The Seadragon - Lost in the Waves

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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"Life isn't based on how many friends you have, but how many people consider you a friend."


A young captain named James, barely twenty-two years of age, struggled vigorously against the overpowering waves. His ship had been severely compromised, and water was rushing in from all sides. Still, he was the type of resilient man who almost literally would 'go down with his ship'. It was one of the many qualities which had made his men very loyal to him.

One of them, a strong man in his mid twenties named Sampson, called to him from across the deck.

"We're sinking, Captain! It's no good, we can't keep this up!" The sailor confirmed what James had been thinking, it was hopeless to fight. They should abandon ship and head for the shore in the lifeboats.

He clenched his fist tightly on the wheel, making a furious attempt to steer but failing at it. The waves were just inhumanly powerful; arising from a huge storm that had formed out of nowhere. Gritting his teeth he made a tough decision.

"Go, escape to the mainland. I'm staying here, this is my boat and I'm not letting it go!"

The sailor stared at James in surprise, stating, "You'll be killed if you don't leave right now!" James looked at him and shook his head. The sailor, having been with James for a few years since he had become captain, knew that he wouldn't go. The captain was just too stubborn to give in to the waves, to caring to let his crew be injured if he left before they had all escaped, and too attached to his pride and joy, his boat.

Sampson nodded, a silent exchange between the two men who knew James' risked fate if he stayed. Rushing off to join the others who were boarding the lifeboats, Sampson knew he may never see his captain again. He began helping others onto the boats, inspired by his Captain's dedication to help others.

Half an hour later, when everyone was out of the sinking ship, the inevitable occurred. With an ear-splitting crack the ship's structure gave way and the boat split in two. Sampson, who was with the others on the raft, grabbed the radio and called in to see where help was. He hung his head sadly when base informed him that assistance was still five hours away. They would never make it in time.

James clutched the wheel desperately, knowing that his life was almost at an end. It had been his decision, and he knew he would be taking that to the grave. James feared drowning, but he knew it wouldn't last for long. Water rushed in over the deck, knocking him clean off his feet and sending him into the massive waves.

He had an inflatable life-jacket, but it was torn from his body as a huge wall of water slammed down on top of him with enough force to knock him far deeper into the water. He swum desperately for the surface, breaching the top for enough time as to grab a breath of air before he once again he was knocked back down, almost delirious with the impact.

He knew he couldn't do this much longer; it was only a matter of time before he would succumb to the darkness around him. He couldn't see because it was pitch black all around him. With his sense of direction lost, his only hope was that someone would rescue him. Unfortunately, his loyal crew could do nothing as he sank to his water grave.

The crew watched as the last bits of the boat were torn apart by the huge waves which assaulted it. They were being tossed around too, by the lifeboats were almost unsinkable as long as they held on tightly. Sampson felt useless as he watched the fragments slip under the surface, sad that he may never see his best friend and skilled captain again.



A black, unforgiving night.

And yet, feeling.



A respite from the restless cold that had arisen from the depths of the ocean.

A fog surrounding his body and soul.



James opened his eyes slowly. His whole body felt as if he was floating on a cloud, lightheaded and sleepy. Taking a moment to adjust to the dim light he looked around slowly, his vision focusing unsteadily. If this was what the afterlife looked like it wasn't what he was expecting.

He was in a large underground cavern. The walls sparkled softly in the low light, bathing the whole area in an array of surreal colors. He wondered for a second what type of metal or rock they were, his mind still not focused on the big picture. Suddenly, he remembered exactly what had happened.

By all rights, James told himself, I should be dead. He looked down at his hands as if to confirm they were still there. He wiggled his toes experimentally and realized he was almost fully naked.

My clothes must have been shredded in the waves, he thought to himself.

The waves! How had he survived? Where was he? Where was his crew? The questions mounted in his head, making him unable to think clearly. He decided against the pondering and decided to get some answers. One memory stood out above all the rest, however. He was sure he had been kept warm throughout his time before he had awoken.

That means that somebody must be in this place, he decided. He unsteadily rose to his feet, realizing just how cold he was. This confirmed his suspicions.

Somebody must have rescued me and kept me warm, he thought, otherwise I would have drowned or been chilled to death. This made him all the more determined to find out as much as he could.

He scanned the surroundings now, with a clearer head. The cavern rather large, roughly the same size as a small football field. James realized that there was a large pool of water at the other end.

Maybe it's the way I came in, considered James. He could see no other escape routes and a small amount of fear began to settle into his mind.

James quickly ran to the wall, almost tripping as he scanned the walls and floors for any sign of a way out. When none were forthcoming, James faced the water at the end of the cave.

I could try swimming, but who knows just how far underwater we might be?

"One hundred and sixty four meters," came an unknown voice. James spun around, looking for the source of the words. Could it be his savior? Could it be an enemy?

"Do not worry, for I have no intention of harming you" spoke the same voice.

"Where are you? Show yourself," James demanded.

"As you wish," the voice replied. James turned as he heard a loud noise coming from the water. He stared, dumbstruck, as large form rose from the water, slowly slipping out from the depths of the pool.

James took a couple of steps back as he saw the huge creature standing before him. Because the light was poor, he could not tell what he was looking at. Assuming the worst he ran to the back of the cave, scanning for a weapon. He found none and just pressed himself against the cold wall.

"Why do you run? I apologize if my large stature intimidates you, but I have already mentioned that I have no intention of causing you harm." The creature stepped forward, and James clutched the wall tightly.

"What are you?" the scared Captain asked bravely.

The creature looked at him, two bright eyes glowing in the darkness.

"I am who dwells in the minds of man, long forgotten but always present. I am the legend from the water, known by many names but not truly known by any who speaks them. I am, what you would call, a Seadragon."

James stared as the creature moved forward into the center of the cave, slowly stepping into James view. Suddenly, the walls on the cave brightened considerably, the materials inside glowing powerfully. James covered his eyes, not yet adjusted to the new light. He peeked from between his fingers and gasped.

Standing only ten meters away from was a dragon. He stared, unable to believe his eyes. He brought his hands down and looked carefully. The 'Seadragon' was about four feet taller than he was, and many more feet in length. His body was a stunning mix of bright blues and greens which ran down his entire length.

