Feelin' the Burn

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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Here's another story trade done with Bobert starring his squirrel Vincent and mouse Jefferson. It's after hours in the precinct and the two of them take advantage of having the station gym to themselves.

As a disclaimer, this story contains M/M sex, muscle growth, big cocks, lots of cum, bara furs, and some fun with pipefitting. It should not be read by anyone under 18.

Vincent and Jefferson belong to Bobert

It had been a relatively calm few nights in Crossroads lately. There hadn't been much crime to report, so the Crossroads police department was on low guard. Likewise, with nothing much to do in terms of villainy, the local hero of Crossroads was left with little to do. Of course, there were only a scant few in the entire city who knew they had superhero protection, which is just the way Vincent liked it.

Of course, Jefferson liked it that way as well. As the chief of the Crossroads P.D. he would take the admiration of the public and make sure that the boys in blue under his command got the praise they deserved for the hard work they did. He didn't like having to rely on Vincent and his alter-ego, but sometimes there were threats too great for normal furs to handle.

The mouse chief still sometimes had a hard time believing that the squirrel he had met in his civic law class back in college was a superhero. Vincent had been the only one there taking the class for enjoyment. The rest had been planning to enter the police academy. What wound up being surprising to Jefferson was that the squirrel looked like he never studied for anything, while he busted his back to get through that class. And in the end, while Jeff did have better grades, Vincent was right behind him.

However, Jeff wasn't about to let all that natural talent get away. He quickly formed a friendship with Vincent, heading over to his place several times during the course of their studies. It was in this time frame that the mouse found out that he and Vincent had plenty of things in common. They both liked to spend time at the gym, they were both avid gamers, and each of them had an extensive history and knowledge of comic books.

By the end of the semester, Jefferson had done all that he could to convince Vincent to join the Crossroads Police, but the squirrel still refused, saying that he really was only looking into it for the fun of it. They stayed close together, with Jefferson working his way up to the position of chief of police in record time, and Vincent giving the force discounts at his mechanic shop on their vehicles. It was a pretty sweet deal, since Vincent was the best mechanic in town, after all.

It had been a fairly good arrangement that lasted quite a few years. But then, there was the Cyber Centurion. When the hero first showed up, Jefferson wasn't pleased. The last thing he needed was other civilians taking on the role of costumed vigilantes. But, just like in the comics, he could see the need for them when faced with something that the force couldn't handle on their own. What made it awkward was how he found out it was Vincent.

He had gone to the mechanic's shop one day to relax after a large bust and was spending a fun evening with his good friend. But, as the time passed, Vincent had said he needed to run a quick errand and would return shortly. For some reason, Jefferson's instincts kicked in, and instead of just hanging around, he decided to follow the larger squirrel. He kept to the shadows as he tailed him, and before he knew it, he saw him jump a gang of street toughs about to mug a little old man. But he was dressed as the Cyber Centurion.

Needless to say, when Vincent got back, he had a lot of explaining to do.

That was how it had started between them. But now, they had a somewhat unofficial agreement. Vincent would keep his identity on the down-low, and Jefferson wouldn't bust him for vigilantism. Likewise, considering their history, no one on the force would think twice if Vincent came by the station. All Vincent had to do was keep things hush hush.

Considering how much of a show-off and exhibitionist the squirrel was, sometimes that was easier said than done.

Like right now, as Vincent was in the police locker room, about to use their on-site gym with Jefferson, and had pumped and flexed out his chest and pecs enough to shoot the buttons off of his shirt. The mouse had to duck to avoid the launching clothes accessories as he was changing into his gym shorts, and a few bounces and bangs off of the locker room later, the buttons came to a stop.

"Keep that up and I'll make you register your chest as a deadly weapon." Jefferson said, dead serious.

Vincent grinned and rubbed a paw through his hairy chest, bouncing his pecs a few times. "Like how my biceps are registered guns?" He started to pose and flex his arms next now that he was freed from his shirt. "Boom! Boom! Firepower!"

The powerful arms on the squirrel stretched out as his muscle cords tensed and throbbed before he dropped the most. Jefferson just shook his head with a chuckle as he changed. Seeing that he didn't get a reaction that time, Vincent decided to move to a different path. He strutted over to where Jefferson was changing and wrapped his large, bushy tail around his thigh and teased the bulge in his gym shorts as he hung in close.

