Chapter 6 - "And for Dessert, the Show of Your Life"

Story by Skye on SoFurry

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Chapter 6 - "And for Dessert, the Show of Your Life"

The dragons were tossed back into their cell from the transporter's vortex, the captors walking out of the room, leaving the dragons weak and still bleeding.

Skye and the others quickly dropped their morph forms, leaving themselves in their human bodies; still covered in deep wounds, blood flowing freely.

Some of the boys in the cell ran over to Skye and the others, asking if they were okay, some of them turning away from the sight of them so badly cut up.

"It'll heal in an hour or so..." Skye comforted, "I hope," he thought.

The wounds began to burn, the boys bodies' beginning to heal; since it was Lucas' first time healing it would be extremely painful.

Skye and Alex knew what they had to do; they sat up, ignoring the massive pain coursing through their bodies.

"Don't stop okay!" Alex warned.

"I wont, just hand in there!" Skye replied as he raised his cut arms, pointing his hands at Alex's cut chest.

Skye and Alex's hands were both in flames in an instant, the white and black flames contrasting extremely well.

Then they did something that made the boys around them gasp; they shot a stream of flames onto one another.

The sounds of Skye and Alex wincing and groaning filled the room. The flames however, weren't that hot, they were weakened from their fight, the allowed them to move in the flames.

"What the hell are they doing, trying to kill themselves!" on boy shouted.

"No their going to heal;" Spencer explained, "They need to create an extra spirit bond first. Their bodies are resistant to the flames. Well the healthy cells are, the damaged ones will be the only ones susceptible to burning."

Inside the flames, Skye and Alex interlocked their fingers and held their hands together; the flames turned a golden colour and went transparent.

"See, they're fine!" Spencer shouted over the cackle of the flames.

The boys gasped, they couldn't believe what they were witnessing; the deep wounds in the boy's chests and bodies were actually healing. The flames were cauterizing the wounds and allowing their bodies to use their natural element to heal at a more rapid rate.

The wounds healed over and the flames between the boys spluttered and disappeared, leaving Skye and Alex sitting on the floor, their skin glowing red, like metal, from the heat.

Their bodies quickly cooled down and Skye was the first to stand, his body was back to its flawless complexion. Alex also stood beside him his body also was completely healed over.

"That was fucking amazing!" one of the boys shouted.

"It's no big deal!" Alex replied with a smile.

"What about you three can't you heal the same way?" another asked.

"Well... no," Spencer replied, "There are a few things needed to perform that ability. In Lucas' case, he needs a mate; someone who loves him more than anyone else in the world."

"And secondly, we have the healing trait," Alex replied, "the others can heal, but one of our specialties is rapid healing; something carried over from our past lives."

"We can, however, heal others too, so we're fine!" Skye replied as he walked over to Spencer's body.

Spencer lay down, wincing in pain, as Skye kneeled over him, Alex doing the same getting over top or Evan.

Skye and Alex both set their hands over the wounds on their targets, the golden flames covering them.

The boys then pushed down, the flames dancing from their hands over top of Spencer and Evan, quickly washing down them.

The fire rapidly began to heal their wounds; the heat allowing their bodies to heal faster with Skye and Alex's help.

Spencer and Evan reached up and took hold of Lucas' hands, the flames leaping onto his body as well.

In about thirty seconds the three wounded were healed and standing in front of the shocked boys, completely smooth, toned and flawlessly healed, leaving several boys to turn away hiding their own erections.

The boys broke apart, going their own way and sitting in their own parts of the cell, Skye and Alex sitting in a corner of the room.

"I knew we could do it!" Alex said looking deep into Skye's eyes.

"I knew we could, because I've got you!" Skye said staring back.

The two boys closed their eyes, their lips meeting, and their tongues exploring each others mouths.

Skye and Alex kissed for a minute or two before breaking apart, a small string of saliva connecting their two tongues, a blush on both boys' faces.

"I love you!" Skye said as he embraced Alex, allowing him to rest his head on his naked chest.

"I love you too!" Alex replied, as he closed his eyes, soothed by the warm beat of Skye's heart.


Eight o'clock rolled around faster than any of the boys wanted, still un-able to resist newest morph abilities, they were helpless against Joey's influence.

The other boys around Skye and his group had been taken from their cell a few hours earlier and a couple had returned with bruises and hickies.

"I swear if Joey touches me again, I'm going to kick his ass!" Alex spat.

"Yeah I think we all wish we had that opportunity." Evan agreed.