He stepped closer towards James, who saw that the Seadragon's paws were webbed slightly, but still ended with the sharp claws that dragons of myth usually possessed. Still, this dragon didn't have scales like he had expected, but a smooth skin, like a dolphins'. It rippled softly as the Seadragon's powerful muscles moved it closer.

Down it's entire head and spine there were a beautiful set of streamlined patterns which made their way along flaps which were designed for swimming ay high speeds. It had wings, but they looked more like they were just added propulsion underwater than for any airborne activities. James doubted it could fly at all.

Now the Seadragon had approached close enough.

"Don't come any closer," James said fearfully. The dragon stopped, slowly lying down on the floor. James never took his eyes off of the large creature, worried it may be dangerous.

James sat down as well, more cautiously than anything, ready to bolt at the first sign of trouble. He continued to look at the Seadragon, which seemed intent on staring back.

"Well?" James asked. The dragon looked at him quizzically.

"What is it you would like to know, seeing as you have seen me now?" asked the Seadragon.

"Well," James began, so many questions forming in his mind, "H-How? I mean, like, how? How did you... uh... come to be? What are you? Do you even have a name?" The Seadragon chuckled, the human had a very interesting mind, he could see that now.

The dragon looked at James directly, replying, "I am a Seadragon, as you know. I am the last of my kind, as we were hunted to the edge of extinction many hundreds of years ago. As to where I come from, I am as much a part of the land as you, James." James looked surprised, he hadn't told the dragon his name before. How did he know?

"I see your astonishment, young James, for I have been watching you for some time. I saw your valiant efforts to withhold the forces of nature and death, your selfless act of bravery and courage for your fellow humans. You are a rarity among your species, and you should be proud of yourself for that. It is a rare being that would got to those extremes for those he cares about."

James thought about that for a second. He hadn't realized just how much he had done.

"But, why did you save me? What do you want from me?" James was quite scared, but for some strange reason he felt as though he could trust the dragon in front of him.

"I saw no reason why such a selfless person should be lost to the world for helping his fellows. I sense your feelings, sense your thoughts and I know your heart is pure." The Seadragon shuffled a little, lost in thought.

"Sense... my thoughts? You can read minds?" James asked incredulously, almost forgetting he was talking to a creature that ten minutes ago wouldn't have even crossed his mind to believe existed.

"I cannot read... minds directly, or as you humans would consider it. No, I merely get... feelings for emotions, moods and sometimes thoughts in humans. I assure you, it is only a basic skill, but I have mastered it to some degree so I can most of the time guess what you are thinking." The huge creature looked at James, still sizing him up.

"And a name?" James asked.

"Deniros, but you may call me what you will. I've had my fair share of names from the human race." The dragon stood up and began to walk to the other side of the cave. James slowly dropped to the cold floor, shivering.

"I shall call you Deniros," James told him politely. The Seadragon smiled, he hadn't ever heard anyone else use his true name before. He had been called many things out of many mythical human tales before.

As the Seadragon began to fall asleep, he wondered if he had made the right choice, bringing the human into his cave. Now, he could never leave.


Deniros awoke to see James shivering violently. The human looked at him, and the Seadragon knew that he was going to die if he wasn't warmed up considerably. He stood up and walked over to James, who cringed back a little in surprise. The human was still afraid of him.

It would take time, Deniros told himself sadly. Humans never found him quite easy to be around. He supposed it was all the myths about dragons eating human men.

"Was it you?" James asked quietly. Deniros looked at him, missing his meaning.

"Was it you, last night? Did you keep me warm?" James was remembering the time when something had kept him warm.

"Yes," came the Seadragon's reply. James nodded thankfully and moved to the side, beckoning for Deniros for to repeat the action.

The Seadragon slowly stepped over James and brought his sizable bulk down on top of the human, curling around him so no cold could get in. James was surprised with himself, he was sleeping with a dragon! How much more crazy would it get? But, he knew if he didn't, he would freeze to death.

Plus, he considered, Deniros has done it before without eating or killing me. He could feel the heavy weight of Deniros upon him. The dragon weighed a fair amount but James knew that Deniros wasn't putting any of it on him. He was thankful to the dragon, without him he would be dead anyway.

Deniros smiled, he hadn't associated with humans for a long time and had forgotten how fragile they were. He knew men were vicious beasts, but this one below him didn't seem to display any of the hostility the rest of his kind did for Seadragons. Either James was just scared witless or he was truly an accepting man.

"James," Deniros began, "Why do you not flee from me? Others of your kind would be terrified by my form, and yet, you remain as resolute as stone." James knew the answer, but he wasn't sure how to phrase it.

"I... I guess I have no other choice," James replied, "I cannot get out of here, so I guess I'll just have to trust you.

Deniros pondered that response for a minute, surprised that James had placed his trust so easily in him. He wasn't used to that kind of respect or honesty from anyone. He noticed that James looked troubled, so he pressed further

"Speak freely, James, what is on your mind?" Deniros asked.

James took a deep breath and said, "Well, why are you here? What do you do in your hours awake? What do you eat? Where do you live? What is going to happen to me? Where can I get some food? Can I even leave this place?"

Deniros listened patiently as James rattled off all of his questions in one long chain. When the human had finished he smiled at him from under his warm stomach.

"You certainly are a inquisitive one, aren't you?" Deniros said with a low chuckle. James dropped his gaze but still wished for the answers.

"Well," Deniros began, "To answer your questions, I will require some patience."

"Go ahead," replied James, "I'm not going anywhere, am I?"

The Seadragon lent closer and said, "What do I eat? To allay your fears, not humans. I live on fish and plants, an omnivore if you will. My diet in human mythology seems to always be based on devouring them. This is not true, and I don't need to feed often, either. A single meal will last me a month or more."

"What do I do in the hours awake? I will do... very little. Sleep, swim, save drowning sailors," he added with a chuckle, "but usually just swim. Search for others of my kind, but now I am sure I am the only one left." Deniros hung his head sadly, he hadn't been able to talk to anyone else for the last century.

James put his hand on the large Seadragon, patting him consolingly. Deniros flinched a little at the contact, but enjoyed it. He hadn't ever had anyone comfort him before.

"You'll find someone," James added soothingly. Deniros shook his head glumly, but continued answering the questions

"You wanted to know where I live?," Deniros asked, "Right here! Just this humble cave, with it's beautiful diamond walls." James gasped, staring out from under the dragon to look at them. He noted now how they shone brightly and should have guessed they were made from diamond. Still, they were stunningly beautiful, throwing amazing colors around the cavern.

