Destination Unknown

Story by frozenthrone on SoFurry

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A piece I got from kaleemmcintyre way way way back when.

Standing on top of hill looking over a large expanse of land which crisscrossed between flat plain and dense forest, two figures oversaw what looked a strange obstacle course stretched out for almost two miles with various degrees of enthusiasm painted across their muzzles. The warm wind swept through the fur of both figures, their respective t-shirts billowed with the breeze as the sun began to slowly drift down towards the horizon. The picturesque scene was broken up however by one of the anthros turning to look at the other, a deep frown smeared across their youthful muzzle.

"I don't know if this is a good idea, Teddie." The five foot nine kangaroo with the long red tresses said as he turned to look up to his older dingo friend standing smugly beside him with his arms crossed.

"Hey! I thought I told you not to call me by my full first name! It's wimpy!" The golden brown dingo standing next to the roo barked, his honey brown eyes glaring dangerously at the shorter male.

The roo chose to ignore the comment made in favor of finishing his thought, "I get that you're all gung-ho about going off on this cross country tour of yours or whatever, but this is ridiculous. How did you even get the permission to make this whole thing up?" The kangaroo was confused since using so much of a public area to do what he had done should have been illegal, at best.

"Don't sweat the small stuff, Dennis." The dingo waved off with a flippant wave of his hand. "Everything's been taken care of, I promise." The cheerful smile that covered the dingo's face made a sigh escape from Dennis' lips. Usually when the other got like this trouble somehow always managed to find a way to enter into Teddie's life, and thereby his own, what with him being the older canine's friend.

"That's what worries, me, Ted," The roo began to lightly rock on his large heels, his massive tail twitching behind him. "How did you get all of this taken care of in...what...two weeks?" Green eyes bore upwards with deep confusion written onto Dennis' face. "That's what you were doing all that time you blew off our gaming nights, right?" At that the dingo reached up to rub at the back of his head, a sheepish smile gracing his lips.

"Yeah, sorry about that, Den, but I really wanted to get this done." The roo looked up at the taller male, noting the way the muscles of Teddie's arms and chest flexed as he shifted ever so slightly while rubbing his scalp. Schooling his rising tide of lust, Dennis reminded himself once again that the taller male wasn't into his type of sexual debauchery. It was one of the few things that had always been a strain on their relationship, at least in the redhead's mind. Blinking, as he noted that Teddie's lips were moving, the marsupial teen realized that he was missing out on extra added conversation, "and don't worry about me getting into trouble. I talked it over with the principal and the mayor and they agreed that this would be useful to have for the sports team at our old high school as long as it was kept up to specs!" The dingo barked happily.

"Old high school?" Dennis asked curiously, trying to remember as best he could on Yal Ra High, the place he had just graduated from last year and who Teddie had graduated from three years prior.

"Yeah, the mayor and principal agreed that having this for the football and soccer team would be a good change of pace from the usual practice runs and help to build the kind of endurance that the new players seemed to be lacking these days." The golden dingo spread his arms wide, nearly threatening to knock the smaller marsupial over as he made his boisterous claim.

"You're really lucky that your mom is the mayor and your uncle is the principal," A small hint of jealousy could be heard within the kangaroo's words and seen as the marsupial's ears tipped down against the flat of his head.

"Don't be like that." The canine returned, his honey brown eyes lowering somewhat as a small whimper eased through his throat. "I didn't. It's not like I..."

"I'm joking, you big baby!" Dennis fired back, nudging the other into the ribs to get him to see the joke in his words. The roo was always amazed at how much his friend always got so defensive over thinking that his family's social status gave him special perks throughout the city. The dingo's paranoia that he would be seen as a pampered pup had given him a very big complex, though the college life was easing his mental unrest since he was going to a community campus where the mayor's social power was almost rendered moot.

"Um, yeah." At the slightly unsure look that the roo sent his way the dingo sighed before continuing on. "Trust me, this will be something that benefits everyone for years to come."

"Usually people who say that come to regret it later on." Dennis flicked his ears at the golden canine, watching in annoyance as the dingo merely rolled his eyes in response.

"Don't you have any faith in me?" Teddie chuckled as he received the dour glare from the younger anthro.

"You know better than to ask me that!" The sound of the kangaroo's tail angrily thumping against the ground made the dingo pant a dry laugh.

"Of course, Mr. I don't believe in religion." Dennis had long since made it known that he was a practicing atheist, something that had caused the roo much hardship during their high school years. Though having a two hundred and fifty pound best friend who stood at almost six foot eight inches tall helped to let most people know that trying to mess with the other was a very BAD idea.

Dennis' conservative parents being no exception to this fact.

"But for one thousand dollars you can't say that this won't be interesting!" The perfect smile the dingo used to accentuate his point made the roo give a long suffering sigh.

"You're seriously offering a grand just for someone to race you across this thing?" Teddie nodded goofily in response. "I really don't get you some days." The hiss of bitterness which seeped into the kangaroo's words made the dingo reach over and then grind the other teen's snout into his armpit.

"Stop acting like you're jealous, I nearly have to threaten you to take twenty dollars from me when you need it." The golden canine rasped his knuckles against the back of his best friend's head, sparking the marsupial to cry out in surprise.

The two ended up bickering back and forth with each other for another ten minutes before Teddie decided to release Dennis from his semi-chokehold, however, upon doing so the muscular roo hefted the much more diminutive roo up over his shoulder and then began the short trek back to his truck.

Taking a short look over his shoulder back at the obstacle course Teddie couldn't help but let his tail wag as he thought about what next week was going to bring.


A week later found Teddie huffing like his primitive ancestors as he tore through the grass field, his naked chest heaving slightly as he kept his body moving in sharp, concentrated movements. Every foot of ground that was eaten up by the dingo's long stride found the canine's booted feet leaving torn pieces of green behind him...not to mention most of the other anthros which had taken him up on his challenge. Muscles tensing, honeyed eyes darting from side to side, Teddie let his pointed ears take in the sound of the wind rushing past him and the thundering clouds up above signaling the coming of an unexpected storm. Getting to a large wooden wall with two ropes hanging down the side the dingo smirked, barring his pearly white fangs, before reaching out to grab one. A tawny arm snapped the second one at the same time Teddie was beginning to pull himself up the side of the wall.

Flipping his head to look at who had caught up to him so soon the dingo was surprised to see a twinky looking lynx with bright purple and black streaked hair sticking his tongue out at him playfully.

'The fuck?!' Was all Teddie could think as he tried to remember who the feline, recalling the entirety of the beginning of his little trial and to those anthros who had shown up.

"Hey, are you really serious about this, Ted?" A large bull of a football player asked amongst a crowd of about twenty teens which were littered out amongst the crowd which had shown up today.

As golden furred paw waved a wad of bills into the air all eyes turned to look at the multicolored paper, each of them hungry for the wealth the dingo so openly flaunted.

"I don't lie and I don't have time for bullshit." Murmurs went out throughout the crowd as the dingo stuffed the money into his side pocket, right alongside the foot long bowie knife he at his side. "Anyone who can make it to the end of course before me gets what's in my pocket." The dingo, dressed in only a tight fitting pair of army pants, wrapped his arms together before his chest while looking out over the assembled anthros which had come out to take his challenge. "But I'm warning you now, this is a hard ass course I've designed. I won't care if you wimp out now, but if you go back halfway through I'm gonna laugh at your ass." The dingo threatened with a smile, much to everyone else's annoyance.

Giving the others a chance to absorb what had just been said Teddie popped his neck and rolled his shoulders, taking a note of all of those anthros present. Most of the lot present were males around his age, though there were a couple of females who looked as though they were physically fit enough to make the dingo think twice about making an idle comment about girls maybe not being up for this kind of thing. The large majority were the athletic type, fit, trim, and probably in need of something to do with their weekend, however there were a couple of anthros present that just seemed out of place. The twinky looking lynx with the black and purple hair, the short mouse kid huddled into the back, and a familiar looking leopard who the dingo threw the finger at.

Having posted his challenge - to race against him around the course he had made during the warm Saturday afternoon - onto the college campus board Teddie had stated that he would give anyone who beat him the thousand dollars he had bragged about to Dennis. This of course had made more than twenty people come out, but upon hearing the full details of what the obstacles that were set before them a good handful had stepped away, and rightly so. Teddie had made the course as an exact replica of the ones used by military grunts to test the limits of both his mentally and physically ability, however, having gone through the entire trial twice the dingo found that there was very little in the way of spurring him to push himself to his limits. The idea to put up so much cash to entice someone of equal physical ability to come out and challenge him had been brought about from a short conversation he and Dennis had had while gaming together one night. Of course the roo would have never thought to try and take on the challenge for himself, the roo was more of the nerdy bookworm type, the hardest physical activity the marsupial doing for a living was riding his bike to and from the college he and Teddie attended.

"So this is your last chance to step off because once this thing starts there's no stopping until we get to the end, which happens to be all the way at the entrance of the stateside park." The park's entrance being at the very edge of the forest from where the obstacle course began. "Anyone else want to leave? Now's the time." Looking around the dingo could see that everyone who remained was resolute about their decision to stay. "Alright then, let's do this thing!" And thus the canine led the group over to where the start area of the course had been situated. Once everyone was clear on the rules - make it to the end before him - Teddie made another short speech, "Ok, since everyone understands the rules, I'd be concerned if you didn't considering that there's only one, I'll start two minutes after everyone else, just to make things fair." The group muttered amongst each other, turning to see if the dingo was being serious or not and finding that the golden canine was from the serious look that covered his sharp features.

