Scents and Spillage (Part one)

Story by Toilet paper on SoFurry

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#1 of Scents and Spillage

Big Mac accidentally becomes even bigger. Luckily there's a use for such hefty horses

Big Mac stared at the trees, impressed. Twi's growth formula had definitely worked. The apples were far bigger and juicer, there were many more of them, and the trees were producing the apples in higher and faster quantities. Interestingly enough, Mac thought, the trees themselves were thicker and beefier it seemed, but not by much, and were not much taller either. He examined all the dropped and broken apples on the ground as well, and noted they had even more seeds than normal inside the apples. That was a slight negative, but the benefits outwighed any shortcomings immensely. He decided to take Twilight up on the offer of more of the stuff. He wrote a letter about how he would get it, and of course Twilight magicked the entire vat and pull cart to the Apple farm within a day, refusing to accept any of Mac's money as payment. "I made the stuff with you in mind" she insisted.

Some time passed, the fertilizer remaining very effective, even in small doses. The Apples were producing more than they ever thought possible.

With Mac going out every morning to spray the trees, their orchard was starting to look like a rain forest. The cart and its tank was easy to pull for a strong workhorse like Big Mac, and the hoses simple to operate. The only thing one had to be careful about was spilling it on yourself, it may cause cramps and stiffness. But ESPECIALLY, said Twilight in her mail, don't drink any of it. "If something gets spilled" Twilight said, "contact me and Spike will fly you to the castle so I can help you out". The dragon had become almost full grown, even though the Apples hadn't seen him in a while.

The family was careful, and heeded the warnings. But when working with heavy machinery, things may go wrong.

As they did in early fall, when Mac was nearing up spraying the farther corners of the orchard, on a very windy early morning. He pulled the wheeled vat up towards the tree, not really thinking about anything in particular besides the job at hand. The big stallion had no trouble yanking the tank around, and was feeling particularly energetic, if anything. He aimed the spray nozzle around the roots of the tree, which he did by hitting switches with his hind legs, and sprayed the growth formulas. This particular tree was one of the biggest in the orchard; the apples were the size of watermelons. As Mac yanked the cart to the backside of the tree trunk, a wind gist came up causing an apple to fall from near the top of the tree, landing on the metal spray nozzle, denting it.

Mumbling curses, Mac unhooked himself from the pull harness and turned off the machine. Walking to the back where the nozzle was, he noted how the apple had cracked the pressurized seal at the base of the sprayer. Luckily, he had replacement parts. Sealing the release valve with a wrench, he removed the sprayer nozzle and retrieved a spare. Apples kept falling from the tree due to the wind, hitting the sturdy 6 foot tall workpony and making the normally quiet pony grumble to himself. He quickly replaced the nozzle and walked back around to the front of the machine, getting walloped by another apple as he harnessed himself back up and turned on the machine.

"I gotta get me a hard hat" thought Mac as more wind came up, dropping apples all around him and on the machine. They made a loud bonk as the hit the top. Mac, now not in the best of moods, moved across the rest of the row of trees, not noting for a minute that the nozzle wasn't spraying anything.

Mac simply sighed as he noticed the fertilizer was not spraying. Neglecting to turn off the machine or even the sprayer, he walked again to the back of the machine to check what the problem was.

"Mac, you are dense sometimes" he thought, noting that he simply hadn't turned on the safety valve when he replaced the nozzle. Not thinking, he neglected to close the sprayer nozzle or turn off the machine, as he wrenched open the safety valve in an irritated manner.

Immediately the nozzle shot the formula all over his neck and chest, which immediately caused the cramping Twilight warned him about. He tried to back away but was stiffened by the effects of the spray, collapsing to his front as it continued to shoot all over his head. Mac tried to keep his mouth closed because he was told not to drink it, but the big workhorse couldn't avoid it when the pain of the cramps got to him. As his temporarily frozen cramping muscles kept him unable to move, Mac got a facefull of the stuff for almost a minute. Luckily, the wind shifted, giving him a monetary respite to scoot away and get his bearings. Mac knew he had gotten a lot of the stuff up his nose and in his mount, and had unavoidably swallowed at least some of the spray. He turned off the machine, giving the nozzle a wide berth, and ran back to the farm, trying to stay calm.

Shooting pains ran through his body as he ran, which would cause him to stumble. Mac also felt a constant throbbing in his crotch area, but that one was, if anything, kinda pleasant. It felt like he was swelling up in his balls, but didn't have time to be concerned about that issue. Finally getting back to the farm, he ran over to Applejack who was getting ready to prune some trees and gasped "Call Twi".

"Call Twilight? Why?"

"I got -ow- got the stuff on me"

"Mac! How! What happened?"

"Just go get 'er I'm in pain here"

As her brother collapsed to the ground with another cramp, she ran off to send a letter through magic to Twilight. Within minutes, she sent potions and told Mac to drink them immediately. Applejack ran out and made her struggling brother drink all of them. He quickly recovered, and stood up, panting.

"You alright, Mac?" Applejack asked, concerned.

"Yeah...that stuff helped. Thanks."

"What happened?"

"Long story short I messed up. Turned it on when I shouldn't have".

"You didn't drink any, did you?"

"Um...a little by accident."

"DANGIT, Mac! You didn't say that initially!"

"I had other things on mah mind!"

"I didn't say that in the letter, I just said you spilled it on yerself. I gotta send another one."

"I feel better now though."

"You remember what Twi said. Just stay here."

Applejack ran off back in the house, leaving Mac to stand there in the field. He wasn't cramping anymore, but the throbbing in his crotch and balls had tripled. He looked at his own nuts and could visibly see them swell up! Mac knew his reputation as a well endowed stallion, but his balls were far bigger than they had ever been, going from their normal size of a large apple, the the watermelon-sized apples the farm was currently producing. He watched in horror as his sheath grew as well and his dick dropped down, visibly thickening as well and already dripping pre.

"JAAAAAAACKS!" he yelled, and ran towards the house, his ever expanding nuts slapping against his legs and his hardening cock flopping nearly to the ground.

As he yelled his sister's name again, she ran out the door and met him halfway, giving Mac another curative potion which he greedily sucked down. To Mac's relief, he felt the growth stop and stood there panting.

"You f-feeling better, Mac?"

He could only nod in response.

"Twi told me what was gonna happen to ya...what I just gave ya she says only stops physical expansion of yer...uh, genitals, but yer gonna be...well...kinda overly productive and overly lustful for a while...she doesn't have the potion for that type of...anti-fertilization laying around. Why would she with so few males and the population of Equestria going down and all."

