Tart's Triumph

Story by Usyra on SoFurry

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#2 of Mew Sluts

After so long, I decided to upload something. This time, the sequel to Quiche's Conquest.

Ichigo was starting to hate herself more and more. It wasn't enough that she went to school alone that one night. It wasn't enough that sick little pervert Quiche kidnapped her, raped her, and forced her to rape her boyfriend on camera. It still wasn't enough that, despite the trauma of the incident, she'd touch herself for as much as an hour at a time, thinking about it.

But now, she was kidnapped again. The last thing she remembered was getting a call from Retasu, asking to spar in the park at night, so she transformed and went right over. And then someone appeared behind her and shoved a rag of chloroform in her face. The last thing she remembered before she blacked out was a boy sneering, "Sweet dreams, kitten."

Quiche. She was at his mercy again.

And now she was lying on the ground, a ball gag on her mouth. Her wrists were bound before her, and her legs bound at the ankles in a cross, forcing her to spread her legs. Apart from being unable to perform any action but squirm, this had the unfortunate side effect of forcing her hips into the air, giving anyone standing behind her a lovely view of her ass. She knew this, as a camera planted behind her showed a live feed on the television directly in front of her.

Having completely submitted once, it didn't take long for Quiche to get full control of her again. A photograph of Minto and Zakuro unconscious together, followed by a picture of Retasu and Bu-Ling, was enough to convince her on a conscious level. Subconsciously, she was grateful for an excuse to lose control.

For the next hour, she willingly starred in a soft-core porn video. She wiggled her ass at a camera Quiche positioned behind her, giving exaggerated noises from her gag. As she performed, Quiche alternated between just watching the jiggling, to caressing her ass, to giving a few hard smacks, to fingering her pussy through her panties, always stopping short of orgasm.

Seeing she was now his to mold, he moved in front of her and pulled out his hard dick. "Time to return the favor, kitten," he sneered, undoing her gag and condescendingly rubbing her hair. "Ready to drink my milk?"

"Yes, master," gasped Ichigo, opening her mouth and rolling out her tongue. He grabbed her head and shoved his dick inside her mouth, where she promptly started sucking hard. With her hands just close enough, she started stroking his balls. Am I good, master? Please tell me I'm a good girl! Her private pleas were conveyed through pathetic whimpers.

Suppressing a cruel laugh, Quiche rubbed behind her ears and said, "Good girl." Deciding he restrained himself enough, he grabbed her head with both hands and started thrusting. "Alright, here it comes..." He let out a satisfied moan as he unloaded in her mouth, and she hurriedly began to swallow it all. She continued to suck his penis clean, before he shoved her face away. "God, you're such a little slut."

"Yes, master."

"I bet you'll do anything for me to fuck your pussy right now."

"Please fuck my pussy, master!"

"Say it in a cutesey, kiddie voice."

"Pwease fuck my pussy, mastew!"

Quiche moved behind her and ran his finger down her covered pussy. "Hmm...not just yet. Your girlfriends were all inspired by the movie you made." She looked back in alarm. "Yes, they all saw it. And they decided to show off their talents too. Here's a pair of movies we made. I think you'll enjoy them." He pressed a button on the remote, and the display switched. "Don't even think about looking away. If you do, I'll lock a chastity belt on you and destroy the key. You'll never cum again!"

"I'll look, I'll look!"

"Damn straight. And one great thing about just watching is that you don't need your mouth for that." She obediently opened her mouth, and he replaced the ballgag. "And...action."


Bu-Ling awoke to find herself transformed, but bound. Her hands were tied behind her with rope. Her feet were similarly bound, and she had a strip of tape over her mouth. She struggled for a few seconds, when she saw Tart walking towards her. Tart, over here! she thought, bucking up and down to get his attention.

"Good morning, Pudding-chan," purred Tart, stroking her cheek as he sat down beside her. "Sorry I had to tie you up, but this is a strange procedure, and I can't have you ladies running off in the middle."

Pudding tilted her head in confusion. Strange procedure? Wait, "ladies"?

