Shadow of Duke City: The Downfall and The Two Lovers (Prologue)

Story by Dragon the argonian on SoFurry

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#1 of Shadow of Duke City

The 10th Era... few thousand years after the Daedric Invasion, two thousand since the fall of the Penumbra Empire, five hundred since the Revolution. Nirn has changed alot since the third era and now its in the modern age. But lets get to the point... Duke City. It was never a place for criminals, thugs, prostitution, drugs, and gang wars. At first it was similar to the Imperial City; huge mixed population, crime from time to time, and etc. It resided in Cyrodiil, Tamriel; north of Anvil city, along the coast. Was mostly composed of anthros or so we call them. A race of people that were half-human, half-beast. They came out of the shadows a few thousands of years ago during the 5th Era. No one knows where they came from or who made them but alot of people didn't like them until a law was passed by the Elder Council to protect the rights of the anthros. Then after that... we didn't care. We just treated them like normal people. They were accepted by the original beast races, the Argonians and Khajiits and they were like a huge family. They held a bond that was nearly unbreakable. But now back to Duke City. Duke City had the best real estate, jobs, and area to live in. People were content with the way they lived. It was also the cleanest city, outranking the Imperial City as the #1. While other cities still used fossil fuel and problems with adopting new types of fuels, Duke City had already thought of one. Arcane fuel. Though completely harmless to the environment and people it disrupted other magic users in the area. Spells cast by someone would immediately backfire on them either killing or wounding them. So basically everyone would have to do things the hard way without magic. Later on an Arcane Power Plant was built to supply the entire city with magical energies. But little did people know about how it would cause the downfall of the city.

In the year 2024 the power plant had a melt down and exploded, killing many in the process. The city was in panic. No energy or power at all to do anything. With the diversion of resources to helping those parts of the city caught in the blast, gangs and criminals took advantage of this. The crime rate jumped 30% within a week and the police were overwhelmed. Not even SWAT could put down the uprising. The Emperor then declared the city a threat to the nearby Anvil and those around it, sending the Legion to deal with all the problem. The Legion decreased the crime rate by only 20%. The Legion occupied the city, endlessly fighting. Then in 2025 the secretive Alpha labs owned by the government were discovered by gangs and they unleashed a virus contained inside the laps, upon the city. The Legion pulled back and quarantined the area. No one gets in... no one gets out... Life inside the city was still at times normal, you see lots of people and cars in the streets except electricity and fossil fuel was now a substitute for energy with the absence of arcane fuel. Night was the most dangerous time to be outside, that's when the killers, maniacs, and gang wars appear. Sex shops, strip clubs, and prostitution have appeared recently. Cops are either dead or too scared to show their faces. As for the virus, it went away eventually through a cure created by a local hospital. Still the place remains quarantined as the Emperor suspects something bigger to be going on than just a simple criminal take-over of a city.

At 4:00 in the afternoon, loud music could be heard at the second floor of the Aphex Apartments along with muffled moans. An Argonian named Cain was being pleased by his black wolf girlfriend. Cain sat in his chair naked in complete pleasure as his girlfriend, Kim continued to give him a blow job. The lizard moaned. ''Ah... Just keep on going...'' The wolf girl didn't say anything but went faster as if in agreement. Then he began to feel the moment of climax coming closer with every passing second and then finally torrents of cum were ejected into the girl's mouth. Cain lay back on his chair relaxed as his girlfriend gulped down a mouthful of semen. She licked her lips.

''Tasty.'' Cain patted her on the head.

''Can you clean that mess up? I'm a little lazy.'' He pointed down at some of the cum covering his penis. She smiled and licked his shaft clean but didn't stop until she was satisfied. Then she licked his member and sucked on it a bit. Once done she sat on Cain's lap, wrapping her arms around him and both embraced in a deep kiss. Their tails wrapped around each other as their snouts were locked in heated love. She got off after atleast a minute of hot tongue to tongue action and headed to the fridge for a drink. She asked him a few questions as she leaned against the counter.

''So whens your next gig?''

''Next week. Me and the guys are really hyped about this one. The guy who's hiring paid us a billion dollars to perform at his place!''