Mac accepted all this info, but he did so while staring at what had happened to his dick and balls. Mac's nuts were larger than watermelons now, pushing his legs apart and hanging halfway to the grass, even though the skin of his sac remained quite taut. His dick had formerly stretched to the lower third of his ribcage, but now came all the way to very nearly his forelegs, and had thickened up considerably, with the flare on the tip being larger than a dinner plate. Precum dripped out at a consistent rate.

Mac looked up and stared at his sister in embarrassed silence.

"Did, uh...Twi say what to do about this?"

"She said you're gonna be in quite the mood for a while...she tells me the drug works on increasing the fertility of our apples, so they put more energy into producing their fruit and did the same to you. It will make ya feel "overly lustful", she says. Mac? Mac? You listening?"

But the big stallion's eyes had started to glaze over. He tried to shake off the feelings running though his drug addled mind, but was having a hard time of it. Mac's cock bounced, as what little formula he had swallowed made him need release. He felt the desire to breed overwhelm him. He no longer saw his sister on front of him, rather only a female not yet bred.

Applejack, heeding Twilight's warnings, knew it was about to get messy and quickly turned and kicked Mac in the head, intending to knock him out. It took two tries, but she succeeded, the big red horse falling to the ground.

"Sorry big bro" she thought to herself, " but ya ain't in yer right mind right now."

It took some effort, but she was able to drag Mac's limp body to the barn, where she chained him up to the strongest support beams by his harness and back legs. Applejack started feeling dizzy and needy as she did this task, correctly assuming Mac was putting off some sort of strong mating musk. It increased in intensity as Mac stirred as she secured the sat chain. Trotting out of the barn, she locked the door behind her, feeling heat coming on already.

"Fuck me, that stuff is potent" mumbled Applejack as she finished chaining up her brother and ran back to the house to rub out a quick orgasm, brought on by the scent of the unconscious horse. She thanked Celestia Applebloom was out with her friends on a camping trip, and Grandma Apple was on a cruise to the tropics for the forseeable future; otherwise all this would have taken some explaining she didn't want to do. Applejack, dripping now, ran to her room and grabbed her best dildo. The thing was average pony length at 17 inches, but thick and ridged. She jammed the thing in her plot, finding instant relief. Applejack rode up and down her toy for a few minutes, each ridge popping in and out of her stretched dripping pussy. She moaned as she roughly but slowly pulled her own behind up and down on the tool, pushing on her clitoris as she did so. Dripping cum stained the floor where she did the deed, forming a puddle by her hindquarters. She quickly achieved orgasm, causing the yellow farm pony to spasm around her black plastic secret, achieving the relief she needed. Right as she came down from her orgasmic high, Applejack smelled that musk again, just a very faint whiff. She grabbed some tissues from the bedside and jammed them in her nose, cutting off the smell. She ran to send another letter to Twilight, amazed that Mac's stench could have become so intoxicating so quickly. After explaining what she had done with her brother, and the stench he was putting off, she sent the letter in the little magic box Twilight had given her. She paced, waiting for the reply, her nose still plugged up. Applejack thought she could hear Mac banging around in the barn, certainly awake by now. Twilight's letter came back soon enough, telling her that simply she mustn't smell the stuff, as it would almost certainly put any female into a mating frenzy. The drug was made so the trees would send out hormones and fertilize each other, and of course put energy into fruit production. The potions she had sent earlier to stop Mac's growth meant that the energy was being redirected to his reproductive systems and hormones, which was why Mac was becoming extra full of sperm and the musk was so incredibly strong.

Twilight explained that Mac needed release soon or the effects may be permanent, including changes in demeanor. A curative drug would take too long to make to avoid this happening, so she, Luna and Spike were going to fly over ASAP to find solutions.

Applejack wasn't sure why Luna was getting involved in this, but was glad Twilight was coming over to help her brother out. Gosh, Applejack thought, of all the stallions who needed a drug increasing their sexual virility, Big Mac was the absolute last one on the list.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was out on a casual flight, just taking a midday stretch of her wings. She lazily circled toward the Apple family farm, swooping low over the trees. Dash noted how much larger their orchard's apples had become, but did not question it, as she knew all about their magical fertilizer gift from Twilight.

Flapping her wings, she headed into the wind toward the barn. Dash didn't know why, but she stopped smelling apples and started smelling something else. It was musky but fruity at the same time, and put Dash in quite a good mood. She followed the scent right to the barn door, wondering just what made her feel so good. She landed and noted just how needy she was all of a sudden, and gave her clitoris a quick rub. Before she could really get going, loud banging from inside the barn startled her. Backing away from the door where she had landed near, Dash thought for a moment, her curiosity and sudden horniness conflicting. Dash decided to try the barn door, at least for a quick peek as to what was banging around (and what was causing that smell), but found it locked. Instead of forcing the door, she quickly flew up top to the hay loft, so she could sneakily peer down and see what was going on. As she popped open the smaller hay loft door, she wondered where Applejack and Mac were- one if not both of them were almost always outside working. A strong whiff of that smell hit her nose, causing Dash to shudder with pleasure. She needed some sort of dick in her, now.

Conveniently for Rainbow Dash, there was one readily available. She peered over the top of the hay loft, and saw Mac squirming around on the ground, his legs splayed out to all sides. The big red male kicked the post as he writhed, his fur matted and dirty from the hay floor and the juices of his own production he was sitting in. He was trying to relieve some of the tension in his overfill balls and erection by running it between his belly and floor, the best he could do with his shoulders and back legs chained to a pole. He had not yet resorted to sucking himself, although he could now reach pretty easily.

However, Dash had no idea what the stallion was doing- to her it looked like he was rolling around on top of a log or something, but she was more concerned as to why he was chained up in the first place. Dash tried hard to put her hormones aside as she quickly flapped down to the barn floor.

Mac noticed her and felt a mixture of shame, confusion, and lust.

"DASH NO! Don't come near! A-ahm in a bad s-state."

"I can see that! What's going on, Mac?"

"Nothing. Go and get b-before something bad happens."

As Mac said this, he rolled on his side, his back towards Dash. He just wanted her to go away.

Dash walked closer, concerned, and caught another whiff of hormones as she did so. She blanked for a moment, and thought no longer about helping her friend. Rather, she saw only a big virile stallion in front of her. Dash quit hesitating and grabbed Mac by his shoulders, pulling hard to roll him on his back. As she did so, this of course finally revealed what he had been hiding this entire time.