"Gotta love being huge, Jeff." Vincent said, flexing his pecs again close to Jefferson's head, "One of the best parts about being a..."

He was cut off by the mouse quickly turning, a small blush on his face from the tail teasing, but wrapping his palm around his mouth.

"SHHHHH!" He hissed.

"What?" Vincent muffled, with a grin clearly under Jefferson's hand.

"You know damn well, what, Vincent." Jefferson said in a hushed tone, holding his palm there for a few moments before pulling away.

"Fine..." Vincent said, but then leaned in to his large ears.

"It feels good to be huge...." He whispered into Jefferson's ears, so that no one else could hear in the empty room.

"Vincent..." Jefferson warned.

"Big...hairy...bulging...pecs..." Vincent whispered again, pressing his hairy chest to the back of Jefferson's head and flexed them. The mouse was blushing hard again and took a few steps away to compose himself.

"Takes a superhero to contain them!" Vincent chuckled again, teasing his own chest once Jefferson walked away, rubbing another hand through his chest hair and teasing one of his nips. He moaned out in a deep voice, acting like he was having an amazing orgasm as he teased himself and rubbed himself down. His fingers really teasing with that nub as he gave it a light squeeze and tug, while thrusting up in the air like he was mounting someone.

"Excuse me?!" Jefferson finally snapped back, his face still in a blush, but his gym shorts clearly tenting.

"Oh come on, we're the only two in the building." Vincent said, his voice back to normal and letting go of his chest.

"You don't know that..." Jefferson huffed.

Vincent shook his head. "Relax, it's late and we're the only ones here. No one will know. Just take the stick out of your butt and have some fun, dude!"

"Hey, I can be plenty fun!" Jefferson said, "I don't need to be a show off to do so! "

Vincent smirked at the mouse and headed over to his gym bag and pulled out a few things. "Oh really now?" He said, wagging his bushy tail at Jeff as he dug through his things, "Then how about....this!"

The squirrel pulled out a set of wristbands out of his gym bag. Vincent twirled them around his fingers a few times before tossing a set of them over to Jefferson. The chief caught them and held them in his hands for a moment before looking over them. "What are these?" He questioned.

"Just something Nina developed for our workouts." Vincent said, sliding one set onto his wrists and then flexing an arm, "She wants us to try them out."

Jeff almost dropped the set when he said that. "Nina's crazy, you know that!" He protested, "You know how often her stuff blows up?

"Oh relax," Vincent said, "It's just some body monitoring stuff. You know, like heart rate and breathing and whatnot."

"You sure about that?" Jeff said, still leery, "You know it's never that simple with Nina."

"Oh quit being a pussy and try them on." Vincent said, "I want to see how much more I can pump and work then you and these little babies will make my victory official!"

"Hey, I'm no slouch!" Jefferson protested, "You know for a fact we're about even!"

"Then come on, prove it." Vincent said, tapping his own wristbands.

Jefferson huffed and put the wristbands on, giving them a quick snap and tightened the a bit to lock them into place.

"There ya go." Vincent said, "Now let's hit that gym and see who can get the biggest and best workout."

The squirrel headed out of the locker room, leading the way for him and Jefferson to hit the police gym. The mouse followed close behind and watched the rump of Vincent bounce while he walked, and soon hit the lights of the gym.

There was plenty of gym equipment set up around the room, and Vincent made his first move towards a set of treadmills that were near a side wall in the gym. "How's a quick run to start us off sound?" He said to Jefferson, turning the two machines on and setting them to the hardest setting. "Good cop like you should be able to run when needed after all."

"Oh please, you know I've always been faster than you." Jefferson shot back, climbing onto one of the treadmills as Vincent claimed one as well.

"Well, here's your chance to prove it." Vincent replied, cocky grin still covering his face, as he pushed a few buttons to set his own machine to the highest and hardest setting.

Jefferson followed suit, and soon the light hum of the treadmill whirring echoed out as both males began to start with a brief sprint to warm up. A few pats of their feet rang out as they stepped and walked, the machines adjusting to move slightly upward to signify running uphill. Their breathing was starting to pick up as well, working their hearts as they exerted more effort and energy. Vincent was already starting to huff, but Jefferson looked like he still had plenty of energy left in his tank.