"Alright, let's do this thing!" Everyone readied themselves as best they could, most of them stretching and then positioning themselves in various manners in hopes of shooting off ahead of the pack. The twink feline made a gesture of blowing a kiss to Teddie, turning around and then reaching behind himself to giving his jean clad bubble butt a nice pat, his short bobbed tail wagging behind him playfully, before taking his place far off from the group. Teddie didn't know what to think about that, his own bisexuality not allowing him to be either mad or startled by the obvious flirtatious action. Shaking his head, the dingo returned to focusing on the task at hand. "On your mark!" Various rumbles poured free from the throats and muzzles of the group as tails arched and backs stiffened. "Get set!" For some reason the dingo found himself letting his honey brown eyes trail across to the sight of the lean lynx's backside, the other's spotted, bobbed tail seeming to draw the golden canine's attention somewhat hypnotically. The subtle waving of the plush looking pillows made Teddie shake his head before he could stop himself.


And then like furry rockets everyone but the dingo shot off along the length of the course. Watching them go Teddie felt a feral snarl tear free from his lips, his tongue licking out and then across the side of his fangs as he thought about catching up and then overtaking the group. Reaching down to pull out his stopwatch from his pocket, the dingo pressed the nubs on the side of the device and then watched as time counted itself down to zero.

'This is gonna be fun!' Teddie thought with the same kind of glee a pup feels upon getting their first chewy toy at Christmas.

It was with a devilish chuckle that the golden canine found the two minute mark having been reached. Not bothering to think over just who had gotten the farthest by this point in time Teddie grunted as he sprung himself into position and then tore ass down the length of the course. His body moved like poetry in motion as his golden fur drank in the light of the afternoon, the darkness that came with the clouds overhead nothing more than a faint concern to the smiling canine. Overtaking the first couple of the challengers had been easy enough to do, those who the dingo had passed having not been able to deal with trying to make their way through the tires placed a fourth of the way into the course. Stomping his way through them with the accuracy for which he had trained himself with for years down, Teddie passed through this area with ease. Getting through the next fourth a mile found the dingo chuckling as he noted a one of the few anthro females present getting into a fight with each other over something or another. From what little he caught it seemed as though one of the guys had said something slick to the female about a girl in a race. Teddie could have cared less since it just meant there were less people to have to deal with getting to the end.

It was at the point where he found his way at the second obstacle that the dingo noted someone was trying to climb their way out of the large pit which the canine had dug. Not stopping his forward motion Teddie hit the edge of the large open chasm, jumped with almost acrobatic precision, grabbed the rope which hung over the darkness, and then swung over and across to the other side. The entire motion took all of six seconds and in that time the dingo had just enough of a chance to blink to see that three people had landed onto the sand which he had used to fill the trap with. It was with a grateful sigh that the canine noted that no one was hurt but that didn't stop him from touching down and then charging forward onwards. Another fourth of a mile found two more anthros having bowed out of the race, this time in the form of them simply deciding to call it quits and sit down to rest while underneath the shade of a tall oak tree. The furs gave the dingo a polite wave, Teddie nodding in turn, before he continued on about his way, his speed never diminishing as he ran.

Upon getting to the large wall with the ropes hanging down the side the dingo found himself watching a familiar bobtail wiggle in front of him as the lynx from before pulled himself up to the top of the wall. Teddie didn't know where the other had come from but in watching the purple and black headed feline move up and then over the golden canine shook his head, growled a curse, and then climbed his way up after the spotted cat. Slipping down the other side of the wall, landing on all fours like his ancestors to cushion the impact of the fall, Teddie snarled as he watched the lynx's tight ass disappear ahead of him. Not wanting to be outdone on his own course, the canine pumped his legs hard, pulling himself up so as not to look like some rabid mongrel, and then continued on his way towards the goal line.

Over the several humps of earth which had been upturned and then up the climbing wall which had managed to trap a certain leopard within its grasp both Teddie and the lynx pushed themselves onwards into the forest. Panting huffs trailed out of both canine and feline's muzzles, sweat liberally pouring down the sides of their faces as they grunted while eating up the distance between them and the finish at the park entrance. It was on entering the dense trees which outlined the park that Teddie found the lynx slowing down, the other seemed to have gotten seriously winded as his tanktop shirt finally became saturated with sweat. Knowing that he had the rest of the race bagged Teddie grunted and then hit his turbo button within his mind and shot off down the rest of the path he had marked for the course. Tongue lolling out of his muzzle once he had gotten several yards away from the lynx Teddie didn't bother to wonder why the spotted cat suddenly veered off in the opposite way in which he was going. The dingo was just too caught up in the goal he had in mind and in knowing that if he could outrun the average mob he would be able to serve in the state defense force without any fear.

Several minutes of running in silence, the wind whipping against his upturned ears, his long tail flagging behind him in a symbol of triumph, ended with Teddie being knocked aside by something small and wiry. Stumbling a bit, his feet digging into the earth to regain his balance, the golden dingo blinked wide golden brown eyes as he watched a certain black spotted frame dart past him like a bullet. Not understanding, but not willing to concede to defeat, Teddie took off after the lynx, bobbing and weaving through the underbrush in order to catch up to the other.

'How the fuck did he...!?!' Was all Teddie could think as he zoomed up behind the lynx.

The black spotted feline didn't tire even after the two crossed over the log bridge, hiked across the stepping stones that separated the river, and then drew the distance towards the end of the obstacle course. Teddie was already gunning it as much as he could, his legs felt as though they were literally burning as his muscles screamed at him to slow down, however the dingo's pride wouldn't let him do any less than his best as he tried to outpace the feline refusing to slow down. It was right when the two were thirty yards from the goal line that Teddie found the shock of his life as he watched the little lynx bolt forward with almost blinding speed, the black tank top the was wearing looking all the fore like a black wisp of smoke as the other charged forward, shooting through the wide stone arc park entrance. There was nothing the dingo could do other than stare in awe as he crossed the wide gap ten seconds later, his tail flat against his left leg as he jogged to a half next to the lynx.

"How did you manage to beat me?" It was the first thought that Teddie had, though he hadn't meant to voice it as sharply as he did.

"Because I've been training for this for a long time, dingo baby." The twink feline said as he turned, jet black eyes almost smoldering as he smiled saucily at the other anthromorph.

"What?" Teddie cocked his head to the side, one of his ears laying down against the top of his head.

"It doesn't matter." The lynx said as he panted hard, a hand reaching up to wipe the sweat from his brow. "Anyway, I think you owe me something." A spotted paw reached out, the black painted claws gleaming in the light of the afternoon sun.

Teddie looked at the outstretched paw, his lips dipping down into a deep frown, before he shrugged and then reached into his side pocket. "Fine, you win. Here..." Pulling out the roll of bills he had been keeping before placing it neatly within the spotted feline's hand.

The lynx nodded after looking gleefully at the rolled up pieces of paper. Turning away to go about his way Teddie stood, his body heaving and shaking slightly from exhaustion, as he watched the tight bum of the feline move off about the way.

'Haha, guess I'm going to need to train much harder if I lost that easily.'


It was a week later when Teddie found himself being accosted by a strange happening. Sitting in his dorm room, his computer running streams of one of the lessons his scientology professors had posted last night for her evening class the dingo was curiously looking into the face of a certain black spotted lynx. The smaller feline smiled somewhat shyly up at the taller male, his dainty paws fumbled with the overly bright neon green shirt he wore while his lower lip was worried constantly between cute pointed fangs.

"Can I help you?" The dingo wasn't sure what to think of his new arrival, especially given that he didn't really think to see the other again after winning his money.

"You're the dingo from the week before, aren't you?" The nervous looking lynx flushed, his dark gray and white furred face turning slightly pink as blood rushed to his cheeks. Teddie would have found the little one kind of cute if he was into guys.

"The one and only." Leaning against the left side of his open doorway, the larger male crossed his arms over his chest, his white muscle shirt seemed to almost strain as the cotton material was forced to spread wide across his impressive looking pecs. The lynx made no attempt to hide the lust shining in his dark blue eyes as his pink tongue curled out over and across his lips.

"Will you come with me real quick, there's something I want to speak to you about?" The bulge that rose up in front of the too tight black cut off shorts that the feline wore made it clear why the feline wanted to speak with him and the dingo was not in the mood to break the little guy's heart. Or his skull if he tried anything fresh.

"Can't we talk here?" The dingo put a deep growl into his voice that usually scared the twinks and posers away since nobody wanted to mess with anyone his size. The lynx didn't seem to get the point as he let out a quiet whimper, his eyes shooting down to watch the already fat mound of the dingo's crotch squeeze just a little tighter inside of his pants as the canine turned his groin away from him. A cough made the spotted feline raise his shimmering blue gaze.

"Yeah, we could, but I think it would be better for you to come with me." A small snarl made the dingo's lips flutter, now Teddie was getting pissed. He was about to open his muzzle to bark out a choice comment at the other when the little lynx beat him to the punch. "It's about the money you forked over." That made Teddie's ire boil over!

"Hey, my money's always good, so don't...!" The rant was broken by the bobbed tailed feline cowering slightly, the fear in the bright blue orbs of the other sparked something within the dingo that stopped his fury cold.

"No! No! It's fine. We checked, but..." The lynx put his hands in front of himself, an obvious sign of distress, and then began to wave them wildly. That the fur across the other's body began to shoot up, spiking as though electrocuted, caused Teddie to take a deep breath before speaking once again.

"We?" Dark honey brown eyes blinked down in confusion at the nervous feline.