Dash just stared and gushed cum as she saw Mac's overly large cock and balls. Mac laid on his back, no longer fighting it. Rainbow Dash walked over to the throbbing horsedick, stepping over Mac's upturned face as she did so. Mac immediately licked Dash's dripping pussy as it passed over his muzzle, unable to resist. She shuddered and moaned, her plot more ready to accept dick than it had ever been in her lifetime. She still had so many questions, namely why Mac was chained up and if he had always been quite THIS big, but those fell to the wayside as she stepped away from the upside down stallion and flapped up to the top of the barn again, quickly. Mac, lustful, rolled over and tangled himself in the chains as he futilely tried to follow her.

"No no, I'll be back in one sec, I promise, I just have to clean you off first" she breathlessly panted. Dash knew the Apple's barn well, and quickly found some of their rainwater storage barrels. She rolled them over to the edge of the hay loft and dumped two of them on the hapless stallion, rinsing off all the sweat and dirt.

Dash dove back down, and without really thinking about it, unclasped the chains from Mac's now hopelessly entangled yet much cleaner body, and threw them aside. Mac stood up, his cock throbbing against his barrel, as he stared at Rainbow Dash. Dash stated back at the most desirable stallion in ponyville, very much in the mood and seemingly "enhanced" since she last saw him. As Dash looked at him, Mac looked back at the lithe, quick pegasus, eyeing her slender but very strong frame. They made quick eye contact after looking each other up and down like this. In their heavily hormone- addled brains, it felt like a lifetime, but was more like a half second as Rainbow presented her dripping, needy folds and Mac pounced right on them. He reared and placed his forelegs around Dash's back ones, holding her tight as he pressed his gigantic flaired head to her nether lips.

"AAAAH, Mac, I -nnngh- I don't know why butineedyousobadrightnowbutpleasebe a bit gentle" Dash breathlessly moaned.

Mac heard this plea, luckily for Dash. Nonetheless, Mac simply continued to push on the smaller pony's opening, his cock head rivaling her entire ass. He grabbed her tail in his teeth and jabbed harder, Dash screaming in pain but still wanting it as the scent of Mac's drug-changed state permeated her senses. Her vagina started to accept the massive horse, his flare stretching her out as he slowly slid inward. With a sudden slick pop and one last push from Mac, his cocktip penetrated her outer walls completely and slid into the athletic pony's inviting love tunnel.

Dash felt the greatest feeling she had ever felt when this happened, her nerve endings practically exploding as she threw her head back and screamed in bliss, her legs quaking and giving out from under her. She fell to the barn floor, which made Mac only lean on her farther, his bodyweight pinning her in place. Mac's precum, which had been flowing copiously this entire time, started to mix with Dash's juices and slosh around in her pussy, aiding Mac as he tried to slide even farther inward. The tight pegaus squeezed him like a vise, milking his cock inside her. Her walls contracted and spasmed around him as he slid toward bottoming out. Dash felt like she was tearing in two as an enhanced version of what was already before the thickest and longest pony penis anyone had ever seen pushed her internal walls past their limit. With a monstrous thrust, Mac jammed himself as far as he could inside the smaller pony, crashing into her cervix. Dash felt like the wind was knocked out of her and could barely catch her breath as Mac held himself as deep inside her as he could. Dash had a small orgasm around his cock as he pushed himself as far as she could take him, her vagina stretched to limits she never thought possible.

By this point Mac's head was resting by her neck, his manly panting in her ear and heavy strong chest giving Dash a feeling of security and warmth. Mac didn't move as he stayed deep within her, slowly rocking his hips, giving the female another moaning burst of pleasure as Rainbow Dash stayed limp and full under his sweaty, strong body.

Mac whispered in her ear "Thank you."

Then he stood up and pulled what third of his insanely large cock he had managed to fit inside Dash nearly all the way out, causing Dash to orgasm once again. Sliding slowly back in, the athletic pegasus yelled out her pleasure. Once he bottomed out again, he repeated the process a few times, sliding back and forth in Dash's vagina, his pre lubricating the process. He went slow as possible, knowing his all-out thrusting would really hurt her. Dash could barely move she was so weak-kneed, and was numb below the waist. It felt like the farm pony was trying to push all the way though her body, and looked over her shoulder, panting and wild eyed, to see at least a foot and a half still well outside her as Mac hit her cervix once again. There had to be at least 6 inches to the medial ring, even! Another quick prod at her cervix made Dash tense up again, her eyes closing and her head throwing back, gasping, momentarily distracting her from what she just saw.

"F-uuUUUUUuuucckin' bIIIIg" was all she could manage to moan, while the stallion humped in and out. Her legs were spread-eagled on the floor as Mac leaned into her even more, pushing Dash to the hay. Her jaw hung open, agape, as Mac's slow but firm ministrations caused her to leak copious amounts of cum all over his shaft and the barn floor, orgasming again around the prodigious pony meat.

Mac, trying so hard to show restraint, grabbed and squeezed Dash as he pushed to the base yet again, his tip pressing hard against her cervix. He held the blue pegasus tightly as he pulled her to him, feeling his own cock bulge in her belly. Dash felt absolutely fit to burst as Mac's dick swelled even more. Her wings were squeezed under him as he held her.

"Get ready...MMMggh...gonna...cum" the stallion grunted. Dash was too far gone to even be concerned about him not pulling out. Rather, she closed her eyes and let him take her. Mac held her close as he pushed his tip hard into her cervix, her walls still milking him. Dash continued to squirt around Mac's dick as he held her tight, feeling every vein and throb. The stallion paused, arching his back and planting his feet. He wrapped his forehooves under her shoulders, holding Dash close. He leaned his head down, next to Dash's face as he felt the first wave rocket down his shaft. Big Mac came, and came hard, moaning quietly as rope after rope started to fill the smaller equine. He didn't move, and neither did Dash, as he just let her squeezing wet walls and his throbbing cock do their jobs.

