Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 12

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#13 of CYOA-UFC

The sexplosion at the ship begins now, with Stallion getting a strip search by the asari babes, Zeke forced to watch from a nearby cell. At the casinos, Carmelita Fox and Raven enter the Pyramid and discover that they're expected, while Renamon makes a spectacle of herself back at Freddy's and has to escape out the back way, with some help from Foxy. Our rescue party, meanwhile, prepares to head out into the bitter cold of the northern winds once more, ready to attempt to save the captives of Demitri Maximoff from a horrible fate - first as a light snack for an ancient and very powerful vampire, and then teleportation to (a very erotic) Doom.

Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Entry 12

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies


Move to Temple Y/N - 12/6

Scenes (all those voted upon will take place if at all possible, preference given to those with the most votes):

Asari/Stallion - 10

Samus Aran/Tails suit repairs - 8

Rainbow Dash/Samus Aran - 3

Nightmare Moon appearance - 2

Gilda gangbang - 7

Master Tigress/Krystal/Princess Luna (Red Savarin) - 8

Big Macintosh/Stallion - 6

Boss/Red - 5

Elh/Zeke (punishment) - 6

Gilda/Zeke/Stallion - 1

Spitfire/Applejack/Big Mcintosh/Rainbow Dash (nice, not naughty) - 1

Jon Talbain/Bambi (if Returning wins, below) - 1

Krystal/Red/Elh - 3

Big Macintosh/Applejack/Samus Aran - 3

Gilda/Rainbow Dash/Bambi - 1

Gilda/Rainbow Dash - 1

Zeke/Jon Talbain/Amaterasu wolfsome - 1

Zeke/Bambi (pouncing) - 1

Stallion/Elh (temptation) - 1

Krystal/Zeke/Stallion - 1

Spitfire/Red Savarin - 1


Last Stop - 4

Mouse Trap - 3

Pyramid - 9 - no stopovers

Look for parts? Y/N (will cause roll against Trouble chance as well) - 8/0

Predators - Shifted to a random encounter

Immediate Party Addition Votes:

Foxy the Fox Pirate - 2

Felicia - 5 - Will be added shortly, no further votes needed

Gadget Hackwrench, Tammy Squirrel, Foxglove - 1

Sheema (http://questforglory.wikia.com/wiki/Shema) - 0 (for now)

*Rescue Party

Flickering Castle (Distant) - 9

Old Castle (Close) - 1

Return to Ship - 7

Wolf Link Feral/Humanoid - 11/9

-can transform into feral - 2

Additional Requests/Votes

Should characters become dynamic/level up? Y/N - 9/1 (10 votes either way decides it)

Characters (5 votes for new character additions):

Kaa - 5 - he will appear

Lt. M'Ress - 5 - she will join

Flamedramon - 8 - he will join

Captain Claw - 1

Articuno (mythic encounter) - 1

Elemental and Elder Dragons (Etrian Odyssey, mythic encounter) - 1

Fallen One (Etrian Odyssey) - 1

HK-47 (Star Wars KOTOR) - 3

Sam & Max (they fit better together) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_%26_Max- 3

Goris the Deathclaw - 1

Naga the White Serpent - http://kanzaka.wikia.com/wiki/Naga_the_Serpent- 2

Ursula - http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Ursula - 1

Anna Puma and Uni Puma - http://www.absoluteanime.com/tank_police/sisters.htm- 1

Leomon - 1

Natsuki and Batanen (Hyper Police) - 1

Frisk (Undertale) - 1

Chara (Undertale) - 1

Sly Cooper - 3

Crita (http://he-man.wikia.com/wiki/Crita) - 1

Shego (Kim Possible) - 1

Fox McCloud - 1

Foxy Roxy (http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Brutal:_Paws_of_Furyand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2rUc8cH6aE) - 1

Scenes (7 votes for most to happen):

The Next Villain Scene (10 votes to take place) - 3

Mythological Encounter (requires 10 votes, please suggest entity) - 9

Nudity becomes more common among the crew - 7 - the last vote needed to make it complete

Master Tigress demands a rematch with Jon Talbain - 3

Master Tigress/Renamon interaction - 1

Jon Talbain takes charge as Alpha male - 11 - This will happen once Talbain gets back

Master Tigress/Okami pairing - 2

Boss, the charr engineer, becomes a voyeur with Riva - 2

Krystal starts training someone in her mental arts (suggestions pending) - 1

Rocket Raccoon goes Chippendale - 5

Kim Possible becomes blue fox anthro (orange hair retained) - 1

Bunnygirl'ed Raven - 1

Author Notes

There will now be a 20% chance of a random encounter in the Casinos scene, due to the wild nature of the place. This is in addition to the chance of trouble - random encounters might not necessarily be trouble. The yautja predators are one of the possible random encounters.