"Didn't you notice your friend behind you? Well, I guess it's a little hard to move, so let me give you a hand." He moved her into a sitting position on his lap, making her face her fellow prisoner.

It was Retasu, also transformed. She was bound like Pudding, but there were differences. Rather than her feet tied together, her legs were in a spreader bar. Also, her costume's chest was ripped and her panties removed, exposing her breasts and pussy. And taped to her nipples and inserted into her pussy were small vibrators, though Pudding didn't know what they were at the time. Also, before her was a camera on a tripod, to record her humiliation.

"Lettuce-chan is just sleeping off her treatment," said Tart. "Does she look funny?" Pudding nodded. "I'm afraid I had to be more forceful with her treatment. I guess she just doesn't trust me, especially with that camera to record her progress. _You_trust me, don't you?"

"Mm-hmm!" agreed Pudding, with an eager nod.

"Then listen. While your forms give you power, they do have a slight flaw when it comes to puberty. There's a chance that you'll go into heat. You might be driven incurably insane! So it's important you and your friends mate before that happens. My friends are working on the others, and I'm helping you and Lettuce-chan. I managed to give her some emergency treatment, and that'll last a few hours. But we'll have to help her together if we want to save her. You'll help, won't you?"

"Mm-hmm!" With that, Tart removed her gag. "What do we do?"

"Well, I guess I should help you first. It's a little early for you to worry, but I'd be happy to give you some medicine now. Just say 'fuck me, please'."

"Fuck me, please!"

"With pleasure." He untied her legs and said, "Spread 'em." She did so, and he moved between her legs so she couldn't close them again, before pointing the camera down at her. He started caressing her nipples through her suit, and she let out some confused whimpers. "Feel how hot you're getting? That's a sign you're getting horny. You should do these checks once a day. But it's more accurate if I touch your skin directly."

He then ripped open her blouse to expose her chest. "W-wait!" she gasped.

"I'm doing this for you, Pudding-chan. We can replace your clothes, but you're irreplaceable."

"...'k," she murmured. He worked directly on her nipples, and she started breathing heavily. He then starting licking her left nipple, and she let out a breathy gasp. "Wha...wha..."

"Yeah, you're definitely horny. But there's a way to medicate yourself." He then moved his right hand down and started rubbing her clit.

"Please, no," she groaned.

"I know it's hard, but just hang in there. I'm doing this because I love you."

"You do?"

"Of course! I wouldn't do this if I didn't." Apart from a few nervous whimpers, Pudding gave no further objections. She let out a cry of shock as she hit her first orgasm. "I'll bet that felt a little weird." Pudding could only nod. "Well, just like your pretty little nipples, it'll feel better if I touch you directly." She could only moan in response to him tearing her suit to expose her pussy, and licking her. Pudding was rocked by another orgasm, and she blacked out.

"Stmp mm!" grunted Lettuce, struggling in her bondage as she cried.

"Oh, you're awake," he sneered, pointing the camera at her. "Just in time to watch me pop her cherry."

"Nm, dmmt dm mm!"

"Whatever could be wrong? Are you scared that she'll become a horny little slut like you and your friends?" He strutted over and glided the vibrator in her pussy in and out, causing her to moan in unwanted pleasure. "Or are you jealous she's getting my attention? But I'll bet you're afraid you'll be turned on by seeing a little girl having sex. What an innocent little pedo you are."

Lettuce let out a scream as his final thrust caused her to cum. "M hmm ymm," she sobbed.

"That's ok. You can hate me, but we both know you love what I'm doing to you." He turned up the intensity of the vibrator and focused the camera back over to Pudding. "Now, watch closely as I rape this little girl. And don't forget to blame the vibrator for how wet you are."

He slipped a ball gag into the sleeping Pudding's mouth, and tied her wrists in front of her with rope. He then lifted her against the wall and fixed the rope around a notch in the wall, lifting her onto the tips of her toes. She was immediately awakened by the tension in her arms, and looked around in panic as he repositioned the camera. "Whas goig ah!?" she mumbled.

"Shh, shh," whispered Tart, wiping away her tear. "I just didn't realize how late I was in treating you. Don't worry, I'll give you your medicine right away." He slipped off his shorts, revealing his hard penis. "I'm going to put this inside your pretty little pussy. It may feel a little strange at first, but you'll learn to love it."