Both were intimately locked tight, Mac's cock throbbing hard in Dash with each squirt. Dash felt the sperm fill her up and pool behind her cervix, getting further locked in by Mac's flared tip. Her belly swelled as the red pony just kept spurting like a garden hose into a water balloon. "Mmmmnnnn, f-fill meeee" Dash moaned as she was stretched, held down on the floor by Mac's embrace and weight. He rested his head by hers and grunted with each new squirt. Cum started to spurt back out around Mac's cock at high pressure, as there simply wasn't any more room in the smaller pegasus. Dash could feel her walls straining to accept the load. She peered out of the corner of her eye at her stomach, watching her trim figure get rounder by the second. She ballooned out the sides, her full belly pressing into the floor. With one final spurt, Mac finally finished, his lower hindquarters covered in the backspray from his own seed. He released Dash from under him and stood back up, his cock barely any softer. He didn't have the heart to tell Dash he was by no means drained; he could feel his balls regenerating the sperm, in fact. As he tried to back up from the nearly unconscious mare, he accidentally dragged her backwards for a second as his dick was still lodged in her hole. Mac rolled her over as he pushed on her butt and pulled himself out, his cock coming out with a loud pop, and a giant burst of cum. More sperm drained out of the mare's stretched hole as she passed out, thoroughly used. Her legs fell to her sides and her still round belly wobbled as she succumbed to sleep. Her wings also flopped to her sides, limp and bedraggled. Mac's flare was still up and he could feel himself getting horny again. Was there no way to get rid of the drug's effects? Would every mare he met go to heat, and him to rut from now on? He hoped Twilight would come to figure this out, as it was her fertilizer that did this.

Even though he had tried very hard to be gentle, Dash still was quite abused. Her stomach was rounded and soft, much unlike her normal athletic figure. Her cervix had trapped a large amount of Mac's load, giving her the look of a mare 11 months pregnant with triplets. Her vagina was stretched wide and the lips pulled thin, to where Applejack's dildo would have fallen in unimpeded. Dash laid on her back, comatose and asleep, as Mac had fucked all the feeling out of her. Mac felt bad at what he had done to her. And he had tried to go so easy on her, knowing his current hyper size and libido. The poor mare was probably going to get pregnant. He also hoped she had felt some pleasure and not just abused; he thought this because he never felt the pegasus' wings stiffen in pleasure. Little did he know this was a myth and he had actually given Dash the time of her life. Feeling the fertilizing drug kick in again, he hurried back to the post and chained himself up again by the feet, so he couldn't act on his desires to fuck Rainbow Dash again in her unconscious state. It wasn't long after he did this that Twilight finally arrived to sort things out.

Twilight, Luna, Applejack and Spike all came through the front door of the barn at once, them having discussed what had happened to their stallion friend and Applejack spending a few minutes finding the right barn door key. They opened it to find a squirming, chained, erect Mac at the far end and a satisfied looking but stretched out Rainbow Dash lying on her back near the middle of the floor. There was semen all over the place near where the pegasus lay and where Mac stood. Mac was actually quite relieved to see them walk in, Spike the dragon catching his eye more than anything else. He had not seen the dragon in some time- Spike had grown so tall his head spines nearly clipped the top of the 20-foot barn door, and had muscles like rocks, with a broad chest and giant biceps. He still didn't have his wings, but luckily could run like the wind due to his strong, long legs. The dragon's snout was much different than when he was a teenager, it had grown out longer and now contained even sharper adult dragon teeth. Spike did not have plugs in his nose, to avoid the scent that Mac was putting out, but the three mares did.

But Twilight, in her usual way, took over the situation immediately.

She galloped over to the stallion, his cock slapping against his own stomach, and passed a small plant clipping across his nose. Mac sniffed it, and it helped the stallion break his horniness for a moment and gain some composure.

"MAC! What happened to Dash here? Did you have sex with her?"


"You've probably made her pregnant, you know."

Mac wasn't sure what to say to this, although he knew it was almost certainly true.

"But don't worry, big guy-" Twilight continued, "that might be a good thing".

Mac snorted and pulled at his chains for a moment before settling down, smelling the plant in Twilight's hoof again.

"W-what?" was all be could force out.

"Here, sniff this so you can relax while I tell you what's up."

Mac obliged, smelling the herb Twilight had now placed on the ground.

"You see Mac, population in equestrian has been way down. It's a real problem. Besides the vastly disparate population balance between mares and stallions, a lot of stallions are infertile as well. So, we have an opportunity here -no keep smelling that, it only works of you keep sniffing- we have an opportunity here with you. You're going to keep producing lots of sperm, insane amounts, for about three weeks. The potion to de-hornify you, as it were, takes longer than that to make, so it's pointless. Therefore we're going to relieve you of your "burden" in a useful way. We are going to use you as a bank to get our population back up to healthy levels again."

"Wait, but ah can't have sex with mares when I'm like this, I was trying real hard to be super gentle with Dash here and I tore her in half anyway. Plus, she barely too a third of me."

He looked over at the blue racing pegasus, who had woken up but was still woozy and was being tended to by Applejack and Luna.

"True, you can't. I would use a shrinking potion, but the side effects of what you're on now and shrinking potions would be...catastrophic. From what I've heard, you're too big for most mares when you're not looking like this anyway. In fact, mind if I get some measurements on how you've grown? For science, obviously?"

Mac nodded his head and tried to be still as Twilight magically materialized a tape measure and got Mac's dimensions in a few seconds.

"Well, you aren't any beefier but you're definitely a about a foot taller now at the shoulders. More importantly, your dick is now 35.5 inches long, and 7.65 inches wide at the ring, meaning it's... 24 inches around. Balls are 12 each in diameter, which means...almost 4 or so gallons per, I think. Wow. What were you before? Any idea?"

Sheepishly, Mac rattled off his "dimensions";

"Uh...23 long, 5 wide, 16 or 15 around or something."


" idea"

Raising an eyebrow, Twilight mentally calculated the percentage increase before saying, "The figures for your, uh, "natural state" aren't at all bad either. The average is like 17, you know".

Mac could only blush, then went back to sniffing the herb as another wave of hormones washed over him.

"Anyway though Mac, we aren't just going to have you screw mares who need kids. We're just gonna collect your sperm to help out mares who want foals and fillies but can't find a mate, or for couples who can't have one on their own. Now, that said, Spike will help collect it; he'll get to that later. But..." said Twilight, and she leaned in close to Mac's ear so only he could hear, "there are certain mares who I know for a fact can take you, or at least are going to try. I also know for a fact they want heirs. To boot, some guests are in town from Clydeston, and I think they'll want to see what kind of specimen we've got in you".

She backed away from Mac, and looked to see Applejack and Dash walk out of the barn, Applejack assisting the weak-kneed Dash. Mac really did feel bad about what he had done to her, Twilight could tell, but she felt bad about what her potion had done to him. Plus, she knew that Dash probably enjoyed getting so fully stretched, if because nothing else the scent Mac was putting out drove her crazy.

She turned to Spike, who was still standing by the barn door, his eyes a bit glazed. She noted Spike trying to curtail the development of his own erection.

"Okay Spike, you know what to do. Have fun. Luna, will you be coming back?"

"Oh, most certainly, we will, dear Twilight. It has been a while since I've been ravaged".

With that, Luna flew out of the upper hay loft and off back to the castle.