"Well it's eight," Skye motioned to the wall monitor displaying the time.

The shield around the cell dissolved, the massive doors parting and Joey's newest team of morphs walked in, they looked at their prize, "Stand!" they commanded.

Skye and the others didn't really have much choice as the call smashed through their conscious thoughts like a wrecking ball does to a buildings wall.

"Follow!" They commanded.

Alex and the rest of the team were lead down a corridor which quickly and sharply turned right and then fell down into the Earth.

"We're going to possess part of your conscious thoughts, so we can control you without talking, you will be ours!" The leader laughed.

"John, are they here?" Joey called.

"Yes sir, are you ready?" John asked.

"Of course, I'm never too busy for a visit from Skye and friends." Joey cackled.

John and the others turned to Skye and his friends, they began to glow a dark shade of crimson red. The colour deepened until almost black and then a dark arrow of light burst from each of them into a member of Skye's team.

Seconds later the boys eyes dropped, now half lidded they walked into Joey's room.

When they entered, they notice a few of the other boys had already morphed and were entertaining several members of Joey's team. The room had been sectioned off into cubical which is where each morph was. Joey, however, was in the middle of the room, sitting on what looked like a throne from ancient Greece.

"Welcome to my own personal room, this is where we can come and relieve certain tensions in our lives." Joey smirked.

Skye tried to shout something back but found himself un-able to respond.

"Now then, let's get down to it, shall we?" Joey laughed, "Skye and Lucas, you're up first!"

As Skye and Lucas approached the throne, Joey shot a streak of fire at their clothes, which instantly melted off, burning the boys flesh.

Skye and Lucas kept walking, as their skin healed flawlessly, Lucas had really taken on his dragon spirit well.

"Right, we can start with a little fore-play then shall we? Well that is of course if you have any objections?"

Skye tried to speak again but still nothing.

"No, well then let's begin!" Joey laughed.

Skye and Lucas, completely opposed what was about to happen, yet also at the same time, their will wanted them to, no, needed them to.

Lucas turned to face Skye; he gazed with dim eyes into Skye. Then he leaned in, pressing his lips against Skye's soft ones.

The two boys broke the kiss, gazing into each others' eyes, the smiled before pressing back against one another, their bodies meshing; Skye wrapping his arms around Lucas' body, rubbing his back as they continued kissing.

Alex looked on, seemingly calm and yet his mind was racing; shouting at his captors to stop.

In the mean time Skye, was now passionately kissing Lucas, his brown hair, mixing with Lucas' golden blond locks. Their breathing was heavy, and their cocks were dueling it out below, as their bodies crushed against one another.

The two boys broke their kiss; a small strand of saliva connected their mouths briefly before it too broke away. They smiled briefly before turning to Joey who was sitting slouched in his throne, cock in hand.

"You guys know what to do," he huskily replied.

The two boys looked at one another before they each burst into flames, White on Skye and Red on Lucas.

Seconds later the two dragons emerged, their wings spread, each releasing a quick roar.

A man approached Joey; he whispered something into his ear and then paused waiting for an answer.

"Of course you may have a few, Alex, Spencer and Jake, you three are requested, hop to it!" Joey commanded.

The three boys tried to resist, yet they did go quietly, disappearing behind a curtain to the private rooms.

"Now then, Evan, why don't you get over here?" Joey ordered.

Evan quickly walked over to the two dragons, their own members starting to peek through their slits, Skye's underbelly turning a slight pinkish colour and Lucas' a deeper shade of red.

"Come on now Evan, help Skye and Lucas out here with getting themselves hard," Joey laughed.

Evan got down on his knees, he placed both his hands at the dragons slits and began rubbing and massaging their heads.

The two dragons moaned as their members slowly became more erect, giving Evan more to play with.

Once the dragons tapered lengths were at full mast and dripping, Evan stood up and was engulfed in flames himself, emerging as his golden brown dragon form.

"Well if everyone is morphing then I should join the party too," Joey grinned, as a wave of metallic looking water washed over him, as he emerged in his anthro triceratops form; his own pink member now a twelve inch pole sticking out from his smooth and toned body.

"Now where were we?" Joey asked, as he stepped forwards to Skye and the other dragons.

Skye and Lucas dropped to their knees and took Joey's cock and balls into their mouths, Evan walked up close enough to kiss the dinosaur's beak.

Joey groaned as he was serviced by his obsession, his beak parting and allowing his tongue to mash against Evan's.

