A Nightmare: Chapter 2

Story by The_Only_One on SoFurry

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#2 of A Nightmare

A Furry's Nightmare: Chapter 2 A/N Disclaimer: Just telling everyone that knows me IRL or is worried for me personally, My dad is actually a great guy and my mum is alive and healthy. Just thought I'd tell you because a lot of artist gain experience from life and this is not one of those cases.

A familiar blue furred cat Ninjin shuffled through his lab of half finished, but mostly safe, experiments. Quickly running his hands across a keyboard, Polybius continued monitoring three different screens. Mina, a brown furred jackal Ninjin stood behind Polybius while he worked over the machines. "You're sure this thing will work? I don't want you to kill our new friend or bring him back with an arm for a leg..." the Jackal starts. "Honey, I promise I will not try to kill our new friend." Polybius states not even taking his eyes off the monitor as many numbers and calculations run across the screen. Mina just sighs and sits back on the chair she had. "Relax dear, he'll be here soon, honestly you're making it seem like I shouldn't leave you two alone." Polybius joked light heartedly. "Naww, Is my little Polybius getting a bit worried I'd replace him..." Mina stands right up against Polybius's back and runs her hand down his outer leg before leaning in and whispering into his ear, "Because you're the only person I need." Polybius's hair starts to stand on end and he shuffles a little uncomfortably. "Mina, now is not the time, he is going to be coming through soon and I need to be able to concentrate." Mina chuckled at his choice of words before moving back to her chair and yawning softly. Suddenly a black oval appeared on the other side of Polybius's safety glass that Mina had begged him to install. This caused Mina to sit upright and stare intently at the spot her friend would be coming through. Polybius seemed as indifferent as ever as a figure started to emerge from the black swirling nothingness into the almost glowing white room.

Folvos glanced around the white room desperately trying to piece together what had happened. Last thing he remembered, he had been in his house and if the tears staining his cheeks were anything to go by, he had been crying, if only lightly. He looked to his left and saw a darker section on the wall with shadows behind the glass. Of course, there had been a box that was from Polybius, he pushed a button or something and a portal appeared before him. He had packed his few belongings in his bag and then walked through it to where ever Polybius made the device go... A door slid open from next to the glass right after Folvos had rubbed the tear from his eyes and out popped an excited brown Jackal. "FOLVOS!" Mina practically jumped onto Folvos causing him to stumble back a little at how close she had gotten and noticed that the portal had vanished. "Hey Mina, are you ok?" he inquires curious as to why she jumped him. "Just happy to see a friend I haven't seen in a month." She replies happily and steps back recomposing herself. Folvos glances past Mina and sees Polybius stride around the corner, shaking his head. "Please excuse Mina, its times like this I wonder if I should get a leash for her." At this Mina blushes slightly. "Sorry, I can get a bit over excited with friends... You are ok aren't you?" Folvos pauses for a moment to think and Mina picks up on his hesitation. "Sorry! I didn't hurt you or anything did I? I can never control my self when I get over excited..." Mina starts to ramble and Folvos steps in to stop her. "I'm fine... or at least you guys haven't hurt me." "Mina, honey, can you please step back for a second..." Polybius half demands while he seems to be looking over Folvos with an unusual amount of interest. "But why?!?" Mina questions as she complies and takes a few steps away from Folvos. Polybius doesn't reply and instead takes a few more steps closer to Folvos making him uncomfortable. "I...is everything ok Polybius?" Folvos asks a little worried at how close he is. "No... you are not ok, you've lost weight, you have a low amount of Dopamine in your brain (a/n The happy hormones I think) and there is a dampness around your eyes and cheeks that is not usually present. Either something bad happened to you before you came here or the more likely cause is you've been going through a 'rough patch' recently." Polybius rattled off. Folvos opend his mouth to speak but no words could come out. The tears that had been fighting to come out suddenly pushed ten times harder and one came free, and as soon as that first tear touched his cheek they all started to get free. "This partnered with your bag leads me to believe you were running away from home." Polybius finishes off as Mina pushes past him and hugs Folvos tightly. "Folvos," she exclaims, "Come on, let's go upstairs..." Mina trails off and starts leading Folvos up towards the kitchen as Polybius trails quietly behind the pair.