"You also wanted to know where you could find some food? I knew humans have to eat, but I didn't really consider that. I could hunt down something from the mainland, but it could take too long and I may be seen." The Seadragon thought about it for a while, an answer forming in his mind but he didn't voice it, embarrassed to even think it.

"As for what is going to happen to you, I do not know. You have seen me and this cave, and could tell anyone. I don't think you would, but it is not worth the risk. Therefore, you cannot leave." Deniros hung his head sadly, he hated to imprison the human. James began to complain immediately.

"But, I wouldn't... I mean, why? Nobody would believe me anyway, and plus, I need to eat and I'm not going to get any food down here."

Deniros shook his head, he didn't know what to do. Truthfully, he just wanted some companionship, but he knew that this was not the way to go about it.

"I have reconsidered," stated Deniros, "You may leave when you wish. I shall escort you to the mainland." James was a little surprised at the abrupt change of mind. Still, he didn't particularly want to leave the lonely Seadragon. Something was keeping him back. James wanted to know more about this fantastic creature.

"You still haven't answered my first question," James told him quietly. Deniros looked away, he had avoided that one on purpose. He wondered just how much he should tell the human. He weighed up the options and then decided the truth was better than a lie.

"Will you promise not to think unkindly of me after I have answered your question?" Deniros asked. James nodded, wondering what the Seadragon was about to tell him.

"Many years ago, I was part of a large clan of Seadragons. We traveled the oceans together, and had a great life. It lasted for many centuries, until one day, when we were attacked by a group of humans. They killed a few of our clan, and this led us into great disarray as they grouped together to kill the humans who had attacked them.

This started a war between us and the humans, which I wanted no part of. I tried to stop them from killing a defenseless human one day, and they turned on me. I was already distrusted by the clan and thus I was banished for my 'insolence'. Now, I am the only one left, because they were too foolish to leave good enough alone."

The silence between the two lasted for a while before James asked, "Why did they distrust you?" He didn't see what Deniros had done to make them dislike him. The Seadragon was polite and kind, what wasn't to trust?

Deniros found himself almost unable to speak. He had no idea how James would take it.

"One day many years before the war I had mated... with the wrong Seadragon." The Seadragon hung his head. James thought he understood.

"Oh, was it, the clan leader or someone else's mate, is that it?" James thought he had it worked out.

"No, it was a male." James was confused, he didn't quite understand.

Deniros sensed his confusion, and added, "I am male too."

Understanding flooded through James, Deniros was homosexual! He thought about it for a second, and realized he didn't find it changed his opinion of the Seadragon at all. He looked at the Seadragon, as if expecting more.

"You... you're not... adverse to it?" asked Deniros, still looking away.

"No, I really don't have a problem with it," James replied honestly. Deniros looked back down at him, glad that his new friend had no issues with his sexuality.

Friend. he wondered whether James felt the same way. Probably not, due to the fact he had almost kidnapped him.

"James, do you consider myself to be your... friend," Deniros asked quietly.

James looked up at him quickly, replying, "Of course! You saved my life and now you're keeping me from freezing to death. I would call that friendship, if nothing else."

Deniros smiled and James brought his hand up, almost subconsciously, and felt across the tip of one of the Seadragon's wings. Deniros pulled back a little, surprised, but then realized the human was just curious and let him continue. James placed his hand back on the wings, amazed by the texture.

His fingers brushed lightly over every fold, feeling the soft, paper-like membranes which were deceptively strong. Whilst they looked fragile they felt as though they could move a, well, a Seadragon through the water fairly easily. James knew their shape was designed to push through the water, but they were still highly interesting to him.

Deniros closed his eyes, slowly laying down to finally get some sleep. His thoughts wandered as James began to drift off as well, finished with his inspection of his wings. He remembered the times he had, back in the clan. He wondered what things would have been like if he and Santiore had been allowed their forbidden union to continue.

He smiled as he remembered the times they had shared, including their one attempt at mating. His memories drifted to the point just before he had taken Santiore, when another clansdragon had found them and told the others. Deniros was still a virgin, but he had come so close to mating with Santiore.

"If only we hadn't been seen," Deniros muttered. He felt a little pressure and looked down, realizing he had gone rather hard. He quickly stopped thinking about mating and hoped with every inch of his being that James had fallen asleep. This was because his large dragonhood had emerged right at James back and was sliding over it.

He willed himself to shrink, trying to stop his erection, which wasn't easy. James shuffled a little in his sleep and Deniros froze, but nothing came of it. Slowly his length dissapeared back into his slit, and he groaned as he saw a long line of pre had been left on James' back. He looked at the human for a while, but quickly looked away. He was getting aroused again.

He's just a human, he thought, why am I so... confused around him? Maybe it's just because I haven't mated for so long. It must be getting to me. Deniros shook his head and lay down, but he still couldn't quite shake the image of his stiff meat rubbing James' back.


In the morning, if it could be called that for James could not see the sky, Deniros stood up and shook his huge body in a big stretch. He moved away in the cave as James awoke, yawning and standing up slowly. Deniros looked at the human, still not entirely sure what to do with him. James seemed to be thinking as much, for he looked at the Seadragon questioningly.

"What now?" asked James. Deniros stopped and thought about it for a moment.

"What activities would you prefer to engage in?" replied the dragon, letting James have the choice. James realized that if he wasn't going to leave he may as well make the most of his time in the cave.

"How would would you like to tell me more about yourself?" asked James politely. Deniros shook his head.

"I would prefer to hear something about you, before I answer your request," the Seadragon told him. James shook his head this time.

"I'm not that interesting," he told the dragon. Deniros looked at him fiercely.

"Never say that, young James, for everyone has their stories to tell." Deniros glared at the human, waiting for a response.

"Alright, uh, I was born twenty-two years ago. I excelled at school, because I applied myself more than most of the other students. When I turned sixteen I wanted to become a sailor. I had a fascination for the waves, and I wanted nothing more that to posses my own ship."

James looked at the Seadragon to see whether he was bored, and was surprised to find Deniros clinging to his every word.

Continuing, he said, "Anyway, when I was eighteen, I joined the RNU, or the Royal Navigation Unit. We were tasked with finding lost ships at sea, new islands and the like. Anything that involved a little searching was our job."