"Hey, where's all that bravado that you've had before?" Jefferson said, seeing Vincent slowing down on his treadmill, "You're not giving up already are you?"

Jefferson grinned as he was taking the lead in their little contest, focusing on keeping and maintaining his lead. Vincent did know that Jefferson was quicker than he was in situations like this, considering his primary mode of transportation while in his superhero alter-ego. But, he too was feeling a heavy burn as he pumped and ran, working his thighs and legs while the mouse did as well.

What neither of them had noticed were that their forms were starting to bulge out slightly from all their exercise. It was mostly in their legs, but their arms and chests were starting to pump up slightly. However, they were so lost on their little contest to see who was doing better that they failed to notice that much of their growing forms was focusing on their groins. Already their gym shorts were starting to bulge out as their dicks and balls were inflating and pressing into the fabric.

Still, neither of them were noticing, and mostly focused on their exercise. Vincent was noticing how into it Jefferson was getting, and slowly slid off the side of his treadmill. A grin crossed his face as he watched the mouse run further, seeing his big bulgy groin already pressing towards the control panel of his machine.

The squirrel soon stood behind Vincent's treadmill and looked for a good spot to jump on with him, and soon found it. With a quick hop, he took the back half of the machine and began to run fast behind the mouse, his own bulging groin brushing up against the rump of the mouse.

"Nice pump you got going." Vincent said, nearly making Jefferson fall off of the machine in surprise at having his partner right there behind him. He fell backwards from the still moving treadmill and spun around once and soon landed face first, gripping onto Vincent's junk bulging through his gym shorts.

"The hell!" Jefferson said, gripping and squeezing the bulge as he fought to get back onto his feet, his own groin now getting bounced by the moving floor before he finally rolled off.

The mouse landed on the gym floor with a bit of a huff and Vincent soon stepped off the treadmill and helped him back to his feet. Jefferson slapped his hand away. "You know that's dangerous." He said.

"You're fine, in fact, looks like you enjoyed it." Vincent said, pointing down to the bulge in Jefferson's shorts.

Jefferson blushed again and tried to hide his arousal, but it was no good, as Vincent soon reached out and groped the bulging gym shorts the mouse was wearing. He gave his groin a few good squeezes and rubs, eliciting a few aroused pumps from Jefferson's package that made the fabric stretch and push outward. The chief gave out a surprised and shocked squeak from the groping, and tried to push Vincent's hands away, but that only made the squirrel want to tease him further.

"Cut that out!" Jefferson grumbled out.

"Man, how long has it been since you've let one out?" Vincent teased, "You're all pent up in here."

"I said, cut it out!" Jefferson repeated, before grabbing Vincent by his back and lifting him off of the ground.

The sudden moves caught Vincent by surprise. He didn't think that Jeff had been this big before, or this strong. All this working out really was doing wonders for him! Of course, he was plenty tough himself, but he could feel Jefferson's back muscles tighten and tense up as he was trying to get free, and rubbing along his back.

"He's really tensing up." Vincent thought to himself when he felt those thick cords of muscle pop on the mouse's back.

Jefferson soon lead them towards one of the weight benches that was spread about in the gym. He still held onto the squirrel but put him at the head end of the bench near the large set of weights.

"I'm going to pump, so spot me, alright?" Jefferson said.

"Not a problem, buddy." Vincent smirked, already planning more teases while given this perfect position. If he was going to spot Jefferson, then the mouse was going to be at his mercies.

Jeff didn't take long to get set on the bench, adjusting his back slightly so that he was level and slid under the bar. Once he was in position, he reached up to grab the metal rod that held the weights and gripped it tightly before hoisting it upward and then gently lowering it down. After letting it rest for a moment, Jefferson soon strained and raised the bar up once more, pumping the iron high above him as he started working his reps.

"One...two..." He softly huffed to himself as he pushed the bar up and over, working his arms and chest. Vincent still smirked above him, making sure that he wasn't biting off more than he could chew while he looked over him. Of course, as the numbers Jefferson was giving off grew larger, so was his body. His arms started to bulge, as did his pecs. In fact, the squirrel could see him start to grow larger and bulkier right in front of him!