"Mac...have a good time, buddy."

Glancing at the smirking Spike once more, she sauntered out the barn doors and locked them behind her. Casting a spell so Mac's insane scent couldn't drift off and drive the whole town into heat, she flew back to the castle, waving bye at Applejack and the bloated Dash seated in the kitchen of the Apple's home as she did so.

That left Spike, who served an important duty but was also here for fun.

This solution, of course, had been his idea.

"Hey, Mac" the hulking dragon said. His thick, stubby, ridged dick spilled out of his hiding space in his scales as he walked over to the overproductive stallion.

"Long time no see, Spike."

"Yeah. I've missed you."

"Same here. You've gotten a lot bigger since I last saw ya. Dick and all," he chuckled. "More muscles too."

"So have you", the dragon chuckled.

Mac laughed at this, still sniffing the herb Twilight left him to calm him down. Spike grabbed the herb and threw it to the side, then popped off the chains and sat down next to Mac. The huge dragon's pecs were at Mac's eye height, the pony having to look up to make eye contact with Spike. Mac glanced quickly at the dragon's exposed dick, but was almost immediately distracted from the sight, as the dragon quickly reached his right hand under the pony's stomach and grabbed the base of Mac's huge, throbbing, needy erection, his claws not quite able to touch on the other side of his thick dick.

As Spike stroked him back and forth lovingly, all the way from base to tip, Mac moaned in pleasure and a few spurts ran out the end of his cock.

Spike talked to the big workhorse as he stroked him.

"You know me, you big lug. You know I needed you back at some point. I know you go both ways, just screwing anything, mare or male that moves. But I can't do that, because not only do I scare away mares, the males I DO get are too puny. That's when I heard you got huge all of a sudden, I had to try it out. I needed to be a little dragon dominated by a big stallion once again."

As Spike gave him another squeeze, Mac moaned and squirted another pint across the barn floor. He remembered his and Spike's first few "rolls in the hay" back when he was still a teenager.

"Luckily for me too," the dragon continued, "I can send your sperm to all the sperm banks the same way I send Twilight's letters. By putting them inside me. That clever mare routed transportation spells out from my asshole."

Mac smiled, finding this funny.

"So, you beefy stallion, you feeling like you need to fuck something?"

Mac looked Spike in the eyes and said "Eyup", then moaned as Spike rubbed him just the right way again. Spike released Mac's dick as the stallion quivered in pleasure.

"Good, 'cuz I need to get fucked. But first, and Twilight told me not to do this-"

Spike reached back behind him, detaching something from a small clip above his tail. He brought out the little device, showing it to be a shot of some kind. Before the pony could argue or question what was up, Spuke poked Mac with a syringe in the shoulder and pushed the shot into him. Spike backed away and stood, licking his chops as Mac cursed and cramped up again, suddenly growing in size. He doubled over as his muscles bulged and his bones lengthened, the horse growing another two and a half feet, his cock and balls getting bigger but staying the same proportion to his body as they were before.

Mac cursed again as he stopped growing after a few seconds.

"SPIKE! WHAT WAS THAT FOR! That hurt!" he yelled.

"Look, I didn't want to hurt you, but I couldn't resist the thought of an even bigger and beefier Big Mac. I mean, look at you, you're a Clydesdale at this point."

Mac looked at himself, and saw how his chest had gotten thicker and more defined, his shoulders wider and bigger, and his hind legs looked like they could kick through concrete.

"Okay, I look like the best stud ever, but will it wear off?"

"All the stuff you're on will wear off soon enough, babe."

"Don't call me babe. What did you'd stick me with, anyway?"

"Oh, well Twilight sent you a potion so you wouldn't grow in size, but she didn't send the dick-grow one until a bit later because you forgot to tell her you swallowed the spray too. I just deactivated the anti-muscle potion in your blood for a few seconds."

Mac stared, head cocked to the side, at the smarmy dragon in front of him. His annoyance almost outweighed his horniness for the dragon.

Spike looked at Mac's massive throbbing erection, pre pooling on the floor, Mac's dick slapping into his ribs. He walked over to the pony and kneeled down in front of him, now about eye level with Mac.

"You still annoyed with me, huh big boy?" Spike teased. "You're upset with little Spikey?"

"Eyup" said Mac, stoic.

"Well then..." Spike said, turning around to go to his hands and knees, Spike's erection poking the hay, his firm ass displayed at Mac.

"Why don't you come punish me?"

"You asked for it, bud" snorted the gargantuan stallion as he walked toward the needy dragon. Spike hiked his tail back as Mac planted his feet on Spike's hips. The stallion's nearly four foot, thick, dripping breeding stick pressed up against Spike's hole, Mac wiggling around to smear pre in it and lube up the muscular dragon.

"Hey Spike"

"Yeah?" said the dragon, peering over his shoulder.

"You cleaned out?"

"Of course I am!" I don't want you sticking yourself in my crap!"

Mac backed off Spike's hips, shaking his head.

"Don't trust ya."

"Oh, come on. You've done this before."

"I know. Spread 'em"

Spike sighed and reached back to his cheeks, opening them up so Mac could peer down his anus. The dragon laid there with his butt in the air, chest and chin on the ground, annoyed that Mac made him do this again. "Just the one time..." he grumbled.

"You almost finished with your inspect-HEY!"

Spike yelled because Mac had sneakily dragged over the chains he himself had been tied up with, and clamped them around the dragon's wrists, under his belly. Spike pulled his wrists back to sit on his elbows and roll over, but couldn't quite do it before Mac snapped his right leg to the nearest support pole.

"You dumb red prick! Undo these!"

"No. This is what you get for poking me with needles."

Spike tried to move, but Mac had already clamped his left ankle, and was busy dragging the chain across the floor to attach to a support post on the other side. Spike laid on his elbows in a half-excited, half annoyed silence. His dick remained hard as ever, laying under him on the hay as he waited for the studly, musky stallion to do whatever it was he was going to do to him. He noted Mac's scent was still as strong as it had ever been.

Mac tightened the chain until he was satisfied, Spike's legs stretched out in a "T" in the middle of the barn. He pulled out two hay bales and kicked one towards Spike. The dragon put it under his chest lengthwise to lay on for support as Mac layed the other one crossways to support Spike's hindquarters. Spike's exposed ass sat stretched and ready for the taking, his tail still held all hiked up. Mac trotted over to the tool wall, his cock swinging, and grabbed two big metal stakes for supporting new seedling trees and a big, old wooden board Mac was going to make a bench out of. He put the board down parallel to the chains and nailed it down to the hay and dirt covered stone floor by pounding the stakes in with his giant hooves, jumping on them. Mac barely lost any percentage of energy doing this act of strength, he was so worked up.

