Bound by Destiny 18½

Story by Talon Stormclaw on SoFurry

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The wedding ends happily, but soon the sound of pain is heard as Leona discovers it is her time now to become a mother. With her two lovers by her side, she goes through the delivery and establish her position as the first mother of the trio. What surprises awaits them? And what becomes the shocking news? Is it time for them to become a "clowder"? Only the future knows.

This story IS connected to actual lore.

Azura, Magea, Sasha and Story (c)

Jane and May (c) SashaWS and Veedway on FA

Leona (c)

Vee (c) Veedway on FA

Length: 1,210 words. 6,577 characters.

Time used to type: 1 hour 25 minutes (with corrections and cleaning)

Bound by Destiny 18½ - Arrival of the Alpha Female

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

"Jane, dear... I do not feel so well." Leona gently whimpered as she laid against her laquine lover, listening to the speech Sasha was giving. Jane looked at her and rubbed her cheek, "Relax, it is soon over and then we can return back to the room and get you all tucked in." Leona was softly purring and soon heard as Sasha declared Tarja and Tatsuya married, everyone standing up to applaud for the newlyweds. Jane and Magea failing to notice that Leona was bending over with a loud whimper until Jane felt her leaning against her, forcing her to look at the ocelot before noticing the wet spot forming at her feet, "Oh my gods, SHE IS GOING INTO LABOR!"

Everyone turned to look as Jane and Magea were lifting up Leona quickly, Sasha rushing down the aisle with Azura close by to examine her before calling out loudly, "Get the observation chamber ready now!" May reacted quickly and grabbed Vee before they ran ahead to get it all set up, Azura quickly getting help being transported home to get everything she needed to perform the procedure. Jane looked at Leona who whimpered before Leona snapped out at her, "What you looking at, you long-eared bitch? Help me out!" Jane was used to Leona's vulgar language since the pregnancy began, but this was truly the peak of when she really got vulgar, "Relax darling. It is going to be over soon." Leona grabbed Jane by the throat, hissing like an angry cat, "You better, or I will wring your fucking neck!" Jane sighed before calmly kissing her before Sasha got the clear sign and quickly transported them to the chamber.

When they appeared in the chamber, Leona was put on the table and Azura took out a syringe with saline, looking at Jane, "Roll her over to the side." As Leona saw the syringe, she hissed angrily and felt as Jane tried to roll her over to the side, swiping with her hands at her left arm while whimpering when the syringe pierced and injected saline into four separate spots on her back, Leona's claws leaving Jane with a couple of lacerations before Jane laid her down on the back, "Okay, lets give it time to settle in." Leona was still hissing and Jane looked at her, thinking to herself how it would be if she or Magea would been laying there.

After about fifteen minutes, Leona felt as if the area had been completely numbed or been removed from her body, "Why don't I feel the lower portion of my back?" Azura looked at her, "So it is working then. I injected you with saline in four different spots on the back. As it settles into your muscles, they are swelling up a bit to numb off the pain receptors slightly, but not fully. No worry, the muscles will return to normal and you will pretty much urinate the saline out naturally." Leona was amazed, but soon had to bite together as she felt her cervix slowly dilate as she began pushing. Magea grabbed her right hand while Jane held her left hand, "Come on, dear. You are doing great." Leona growled out loudly, "Shut your filthy mouths! You got no idea how this hurts!" Jane groaned at her, "We can hear it clearly on your rude words."

Leona groaned as she kept on pushing, Azura watching it over as Magea looked down to her, "Is it okay down there?" Azura is nodding, "Yes, she is going well. I think I see the head, or at least the ears." Leona growled out again, "Stop looking at my pussy, you overgrown handbag!" Azura just rolled her eyes before grabbing onto the ears gently, watching as more of the head came out, Leona once again growling out in pain, "You got no idea how much this fucking hurts!" Sasha walked over to Leona, placing a single finger on her forehead, "Wrong. I got an idea how it feels. Look to your right." Leona looked at Jane and all the lacerations on her arm, "Now, look down near your left foot." Leona turned to look at May, before Sasha brought her face back to look at hers, "You think they arrived in the mailbox one day? No, I gave birth to them! And I gave birth to many of their sisters! So don't come and say that we got no idea how much it hurts, because I have been in your position many more times than you." Leona was quiet now and felt stupid for all she had said.

It took another minute before Leona was back to pushing, this time having more energy and less complaining as Azura called out softly, "Almost out!" Magea and Jane rubbed on Leona's belly before Leona gave out a primal roar when she pushed out the cub, the soft screams of the newborn making her cry before she grunted and pushed more until the placenta came out, everyone looking at it with disgust, except for Sasha and Azura. Magea got the honor to cut the umbilical cord before Azura cleaned the cub off, smiling before handing it over to Leona, "It is a beautiful baby girl." Leona took the wrapped cub, looking over the half-ocelot, half-bunny girl in her arms, lifting her shirt to allow the cub to feed before Azura, Sasha and Vee nodded and excused themselves, May wanting to follow until Jane called out, "Hey sis, don't leave. Come over here."

May looked a bit confused, but walked closer to her sister before Jane smiled, "Leona, this is May, my fraternal twin sister. May, this is Leona, my and Magea's one-day-to-hopefully-be wife." Leona looked at May and was met by a smile, "My sister told me a lot about you and her words doesn't make justice for what I see here." Leona was blushing a bit, "Just as charming as her sister. Nice to meet you, May." Jane giggled before whispering to Magea and Leona, both looking at the newborn cub sucking fresh milk from Leona's left breast until they both nodded and Jane looked at May, "Hey sis. We have come to a decision. We want you to be her godmother." May's eyes widened and Leona looked at Magea before kissing her until Jane called out, "Mom, I think May needs to be taken to bed now." Leona and Magea looked on the floor where the larger sister of Jane now laid completely still, having fainted from hearing the news of their decision, Jane just giggling before looking at Magea and Leona, reaching into her pockets to retrieve two silver rings and kneeling down in front of them, "Magea and Leona, I think this is the right time of me to ask, but would you both make me the honor of becoming my loving wives and the wives to the prime heir of the throne?"

The End.

Bound by Destiny 19

**Bound by Destiny 19 - Trust in the Heart of the Cards** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being...

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Bound by Destiny 18

**Bound by Destiny 18 - One Wedding, One Realization** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your...

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Bound by Destiny 17

**Bound by Destiny 17 - Weaving the fate in Morgova** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your...

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