Fortunately (or unfortunately), by selecting to move our base to the ruined temple of Blizzard, we've just saved ourselves some trouble. The power supply was indeed getting quite low, and would have been inadequate for the next attack. Of course, we wouldn't have discovered this until we tried to use the ship's defenses. A wise choice, for those who didn't want to see our main characters captured by demonic forces.

Another un/fortunate decision was to head to the flickering castle. Had we gone back to the ship, there would have been a Bad End scene for one or more (randomly determined) of the prisoners. Going to the closer castle...well...I'll keep that as a surprise for later.

Also, regarding Kaa being included in the character lineup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-pFfE4RFUU - I admit to being conflicted. He's such an incredibly seductive character! Well, if you like mind control, that is (I do). So I'm going to leave it to a vote in the Choices section, down below, and let you, the readers, decide roughly what role Kaa will play in our little tale.

UFC Entry 12

Of course, not being that large a ship, the transport vessel only had two fairly small cells in its brig. It was into these cells that Stallion and Zeke were thrown. Gilda was not sent to join them. Instead, she was taken elsewhere by her friend, Rainbow Dash, who insisted on finding better accommodations for the griffin.

"Pretty stupid of 'em not to strip-search us," chuckled Zeke as he stuck his hands into the pockets of his tattered overalls. "'course, it would've been better if I had much on me besides an old ham bone and a pair of rock salt shells. What've you got, Stallion?"

The red-maned horseman started to open his mouth to speak, when the door to the brig hissed open, and four familiar female forms stepped inside.

"Yes, Stallion," said the purple-skinned one at the front, her white armor bright in the dim light of the brig. "What _do_you have on your person?"

Grinning widely, Stallion spread his hands wide, his stance open, inviting, as though daring the four females to come closer.

"You're welcome to search me, cuties," he teased, showing his strong white teeth. "Who knows? I might have some dangerous weapons left on me."

"Riva," the purple-skinned asari took charge, snapping out short orders to her companions. "Keep him covered. Shianne, Aadhira, you're with me."

"Yes, Sasfin," Sasfin's fellow asari returned, and while three of them began to approach Stallion's cell, teal-colored Riva hung back, a stunner trained on the horseman, a camera mounted on the side of her ridged head whirring softly as it recorded everything that took place.

Stepping away from the door without having to be told, Stallion watched, his expression still confident, as the three alien females entered his cell, the dark-blue and more full-figured Shianne locking the door behind them to ensure no escapes would be easily possible. Sasfin, meanwhile, kept her weapon trained on Stallion at all times, the purple-skinned asari's expression stern.

"You've got a lot to answer for," Shianne growled in a no-nonsense tone, before stepping forward, planting her foot firmly on the armored chest of the big horseman, and shoving him suddenly back. Forced to sit on the bare cot folded down from the wall of his cell, Stallion blinked at the three asari closing in around him, his eyebrows raised. "If even half of what I've heard about you is true, you're a serial rapist of the worst sort."

"The sort that leaves girls passed out from pleasure?" Stallion countered, his grin swiftly returning.

"Shut up!" snapped Sasfin, her foot once again meeting Stallion's chest, pushing him onto his back on the cot. "I know just how to handle scum like you! Shianne, help me with his breastplate; Aadhira, get his breeches. There's no telling what sort of weapons a pervert like this has on his person."

Toning back his grin to a smirk, Stallion didn't resist in the least as the three females swiftly and efficiently peeled off his clothes, and then his underclothes. Shianne had deft, skilled hands, while Sasfin obviously knew how to handle combat armor, and they soon had his metal breastplate clattering to the floor, along with the short, midriff-exposing shirt beneath, baring Stallion's brown-furred chest, with its thick tuft of red fur in a sunburst at the center. Though both of the older and more experienced asari were able to keep more-or-less professional expressions, Aadhira, being younger and more impressionable, gasped loudly at what she found as she unbuckled Stallion's belt, and parted his breeches.

