Crazy Paranormal Chapter 4

Story by short1 on SoFurry

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Victoria is now heartbroken. She's being watched by a vampire and is hurt by the werewolf.

The next morning, I wake up to my alarm clock going off again. I turn it off and gets up. I don't remember anything that happened yesterday until I see my clothes that I'm still wearing from yesterday. Everything came rushing back at me. I groan and falls back on my bed. I think of everything that has happened yesterday. Tears stung my eyes as I remember Ren's hands all over Britney. I wipe the tears away and starts to get ready for school. I go downstairs and eats a full breakfast like I promised my mom. After eating and saying bye to my mom, I head out. I walk out of our driveway again and i see paw prints again.I huff in frustration and keeps walking. I feel someone staring at me again but I choose to ignore it. I listened to my iPod while I was walking to school so I wouldn't have to think about anything.

As I enter the school, everyone looked at me. I looked down and ignored them too.I walked to my locker and opened it and got my books for my first period. I went and sat down in Britney's spot again and she glared at me. I smiled at her and flipped her off. She huffed and turned around when the bell rang. I turned my attention at the teacher and took notes.

After first period ended, I headed for second period. I headed towards the same seat I sat at yesterday but found something in my seat. I picked it up and it was a piece of paper, I opened it up and it said:

Thirty Days My Queen. I Will Keep A Good Eye On You My Love.

_~ Your King. _

I drop the note and runs out of the classroom and passed Ren. I run out of the school and into the woods. I run and run until I find a cave. I hear feet running towards the cave but then they pass it. I sat against the wall and cried. I let all of my pain and stress out, from when my dad died. I cried myself to sleep on the cold floor of the cave. While I was half asleep, I heard some into the cave and laid next to me. I turned around and put my face against it. But instead of skin, I found fur. I was confused but didn't want to wake up all the way so i just cuddled with it.

I dreamed of Ren. Which was odd, since i usually dream of dad. Ren was at some girl's house, half naked. The girl is naked all the way and that makes me mad and jealous. Ren went up to her and started kissing her. His hands were all over her. I started to cry in my dream and sleep. Ren looked around, as if he could hear me sobbing, which could be possible since it's just a dream. He went back to what he was doing and and started making out with her. "Player!" I shouted at him.

This time he turned around all the way. "Victoria? Where are you? I can't see you." I was being pulled away from them and into darkness. I woke up to a big wolf next to me that had reddish fur. I screamed and jumped away. The wolf stood up but went down back on his stomach, like he was trying to tell me that it meant no harm. I realized that I would've been dead from the coldness of the cave but he kept me warm. I walk up to it and hugs it's neck. "Thank you." I hear someone enter the cave and then a vicious growl. The wolf stood up and growled back. I turned around and saw a black wolf and knew that it was Ren.

"What are you doing here?" He looked at me and I felt the air shift and he turned into human form. He was half naked, like my dream. Or was it a dream? My eyes widened at the thought. I glare at Ren.

"You were with a girl weren't you? You said that we were supposed to be together but your off with other girls instead. What's your last name?" He looked at me confused. "It's Rodriguez."

"I, Victoria Sin, reject you, Ren Rodriguez, as mate." I say with so much power that it leaves both Ren and the red wolf shocked. The wolf recovers faster and he growls at Ren and gets in front of me, protecting me from something. It looks behind Ren and I follow it's stare. I gasped when I saw that it was the vampire. He smiled, but with with fangs this time. I have to admit, he has a nice smile and good looking without his fangs.

Ren turns around and glares at him. "What do you want?" He smiled at Ren."Well, it seems that things have changed and I'm ready to take my queen a lot earlier." I glare at him. "I'm not going anywhere with you, I don't belong to no one!" I walk out of the cave, passed Ren and the vampire. The wolf follows me and I let him for a while. I turn around and looks at him. "Please go back, I don't want you to get in trouble." He shook his and kept following me. I sighed and kept walking.

I think about the dream, or the so called dream and wondered how I did that.It hurt to remember about it. Tears were falling down my cheeks. I wish that my dad was here. He would know how to handle this situation. I walked the rest of the way to my house and waved bye to the wolf and walked inside. I found a note that mom was going out with friends tonight, which was good because I don't have an excuse made up for being late, again.

*Sorry for the short chapter*

Crazy Paranormal Chapter 5

After a few hours of homework, I went downstairs to get a snack. As I opened the door to the pantry, I saw something at the corner of my eye. I thought it was my imagination so I just kept doing what I was doing. I grabbed a bag of chips and started...

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Crazy Paranormal Chapter 3

As I wait for death to come, I think about my mom. If she finds out I'm dead then she would be devastated. I think about all of the things we have done together, all of the memories that we could've had together. I tried to remember all of the colors...

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Crazy Paranormal Chapter 2

**\*Hey ya'll, I'm sorry for not posting chapter 2 yesterday, but it wasn't working so I had to delete all of it and now I'm restarting it all over again. Which sucks\*** I could hear him following me but I chose to ignore him. Once I turned a...

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