Burden of Beasts

Story by PublicEnemyNumber2 on SoFurry

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#1 of Burden of Beasts

A Horse and a Minotaur meet up in the woods to engage in sexual escapades. The Horse is a total bottom, but the Minotaur has a real kinky side.

This might become a series. I'm not sure yet.

They were out in the woods, well away from the rest of the farm, and hopefully away from prying eyes, though part of the thrill came in not in being discovered or watched in secrete.

Star was an athletic, though slender, Horse Man. He stood on two legs, had a powerful set of thighs, perfect washboard abs and nice round pecks. His arms were muscular though really just in the fit athletic sense. He had red skin, long white hair, and various patches of white skin all over him, including one over his right eye shaped like a star, hence his name.

Star braced his hands against a tree and firmly fought to keep from banging his head into it as Taurus pounded him up the ass.

Taurus was much taller than he was. Towering at 9' high, the Minotaur bodybuilder was a power house beast of burden. His thighs were as large around as some of the trees around them. He had a great set of abs though was more round in that area and lacked what some might call side handles around his waist line. His pecks were like enormous rocks, parted by an impossibly deep groove down his chest deep enough that it was almost fuckable. His biceps were the size of dinner plates, he had great big four arms and gripped his big hands around Star's mid section as he rammed his huge cock up into Star's ass.

"GUAHHHH!!!!" Star gasped out, panting. He could watch the sweat drip down his nose down into the bucket as Taurus's motions rocked him to and fro. The bucket had been filled with the lube they used so Taurus could get it up into him. Now it was empty.

Taurus's cock naturally came up to his pecks, and was almost as thick as one of Star's four arms. As it was now, Star could almost taste Taurus's penis poking up into the back of his throat. "FUHHHHH!!!" Star cried out finally resting his head against the tree. He was holding back the tears as Taurus had his way with him.

Taurus kept right on pounding a few minutes more and finally started to cum. Star could feel it pumping up Taurus's cock as it expanded up into him as if pulsing.

Taurus breathed out a hot breath of relief down onto Star's wet back. The bull then pulled out and Star slowly fell to his knees embracing the tree before falling back and loving the cold feel of the grass against his skin. "Oh man!" Star panted.

Taurus was the less damaged of the two, though his heart was also racing. He was also covered in sweat, despite choosing a cold forest to do their business.

Taurus remained standing up right next to Star a good while. His huge dick hung down almost to his knees lightly dripping a small puddle of excess seed between his legs as he waited. Between Star's legs there was also a puddle comprised everything Taurus had pumped up into him.

It was almost a good half hour later before Star's brains came back to him. Taurus had fucked him stupid. "Oh man...." He said catching his breath. "Next time we're doing this in the meat locker... or I'm bringing a pack of ice." He threw one arm up to Taurus and flexed his fingers. Taurus was a little dense to know what that meant. "Help me up."

Taurus reached down and pulled Star up to his hooves. "Slow, Slowly!!!" Star shouted. But he was up right before Taurus could understand.

Star's ass was stretched out, sore, and looked like a swollen balloon knot. He attempted to walk around and cringed every now and then he felt something sore. "Ahhh... fuuhhh...gohhhh...." He was limping a little.

"You Okay?" Taurus asked in his deep burly voice.

"Yeah ahhhh I'm fine." Star said completing a figure eight while dragging one hoof along the grass.

"Good." Taurus said and then he pulled back a branch and pushed his way through the bushes. "Your Turn."

Star took a moment, mentally noting baby powder for next time, and then followed. As per their agreement, you do me, I do you, Star tried to fire himself up and pushed his way threw the bushes as well. "Hay I'm not sure I'm up for....." Star's eyes lit up.

Taurus was tightening the belts to a leather zipper mask around his neck, and then he tied up the laces in the back, tightened the belts along the side of his snout. There were more parts to be to his mask that he didn't bother fastening but those would have sealed his mouth shut and he wasn't sure Star wanted that yet. So he laid down on the ground over two large pieces of wood that looked like they were rail road ties at one point. His neck and two wrists lined up with holes in the top plank, and his ankles lined up with holes in the bottom plank. He laid there and then uttered, "I Been A Bad Minotaur," then zipped his mouth shut and laid there to get cozy.