The lynx clenched his fist together, the sight of the small knuckles buckling together made the dingo wonder if the other actually think to hit him, but that thought was easily dismissed when the feline said, "Just come with me, pretty please?" Teddie could only stare dumbfounded at that. Who over the age of three said 'pretty please' anymore? It was only the honesty within the spotted cat's words that made the dingo tip his head skyward, mouthing a few choice words to St. Mira, before letting his shoulders slump down, his arms uncrossing.

"Ahhh, alright. Give me a minute." Turning away from the other Teddie let his tail snap back against his backside before going to straighten up his dorm room - turning off his computer, leaving a message for Dennis of where he would be going, grabbed his keys and wallet - all the while leaving his door open for the little lynx.

The spotted feline made no motion to come into the other's place of residence, he was fully aware that he was on thin ice with the canine and entering his domain without being invited almost testament to asking for a bruising. So instead the lynx waited just outside of the open door, casually peaking inside as best he could, his nose wiggling slightly as he caught the thick, pungent scent of dingo which wafted around the almost painfully small room like a dense blanket of fog. The spotted feline couldn't help himself as his pants began to feel almost painfully tight against his middle, his cock was trying to tear itself free from his shorts in desperation to salute the epitome of masculinity for which the towering dingo was. Just the thought of the other as he was, doing whatever it was that muscular hunks like him did, had the feline's mouthwatering. What he would give to be able to spread himself over the other, filling the dingo's virility overtaking him as they writhed together...

"Hey!" The lynx jumped back as he noticed that his black nose was pressed flush against the abdomen of a certain canine. Snapping his eyes upwards the blue eyed cat blinked owlishly, "I said are we going or are you gonna stare at me all day like I'm a piece of steak?" The laugh in the dog's voice made the lynx wonder which the other would have preferred.

"C-coming. I-I mean...we're going! Yes! Now! Going!" The lynx turned and darted away down the red carpeted hallway of the college campus, his mad flight making him stumble into several anthros walking down the hallway.

Teddie could only shake his head as he watched the other go.

The lynx led the dingo to his motorbike, a classy black beast for which the smaller feline looked too short to ever be able to handle, however, in throwing on his riding helmet and then passing one over to Teddie, the spotted cat hopped onto his onyx beast and then nodded for the canine to get on. The dingo, mildly impressed by the other's chutzpah popped the surprisingly well made helmet over his head, slipping his perpetually upturned ears through the ear slots, and then slipped himself onto the back of the black beast of a riding machine. That his groin pressed itself snugly against the lynx's slightly upturned rump, his overly thick bulge teasing the gently twitching tail of the other, didn't go unnoticed by either feline or canine. It was with a desperate whine that the lynx kicked the motorbike into gear, revving the engine so that it could roar to life the same as the spotted cat on a good day, and then tore off from the parking lot of the community campus down the road towards Forest Park.

The drive was met with a lot of silence, both Teddie and the unnamed lynx seemed to be in their own world as they rode together down the near empty Sunday street. The smell of the lynx was deep within the dingo's nose, a tangy musk which the warm autumn air only made more enticing as the golden canine's sheath began to thicken. Shaking his head Teddie didn't bother to reprimand himself, knowing full well that it was only the constantly rumbling of the motorbike underneath him that was causing him to feel as aroused as he was. He had already had this conversation with himself several years ago so there was no reason to keep going over it with himself. That the dingo slipped his head down against the side of the spotted cat's shoulder, hugging the other just a little closer to him, was something Teddie didn't bother to think long over.

For his part the lynx didn't know what to think as he felt the larger bulk of the older dog press closer into him. A playful smile did creep up over the feline's lips, his bobbed tail wagged incessantly against the front of the canine's jeans. The growing bulge within signaled to both that someone was more than a little interested in what was between the two of them.

Once the feline drove up into the park, pulling his bike into the parking area and then killing the engine, both he and Teddie took off their helmets, shook their heads from the sweat matting down their fur, and then,

"Alright, we're here, now what did you want?" Teddie asked, his honeyed eyed glaring down at the smaller male, watching curiously as the lynx stepped away from him to turn over towards the left. Whipping his head to the side the dingo noticed that there was a familiar looking motorbike over standing off to the side.

"Just...follow me." The spotted feline seemed unusually nervous, not that Teddie could tell when the other was usually nervous seeing that he didn't even know the other, however something about the way the other walked stiff legged made Teddie cock his head to the side.

"O...k." And then the dingo was being led within the gates of the park to...someplace. "Do I get to know why you felt the need to drag me all the way out here or am I going to have to wait to be surprised?" The mocking tone made a snort growl rumble free from out of the lynx's throat. "I can growl too, much louder than you I might add." Teddie made this very apparent as his throat and chest literally began to quake, the vibration from his throat causing the lynx to stiffen like a springboard.

"C-c-cut that out! I'm going to explain everything, j-just calm down already." The spotted cat didn't bother to turn around as he spoke these words, instead he simply chose to speed his forward jaunt through the woods.

Teddie couldn't help but feel satisfied as he hurried his steps after the other.

It was twenty minutes later when the two found their way to a towering oak tree standing with what looked to a large tree house within its branches. Watching as the lynx began to climb his way up via a pair of somewhat unsteady boards planted within the tree's bark Teddie let his eyes dip both up and down before blanching as he noticed a small rickety tree house staring back at him.

Before he followed suit, confused as to why it seemed as though the building seemed to look as though it had been repaired recently. Strange since the dingo didn't even remember such a thing in the first place and he had been going to this park almost all his life. Watching as the spotted feline entered into the darkened front of the treehouse Teddie was shocked as he noted a second copy of the first spotted feline poking his head out to smile at him.

"What the hell?!" The golden dog's muzzle hung open as he watched the saucy looking cat with the black and purple hair wink back at him.

"Hey, dingo baby." The flirty feline said, black eyes staring down at him in obvious lust at the same time his doppelganger entered within the flap that separated the outside of the tree house from the inside. "Why don't you come on up? We've got a treat for you." And then the other feline was gone.

Standing there in a stupor for several seconds Teddie didn't know what to do with himself. The fact that there were two of the lynx, obviously signifying that the pair were twins, had pierced the dog's dome, but that was a minor concern more than the fact that he was slowly coming to realize that he had just been cheated out of both the win from his obstacle race and his thousand dollars. Rage burned quickly through the dingo's mind, his fingers closed into his palms, the claws threatening to cut into the skin, before he took a calming breath. Moving towards the wooden planks leading up into the tree house the golden canine didn't let himself assume anything, knowing well that if he did he would probably let himself go to a point he didn't want to travel. So instead, the muscular canine quietly slipped into the wooden structure, his larger mass having to duck down in favor of the low ceiling. Looking around Teddie found that the interior was much more spacious that he was led to believe, the space having to be able thirty feet across and twenty-five feet deep.

"You like, dingo baby?" One of the twins said causing Teddie to turn his full gaze onto where the two felines were.

"Oh, yeah," Teddie said through grit teeth. "It's really great."

"Isn't it?" The spotted cat replied as he rolled around on a plush looking rug, the tank top shirt and black cutoff jeans were easily tugged on as the happy feline wiggled himself back and forth, his bobbed tail almost playfully wagging at the golden canine.

"Andrew, cut that out, already." The second feline, the one which had brought the dingo to the tree house, sharply retorted. The unnamed lynx's bright blue eyes cut deep into his brother as he noted Andrew turning to look at him, a deep frown marking the other's furry face. "You promised you wouldn't you that."

"Yeah, yeah, but you have to admit that this is fun." The flirty feline snickered as he picked himself up from off of the floor and then went over to his sibling. "And don't act like you don't want to do what I'm think."

"Yeah, but...still..." The shy lynx didn't know what to say as he watched his other half come ever closer to him. Andrew's smoldering dark eyes were so dark and depthless that they looked to swallow him whole, yet instead of making him afraid it made the tight jeans he had feel painful tight around his lower body.

"Shhh, Jessie. You always worry too much about the unimportant stuff." Andrew reached up to encircle his arms around his brother, twining his fingertips into each other as he hugged the other feline into his lithe form. The twins, pressed together as they were, paid little mind to the befuddled Teddie as the dingo plopped himself down onto the floor, the canine having become annoyed with have to crouch for so long. However, none present could miss the interchange of tongue and lips as Andrew pressed his face deeply into that of Jessie's, the more dominant of the pair seeming to place a heavy demand on his flustered half as Andrew forced his tongue into the other's mouth. The exchange of breath and saliva made for an interesting sight to see for Teddie, the dingo actually never thinking that one could steal the oxygen from another person before.

To say that the exchange of tongue between the brothers was intimate would have been a disservice to the passion for which Andrew placed upon both Jessie and himself. The more dominant feline didn't just seem to know what he was doing, he seemed to literally be drinking his sibling soul as he hugged the other deeply into his body, grinding his fur and flesh into the other spotted cat with a fervor for which extended past mere desire into something...almost akin to need. Both males had their eyes closed as they shifted their head to the side to different directions, their blunt muzzles forcing them into such a strange looking position and yet this couldn't stop the enthusiasm the two from moaning as they continued sharing their respective tastes between each other.

When the two came up for air a full minute later, "Just let things happen, you it'll work out for the best." Andrew murmured.

"Uh, excuse me, homo brothers," the twins turned to look at Teddie, who wasn't sure what to say or think in light of watching two brothers go to town on each other, with various looks cast upon their spotted faces, "while I don't mind you doing what you were doing, I really didn't want to see it." The seriousness of the dingo's claim was made somewhat clear as the golden canine had his head rolled to the side to look out the only window within the tree house. "Also, why am I here?"