Mac got back into position, his tip against Spike's stretched hole and his back hooves against the board.

Mac stood and stared at Spike, who was looking over his shoulder with some awe and fear in his eyes.

"You really were annoyed I gave you a shot, huh?"

"Eyup" responded the massive stallion, as he wound up and thruster off the board, cramming as much cock as he could into the helpless reptile.

"DEAR CELESTIA" screamed Spike as what was now over four feet of horse boner crammed into his guts. Mac slid to his base in an instant, his nuts and hips smacking against Spike's, the chains rattling as he bottomed out.

Mac brayed in pleasure as he hilted himself. His escapades with Dash only satisfied the stallion's needs to a point, considering he had to be more careful with her and she could only take some of him. But Spike, he knew, not only could take, but wanted Mac's full force.

"Ahhhhggghhh, it feels like you're poking my lungs" exclaimed Spike. He arched his back as much as he could while chained up, feeling Mac's dick throbbing while deep inside him. He savored feeling this full, which he hadn't felt since Mac and him last got together, back a few years ago when he was still only a 6 foot teenager. Spike's brief reverie was broken however as the Clydesdale-sized earth pony started to withdraw himself from Spike's rear, agonizingly slowly. The dragon and pony both let out low moans as the friction built. Inch by inch, Mac's meat withdrew, Spike wanting more and more for it to return with every passing centimeter. Mac slid nearly all the way out after about a minute of drawing his dick backward, leaving only his flared tip in. He pulled back just enough to stretch Spike's tailhole around his flare, but not enough to pop himself out. Spike was about to beg for Mac to slide back in, but the horse beat him to the draw, slamming himself back in to the base, his massive testicles slapping against Spike's scaly purple ass. The dragon felt his butthole strain and stretch around the monstrosity sliding into it, but his walls managed to take the pony's cock with less struggle and complaining he anticipated. Mac felt Spike squeeze around him, the dragon's ass wanting to take his erection. Leaning down towards the dragon's head, the stallion whispered in Spike's ears-

"Ah am gonna make sure you don't forget this one."

He withdrew his hips, pulling out some 20 inches to the medial ring of his colossal cum cannon. Mac slid rearward until just before his ring, then slammed back in, pulling on Spike and pushing off the beam he nailed down, to give the dragon's formerly tight butt a real punishing. He repeated the process, slamming in and out with reckless abandon as hard as he could. His muscles bulged and his teeth ground as he pushed off with his hind legs into the dragon. He rolled his hips with every thrust, plunging downward into the chained, stud dragon. Mac's nuts swung like a pendulum as he picked up speed and rhythm, loudly slapping into his lover. Mac felt the drug start to take an even greater hold of him as he humped the helpless reptile.

Spike couldn't believe the speed Mac achieved, pistoning back and forth and rolling his hips as he fucked the dragon. The chains strained and creaked with each thrust. Mac snorted as he got into a rhythm, Spike moaning quietly as his hole was ravaged. He could feel Mac's cock bulge out his normally taut abs with each hump forward as well, efficiently loosening up the dragon's inner workings. The dragon was rocked back and forth on his bale as the jacked-up pony took control of him. His tail was smushed under Mac's chest as it arched back towards Spike's spine. Spike leaned on the hay bale as he tried to reach his hands back, still cuffed together, to provide some attention to his own needy erection, currently bouncing up and down in a no-man's-land between the bales, the floor and his chest. The dragon had, unlike some of his kind, only one penis, but it was a doozy. It looked average on Spike's hulking figure but was actually in the two foot range, with a pointy head and three ridges along the length, culminating in a massive knot, the main reason he intimidated mares away, along with the spiny ridges. Luckily enough of course, Spike was attracted to both sexes. He grasped his own erection, feeling the impressive thickness. The shaft was wider than Mac's dick had previously been, and the knotted base was as wide as Mac was in his current state. Spike was pushed further into the hay as he grasped his own erection with both clawed hands, letting out a squeak and a gasp as he continued to get humped. His prostate sent wave after wave of pleasure to Spike, to counteract the pain of his chained hips and butt straining around Mac's powerful blows. The dragon remained suprisingly quiet, his vocalizations limited to squeaks, purrs and low moans. Nonetheless, he arched his back even further and threw his head in the air as he was continually taken.

Spike arched his back as he slid off the hay bale, his ass still propped in the air but his face on the ground, both hands still clutching his pulsing dragon dick as he reached down and backwards. With one more slap of Mac's nuts against his well-used anus, he suddenly burst out a shot of cum, getting all over the dragon's scaly underside and the floor. The muscular reptile shouted as he came, Mac's pounding stimulating his orgasm. Spike writhed as he came and the stallion continued his ceaseless assault, finally finishing having covered his underside and the floor in extra-thick dragon jizz. He panted as Mac pounded, sliding his hands under and back in front of him, outstreched, smearing cum all along his arms. He lay eyes closed in bliss, belly down on the barn floor. He sniffed the heady musk and scent of the worked up and sweaty stallion that continued to ravage him.

Mac finally worked towards his climax, but didn't slow. He blew his first rope deep inside the dragon, one single spurt rivalling many stallions' entire output. He drew back out, nearly all the way to his tip, then hilted himself again as he blew his second rope. In between each legendary spurt Mac gave a long thrust like that, slapping his balls against Spike and tightening the chains. He could feel the magical drugs inside him replenish his virility as he tried to drain his balls, spurting endless amounts of cum into the dragon.

Spike felt every rope fill him, then vanish as it was transported to large vats at all the sperm banks of Equestria. He meweled like a kitten with every thrust and release, losing his sense of self to a white heaven of bliss. Every time the sperm got transported away, it tickled Spike and mde him squirm, leading for his body to tighten even more around Mac's thick rod. After what Spike thought was Mac's probably 50th spurt, Mac finally stopped and rested, snorting like a bull, his cock still all the way inside Spike's ass. Mac felt himself "refilling" and re-hardening within a minute, remaining inside the dragon. Spike questioned nothing, the good feelings radiating from deep inside him making the dragon never want it to end. He had never felt more full and warm.

Suddenly though, Spike coughed and burped, and out flew a letter out of his mouth. He reached for it with his chained wrists, and read the contents. It said very simply,

"The banks have more than enough for repopulation purposes, so I'm cutting off the spell. That is to say, all ejaculate is staying where it should from now on. Have fun.


Spike recounted the letter to Mac, who responded only with a grin and a jab at Spike's rear, still staying down inside him.