The smile slowly came across Star's face. "I can see that!"

Star stepped into the forest opening and started to walk around it a little. As he did he mistakenly stepped onto a moss covered trap door, which thankfully did not open. The weakness beneath his hooves startled him though and he realized there was a handle to open it next to him, which he gripped onto and had to stop himself from pulling the thing on impulse. That would have been stupid. He stepped off of the trap door and with his hoof scraped some of the moss away revealing some letters carved into the stone. They read, "Bad Minotaurs Belong in Mazes." And had an etching of an angry face beside it.

Star circled round and found the other half of the stockade laying beside the bull on the floor. They were hinged to snap shut at the side. Star bent down and attempted to lift the hunk of wood. It was much much heavier than he was expecting though. "Oh my god!" He gasped but was able to get it up at a forty five degree angle. Resting the beam of wood on his shoulder and lifting it from there helped. He got it up past the one eighty and let gravity do the rest. It snapped shut around Taurus's ankles. Star then came around to slide the padlock through... but even the padlocks Taurus had laid out he found to be enormously heavy. "Holy crap! This thing is like a dumbbell! What is this thirty pounds!?"

Taurus shook his head and grunted.

Star then came around to the other stockade and put his back into closing that one too. It snapped shut around his wrists and throat and Star came around with the other padlock. "Awww it's one now," Star said, "You're locked in. Didn't tell me the safety word... and is that a flogger I see?"

Star reached down and picked it up. Sure enough it was a leather flogger which had a nice long handle and beautiful long leather straps sticking out the end which Star let drape across his hand. He held the flogger over Taurus's chest and let the straps lightly tickle up against his thighs, and chest. "Why yes I do believe it is."

Taurus nodded in approval.

"Now the good news is," Star said hesitant to proceed. "I'm not in the mood to have you suck me." And he knelt down to Taurus's mask where a very wide belt came out like a piece of elastic at the top of Taurus's snout, right between the eyes. Star pulled it, looped it through his big gold nose ring and connected it to its counterpart under Taurus's chin. "So we won't be needing that."

Taurus huffed out two big bursts of steam from his nose, flipping his gold nose ring up a moment like a door knocker.

Star took this as sass. "And I hate it when they look at me like that." He said, now zipping Taurus's eyes holes closed.

"Emmmmm...." Taurus groaned.

"Now get up." Star commanded.

Taurus shook his head and grunted out a firm No. "Emm Emmm."

"Now Get Up." Star repeated.

Taurus repeated himself. "Emm Emmm!"

Star sighed and knew what Taurus wanted him to do now though he really didn't want to have to. He wound up his pitching arm and smacked the flogger down against Taurus's chest as hard as he could.

"EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" Taurus shot up with muffled screaming.

"Now get up!" Star yelled.

Taurus was leaned forward with his back off the ground only. He shook his head and grunted, "Emm Emmm!"

So Star slapped the flogger across his back.

Taurus leaped to his hooves but was now in a squatting position. His head was posed as if on high alert. You could tell even through the mask that his eyes were opened as wide as they could go. His ears were flipped up intently listening to his surroundings.

"I said Get Up!" Star shouted.

Again Taurus shook his head No and grunted a panicked "Emm Emmm!" So Star swung the flogger across Taurus's ass! Taurus leaped up straight. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!"

Star came around to the front of him and poked the tip of the flogger into Taurus's chest as he spoke. "You've been a Bad Minotaur, Haven't You!"

This time Taurus shook his head in agreement. "Emm Emmmmm!" His cock was once again getting really hard.

"Oh what's this?" Star said sliding the tip of the flogger under the front of Taurus's great big cock. "You want me to flog you in the dick?" He said rubbing the end of the flogger up to pleasure his cock.

Taurus's eyes really lit up at that. This time when he shook the whole top stockade NO!!! as he spoke. "EMM EMMMM!!! EMMM EMMMMM!!!!" He moaned it out firmly!