"O-hay." He moved his hands down her sides, past her hips until he reached her ass. He then lifted her up and onto his penis. She let out howls of discomfort, but very quickly got into it. She even wrapped her legs around his ass to pull him deeper.

"You like that, huh!?" he sneered. "Alright, then take your medicine!" With a few more thrusts to make her climax, he injected his seed into her. "You feel that warmth? That's my special medicine. You'll feel all better, now."

"Tha you, Tah!"

"You know what really makes me happy? It's when girls call me master. Now then, would you like me to fuck you again?"

"Yeh, pweah!"

"Then say, 'please fuck me, master'."

"Pweah fuh me, mahah!"

"I'll be happy to. You should be grateful I'm having sex with you. Most human boys wouldn't be able to stay get hard so soon after cumming, but I can. I can have sex with you forever!"

Lettuce could only cry as she watched her little friend sink deeper under their kidnapper's control. Pudding was so in love with Tart and his penis, and so ignorant about what was happening, she would never understand she was being raped, even years after the fact.

"Here," sneered Tart. "I feel you're about to cum. We'll cum together." With that, he let out a moan, blowing into her as she screamed in pleasure. He pulled out and let her hang for a bit, to admire her like a work of art. The camera continued to record the perfectly still girl, her eyes blank and drool dribbling down her chin from her gag. "Smile for the camera, little lover. The day you became a woman will be watched over and over again. Come on, give a little peace sign."

Lettuce watched as Pudding gave a weak smile and managed to make a peace sign. _Poor Pudding-chan,_she lamented.

After deciding he had enough footage, he spun her around and gave her a spank to knock her back to her senses. He untied her and removed the ball gag, giving her an open mouth kiss while he massaged away the tension in her wrists. Pudding let out several moans, moving close to him as their tongues danced around each other. He eventually pulled back, and caressed her cheek. "You're the cutest little slut I've ever seen."

"I love you, master."

"Aw, I love you too, my pet." He gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "Now, let's get you dressed properly."


"Take off the rest of your clothes in front of the camera, but do it with a slow dance while shaking your cute little ass."

"Yes, master!" And so she performed her striptease, never taking her eye off the camera for longer than a second. This is a little scary. I wonder who might watch this video. Between Tart giving me my medicine and dancing naked, I would just die if someone else saw this!

The second she was naked, Tart appeared behind her and covered her mouth with his left hand, masturbating her with his right. Surprised, she promptly grabbed his hands in a vain attempt to free herself. "Relax, pet. I'm just recording the treatment process. It'll be a nice educational tool."

Oh, no! Someone really will see this! She imagined it being played like an educational video at a school. Possibly even her school. She could imagine her friends and teachers watching her with horror and disgust. And this made her even hotter. She came again, and her eyes rolled back as she melted in Tart's embrace.

Lettuce could see the surrender in Pudding's eyes, and realized her own resistance gained her nothing. For all she knew, her friends were just as helpless as she was, and the only people who knew for sure where she was wouldn't save her. There was nothing for it, but to let Tart have his way with her, and hope she got off as well.

"I think you're ready to help me 'treat' your friend," said Tart, holding up a strap-on dildo. "Now, you'll have a penis to put in your friend as well. To bring dear Lettuce-chan back to normal, we'll have to fuck her from both ends."

"Yes, master!"

"And see these two little dildos here? They'll go into your pussy and ass, so you'll be treated at the same time. It'll be like teamwork! Now, put it on."

Pudding nervously inserted the dildos. Mm! They feel better than I thought, but they don't compare to Master's penis!

Tart helped her lock it in place. "Perfect. Now, go fuck your friend's pussy. And remember, don't neglect her nipples."

"Yes, master!" She hopped over and caressed Lettuce's breast as she started to manipulate her dildo into Lettuce's pussy. "Don't worry, Lettuce-chan, I'll save you!"

Pudding-chan, don't!_pleaded Lettuce, frantically shaking her head as she howled into her gag. _You're raping me! Let me go, and we can escape this guy! Her muffled voice went up an octave as she was penetrated.No! Please, take it out!