"Well," Andrew began, quietly purring, "There are a couple of reason, dingo baby." Pulling himself away from his sibling, the flirty feline stalks his way over to the canine, careful to keep out of arm's length; he was so not looking forward to being pelted by the larger male. "First off, we wanted to apologize to you for tricking you out of your money last week. That was just mean of us." Teddie turned his head to face the other just as Andrew pulled something out from behind his back, a second later a large clump of bills was deposited onto the dingo's lap.

Tipping his head down to stare pointedly at the bundle of money, which seemed somewhat smaller than he remembered it being, the dingo blinked and then turned his gaze back onto the feline. "So you did cheat." He had already figured out that the two had conspired to win his race by swapping places with each other, but now he had the confirmation. Yet the realization didn't seem as irritating as the golden canine felt it should have been as he looked into bright blue eyes staring back at him with a somewhat earnest look written onto the lynx's face. Or maybe it had something to do with the fearful visage which was cast over Jessie's features that made Teddie not feel like snapping at the two spotted cats. "Why are you..."

"Let me finish first, dingo baby," Andrew said with a small wave of his hand. "After that, we'll let the cards fall where they may, alright?" Teddie merely huffed at the other. "Right, well then, the reason why we're returning your prize back to you is because we feel really bad for what we did." The leather dressed feline bowed his head at the same time his twin came over to do the same. "We don't know how else to apologize, but please, let this be the start." The twins stayed in their half bent position for several seconds without saying anything.

"I'm not going to forgive you for what you did, if you were expecting some kind of verbal cue from me." Teddie growled, his hackles raised slightly. Both Jessie and Andrew leaped back upwards at that, the spotted felines eyes wide with disbelief before they turned to look at one another. It was Andrew who seemed the most befuddled of the two as he cocked his head to the side, silently questioning his brother on what had gone wrong. Jessie didn't know what to respond with, he had been quite sure that the dingo would be more than willing to... "However," the lynxes turned to blink at Teddie. "I can say that I won't hold it against you since it's already in the past." The golden canine chucked the bills back over to Andrew, the spotted feline catching the roll before it could hit his face, his lightning reflexes just that acute. "Though I still want to know the 'why' behind your little stunt." Crossing his arms over his muscled chest, Teddie let his ears perk forward as he waited to hear the rest of whatever it was the twosome had to say.

"W-well, the reason w-we wanted to win your race was because..." Jessie tried to say yet the fear in his mind refused to let him complete his sentence. It didn't stop him from trying, though.

"Was because...?"

"Because we wanted your attention." Andrew finished somewhat frustrated. It was clear that the feline was taken aback by the dingo's words, but at listening to his sibling try to stammer out his feelings the older lynx felt almost completely overwhelmed with both shame and aggravation.

"Huh?" It was the most intelligent thing the dingo could think to say given the situation.

"You don't even remember us, do you?" Andrew questioned, one hand lightly gracing his hip as he swayed his hips side to side angrily.

"Other than from the race, I don't recognize either of you." Teddie admitted honestly. At seeing the sad smiles that crossed down feline's faces, he added, "Am I supposed to?" It was as one that the two spotted cats turned and then went over to the side of the treehouse where an old, beat up looking chest had been stashed. Not having noticed it from how it had been positioned Teddie had little time to wonder what the significance of the wooden container was before the rusted lock was popped open, a creaking groan revealed the inside of the chest, and then the twins went to rustling inside of it. Attempting to look around the pair proved to be a wasted effort for the dingo as the combined bulk of the twins prevented him from seeing anything other than their tight behinds, clad in both form fitting cotton and leather, wiggle back and forth in front of him; the spotted nubs of a tail they both possessed made Teddie's stomach roll for some reason. A moment later the golden canine's unsettled guts were stilled by the brothers returning with something clutched in between their hands.

"Do these look familiar, Teddie?" Jessie asked, showing off an old photograph to the larger canine.

Letting his eyes settle over the well-worn picture the dingo got the shock of his surprise as he noted the persons held captive by time within the photo, a wave of memories returning all at once.

"You're telling me that you two are Jess and Andy, the little cubs I use to babysit when I was in middle school?" The sight of a goofy looking dingo, one ear flopped down because of a bandana draped across his head, smiled up at Teddie while two shy little lynx kittens squished themselves into the larger bulk of the pre-teen as though trying to hide from the camera's all-knowing sights.

"Yep!" Andrew said while holding out the bandana younger Teddie had been donning on top of his skull. "We even kept this as a memento to remind you about us, just in case you forgot."

"Woah, I thought I lost this somewhere." Teddie said, nostalgia overcoming him with the force of a storm as he took the now faded red head covering into his massive paws. Remembering the days when he had worn this all around town, he and Dennis getting into loads of trouble with the neighbors as the bratty dingo pup talked the timid kangaroo into whatever practical jokes the other could think up this week swam through the dingo's head like mad. "You really went through all of this just so that you could see me again?" Both felines nodded up at the golden canine. "Heh, they have an invention now called a cellphone, you should try it."

"We tried to get your attention all last year when you moved into the dorms, but you didn't seem to pay us any attention." Jessie whimpered openly, a whine threatening to poke free from his lips at any second now.

A heavy paw reached out to swat the younger feline over across the head. "Stop that." Andrew said, his voice cold like ice as he glared daggers at the other lynx. "You know crying never gets you anywhere, except on my last nerves."

A large hand reached out to pop Andrew over and across his head all of a sudden.

"And you know that bullying him will make me punish you, right, naughty Andy." The older lynx blinked, a playful smile rising up onto his lips as he felt a familiar throbbing into the back of his head.

"Haha, yeah, I guess." Teddie watched as Andy...or rather Andrew stalked his way over onto his left side, Jess...or rather Jessie moving to accompany his right once the spotted feline finished rubbing the back of his head. "It's been a long while, though, dingo baby." Jessie whispered.

"Hey now, watch that." Teddie growled, already recalling how much trouble it had been to look after the rambunctious Andrew who seemed to live for the thrill of getting into trouble. A habit he no doubt picked up from his 'role model' of choice.

"Sorry, Teddie, but I've always like playing with your ears." The honesty behind the words made the dingo forgive the other, especially when Jessie began to lightly purr against the side of his head. The steady vibrations coming from the sweet natured feline made it so that the golden canine could forgive the other's sibling for almost any wrongdoing which Andrew seemed to be capable of.

"Yeah, you have, but that's still annoying." Three chuckles rang against the inner world of the treehouse after that. A wealth of memories were silently shared between the three as Teddie felt the weight of the two brothers against both his chest and his mind, his long tail wagged behind him somewhat rampantly as noted the two nuzzling against the underside of his throat and chest. "Hey, before this gets to be too much like a Kodak moment, want to tell me what you meant before?" Teddie shifted so that he could look to Andrew. He knew, if given half the chance, the older twin would hog all of his attention without giving his brother so much as a word to speak with or time to utter his thoughts. Or maybe the two had changed in that respect. Teddie wasn't sure.

"You meant about trying to get your attention?" Teddie smiled and then nodded once. "Well, after you moved to the other side of town we tried our best to get along without you, but after we got into high school we realized that there was something missing in our lives." Andrew sighed happily as he breathed in the musky scent of the slightly sweaty canine. A nudge from a meaty shoulder made him wake from the sleepy daze he was falling into. "Oh yeah, um, well, after we tried to find out where you had moved to from the people who moved into your house, they weren't very helpful to us, we decided to try and find you online. That's when we stumbled over your Muzzlebook page with your address on it."

"Yeah, you really filled out on there, Teddie." Andrew said without provocation, his dainty paws reached down to rub his claws playfully along the length of the dingo's shirt, tracing the lines of the older canine's pectorals as he did so.

"S-stop that! I thought you got out of that touching other people without their permission, Andy!" Teddie almost dislodged the spotted feline from his place on top of his lap after feeling a trail of electric heat course through his body where the smaller anthromorph had touched him. He never knew why having the kitten poke or prod over him made him feel so weird but it was one of the reasons why he had elected to stop babysitting the two after moving across town away from his old neighborhood. Sure it would have been easy for him, at that age, to catch the public transit to get back to the old side of town, but having to deal with the playful twosome...had left Teddie too conflicted at the time, so...

"You don't seem to mind Jessie rubbing against your neck!" The older teen pouted.

"Yeah, neck, not my chest. I'm sensitive right there." It was a partial truth if nothing else.

"You just like Jessie more than me!" The older lynx whined before remorselessly latching onto the dingo's midriff, hugging the other close while rubbing himself into his side like a spoiled brat.

Yes, this was one of the reasons why Teddie had made the twin's parents pay him five bucks a night every night they wanted the golden canine to be bothered with the pair of felines. Many unpleasant memories between him and the others rushed into the dingo's head, most of them revolving around the very needy Andy all but demanding his attention while the unsure Jessie just cried in a corner.

"Will you please?" Of course attempting to force the older lynx away only made it so that the younger would glomp onto him, Jessie not wanting to be left out from the party would take any opportunity he could to get some much needed affection from the only other male in his life who seemed to tolerate him beside his brother. Their father often times made it painfully clear what he thought of his two boys, though never in a way that bordered on being physical. That might be why the two had...

"Hey," The spotted felines stopped trying to compress Teddie into a piece of kneaded dough and looked up at the other blankly. "What happened between you two after I moved away? You both seem...very friendly with each other. Not that you weren't before, but..." The twins looked between each other, once again a silent conversation going off between them as they agreed on something for which only they could understand.

