Crazy Paranormal Chapter 3

Story by short1 on SoFurry

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Victoria finds out something that will changer her life forever, and found her true love but she doesn't want a player like Ren.

As I wait for death to come, I think about my mom. If she finds out I'm dead then she would be devastated. I think about all of the things we have done together, all of the memories that we could've had together. I tried to remember all of the colors of the beautiful rainbow. The last thing that I thought about was Ren. For some weird reason Ren was on my mind most of the time.

It seemed like forever for the black wolf to come and finish me off with it's partner. It's paws came closer and closer and the wolf on top of me was getting closer to my neck. I could hear the black wolf jump off of the ground. It jumped on the wolf that was on me and tackled it to the ground. I opened my eyes as soon as I felt all of the weight off of me. I stood up and limped backwards, away from the wolves. They weren't fighting though. I stood still as I watch them. The wolf that was on top of me was now under the black wolf, and was licking it's muzzle. The wolf on top growled and the wolf under stopped and whimpered. The black wolf got off of the other one and it ran the way it came from. The black wolf watched it run and then turned to me. _Damn, I knew I should've ran. _It stared at me and walked slowly to me. I walk backwards into a tree behind me. It stood in front of me and jumped up. It's paws landed on the side of my head, it was that tall and big. I looked at it's eyes and saw that they were hazel. An image of Ren's eyes came into my mind.

It leaned down and licked my lips. My lips tingled and I couldn't breathe. I closed my eyes as it licked my lips again. The air changed around me and I felt hands on my cheeks. A body pressed up against me and started to grind. I opened my eyes and found Ren in front of me. I gasped and limped away from him.

"Wait, I can explain." I shook my head and ran. Well at least tried to. I limped deeper into the forest. I stopped in my tracks when I saw the same pale guy that I saw at school. He smiled with teeth. Slowly, fangs started to come out and I took a step back and tripped over my own feet. I could hear Ren walking up behind me and helped me up. He looked at the pale guy and growled at him. The pack from before came running and surrounded us and growled at him.

"What do you want?" Ren asked in a stern voice, "This is our territory, you leech, get off of it." The guy looked at him and then at me. "I came to get my queen, because after all, we are mates." Ren growled more. "She is not your mate, she's mine! Now get out of here before I let my pack tear you apart." The pale guy smiled at me.

"I will be back, this isn't over yet pup." He looked at Ren and then back at me, "As for you my queen, I will turn you into one of us in thirty-one days." With that he disappeared. I realized I was holding my breathe, so I breathed in deeply. I looked at Ren and at all of the other wolves. "What are you guys?"

Ren smiled. "I think you can answer that yourself. But I'll answer for you, we are werewolves, and that guy that just left is a vampire." My legs and arms were in so much pain and I felt like my head was going to explode. I sat down on the ground and looked at my wounds. As I looked at them, the air changed again, but it was a lot denser and I knew everyone shifted at the same time. I got dizzy for a few seconds but went back to normal. I looked up and saw everyone looking down at me. I recognized a few in some of my classes and some just around the school. Flowing blonde hair caught my sight and I looked at the person who the owner was and I groaned.

Of course Britney just had to be a werewolf, no wonder she threw that ball with so much speed and didn't cry out in pain. And she was the one that attacked me and bit me. She walked next to Ren and put her hand in his. I picked up a rock beside me and threw it at her face and it hit her cheek, cutting her. She screamed and touched her now bleeding cheek. "You bitch! You're going to pay for that." She lunged at me but was interrupted by Ren. He threw her away from me. She fell on her back and cried out in pain. She sat up and looked at Ren with hurt in her eyes.

"Never lunge at your Luna ever again." She gasped and looked at me and glared. "But I'm your mate, not that scumbag." She got up and ran towards him and kissed him. I got really jealous and I looked down, not wanting to have this feeling.

Ren pushed her off and came to me. He sat next to me and put me in his lap. I cried out in pain and he stopped. "I'm sorry, I forgot that you were injured. let me fix it for you and then we could go to my house." I stood up slowly, careful with my injures, and anger bubbled inside of me. "I'm not going anywhere with you." He looked up at me, confused, and stands. "What do you mean? You're my mate and we're supposed to be together."

I laugh at him. "I'm supposed to? I wonder how many times you said that to your little sluts. Don't forget that I saw your hands all over Britney" I turned around and walked towards my backpack that I threw off of me while I was running for my life.

It took about an hour to find my house.When I went inside, my mother was yelling at me and told me that I scared the crap out of me. "I was just talking to the teachers is all mom, I'm sorry I should've called you." She accepted my lie and went to her room. I went to my room as well and fell on my bed. I heard howling in the distance, a lonely howl and somehow, I knew it was Ren.

Crazy Paranormal Chapter 4

The next morning, I wake up to my alarm clock going off again. I turn it off and gets up. I don't remember anything that happened yesterday until I see my clothes that I'm still wearing from yesterday. Everything came rushing back at me. I groan and...

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Crazy Paranormal Chapter 2

**\*Hey ya'll, I'm sorry for not posting chapter 2 yesterday, but it wasn't working so I had to delete all of it and now I'm restarting it all over again. Which sucks\*** I could hear him following me but I chose to ignore him. Once I turned a...

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Crazy Paranormal Chapter 1

I was sleeping peacefully until my alarm clock started going off. I groan and rolled over onto my stomach and presses snooze and goes back to sleep. Five minutes later I heard my mom yelling at me. "Victoria! It's time to get up you're going to be late...

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