Sabhira's Daughter #16

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#17 of Tails of the Khajiit

In which the Guardian Stones (Standing Stones) are activated and Snuggling occurs.

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| At this point, the four had arrived at the Guardian Stones.

"Sorry to interrupt Muz-Ra, but there they are. The fabled Guardian Stones. It's said each has a power which grants those who invoke it an advantage in their chosen skill. To the Warrior is given enhanced prowess in battle. To the Mage, enhanced magical ability. And to those who use the shadows, enhanced stealth. Long ago I chose the Warrior. I suggest you think about it and choose as well. This is a true boon, rare in Skyrim, with no negative consequences," explained Ubergard.

"Well, I guess it's no suprise which I'll choose," said Kitty.

"Hmm... I suppose Warrior for me. I guess archery is a Warrior skill anyway. What about you Udaran? Fancy yourself a mage in training?" Muz-Ra asked.

"No. Magic's not for me either. But, while I know my way around a sword, I don't think I'm much of a warrior either. I think I'll go with the shadows too," Udaran declared. | image |

| The three stepped up to their respective stones while Ubergard watched them. Together, they touched the stones and felt an odd power instantly run through them.

"Well THAT was weird!" Kitty stated while trying to smooth her ruffled fur.

"You said it Kitty! Though other than a bit of a tingle, I don't feel any different. Are we supposed to Uber?" Muz-Ra asked the lounging Argonian giant.

"It's effect isn't immediate, Red. It comes with time and experience," Ubergard explained.

"Well hell, EVERYTHING comes with time and experience. Are you sure this really does anything?" asked Udaran, unbelieving.

"No." Ubergard admitted. | image |

| Udaran then suggested, "Well, I suggest we get some sleep and get up early tomorrow. But no need to get up at the crack of dawn either. I'd prefer full daylight when we get to Helgen, and everyone wide awake."

"That sounds good to me!" yawned Muz-Ra.

"Awww, we don't get to hear the end of your story?" Kitty asked, disappointedly.

"In time. We have plenty of time," Muz-Ra replied.

At that, Udaran cocked an eyebrow at Muz-Ra, but decided against saying anything. | image |

| "Hey," Muz-Ra said, "anyone want a cloak to sleep in? I've brought along three."

Udaran took one from her, adding, "Thanks Red, I'll take you up on that. Kitty, I guess you've got your stealth-cloak?"

"Yeah, it'll do fine." said the younger Khajiit, "But, um... Udie... mind if I sleep next to you? I sleep best next to someone."

"Hey! What about me?" Muz-Ra asked, feigning indignation.

"Oh, I've pestered you enough. Besides, no offense, but Udaran is sorta warmer than you are."

"None taken," snorted Muz-Ra. | image |

| "And you Uber? Will you even sleep?" Udaran asked of their guardian.

"Yes. My ears are trained, I can sleep lightly and will awaken at the approach of any danger. But I need no cloak. My armor provides me more than enough comfort. Also, the Stones are warded against evil. Few dangers would dare to step within their boundary." said Ubergard, getting comfortable as could be expected given her gear.

"Nice to hear! What about a fire?" Udaran added.

"No fire," the big Argonian warned, "Perhaps if we were in the mountains, but down here it would only attract notice."

"Fair enough," conceded Udaran, respectful of Ubergard's experience in the wild. | image |

| "Oh, you weren't kidding were you Kitty?" said Udaran, a bit suprised by Kitty's... proximity.

"Sorry. I kinda crave physical contact at night." said Kitty shyly.

"Yeah. Me too," admitted Udaran quietly to the younger as she snuggled a bit closer to show her acceptance.

"Oh... OH!" Kitty sat up, "That's right! You're... I mean, I guess this is sorta uncomfortable for you?"

"Naa. It's fine. But if you wake up feeling me licking your neck, you might want to go snuggle with Red. It's been awhile," Udaran admitted. | image |

| "Um... just one thing Kitty," Udaran said a bit hesitantly.

"Oh this? It's my nightie. I always sleep in it. Well... almost always," Kitty assumed, looking down at her skimpy nightgown.

"No, that's not it. It's me. I sleep as nature intended," Udaran explained.

"Huh? You sleep in a tree?" asked Kitty, confused by the euphamism.

"No silly. I sleep nude," Udaran smiled.

"Oh. No problem with that. More fur to keep me warm!" | image |

| All went quiet then, as the group settled in to sleep. Only the sound of the night-birds and a few crickets disturbed the wilderness until...

Kitty sat up, startled at a strange sound. "Udaran? What's that noise?!" she whispered urgently.

"Oh, that's just Ubergard. She snores. Loudly."

Kitty giggled quietly, "'Awaken at the approach of any danger'?"

Udaran invisibly nodded, "As long as it's a mammoth and it trumpets first." | image |