''A billion? That sounds suspicious. Plus no one has that much money except you in Duke City nowadays.''

''Don't worry! Me and my pals got guns with us. We can handle it.''

''Remember the last time you got hired for a gig?''

''...Oh ya... well this time it won't be a gunfight I swear! I've done a background check on this guy!''

''Well who is 'this guy' anyway?''

''Theres an article about him on Yahoo! His name is Arthur Calloway. A former member of the city council.''

''Cain... the city council got murdered years ago after the Legion quarantined this place. Use your damn head.''

''Look even if its a trap, me and the guys will be ready. Even if we don't get any money we'll atleast get some action.''

''Listen...'' She approached Cain sexually. ''If you cancel that gig I'll give you the best blow job you've ever felt in your life...'' She grabbed his crotch, squeezing it softly. Cain chuckled.

''Sorry but your blow jobs are already great. I'm not sure if you can have the 'best' blow job in your life. Yours feel so good already.''

''Shit. Curse my previous skills as a hooker... Hmm... well how bout I give you the best sex you've ever had?''

''Really Kim? Really? You and I know that I think your sex is the best in the world. So your attempts to stop me are futile. Now if you'll excuse me...'' He headed for the bathroom. ''I need to clean up myself.''

Cool water was sprayed on Cain as soon as he turned the knob. ''Ah... Thank Akatosh our apartment has such cool water...'' As Cain covered his body in soap he heard sounds outside. The door opened and a dark figure approached the shower curtains. As the curtains were pushed the figure revealed itself to be Kim, naked. ''Kim?!'' She slowly entered the shower and pushed Cain against the wall as she placed her body against his. She was warm even though her black fur was getting wet. ''What're doing? Remember the last time we had sex in the shower? That bump on my head didn't go away for a month!'' She spoke in a seductive voice.

''I guess we'll have to be more careful this time. Plus I think I need a shower too after what I did...'' She passionately kissed him and sent her tongue into his mouth which allowed it passage. She grabbed his balls and massaged them in her hands, making Cain's penis erect to it's fullest. Then she grabbed his erection and pushed it into her sex. As soon as the member was forced in, she managed a soft moan while she continued her tongue kissing. Once his erection was fully inside of her, she slowly rocked her hips back and forth. Cain, in order to please her even more used his tail to pierce her anus to give her twice the pleasure. For Kim the feeling was so great that she stopped kissing and had to let out a yell of pleasure. The lizard then licked her neck slowly to enjoy the moment, tasting some of the neck fur but he didn't mind after all she was his girlfriend. The pleasure was unimaginable for her as she let out a great moan every few seconds. Soon drips of cum began to secrete out of her sex. She rocked her hips even faster now as the moment was almost upon them. Cain reached for her perfect breasts and began to fondle with them wildly, squeezing them, massaging, and even lowering down his head a bit to lick them. The climax was almost at hand now. Both partners were panting and kissing wildly now. Their tongues seemed to go in movement with their own bodies as both caressed themselves. The two had sex before but this time it was greater than anything they have ever felt. Then it came. ''AHHH!'' Both Cain and Kim let out a pleasurable yell simultaneously as the climax was reached.

The drips of cum mixed with a little of Cain's now became a river as they were excreted from her sex like a flash flood. Cain withdrew his now semi-erect cock and tail from her openings. While she was standing he knelt down and began to lick her sex clean. ''You did mines so might as well do yours.'' She moaned as his tongue pierced her sex, wiping clean of it any of his or her cum. Even after it was cleaned he continued to please her. Kim then pulled Cain closer to her sex, encouraging him to force his entire tongue in. Then it seemed as if her vagina gripped onto the tongue and began to suck the warm lump into her. Cain protested at first but he the temptation to explore her vaginal insides were too much and he gave in. The tongue was swallowed ever deeper into her sex, caressing the walls while it passed by. It then finally reached the womb though it could not go any further but it was long enough to rub her insides, picking up some unique tastes while he was at it. The feeling of having her womb tasted made her shiver with complete satisfaction and delight. Kim pushed Cain's snout into her sex and she yelled yet again with a feral roar of pleasure. Torrents of cum were blasted into Cain's face and continued to do so for a few more seconds. He tried to continue pleasing her though she put a hand on his head and said in a tiring voice.

