Finding a Mate

Story by Loup Garou on SoFurry

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Finding a Mate; Entwined in Power Ce' ta'iil & Levitas Telum A true beauty, her lithe body sheathed in iridescent silver scales. Her every step, solid and firm, yet graceful and awe striking. Her wings trailed close to the ground, furled close to her body, the sails of each wing glinted turquoise like gem-steel in the sunlight. And with each movement, an ethereal smoke seemed to follow her like an after-image. The larger plate-like scales that grew along her shoulders, hips, and crest were each pierced and adorned with small golden chains, on which beautifully patterned feathers were tied. Her face was like that of a goddess, her muzzle extended about a foot out smooth yet defined, each scale perfectly overlapping another, blending smoothly into soft supple flesh around her nostrils and hardening back to scales along her lips. Her eyes seemed like deep pools of shifting color that would swallow one up at the first chance, the black slit pupil seemed to gaze straight into ones soul. Her crest rose like slightly above her eye ridges, the five ivory horns intertwined into what one would mistake for a crown at first glance. At the base of each or her five horns, was another gold loop and chain, leading to another feather. The last feature of this magnificent beast was her tail, long, sinuous, with several golden bands looped at different places along the appendage, the last of which was adorned with ten large feathers tied to much shorter chains so they would not drag and become damaged. He watched her as she crouched on all fours and sprung up onto a tall stone column near the center of the ruins she inhabited; quickly she unsheathed her claws and began to scale the monolithic pillar. With each step, her talons dug deep into the stone, ensuring a secure grip and allowing her to move faster. Once she reached the top, she sat upright on her rump, her tail coiled loosely around the pillar as she surveyed her territory calmly. Sudden movement near the edge of the clearing that held her home attracted her attention, her eyes locked with those of the terrified human that had unwittingly barged in on her. The human barely had enough time to take a step back and reach for its weapon when she opened her mouth wide, revealing twin rows of serrated fangs; she reared her neck backward slightly, every plate on her body then raised slightly, revealing small sapphire gems imbedded in her flesh that began to pulse erratically. Her prey was frozen at the sight and could merely stand and watch as light began to gather in her mouth, suddenly she whipped her head around and released the energy she had gathered in a powerful beam, incinerating the human on contact and reducing the sand to a spray of liquid glass. "She just had to be in a bad mood right now. Figures..." Levi mumbled to himself as he starred at the dragoness perching atop the pillar. Levi shivered slightly at the chill from seeing her in action, the movement causing his scales to rattle quietly against each other and his claws to dig slightly into the ground. Taking a deep breath and clutching the small black stone around his neck, Levi stood and walked forward, toward the Ether Dragon as she continued her vigil. In no time at all, she had spotted him. Neither made a move as they each awaited the other's action. Seeing that Levi bore no ill intentions toward her, she descended the pillar and walked toward him. As she approached, Levi met her gaze, holding it until she stood before him. The dragoness was easily twice his size, his head barely reached about midway up her neck at this distance. Still he made no moves, waiting for her to make to either continue to examine him, or to chase him away. The Ether Dragon stood before the young draconian, she had easily identified him as draconic in his heritage by his appearance. Levi stood still, his gaze now at the ground as she looked him over. Though he walked upright like a human, Levi's body was sheathed in mottled grey scales, creating the illusion that he was covered in storm clouds. A long sinuous tail, the length of his body began at the base of his spine and swayed slightly with each breath. Long breaks in his scales along his chest, forearms, ankles, and back travelled randomly in the shape of lightning splintered across his body, a soft yellow light emanating from the scale-shaped crystals that filled the gaps between his cloudy scales. A braid of platinum-white hair poured down Levi's head and dragged the ground, a single leather band holding it together at the end. Much like any other draconian, the unique crest on his head easily distinguished him as a male, something that some other races would not recognize without actually seeing his genitals. The crest itself was a single horn, centered directly above his right eye, it rose slightly from the flesh and curved back in on itself in a tight swirl before breaking away and doing the same twice more before curving upward in a sharp tip. His wings though, were what caught her attention more than anything else. The sails of his wings were torn and scarred, and three slits were cut into each wing to allow a set of three steel rings, each with a different rune carved into it, to inter-cross and lock them together. Shame, punishment, and banishment; these were the runes carved into the bands. The dragoness, lifted her paw and placed it on his shoulder, and with the gentlest of movements, she turned him around to look at his back... his wings. ‘Why were you bound?' The dragoness asked, looking over the intricate arcane locks grounding him. A lock as powerful as the one holding Levi's wings would massively dampen his elemental power as well as prevent him from taking flight. "I was born with massively powerful lightning elemental abilities; I lost control of my electricity and crippled several of my clutch mates as well as my sire. My mother bound me that day." Levi sighed, that was a commonly asked question, and he didn't much like it. ‘Do not move, child... this will hurt.' Without another word, she placed a firm grip on his shoulder and hooked her talons through the bands on his back. "What? Why?" Immediately after he spoke, the