"On my second mission, looking for a cargo ship that had gone off the radar, we were ambushed by pirates. There were eight of them, and twenty of us, but they had big guns. We surrendered, well, the crew did. I was hiding behind the mast, due to the fact I had been doing some maintenance. When they were going to execute one of my captains, I jumped from the side and grabbed the leader around the neck, holding a blade to his throat."

"I ordered the rest of them to lay down their arms, and they did. Seems like the bully of a pirate leader didn't want to become a human swiss-cheese slice. They left, and I threw the pirate leader overboard, giving us enough time to escape while they collected him. We then headed back to the mainland, where I was highly praised"

I was offered a position on another ship, still part of the RNU but this time, it was for a Captains' position. I had obviously impressed somebody. I became the youngest Captain in history, but now, I have lost my ship and my crew is left to fend for themselves. What can I do?" At this James buried his head into his arm in sadness. He had failed his mission.

Deniros stayed silent for a while, pondering.

"It was not your fault, James, I'm sure you'll see them again." James looked at him, glad the the Seadragon was comforting him. He relaxed little and looked up.

"What about your family?" Deniros asked curiously.

"Well," began James, "My mother and father live together in another state, so I don't see them much. As for my brother, well, he's a pilot in the air-force. We've worked together once."

Deniros remained silent for a few minutes so James stood up and walked over to the water at the edge of the cave.

"Where does this go?" he asked the Seadragon.

"Back," was the reply he received. James knew that this was the way out, how to get back to his family and friends.

So what was keeping him here? He looked back at the Seadragon, still in awe of it's intimidating, yet friendly, body and personality. He wanted to know so much, curious a person as he was. He walked over to the Seadragon and he remembered what Deniros had told him the other day. He wondered what Deniros' mate had looked like? Was he the same color?

He didn't ask, for fear of disrespecting the great Seadragon, but he couldn't rid another unbidden thought from his head.

I wonder what Deniros did when they were mating? He quickly shook his head and Deniros looked at him. The Seadragon had picked up the shift in emotions, however brief, from James and stood forward.

"What ails you?" asked Deniros. James shook his head.

"Nothing," the young Captain lied. Deniros wasn't stupid, however, and saw straight through it.

"You can ask me anything, for I am open to anything," Deniros told him. James didn't quite understand that, but he asked anyway.

"When you were with your partner, back in the clan, what did you... do?" James blushed a little at his own question.

"Why so curious," Deniros asked with a smile. He then looked at James directly and answered his question.

"Nothing. We were... discovered before I was able to initiate any kind of physical relationship with him." Deniros looked down at his paws sadly.

James looked at the Seadragon for a moment, his mouth moving before his mind.

"So you're a virgin?" asked James quickly, before he realized that he had just asked a very personal question. Deniros looked back at the Captain and James quickly turned away. Deniros felt the human was embarrassed to talk about such things.

"Yes," Deniros replied quietly. James looked back and saw Deniros was staring at him rather intently. He walked over to the Seadragon, needing to take his mind off such matters before he asked something too invasive. Deniros could feel the humans discomfort of the subject and decided to start something new.

"James, how would you like to see the ocean?" Deniros asked. James looked at him strangely, he had seen the ocean before, obviously.

"I don't..." he began.

"I didn't mean from above the water," the Seadragon cut in. James realized what the dragon was implying and shook his head.

"I can't hold my breath that long. I am not a Seadragon," James told him. Deniros laughed, shaking his majestic head.

"How do you think you got here without drowning? As long as you hold on to me you shall not need air to breathe." Deniros lay down with a thump, signaling for James to come over to him. James walked over and stopped, seeing what Deniros wanted him to do.

"You want me to... ride you?" James asked incredulously. Deniros nodded, and James slowly put his hand on the Seadragon's side. Deniros skin gave him a slight jolt, even though he knew it was just a mental reaction. Why did he feel so... alive when he was around Deniros? Still, he leveraged himself onto the back of the great Seadragon, who stood up and walked to the edge of the water in the cave.

"Hold on, young James, you will enjoy this."


Hours later Deniros burst from the water, emerging into the brilliant light of the diamond cave with James holding firmly onto his back.

"That was absolutely amazing!" James told him now that he could speak again.

"It seems as if you enjoyed it," Deniros said with a low chuckle. James nodded, it was a large understatement.

"I never knew there was so much to see down there," James added. Deniros nodded.

"It's amazing what you don't see when you're not looking for it," the Seadragon said quietly, looking at James. The captain shook himself dry and looked at himself, a little embarrassed.

"I probably should have brought some clothes," he reflected humorously.

"Why?" asked Deniros. He had never understood why humans liked to cover themselves up.

"Because... I just don't want to be... exposed," explained James lamely. He really didn't have a reason, it was just to keep himself from being indecent that made him wish for clothes.

"I see no reason for you to be ashamed of you physical appearance," Deniros told him. James blushed, he couldn't really explain himself to the Seadragon well.

"I just don't... I mean, my species... humans, we just keep our private areas hidden. We don't have the luxury of having them inside our bodies, as you do." James was having a difficult time trying to get his meaning across.

Deniros looked at James' lower regions, and suddenly a flush of heat ran through his body. He turned away quickly, as he didn't want the human to see his impending erection. He felt his blood boil and was deeply confused. Why did he get like this around James? It wasn't right, surely. Deniros found himself question his core beliefs as his heart pounded in his chest.

James noticed, the Seadragon hadn't made his action very stealthy.

Speaking to Deniros' back, he asked, "What is wrong?" Deniros didn't turn around, so James walked up beside him. In a flash he saw exactly what the majestic and not-so-mythological Seadragon was trying to hide from him.

Stunned, James fell back a few steps. Deniros looked at the ground in shame, silently cursing to himself. He had just made his first friend in years and now he had probably lost that because of his uncontrollable feelings. He didn't know what to do, so he remained as still as stone.

"I am truly sorry," he said sadly.

James boldly stepped forward.

"Sorry for what?" he asked. Deniros looked up, not sure that he had heard the human correctly. James took another step closer.

"What is there to be sorry about? You are probably just feeling that way because you haven't been with a partner for a long time."

Deniros stared at James. He was going to agree, but he knew that would be a lie.

"James," Deniros said quietly, "It's not that. I am... that is to say... I find you... appealing. It's not right, and I'm sorry." James looked at the sad Seadragon, and his eyes were drawn to the large pole that hung below him.

