Sabhira's Daughter #3 (Tails of the Khajiit)

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#3 of Tails of the Khajiit

In which Blue makes a discovery.

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| "Red! Red, wake up! It's important!" whispered Blue early in the morning the next day.

"Huh? Oh... Hi Blue. What's up?" asked Muz-Ra groggily.

"I found something Red. Something big," fretted Blue, barely able to keep her voice down.

"Grmph... What time is it?" mumbled Kitty from her bed.

Turning back towards Kitty, Blue replied, "Oh, about 7 in the morning, Kitty."

"7 in the morning? NOTHING important ever happens at 7 in the morning!" declared Kitty as she lay back down. | image |

| "Oh wake up you sleepyheads and listen! I was out early this morning, picking some herbs outside the valley," whispered Blue excitedly.

"At 7 in the morning? What, do you never sleep?" asked Muz-Ra incredulously.

"Actually, not much, but that's not important. What IS important is that I was looking for these herbs that I use in my tea and I noticed something behind some rocks... something sparkly. Turned out it was metal. It was the bands of a chest that had been hidden." said Blue.

"And? Did you open it?" asked Muz-Ra, coming to attention now.

"Yes... Red, Kitty... it's full of gold!" whispered Blue. | image |

| "GOLD?" exclaimed Kitty, suddenly taking an interest.

"Yes. I think it's Dahleena's stash," Blue replied.

"Really? She DID say she had some gold hidden around somewhere outside," stated Muz-Ra, "How much Blue?"

"It's almost full Red. It's a LOT of gold! Red, I don't know what to do."

"Well, first don't tell us any more. Right now you're the only one who knows where it is, and we should keep it that way till we decide what to do," Muz-Ra suggested. | image |

| "We HAVE to tell H don't we?" asked Kitty.

"That's the proper thing to do, yes. What do you think Blue? It IS your find. In Skyrim, posession is 9/10ths of ownership. 10/10ths really. You can just keep it you know," said Muz-Ra.

"I don't WANT it Red. That kind of thing is just trouble. Especially in that amount. As soon as someone knew I had it, I'd be in constant danger. I'm happy here Red. I don't want anything to mess up my life here," Blue responded, somewhat worried.

"Then we need to talk to H and Bhusaran. Kitty, you're the only other person that knows about this right now. You OK with that?"

"Well, dammit, I'd love to be rich honestly. But I guess Blue has a point. Let's see what H and Bhusaran have to say. They've always been straight with us before."

"Ok - but till we talk to them, don't say anything to ANYONE," stated Muz-Ra. | image |

| "You sure you don't want to just keep it Blue? If it's too much, I'm SURE me and Red could help you out there!" asked Kitty hopefully.

"NO Kitty. You haven't been here long enough to understand. It's dangerous to have that much gold in one place!" stated Blue, flatly rejecting the idea. | image |

| "She's right Kitty. There are people around here that would slit your throat for a fraction of gold of that amount. Not IN the Chateau mind you, but word gets around," observed Muz-Ra.

"Well... ok," Kitty responded, "Just checking." | image |

| "Um. Kitty, we're going to go find H. You wearing that?" asked Muz-Ra.

"Huh? Oh. I guess not. Give me a second to change." Kitty replied.

"Ok, but lets..." started Blue. | image |

| "Done!" interrupted Kitty.

"How DO you do that?" asked Muz-Ra, incredulously.

"What I want to know is how she gets into that at all, without a zipper!" added Blue.

"Well it's a CATsuit you know. It's a kind of magic. You wouldn't understand. It's a cat thing," Kitty answered mysteriously.

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