''Stop... I'm sore now.'' As her sex released his tongue he swallowed a large lump of her cum once it returned to his mouth.

''Delicious.'' Cain said in complete bliss and licked his face clean of cum. She exited the shower, wiping her body with a bath towel.

''Phew... that was amazing... Never had two climaxes in such a short amount of time...'' Cain tried to tempt her for another go.

''Ready for round three?'' She chuckled at this.

''Nah I don't think so. Nice try though.'' She left, leaving Cain to reminiscent about what had just happened. He dried himself and put back on his clothes. A Levi's jean and a entirely black shirt that in red said on the front 'Hackdirt' with a blood dripping effect. Once he left the bathroom he headed for their room and saw Kim sleeping soundly already in the nude. Her clothes all over the floor. Deciding to quench his perverted needs he too undressed and became naked. He laid beside Kim, holding her as they both went into a deep sleep.

''Amazing how civilization can change so much...'' A cloaked figure with a lizard tail said as he watched the couple sleep. His face hidden within the shadows of his hood but the tip of a lizard snout could be seen.

''What do you expect? All living things change over the course of time in the most unexpecting ways.'' Another figure beside responded. Unlike his companion he was an bald elderly man with a long white beard and moustache. In his hand, a staff of sorts with four small branches protruding from it's head supported him. The branches held a large beautiful sapphire the size of two fists shaped like a decagon. Within the gem thousands of stars could be seen as well as a few galaxies. ''Still... all living things spill blood in order to survive. Where civilization is now has been built upon millions of the dead who lost their lives, willingly or not...'' The man sighed. ''From the start of the Empire to discovering new lands east and west. Advances in technology... first swords and bows, the next thing you know theres guns. And now the creations of Rakeem... anthros... This world is truly surprising me with each passing era. Amazing though how the Empire is still the way it is. Most empires last only for atleast a thousand years or a few hundred.'' He stroked his beard. ''How long to you plan to watch him?'' The cloaked figure responded.

''I will continue to guide and watch over him until his death or until he decides that my help is no longer needed.''

''He doesn't even now you exist... none do.'' The figure laughed softly.

''I'll reveal myself when the time is right. I feel that time is drawing closer with every passing second.'' The old man then opened a portal in the kitchen. As he was about to enter he warned the cloaked figure.

''Be sure not to reveal his past life to him prematurely or else all hell will break loose. Now come my student. Even with thousands of years, your training is not complete.'' The man entered the portal and his student followed. The two entered an enormous Dwarven styled observatory floating in the middle of an astral plane of sorts with millions of stars, planets and large amounts of space dust. ''Continue your studies and training here. I'll be at the telescope if you need me.'' As the man walked up a huge flight of stairs he turned back towards his student. ''Also be wary when your down there. That Duke City contains an evil essence about it. Something supernatural is at work there so be prepared for anything once you return to the city.'' While his student went below to his studies he muttered to himself. ''Why have you returned... You were suppose to be dead when Dragon killed you... I should've searched for the ring and destroyed it myself... Damn my foolishness back then!''

If you didn't understand some parts of this story then you should read a little about Elder Scrolls lore. Also for people who have read my story series War On Tamriel. The things I said in the start of the story such as the fall of the Penumbra Empire and the Revolution are kinda foreshadows. I'll write about them later. Also YAY! Now all kinds of furries inhabit Nirn now! Hurray! Now we won't be stuck with only Khajiit and Argonian races! As for this story I won't be writing in this story series for a long time I believe until I've written some more things. First time I've ever written a furry sex scene. I could easily write one. Heck I've been writing them when I was like in 6th grade. But when I saw the yiff scenes on this website I knew I had to improvise. So here it is my yiff scene. Not the best but atleast I've written one on this story. Also don't expect me to write a sex scene in every chapter on this new series I'm working on. It's more darker (I think or atleast hope so) than my War On Tamriel. The setting is based upon a mod currently in the works and is in its Beta. Check it out at the Elder Scrolls Nexus: