Bad things happen with 2 fifths.

Story by steampunkstallion on SoFurry

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Just a night when a wolf finds out a few interesting things about himself, his girlfriend and a friend of his.

It had started like any other night, hanging with a friend and my girlfriend after a long day of fun. After a long day hitting the amusement park we had come home and decided to have a bit more fun with some drinking games. We downed two full fifths between the three of us. Both me and my girlfriend were wolves and our friend that was hanging out with us was a younger orca that I knew from a few of the con circuits that I used to frequent.

We ended up settling down on the couch and decided to watch a movie and just enjoy our drunken induced stupor. Occasionally laughing at the terrible movie that was playing and for the life of me I cannot remember what we watched.

I'm not sure when it started, but we were probably about forty minutes or so into the movie when my ears perked up hearing my girlfriend's breath start to get a little quicker, she was leaning against me so it wasn't difficult to notice.

Carefully I tilted my head to glance over and felt my ears flushed warm with heat in embarrassment. The Orca was leaning over a little and his hand was sliding along her leg to her groin to begin to stroke her through the thin shorts she was wearing. I acted unaware of what was happening and he didn't stop either.

With me being fairly drunk I was just watching as this continued and figured a little harmless petting wouldn't hurt anyone. The movie continued to play and his hand was very gently rubbing her and she whimpered ever so slightly from time to time. It wasn't too long before he took her paw and pulled it over the lewd bulge in his baggy shorts.

I reached over and pulled the string on the light plunging the room into darkness except for the television casting long shadows everywhere in the room. I'm watching from the corner of my eye as my girlfriend is stroking that bulge and then he pushes her hand away for a moment and he draws the zipper down on his pants.

My eyes went wide seeing what he fished out of his pants, pardon the pun on that. I watched my girlfriend's paw wrap around that length, if I had to guess he was easily over ten inches long, fairly thick and uncut which something I had seen before wasn't. Her fingers slid slowly up and down his length coaxing more precum to ooze out and make his cock glisten from the light cast from the TV. Once she started to stroke him once more, the orca's hand returned between her legs.

Well they kept pawing each other slowly for a little while and the alcohol had caught up to me. I got up and went to the bathroom, relieving the stress of my bladder and adjusting myself even though I didn't want to admit it was kind of hot watching her play with that big cock.

Once I came back into the room, they had moved on the couch and now were lying on their sides and the orca's hips were gradually moving against my girlfriend. I settled down onto the loveseat that was at an angle, I could mostly see the TV. Though the view that was more interesting was I had an almost perfect view of their legs and what was happening.

I'm sure that no one was thinking clearly at this point due to the sheer volume of alcohol we had earlier in the evening. The orca slowly rolled those hips grinding against my girlfriend. It was a few minutes later before the orca pulled that leg up slightly and I could see him rocking that cock against the crotch of her shorts.

The orca ran his down her belly and slowly undid her shorts and helped her wiggle them down until they were around her knees. From my vantage point it was easy to watch that big orca cock start to grind against my girlfriend's panties making her whimper quietly from the stimulation.

I felt so embarrassed looking down at the hard bulge in my pants, letting my hand roam along it's length and felt suddenly small and inadequate compared to what was making my girlfriend whimper out.

My muzzle almost parted to say something when the orca's fingers hooked into her panties and pulled them to the side grinding his cock directly against her heated flesh. I could smell their arousal in the air overpowering everything. I shivered from the back of my neck all the way down to the base of my tail when I noticed that dreaded smell of my girlfriend's fertile heat.

It wasn't too long before I was watching that big cock spreading her folds and nudging her clit making her yelp ever so slightly, it would have been cute if it wasn't my girl he was doing this too. Unfortunately I couldn't seem to make myself get up or even raise my voice to interrupt the show that was happening before me.

Watched the two of them roll their hips back and forth slowly, it was brushing against her clit less often and more often getting closer to my girlfriend's vulnerable entrance. I was distracted a little by the movie until my attention was brought back to the sound of my girlfriend. I looked and there was the orca, the head of that big cock pressing against her entrance and there was a slight moment of hesitation before he pushed forward. Inch after inch I watched his shaft spread her entrance and I imagined her walls around his bare flesh. The thing that bothered me, was that he wasn't wearing any sort of protection and my

girlfriend doesn't take the pill but that idea just seemed to excite me more as I squeezed the hard on I was nursing in my pants.