"Wow... this really is paying off..." Vincent thought to himself, watching Jefferson get beefier before his eyes. And yet, he still was going to tease him mercilessly. Right as the mouse reached the number fifty on his rep count, Vincent pushed himself forward, sliding his bulging groin right onto the mouse's face. His musky crotch completely enveloped Jefferson's features as the mouse struggled under the sudden intrusion into his personal space, and left the weights on the bar.

His muffled struggles were only helping to get Vincent harder, however. The growing bulge of the squirrel completely covering Jeff's head and face and working it's way down to his growing chest. The chief reached up to fight and push Vincent's package off of him, but even he knew how hard that would be with how well-endowed the superhero was. Even now his hands and fingers were pressing into the bulge of Vincent's package, trying to hoist it off of him.

"Come on Jeff, feel the burn!" Vincent chuckled as Jefferson struggled.

The mouse still pushed and tried to squirm his way out of the massive package. His arms struggled under the fleshy groin of Vincent as his face was buried under it. The musk was flowing right into his nose, making him gag and cough as he breathed in the powerful squirrels nuts. He continued to push and grip on Vincent's package to remove it, but now the squirrel was pressing down on his own junk to keep him pinned there.

"You want to see burn?" Jeff muffled into Vincent's crotch, "I'll show you burn!"

Vincent was still playfully pressing down, keeping the mouse caught under him. But after a few moments, he could feel more resistance coming from below. Jefferson was actually starting to fight back, pressing his groin off of his face slightly. The squirrel's junk throbbed hard as he did so, and he smirked at the effort his friend was giving off.

"Keep it up and you'll be my size." Vincent teased him, enjoying the sensation under him.

The mouse was feeling more strength pulse and pump through him as he manhandled the squirrels junk. His fingers dug in a bit more, gripping on that firm package. He soon had a solid grip on Vincent's cock and balls through the fabric of his gym shorts and was able to pull it off of his face further. His biceps bulged out further, pumping up through his fur and skin as he struggled.

The change started to come faster then he realized as he worked that crotch. What started with his arms pushed down to his pecs, making his chest bulge out hugely as his heart pounded harder. The sounds of his muscles stretching out as the cords thickened and pushed outward, and soon worked its way down his front. His firm abs deepened their chisel on his front, and a thick forest of hair formed between them. The thick hair worked it's way down to his crotch and up to his chest, making those fuzzy mounds even hairier.

Jefferson's height started to increase as well as his legs slid off the edge of the bench and bumped into the next row of machines. The powerful muscles in his thigh and waist bulged out as well. The mouse's own package was bulging upward and outward as well, and soon a powerful and loud rrrriiiippp echoed throughout the empty gym. His hard cock flopped out, sliding across his heavy nuts as the forest on his front spread down as well, thickening out his pubic hair as well, making a thick bush along the base of his cock and balls. With one last roar, Jefferson pushed Vincent's groin off of him, exposing his hulked out form fully to the squirrel.

Vincent was shocked at how much the mouse had grown. He was big...bigger then he was now and impossibly thick. His cock throbbed in Jefferson's grip as he leaned in, loving the new size on the chief. His package wobbled as he moved to the side as Jefferson recovered slightly from his body nearly doubling in size. The squirrel slid one of his own thick legs over the hairy midsection of the mouse and began to straddle him.

Once he was in a good position, he leaned in and began to rub on the thick and powerful chest of the mouse. He slid his palms over the throbbing nubs that crowned Jefferson's pecs and dug his hands deep into his muscles to rub at them. As he was doing so, his face grew closer to the hairy, musky chest on the mouse and he started to bury his face into the mounds while grinding his firm package along Jefferson's abs. He could feel the extra-hairy pecs of Jefferson brush along his face and cheeks as he slipped his tongue between the fuzzy mounds.

He couldn't help himself. Vincent started to hump and grind along the firm abs on Jefferson, rubbing his thick and bulging package along his tight muscles. His groin rubbed and pressed into the larger mouse's body as he worshiped at the huge muscles and pecs on the mouse, taking in deep, deep breaths as he did so. He gasped out in pleasure, sighing happily as he buried his face further into Jefferson's musky chest.

Suddenly, the hulking mouse gripped his large arms around the squirrel and rolled over, sliding off the weight bench until they were both on the floor. Now Vincent was trapped and pinned under the massive, muscular form of Jefferson and unable to get out.

