Sabhira's Daughter #1 - (Tails of the Khajiit)
#1 of Tails of the Khajiit
Part 1 of Sabhira's Daughter, which is itself the first arc of Tails of the Khajiit.
The origins of Tails of the Khajiit are in a separate story at which is a fanfiction based on Prequel Adventure. But I decided to leave (most) references to Prequel behind with TotK.
As for the story itself, this follows a group of Khajiit and Argonians in Skyrim through various adventures - in particular one named Kitty (yes, I am very original with my naming!). It's lewd, contains nudity (early on I kept them pixellated but later I dropped that and have some seriously raunchy stuff sometimes), some humor, some violence, some sex, lots of totally non-immersive outfits, and some pathos. And Skyrim mods. LOTS of skyrim mods - a few of which are mine, most of which are borrowed but attributed.
Author's Note: Lest there be any doubt, there will be lewdness in this work and it starts right away. Consider this as fair warning. If "Katherine Managan" didn't prepare you, and the title "Tails of the Khajiit" didn't ring any bells, consider your bells about to be rung. This is a continuation of the webcomic at, so you might want to check that out first if you'd like to get some background.
| "...and that was it. Katherine left the Chateau soon after Dahleena was killed. I can't say I blame her though, she was awfully broken up after Sabhira's death. So she went back home and H had a special issue released in honor of Sabhira, which included Katherine's one and only portfolio. But Udaran was a closer friend to Sabhira even than Katherine," said Muz-Ra the Argonian, known to her friends as Red for her unique snout marking.
"Yes, Sabby left everything to me, but she also left me something of a quest. It seems she had a daughter that she'd been sending money to whenever she could," said Udaran.
"Really? A daughter? She never mentioned that to me!" said the Argonian in blue, known unsuprisingly as Blue.
"She didn't like to talk about her past. Apparently the father was, well, not the khajiit that Sabhira originally thought he was," said Udaran. | |
| Kitty, the young and newest member of the group asked, "So what's this quest she left you with?"
Turning to Kitty, Udaran responded, "Well, if ever I get the chance, I'm to see if I can find her and tell her about her mother."
"Do you know where she is?" asked Muz-Ra.
"No. I really have very little to go on. Her father was supposed to be taking care of her, so Sabhira sent money via the caravans. Who knows if it ever found it's way to her father, let alone her daughter?"
"So, are you going to actually go on this quest?" asked Muz-Ra.
"I will. Eventually. I owe Sabhira that much," she replied, "but really I haven't the funds, and Skyrim is one helluva dangerous place. I'll probably try to join a caravan myself at some point."
| |
The young Khajiit spoke up, "I wish I could help somehow, but I'm still pretty new here myself. I know H gives me more than my talent deserves, but it's not very much."
"Thanks Kitty. When I think of all the money I've blown that I could have been saving up... but I'm afraid that's just the way I am. Someday," responded Udaran.
"You know, H would miss you Udie. With Sabhira gone, you're far and away the most popular Khajiit model he has," said Muz-Ra.
"Oh, H will get along fine, and maybe it's about time I get out of this place and do something more with my life," said Udaran, "I figure if I save every dime I can, by next year I should be ready to go."
"Well let me know before you go Udie. I've been getting bored here myself. Without Sabby and Kat, you, Blue and Kitty are about the only close friends I have left," mused Muz-Ra.
| |
| "That would be great Red! I'd love to have your company, and I understand you're pretty handy with a bow too," said the older Khajiit, "I'm sure any passing caravan would love to have you along. I'm afraid that, unless we're attacked by a group of horny middle-aged men, I'd be pretty useless."
Muz-Ra laughed, "That's too bad - that's exactly what I'm good at shooting!"
"You know, it's not going to be like here in the valley. It's darned cold just about everywhere you go in Skyrim, and I don't think they have heated spas like this along the way," said Blue.
"Yeah, but I'll be back. Who knows? Maybe I can convince her to come back with me if I find her." | |
| Blue continued, "I'm not sure Sabhira would approve of that Udie. Let's face it, we don't have a great reputation."
"Oh, reputation be damned, this is the safest place in all of Skyrim. I bet H would be glad to adopt her anyway, being that she is Sabhira's child," said Udaran.
"Which reminds me, how old is she?" interjected Kitty.
"She would be around 20 by now. At least that's what Sabhira's diary implied." replied Udaran.
"You read her diary?" asked a shocked Kitty.
"Oh relax, she read her diary to me! We were... very very close," Udaran said, trailing off quietly. | |
| "Oh, sorry Udie. I didn't know," said the young one.
"That's ok. We didn't exactly tell the whole world. But yes, we were lovers," Udaran admitted quietly.
"Well, it's getting late. I think I'm ready to call it a night. You coming Kitty?" asked Muz-Ra
"Yeah. Well thanks for confiding in me guys. I really appreciate you letting me into your circle," said Kitty.
"Happy to have you Kitty. But we've got a pretty full day of shooting tomorrow so don't stay up late," said Blue.
"YES MOM!" responded Udaran, Muz-Ra and Kitty in unison. | |
| "Oh... sorry," said Blue sheepishly.
"It's ok Blue. You've got the jacuzzi all to yourself now. Have a good soak!" said Muz-Ra with a laugh.
"I will, thanks!"
"Goodnight Blue," said Kitty. "Night Blue," said Udaran and Muz-Ra.
"Goodnight!" responsed Blue as they dressed and turned to go. | |
| From behind the departing friends, they heard a clear "ZZzzzzzzip".
"No peeking Kitty," warned Muz-Ra to the young Khajiit.
"Blue's... awfully shy isn't she?" asked Kitty.
"Shy isn't quite the right word for it." replied the Argonian, "But Katherine once scolded me for saying what I think so I don't think it anymore."
"I kinda wish I'd have met her," Kitty responded wistfully. | |