"Um, Sasfin?" the light blue asari said in a small voice. "I think I found a weapon."

Riva touched the side of her head-mounted camera, her eyes and mouth wide as she zoomed in on that absolutely massive horsecock with its dark tan length and almost gold-colored glans. Running the camera down Stallion's shaft, the teal-skinned asari voyeur recorded for permanent posterity the fullness of the big male's sac, with the clear outlines of what looked like a pair of goose eggs lined with slightly wrinkled, tan-colored velvet.

Hearing the gasp of their younger companion, the two asari who'd just finished stripping Stallion's upper body looked down his muscular form...and immediately lost their professional composure: Stallion did indeed live up to all the rumors about his kind, and more. Even only semi-aroused, like some sort of sleepy burrow-dweller poking its head out after a long hibernation, Stallion was big. Then, before all the asaris' eyes, the horsecock before them started to grow firm and erect.

"By Eternity," whispered Shianne in awe, kneeling by the side of the cot to bring herself to eye level with Stallion's penis, even as Aadhira did the same with the floor between his outstretched (and still booted) feet. Even Sasfin, determined as she was to stay in control of the situation, found herself momentarily at a complete loss for words, and just stared, her purple cheeks flushed a deep violet.


No fool (though he was often foolish), Stallion looped his gloved hands behind his back, arching his hips upward just a little. Just enough to draw all eyes to the glittering bead of precum just starting to swell at the very tip of his proudly erect organ. He knew perfectly well that he had these lovely alien women hooked, and didn't have to do much to reel them in. In the background, the camera on the side of Riva's head continued to record, adding just a little extra sense of tension to the situation, the eroticism of performance enhancing everything just that much more.

"I can't stand it!" exclaimed Aadhira suddenly, desperately, before she grabbed Stallion's proud member, then did her best to cram as much as possible between her blue lips. Even as she gagged hopelessly on that impossible length and thickness, her hands were working, peeling off the breeches of her armor, shoving them down her legs, baring her pert blue bottom with its clearly-defined back dimples before she rested it on her heels, all the better to let her start bobbing her head.

The sudden surrender of the youngest asari was the catalyst, and in moments, Shianne was pulling her top armor over her head, letting her full breasts bounce free, their broad blue nipples rigid and erect, little dimples formed around the edge of her aureoles in her excitement. The moment Aadhira came up both for air and to pull of her own top armor, baring her far more modest cleavage, her light blue nipples easily as erect as Shianne's, but lacking the dimples around their edges, Shianne engulfed Stallion's rigid member between her large breasts from the side, squeezing the plush mammaries together, making a soft-yet-snug channel as she began to rub her body up and down against that hard male flesh.

While both her sister asari began running their mouths up and down Stallion's heavily-leaking prick, swiftly settling into a rhythm of taking turns licking and kissing the heavy golden glans at the tip, Sasfin took her time, stripping off her white armored plates gradually, not rushing the movements. Her purple skin was flushed with almost animalistic arousal as it was bared to the cool air of the brig, her body muscled, almost to the point of losing its female qualities, her breasts tight against her chest, her belly toned and rippled with abdominal strength. Sasfin had always respected her body, even more than most asari, and had honed herself into a specimen of exquisite physical ability.

Now she swung her body into action, her body language giving Shianne and Aadhira warning before she stepped up onto the cot, straddling Stallion's hips. With Shianne using her breasts to hold the male's pride firmly in place, Sasfin grinned down at Stallion challengingly, stroking one foot up through the soft, short fur of his own washboard belly, before she squatted down, gritting her teeth as she felt the thick girth of the big male's cockhead squeezing against her tight-clasped, glistening quim.

"Big," she grunted softly, gritting her teeth a little more tightly. "But I can take it."

Grunting with exertion, her purple skin sheened in sweat, Sasfin balled her hands into tense fists...then shoved herself down.

"Ah!" she cried out, her back arching as she took more than a goodly portion of hard horsecock right up to almost the limits of what her vagina was intended to take. Despite feeling herself reaching limits she'd never considered before, however, Sasfin started to work her hips, twisting them in a circle, manipulating the penis inside of her in similar fashion, until she forced a loud moan of pleasure out of the horseman beneath her.

