Sabhira's Daughter #19

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#20 of Tails of the Khajiit

Battle at Helgen Pt. 1

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| "Who are you that you think you can kill one of our number with impunity Khajiit?" asked a voice from beyond the wall.

"I am Udaran, friend of Sabhira who was once the mate of Hasskir. I had wished only to talk to him. Your dead Orc insulted us."

"Sabhira? We remember Sabhira, but we don't know you. Bring her out so we can see her for ourselves," commanded the voice.

"Sabhira is dead. We sought only to find Hasskir and Sabhira's daughter." | image |

| >"Did you know she was our communal whore?" probed the unseen voice, "Oh, I see that disturbs you! Oh yes, we passed her back and forth like a bottle of cheap mead. Until she escaped. She left some of our company mutilated. We are no friends of Sabhira."

"Her past is not our concern. Where is her daughter?" Udaran asked directly. | image |

| Ubergard spoke quietly to their leader, "Beware Udaran. This strikes me as a trap. They are stalling for something."

"Keep an eye out for archers," Udaran responded to the others. | image |

| "Who knows? Hasskir sold her to some whorehouse in Markarth years ago." said the voice from beyond the wall.

"What proof can you offer? Where is Hasskir?" demanded Udaran in reply. | image |

| "Hasskir will be apparent soon," the voice replied.

"You threaten us?" roared Udaran, understanding the menace of the phrasing. "We've already killed one of your band! It would be trivial to kill the rest. You are alive only because we have not yet assaulted this ruined town." | image |

| "Perhaps. Your archer is skilled. We will not understimate her again. However, we have some skill ourselves. We are not quite the barbarians you presume."

"Bring us Hasskir and we will leave you in peace!" Udaran offered once more.

"UDARAN, UBER! BEHIND US!" Kitty shouted as suddenly four bandets lept from behind a rock.

"Cloak Kitty! Red, get behind us!" Udaran ordered as she and Ubergard turned around to face the threat. | image |

| Kitty disappeared while one of the bandits, obviously a mage, cast a spell quickly at Muz-Ra which the Argonian barely avoided.

"Look out! They have a mage!" shouted Udaran. | image |

| "No shit!" Muz-Ra spat back as she sent an arrow at the mage that missed only due to an unexpected dodge.

Meanwhile Ubergard had engaged two of the fighters while the third took on Udaran. | image |

| While Udaran had some skill with a sword, her life had not been dedicated to it and she managed only block the attack of her assailant. While she knew she must be defeated eventually by his superior skill, she was relying on Muz-Ra and Ubergard to help before that happened. But suddenly she heard Muz-Ra call out, "AHH! GODDAMIT. I'm hit!". She turned momentarily and saw the Argonian fall to one knee.

"What!?" yelled Ubergard over her shoulder.

"Archer. From the top of the wall behind us," Muz-Ra grimaced, yanking out the shaft. | image |

| "Holy shit. We can't handle this Ubergard. Any suggestions?" asked Udaran, desperately swinging her blade to block each attack.

"Kill or run. I suggest kill!" shouted Ubergard, and she demonstrated this by neatly dispatching one of her assailants. | image |