dragoness ripped the bands from his flesh, all at once. Levi shrieked in agony, his legs buckled and he fell to the ground, his wings falling limp to the ground as blood seeped from the wound and trickled down his scaled flesh. It was then that the dragoness stepped back several paces. ‘Speak your name child... speak, and regain your power.' She said quietly. The crystals along Levi's body began to pulse as he spoke. "My name... m-my name is Levitas Telum..." Levitas said, a slight whimper in his voice. Levitas' breathing began to calm, his wounds healing quickly, and his power was rapidly regaining its potency. Levitas' quaking body began to still, returning to the prime of health as he stood and turned to face the dragoness, small bolts of electricity arching between his crystal scales. Levitas turned his head, spreading his wings, and watching as lightning bolts crawled along the sails of his wings, releasing small static bolts with each movement of his flight granting appendages. Levitas stroked his claws lightly over his wings, collecting electricity in the palm of his hand. He then turned back to the dragoness, and with little more than a stray thought, he walked toward her. The dragoness starred at Levitas as he approached her, releasing his power had given him back everything that he had lost; his draconic aggression, his strength, his elemental knowledge. "You severed my bindings, I owe you much. Yet, I don't know why you did so, or how I can repay you." Levitas knelt before the dragoness, once more admiring her beauty as he came to a decision. "My Lady, if you will have me, I will serve you in any way I can. You need only ask, and I will take a lance in your place, I will hunt for you, anything." Levitas gazed hopefully into her eyes, desperately hoping for acceptance. The dragoness, did not expect this type of behavior from him at all, he must have been bound for many years, for him to be so submissive, so desperate. A thought then came to her mind, something she could tell that they would both enjoy. ‘If you truly wish to serve me Levitas... it has been quite some time since I had a male around to bathe me, would you mind?' The dragoness asked, as she turned and began walking toward the small pond near the center of the ruins. Levitas nodded and stood, following the dragoness toward the shallow waters where she bathed herself weekly. The pond itself was large, easily half the size of a football field. All around the waters edge, small stone pillars were constructed over the centuries. Some of these pillars had fallen into the water, leaving only small portions of them dry and making several decent sun-bathing stones in the process. A small piece of the pond was a mere two feet deep, the bottom paved with colorful fragments of pottery to make the image of a phoenix easily distinguishable. Multiple stone slabs lay at the shore where the dragoness stood, cleared of dirt and with several brushes and cloths lying nearby. The dragoness fell heavily to the ground, her lithe and graceful appearance no longer masking her now obvious weight. ‘If you would be kind enough to remove my ornaments... the feathers tend to get damaged by the brush.' Levitas nodded and began undoing the latches that held the gold bands on her body. He started at her shoulders, feeling around the point that the bone plates and gold bands joined, finding the clasp, he unbuckled it and laid the draconic jewelry on a small raised stone block. Over and over, Levitas removed her ornaments, one piece at a time; when he had finished with her shoulders, he started on her wings, then her crest, her hips, and finally her tail. Levitas searched along the entire rim of her tail bands, attempting to locate the latch that held it in place, uncuccessfully. ‘Those ones slide off Levitas...' She said in a rather amused tone, the sides of her lips turning into a faint smile. Levitas blushed slightly, and quickly pulled the bands off as she had said. She then handed him a coarse metal brush and a soft cloth. He moved to begin scrubbing her flank, forcefully dragging the brush in lazy circles along her side, then wiping the now damp cloth over her scales, removing the dirt and grime and leaving a pleasant sheen to her hide. Next, he moved on to her arms, grinding the brush extra hard on her plates and polishing the sapphires hidden beneath; then came her neck, wings, and tail, each appendage glistening as Levitas finished each area. ‘You are very good with a brush Levitas... will you begin on my chest now?' The dragoness asked, rolling onto her side, and exposing her underbelly and breasts. Heavily blushing now, Levitas slid closer to her, running a slight trickle of water over her chest first he began. Gently, he ran the brush across her breasts, the dragoness rumbled in appreciation, enjoying the feel as always. With none too much force, he drug the brush across each of her four breasts. Levitas was beginning to get aroused as he fondled her chest with the cloth, wiping away the dust that had built up over the week. Levitas took a deep breath as he moved on, pouring a small amount of water on her belly now, only to be stopped by the dragonesses paw. ‘You missed a spot.' She took hold of his hand and moved it to cup one of her breasts, Levitas was openly blushing at this point, the dragoness then moved a single claw and pulled back slightly on one of the scales on her breast, revealing her nipple to him. ‘You forgot to clean my nipples, dirt gets caught in her too you know.' She smiled naughtily at him , licking her lips before laying her head back on the ground and sighing happily. Levitas' blush was visible through his scales now as he moved the cloth back to her chest, and began tracing it across the little pink bud that were her nipples. The dragoness began to purr in pleasure at his semi-sensual touch, her nipples were becoming hard, and if one would look, her fem slit was puckering and wet with need, Levitas noticed this and, after a moment, he took firm hold of her larger set of breasts, leaned forward, and took a tentative lick at her nipple. The dragonesses response was immediate, she arched her back toward his mouth and held the back of his head against her, encouraging him to continue suckling at