A stifled moan escaped Joey's lips; he was doing what he had been dreaming of for two years now, the fruits of his labor were at his feet, literally.

"Like it master?" Skye said, lifting his maw from the Triceratops meat in front of his mouth.

Joey broke his kiss with Evan and looked down at Skye,"Yes, but there is something else I want now!"

Skye used his telepathy to read Joey's thoughts; he quickly fell back onto his back, his wings supporting him as he parted his legs.

Evan backed down now, himself too getting into a position where he was lying beside Skye.

Joey stood up, his energy levels rising as he planned what he was going to do next.

There was a familiar white light, as Evan and Skye were engulfed in red and whir flames; their bodies' outlines disappearing entirely.

The two dragons dissolved into the flames; a white and red spark of light erupting from the peak of the flames. The lights danced around one another, and on their path upwards, began intertwining.

The sparked finally collided with one another and an explosion of light and sparks rained down on Joey as the ball of flames re-appeared on the ground.

As the ball's light grew brighter the dragons shape began to become more defined; one dragon.

The fireball seemed to shatter and disappear from existence, leaving behind a white and red dragon, eyes flaming amber, a flame on its tail which was red and white, and its wings were now pierced with two gold loops on each, just before they met the back.

The newly fused dragon let out a loud roar, shattering several of the stalls windows nearby, the occupants, looking out at what was causing the commotion.

"Well I'll be damned," Joey muttered, "they DNA morphed."

The fused dragon, was also much stronger, the morphs controlling its mind had to double their efforts, to contain its thoughts.

"Lay down," Joey commanded, testing his authority.

The dragon roared defiantly; but still dropped to its knees and lay down.

"So, every time we've seen this DNA Morph, Skye has been one of the two fused, first with Alex and now Evan." Joey observed mentally.

"Let's play before we get to the rough part," Joey laughed, as he bent down; pinning the dragon down, his beak lined up with the dragon's slit.

The warm air coming from Joey's nostrils tickled Skye and Evan, they groaned and squirmed in Joey's grip as he pushed warm air against their slit.

Joey looked up into the dragons eyes, before he grinned wickedly, and trailed his tongue across the slit in the scales, eliciting a deep growl from the dragon.

Inside the Morphs mind, Skye and Evan's conscious thoughts still remained; their joined nerves were sending wave after wave of pleasure through their bodies, as they began to get excited.

The white scales on the morphs under-belly began to deepen in tint, until they were a bright pink colour, the tip of their member just rubbing against Joey's tongue.

"Like that do you?" Joey mocked, as he began pulling his tongue lewdly across the dragons slit and cock tip.

"So, you do like it," Joey laughed, as the dragon groaned, as he further lapped at their slit, his drool pooling around the growing pole.

Soon Skye and Evan's cock was at full attention, standing at thirteen inches long and tapering to five inches around at the base, the pick meat was already leaking pre.

"Well now let's get on with this shall we?" Joey asked. "On all fours."

The dragon rolled over, getting to its hands and knees as Joey quickly spread their legs further to have better access. Joey even went as far as to lift their tail with the flaming tip over his shoulder as he lined up his shaft with the dragons pink anal slit.

"You ready for the fuck of your life?" Joey laughed, pushing the head of his egg shape tipped cock against the dragons pucker.

Skye and Evan's morph form moaned and as the pressure on their sphincter increased, they fell forwards, onto their fore-arms.

Joey pushed his head further in, the egg like tip stretching the over its six inch circumference. Joey's cock then pulsed, shooting a glob of pre into the dragon, lubing the entrance before he continued.

The mind control holding Evan and Skye down, seemed to weaken, the feelings of pleasure must have also been being transmitted into their minds.

Joey made one hard thrust, pushing his cock deep into the dragon's ass, Evan's voice cracking through the morph, his deep moan followed with a harmony in Skye's voice.

"Like that huh? You like my massive cock up your ass?" Joey demanded, using his most demeaning voice.

Skye and Evan were under his command, their wills slowly melting as their bodies produced a genetically increased amount of hormones, which took over and ravaged their body with lust.

Joey pulled out, to the base of his egg top, before thrusting deeply back in, rocking the dragon on the floor back and forth.

The walls in Skye and Evan's mind fighting Joey shattered; they fell deep under his authority, his musk invading their nostrils and arousing them further.

Joey Grabbed the dragon by the waist, using this as leverage as the thrust his cock deeper and harder back into the dragon; each thrust sent his cock gliding across Skye and Evan's prostate, sending constant surges of pleasure to coarse through their body.