"Now it's your turn to feel the burn, Vincent." Jefferson retorted in a deep, hulking voice.

The squirrel struggled, pressing up hard at the muscular mouse. His body was sweating hard as he grunted and huffed to try and get the massive weight off of him. He wasn't succeeding at all in getting Jefferson off of him, but his squirms were succeeding in him further grinding his body along the chief's hairy front. His hands gripped onto Jefferson's nipples again, squeezing them tight as he pulled and tugged on them while he continued his grind. He was starting to focus more on enjoying himself then trying to get out from under him.

Vincent huffed out again as he took another big whiff of Jefferson's musk as he pulled and grinded upon him. His own bulging package was no longer able to be held back by his gym shorts, and with a powerful and loud rip that was muffled by the sheer wall of beef that was surrounding him, the squirrel's junk was freed as well as he slid his thick masculine cock along the ridges of Jefferson's abs and underside of his chest.

Now Vincent was more focused on getting off then enjoying himself anymore and he pressed tightly onto Jeff's body to squeeze his cock tightly along his muscular form. Jefferson was enjoying those sensations immensely, flexing his thick arms around the squirrels head, making his biceps press against his ears and skull. The mouse's thick, swollen, vascular body continued to grind back on Vincent's thrusts and grips, pushing him further down into the gym floor. Harder and harder he grinded into the squirrel under him, sliding his cock along Vincent's own for them to frot and throb together.

Vince couldn't handle it anymore. He gasped out and slid his cock upward, pressing it tight into Jefferson's pecs and then began to unload. His balls slapped and bounced as his dick pulsed into Jefferson's pecs, coating the inside of his muscular mounds with his thick, white seed. Every gush matted into his hairy chest, sticking his chest hairs together as Jefferson flexed and bounced his pecs to milk the squirrel as he fired. Jeff just grinned down at him as he gasped out and unloaded, soaking his chest with cum as he made the squirrel unload.

As the squirrel worked Jeff's pecs and his own cock, Vincent could feel his body start to shake. A cocky grin formed on his face as he knew he was about to match Jefferson's size with his own. Unlike the mouse, he knew what it was like to grow larger and more masculine, and he loved the thrill of it. The hair sprouting along his body, the deepening voice, and the utter rush of becoming a more masculine male.

He grunted out, feeling his chest push out and meet with Jefferson's own. Vincent's chest was starting to match the size of the mouse's, inch for inch and in thickness as well. His back began to bulk upward as well, pushing him off the gym floor and upward back to the face of the mouse. As soon as Vincent was face to face with the hulk-sized mouse, he brought his face and muzzle towards Jefferson's own and began to kiss him deeply. Their tongues slid together, sliding along each other's face as they made out, gripping tightly into each other's muscular forms as Vincent's was growing to meet his.

Vincent was pressing his waist onto Jeff's now. His dick slipped out from between the mouse's pecs and began to frot with it's partner once more. Their thick cocks pressed together, rubbing and grinding along their fronts as they pressed them together. Their heavy balls swung and bounced into each other as Vincent thrust's continued upward into the muscular body of Jefferson.

Once Vincent felt his legs grow under the muscular mouse, he kept the deep kiss locked on him, but then wrapped his thick legs around Jefferson's thigh and rolled him over again.

"First pin fucks the loser." He said, starting an impromptu wrestling match with the chief.

"You're on, bottom." Jefferson shot back and pressed his chest forward, smacking the squirrel in the face with his nubs. He then grabbed Vincent by the head and rubbed his face all along his hairy chest. He smirked the entire time, bouncing his chest along Vincent's head, but he didn't have the advantage for long.

Vincent soon gripped along Jefferson's thick waist, squeezing his midsection tightly and rolled himself and the mouse along the gym floor. His own juicy pecs were grinding along the muscular policeman's thigh before he soon had a solid grip on Jefferson's legs. He started to grind Jeff's body along his own once he freed himself and leaned in once more to get a solid grip around the mouse's neck. Once he had him, he pressed Jefferson's face right into his hairy, musky armpit and grinded his face along the crevice.

