She's Such a Tease - Foxes And Ferrets Pt. 1

Story by RainTigress on SoFurry

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#1 of She's Such A Tease

The bell rang and students filed into Arabelle Fynx's classroom with a racket that could have deafened a seasoned fighter pilot. The tall, 30-some vixen stood before the class dressed, as she usually was, in a button-up collared blouse, under a tailored, pinstripe jacket and matching skirt that just grazed an inch or so above the knee. She was bare-legged (pantyhose were nothing but an uncomfortable nuisance) and wearing the most unprofessional pair of platform, stilletto heels one could imagine on a professor... but what the hell?... She found them comfortable and she felt sexy wearing them which gave her an extra boost of confidence throughout the day. Her long, wavy, red hair was done up in a professional but relaxed ponytail, her soft, pointed ears poking out the top. Her blouse was unbuttoned at the collar. This was the last period before study hall and she was already frazzled... not at all looking forward to the test papers she had to mark. She pushed her glasses back up to the bridge of her nose, beautifully framing her vibrant eyes (one blue, one green), stood up from her desk and walked to the front of the class.

"Right then, ladies and gentlemen... where did we leave off last period?" She spied one of her 'trouble kids' as she referred to them... he was a slenderly built ferret with untidy hair and aviator sunglasses... 19 years old and brilliant, if he would only apply himself to his studies instead of spending his nights at frat parties and keggers. "Mister Fitzpatrick..." She said sharply. "Would you care to take those sunglasses off in my classroom, remove your dirty sneakers from your desk and enlighten us as to what topic we were last discussing?" She shot him a sharp look. He looked up at her nonchalantly and, as per her request, shrugged, sat up in his chair, and pushed his shades to the top of his head. "Wasn't it the advancement of weapons technology before World War One, Miss?" He looked up at her with brilliant green eyes. Arabelle had looked at Skyler Fitzpatrick a million and one times before now, but she felt something inside her this time... it was odd that this was the first time she noticed how gorgeously his emerald eyes sparkled, how cute his untidy fringe hung over his eyes was, how the tight, white t-shirt he wore under his beaten leather motorcycle jacket clung to his body (Were those 6-pack abs under there?)... and how his tight jeans clung to his package while though not erect, she could see was a gift from God. She gave herself a mental slap in the face... "Arabelle! Thinking about a student in such a way! Tsk!" She collected herself quickly... "Thank you, Skyler. Now if you would all kindly turn your pages to chapter 9, page 473... we can continue on the topic of the usage of chlorine gas in trench warfare."


Skyler was shocked... Professor Fynx had always refered to her pupils by last name. He was surprised she even knew his first name. There was something in the way she looked at him... just for that breif second when their eyes locked... but what the fuck was it? Did Professor Fynx just totally check him out?! Naaaaw. That'd never happen, she was way too much of a buttoned-down tightass for that. Speaking of tightass... as she reached up to pull down the world map, he couldn't help but notice that she had a pretty nice pair of buns herself. As she grabbed the cord, he noticed her skirt move up a couple inches showing a nice chunk of thigh. "Come to think of it... Miss Fynx is pretty hot." He thought to himself.

He couldn't help but stare at her through the entire lecture. He'd always thought she was sexy in a strange sort of way... but only now did he realize the softness of her body, the way her tail swished back and forth in a tantalizing, hypnotic motion... and her eyes were stunning. One blue, the other green. It became his strange fixation. Staring deep into those piercing hypnotic eyes.


Arabelle couldn't ignore the strange feeling of being watched, but nonetheless continued on with her lecture. To be quite honest, she herself couldn't stand the curriculum for this course. It was dry and boring. "Why on earth don't those idiots on the school board spice these things up a bit? No wonder these damned kids can't pay attention!" She muttered under her breath, in between telling a pair of twin rabbit girls to stop passing notes and nearly getting hit in the head with a paper glider made from one of her oh-so-carefully typed project timelines.

