High Tail High Chapter 12: New Wonder

Story by CamoFerret on SoFurry

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The doberman in the story is Linkin's character, and used with his permission, under the name Erik.

David sat on the edge of the bed, legs kicking childishly. He waited ten minutes for the dobie to finish his dye and let it sink in. The mansion was far from middle class, as far as he could tell. The ferret barely knew where exactly he was. A small "click" suddenly came from the door, causing his ears to swivle upright.

"I look silly..." The doberman whined.

"It was your choice in the first place!" He giggled.

"Well...I regret it."

Erik stepped out and David gasped in awe. His body glistened from thousands of water drops in his new white furred coat. Each indivisual muscle rippled, thick arms grasping a towel around his thigh. Not a speck of the chocolate-red coat stood out any more. Tension from the silence seemed to make Erik uneasy and the cropped ears flicked backword.

"Well?" The stud whimpered cutely.

"I didn't know you were an angel..."

This made the doberman blush softly, now more easily seen from the white cheeks.

"Nooo...I'm no angel. I'm a hellhound."

"Only in bed. Rrrrowl." The ferret winked and pawed in the air flirtatiously at him.

Erik chuckled and scratched at the back of hi sneck, "Hehehe..."

"So," started David, shifting in the bed, "I have tonight and tomorrow..."

"Got plans?"

The snow-powder male holding a towl grinned, wagging his stubby tail.

"None. At all."

"Hmmrrr...getting hungry?"

The ferret nodded and sat up.

"So amI...Let's go out!"

"Like on a date?"

Reality dawned on the two. Somehow, another time shift came past them and made it idle over for a while.

"W-well...yeah. Kinda. I guess. I dunno."

"Your silly."

The stud dobie blinked, "Awroo?"

David beamed brightly, "That was so adroeable!"

Having lost enough color that hour, Erik slowly hid behind the door to the bathroom.

"Nuh uh..."

He muttered shyly, smiling playfully behind the door before shutting it.

David smirks and hopped up, slowly placing his paws in the coat pockets. The carpet dragged against his Nike's as he gauzed around the room. Something compelled him, almost drove him, to open the bathroom door, but he resisted urges and instead started roaming hallways. Numorous ornaments, pictures and clocks hung on the walls on every turn and corner. His sea blue and emerald green eyes shifted to a single famil photo sittin gin a glass cabnit. A warm paw slipped out to touch the cool clear glass.

It seemed to have been a recent photo. An older doberman in a suit stood in the back, a caramal paw on each shoulder of the two younger men. One was taller, and a bit more serious like the father. A younger doberman smiled flowing with joy.

"My mother couldn't make the shoot."

His voice startled David, making his paw pull back as if it had touched a hot skillet.

Erik ruffled his mopped-down and damp headfur with the towel from before and flicked it to a nearby hamper.

He pulled on a simple t-shirt and chuckled, "Those were better days..."

David slowly smiled and flicked his tail.

"You ready, ferretbutt?"

The smirk seemed to cross from one to the other.

"If your done jerkin' me around for time."

"So...what's your story?"

"Hm?" David turned his head from the window.

"You just recently moved here right?"

"Oh. Yeah, mhm."

"So where did you live before here?"

He shifted back to look out the window's rolling planes and hills. The sun was glowing on the horizon as he faded back to his past life memories.

"I lived in the slums...A fairly small city with virtually a pang of policemen and pawful of gang activities. Burtha, my adoptive mom, worked with maid services. Scrubbing floors, laundry work, dusting. It helped us get by. As for Mike, he barely just got through three hours of sleep each day....he was the best doctor in town. He had to overwork cause of the Red's."

Erik shifted a bit and pirked a brow, "The Red's?"

"Red Riot's gang. Caused alot f drug trafficing and violence..."


A soft nod and murmur escaped David's white lips, "It's alright...I had to tell someone eventually."

"Well, I'm sorry for bringing up bad memories..."

He shook his head in the passenger's seat.

"Don't be...got any other questions?"

In fact, Erik did.

"Did you ever love anyone there?"

The ferret was caught off guard. Shifting upright, he stared out the front window before nodding slightly.

"His name was Troy."

David chuckled and shook his head, "The poor guy struggled the whole way through Chemistry."

"...anyone else?"

Lights started to flick onto the street life.


"What about Mark?"

"I thought I loved him, but something told me it was best off we not be together."

Erik turned his head awaya nd David leaned over too take his strong white paw. A blush started to slowly creep along his furry cheeks. The purring engine pulled them into the parking lot and shut off.

"I shouldn't ask so many personal questions."

"Heh...your so silly."

His paw clicked off the seatbelt and pushed the door leaving Erik staring in the car. Halfway across the road, it dawned on him to follow up behind him, shoes slapping the pavement. All David did was chuckle and place his paws inside the front overcoat pocket calmly. From outside, it appeared to be a pretty prestigious place, but it was no greater then a family dining area.

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"It doesn't bother me."

