Draconian Peril Ch.7

"Master?" "Master Baku? Please, you must wake up now." The dragon's servant said in an urgent tone. Baku opened his eyes and groaned, still so early in the morning. He had barely gotten any sleep the night before, and nightmares about the...

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Draconian Peril Ch.6

Their destination, the country of Sedukyria was small, although well known for its welcoming nature toward all species, and respect for power. It was also thought of as a haven for those who don't wish to be found, regardless of the reason. Few...

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Draconian Peril Ch.5

Styx at this time had tears streaming down her face, she was now openly crying at her defeat. "In my tribe, we have a law that states: In a battle between immortals or those who are near immortal, the loser of the challenge is bound and enslaved...

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Draconian Peril Ch.4

Ryuu held onto his mother's ashes as he watched Baku carve a small ivory tomb with his claws, making it a perfect symbol to represent Serris' power and grace. Baku looked over to his son and motioned him to come forward with the urn. "Alright...

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Draconian Peril Ch.3

The little girl that had seen Ryuu take off was a hunter by name, she would kill anything, or anyone if the price was right. Sometimes, just for fun even. Now she stood at the front door of the renowned sword smith, Masamune Katsuhiko. Without even...

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Draconian Peril Ch.2

Ryuu had practiced his newly awakened Shadow Flare abilities at least once a week now, just as a precaution, so that he wouldn't lose control again. He had discovered many abilities he possessed thanks to his curse. Most people wouldn't call it a curse...

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Draconian Peril

Legal crap don't read if under 18 years old Draconian Peril \* Ryuu was laying out in the sun, relaxing after constant nagging by his mother, Serris. She did this when Ryuu decided to shirk his studies and combat practice. Ryuu was unusual...

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Draconian Peril Ch.8

Two months of traveling the barren countryside to the west of Sedukyria finally paid off, as the gates that divided Sedukyria and its neighboring country became visible on the horizon. Ryuu saw it first as he was scouting the area ahead of them from...

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Finding a Mate

Finding a Mate; Entwined in Power Ce' ta'iil & Levitas Telum A true beauty, her lithe body sheathed in iridescent silver scales. Her every step, solid and firm, yet graceful and awe striking. Her wings trailed close to the ground, furled close to her...

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