Finally she'd had it. "I want everyone to quiet down and do questions one through twenty-five at the end of the chapter. Hand them into me at my desk at the end of the period and questions twenty-six through fifty are due tomorrow morning." She took no more than three steps towards her desk when the hem of her skirt caught on a nail, tearing it. She shot a peirding glare at her pupils, as if daring them to make a smart remark, and continued to her desk where she normally kept a small, emergency sewing kit specifically for days like this..... but alas, she didn't have any thread the coulor of her skirt. Every colour of the rainbow except for this specific one. She stood up to address the class. "I'll be back in just a moment. If I hear any commotion from in here it'll be a week's detention for every last one of you, capish?"


When that hem tore, revealing just a little more of Professor Fynx's soft thigh, Skyler felt a very urgent warmth spreading into his most intimate reigions. Thoughts of what was under the rest of that skirt filled his head. He was almost salivating. He was trying recklessly, but without avail, to hide his growing erection. Trying to look like it was absolutely nothing, Skyler rose from his seat and walked out into the hallway, seemingly in slow motion. Every desk he passed he wondered if they could see his uncontrollable hard-on less if he carried his jacket at his hip... or if they could see right through his attempt.

Finally he made it into the empty hallway. His tight pants, although a great fashion statement, were working against him. Every step caused just enough friction to make Skyler think he was going to cum in his shorts before he could even reach the bathroom.

Finally he made it into the men's room and slammed himself into the stall. "I have to be crazy" Skyler thought, as he did a quick foot check under the stalls for anyone else that might be in earshot. Totally empty.

Skyler undid his studded belt, popped his button and slid his zipper down. He freed his throbbing cock from his boxers. It was a good 8 ½ inches rock hard. He was already dripping pre-cum. He placed his paw to his mouth and got a good wad of saliva on it. He took a firm grip on his shaft and pictured Arabelle Fynx's firm, foxy breasts pressed up against his muzzle. Soon enough he was gasping for breath, pulling out wave after wave of man-gravy.

Skyler looked downwards. "Oh man... that's alot". He'd shot cum all over, and his hand was covered in it. He looked at the TP dispenser. Empty. "Oh shit, this can't be happening!" Skyler saw his only option... if chicks can stand it, why can't he? It can't be gay if it's you're own, right? Skyler brought his paw to his mouth and briefly hesitated while a small part of his subconscious was deciding whether to take a tiny little taste, or to get it over with with a big lick... he decided for the latter and lapped up his jism in about 3 mouthfulls. Skyler couldn't help to think to himself that the taste of cum wasn't all that horrible.


Arabelle Fynx slipped into her office to assess the damage. Her skirt was ruined. She couldn't go the rest of the day like this. She saw her gym bag lying in the corner of the office that had her tennis skirt inside. With a sigh she walked towards the bag and drug out the less-than-proper-teaching-attire skirt and made a start towards the window to close the blinds. But she stopped for some reason... Arabelle Fynx smelled Skyler's sweet pheromones through the air... She decided to leave the blinds open. She turned away from the window and slowly slid her skirt down around her ankles. She could see Skyler approaching through the reflection in her office mirror. She ran her hands back up her legs and over her tight little fox buns. She saw Skyler double take and stare hungrily at her body. He had a look on his face of one part guilt and three parts "I just won the lottery". She stepped out of her own skirt and slid her itsy bitsy tennis skirt back up her legs. Then... just to give him a little shock... she went for the hallway door. She saw Skyler start and start walking quickly back towards the classroom.

"Skyler Fitzpatrick... you are very busted!" She saw him freeze with absolute terror. She put her hand on his shoulder. "Why are you not in class, Mister Fitzpatrick?" She said sternly.

"I... was just..." Skyler's brain stalled.

"In the cafeteria?" Arabelle asked coyly.

"N... No."

"Do not lie to me, young man. You have cappuccino foam on your top lip. Tomorrow's lunch hour will be spent with me, in the library, helping me with paperwork. Do you understand?"

"Yes maam." replied Skyler, grateful that he was no longer, as he previously thought, going to be expelled for peeping on a teacher. But as the bell rang, he realized that his former problem was already part-way reappearing.