Sabhira's Daughter #21 (1 of 2)

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#22 of Tails of the Khajiit

Aftermath (1 of 2)

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| A few minutes later, there having been no sign of any other bandits or return of those who had fled...

"Kitty, can you get down?" Udaran called to the blinded Khajiit.

"What happened to Red?" Kitty asked, ignoring the question momentarily, "Is she..."

"I don't know Kitty. The mage was burning her, then there was a bright light and she was gone. Uber, did you see anything?"

Ubergard, examining the dead Khajiit archer, replied, "No, I was concentrating on the mage." | image |

| Returning to the earlier question, Kitty replied, "Sorry Udie, I can't get down by myself till this clears up."

"Is that him?" Udaran asked Ubergard

Ubergard shrugged, "I believe so... Khajiit aren't all that common in Skyrim."

"What about the person that was talking from inside?" Kitty asked, "It could be that Hasskir is still inside." | image |

| Ubergard looked up to the helpless Kitty, "Before you went blind, Kitty, did you see anyone else inside from up there?"

"Actually no, now that you mention it."

"What are you thinking Uber?" Udaran asked.

"Did you notice that the mage's voice sounded the same as that from behind the wall? I think he was using some magic to throw his voice." said the Argonian.

"So you think this was all there were?"

"That and the fact that Kitty is still alive up there. Either that or the others have fled too," Ubergard reflected.

"Kitty, I'm coming up to get you!" shouted Udaran, now alarmed at Kitty's dangerous predicament. | image |

| "So, is that it? A dead end?" asked Kitty as she was led out of Helgen by Udaran.

"Not necessarily. What the mage said about him selling his daughter to a whorehouse in Markarth. That may not have been a lie. He said it casually, without thought. I don't think he made it up," Udaran said.

"Markarth? So you want to go to Markarth and check it out?" asked Kitty.

Udaran nodded, "Yes. But as always, you're welcome to go back home."

"No way. But what about Red?"

"I have no clue. I guess we could wait here for her a day or two here in case she shows up," Udaran said hopefully, though not really believing it. | image |

| Ubergard disagreed, "I strongly advise against waiting here even for nightfall."

"Do you have any better idea?" Udaran snapped, knowing as she did so that Ubergard wasn't to blame.

"I don't know what happened to Muz-Ra, but I sense she is far away. Maybe not even in Tamriel at all."

"How on earth could you know THAT?" Udaran shouted, feeling tired, sad and helpless.

"My blade, Virgindrung, is... special. I sometimes feel things through her." | image |