As Shianne continued to pump her breasts up and down the lower two thirds of Stallion's hard shaft, while Aadhira tongued his full, throbbing balls, Sasfin started to ride the big male, grunting and panting as though she were in the midst of a workout of epic proportions. Not a bad description of her situation, in fact! Her inner walls clenching tightly, Sasfin forced herself to work harder, faster, managing almost half of Stallion's prick right up at the end, before she started to tremble all over, giving a loud, hoarse cry. This cry was echoed by Stallion himself as he arched his hips upward, his sac contracting beneath Aadhira's gentle hands and questing tongue, his cock pulsing between the pillowy mounds of Shianne's breasts, before his cum spurted in a powerful gush right into Sasfin's quivering quim. In fact, so great was the force of his orgasm, that Sasfin squealed loudly as she was almost bodily lifted right off Stallion's penis!

Slumping forward as Stallion's still semi-hard cock popped free, Sasfin rested a while, her hands pressed against the big male's broad chest, still panting for breath.

"Can't get enough, can you?" Stallion said with a grin, his hands lifting, reaching for Sasfin's waist. "Now, let me show you what I can do when you let me do the riding!"


Instantly, a bolt of crackling blue light flashed across the intervening space separating Stallion from Riva. Though her cheeks were deeply flushed, and it was obvious she was more than a little distracted with what she'd seen, all the same the teal-skinned asari had been closely watching their prisoner for signs of resistance. The moment she'd seen Stallion about to make moves of his own, which might have endangered her friends, Riva had acted.

"I think we're good for now," said Shianne, standing up with a knowing smile at the stunned Stallion, who lay semi-conscious (and still semi-erect) on his cot. "That should be enough to work the worst of the corruption out of him. Provided that he's actually corrupted, of course."

"Elh said he was," answered Aadhira, also standing up, her inner thighs thoroughly soaked with as-yet unsated arousal of her own. "Him and Zeke. Not as much as the griffin girl, though."

"Corrupted," snorted Zeke from his cell as he watched the asari pull Stallion from the cot and then shackle his wrists to the wall, binding his still-booted feet together with a similar set of shackles. "We might be corrupted, but only because we let it happen. Maybe we lost a little free will. Small price to pay, I say, for getting what we want." He grinned toothily, then licked his chops. "You don't wanna know what I want."

The asari traded looks as they swiftly dressed themselves. Elh had briefed them to expect something like what Zeke had said: the corrupted, especially when they'd been on the edge of evil already, usually felt and acted as though they were completely, or at least mostly, willing participants in whatever dark deeds they performed. Only after they'd been purged did they start to return to their former selves. Of course, to a casual observer, they'd simply appear to be evil-minded people, who enjoyed doing bad for the sake of badness.

"We'll leave you to the professionals," said Aadhira with a teasing smile at Zeke, her eyes flicking briefly over the tent in the front of his overalls. So saying, she joined the other asari as they left the room, leaving Stallion still chained to the wall.


"We don't have time to go running around on random tips," Carmelita stated authoritatively. "Especially not from...people...who don't have all their body parts properly attached."

Rather than answering, Raven gave a slight shrug, the motion barely visible through her cloak's enveloping folds. Having responded as much as she intended, the young sorceress then turned, and began walking toward the Pyramid with its gaudy gold displays.


Arching her back, her pink nipples bared and thrust up toward the lights shining down on her from the ceiling, Renamon moaned as she squeezed the clearly-visible cameltoe of her purple thong against the rigid metal pole. She'd forgotten how sensitive she could be when she was using a sex! On the tail end of this thought came the further thought: would she be able to control herself at all if she'd chosen to use her male configuration? Whether she'd have a chance of staying in control with a hermaphrodite's form didn't cross her mind: she'd have been screaming in orgasm a long time ago by now, and probably encouraging the audience to drag her down and gangbang her right then and there.

Lewd thoughts so long forgotten almost overwhelming her now, Renamon moaned loudly as she began _grinding_herself up and down against the unyielding metal, her movements like that of a horseback rider, perfectly timed to the music that filled the room, engulfing her, almost controlling every move she made. Her panties were soaked, leaving streaks of damp along the pole's length as she pressed it into the indentation at the base of her pubis, but there was no helping that now.

There was no helping anything now.