James couldn't explain it, but he felt himself become aroused. He didn't know why, or how, but something had just clicked inside of him. Walking over to Deniros he put his hand on the jaw of the great Seadragon, who looked into his eyes intently.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I find you attractive too."

Deniros smiled, standing tall once again.

"I love you," James stated. Deniros almost fell over, but he managed to keep his composure. He realized that he felt the same way, and brought his head down until the two almost touched.

"I love you too, James." Deniros smiled as James rubbed his cheek softly

The Seadragon chuckled, adding, "You know I'm homosexual, right?" James looked into his deep emerald eyes.

"I'm counting on it," he replied with a grin. He had never even considered it before, but now, it just seemed right.

Looking deep within himself, James knew he was making the right decision. Deniros was kind and friendly, great company to be with. The Seadragon felt the same way with James, knowing he could spend centuries talking with the human and never get bored. He intended to find out if this was true.

"James, will you relinquish your world to live in mine?" Deniros asked, placing a huge decision on the humans shoulders.

"You mean, live with you... permanently?" James asked.

"Only if you wanted to, of course, I would never force you to..."

"I'd love to," James shouted, cutting him off. Deniros smiled and James hugged the Seadragon fiercely. Everything about the situation just seemed to fall in place.

It felt right.

Tackling James to the ground playfully, they rolled about for a bit, enjoying their newfound love for each other. Deniros was careful not to injure the human at all as they wrestled.

"I've got no chance, you're too big to fight," James complained mockingly. Deniros rolled on top of him and stood up, looking between his legs at the figure below him.

Deniros could not help but get aroused by the position they were in. He blushed as his cock emerged from his slit, hanging above James' head as it descended. James saw it instantly and began to develop an erection of his own. He noticed Deniros was about to get embarrassed and the Seadragon tried to move away.

James prevented that by wrapping his hand around Deniros' impressive length. The Seadragon gasped, it had never been touched there before. James didn't let go, holding on tightly as Deniros slowly settled down. The Seadragon lay down on his side, allowing James more access to his mighty length.

"Mind if I take a look?" James asked.

"Not at all," Deniros replied, twitching a little out of excitement. James sat down next to him and began to inspect his lovers' tool. The more he looked the hornier he got, it was just so sexy to him.

The tip was nicely curved, perfect for reaching the deepest of places whilst bringing the most pleasure to the recipient. It was followed by a thick shaft, which had a couple of notches along the length which were very exotic. James had never seen anything quite like it. He pictured each of those ridges slipping into him and it finally occurred to him the he wanted to mate with the Seadragon right then and there.

After the ridges there was a little more shaft before finally, a thick, bulbous knot rounded of the package nicely. It was quite large, full of pulsing blood and obviously made to keep the rest inside whatever lucky female happened to breed with him. Now, it seemed that James would have to replace any females in the area as the Seadragon's sexual relief.

"Deniros," James asked quietly, "Do you mind if I..."

"Please, proceed," the Seadragon told him, stopping his question. He wanted the human to pleasure him, now that they had declared their love for each other. He didn't realize that humans had another way of bringing satisfaction to their significant others.

Deniros looked down, very surprised, as he saw James kiss the tip of his throbbing length. He looked up at the Seadragon, looking for permission to continue. Recovering from his surprise he nodded for James to continue. He obliged happily, treating Deniros to his first sensations of oral sex.

"Do humans do this often?" Deniros asked as James slid his lips down his meaty shaft.

James stopped and replied, "It depends. Are you enjoying it?"

"Oh yes, please continue." Deniros lent back slightly as James' lips came into contact with his swollen knot.

James slowly kissed the thick ball before rolling his tongue all the way back up Deniros' rod, leaving a trail of saliva. He kissed the tip as the Seadragon looked down at him, seeing a line of pre-cum connecting James' mouth and the head of his sizable phallus. He smiled, it looked rather comical to see the human between his legs like that.

James licked his lips, tasting draconic pre for the first time and enjoying it immensely. It was quite strong; sweet and warm but with a sharp flavor which he knew he could get rather addicted to. He brought his tongue down and licked up some more from the willing Seadragon, cleaning his tip of fluids.

By this time the Seadragon's penis was getting rather lubricated, so James slid his mouth down the sides of the shaft time and time again, much to the delight of Deniros. He enjoyed the attention his body was receiving from the human captain, and sat silently as his needs were attended to.

James continued working his mouth around the large length, smearing dragon fluids across his face as he did. He began to wonder just how much cum a fully-grown Seadragon could produce, and whether he could get some of it. Urged on by this thought, he stopped licking the pole in front of his face and looked up at Deniros.

"I'm going to try to take you in my mouth," James stated bravely. The Seadragon looked down at him critically.

"You don't have to hurt yourself for my sake," Deniros said, knowing that his lover may get injured if he tried.

"I won't go too far, and plus, I want to do this for you. Please, do I have your permission?" James pleaded.

"As you wish," Deniros told him, "but if you feel like it's too hard I don't want you to force it, is that alright?" James nodded, wanting to start as soon as possible. Deniros lay back on his side and raised his leg a little, allowing James to get a better position. Bracing his arm on Deniros soft, silky underbelly, James ran his thumb over the tip of the Seadragon's meat, eliciting a low moan from it's owner.

Lowering his head James placed the head of Deniros' organ on his lips, which spurted a little pre down his chin. He opened his mouth and carefully slipped the throbbing head inside, careful not to hurt the Seadragon with his teeth. He savored the feeling of having a part of Deniros so intimately placed inside of him.

He rolled his tongue along the Seadragon's shaft , noting that it was very soft on the outside but firmer in the center. Deniros groaned as James' tongue caressed each of the ridges along his length, sliding between them at a pleasurable pace. James used the roof of his mouth and his tongue to create some pressure on the head of the steamy erection.

Slowly, James began to bob his head up and down, sliding the Seadragon's cock into his mouth repeatedly. This sent waves of satisfaction through the large dragon, who shivered a little with delight as he was sucked off by the human. He stretched his legs a little, reveling in the treatment he was receiving.

It seemed like hours had passed, the pair enjoying each second they spent together as James gave head to his new found lover, Deniros.

"Are you ever going to finish?" James asked playfully after a while, prising his mouth unwillingly from the thick cock buried within it.