"You mind if I get out of these chains for round two?" Spike requested.

Mac slowly rolled his hips, sliding his cock around inside the dragon as he mimed pondering the answer, a silly brow-raised thinking face. He started to elongate his thrusts, but kept it very slow, making Spike squirm.

"Oh come on, I'll...ooooooohhhhHHHHhhhhh yea...blow ya for it".

Mac paused his humping and looked at the dragon.

"With those teeth? I don't think so, pal."

"Well, watch this then if that's what you're worried about."

Spike turned his head and displayed his rows of intimidating fangs. As Mac continued to slide his cock around Spike's ass in a savory manner, he watched as the dragon's teeth retracted up into his gums, every single one of them, leaving not a hint of the flesh-tearing fangs before.

Mac re-hilted himself again and paused his slow ministrations, aching to pound the dragon every time he stopped.

"That's a neat feature. But why can yoi do that, forget how."

"When wild dragons fight for territory, they often aim to hurt the other's jaws, breaking out thier fangs so they can't eat properly. This helps protect them. Apparently retracting them in some settings is a sign of respect or submission."

Mac nodded his head, genuinely finding it interesting, but also genuinely horny. He could feel pre running out of his cock, getting ready for another release.

Then, Mac finally withdrew entirely from Spike, for the first time since he initially stuck it in. Pulling back quickly, his flare came out with a loud pop as his still hard dick bounced down under him, bouncing back up into hitting his chest, dripping precum. Spike meweled as he felt so empty. His hole gaped wide after the stallion removed his dick, like an open porthole on a ship. His muscles contracted, wanting something inside them as his ass tried in vain to get back to a normal, closed state. Meanwhile, Mac then pushed back up, as he rubbed his cock along the top of Spike's buttocks and the base of his tail, reaching above his back, smearing juices and pre along Spike's green back spines. Mac pressed his nuts to the dragon's ass as well, hotdogging himself as best he could with only such a taut, muscular backside to work with.

"Okay bud, I'll take you up on your blowjob offer..."

Spike, still looking at Mac with his head turned, raised his scaly brows in half-sarcastic, half-real excitement, his toothless mouth hanging open and his tongue hanging out.

Mac stepped off the dragon and popped the chains off his legs. Spike immediately pulled them back from their stretched position and sat down on the floor. His dick bouncing and his balls swinging, Mac watched as Spike offered his wrists, then undid the cuffs for him. Spike rubbed his wrists as the big stallion turned around, lifted his tail and displayed his musky ass for the dragon to get a good whiff of. Spilke eagerly did so, leaning forward and cramming his nostrils at Mac's butt as the pony then started to walk away. Spike, after recieving such a strong dose of the horse's mating scent, watched with eager eyes as Mac turned and wandered over to the hay loft, where the now exceptionally large earth pony reared up and put his front legs on the top of the loft, resting on his armpits. Having grown three feet since he sprayed himself with the fertilizer, he noted he still only just could rear up onto the top of the large barn's hay loft. Mac's cock stuck straight out under the hay loft, and he spread his legs and flexed, slapping his cock up to the wood loft loudly and inviting Spike to come over and suck.

The dragon didn't hesitate, walking over and bending down as he ducked under the hay loft. Spike kneeled and sat on his ankles, the horse's meat throbbing in front of him, already dripping steady and impressive amounts of pre out of the end of it. Spike stared in awe at Mac's malehood, somewhat intimidated being this close. His own erection strengthened as Spike took a whiff of the musk still being produced by the giant red farm pony. Making sure his teeth were retracted, Spike skipped all foreplay and planted his lips on the pony's flare, opening his jaws fully to slide in the pony's fat cocktip. He grasped the pulsating object of his desire a bit further down, struggling to wrap both his clawed hands around its width. He suckled on the dick and stroked Mac's cock as well, causing the stallion to thrust a little towards the dragon. Spike licked all around Mac's thick dick with his long prehensile tongue, causing the pony to snort in pleasure and buck another time. The big reptile licked up and tasted all the juices and precum, only wanting more. Spike moved further down, Mac's fat wide flair popping into his throat. Spike jerked his neck to the first foot of cock, his jaws busy gumming and sucking on his lovers' monstrosity of a penis as he slid himself further down. Spike lovingly bobbed up and down, making Mac moan like a whale as his pleasure grew. He loved the feeling of the tight throat around his cock, bucking forward almost involuntarily as Spike took in even more of his tool.

As Spike filled up with Mac's constantly spilling precum, just steadily dripping into his stomach, he struggled to get farther than the two and a half foot mark of Mac's massive dick. The flare on Mac's cock bulged the bottom of his neck obscenely, his cheeks and jaws straining as the pony's cock only got wider from that point. Spike bobbed up and down on Mac's massive manhood, humming as he sucked, causing Mac to moan in bliss. The dragon pulled back to the tip and lunged forward, trying to force himself to the base of Mac's dick, lost in a lustful haze. The pony to his credit was thrusting forward every time Spike lunged doen his cock, the dragon coming ever closer to hilting him.

Spike felt Mac's cock start to enter his esophagus, and so did Mac, the dragon's body trying to swallow him whole whether Spike wanted to or not. Spike grabbed Mac's flanks and pulled himself towards the big pony's base, Mac thrusting at the same time. He crashed his snout into Mac's underside, finally hilting the entire thing. Both lovers felt just how deep Mac reached, sliding down through the dragon's well built chest and nearly to his stomach. Mac felt hiw warm and inviting the dragon's maw was, humping almost involuntarily, smacking Spike's nose against his underside as the dragon's throat milked him internally. Spike continued to hold himself there, his arms wrapped around the pony's legs. He moaned around the giant erection inside his mouth as Mac pressed into his snout, his giant balls pressing against Spike's chin. Trying to swallow around Mac's dick, he slid his tongue around as best he could inside his mouth, further pleasuring the pony's base. Spike's own erection went untended, throbbing down underneath him as his head started to swim from lack of air, just the way the dragin wanted it. His stomach grew fuller by the moment as precum ran down out of Mac's overproductive organ. His own dick dripped precum as well, it pooling by his knees.