"I think you do." Star said with half a grin on his face. "I mean you got your dick out stretched before me." The whole time he was saying it he was tapping the end of the flogger up against Taurus's cock as if slapping a ping pong ball exciting Taurus even more.

"EMMM EMMMMM!!!! EMMMM EMMMMMM!!!" Taurus moaned. And then he extended himself to make his cock a better target.

Star's grin widened, then he smacked Taurus square across his cock.

"EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" Taurus moaned out, then fell to his knees and crouched down planting his gold nose ring down in dirt. This also presented his ass as a nice big round target for Star to hit.

Star hadn't struck Taurus that hard across the cock. He loved Taurus's cock too much to ever want to hurt it. The bull's actions had clearly been exaggerated as he didn't hit him in the nuts. Taurus clearly just wanted him to smack his ass again. Which he did.

"EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!" Taurus moaned out.

"Now Get Up!" Star yelled.

Taurus complied and was once again standing firm and erect. Star pressed the tip of the flogger up under the bull's chin. "Now a little bird told me, Bad Minotaurs Belong in Mazes."

Taurus shook his head a nervous, fidgety, No.

"So I want you to hop forward." Star said and flogged Taurus once again across the ass.

Taurus hopped forward. "Once more," Star said and again flogged the bull across the ass. Taurus hopped forward again and again. And they repeated this process until Taurus was standing square on the trapdoor to the maze.

"Now turn around." Star said... and as he did so he felt his hoof push down on something metal. Taurus leaped around little by little and Star reached down to pick it up. "Huh, these must be the keys to those padlocks." He said picking up the big metal ring. Taurus completed his turn, and Star looped the ring down over his big cock. "Now you hang onto those."

"EMMMM!?!?!" Taurus moaned. The fucking idiot could have at least the ring onto one of his horns. He shook his head to try and indicate as such. "EMMM EMMM EMMMM!!!"

Star miss read this as wanting one last slap across the cock which he obliged this time swinging it as hard as he could in case his previous love slap hadn't been enough for the bull's fancy. The flogger Wooshed! And slapped Taurus against the cock.

"EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" Taurus moaned out for all to hear. This time dropping to his knees for real. "EMMMMMMMMM!!!!" He moaned out in pain seeking to caress nuzzle his dick up against his nose.

Star stood to the side, his hand wrapped around the handle. "Now you stay hard in that maze now. Don't want you dropping the keys on me... not that I don't like you this way."

Taurus's eyes lit up, his ears stood on end. His head shot up and turned to Star shaking NO NO NO!!! "EMMM EMMM EMMMM!!!!!"

Star pulled the lever and down Taurus fell straight into an abyss of darkness. "EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" BANG!!!!!

The maze from what Star could see looked to be an old kind of ruin with moss, slime, and tree roots ripping away at all the brick walls and cobbled flooring. Taurus fell a good thirty feet. Star reasoned that a lot of the walls didn't actually touch the ceiling of the maze and most were curved or in a state of falling or collapse. He could see a few support columns built in, what seemed to be an evenly spaced pattern and the walls built around them.

"Hay Taurus!" Star yelled down.

Taurus painfully moaned back up to him.

"Maybe next time you suck me off first, sound good?"

Taurus moaned up to him still apparently in pain from his cock flogging.

The gears completed their cycle and the maze doors automatically shut closed and locked that way.

The handle Star gripped hadn't returned to it's up right position so he grabbed hold and turned it upward, only to find the metal inside the housing was so rusted that the rod broke clean off. "Uhhhh...." He held the handle up examining it. The metal had wore away with the ages and bent, making a repair job unlikely.... "I hope that wasn't important to getting him out..." And then it dawned on him. He really didn't know where the maze exit was. Upon looking around him he couldn't seen any signs of one, nor had he heard of one being on the property... "Well there must be one somewhere." He said to himself.

Resting the broken handle on the maze entrance he left, still holding the flogger in hand. He'd had enough fun for one day. Now it was time for the long and painful walk of shame back to the farm. Maybe someone there would know.

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