"Why?" Deniros asked, chuckling, "I thought you were enjoying yourself."

"I am, but do you ever... you know, come?" asked James, wanting desperately to know the answer.

"Do you want me too?" Deniros teased, "I may be too much for you."

"Really! I hope so," James said with a smile, images coming to him mind of himself being covered in dragon seed.

"Remember, I am much bigger than you, therefore I would produce many times more semen than what a human would. Also, I am a dragon, and we have bigger ejaculations than most races anyway." Deniros looked down at James, seeing how he would respond to this new information.

"I want it all," James stated confidently, though he wasn't too sure how well he would perform for his dragon.

Deniros smiled, knowing there was nobody he would rather give his body to than James.

"Do you mind if I try to give you some more... encouragement?" James inquired cryptically. Deniros didn't know what the human was suggesting, so he asked.

Realizing the Seadragon knew nothing of some sexual techniques, he explained the basics of deepthroating. Deniros listened silently as James walked him through it.

"So, you really think you have a chance of being able to... swallow, yes, my penis," Deniros asked him, still not quite seeing how it could be done.

"You just have to relax your throat," James said, then added quietly, "apparently." Deniros laughed a little, his cock jumping in James' hand.

"Ah, so you aren't too sure about this yourself," the Seadragon accused.

"There's a first time for everything," James retorted. He then silenced the large dragon from saying anything further by putting the huge cockhead back in his mouth.

James considered his choice for a second now that he was faced with the difficult prospect of trying to take a dragon's meat into his throat. This is unreal, he thought as he looked at the situation. If anyone had've told him a few days before now that he would be in a cave with nothing to eat sucking a dragon off he would have told them to get themselves checked out.

He took his own advice and tried to relax his throat, feeling a trickle of Deniros' pre-cum run down it. He coughed a little and the Seadragon looked at him, concerned, but he pressed on. Wrapping both hands around the thick, strong knot he slowly eased the head of the long length into the back of his mouth.

When he felt the tip touch his throat he closed up instinctively, causing it to slip out again. He spluttered a little a pulled back off of the meaty length.

"You don't have to do this," Deniros told him, trying to prevent any injuries.

Not giving up, James replied, "I'm going to do this." Deniros sighed, there would be no persuading him once he had set his mind to something. He brought his mouth down again and engulfed the pole with his mouth, closing his eyes as he slid the length down again. When it met his gag reflex point, he stopped and took a deep breath through his nose.

"I'm ready," he said. Pressing slowly he moved it into his throat, sliding as much as he could without setting himself off again. He stopped when he could feel the head finally slide into his awaiting oral passage. Deniros shook a little in anticipation, and James had to use all of his willpower to stop himself from closing down around the hot length inside his mouth

He waited a minute before he decided he was able to continue. Due to the Seadragon's rather large size he could only deepthroat the head of the thick cock, which was now dripping fluids into his body. He ran his tongue back over the sexy ridges again, enjoying the texture they possessed before he began to bob up and down.

Initially it was very difficult for James to take it, but he soon adjusted and after a few minutes found himself taking it rather easily. It helped that his throat was covered in lubricants from the great Seadragon. He had picked up a steady rhythm, feeling the shaft slide over his tongue as he brought Deniros towards his climax.

Deniros was breathing heavy at this point, feeling his body begin to prepare for the discharge of semen he would soon produce. Not wanting to surprise James and give him a chance to stop, he told him about the impending climax quickly.

"Your actions are going to cause me to ejaculate. If you wish to stay dry, I suggest you halt your wonderful mouth and remove it from me."

"Why would I want to do that," said James playfully, "I like getting a little wet." Deniros shook his head, the human was quite stubborn. He found it rather appealing.

"You'll be more than a little," Deniros muttered under his breath. James looked at him, not giving away whether he had heard or not.

He continued for another minute, skillfully taking Deniros' length into his throat before he felt it twitch a little. He only had a second to prepare before a thick, creamy blast of draconic seed shot deep into his throat. His throat closed down around the dragon's cock as a reaction, sealing it inside of him.

He tried to swallow as best he could the continuous ropes of warm cum that fired straight into his awaiting body. There was just way too much, however, and it spilled out of his mouth and down his chest. He felt his stomach being quickly filled with the Seadragon's fluids, his steamy length still squirting copious amounts into him.

When James physically couldn't take any more he felt Deniros' meat slip out of his mouth, still shooting a decent amount as it emerged. James had to close his eyes to stop the fluids from going into them as his face and body were literally coated in the sticky, white dragon juice. He smiled, licking his lips hungrily as he took what he could get from the dragon.

After a long minute, Deniros' orgasm came to a close. He looked down at James, noting happily that his lover was dripping with his lovemaking fluids. He smiled at the proud captain, glad to have shared such an intimate experience with him. He hoped it would be the first of many experiences he had with the human.

Coughing up a little cum, James said, "I hope you enjoyed that." Deniros chuckled in his usual way, not taking his eyes off him for one second.

"That I did," he replied happily, lying back slowly. James stood up and jumped on top of him, covering him in his own emissions. Deniros brought his head up and licked him clean, tasting his own fluids.

"I do taste good," he stated, "but I believe you would be even better."

"Are you suggesting something?" James asked mockingly.

"Only if you think I am," Deniros added dismissively. James sighed, his mouth was rather tired from all the work he had been doing with it.

"Can we... do that again sometime?" James asked him, scratching his chin.

"Sure, how does... tomorrow sound?" Deniros said, smiling a little at James' expression.

"Seriously?" James gasped, he hadn't realized just how much the Seadragon had enjoyed his treatment.

"Whenever you want, wherever you want, I will be yours," Deniros told him, no doubt at all in his voice.

"Promise?" James asked.

"Promise. Forever"

Deniros looked back at James, who was still very hard indeed. He realized that the human hadn't quite gotten off yet.

"Do you want me to help you with that?" he asked James.

"Maybe tomorrow," James said, "but today I just want to be with you as much as I can."

"What did you have in mind, if you haven't finished yet?" Deniros asked him. James looked back down the Seadragon's huge cock, which had shrunk a little after his huge orgasm.

"Well, I was going to suggest that you could claim me as your first and your own, but it seems you haven't got it in you." James smiled, knowing he was just teasing him.

Deniros was extremely touched, emotionally.