Mac moaned as he felt his orgasm coming on, his cock throbbing and swelling, further choking Spike. Mac tensed up as he spurted his first rope, spraying directly into the dragon's digestive system. Spike felt Mac press harder into his snout and his nuts tense, his cock pulsing as it shot it's first few waves of semen. Unlike before, Mac's thick jizz wasn't transported anywhere, filling up the dragon well as the orgasm continued. Wanting to taste and be covered in Mac's ejaculate, Spike started to withdraw from Mac's dick, cum still spurting into his belly. He slid off quickly, but Mac had other plans, dropping off the top of the loft and putting his forehooves under Spike's shoulders, stopping him from getting much further than his fat medial ring. Mac reared up and pulled Spike forward, his lust driving him crazy as he forced the dragon to re-hilt him. Spike tried to resist but the hyper horse was too strong, arching his back as he pushed into Spike's throat, locking the dragon down by grabbing around his muscular chest and arms. Mac's now 5-gallon-per nuts slapped into Spike's chin as he thrusted. Still cumming, Mac elongated his thrusts, yanking out to his ring and smacking back in with a juicy squelch. Spike accepted his fate and relaxed his throat as the pony took control of him, his belly starting to bloat from the incredible amounts of semen pumping into it.

Mac facefucked the dragon as he came, almost entirely succumbed to the drug's effects, as Spike was. He was determined to empty himself into the dragon, his lust only increasing his need for release, even as he came into the well used reptile. Spraying glob after glob of spooge, Mac watched as Spike bloated in the middle, but not nearly as much as Dash had. Spike coughed as sperm ran out of room in his bloated stomach, backing up his throat and spurting around the sides of the thrusting pony's dick, running out his mouth. It also started to slip through his bloated belly completely, and slide through the dragon's intestines, working its way out through his still stretched ass. Spike choked around all the cum as Mac mated with his muzzle, sperm glopping out every time the horny pony thrusted inward. He was able to still breathe somewhat through his nostrils, but as sperm started to shoot out of them too, he found that difficult. Mac's magically overproductive testes continued to blast down into the dragon, filling him like he'd never been before. Mac had no concern for the dragon's well-being as his lust-drug-addled brain just sent the same message on repeat: fuck, cum, mate. Spike was getting close to blacking out from lack of air, but succumbed to the feeling of diziness, his body accepting and loose as the horny horse finally started to finish up after what felt like an eternity of non-stop orgasm.

Pushing in one last time, Mac snorted and tensed as he sprayed his last jet, releasing the dragon from his grasp as he finished. Spike immediately pulled himself off Mac's cock, sperm spilling from his mouth as he withdrew with a sucking splurt and pop, the flare sticking in his craw. He alternated gasping for air, and coughing out and swallowing jizz as he scooted back to lean against a support post of the barn. Spike was able to clear his tubes of the last of the sperm, and flopped against the post, one arm to his side and one massaging his stretched neck, his legs spread eagled and his own cock still throbbing in front of him. His belly was bloated out from its normally taut six-pack figure, rounded and hard. Spike slid his teeth back out into his mouth as he relaxed, his body limp and exhausted except his erect dick.

Luckily for Spike's stretched holes, Mac was finally tired too, his cock softening and sliding back into his sheath, his balls mostly drained. Mac lay down on his front in the middle of the barn, glad and also relieved he could calm down for a moment. He looked across the floor at Spike, who was clutching his own somewhat neglected penis, his legs askew. Spike coughed and burped loudly, a little sperm flying up and dripping out his lips, making Mac chuckle.

"Sorry ah went at ya so hard there. I needed it and all."

Spike waved his left hand dismissively, his right still on his cock. "Don't worry about it. It's really what I was expecting."

The dragon picked up the pace of his own stroking, just a little, as he patted his own bloated abs with his unnocupied hand.

"Now we know, too- I can take your whole -ngggh yeah,- load, and not even stretch too badly. I'll have to -ungh- take it, too, because you'll be like this for a while."

Mac nodded, knowing this.

Spike burped again, his belly audibly gurgling as he continued to whack off and talk. Mac was amused at how straight a face the dragon could keep given how he'd been just facefucked and was currently masturbating.

"Not that I'll mind...mmmnnn...obviously. Twilight tells me you'll be all horny every morning but me and others will...uh, yes...aaah...d-drain ya. Should be fine from now on through 'til dawn. Celestia and guests are gon-na-ahhhh...slip by in the m-morning."

As Spike closed his eyes and started to finish up his self-pleasuring, Mac questioned if "Celestia and guests" were coming over for more "good of Equestria" population reasons or just pleasure. Maybe both, he thought.

Spike meanwhile started to finish up and started to cum, spraying his load far across the barn, adding to what sticky mess was already on the floor. His ridged dick pulsed as he blew, Spike finally getting his release. Mac watched as it arced across the room, the muscular dragon tesing up, his strong arms throbbing as he enjoyed the throes of his orgasm. With one last glob spurting out, Spike finished and leaned back to the pole with a sigh. He wiped his cum-covered hand on the ground before standing up. Mac stood up as well to see him off.

"Alright, stud, I'll see you later. Don't leave the barn, for a couple obvious reasons, yeh?"

"Eyup" Mac confirmed. "Can you get me something to eat though before you go? Throw it in here?"

"Twilight will magic you something in an hour and later for dinner. Your sister will probably bring it out for you."

"Should I chain myself up?"

Not now, no, you're good the rest of the day, and I expect you're gonna want to sleep most of the afternoon. Do it before you go to bed though, Twi mentioned the mornings will be the worst of it. I guess that's the cycle of the thing."

Mac nodded in assent.

Spike backed out of the barn door, and out of the field made by Twilight to contain Mac's musky scent. Once he did this he felt himself relax a little and his cock finally started to soften. Boy, the stuff was potent.

"See you later, Big Mac" Spike said, walking off toward the orchard. "I'm actually gonna have fun getting you through this for the next few weeks, you tree dicked bastard" he laughed.

Mac just chuckled and waved (as best a hooved pony can) and closed the barn door.

The wingless dragon looked ahead and started to run home, his belly jiggling from what cum was still inside and his ass dripping as it started to drain while he ran.

Mac sauntered back into the barn, his giant balls slapping to and fro as he trotted, which sort of annoyed Mac. He realized he had to piss, and walked over and did his business in one of the empty rain barrels Dash had cleaned him off with earlier. After filling it up with pee almost completely, Mac thought about how to clean himself and the jizz-stained barn. Needing something to do, he unrolled the hose from the pump tank and set to work. He wondered what Twi was going to send him to eat, now falling back into a vague semblance of his normal routine. He wasn't sure what the next 21 or so days had in store for him, but he knew it was for sure going to be an adventure.

After cleaning the barn, napping, eating his transported dinner (not really talking meaningfully to his sister who brought it out), and cleaning a bit more, Mac fell asleep, a bit bored with his situation at this point. The pony couldn't really think too much about it though as he fell quickly to sleep on his big pile of hay in the barn corner.