Skye and Evan's member was now dripping a stream of pre-cum out of its tip; the slick fluid pooling on the ground beneath them as they began panting heavily.

Joey was nearing his end, the dragon's tight, warm vent was milking the pre out of Joey almost quicker than he could produce it and he wasn't going to last long.

The other occupants of Joey's room, including Spence, Alex and the others were also watching, the dragon have his ass pummeled.

The triceratops was now heaving, Joey was almost there, his constant assault on the boys prostate was about to push them over the edge. Just then Joey grabbed the dragons pulsing meat, he began to quickly jack off the member and thrust his final thrust into the dragon.

Joey groaned loudly, he thrust deep into the dragon, as his cock began seeding the dragon with his cum. The Triceratops seemed to have an un-ending orgasm, no doubt due to some genetic modifying by Joey. Joey pulled his cock back out of the dragon, there was a loud pop as the egg shaped knot on the tip of his member popped out of the dragon. His cum continued pulsing out of his massive balls, coating the dragons back, once this was done; he finally was spent.

Joey pulled on the dragon's meat a few more times before the dragon reached its limit and roared; rearing up on its legs and spreading its wings, as their cum shot from their cocked spasmed, arcing through the air and covering Joey's hand in the progress. Something seemed to snap into the dragon's head, a thought, one of Skye's and Evan's. Their orgasm lasted about twenty seconds, the streams of cum running together, pooling into one. In total the dragons shot twelve volleys of cum before collapsing back down to the ground.

The dragon was panting heavily; lost in the after-glow of their assault. However, there was a change, the dragon could think freely. Seconds later the DNA morph fell apart, there was a glow which encased them, then as the dragon shrunk, the forms of Skye and Evan's bodies emerged, each covered in Joey's cum, their naked forms lying in a pool of his spunk.

Skye and Evan quickly got up, still tipsy almost from the mind control, they stood.

Joey looked up at them, "What are you doing, get over here!" he shouted.

"Nice try, but we make up our own minds now," Evan spat as he whipped some cum off his face before running over to Spencer and Alex.

"Good luck," there is no way your teleport powers will work in here," Joey laughed, "The room is shielded, soon enough you're going to be stuck on my cock again."

"Well see!" Skye shouted, as he began burning a marking in the floor with his white flames.

The other's read his mind and quickly got into their positions, each element taking its place in the pentagram Skye was drawing.

The other boys were looking over at the team working quickly, each sporting a confused look.

"What about them?" Lucas asked.

"I got em," Skye reassured, as he drew a new marking on the floor of the room inside the middle of the pentagram.

Skye took his place at the top of the star raising his hands.

"Get them!" Joey shouted to his security team which had just ran into the room.

The guards began to fire stun rounds at the boys, their bullets streaking across the room, until they smashed into a force field composed of hardened matter in front of Skye.

"They have a shield up!" The head guard shouted.

"You don't think I can see that?" Shoot them, use lethal rounds!" Joey ordered.

"Aye sir!" they shouted as they switched guns to a stronger round.

White flames burst to life on the floor around Skye, they raced down his drawn lines to Alex, where they flames were joined by black tips, then moved up to Lucas, where they gained a red coating, before going across to Spencer, a blue colour being added. The flames raced back down to where Evan was standing and a green light filled the air around the pentagram. The circle was almost complete.

There was a loud flash, as a white flame erupted from Skye's already burning feet, it ran in a clockwise, invoking pattern and rushed around the star, behind each elements flames.

The star began to glow with a bright aura; the symbol Skye had drawn last began to glow. A stream of coloured particles shot from the symbol in the middle and split into several strands which connected to one of the Boys in the room. The light enclosed the boys and their bodies too began to take on their elemental or magical hue. The star glowed brighter, the shield around it glowing silver as Joey and his goons attacked them.

"Evan, you ready?" Skye asked.

"Yeah, it's already imbued in the rune, its ready to go." Evan replied, his speed boost rushing ahead of the path of the rune, paving the way through sub-space.

"3.......2......1....." Skye shouted.

"Release!" the boys all shouted.

The star's light turned a bright gold, each boy was dragged into the center of the star, and then there was a sonic boom and a flash of white light.

When the light disappeared, the boys were gone. The rune had burned itself into the floor, instantly vaporizing everyone in the room along with it. Joey luckily had ducked out of the room.


Thanks for reading this chapter; sorry it took so long to get a sex scene in tis series, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to say em, it always helps with the next chapter. Or you can email me at [email protected]