Jeff recoiled slightly, his sensitive nose getting a full serving of Vincent's manly aroma. Sweat was dripping from the mouse's brow as he was kept in that hot embrace under Vincent's arms. It took some squirming, but he was soon able to free himself and slide along Vincent's front so he was looking over the squirrel again. He hugged tight around him, squeezing their pecs together in a tight embrace.

"That how you fight crime, hero?" He teased.

"You should see it someday." Vincent taunted back.

The mouse slid forward, locking his lips and muzzle with the squirrel again. The pair began to make out sloppily once more, sucking and slurping on each other's faces as their powerful forms rolled along the gym floor and knocked into more exercise machines, pushing them over. The mouse continued to squeeze their pecs together, their throbbing nubs jutting and jousting for position as they rolled and pressed.

Jefferson continued gripping and groping and grinding at the squirrels large, muscular body. His hands rubbed along his firm back, reaching his rump and squeezing Vincent's firm cheeks. The mouse's grinds continued, their cocks rubbing together as he continued to make out deeply with the hero, and their throbbing packages fought for space. However, soon there would be more space between them, as Jefferson slid up, grinding his pecs along Vincent. As he did, his thigh and waist shifted upward, and his cockhead and Vincent's pressed together.

Another firm grind from Jefferson pressed hard on the squirrels cockhead. At that moment, Vincent's length pulsed and throbbed, having his slit open, and then Jeff shoved his cock right into the squirrel's cum tunnel.

"Nggghh...fffghh...the fuck are... you doing?" Vincent said, feeling the sensation of Jefferson's dick sliding into his, but the mouse refused to yield. The next sounds out of the squirrel were gasps of pleasure as Jefferson took his cock and slammed further in, bulging out his urethra as he shoved deeper into his length. Jefferson saw this as his advantage and began to hump into Vincent's cock like it was the squirrel's tight ass.

His powerful thrusts and gushes slammed deeper into the squirrels member. Vincent was sweating hard with the pleasure that was rocking through his body as Jefferson's thick member went deeper and deeper into him. His muscles tensed and throbbed as he held tight onto the humping mouse. The squirrel pressed his pecs together again, their nipples jutting together before he rolled them over again, pushing Jefferson onto his back.

The sudden shock had Jefferson pushed over the edge. A thick torrent of his gooey cum pumped and pushed upward into the squirrel, sliding past his base and filling up his heavy, round nuts. Vincent gasped and snarled, pressing tightly back down onto Jefferson as he unloaded into him, before he had the squirrel flat on his back and his shoulders down. Jefferson was humping upwards still, fucking Vincent's cock, but soon he had him right where he wanted him.

"That's three seconds, I win." Vincent gasped out, having pinned the mouse under him.

The mouse had completely forgotten that they had been wrestling and now Vincent had pinned him and won that little encounter. A blush creeped across his face as he cummed harder into Vincent's length, now realizing he was only adding more cum that was going to be pumped into his ass. He gasped out, his orgasm still going on as Vincent began to grow and bulge out over him, taking the cum he was adding into him to bring it to his own mass. The looming shadow of the midnight blue squirrel was growing larger over him as his muscular mass was eclipsing his own.

Vincent gripped onto Jeff's body after he had bulked out further. His broad hands gripped onto Jefferson's muscular shoulders and soon he forced him onto his stomach. The mouse oofed out as Vincent manhandled him, his cock popping out of the squirrel's with a slick, wet pop as he was turned over. The weight of Vincent was pressing down on him as the squirrel took a moment to adjust himself, getting himself into proper position as his massive tool was lining up with the mouse's ass. Jefferson squirmed under him, trying to get comfortable for what was to come, but soon felt a hard slap around his ass from Vincent's cock.

"Hey, quit squirming, you lost fair and square, and now you're gonna get an ass-full of superhero spunk!" Vincent said, and then slammed his cockhead deep into the muscular mouse's ass.

Jeff's tail shot straight up as Vincent slammed deep into him. He gasped out as he felt Vince's thick tool push further into him, spreading his backside and spearing his insides deeper and deeper. The chief took a few deep breaths, trying to get used to the size sliding into him. Every pulsing throb of Vincent's meat forced his tailhole open wider to take it, making him clench hard on his buddy's dick. Each time a vein passed through, forcing it open wider, he bit at his lower lip and clenched his fists, trying his best to take it all.