her breast. Levitas responded in kind, groping her as his mouth and tongue went to work on her, suckling and licking over and over as he straddled her belly. The dragoness moaned in pleasure, as she moved her tail up to his genital slit, teasing the flesh and enticing his member out into the open. Levitas moaned himself as his dragonhood slid from its pouch to its full eleven inches, all of which the dragoness was quick to fix her hungry gaze upon. Before Levitas could do anymore, the dragoness took hold of his hips and picked him up, moving him to rest just above the breasts that he had just been worshiping. The dragoness lightly stroked his member, licking her lips as she starred forward at the gorgeous slab of male meat before her. She then met his gaze and in a commanding tone spoke. ‘I want you to stuff this into my mouth, fuck my muzzle as hard and fast as you can. I want to gag on this cock, understood?' She said as she arched her neck close to his member and licked the tip. "Yes mistress." Levitas said, lost in a sexual high. The dragoness smiled and opened her mouth as Levitas grabbed her horns and quickly jammed himself within her maw. Levitas thrust hard and fast, each time burying himself to the hilt in her mouth, letting her massage his meat with her tongue and flexing throat. The dragoness murred in pleasure as she tasted Levitas' now leaking pre, she slathered his dick with attention in the hopes of tasting more of his juices, she was not disappointed. With every thrust Levitas made, he squirted a small amount of his juices into her maw, just enough so that now it dripped from her mouth along with her drool and saliva. Approaching his orgasm, Levitas thrust hard, and buried himself as deep into her throat as he could, the bulge of his member clearly visible as it distended her throat. Levitas merely sat there, still, his member buried so deep that his testicles now lay on the dragonesses tongue as she rolled the fleshy gems in her mouth, tasting his sweat and pheromones. She soon began to cough, her eyes rolling back in her head as her breath began to thin, his cock was truly choking her now, filling her maw to the limit, she could feel every vein along his flesh and testes pulsing. Levitas then pulled back, the dragoness immediately drawing a deep breath before she gorged herself on his meat again. Levitas sat there, slowly easing himself in and out of her mouth now, the dragoness suckling lovingly on his head and length, coiling her tongue around the flesh and pumping back and forth as she sloshed his pre in her mouth, before swallowing, enjoying his flavor as it slid down into her stomach. Levitas took firmer hold of her head and buried himself in her throat again, quickly thrusting several times before laying his gems on her tongue again for her to play with. "You seem to like my meat. Do you want to taste my seed, or do you want me to spray all over your nice clean breasts?" Levitas asked, in response, the dragoness pulled her head back and began to suck heavily on his head. The dragoness swirled her tongue around his head, teasing his piss slit with her tongue and fondling his gems again as she snaked her tongue out of her mouth and licked them slowly. In a final move, the dragoness again moved her tongue out, lightly coiling around his shaft before teasing the underside and the rim of his slit, Levitas groaned loudly at the dragonesses skill. With a smirk, she then slid her tongue into his slit, teasing his prostate and finally triggering his orgasm. With a grunt and a loud groan, Levitas began shooting into her mouth, coating her maw and throat in his seed, the dragoness retracted her tongue, to taste all that he had to offer, even as it leaked out the sides of her mouth and down the sides of her face. He pulled out then, squirting his last few shots across her breasts and smearing it across the four mammaries with his length. The dragoness murred at his taste as she swallowed the last of it, a smile and a satisfied rub of her belly told Levitas that she enjoyed the muzzle fucking greatly, while a glance at her now seed soaked breasts and Levitas' still stiff member gave her a naughty idea. ‘Do you like my breasts Levitas?' The dragoness asked as she used one paw to further smear his seed across her mounds. A simple nod and heavy breathing sufficed for the dragoness as she leaned forward and took hold of his head. The two connected in a passionate kiss, their tongues dancing in each others mouth. Levitas was not surprised to taste his own seed in her mouth, yet this seemed to do little more than arouse him even more. The dragoness removed her paws so that he could hold her instead, the two kissed for several more seconds before Levitas broke the kiss to let loose a groan of pleasure, as he looked down he could only watch as the dragoness squeezed his member between her tits, pumping her mammaries back and forth. Levitas looked into the dragonesses eyes, both of them still locked in a sexual high, and again he leaned forward. The dragoness sighed as Levitas kissed along her neck, working his way up from the hollow of her throat the her beautiful face. Their lips locked, and Levitas placed his hands over the back of the dragonesses paws, assisting in her movements as he began to slowly thrust his member between her cum slathered mounds. The two continued in their pleasure for several minutes before Levitas removed his hands and instead pinched two of her nipples between his fingers, again she arched her back into him and Levitas took his chance to grab her head and leveled it before his throbbing length, she quickly realized what he was doing and closed her eyes just as he spewed his seed across her face and neck. The dragoness licked what she could reach from her lips and made to stand, Levitas quickly got up as well, figuring that their little romp was over, Levitas grabbed up his cloth and began to clean his essence from her scales. ‘You need not clean me again so soon,' She said calmly, a tired, yet still lustful look in her eyes. ‘We still have yet to get to the best part... but first, I need to rest.' Levitas was as well tired, and, following the dragonesses example, he decided to rest beside her. Without another word, sleep overtook them.