was looking at the floor in shame. takato suprised guilmon when he went over to guilmon and connected their lips in a passonate kiss that lasted for quite some time. guilmon broke the kiss to see takato and noticed that takatos face was red, but not with that liquid... it was red colored.

guilmon started to act protective.

takatomon are you alright?

yes, why?

your face is red is that bad?

uh... no its not bad, people do it when theyre embarressed, or if theyve done something that people would think theyre weird for doing...


guilmons ears drooped when he thought that takato would be embarrassed for them liking eachother.

dont worry guilmon i still like you... alot.

really takatomon? uh takatomon what do people do when they really like eachother... like we do?

takatos face turned as red as guilmons skin as he studdered hi reply.

uhh... w-well t-t-they kiss and t-they uh... have... sex.

takato said the last word really fast in hopes that guilmon wouldnt hear it.

sex? what is it? what does it do? how do you do it?

takato was starting to sweat badly, and guilmon noticed this.

takatomon dont be nervous, im not. i love you takatomon, do takatomon love me back?

i-i mean uh... yes guilmon i love you...

ok takatomon, so can you show me how to do sex?

guilmon gave takato the s.w.b.p.e.s. or other known as the super watery begging puppy eyes syndrome. takato tryed to look away from the level 99 hypnosis spell that guilmon was casting with his eyes... but takato was too many levels too short to make the evasive manuver, so he had to say... yes.

guilmon clapped his clawed paws together in happyness, then asked whats first?

um first i have to take off these... takato grabbed his pajamahs.

oh thats simple guilmon said tearing takatos clothing off quickly, making sure takato would still be in one piece afterwards.

takato felt weird being stripped bu guilmon but he wasnt going to let that stop his big moment. guilmon looked at takatos nude body and then at takatos limp crotch. takatomon why is that out already?

what do you mean?

look. guilmon pointed to his own crotch a slit now appearing that was showing a sheath that was previously hidden.

well guilmon im not a digimon, my race doesnt have those kind of um pouches to hide our body parts, thats why we wear these clothes, besides the fact that they keep our body warm.

ok takatomon, now what do we do?

i think that i can take it from here, so guilmon lay down on my bed stomach facing up.

like this takatomon?

yes guilmon like that.

takato felt the butterflies in his stomach already but he continued until he was lying beside guilmon. takato reached his hands over to guilmons semi-erect dick and started to masterbate him. guilmon started trusting into takatos hand moaning quite loudly. takato continued until guilmon was fully erect, then takato leaned over and licked guilmons penis tip. takato then without warning went down taking guilmons cock in between his lips, sucking vigoriously. guilmon moaned even louder. he couldnt believe how good this felt... nothing in either the digital world or takatos world could match this happiness, not even if he owned all the peanut butter factories in the world!

guilmon started moaning even louder, which at that moment takato pulled up off his cock. whyd you stop takatomon it felt sooo good?

it just i dont want that anymore.. i want you to do something else for me.

what is it takato?

i want you to take your dick and i want you to push it in here...

takato bent over in front of guilmon showing him his tight ass.

are you sure takatomon it doesnt look like it will fit?

dont worry guilmon if it doesnt fit at first then well make it.

ok takatomon.

guilmon strode up behind takato with a grin on his face. he bent over and licked at takatos entrence which made takato gasp in pleasure. guilmon snickered as he put the tip of his penis against takatos virgin ass, and with a smile he slowly pushed forward. takato hissed in momentary pain as his ass was being stretched to allow guilmon entrance. takato soon relaxed when the head of guilmons penis was all the way in his ass. then after a few moments takato told guilmon to continue. with a nod guilmon started to buck wildly against takatos backside getting a large moan from takato for his efforts.

takato was just lost in the pleasure he was recieving that he totally forgot about the pain that he had. takato needed to relieve the pressure on his lower half, so he reached a hand down to his own penis only to be out ran by guilmons paw. guilmon started to furiously jack off takato in rhythm to his own thrusting. guilmon started to thrust even faster signaling that he was close to release. then guilmon thrusted in hilting himself inside takato while he gave takato his essences. takato on the other hand gave guilmon his virginity.

takato could feel guilmons hot cum filling him up, he then bucked in guilmons paw and let loose a load of his own that couldnt compare to the size of the load that guilmon gave him. takato looked at guilmon and said i love you, guilmon said i love you too takatomon.

they wrapped their arms around eachother and fell asleep quite easily.


i told you it would happen dear, theyre more than just digimon and tamer you know what happens in here stays in here. it is nice that takato has finally found someone he can relate to. lets congraduate him in the morning.

takatos father chuckled yeah i cant wait to see his face when we do that. dear why do we enjoy teasing him so much?

maybe its because hes so easy to tease... probably.

they soon fell asleep waiting for the next day to tease takato.

the masks we wear

the masks we wear this is my first sexual writting so please do not judge, i would really be happy if you left a small note describing what could be improved, and what is good as it is... thank you. also if youd like leave a rating between 1-10,...

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