Mostly Kissy

Story by foozzzball on SoFurry

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#26 of The world of the Spirit of '67

Jennifer's hair smelled faintly dry, and dusky. Somehow like hot sand, warm earth baking under sunshine. Ever so slightly of peach shampoo, and, of course, like sweat. Sweat and her body and Troy's in the long hours of the night, and he longed to kiss her.

So Troy did, very gently, because she was still half asleep. He pressed his lips to her long red hair spilled across the pillow, and upon the side of her head, beside her slightly pointed ear.

Jennifer kissed his ears all the time. His ears were more kissable though. Mice had bigger ears, hers were quite small, but he delicately took the tip of her ear between thumb and forefinger and held it still while he kissed the soft inner surface. She tilted her head ever so slowly in response, smile curling along her muzzle bit by bit.

"Got something to say?" Her voice was a miniscule whisper.

"Breakfast in bed." He kissed the side of her ear again. Just below, beside her jaw. He twisted around, buried his face against the curve of her neck.

Jennifer rolled her head back, tip of her long muzzle almost touching the headboards while her black furred lover lapped at the white fur of her throat, opened his mouth and warmed her. "Breakfast?"

Troy didn't answer, following the line of her throat along her collarbone, to her sandy-furred shoulder. He pulled the covers over his head.

She cracked open an eye, twisting over to peer at her bedside table. A bowl of cereal and a glass of juice blocked her alarm clock. "Cereal? You shouldn't have."

Jennifer didn't sound terribly enthusiastic.

His breath was warm across her breast.

"It was quick."

"You're... very awake." She lifted her arms over her head, blinking at the lump under the covers. "How long have you been up?"

His hands were firm on her sides, holding her steady while the tip of his snout trailed across her torso. "Couple hours."

"So if you're up, why are you under the covers?"

"Naked." Her nipple was burning hot under his tongue.

Jennifer let her eyes sag shut. She dug her fingers into her hair and bit her lip. "And why are you naked?" A little more enthusiastic, now.

"Uhm." He gave her a slight squeeze. "You should have breakfast."

She sat up slowly, pulling back. Troy stayed put, nose dragging through the fur across her abdomen. Contemplatively, she flexed her toes. "So. Am I going to be your breakfast?"

"Uhm. No, I, uh. I already had breakfast."

"You already had breakfast." She sucked at her teeth. "Okay. So. Are you gonna..."

"Sorry." Troy drew back. "You should really have breakfast."

Jennifer rolled her eyes and turned over onto her side, gave the mattress a slight thwack with her tail. "Well. Thank you for making me breakfast in bed."

Troy crawled up behind her, lay down, tugging the covers off his head and kissing her shoulder. "It's, uhm. A pleasure. I wanted to do something nice, so..."

"Something nice." She took a sip of the juice.

"I also cleaned up the kitchen. Did the dishes," he pointed out hopefully.

"The dishes." Jennifer set the glass down lightly. She frowned back at him from the corner of her eye.

He pressed against her back, spread his hand over her stomach and pulled her firmly against him. The pressure of his erection against the back of her thigh, across the base of her tail, was unmistakable. He nuzzled her hair. "I thought maybe I could get you some, uh. Flowers? But nowhere's open, 'cause it's early, so I thought maybe if I promised to get you some later today that'd be good? Later. Maybe kinda really later. Maybe at the airport tonight before I fly out?"

She chewed her lip for a moment. "What kind?"

"Daisies? I, uhm. I hadn't thought, what, uhm. Whatever you want, really," he whispered, pressing in against her snugly. Very snugly. Two or three times. His breath was a little ragged.

A gentle sway of her hips encouraged him to push up quite hard against her thigh, kiss her ear.

Jennifer smiled slowly. "Are you trying to sweeten me up?"

"Little bit, maybe." He pressed his lips against her hair and pulled her against himself urgently.

She wriggled back against him, he groaned ever so faintly. Her smile deepened. "Whyyy?"

He chewed his lip, tail flipping back and forth beneath the covers. "It's hard."

"I can tell."

Troy buried his face in the pillows, easing back. "I mean it's hard to say."

She delicately lifted the cereal spoon, slurped milk very indelicately. "Is it kinky?"