"Here, sit down..." Mina pulls out a chair and Folvos slumps into it right after taking off his bag and putting it gently down next to him. Folvos leans onto the table and tries to cover his head with his hands as Mina pulls up a chair next to him and Polybius slightly closer than he usually would. Mina puts her hand onto Folvos's back and starts to softly rub. "It's ok, let it out..." Mina starts to comfort Folvos, "We're here for you." Folvos makes no outward signs that she is helping however she knows this will usually help people. "Would you like a hot chocolate?" Mina asks as she continues to rub his back. Folvos again makes no outward sign that he heard so Mina asks once again and gets a very subtle nod from him. Mina looks to Folvos who seems to have calmed down a bit and tentatively stands before walking off to make some hot chocolate for the three of them. Seeing as Folvos had seemingly calmed down a little Polybius decided to figure out what was wrong and why Folvos was running away from home. "Folvos..." Polybius starts but repeats when Folvos doesn't respond. "Folvos!" At this Folvos peeks out from his arms and looks to Polybius. "If I may, why do you have your bag on you?" Polybius questions and was about to repeat when Folvos responded, "I... I was hoping I c...could stay here for a while..." "And why is that?" Polybius questions. Mina walks in at this point and places the Hot Chocolate in front of Folvos. Folvos just stares into the steaming brown liquid and thinks for a while. "My dad..." he pauses and takes a quick sip from the mug in front of him. "At home my dad is abusive, loud, ignorant and he is quite fond of reminding me how bad I am at everything... At school the others whisper, they talk. Lie. Rumors start spreading. The verbal assaults start, then later the physical ones, I may be able to stand up to about 3 or 4 of them however they never make it fair... Dad never helps, and RJ and my friends can only do so much to help me out before I worry for their health..." Folvos trails of and takes another sip of his chocolate as Polybius thinks over what was just said drinking from his chocolate Mina had made for him. "I'd had enough, I couldn't stand them anymore and then they brought up mum. Mum died a few days after I started school, she died in her sleep due to "Blunt Force Trauma" in other words it looked like she was beaten to death. Naturally my father became the first suspect however it was clearly not him with how much he was grieving, barely able to answer their questions. The night she died I saw her in my dreams, we were surrounded and she was trying to protect me... those aliens from the lab killed her. Dad slowly became worse as time went on and even starting to blame me after a while. I knew that it was my fault but I couldn't admit to it or he'd probably have hurt me..." Folvos stops and downs the rest of his slightly burning chocolate. Mina looked shocked at what I had been through although Polybius seemed almost indifferent; when he spoke he had a clearly softer tone in his voice. "You can stay with us as long as you need..." Polybius reaches over and puts his hand onto Folvos's shoulder before making him turn to face Polybius's eyes. "And you can use anything you need... That includes us when you are feeling down, we're your friends and even I hate to see you in such a state. I much prefer 'happy go lucky' Folvos." He states with a slightly serious undertone in the end. Folvos looks from Polybius to Mina on the other side and gives Polybius a quick tight hug and repeating for a longer period of time with Mina. "Thank you guys so much!" he replies sounding slightly happier. Mina seems to be shocked out of her thoughts as Folvos hugs her tightly. Mina hugs Folvos back with just as much strength happy to see her friend slightly happier. "You are quite welcome Folvos, We'd be happy to let you stay anytime!" Polybius states and Mina tilts her head slightly before suddenly realizing what she'd been too shocked to object to. "It'll be like a sleep over!" Folvos sits back in his chair with a slight smile realizing that he is now safe and with friends.

"Sir!" a slightly worried and scared voice calls out of the pitch black illuminated here and there with the flash lights of workers "What is it?" an angry voice calls out seemingly from right behind the poor worker. "I... They... Those things... They forgot to delete the history..." he states before quickly continuing realizing who he was talking to. "We now know where they went we'd just need to get enough power and we could follow them to wherever they went." There is silence for a second before some evil cackling starts up from where the voice originated. "Good, GOOD, GOOD!" the voice states, "They took everything from us, and now... NOW WE SHALL TAKE EVERYTHING THEY HOLD DEAR TO THEMSELVES!" a small hologram of three individual Ninjin's flickers on and on it there can clearly be seen an image of Mina, Folvos and Polybius. "You will pay for your crimes against my corporation..." the voice states and the person leans forward revealing a holographic projection of someone with a blue mussel.

A Nightmare: Chapter 3

**A Furry's Nightmare: Chapter 3** Thank you to my friend who proof read this chapter for me. The birds were chirping and the sun was shining. A loud groan was heard reverberating through the room as Folvos was taken from his dreams. Rolling over in...

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Sequal Story (W/ Link)

Hello everyone, I just wanted to tell you that the first chapter to my new story has been uploaded to SoFurry and can be found... Here --\> [https://www.sofurry.com/view/941846](https://www.sofurry.com/view/941846) \<-- and There Thank you...


A Nightmare: Chapter 1

A Furry's Nightmare: Chapter 1 "Mum?!" Folvos speaks in a barely audible whisper and takes a tentative step towards the dark red furred wolf Ninjin in front of him. Tears struggle to break free of their prisons where Folvos kept all his emotions....

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