Turning to face their former babysitter it was Andrew who began speaking, "Well, after you moved away and didn't come back mom and dad ended up getting a divorce." Teddie winced at that. "Dad had finally had enough of dealing with all the pressure of being married and having to raise two kittens and hit the road, not that he's all that missed by anyone on mom's side of the family. Or by us." Andrew bore bright blue eyes up at Teddie as he spoke and from what the dingo could see as he turned to look at the slightly blushing Jessie, neither truly did miss their sire.

"Ok, but how does that figure into..." The dingo started.

"Well, you see, with you and dad gone there was no one else around so by the time we finished middle school there wasn't anyone around who could give us the kind of attention you did, and so we..." Andrew let a scarlet hue coat his face, his ears tipping down low as he shifted his crotch eagerly against the side of the dingo's rib cage. It was obvious what the other was trying to allude to, but that only left more questions in Teddie's mind. Seeing the curiosity at play on the older anthro's face it was Jessie who finished where his brother left off.

"We thought about what it would be like to go out with a girl and all, but...we didn't like that idea." Jessie meowed as he laid his head back down onto Teddie's side. "It just happened one day, or night rather, after we got home from school. Andrew and me, we were talking about proms and stuff, about going out with other people and then we went to take a shower together like we always do." Teddie had been amazed to note that the twins did almost EVERYTHING together. From sleeping in the same bed to eating breakfast to even doing their chores; if you could find one lynx at any given location odds were that the other was barely two steps behind. However, if what Jessie was saying was true...then... "We didn't mean for it to happen, but the soap slipped out of my paws outside of the tub and I went to bend down to get it. Andrew, trying to be funny," Jessie lifted his head to stick his tongue out at his twin, only to have said organ captured and then entangled by its mirrored copy as Andrew began to suck face with his younger brother.

Watching as the two shared their tastes which one another, Jessie's soft, wet croons easing out from both of their lips pressed tightly together, Teddie didn't try to think about why his blood began to feel like quicksilver within his veins, his breathing growing just a tiny bit faster as the brothers made out mere inches from his face. That both of their hands came together to begin rubbing up against each other's bellies, the gentle strokes sounding like quiet hisses as flesh rubbed over fabric, the lynx twins purred ever so gently as they showed their love and devotion to one another.

"Alright! Alright already!" Teddie shouted, breaking the two from what they were doing as they turned to look up at him questioningly, a silvery string of drool connecting both of their muzzles together. "Can you finish at least ONE story before the day is out? I do have things to do today." Teddie remembered that he still had to pack for his trip across the state, it had been delayed by this sudden...odd detour.

"Ooh, sorry, Teddie baby." Andrew began, lightly running his tongue across lips upper lip so as to get the last of his brother's taste from off his now swollen kisser. "Better hurry this along. Well, like Jessie said, he bent over and agreed the soap and something in me just said to go ahead and try and practical joke or two, and so I...stuck a finger up his bum. You should have seen the look on his face when I did!" Andrew guffed, his entire frame shaking as he thought over the entire event. Jessie could only groan in embarrassment. "I couldn't believe how hot and wet he felt even though we were in the shower together, but sliding my finger back and forth inside of Jessie's ass, teasing his prostate, which we had just learned about in health class, and hearing him moan out loud I had to know what it would be like to stick something...else up in him." It didn't take a great imagination to wonder what happened then, but for some reason Andrew felt the sudden need to detail the experience.

"You have no idea how good it felt to push two fingers up inside of him, Teddie baby. Jessie was tight as an overstretched rubber band but the way his insides squeezed over my digits, it felt like his bottom was trying to suck on my fingers." The aforementioned spotted feline sank his head into the older canine's shoulder, if he could have exploded from the heat radiating from off of his body Teddie was sure Jessie would have been a smoldering crater at the moment. And then Andrew continued with his story, totally uncaring that his brother was about to become a furry bomb, "Spreading my fingers around inside of him was kinda tough, but the way he wiggled and pushed back I guess he must have liked it a lot because in about a minute he was loose enough for me to slip a third finger up into his tailhole. After that, once I had all three of knuckles buried deep within him Jessie started to make these cute little moans, like he was trying to pray and cry at the same time, I didn't think he could actually make the sounds he made back then with me hammering his backside like I was. But after I pulled my fingers out, I gave them a sniff to see if doing that was as nasty as I had heard from some of the other boys in class but didn't smell anything funky or dirty just a lot of Jessie's regular scent but much deeper than it normally was, I asked him if I could 'stick my weiner up his butt'. Can you guess what he said?"

"Yes?" Teddie panted, his eyes somewhat glazed over from the mental image.

"Nope!" Andrew chirped breaking the spell over the dingo. "He told me no and that he was going to tell mom on me, little tattler!" Jessie merely said nothing as he hugged himself into Teddie's much stronger frame. "So in order not to get in trouble with mom, since she was always tired after getting home from work since we had to move on into a smaller hour, I made him promise not to tell if he stuck his cock in my ass first. Can you guess what he said then?"

"Um..." Teddie wasn't sure since this story was not going the way he wa...thought it would. "Y-yes?" That was the trick with fifty-fifty questions, you never knew if you were wrong or not until after you opened your mouth.

"Nope! Sorry! He said no and then jumped out of the tub at mach one! Of course, he forgot we were still wet and ended up slipping on the floor and hitting his head." A hiss of remembrance sounded throughout the treehouse at that point. "Luckily he only managed to hit his head on the floor and knock himself out so I didn't have to call 911, or worse, mom." Andrew continued. "Once I got out of the shower, much slower than Jessie, I checked his pulse like our health teacher taught us to. After finding it I turned off the shower and then got some towels to dry Jessie off with. I dragged him to our room after that and then put him into bed. I got in after I dried myself off."

"So if you and he didn't do anything then...when did you start...?" Teddie dared to ask, getting an answer from Jessie this time as he younger twin pull himself away from the dingo's chest.

"I woke up with Andrew next to me later on asking if we could 'do it again' in the morning. I told him no and then turned over to go to sleep." Jessie said adamantly. Teddie was even more confused now, but that was soon to change with what next came from the younger lynx's muzzle. "I ended up 'doing it' with one of the boys from our gym class after I caught Andrew doing his brother." Jessie gave Andrew a crossed look. "He ended up making a bet with the other boy for his brother's butt if he could get mine. I still can feel that horse pounding at my backside even to this day." The younger spotted cat whined, reaching back to rub at his rear as though still feeling the massive draft horse boy rutting through his backdoor as he had all those years ago. The sensation of having the big horse stud grab him, spit onto the star of his pucker, and then drop him onto his lap plagued Jessie to this day. To say that it hurt would have been an understatement as the twelve and a half inch mass of horseflesh tore right through the younger cat's tender insides, beating a path up into Jessie's guts which left the other weak kneed and blubbering after he had cum inside of him. How Andrew had managed to talk the other's younger filly of a brother into cleaning out the leftover horse spooge drooling out of his broken rear Jessie didn't think he'd ever want to know, lest to say that that was the last time the younger feline ever gave his ass over to someone not Andrew.

"After that I didn't want anyone else but Andrew to fuck me." Jessie purred right into Teddie's face. "Well, all except one other person, that is."

Teddie tried to fight, really he did, but when the smaller feline's nose pressed into his own the dingo began to lose sight of a lot of things, not to mention the clasp of his jeans as deft little fingers began to toy with his pants.

Teddie tried to resist the teasing fingers, the feeling of the deft claws sliding over the rising bulge within his pants made shivers run up and down the side of the dingo's muscular frame, but for all of his strength and willpower there was nothing the golden canine could do when, the zipper of his pants began to hiss open, his thick cock and sheath filling out into the space between himself and the lynx. When a soft hand began to reach around his cock, circling the first few inches of dark red flesh of the ten inch pulsating mass, Teddie opened his mouth to bark at Jessie, sure that the sharp sound would startle the feline enough for him to get away and regroup his thoughts. That never happened, though, because just as soon as the dingo opened his muzzle a warm tongue popped itself in between his lips, the roving organ quickly roving around inside of his maw to try to swallow the taste of the older canine.

Wide green eyes looked to see Andrew smiling down at him, the lustful spotted feline making it clear that he wouldn't let the other take a moment to breathe unless he submitted to what was happening. Defiant, Teddie tried to growl through the forceful kiss, his throat readying itself to rumble like a freight train gone into overdrive, but when a hot mouth planted itself around the dingo's cock Teddie lost all his will to do anything other than moan wantonly. Watching as the stud hound lost himself to the pleasures of his brother's oral ministrations Andrew licked across the back of the dingo's teeth once and then twice before pulling away, a string of drool connecting the two of them together.

"Ohhh, I bet you're loving that, aren't you, dingo baby?" The older lynx teased as he reached up to rub the front of Teddie's lip, removing the sticky silver string connecting them together. Andrew couldn't help but to snicker like a loon as he watched the golden canine lower eyes and begin letting his hips firing upwards into Jessie's muzzle as the smaller lynx began to bob his head up down along the engorging length of the canine's meat. "Has he done that thing with his tongue yet?" Andrew asked at the same time the spotted cat began to reach for his own shorts, taking them off and then throwing them out the side of the tree house via the window. Once the other was done with that Andrew gave himself a good stretch, making sure to keep his eyes on his younger brother and their old playmate, before shucking off his shirt, tossing that to the side as well. "He always did give the best head, the little slut." Andrew chuckled somewhat madly as Jessie pulled his muzzle up from off of the dingo's now half hard shaft, the slickness of spit and precome covering the stiff canine tool a secondary concern to the older lynx as he listened to his brother growl dangerously at him. "Sorry Jessie." Andrew said somewhat facetiously as he turned his head to the side in an effort to pop his neck. "But you know that you do enjoy having something thick, hard, and juicy in your mouth more than you like having words come out it." Then younger lynx continued to growl, his lips pulling back over his fangs at the same time his iris began to narrow into paper thin slits. "Ok. Ok. I take it back." Waving his hands in front of his face as a sign of surrender, Andrew took a small step back, knowing well that when his normally calm sibling got that angry usually the claws came out.