"I know, but-"

"No. But's."

The ferret grinned and nodded to the crowd of people glancing at the pair of white furries. Most of them were targeted on the doberman. His egs crumpled and shook a bit at the attention. With a playful smile, David was able to nudge him along toward the server.



By the time the pink fox sat them, David could tell Erik was happier by the stubby tail's wagging on the jeans.

"Your so happy. Hehe."

"Well I should. I'm on a date with a stud."

The flirtation got to him, and forced the blush to fall back as he crained his head sideways.

"Naw...your the studmuffin here."

"Gentlemen? I'm Trish and I'll be your server this evening. Can I get you boys something to drink?"

"Um...ya. Sure. I'd like Mountain Dew."

"I'll just take Pepsi, please."

She nodded and scooted off to get the drinks. It was well lit on the inside. Crowds of familes gathered near the arcade so that the kids didn't have to run so far to ask for more money as the 'Continue?' screen flashed the countdown. David slid his tail around and looked across the table to the other male. Something about him made him feel so at ease.

"...Erik? I didn't know you had a brother."

The muscle wall of newly dyed fur seemed to stumble a bit, "Yeah...he-uh...goes to a gollege nearby."

"Oh...your family seems busy."

"Most of the time."

Trish turned the corner carrying a large plate with the two fizzy drinks.

"Alright, here are your drinks! Anything I can get for you?"

~ * "Some alone time." "Owch. Cruel." * ~

"We'll take an appitizer of cheese sticks..."

Smile. Nod. Turning away into the crowd of jolly husbands and wives in need of refills. David crained a smile and sneekily took the doberman's paw.

"You can lighten up...Comon...I know your curious by now..."

Erik grumbled submittantly and squeezed.


"I asked who Red Riot was."

Both ears flicked back as he sipped the lime green beverage and pulled up, looking into his eyes.

"Oh...it's a long story."

"I see."

"No! Not...like that...uh-where to start..."

David took his paw back and looked down.

"...back when I was five, Red Riot, or Riot, was just...a normal German Shepard. But he grew up in the same mannor as I did. Money and time was tight...His real name was Trever Ously, but everyone decided Red Riot fitted him well. He even went on to dye his hair in the 5th grade...he wasn't trouble until High School. A few years back. Troy was in Chemistry, sixth period. Heh..."

He looked up to see the soft dobie eyes, ears flicked upright. Another soothing warmth seemed to fight inside him.

"One day, he needed help on homework an'...that when he decided we were close enough as friends to come out to me. The silly otter...we had small flirtations...I didn't know that part of me until I started to loosen up. But then Riot came back at us."

Erik took a small intervention to sip his soda and nod, "What happened then?"

"Riot brought friends. Mean ones. Troy was all I had to count as a friend, so I did what I could. Five were downed before Riot was able to get away. I managed a few knicks and brusies myself."

"He ambushed you?" The doberman snarled.

Looking around, David nodded and leaned in.

"Shh...people can hear..."

"R-right. I just-...grr..."


"Here are your cheese sticks!"

David didn't even notice the pink ninja appear to their side. Smiling, he thanked her and nodded before shifting enough so his arm slid under and squeezed the doberman's knee gently.

"Go on...please."

"Well...seeing how useful I was, Riot invited me to his gang. I didn't have a choice really. Either get attacked or Troy does until I do, or skip the hasstle...To show it, I had my back dyed red."

He shifted his shirt to show the red line starting at the back of his neck that ended at his tail.

"That's why it's there."

David nodded and ate a cheese stick, sipped the Mountain Dew, then continued.

"Eventually I heard Mike got a better job oppritunity out of there...here, namely. Better pay and house. Conditions. When I told Riot, he got furious. Really pissed off. And to show it, he did what I couldn't forgive."

Something was cracking in his voice, and Erik knew it was happening.

"...they raped Troy..."

Below the hustling crowds grew a unbaring silence between the two, as if the rest of the world was quiet. A moment had passed but it tore the inside of David like shrapnel. Biting his lip didn't help, a tear streaked down as he wiped it softly away and looked up. Erik was still there, his eyes were mirrored to his. It was until his paw shifted did he feel the comforting warmth spread through him. The emotions clattered back into the hole he had buried so many years ago.

"We can stop, David."

The sea blue and emerald green eyes glassy appearance fogged him, hiding behind his arm one more time before he nodded.

"...check please..."

As the night grew on, hitting 11 o'clock, David and Erik continued their time to more joyful scenes. The park was virtually empty, yet most beautiful, as the lights and lake shimmered together. Both paws squeezed each other on occasion, as if they were each other's lifelines holding them to the earth.

Erik recalled his camping days as a scout. His first swimming lesson. His first day teaching swimming, and eventually the lifeguard duties soon after. His family moving at 7, then 9, to stay here. David finally got why he was happier in the past. It was the only time he had spent it with his family. Eventually, they both decided it was time to head back and Erik humbly suggested a sleepover. This was more obviously followed by playful hints and innuendos, causing each other to blush or giggle, stammer or studder cutely.