Below, the gold-furred vixen was vaguely aware of the audience, screaming and howling in lust. Lust she'd induced. Her olfactory sensors taking in the heavy tang of pheromones in the air, she couldn't resist stepping away from the pole, thrusting her taut, toned rump out toward her unseen watchers in the dark. Lifting her tail, baring the clearly-visible indentation her pussy made in the sheer fabric of her panties, as well as her essentially naked bottom, left exposed by the thong, complete with flashes of brilliant white beneath her tail cut off suddenly by her panties just before the good bits were visible, Renamon let them all get a good look at her most intimate regions. Freshly uploaded, Renamon knew she was tight, but more than that, she was wet. The first was a matter of programming. The latter was because of how much she was enjoying herself.

She'd forgotten how good it felt to just let it all go, to stop being in control all the time.

Coyly glancing over her shoulder, then smiling wickedly, flirtatiously, at the audience she knew was somewhere beyond the ring of darkness that extended beyond the stage, Renamon lowered her tail, pressing it tightly over her rounded buns. Then, slowly, deliberately, she reached up, and hooked her thumbs into the waist of her panties. To the wild, enthusiastic howls and yowls and wolf-whistles of the audience, she bent over at the waist, shimmying her hips as she stripped herself completely naked, all while keeping everything concealed, either her breasts by her position, facing away from the audience, or her sex and tailhole, concealed by her fluffy foxtail.

Standing up, covering her breasts with one arm as she half-turned toward the audience, Renamon gave them a wicked, teasing smile, the smile of an innocent succubus. Her other hand twirled her purple panties, then casually tossed them out, into the darkness. That smile spread into a sharp-toothed grin as she heard the furor over who would get to possess that part of her, still damp with her copious, aroused juices. Still smiling, Renamon started walking from the stage, letting her arm drop, putting a very deliberate sway in her step, her tail arching from side to side as she walked, giving teasing glimpses of the gates of heaven.

Chocolat was waiting in the wings, her cheeks flushed, her eyes huge.

"You...you were amazing, Miss Renamon!" squealed the little Pom in her adorable enthusiasm. Behind her, Rocket gave Renamon a thumbs up, signaling that he felt the same.

Brushing her hand through the soft fur of Chocolat's cheek, just beneath her large goggles, Renamon arched an eyebrow at Rocket, who was trying (and failing) not to look at her more-than-substantial breasts.

"Um, here's the money," mumbled the raccoon, thrusting a sizable purse into Renamon's hands. "Gold, of course: it's what they call real money around here. Don't know where it all comes from." He cleared his throat, then forced himself to look only at Renamon's eyes. "Guess we better find that other fox and the human chick before your fans find you."

Renamon allowed herself a small smirk, before her mouth settled into its normally-unseeable state.

"Next time," she said softly, brushing a teasing finger along the underside of Rocket's chin, "you get to be the one up on stage."

Then she turned, her eyes glowing softly with blue light.

"They're that way," she said, pointing. "Can you get us out of here without the throng noticing?"

"Not with you looking like that I can't," exclaimed Rocket.

"I can," said another voice, accented with the tones of a stereotypical pirate. Everyone turned, looking at the metal-and-fur of the vulpine bartender, who smiled, lifting his eyepatch to get a full view of Renamon's breasts. "Can't change back yet, eh?" he asked, getting a nod from Renamon, as well as a light blush. "Not surprising - always a problem with living programs. We had one in here not long ago, before he...well, let's just say there was trouble in the next place he went to." Then the foxy pirate shrugged and motioned with his hook hand. "And I'm goin' on about nothin'. C'mon, follow me, and I'll take you out the back way. Lucky for you, Freddy didn't see you perform, Missy, or there's no way you'd be leaving here." He made a face. "As soon as he sees the tapes, he's probably goin' ta try and getcha back here anyway!"

Following the metal-muscled fox into the back areas of the casino, momentarily they were walking out into the cool desert night.

"Just stay out of trouble, all right?" said the fox, giving them a final wave, before closing the rear entrance quietly behind them.


Carmelita looked to either side of the entryway as she and Raven entered the Pyramid. She could tell immediately why this place had a reputation for a lack of trouble: those big, burly, black jackalmen on either side of the door were enough to discourage any sort of troublemakers! Raven, however, led the way with the same stoic calm as always.