Did I look this helpless as he treated me? wondered Pudding as she started thrusting.

"You're fucking her beautifully, Pudding-chan," said Tart as he knelt behind Lettuce. "Like a pro! Now, I'll start administering her medicine from behind."

Lettuce let out one final scream as Tart penetrated her ass. It's over, she lamented as her friend and her kidnapper raped her. I'm sorry I failed you, Pudding-chan. You're just as much a slut as I am, and I couldn't do anything but watch it happen.

Tart felt Lettuce go limp, and he smiled. "I think that's enough, Pudding-chan."

Pudding pulled out and fell to the ground, exhausted. "Will...will she be ok, master?"

"Well, I'll have to keep you both for observation for the next few days, but I think you'll both be fine. I'm gonna take Pudding to her room and give her a thorough examination. In the meantime, I think you deserve a special treat for your fine work, so let's play a game. Kneel in front of the camera, hands behind your back."

Pudding obliged with no resistance, as Tart bound her wrists with rope. He placed a piece of tape over her mouth, and he flipped a switch. She gasped in shock as the dildos inside her sprang to life, stimulating her.

As Tart manipulated Lettuce's restraints he said, "The best thing about this medicine is that you can never have too much of it. Enjoy your pleasure, Pudding-chan." By this point, Lettuce's wrists were bound in front of her, and her calves bound together. She would be able to walk, albeit very slowly. "Up you go, Lettuce-chan. Let me show you to your room."

_Help me, please,_Lettuce weakly pleaded as Tart pushed her away. In her room, Tart played with her restraints again, this time cuffing her limbs to the four corners of the bed, which was covered in a leather sheet. He removed her tape gag and replaced it with modified ring gag, with a mouth-covering like a muzzle. It came with a plug attached to a chain, to completely seal her mouth. As always, there was a camera to record her humiliation.

"Now, your final examination for the night," sneered Tart, placing the plug in place. She was helpless to resist as he climbed on top and penetrated her pussy. "You know what's great about this gag?" he gasped as he thrust. "I can feed you without removing it. You'll never be able to reveal the truth to Pudding-chan. Just between us, I'm gonna keep you both here for a month. I'm gonna keep her in so much pleasure she'll never even consider how much time has passed, until her mind completely goes. You and she are mine forever!" At his final word, he blew into her pussy.

Oh, god, what a nightmare...

"Now, it's time for dolly to go to bed." He placed a leather blindfold over her eyes, and shoved a rag of chloroform into her face. "Nighty-night."



"Hot, isn't it?" taunted Quiche, continuing to masturbate the helpless Ichigo as she mewed in pleasure. "Your two most innocent friends are just a pair of helpless sluts. And this was taken just yesterday. Right now, I'll bet little Pudding-chan is innocently raping Lettuce-chan. I'll bet you're just itching to be raped by Pudding-chan's dildo right now, aren't you?"

"Uh-huh," she mumbled, picturing Pudding taking her from behind.

"She looks to you like a role model, unaware that you'd sooner be her bitch. Maybe I'll take you over to Tart's clinic, let you lick Lettuce-chan's pussy while Pudding-chan rapes your ass. Let them know their brave leader is actually the biggest bitch of them all! Sounds fun, doesn't it!?"

"Uh-huh! Uh-huh!"

Quiche gave a dramatic sigh, groping Pudding's ass. "I can't tell if you're just a pathetic yes-girl, or the most pathetic bitch ever." He untied her ankles and ripped her panties off. "Well, whatever. A pussy's a pussy."

Ichigo thrust back to drive him deeper as he pounded her. Oh god, I'm such a slut! If the others saw me, I'd just die! She lost track of how many times she came, and eventually collapsed in a heap.

"Get some sleep, kitten," sneered Quiche as he stood up. "Tomorrow, I really start playing with you."

He vanished like the wind, leaving his personal toy alone with nothing but the recordings of her friends' slavery, caught in a perpetual loop. Pudding-chan...Lettuce-chan...are you both as horny as me right now?

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