Sabhira's Daughter #2 (Tails of the Khajiit)

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#2 of Tails of the Khajiit

The continuing story of Sabhira's Daughter - part of Tails of the Khajiit.

| "So, now that you've been here a few months Kitty, what do you think of H's little enterprise here?" asked Udaran.

Kitty replied, "Red has really helped out a lot with learning how things work around here, H and Bhusaran are great to work for, it's safe and all our needs are met. For Skyrim it's really sort of a paradise isn't it? I mean, with all the wierd and dangerous stuff going on outside, it's pretty hard not to love it!"

"Sanctuary," mused Muz-Ra

"What?" Kitty asked.

"It's like a sanctuary from the outside world," answered Muz-Ra, focusing on Kitty. | image | | "I don't think it can last though. Between dragons, monsters and magic, someday something's going to find it's way in here and break the spell H has on this place," Udaran remarked.

"Probably so, someday. But that could be a long way off. For now at least, it's great," responded Muz-Ra, "What is it Kitty? You look like something's on your mind."

"It's just... well, in some ways it's also kind of a prison isn't it?" asked Kitty

Udaran looked puzzled. "How do you mean? We're all free to leave if we want to," she pointed out. | image | | "Oh, it's not that it's not a great environment H has created here," Kitty postulated, "it's just that we're kind of stuck here. We have all we need, so why venture out into the dangerous world outside? But going without danger means living without adventure doesn't it?"

Kitty left Muz-Ra and Udaran to pondered a moment before continuing, I mean, life here, it's almost TOO perfect. We do our photo shoots, we get paid, in between we lounge around. But where's LIFE in that? We're living a plush life, sure, but we don't LEARN anything here."

"Oh, I don't know about that. Just last week I learned how to Stretch Languorously. And Udaran excels in the Sexy Pout!" Muz-Ra responded with a smile. | image | | Kitty admitted, "Silly Red. Ok, on those terms, sure. But one day we're going to have to leave here and what then? Do you know how to farm? How to smith? Anything USEFUL outside of here?" - Kitty

"I'd not go so far as to say the skills we learn here aren't useful! They just have very SPECIFIC uses," countered Udaran.

"And then I have my bow," added Muz-Ra.

Kitty gave in with, "Ok. You're right. Maybe I'm thinking too hard on this. I'm sorry." | image | | "No need for apologies Kitty. It's good to think about the future Kitty. I just think there are more possibilities here than you realize." said Udaran

"Maybe so. I'm afraid I sometimes doubt my... Oh. Hi On-Wanal," said Kitty, interrupted by the sneaking newcomer.

"WHAT? There's no WAY you could have heard me! Dammit Kitty, you're the ONLY person in this whole damn place I've not managed to get a sweetroll out of. And that INCLUDES Bhusaran!" On-Wanal responded.

"You move like an elephant. Just give it up, you're not getting my sweetroll. EVER!" declared Kitty.

"Oh, I'll get one alright. And when I do, I'm going to eat it right in front of your face," On-Wanal promised.

The tension between the two was palpable when Muz-Ra interrupted, "Calm down you two!" | image | | "NO Red. She's a theif, and what's worse, shes BAD at it! I know you guys think it's funny. Well I DON'T." protested Kitty.

"Look Kitty, it's my thing. It's what I do. I steal sweetrolls. Why do you have to be so rude about it?" asked On-Wanal, trying to be reasonable.

Kitty retorted, "Because you SUCK at it! If anything, you should be happy I'm not such an easy mark. I'm helping you improve your craft. Which sorely needs it."

"Fuck you Kitty. I'm outta here," replied On-Wanal as she turned indignantly. | image | | Some time passed silently as On-Wanal left the room.

"You really didn't need to be so harsh Kitty. She takes pride in that you know. Maybe you should just let her take one once," ventured Muz-Ra.

"WHY? Why should I? Is theivery something to be admired around here?" shot back Kitty angrily.

"CALM DOWN Kitty! You're getting all worked up over nothing," added Udaran.

"Hmph... Oh... I guess you're right," admitted Kitty, "She just pushes all the wrong buttons with me."

"You're just tired I think. At least I am. I'm going to bed," Udaran said, switching the subject. | image | | "Can we sleep together in the guard's quarters again Red? It's just too bright out here for me." asked Kitty of the Argonian, suddenly demure.

"Sure! Goodnight Udaran," said Muz-Ra, turning back to the older Khajiit.

"Goodnight Red. Goodnight Kitty," said Udaran.

Kitty replied, "Goodnight Udie. And I'm sorry for making a scene."

"No problem Kitty. Just try and lighten up on On-Wanal."

"Oh... kay," stammered Kitty, not at all convinced she could do so. | image | | "I suppose you're going to sleep in that little nightie thing again?" asked Muz-Ra.

"Sure am!" replied Kitty, "Why, does it bother you?"

"No, but it's a good thing I'm damned straight or you'd have gotten a rude awakening long ago!"

"That's what I'm here for Red, to tempt your sexuality!" responded Kitty sarcastically.

"Most of us just sleep in our outfits you know. Or nothing."

"I know. But this is something I brought with me and it comforts me at night. Long ago it used to fit better."

"Yeah, I guess I can understand that. Well, good night Kitty. I'm going to be out like a light."

"Goodnight Red." | image |