"You would do this... for me?" he asked, "you would really allow me to attempt to mate with you?" James responded by getting on his hands and knees, spreading himself open for the sexy dragon behind him.

"If you really want to know, us Seadragons can go two or three times before we run out of semen and stamina," Deniros informed him, letting his intentions be well known.

Getting back up, James walked over to him and swiftly wrapped his hand around Deniros' semi-erect penis, smearing as much of the Seadragon's lubricating juices as he could on his hands.

He slowly worked his fingers into his own hole, lubing himself up with Deniros' seed as best he could.

"This could be difficult," James said, stating the obvious. Deniros nodded.

"If it hurts, don't try to play the hero," he warned the captain. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if James was injured trying to satisfy him.

Getting back down on his hands and knees, he waited patiently as Deniros took up a position standing over him. He smiled as he felt the Seadragon's warm body slide over him, keeping him warm and comfortable. A small gasp escaped his lips as he felt a hot, sticky dragon cock slip tantalizingly across his rear.

Deniros teased him a little, rubbing his length back and forth across James' waiting body. The human could only wait in anticipation as he had his fun with the young sailor. Reaching back, James wrapped his hand around the shaft and guided it towards his entrance. Deniros waited until James was ready to begin, content to let him take his time.

"I'm going to do this," James told himself under his breath. Giving the cock a firm squeeze he pushed slowly into his needy hole, trying his best to fit it in. His body, however, wasn't having an easy time. He was a virgin, and he had no experience with things entering his anus. Still, it didn't stop him from trying.

Giving a rough push he forced the head entirely inside of him, groaning as he felt it slip into him with a quiet plop. He could feel it squirt a little in him and he smiled, glad to have been able to take it. Deniros could feel James' tight walls squeezing him and he grunted in satisfaction.

"I'm not sure how I can do this," James muttered, a little dazed from his first penetration.

"You don't have to," Deniros said, but he desperately wanted to. He could already see himself pounding his young lover's tight rear, making him as happy as James had made him.

"I have to try, don't I," James said, final in his decision. Deniros nodded, grateful that he would do it for him.

Looking up at him, James asked, "I may need your help. Just go slow, is that alright?" Deniros agreed, not wanting to hurt him at all. Gritting his teeth, James signaled for him to proceed.

With Deniros moving his body forward in a very slow motion, James could feel himself being slowly spread, bit by tiny bit. He got in a few inches before he thought he had to stop. There was a large level of resistance at his opening, stopping the thick length from proceeding any further.

"I can't take any more, I think," James told him between his heavy breaths. He felt back behind him, running his hand along the Seadragon's meat, realizing he had reached the first of the ridges that lay upon it's length. He rubbed it tenderly, thinking about it for a few moments. If he could just push it inside of him the rest wouldn't be as hard to take.

"Had enough," Deniros asked, his voice full of concern.

James looked at him and smiled, replying, "I'm just getting started." Before Deniros could figure out what he was about to do, James swiftly pushed himself back against the resistant ridge.

He gasped in pain as he felt it stretch him wide for a second, before it slipped into him, diving into his body as though it was meant to be there. Deniros brought his head down worriedly, and was surprised to see James was smiling.

"That was dangerous, why didn't you tell me you were going to do that?" he asked.

"Because then you would have stopped me," James replied. Deniros had nothing to say to that, considering the fact that he probably would have.

"Now what?" he asked. James rubbed his leg softly, voicing what he had wanted all along.

"Take me," he stated, letting the Seadragon know he wanted him.

Deniros took a few seconds to begin, but when he did, it was incredible. Pulling back out, James grunted as the soft ridge slipped out of him. He was almost going to complain but Deniros silenced him by thrusting back in, pushing in even further. James almost collapsed as he felt the second ridge meet his tight hole, but his Seadragon didn't force it in.

Instead, Deniros took up a pleasurable pace, taking his mate repeatedly. James enjoyed the feeling of being so full as he felt the thick cock stretch his insides. Deniros' fluid coated his insides, allowing James to adjust to his amazing organ. After a minute or two he began to feel quite comfortable taking the massive length.

A while later, James was brought back to attention when the second ridge popped in and out of him. Deniros noticed and stopped, but James made him continue.

"I want it in me, I can take it, don't worry," he said, urging the Seadragon to continue.

To both of their surprise it popped in with relative ease to the first one, which prompted James to make a big request.

"I want you... all of you," he groaned as he adjusted to the Seadragon again. Deniros shook his head, knowing he would only hurt him.

"You are not strong enough... for this," he told James sadly.

"I don't care, I want you," he complained, moving his body against the huge length inside of him. Deniros knew he was only trying to be brave.

"You can't do it, I may tear you open," he said, trying to close the issue. James wouldn't let up.

"Don't you love me?" he accused stingingly. Deniros looked shocked.

"Of course I do," he replied, looking a little hurt. He hoped he hadn't put James off him.

"Then take me, mate me, whatever you want. I'm ready. Just push as hard into me as you can, I will survive." James was almost begging now, tears forming in his eyes.

Deniros was silent for a moment.

"As you wish, but I will have you know, if I injure you... I will not be able to live with myself." He hung his large head, hoping all would be well. James patted him consolingly.

"I'll be fine," he said finally, and Deniros tensed his muscles, preparing himself. James brought his head down, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists as he felt the huge length slide out of him. Taking one last look at his lover, Deniros brought his whole body forward and slammed his cock deep within him.

James cried out in pain as he felt the huge draconic member penetrate him deeper than ever. He could feel all three ridges pop into him as the oversized invader filled him to the brim. He was glad that he was so well lubricated, otherwise it would have hurt even more. It seemed like an eternity before he had taken all he possibly could, feeling the start of the knot sitting firmly between his cheeks.

He lay there for a minute, feeling intense pleasure and pain as his body tried desperately to hold the entire length within it. He smiled despite himself, he had fully taken a dragon! There were no words to describe just how he felt, so he remained silent. Deniros could sense his gratitude, and was comforted by it.

When he had recovered enough, James tapped his leg, signaling for Deniros to continue. Taking he deep breath he gasped as the huge dragonhood left his body and then repeated it's previous action, burying it's way deep within him again. He closed his eyes, almost delirious with pleasure as his dragon slowly but steadily began to mate with him.