Staying silent until the other began to turn his head to return to slipping the tip of his tongue along the pointed head of the dingo's dick, Andrew gave his brother about a minute to nurse on Teddie's dick, the young lynx now slurping along the full ten inch length of canine cock, the knot at the base swelling and popping out from the inside of the furry tube of the other's sheath, before making his way over to kneel next to the pair. With his nub of a tail bobbing behind his back Andrew moved his muzzle down so that he could press his rounded snout into the underside of the dingo's crotch, the feline's pink nose twitched slightly as he caught the musky, clean scent of the older canine's furry balls and manhood wafting within that intimate region of Teddie's body. Not waiting for an invitation, knowing well that things might go awry if he did, Andrew opened his mouth wide, moved his head forward, and then swallowed both of the dingo's furry orbs within with maw. Teddie nearly howled as the dual sensation of being licked and sucked along two regions of his body hit him all at the same time. Never had he felt pleasure so wonderful before, his previous girlfriends all had put out and had been good, well most of them anyway, but not one of them could compare to having the twins swirl their tongues around his most erogenous regions, their small fangs pressing within to his flesh teasingly to him, adding just the right touch of spice to the euphoria overtaking the dingo.

A few minutes of this and Teddie was all but ready to melt where he sat, his tail beat at the wood floor underneath, fanning the ground with strong, hard sweeps as his cock began to spew pre-cum out from his tip into Jessie's throat. Not that the lynx minded this in the least. Sucking down the tasty, if not slightly salty fluids, the younger of the two brothers did his best to make his former baby sitter feel as though he were getting the experience of a lifetime as he slowly began to deep throat the other. Teddie let out a mini howl, his head going back, eyes rolling up into his head as he felt the world around him begin spinning wildly. The dingo was sure that nothing should ever feel as good as what he was feeling at the moment. The slight tugging at the golden canine's balls as Andrew began to move his head back and forth slightly caused Teddie to hiss slightly, the slight increase in pressure that came a second later actually caused the dingo to let his mouth drop open his tongue slobbering out from his lips to drool liberally down the side of his chest.

The twins worked their older friend over for several more minutes, the both of them taking time out to pull themselves off from Teddie's cock and balls so that they could lean into each other, to kiss each other, the two spotted felines taking a moment to share in the dingo's salty taste. Once they were satisfied with this the two returned to ministering onto the golden canine, their small break gave the pair renewed vigor and soon the twin has Teddie's hips rocking back forth, the dingo's claws making furrowing within the wood of the floor beneath him. Teddie didn't know what to do with himself as he felt his pent up lust began to boil over into something almost uncontrollable as both Jessie and Andrew worked him with faster strokes of their tongues. Pre-come rolled up from out of the dingo's urethra, gushing outwards in such heavy mouthfuls that Jessie actually had problems trying to swallow all of the slimy juice. The fact that Teddie's hips were bouncing so fast into the lynx's face, smacking his muzzle over and over again with almost bruising force, didn't help Jessie's plight however the spotted feline didn't stop himself from trying to brush his lips over the fat bulb of the dingo's knot. His lips weren't able to get around the large mound of solid flesh yet that didn't stop Andrew from reaching up to wrap his fingers around what Jessie couldn't swallow, the older twin noting his sibling's plight and doing what he could to aid his brother in getting the delicious cream the younger feline desired.

Teddie let out a low moan, his entire body shuddering with almost violent shudders as he felt the pressure which was winding up within his gut, his breaths coming out into hard, desperate huffs as white spots began to dot his darkened vision. His balls felt so hot, the cum building within his twin orbs actually made every flick of Jessie's tongue against the flesh of his scrotum brought with it sharp spikes of pleasure that nearly made the dingo whine. Tail wagging behind himself swift and furiously Teddie was more than ready to let himself go inside of the Jessie's muzzle, the thought of seeing the other's face and chin coated in his seed, the little lynx blushing and licking his lips as he collected the dingo's semen, nearly had the golden canine snarling a growl of rapture as his lips pulled back over his teeth, his tongue bobbing slightly as it continued to hang down in between his lips.

So it was with great shock that Teddie found his manhood released from the tight seal of the spotted feline's throat, the steady pressure on his balls and knot removed in favor of an unwanted abandonment overtaking him, the likes of which rocked the golden canine out of his euphoric daze.

"W-wha..." Teddie tried to form the words to ask what was happening but his throat had dried up, the aftereffect of having his muzzle hang open for so long.

"Shhh, dingo baby, it'll be alright." Jessie said somewhat slyly as he and his brother, as one, moved to get up from where they knelt in between the dingo's spread legs. "We're going to finish you off, but first you have to ask for it." The older lynx watched as the slightly confused dingo blinked jade eyes at him, the other not knowing what to say to that exactly, not even as he watched Andrew begin to help Jessie out of his tight fitting clothes.

Gazing greedily as Jessie was disrobed of his jeans and shirts, Andrew went out of way to make the slow slide of cloth from his younger brother's black spotted form as sensuous as possible, the older canine didn't know what he could say to deny the fact that his hard cock wanted to bury itself within the tight rim of the pink pucker which revealed itself to Teddie as Jessie's taut rump came into view. When a slender hands reach back to start playing with the twin mounds, pulling them apart so that the muscular dog could see the well-worn tailhole winking at him Teddie found himself easing his nose forward, the spongy black nostrils wiggling desperately as the heady scent of the younger feline's musky hole began to drift closer to him. The finger that snuck its way inside of Jessie's backside had the younger lynx moaning and pushing back against the slim digit, a feline moan breaking out from the spotted cat's throat as he was stroked in all the right places again.

"You might want to make yourself clear on what you want, dingo baby, otherwise I might take this hole for a ride myself and let you deal with yourself on your own time." It was the sultry growl within Andrew's voice ringing out against Teddie's upturned ears that spoke more to the still dazed dingo than the commanding words.

"I want him..." Teddie panted, his right hand moving down to rub his balls as his hips began to lightly flutter up into the air. "I want to fuck him. Hard." A ravenous growl tore out of the golden canine's throat as his eyes dilated onto the quivering ring of flesh sucking the index finger spearing through it. "I want. I want to breed him. Fill him up. All day! All night!" Teddie howled, his as his hand clenched down onto his ball tight enough to make a touch of pain slice through the haze covering his mind.

When the finger pulled out from tense hole Teddie found himself yipping with joy, drool dripping down the sides of his lips as he thought about pouncing onto the smaller kitty in front of him, mounting him hard and fast until the other was left gaping with his cum. However, before he could do such a thing the muscular dog found himself somewhat confused as he watched the pink pucker before him growing wider within his vision. It was only when he began to blink that he realized that Jessie was being pushed back towards him. Once the Andrew had maneuvered his brother so close to the dingo that Teddie's nose was literally touching the younger lynx's stubby tail the golden canine heard a command that he found hard not to follow,

"Lick him, dingo baby. Get him nice and wet so that you can take out every kinky little desire you have on that naughty hole of his." Instantly the dingo's tongue brushed up against the cleft of Jessie's rump, a hot moan filled the room as a desperate shudder rushed up throughout the feline's spine. A second lick, this one right on the slightly swelling hole and soon Jessie felt as though his legs were going to give out on him. Andrew, witnessing the submission of his other half to their babysitter's talent tongue locked his arms around the younger feline, holding him steady so that the other would not fall. Reaching forward to nuzzle the front of his brother's throat, Andrew whispered quiet encouragement to his slutty sibling after Teddie's thick organ popped into his rear forcing loud howls from the younger lynx.

"Shhh, it's alright, Jess, I've got you. I won't let anything bad happen to you." Andrew promised.

That the older lynx was began to rub his unsheathed cock and furry tube up against his brother's own pouch and maleness only made the sensations coursing through the younger feline ignite into something so powerful and mind shattering that Jessie didn't even notice when he began backing his ass up against the front of Teddie's muzzle. The younger feline was so zoinked out on the pleasure radiating throughout his ultra-sensitive tailhole, Teddie's tongue was rolling around throughout the inner channel, hitting all of the right places that could make the spotted cat see stars before his eyes, that Jessie could do nothing more than relent to the passions which were overtaking both his body and soul. When the golden dog moved his tongue up against the small gland within his anus, stroking it and then massaging it as he shifted his head around to get more of the younger feline's wonderful taste, Jessie thought that he was going to go through the roof. It didn't help that both his and his brother's cock, barbed and tapered, began to push out against their unified chest, their balls wriggling in time with each other as Jessie's slow humps began to grow more and more animated, the younger male giving himself over to the heat that was burning within his mind.

"That's it dingo baby, you're making our little kitten here so hot that I can actually feel his desire bubbling within my own heart!" Andrew shouted, his connection with Jessie pouring over until the older feline didn't know where his feelings began and his brother's ended. Shifting one arm backwards so that he could begin fingering himself Andrew let out a characteristic feline mrowl as he played with his unused tailstar. "More! More, dingo baby!" Teddie easily complied, both his hands moving up so that they could pull apart Jessie's tight ass so that he could slobber fully into the darkened tunnel filled with the little lynx's savory flavor.