[10% chance of trouble - rolled 37 - no trouble]

Waiting for them just inside the minareted entry arch was a lithe, bobtailed feline, dressed in just barely enough to make her technically dressed. She smiled at the pair, then beckoned to them to follow her.

"My name is Sheema," she said in a voice that was, in a word, adorable, a mewing purr that seemed to encourage a listener to give the speaker petting rather than the carnal activities her beautiful, scantily-clad body seemed designed to perform. "Please, if you will follow, I will take you to your table."

All around, a glance from Carmelita revealed similar bobtailed felines, males as well as females, moving deftly between tables, their faces almost universally carrying the enigmatic smiles of the desert cats they most resembled. Among the felines were canines as well, apparently related to the four-legged breed known as "pharaoh dogs."


Then, as they came to a halt at a table, Carmelita's eyes centered on the one already seated there: Omar bin Saheed.

"Welcome," said the grey-furred ratman, his hunched posture more pronounced than before. "I see you have come to inquire about my offer at last. Come, sit, eat, drink, and watch while Sheema entertains us with a dance. And when she finishes dancing, I will tell you how I came to acquire the parts you seek...and what you must do to acquire them from me."

[30% chance of parts - rolled 7 - parts available, if we pay the price]

His smile was enigmatic beneath the turban that covered most of the man-rat's head as he fixed the two females with his dark-eyed gaze.

"Once you have refreshed yourselves, then you will come with me. Together, then, we shall see my mistress: She of the Emerald Eyes."

Her face expressing her concern, Sheema walked past Carmelita, lightly and comfortingly brushing the other woman's shoulder, before she stepped into the alcove nearest the table, and lowered herself into a catlike crouch, back arched. Then, at a signal, the dance began.



"What can I ever do to repay you?" asked Amelia as she looked up at Jon Talbain, the tall werewolf not seeming to pay much attention to the short, pleasingly plump pig-girl, who was even then selecting some clothes from the collection of winter garb left in the Countess' demesne. "I'm a good pilot, and not bad with most machinery. I mean," she blushed cutely, looking away, "I'm mostly trained on farming equipment, but I qualified for starflight, so that's got to mean something."

"You," said Talbain, reaching down to grip Amelia's head, right between her ears and behind the goggles perched on her brow, making her gasp in shock at the strength of that contact, dropping the pair of jodhpurs she'd just been about to try on, "don't need to talk right now." He turned, then, and looked at her. "What you need to do, little pig, is obey."

Amelia's eyes were huge_as she met Jon Talbain's yellow-eyed gaze for a few brief moments. Then she lowered her head submissively, her thighs trembling, their inner parts soaked: the werewolf had a _presence about him when he wanted to project it.

"Get dressed," he growled again, then released the pig, who swiftly got to work doing just that, yanking the jodhpurs up over her adorably plump tush, though she had to poke a hole in the seat for her cute curly tail.

Not far off, Kim was similarly pulling on some thick winter clothes, grateful to be out of the buff...especially since neither the two wolves nor the two gargoyles seemed to have similar feelings about clothing, all four of them going quite naked. After all, they had little need for protection from the elements. Not so Kiara and Kovu, their short, desert-bred fur not really suited at all to the inclement weather of the northern snow and ice, forcing them into similar attire as what the red-haired human girl was now tugging on.

"We're going to go save them, right?" asked the teen, looking to Jon, who seemed to be the obvious leader of the group, his stance of confidence and poise making him the center of the group's confidence.

"Yeah," agreed the blue-and-white werewolf. "We are."

After saying this, Jon Talbain turned and walked from the room, ascending the stairs leading back out to the upper world. He had plans to make...and off in the distance, a pair of glowing red eyes met his yellow ones. Between those eyes passed a sense of kinship, of same-ness. But there was also the potential for conflict between them, for when two powerful creatures met, there was always some sort of conflict until a pecking order was established. Those eyes had been following them from the crumbled castle between them and their destination since they'd gotten within sight distance, and they'd stayed fixed on the band ever since. Talbain hadn't called anyone's attention to their watcher (or, perhaps, watchers) since there had been no interference. Now, however, to reach the more distant castle, they'd have to pass right by the more ancient and much nearer one. Who knew what such a passing would entail?