"No. Kinda?" Embarrassed heat flooded his face and ears. "After I woke up I was reading your magazines, with your screen in the living room."

"That could be very kinky."

"Ugh. No." He rolled onto his back, dragging the pillows over his head. "Your women's lifestyle magazines."

"Yeah, this is gonna be pretty kinky." Jennifer grinned, replacing the spoon.

Troy grimaced, shoving the pillows back off. "It's just an, uhm. Sex position."

"What props are we gonna need?"


"Not that kinky, then. What is it?"

"It's called lotus, I think?" He risked a glance at her.

She'd clearly forgotten about breakfast. She ran her hand across the covers, lightly circling the peak over his crotch. "I think that's the kissy one?"

"Yeah." He flushed. "That, and, uhm. Our tails won't get in the way."

"Did you wanna try that now?" The circle slowly tightened, she lifted her hand until it was just her forefinger lightly spiralling around the peak's tip.

Troy bit his lip. "Yes."

Jennifer bent his penis from side to side through the covers. "Did you brush your teeth?"

He squeezed his eyes shut, nodded. "Yeah," he wheezed.

"I better go brush mine." She pressed down, slowly. "Where did you have in mind?"

Troy wished the covers weren't in the way. "Living room? Then we can follow the guide."

Jennifer pushed the covers aside, but only so she could get out of bed, unfortunately. She stretched the once, nude but for her panties, tiger stripes over her tail and thighs and buttocks and back rippling in the hazy morning light. "Bring pillows."

Troy leaned over the bed, clawing up the ornamental pillows she'd shoved off her bed last night while she padded out into the living room, and across to the bathroom. He wasn't sure how many pillows to bring, so he brought all of them, in two trips while Jennifer's toothbrush buzzed away from behind the bathroom door.

Troy sat on the floor in front of her screen to wait for her, using her house console to flip between magazine pages. The article on sex positions had a handy four step guide and animations, but the couple locked together were a pair of humans, rather than a mouse and thylacine.

He flicked out his tail and stood on his knees, watching the couple in the magazine slowly grind together. Troy eased back until he was kneeling, sitting on his heels. His legs felt a little strained, but he'd been thinking about Jennifer and the way her tail would sway if it was the two of them coupling, so other parts were far more strained.

He thought about her, and her body against his, and he was uncomfortably aware of his erect penis.

Jennifer slipped through the bathroom door, running her fingers through her hair one last time. She'd discarded her underwear. Troy found himself staring at the short red curls dyed in over her crotch, the cleft between her legs, and he dry swallowed, looking away.

"You've got it all wrong." She started pulling cushions from the pile, spreading them on the floor.

"I do?"

"Yeah. You need pillows under your knees, sweetie." Jennifer slipped down beside him and beckoned him over.

He walked on his knees until he was on the padding, erection stiff and prouder about his arousal than he was.

She looked. She looked like he'd looked, but she didn't look away. She licked her lips, instead. She caught up another pillow, glancing up at the screen. She held it out. "Tuck this under your ass."

"They don't, uhm. They don't have pillows." Troy pointed at the screen.

"Trust me, sweetie. I know what I'm doing."

"Okay." Troy settled the pillow on his heels, eased back down. It was cool, and soft, and made kneeling easier. "Uhm. Can I get another?" He glanced back, straightening a little.

Jennifer smiled and leaned forward, tucked another cushion underneath his bottom. She put her hands on his pelvis when he leaned back, stroked his penis the once, lightly. "Comfy?"

"Yeah." Troy bit his lip, gaze shifting from her hands to her breasts, back to her hands.

She leaned forward and kissed the side of his snout. "You didn't have to do the dishes."

"It's awkward, asking." He caught the back of her head, drew her close, breathed her in.

"It doesn't need to be. Now I guess you've done step one - the giving partner sits kneeling? This is the second variant?"

Troy nodded. "So, uhm. Step two, the receiving partner sits on the giver's lap, like, uhm." He felt heat flushing across his face. He pointed at the screen awkwardly. "With, uhm. The giver penetrating her as she sits."

Jennifer wedged cushions in beside Troy's legs, glancing over the page. Her hands were gentle on his shoulders. "I think you better handle that part." She got up onto her knees and edged forward until she straddled him, her breasts level with his face.