Several minutes passed with the three locked together as they were, Teddie having all but drooled gallons of saliva into Jessie's ass, some of the silvery fluid dripping out around the sides of the younger lynx's ass down onto the floor, before the golden dingo was forced to pull back. This was not by the muscular dog's choice however, movement from up above having stirred the twins from their place before him. Nearly unfocused eyes watched as the hazy figures of the spotted felines began to broke apart, one moving to turn the other around to face the bleary eyed dingo, before a strange shuffling forced Teddie over onto his hands and knees, his long tail pulled up against his naked backside. What happened next the golden canine could not say for sure but when a familiar slickened hole pressed up against the tip of his slightly deflated cock the larger anthromorph didn't think as he forced his hips downward, his still slickened tool jamming into the vice tight rump of the groaning figure underneath him. Teddie didn't bother to think after that, his body needing no instruction, as the dingo began to thrust his way home into the lynx before him, one of his arms coming up to hold the slightly struggling form underneath him closer into his chest as he began to rut hard and fast, his lust demanding that he breed without restraint.

That the almost feral dog found himself being entered by something equally slick, yet somewhat discomforting was a moot point to the dingo. All he wanted was to feel his knot locked inside of the tailhole willingly given up to slake his desires, his cum pumped deep into the belly of the bucking figure. Having his own tailhole deflowered was a minor annoyance for which the canine tried to flick away with a hard snap of his tail, yet that soon became something impossible to do as a firm hand grabbed hold of his fifth appendage, pulling it up and out of the way, while the thing in his rear began to dance against his insides, pulping them as small but hard nubs rubbed all throughout his inner tissue.

It was a good thing that Teddie couldn't well focus enough to turn his head back to see what it was burrowing itself inside of his ass otherwise the formerly straight golden canine would have been quite shocked to see the sight of the older of the two lynx's with his tongue wagging out from his mouth, a dominant grin plastered onto his muzzle, as he bucked hard and fast into the oh so tight ass before him. A swift slap of a hand against the dingo's rump brought a yelp from the canine along with a powerful shove of very muscular hips into the depths of Jessie's ass. The younger of the two lynx's cried out, an open call so loud that it made Teddie turn his ears one hundred eighty degrees, as his wet and warm tailhole was spread wide by the impressive girth of the golden canine. The sensation of having the dingo's cock buried within him, pushing around his inner tissue, made Jessie moan and buck backwards, his smaller form fit almost perfectly within the contour of the larger canine's muscular body, almost as if he belonged there, not that Teddie took much stock into this fact as his own back door was forced open by the restless Andrew. The older spotted cat didn't let the unprepared dingo get too much time to grow used to the fact that he was losing his anal virginity to the feline, instead Andrew drove his hips forward, gaining grunts from the larger dog as he did so.

Teddie shook his head as pain flared up his backside, his entire body quivered like the ground during an earthquake as he forced himself to remain on his knees and not topple over from how much his butt was smarting. Andrew didn't seem to mind the fact that he was causing discomfort for his partner, the grinning lynx was concentrating too much onto the fact that his barbed cock felt as though it were being gripped by smooth steel, warm, compliant, with just the right amount of give that made the extreme pleasurable course throughout the spotted cat's mind like a rampant fire. Thankfully Andrew's manhood was only about seven inches long so when the lynx's groin pressed flush up against the dingo's rump Teddie gained the chance to breath, he had unconsciously been holding his breath to keep from yelping out any louder than he already had, his pride unconsciously forcing him to keep what little dignity he had had before this whole event. With himself buried in deep inside of Andrew hissed, his bobbed tail slapped against the air almost crazily before he blinked blue eyes to have a look down at where Teddie and his brother were connected.

What the other found made a lewd smile appear onto his face. It seemed as though Teddie had only made it halfway inside of the younger feline before he had been forced to stop. The sight of Jessie's puckered hole flowering around the turgid flesh of the dingo's solid red prick made Andrew chuckle.

"How's it hanging down there, Jessie?" Andrew asked with a grin so smug cast upon his lips it actually made the younger spotted cat's lips drop into a frown.

"Take a guess..." The reply was short and sweet, but with a note of annoyance that made Andrew laugh out loud.

"Guess you need to practice some more on the dildos we have at home if you're struggling with one, little doggy dick." Andrew pulled his hips backwards, a hissing groan from Teddie bringing with it an even bigger smile from the older lynx as he reached down to hug the dingo's hips tightly, using the fleshy mounds like handles before tapping his own thighs forward into the dog. A whine brought with it the sound of slapping flesh as Teddie drove his cock forward into Jessie, the younger feline growling a quiet rumble as his ass bloomed around the canine's cock.

"You' ass....Andrew..." Jessie grumbled while at the same time rolling his tailhole off from Teddie's cock as best he could, the pressure filling up his guts was so much that the younger feline felt that he might explode, the dingo's shaft was just touching all the right spots within his guts.

"Maybe so, but it's your ass that you might want to start worrying about since I'm going to start fucking our doggy here." The forewarning gave the muscular dingo just enough time to turn his head around to stare in awe at the smirking feline. The golden canine opened his mouth to make some sort of reply,

"Is...He ready...for that?" Jessie asked, cutting Teddie off from whatever he wanted to say.

"I don't know." Andrew answered somewhat lackadaisically before gripping his claws into the sides of the dingo's hips, pulling his slime coated cock out from the other, the mix of pre-come and Teddie's anal juices making a perfect lubricant, though thankfully there was no blood on the edges of the older lynx's manhood despite the rough entry. "But we're about to find out!" And then, without much extra fanfare, the older lynx dropped his hips forward into Teddie, gaining a yip from both the dog under him and his brother as the golden canine smashed his pelvis into Jessie's taut ass.

The chain reaction which followed was one born from a sexual frustration brought on by Andrew's unbridled need as the lynx began to fuck Teddie with strong, rough strokes. The older feline didn't seem to mind the fact that every intrusive thrust of his maleness inside of the golden canine brought with it a wince and a moan from the dog, the feeling of being wrapped so tightly inside of the other outweighed the slight discomfort that the dingo was feeling. Instead, Andrew made a note of moving his arms up and around the sides of the dingo's chest, hugging the other tightly while at the same time nuzzling his head and cheek into the side of the other's spinal column, a heavy purr massaging the tension lining the canine's back muscles at the same time they brought a deep feeling of satisfaction to Teddie's thrumming form.

Not to be left out of the time the younger lynx found himself being poked and prodded by the dingo's cock, the eight inch shaft plunging in deeply into him while at the same time hitting his prostate in just the right way to make the younger feline purr himself. That Teddie's balls bounced against his own miniature ones, the slight tapping sensation sparking with it just the right bit of discomfort to make Jessie hiss and grind his rump up against the front of the dingo's groin. Pulling himself back away from the other as Andrew slipped his cock almost a third of the way out from the canine's ass, Jessie found himself gripping at the floor with his claws, the wood chipping somewhat as the younger spotted cat rocked himself from side to side, his guts trembling as he felt Teddie hammer his way forward, his tapered cock shooting forward into him with just the right force to take his breath away. Gasping, the younger lynx didn't stop to think of the ramifications of what he and his brother were getting their former babysitter into, of the questions for which Teddie was going to have after he realize that he was actually being gangbanged by the two smaller anthromorphs, though never in a way he would have imagined, instead Jessie simply let himself be taking by both his brother and the much larger dog. After all, that was what he and Andrew had wanted for so long.

For his part Teddie was lost within a whirlwind of blissful emotions that came close to feeling almost euphoric as he was treated to the kind of pleasure which went almost against the laws of reason. Gripping muscles, both his own and the one surrounding his canine pride had the dingo heaving, his eyes going unfocused as his knot began to swell full and heavy at the base of his shaft. Leaning his head down to rest the tip of his muzzle onto the crux of Jessie's shoulder blade Teddie didn't think as he let his body go on instinct, his tongue pushing out from in between his lips to lave wet licks over and across the side of the younger lynx. The purring sound that echoed from out of Jessie's throat made a wry smile appear on Teddie's face, the dingo knowing without words that he was doing something right to please the sweet kitten underneath him beside letting himself be used like a living dildo by the feline at his back pounding both of their hips forward into the younger lynx. That he was able to reach an arm around to grip Jessie around the waist, hugging the other as close to him as possible while at the same time beginning to work his hips in time with Andrew's almost frantic humps made the moment all the more erotic to Teddie. The concerns over his sexuality were a distant thought to the canine, his worries over his self-image nothing more than a faint memory in the place of having his anal chute savaged by the wild cat above him while at the same time his eight inch fuck tool sunk deep into the valley between Jessie's anus, ploughing the other as deep as he could while yearning to sink into the other even deeper.

Like a well-oiled machine the three anthromorphs worked in time with each other once Teddie surrendered to the inevitable, that he was a part of this strange ménage a trois, no matter how much he might come to regret the implications later on. The driving of hips forward into each other, the wet sounds of flesh being slapped against and into flesh, were the music that rang out throughout the treehouse as the twins and their dingo lover rutted hard and fast into each other, their bodies quivering in delight while sweat beaded along the lengths of their arms, faces, and torsos, dripping down onto each other and the floor as though in anointment of some event ordained by a higher order. That both Teddie and Andrew clamped their muzzles down onto the body beneath them, the two more dominant males staking their claim out on the one who they sought to drill their seed into, only made the sexual act that much more surreal, yet no less arousing as the pain of fangs piercing fur and flesh brought with it the gripping sensation of flesh tightening onto flesh, of blood quickening inside of bodies as heart began to drum loud enough to be heard in the ears of all those present.