Vincent wasn't showing him any mercy. Every thrust, hump, and push drove himself deeper into Jefferson's backside. The giga squirrel rammed in hard, until Jefferson felt the powerful balls of the hero slap along his thigh and backside, telling him that he had hilted into him. Jeff gasped and pushed back, rubbing his rump along the groin of the squirrel, making sure that every solid, throbbing inch of Vincent's cock was within him. He could feel his heart pounding through his dick with how close together they were.

Now that they were together, Vincent began to pull out and slam in, leaving only his cockhead inside of Jefferson's ass as he removed himself, and then slammed in hard each time. Each thrust resulted in a blissful moan from both males as Vincent's massive dick rocked his body with every thrust. Vincent held tightly onto him, gripping onto his shoulders as his gut pressed onto the muscular back of the squirrel and rammed once more. Jefferson could feel his cock pressing out against his belly and chest as he was speared. Even at his size Vincent's cock made a giant bulge in his abdomen.

The mouse clenched tighter, doing his best to catch Vincent's cock inside of him as he was thrusting. The wet, lewd, slaps and pops of the squirrels cock in his ass echoed through the gym as his thick meat pumped deeper and deeper into him. Jefferson's own cock was throbbing and pressed to his pecs, caught under him as he was rubbed along the ground. He had to flex his pecs to give himself some more pleasure as he worked himself, and gasped out again as Vincent's balls slapped into his. He put all his strength into his next firm clench of the squirrel's dick, and finally had enough power to clamp down on every bit of it.

Vincent grunted deeply, his voice shaking the walls around them as he throbbed in Jefferson's ass. His powerful hands gripped onto Jefferson's shoulders as he pulled harder, spreading the mouse's ass as he clamped. A deep huff and another hard grunt came from him before he slammed home once more, and finally erupted.

The two males gripped tight onto each other as Vincent unloaded. Shot after shot of hot squirrel spunk blasted its way into Jefferson's ass, making his firm belly bloat out as over a gallon of seed was shot into him, and that was just the initial flow. The hero's seed continued to gush into him, pushing his gut further into his as their bellies pressed together. Jefferson gasped, practically tasting Vincent's cum as it filled his insides, and feeling it bulge him further while his own dick bounced.

Another hard thrust, and soon Jefferson was blasting as well. His dick spasmed wildly as he orgasmed hard, shooting thick ropes and globs of cum onto both his and Vincent's face. The sticky, thick seed blasted all over them, even sticking into their hairy pecs as they pressed and squeezed together. Their orgasms were soon blowing in time, with Jefferson getting filled by Vincent, and the two of them getting coated in mouse spunk.

As the minutes passed, Jefferson's body began to throb and grow again, absorbing the cream the hero was pumping into him. His powerful muscles pumped and bulged out again, spreading out along his body as he inflated out. He was starting to reach Vincent's thick size as well, and he was pressing out against the hero as they reached the same beefy, muscular size. His legs and arms pulsed with power as thick veins popped on his body, and his body and belly grew even harrier as Vincent filled him.

With one last powerful gush of cum, Vincent emptied his nuts and he panted hard over Jefferson. He grinned and licked some of the mouse's cum off of his face, before reaching down and honking Jefferson's pecs and squeezing his firm nipples. Slowly, making sure that the chief could feel every foot of it, he pulled his dick out. He made sure to throb it every few seconds to make his veins pop, but soon he had it out of the mouse's ass.

The two were panting hard and pressed along each other for a moment longer, before Vincent got back to his feet and helped Jefferson get up as well. Both of them were sweating hard, covered in cum, and releasing a miasma of musk into the air from their firm, sweating bodies. The two males stretched out, pumping and flexing their firm muscles.

"Good workout?" Vincent said, slapping the muscular back of the mouse.

"Good workout." Jefferson replied, bouncing his pecs.

"Let's hit the shower." Vincent replied, "Don't want this solidifying in our hair." He chuckled a bit at that, rubbing a paw through his chest fuzz and sliding out some of Jefferson's spunk.

The mouse agreed, and followed behind the squirrel as they headed for the shower room of the gym. The data from their workout was saved on their wristbands. What neither realized was that Nina had saved the entire thing on video, and had it saved.

The bunny girl snickered. She was going to make a fortune on that sex tape.