He kissed them. The flesh, the fur, the nipple.

She arched her back in response, rubbing her thumb against his collarbone.

There wasn't too much space between them. He pushed her hips back a little with his left hand, held his penis straight with his right. he dry swallowed. "Okay, uhm..."

Jennifer sank down, her body sliding against his, until he felt her weight against the tip of his erection. She waited while he gently worked the head of his penis against her labia until it felt right, then she sat down on his lap, tight fire enveloping him.

Troy's mouth was pressed against hers. It had just happened, it was perfect, and he could feel every shift of her chest against his own, every tiny breath. She squirmed to get comfortable, dragging a whimper out of him, flicked her tongue across his.

She tasted sharp. Mint and toothpaste.

She broke the kiss and rubbed the side of her muzzle alongside his snout, squeaking out a tiny little wheeze. "Now what?"

"Now you wrap your legs around my waist."

"Like all around?" She glanced up at the screen. "I thought I was gonna kneel on you and kinda, ride like that?"

Troy shook his head a little. Licked his lips and grazed them against her shoulder. "We could, but, uhm, that comes later..."

"You better hold me."

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her tight against him. It made her pelvis shift against his, made him slip in her, made him grunt in her ear.

Jennifer smiled, smiled and picked her foot up, pressing her heel against his rear. Lost her balance a little. Twisted her head around to nuzzle his ear. "Grab my ass."

He slid his hands in under her buttocks. Squeezed, she shivered. Lifted, and she locked her feet together around his back, just over his tail.

She flexed her spine, sagged, flexed again experimentally.

It was a lot of weight on his knees. Troy was glad about the pillows. Mostly he was glad about Jennifer. He gave her ass another squeeze and took hold of her sides. "That okay?"

"Yeah." She ground her pelvis against his, slowly, lay her head on his shoulder. "I don't have much leverage..."

"That's not the point." He licked her neck, hard. "This is step four."

"Step four?"

He hid his face against her shoulder, embarrassed. "The, uhm. The receiving partner periodically clenches around the giver. To keep him erect."

Jennifer pulled on his shoulders, hard, lifting just a little. She glanced down, bit her lip, squeezed down on him. "Like that?"

He didn't have words to reply with. Not at first. He shut his eyes and pulled at her sides, took a deep breath and pushed his chest against hers. "Yeah. Like that."

She settled back down against his shoulder. Shifted her pelvis just a little, squeezed again. "And that's it?" Her voice was soft.

"Yeah. We kind of take it from here." Troy hugged her close with one arm, reached up to brush the hair from her face.

Her lips parted ever so invitingly. "So it really is a very kissy position."

He touched his lips to hers softly. "Yeah. A kind of kiss, and hug, and fondle, and... make love, kind of position."

Troy could taste her breath while she spoke. "Is it all you expected?"

"Kinda." He slid a hand up her body, cupped her breast, thumbed the nipple. "I was hoping for more kissing."

She tilted her head and slackened her jaw until he reciprocated, dabbed the tip of her tongue against his for a few, long burning moments.

He took a sharp breath through the nose, pulled her close, ground his ribcage against her breasts.

She angled her hips, clenched hard.

They figured out how to slowly rock back and forth and shiver together while keeping their mouths locked on each other.

He twisted a little, just a little, and found the right angle to get her to sing out the occasional moan of pleasure.

Sometimes she held his head still and kissed him on the corner of his muzzle, looking for a good place to grind her lips along his.

Once in awhile Jennifer brought her knees to the ground and rode him for a bit, though never long enough to mean they'd have to stop. He'd had to be quite clear about that.

Sometimes he squeezed her breasts, or ran his fingertips along her tail. Sometimes she toyed with his hair, mouth slack on his, blowing urgent breaths through his fur.

They tried following the guide more closely, and Troy found out how Jennifer's tail swayed. Jennifer found out that there was this one little tweak to the position, where she leaned just so, and that made her quiver. She made him promise that they'd try it again, later, with the express purpose of getting her off. He promised.

Sometimes Troy kissed her. Sometimes Jennifer kissed him.

Mostly, they made love.

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