Jessie didn't know for how long the three of them went at it, his sense of time was all but distorted from the harsh pounding his butt was receiving. Yet even despite not being able to hold his head up to look out of the only window within the room because his head was bowed, eyes clamped shut as an explosion of feelings went off in his head like starbursts Jessie could indeed say that he wouldn't have been able to last that much longer. His insides felt like jelly as Teddie continued to mash his way through his backdoor on up into his colon, the extra added inches that the larger canine's knot presented as the fat bulb of the dingo's knot rammed its way against his reddening pucker made it so that the younger of the twins was almost ready to collapse. Never had he felt something so good at the same time he felt as though he were being split open like a ripe melon as Teddie's cock and knot tried to force their way into him with bruising efficiency. That the canine had his fangs latched onto his throat, the sharp fangs holding Jessie in place, preventing him from moving so much an inch more than what the dingo would allow brought with it the knowledge that he was now within the complete control of the other anthromorph, who, in turn, was in control of by the nearly drooling Andrew.

The older of the twins looked almost feral as he gnawed onto Teddie's backside, his entire body was wound so tightly that the fast and furious strokes of his hips into the larger male's backside were almost completely blurred as Andrew fucked the golden canine as hard and as deep as he could manage. Had he had the strength of will to look down Andrew would have gotten a kick out of seeing how his partner's tailhole was somewhat gaping with the frothy lube of pre-come and anal juices which had worked to help ease the canine from anal virgin to used cumdump. The flickering of the dingo's tail as it waved against his chest didn't register with the older spotted cat only the fact that his balls were swinging back and forth into a larger pair before him, the seed within rolling around like dough being tossed into the air by expert hands as the restless motion of the feline jack hammering hips worked to bring Andrew off to an ear popping end. The scent of the dingo's sweat permeated the air surrounding the room to the point where Andrew could say that he was drunk off of it, the taste of the salty droplets of moisture against his tongue had the feline mrowling like a cat in heart, his own tail hiked itself without provocation, ready and eager to have something wide and thick stuffed within it.

However the spotted feline's heat stricken antics were nothing to what Teddie was dealing with, the dingo was almost to the brink of madness as gripped Jessie hard enough to make the lynx whine in discomfort. Not that the golden canine could control himself enough to care. The battering of his prostate gland was so severe that a lot of what the dingo was doing was more of an automatic response that something controlled by deliberation. Heat filled both the golden canine's mind as well as all of his internal organs as fireworks went off behind his eyes as the taste of something sharp and coppery went off underneath his tongue. Hunching forward, his hips lifting up, pulling Andrew from off of the floor ever so slightly, the dingo ground his groin into Jessie's ass before a slurping pop sound met the ears of all those present. The younger feline yowled as he was fully introduced to the fullness that was the dingo's knot, the hard ball of flesh locked the two together without fail, yet that was not the end of things as Teddie continued to work the younger lynx over. Growling, a rumble deep enough to shake all three anthromorphs, the golden canine rocked himself hard enough that Jessie was left skidding forward onto the floor, the force of the canine's thrusts becoming so powerful that Andrew was forced to hold on for dear life as he continued to rut the other's backside.

It was by the time the younger of the feline's found his head threatening to bump into the wall in front of him that Jessie reached out with his hands to prevent himself from smashing head first into the wood. Pushing back against the forceful thrusts of the nearly roaring dingo the spotted feline worked his inner muscles down onto the dingo, working the over as best he could to get Teddie off before he actually went through the wood. His efforts were helped by Andrew angling his hips just a bit more to the right, the older of the two lynxes wanting to get the golden canine off before he actually managed to hurt either them, or himself. Nipping at the other's spine, Andrew was able to watch as the dingo lifted his head up from off of his brother's shoulder blade, red droplets mixed with saliva dripping from down the side of Teddie's chin as he let out several barking shouts before his entire frame shook and then held still. Andrew hissed, his own face drawing up so that he could stare at the ceiling as he felt the dog's ass lock around his barbed cock nearly vice tight. The extra added stimulation was just what the older of the two lynxes needed because in the next second his he was yowling loud as he could, his scrotum pulling up tight, balls drawing inwards in between his legs, as he came hard into the dingo's anal passage.

The flood of cum, the heat more than anything else, made it through the fog of lust inside of the canine's head sending all the right signals that the dingo needed to orgasm. The hot spattering of semen bursting free from his balls shot directly through his urethra up into Jessie's guts, coating his insides with potent canine musk. Jessie was powerless to resist being inseminated by the older canine, his inner tissue being bathed with hot, molten canine seed, the likes of which sent sparks off inside of the younger feline's body forcing out his own climax. Barbed cock, the same as his twin's, twitched, jumped, and then spewed creamy cat cum onto the wood beneath the shuddering lynx. His balls, nestled tightly in between his legs, seemed to almost shrivel as they gave up every drop of sperm within the twin orbs. Not that Jessie could stop this as he shook and yowled, his entire system going into overload as the fat length in his ass throbbed in time with its owner's heartbeat.

The three anthros were a mess of erotic jubilations as they gave themselves over to their partner, the felines hissed together at the same time Teddie barked like a feral mutt, cum splashing everywhere around an into each other, and the floor, before the three ceased firing their loads. Once they were done, as one, the three slipped down onto the floor with Andrew pulling out of Andrew's tailhole to fall back onto his ass while the dingo forced Jessie to collapse with him onto his side, the three panting hard and fast as they tried to get a hold of themselves with little success.

"That was a good one, dingo baby." Andrew admitted as he lay onto the hardwood, his blue gaze lingering up onto the ceiling as he tried to right his hazy vision. "Can't wait to do you again." Teddie could only grumble a snort as he drew his long tail down over his gaping hole, the creamy cum seeping out of his thoroughly stretched and used rosebud bringing with it a cool, uncomfortable sensation for which the dingo did not approve of. "Awww, don't be like that," Andrew teased, reaching out to pull the golden canine's fluffy appendage up from the cleft of rump so that he could get a good look at his handiwork. "You look so cute with an ass like that, all wet and sticky," the lynx reached two fingers down and then began to play with his cum, stuffing his digits into the dingo's rump eliciting a yip from the canine. Digging around for minute, Andrew brought his fingertips out, bringing them to his face and noting that only white covered his hand instead of a pink, frothy mix.

"Cut it out...Andrew..."Jessie mumbled while trying to snuggle himself into the shadow of the larger anthro's muscular bulk. Teddie responded by curling his arms around the lithe feline, hugging the other into him while at the same time burying his nose into the other's nape.

"Che, whatever you say, Jessie." Andrew quipped while pulling himself up from off of the floor. Stretching, the older lynx reached down to fondle himself, the tip of his cock spraying a few more jets of cum as he flexed his internal muscles, coincidentally the streams landed directly onto the dingo's rump, not that the other noticed as he was falling into dreamless slumber. "I'm going to go out and check on our bikes, catch you when you both wake up." Said the spotted feline somewhat flippantly as he walked to the flap of the treehouse's doorway.

Jessie didn't have the strength to wave the other off, merely making a few muttered comments before pressing himself in further into his lover's strong embrace.


A week later...

"You don't have to do this you know." Teddie said as he watched the twins work together to help box the few meager possessions the golden canine had.

Still very much unsure over his newfound bisexuality, Teddie was too comfortable with himself to try and delude himself into thinking he was one hundred percent straight anymore, the dingo found himself with a pair of second shadows as both Jessie and Andrew decided to follow him home after the canine had awoken from his nap, his knot still firmly plugged into the younger spotted cat's rump. That the pair had promptly decided not to leave the other's side was something Teddie was still trying to get used to.

"It's fine, dingo baby," Andrew stated while carrying a stack of books over to his brother, the other feline trying his best not to stare at their new roommate's tight bulge, Teddie had decided to wear a pair of cutoff jeans since the autumn heat made it too cumbersome for the long haired canine to wear jeans. "Right, Andrew?"

"Y-yeah." The younger spotted cat shook his head before raising his head to smile into the dingo's face. "We're really glad to help out."

"Well...if you say so." Teddie looked between the two, noting how the twin's taut rumps seemed to call out to him more than they had just a week prior. Actually, a number of males had made the golden canine spare more than a passing glance at their passing. Teddie didn't know why, but even though he and his 'roommate's had been humping butt for the past several days now, the twins were almost insatiable as they rutted on and in the dingo with a passion that normally exhausted the older anthromorph, Teddie still wanted to know what it would be like to bury his hard pointed prick inside of someone else's ass. Preferably another male. Pussy still interested him, but now he wanted to sample the other side of the menu.

Twin growls met the air causing Teddie to turn his gaze towards the spotted felines, dark eyes glared back at the golden canine, seeming as to know without words that his mind was straying on foreign affairs. The twins had made it clear that he was theirs and theirs alone, something Teddie wasn't sure what to think about, that had left his mental musings to the times when he was in class or during the evenings when he remained half-awake thinking about the future. He still didn't know what he was going to do about the twins once he was in the National Guard, it wasn't like he could take the pair with him, but at the same time...

"I think I need to call mind?"

"Go ahead, dingo baby," Andrew said while going over to fetch the duct tape. "Just remember that we'll be listening to you if you decide to get...naughty." The creepy smile the older lynx strapped onto his face made the dog smile broadly.

"Riiight...." Teddie rolled his eyes, clearly not impressed as he went to get his cell phone from off his computer desk.