Slowly the orca pushed more of that uncut cock into her, listening to her whine slightly about how thick it was and making her sore from being stretched. He stopped at one point and I was guessing it was due to her couldn't fit anymore of that big cock of his into my girlfriend and there was maybe an inch and a half or two inches still outside. My girlfriend's hand gripped his arm tightly and I couldn't draw my eyes away from where they were joined.

Those heavy balls just hung down between his legs and they looked like a pair of kiwis in a loose sac. Since he was furless you could see the veins along his shaft and orbs, making it stand out even more noticeably. Along the underside of that shaft was the fat bulge of his urethra looked so out of place.

They stayed there for a few minutes before the orca began to slowly pull back until just the head of his cock was buried inside her, her labia clinging to his shaft when he began to slide himself into her. Ears perking each time I heard the moan escape from my girlfriend's muzzle and I watched the orca start to get a bit more friendly with her, sliding his hand under her shirt cupping her breast.

So enraptured in watching the orca pumping himself nice and slow into her, didn't realize that the movie had started over at that point. Everyone was probably caught up at that point; the orca had gone for a little bit before he just held himself inside there. I could easily hear his heavy breathing, he whispered that he had to stop or he was going to cum. I could imagine how much he'd pump into my girlfriend, watched his balls twitch and saw that bulge along the underside of his cock twitch from base to the part that was inside my girlfriend.

His cock was buried inside my girlfriend as they stayed there on the couch like that, his fingers occasionally brushing against her mound making her whimper ever so slightly from time to time. After a little while, he began to roll those hips once more. My paw was stroking my bulge slowly in pace with his motions. Then I saw something that made my eyes go wide, my girlfriend's muzzle parted and a soft whine escaped and saw every inch of the orca slip into her.

She grabbed his arm, telling him to stop cause he'd pushed her cervix open. We had a few fantasy animal toys that she'd used in the past and knew what that sensation was like. The orca just grunted and pulled back and then slowly pushed himself back into her, saw my girlfriend bury her head into the pillow to keep from making any loud noises. The idea of what was happening just excited me since it was such a game of fire since his unprotected cock was sliding past into her fertile womb.

I couldn't help it watching the orca slowly stroking himself in and out of her, listening to my girlfriend whimper how big he was and how he was getting so deep inside her. I watched those balls jiggling slightly with each thrust, the occasional pulse of that urethra on the underside of his cock swelling lewdly. They kept going and I could hear his breath getting a bit heavy, my hand was now in my pants and there was a part of me that just wanted him to keep going.

At this point my girlfriend was starting to rock her hips back to meet his motions, the orca grabbed her hips to stop her from moving grunting each time his groin mashed against hers. Those big cum filled balls starting to tighten up and I knew what was going to happen and I was looking forward to it.

The sound of my girlfriend was almost like a sexual song that filled the air, moans and whimpers pushing past the pillow. She stiffened on the couch and knew that she was having a fairly intense orgasm from the way her tail was flicking wildly against him.

My own orgasm was right on the edge and I was trying to fight it back as much as I could and I was barely touching myself through my pants during that whole ordeal. It was amazing seeing the orca's amount of self control since I know what it feels like when she cums.

Then it happened, the orca groaned out and watched him suddenly just thrust himself firmly into my girlfriend's pussy and held himself inside her fully. My eyes went wide watching those heavy orbs pulling tight against over and over, counted nearly a dozen times. He stayed inside her, not bothering to pull out pumping his thick seed into her empty fertile womb.

I sat there the entire time watching some other male breed my girlfriend in front of me and did nothing, and to make it worse when I realized he was emptying himself I closed my eyes biting my lip hard to keep from making noise when I came. Now it's nearly a month later and my girlfriend surprised me with a big dinner showing off the pregnancy test that was positive. I knew it wasn't my pup, but since I allowed it to happen I didn't mind it too terribly much.