Sabhira's Daughter #6 pt 2

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#7 of Tails of the Khajiit

In which Kitty finishes her shower.

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| "Sure Kitty..." Udaran said, passing the soap to Kitty, "So, I ran the idea past H too. He really doesn't approve, but as he said, he can't stop us."

"Other than us being gone from the Tails, what's his problem with it?" Muz-Ra asked.

"He says it's too dangerous. But he did make a suggestion. He thinks we should take Uber." Udaran explained.

"Ubergard? I can't say I'd mind having her along! Think, she'll come?" | image |

| "You know Uber. She'll go wherever H asks her to."

"Yeah. That's true. I'm suprised H would let her though. The guards here are OK but..."

"Well, the way H puts it, it's to protect his investment in us," Udaran concluded, as Kitty got out of the shower. | image |

| "And to make sure we come back maybe?" added Kitty

"If you choose to see it that way, yeah - I guess so. But I can't imagine Uber would try to stop us if we chose not to." Udaran protested. | image |

| "I guess..." conceded Kitty, not wholly convinced. | image |

| "Oh, not wearing the new outfit?" Muz-Ra observed.

Kitty answered, "Naa. Not until I need it. Speaking of outfits, have you considered what to wear on our trip? It's likely to get cold."

"I've been wearing this regularly since Sabhira died. I feel it keeps her memory close," Udaran said, looking down at her outfit, "But I'll bring a change of clothes too."

"I've got some old cloaks I've kept around for a while we can use if it get's too cold," Muz-Ra suggested, adding "and we can always buy some on the way if needed." | image |

| "So, when are we leaving?" asked Kitty, now looking forward to the change of scenery.

"I want to get everything together tomorrow, and then we'll leave at dawn the day after that." stated Udaran.

"Where to?"

"Well, there used to be a caravan just outside the Whiterun gates. First we'll see if they're still there. If not, we'll ask around to see where they were going and see if we can catch up to them. They may not know much, but it's a start."

"Good. I'm ready for a start!" replied the other Khajiit happily. | |