Beneath, Okami tended to the scrapes and cuts on the muscular mok and his blonde barbarian friend. Ookla blushed furiously when the wolf goddess smiled at him, and since Okami had decided not to deign to make use of clothes any longer, as they were an unnecessary encumbrance to her way of thinking, the poor mok was forced to cover his lower quarters at all times with his hands, or expose his obvious interest in the lithesome wolf woman.

Sitting nearby, running her hand through the still-sleeping Link's fur, sighing every so often as she looked at her four-legged friend, Midna kept a watch over the bound and gagged white goatling they'd taken prisoner, and also the hunched and muscular Beast. Beast didn't seem to be hostile in any way, but rather mindless, as though all his will had been subdued and squeezed into a place deep inside. He'd respond to commands, as long as they were made forcefully enough (Midna, actually, had been the one to discover this), but he seemed incapable of intelligent action on his own.

"You guys are pretty good," she said with a teasing smirk at Okami when the wolf goddess spared her a glance and answering smile. "Hope you don't mind me tagging along. Even if my mount," she glanced back down at Link, her expression softening a little, "seems to be down for now. But he'll be back up, I'm sure! He's bounced back from worse than a little piece of darkness stuck in his soul."


Will Kaa be:

Villainous (ala Disney)

Heroic (more-or-less, ala Rudyard Kipling)



Scenes will play out as time allows - no input needed for now, except for suggestions on specific activities you would like to see take place in each scene. Scenes that are pending will be listed here in future posts, to allow readers to keep track.

Scenes and likely order in which they will take place:

Samus Aran/Tails suit repairs

Master Tigress/Krystal/Princess Luna (Red Savarin)

Gilda gangbang

Elh/Zeke (punishment)

Big Macintosh/Stallion


Rainbow Dash/Samus Aran


Big Macintosh/Applejack/Samus Aran

Gilda/Rainbow Dash (Bambi possible addition)

Nightmare Moon appearance


Spitfire/Applejack/Big Macintosh/Rainbow Dash (nice, not naughty)

Zeke/Jon Talbain/Amaterasu wolfsome

Zeke/Bambi (pouncing)

Spitfire/Red Savarin

Stallion/Elh (temptation)


Jon Talbain/Bambi (on return)


Do we accept the offer to see Emerald Eyes? Y/N

If not, what do we do instead?

-Explore some ruins in the desert

-Go to another casino:

The Barn - 60% chance of trouble, 60% chance of parts

Fat Cat's Casino - 50% chance of trouble, 40% chance of parts

Jabba's Palace - 65% chance of trouble, 65% chance of parts

The Last Stop - 10% chance of trouble, 80% chance of parts...and a hefty price to pay

The Mouse Trap - 30% chance of trouble, 50% chance of parts

Treasure Island - 50% chance of trouble, 50% chance of parts

*Rescue Party

What will our party do? Please select one:

1) Investigate the red-eyed watcher as we pass the old castle (will delay us; other effects, good or bad, are unknown).

2) Scout around the flickering castle before we approach (will delay us, but will give us a bonus to our next rolls, and open up new options for attack and rescue).

3) Charge the main gate and break our way in (no delay, 40% chance of success, must roll four successes, or three failures, to determine outcome; 30% chance for each character to escape on a failure; indicate whether we should take prisoners for a -5% penalty to our rolls).

Additionally, do we have a "cleansing" scene with Asriel Dreemurr? Y/N - if yes, this will also delay us. If no, he will be brought along as a prisoner, bound and secured, but will otherwise probably not affect our actions. This choice can be added to any of the above three.

Finally, do we cleanse Beast and/or Link? Again, this will mean a delay, but it will make them more useful and/or more reliable. This choice also can be added to the above.

Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 13

Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 13 By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Vote Tallies** \*Kaa will be: Villainous - 3 Heroic - 1 Complicated - 14 \*Casinos Accept Emerald Eyes' offer? Y/N - 15/1 -Jabba's Palace -...

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 9

Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 9 By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Vote Tallies** \*Temple 1) Retreat - 6 2) Dungeon fight - 11 -Prisoners Y/N - 3/6 \*Desert City Engage Stalker? Y/N - 5/11 Exploration: 1)...

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 8

Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 8 By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Vote Tallies** \*At the Temple Attack! - 2 Stealth - 9 Third options (to modify the above) -Bring down entry and attack from behind (chances as...

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