"Thankyou," he whispered quietly as Deniros fucked him repeatedly, determined now to spread his seed deep within the human. Both of them were in heaven now, lost in their happiness and pleasure. James was on the verge of losing his mind to pleasure; the only thing keeping him grounded was the intense sensation of a stiff dragon cock pounding his body.

Deniros sped his thrusting up, pushing himself into his lover as fast as he could now. James had passed the point of pain, he had finally gotten used to the huge tool buried inside of him and now all he could feel was joy. He could hear a wet plopping noise each time the lovely meat dissapeared inside his body, due to the excessive amounts of liquid he was now filled with.

The ground slowly became more and more covered with their fluids. James wanted to make his Seadragon finish inside of him, to give him the feeling of being filled with his warm, tasty semen. He knew that Deniros had to be close, because his breathing had increased in pace and he was taking slower, deeper thrusts now.

Deniros could feel his body once again begin to prepare itself for his impending release. He maintained his current speed with James, ready to give his lover his mating fluids once again.

"I'm going to..." he began.

"Do it in me," James yelled, cutting him off, "fill me with your cum." Deniros took a few final thrusts before, without even thinking, he attempted to instinctively thrust his entire knot into the human below him. James cried out in unbelievable pleasure and pain as he felt himself being stretch further than ever before.

He looked between his legs and saw the huge invader trying to force it's way into him. He knew he would never be able to take it, but he couldn't stop it either. Deniros was just too strong, so he just clenched his fists and waited it out. Everything was just swept away in those moments, all that existed was the Deniros' massive knot trying to break through his resistance.

James closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, every second feeling like a century as he was stretched wider and wider by the huge ball at his opening. He felt like he would be ripped in half from the pressure that had built up and he couldn't do anything about it. Deniros had lost control now, he had no influence over his actions as his mating drive took over.

He looked back at Deniros, seeing the Seadragon's muscles clenched tightly as he tried to tie himself desperately with his human. Then, almost noticeably, something changed. James looked up, a little surprised as he felt the pressure little by little alleviate from his stretched rear. It didn't feel right, something was wrong.

He looked back between his legs to see that Deniros wasn't actually pulling back, rather, the knot was...

"I don't believe it, it's going in!" James gasped as finally, with a powerful push, the knot popped into him. He groaned as he felt himself feeling fuller than ever before, it was an astoundingly sensational feeling.

Just as he had gained his bearings Deniros made a few small thrusts before letting out an ear-splitting roar. With huge force the Seadragon exploded within him, coating his insides with rope after rope of his thick, creamy cum. James smiled as his body willingly accepted the fluids, which couldn't escape him due to his tie with the dragon.

He loved it, the warm feeling it gave him inside as his body was filled with loads of the sticky seed that his lover was providing. James became a little worried after a while, feeling extremely full as he realized none of Deniros' draconic juices had any way of getting out of him.

His stomach swelled visibly as he was stuffed to the hilt with dragon cock and cum. He rubbed his stomach, feeling to his surprise the stiff erection in his body. He pushed it a little, noticing dragon fluids shifting under his fingers. If Deniros didn't stop soon he might explode, and that wouldn't be a pretty sight.

Just as he was about to panic, Deniros' huge gushes soon slowed to a tiny trickle into him. He collapsed on the ground, the Seadragon following him with a heavy thump. They lay there for a minute, barely grasping what had happened. Deniros was himself again now, realizing what he had done to his lover and was deeply ashamed of himself.

"I... I'm... I am so sorry, James," he muttered, hoping that he wouldn't hate him for what he had put him through. James looked up at him weakly.

"You have... nothing to be... sorry about," he replied, taking deep breaths as he recovered.

Deniros shook his head, continuing, "but I hurt you, and you have every right to hate me for the abuse I put you through." James smiled, the Seadragon just didn't get it.

"I enjoyed every minute of it, and I would do it again if you gave me the chance." He smiled at Deniros, who reciprocated it with a lick over his lover's face.

"I will always be here for you, whenever you want me," he said, speaking from the bottom of his heart. James smiled, nobody had ever cared for him like Deniros did. He tried to stand, forgetting the huge knot was still buried inside of him.

"Best not to do that yet," Deniros said with a chuckle as James unsuccessfully tried to get to his feet.

He felt his stomach squelch ominously, and put his hand to his rear, feeling the base of the knot with his fingers. He couldn't believe that it had fit inside of him at all.

"How long will this thing stay in me?" he asked Deniros.

"Well, mating between a male and a female Seadragon took a couple of days usually," he stated.

"A couple of days!" James yelled, using up the last of his energy. He lay down against his dragon's soft underbelly, trying to press himself into him.

"I could get used to that," he whispered quietly, much to Deniros' pleasure.


A few hours wonderful hours later, which had been spent in silence, James had a question to ask.

"What do we do now?" he inquired. Deniros looked down at him, thinking for a moment.

"Well, seeing as you are going to stay with me now, I thought we could do this again as much as you want. If that's alright with you, of course."

James felt Deniros cock twitch inside of him and he nodded his head, hoping to spend every day of his life getting mounted by his huge Seadragon.

"What about food?" he asked, not finding a solution to that problem. Deniros already had one, however.

"You know how you drank from me before?" Deniros asked, "Well, a human can live off a Seadragon's semen and nothing else because it is highly nutritious."

"So, you're saying that if I give you oral every day I won't have to eat anything else?" James asked, a smile forming on his face.

"That is correct, yes," Deniros told him.

"Done," James said. Deniros looked at him, a little surprised by his quick answer. When James saw his incredulous look, he felt as if he should explain.

"You taste amazing," he informed his lover, making Deniros smile.

With that he fell asleep, dreaming of his amazing Seadragon all night long.


Two day later, James rubbed his eyes and looked up at Deniros, who was wide awake and looking at him intently.

"I think I can pull it out now," he told his human lover. James could feel the knot had shrunk considerably so he bent over. Deniros stood over him and with one firm tug, his thick cock popped free with a loud splash.

They both stared with amazement as a river of his cum flowed from James gaping hole, the product of their lovemaking. It coated the ground in a sticky puddle as his stomach shrank back to it's normal size. He stood up weakly, missing the full feeling of Deniros' length inside of his body. Still, he was glad he could walk again.

He hugged Deniros tightly, then washed himself in the water at the edge of the cavern. He slowly removed all traces of their union before returning to his mate and curling up beneath him.

"Thankyou," he whispered, "for everything, my love."
