Alucard and Ren their after years

Story by Alucard Faynor on SoFurry

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(This takes place after a event happens to him in the main story)

Over the planes Alucard flew, rolling hills of all colors. The sweet England air, pulling his hair and brushing his body with little fingers. On his way back home he had stopped to pick up a object for his wife. Taking the pleasure of flight in which he hadn't done in a long time. He banked threw a low hanging cloud when he comes out his hair is slicked back, water droplets falling from his body, glistening on his black wings. After some time of flying he dried off somewhat and lands at a cottage on the height of a mountain cliff. As he does the front door opens and the most beautiful wolf-morph steps out and greets him. "Alucard, how was your day?" She leaps into his arms and hugs him, kissing him affectionately.

"It would have been a lot better if you were there," He says to in between the kiss and him picking her up taking her back into the cottage. When he gets there, the magik he worked made it bigger on the inside then it looks from the outside. "Cleaning?"

"No, just moving things around. waiting for you." She says, twitching her tail with happiness, setting her feet on the floor she takes off threw the house to the kitchen, where for the first time since he walked in he smells food cooking so he follows her. "After we eat I have a treat for you." she says seductively, with a flick of her tail at him as she pulls out a chicken from the oven.

He pouts slightly playing her game, "Why do I have to wait?" he asks, sounding more like a child then a angel. "I don't think its fair."

She grins at him and walks over, standing on her toes she kisses him, "Don't worry my knight, you will love every bit of it." She winks at him, and when she turns around she runs her tail across the front of his pants. Making him lean forward slightly but stops instead he follows her threw the kitchen, sitting on a bar stool. Looks out over the great view from the glass great window.

Having to pull forth from his position he sits across from her at the table. He takes a chicken leg and a wing, and starts eating as she gets her food. Pouring the two of them some wine as they eat, "I'd like to make a toast."

"A toast to what?" she asks, the look of puzzlement on her fe3atures. her tail twitched slightly out of curiosity.

"Make a toast to the lasted installment of my life, when I found you and fell madly in love with the best love a man could ask for." He says making the toast with a blushing vixen. He downs it in one gulp, "over 2000 year old wine tastes the best."

Her chair scraps the floor and she leaps over the chair over the food and the length of a 7 foot long table. Catching him around the neck, sending him to the back of the chair it following them to the floor. Kissing him feverishly, he takes her in her arms and kisses her back with the same fire she shows him. He breaks the kiss and looks into her deep crimson eyes, "you couldn't wait for the surprise later?"

She smiles and snuggles his chest, "I love you so much." She says looking up into his endless green eyes. "From the day I met you, when you helped out my mother. I was drawn to you though at first it was as a friend. but as time went on and I got older. I wanted you as mine, You never slept with anyone. Not a single lady since you were on this earth..."

He pulls her close and closes his eyes with a smile. "I just hadn't felt anything for anyone till I met you. No one was going to have me till I found the right one."

A tear slides down her cheek, smiling. "I don't think a women could have anyone better then a Fallen Angel to love." She lets him up and they hold each other the light dimming in the house as the sun ducks below the mountain ridge."You want to go to the spring?" she asks him still with her head laying on his chest.

Feeling pride and happiness renewed in his heart, "Yes I would you accompany me fair maiden?" he says, a acient accent teased his voices edge like a distant bird singing to the morning sun. She giggles and pulls him towards the window. When she gets to it and opens it she leaps out. wings of pure white spring from her back and she soars into the air. Tail acting like a rudder helping her steer. Soon Alucard is beside her his Endless black wings matching her steady down beat. They fly fast over the mountain top and since the day he found her in heaven(literally) after she died. She had gotten a pair of wings granted to her by someone from the past of the past.

After a hour of flying, they reach the spring noted by the steam column rising into the heavens. Alucard and Ren land at a graceful sprint, heading towards the water, he takes his shirt off and his pants. kicking into the air and unfurling his wings as not to trip. He glides over Ren and scoops her up and tucks his wings in and lands in the hot water. Surfacing she playfully hits him in the shoulder, She then looks at him with a coy grin. she slides under the water. Blending in with the color of the water perfectly, he looks around for her. When he is tackled from behind and pulled under the water Where his lips are assaulted with hers.

She pulls herself on top of his naked form, kissing him passionately breaking the surface of the water with her wings sending water flying in arcing droplets. They both spread their wings and take off into the air. Kissing as their hearts raced. She then wraps her legs around his waist, grinding him awakening his sleeping member with a vengeance. "Are you sure you want my gift you may not like it." she says with a playful grin. She reaches down and stroked his erection. Tucking her wings back in they disappear into her back, she kisses him and lets go. With a grin she dives into the deepest part of the spring.

Following her he tucks in his wings but they stay in sight. He hits the water from eight stories up. looking around for her he see's her tail disappear into a natural tunnel at the bottom of the spring and he follows using his wings for added speed.

(More to cum, Secretes of the Family are revealed.)

Chapter 5 ©

"Looking around at you two," He says with a smirk forming. "I'd love to, just one thing. We do this with no regrets." Grins and kisses Ren, Sliding out of her hug, he walks to the kitchen with a prefect gait. He flexes his wings a little bit, and opens...

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Alucard the Fallen: Chapter 4 ©

(Okay, I haven't been thinking much of this. School is killing me, but I'm dumping my mind into it now, but I think its taking a slight twist. Just tell em what you think, thanks! ^.=.^) Looking around he grabs a small stone and throws it with all...

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Chapter 3 ©

Alucard As he steps in the door, he gets tackled by Ren. "Whoa," Catches her, in his arms. "Your very kinky today, what's gotten into you?" He asks as he carries her into the house and closes the door with a brush of his right wing. ...

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