Upon opening the bedroom door, David dove onto the bed and curled up. Promptly declaring it his own, Erik only grinned and wagged his stub. The next ten minutes were spent rompting around, panting and kissing passionately. Paws slid around each other's sides and backs, feeling each indivisual muscle ripple with passion.


"Yeah? *Huff*."

"C-...could we...I mean..."

His answer was cut off by the soft doberman lips. The powerful jaw opened and hot pants escaped the entwined pair. Wet tongues lashed off each other in a firey dance, suckling and moaning in the darkness. It was enough to drive the other in a craze, only moments apart before claws started to dig in. Both eyes stared hungrily to the others, clothes tossed off the side.

David started out by kissing down Erik's neckfur. His head was crained and strong, veins popping on the supple lips. Heat bursted from each pull, white fur growing brighter and slick with ferret saliva. It was driving the canine crazy! Taking no more foreplay into thought, his strong arms tore open the ferret's jeans and thong before leaving him stark in the nude. His turn.

Erik demonstated how well he was at finding buried bones and playing with them all in under a a minute. After kicking off his pants aggrivatedly, he slid up to the strong ferret pole and grasped it. Pleasure shook through David as he was stroked off, lips curled around the tip. Pre jizzed out and was quickly lapped up by the hungry pup. His claws dug into the bedsheets, streaching his neck to one side. As the doberman took in more and more of his love shaft, David's pants grew louder and louder throughout the night. Howls of ecstasy came as he was deepthroated by the other studly male. With a wet slurp, he pulled off and rolled the white orbs in his paw.

"Erik. I-I love you...w-will you mate me?"

He nodded and said, "I love you too...flip over..."

A smile was flashed to him before David flipped onto his bellyfur and hiked his tail. A low, dominant growl cut through the darkness as he felt the hard hot member slide around his rump playfully.

"Ohh! D-don't tease!"

"Hehe...you see why I'm a devildog..."

His throbbing erection poked into the tight hole, slicking it with his pre. David gasped and felt his backfur arch up in want. Grasping his own cock, Erik started to slide deeper into the ferret before he held him to his chest and hilted in. A painful cry muffled into the pillows, and he stopped for a few seconds. Pleasure and pain mixed up inside him, straightening his spine and flowing with warmth. He tilted his head.


Erik slid out slowly, wanting to make sure his partner wasn't going to feel uncomfortable. It was only minutes before the two were gasping. Sweat trickled off each other, musk driving them to a harder end. A powerful climax. Rutting, stroking, balls slapping against his furry white ass.

"Oh god Erik! Nya!"

"Rrr! David! N-so tight!"

His paw firmly grasped himself, feeling a framiliar girth of the knot forming at the tip of the canine's sheath. The tight tailhole was now loose and ready for the filling. Erik's puppymaker slammed harder, filling the deep halls with his sticky pre.

"E-erik I'm..gonna...n-..ah! AHH!"

His back jumped, thighs pressing back onto the hard doberman cock. In one loud cry, David shot his load onto the bed. Sticky load after load of his ferret cream coated the sheets. It was enough to drive the doberman to tie him. The sight and smell pushed into his sensitive nose, making him yelp. His knot popped inside and emptied his entire orbs full deep into the subby ferret hole. Each inch crammed another, David felt the glow and ecstasy crawl. Pleasure pulsated through their heads. After minutes of rough, grovling pants from both males, Erik turned to the side and pulled David in closer to him.

The rough dog tongue slid over his ears and murred.

"I love you."

"I love you too..."

David slid his paw up to grasp the larger male's paw, the scent of their love thick and strong.

"...David...? What happened to Troy?"

He squeezed his paw, and Erik returned it.

"He left town like I did the next week...but before I left...I took a bat to that fucker, Riot. He called me Envy."

Erik hugged tight and pulled a sheet up over them, "Your not envious. Your an angel."

"Heh...thank you...babe...goodnight."

"Night Davy..."

The darkness and crickets chirped for a few solid minutes, allowing both to drift to sleep unaware of car lights strolling up the drive.

~Author Note~

Oh my my! <3 Well we finally get to the better parts of a long deserving story! Questions asked and many answers told, but how many more will be made? Well there's one! Thanks for reading.

XOXO ~ CamoFerret

High Tail High Chapter 11: New Dreams

The doberman in this story, by the name of Erik, is under character right of Linkin Doberman. The darkness engulfed corners of the room in silence as David tip-toed to his room. It proved to be difficult, as each plank of wood groaned underneath...

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High Tail High Chapter 10 - Part II: New Date

The character on this known as Erik, the doberman, is character owned to Linkin Doberman...thanks love! Dating after a painful relationship often decides how you recover from a lover. Many take it in ways that shocks even themselves, like a turn...

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High Tail High Chapter 10 - Part I: The Morning After

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- High Tail High Chapter 10: Part I - The Morning After ...

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