Chapter IV: For the Good of the Village

Story by Simplified on SoFurry

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#4 of Love for the Birds

This is a short one, but you don't always need long stories. Short ones are just as good.

Everyone in the bird village is now adapting to the new changes of protocol, with Maureen, Kali and Caryn all somehow at the middle of all this. Are these good changes? See for yourself, inside. Enjoy! :D

For the Good of the Village

A small pine marten cub crawled across the ground, babbling softly as his mother watched.

Another small cub crawled toward the other infant, this one, a small blue jay chick.

Maureen and Kali both sobbed happily, hands clasped together as they watched their children.

Caryn was there too, with little Ruby bouncing on her lap.

The wide-eyed cardinal chick nibbled on her mother's thumb while she watched the boys play.

Maureen smiled with some pride, her species used to walk on all fours, so her son was already at an advantage there. She even joked about such things with her tribal sisters.

"Yeah? Well, wait until my Justin starts to get muscle in his little legs, he'll be running circles around your boy."

Maureen snickered, "I bet he'll do a lot of runnin' when he's old enough to chase the girls."

Kali swelled her plumage, "Well, he'd take after his father then. My Justin will be batting at all the pretty hens with a big stick!"

Maureen winked at her friend, "You really think he'll be that hung?"

Kali cocked her friend at the pine marten jill, "Sometimes, a mother just knows... And I bet your Iomer's gonna be a hit with the girls too! Not too many furry fellas living in this village after all, permanent ones at least." She hesitated at the last part.

Almost as if on cue, a horn sounded outside their tent.

Caryn shuddered, she'd grown to hate that sound over the weeks since it had become a staple of life around here.


Weeks ago, when Maureen had departed to the towns to advertise her village's open invitations, promising food, women and a place to sleep, she had at first met with aversion.

People found it strange that a grown female like her would walk so scantily dressed in public, most assumed she were a whore begging for coin. Some were also distracted by the two avian fellows who had accompanied her, themselves only dressed in armbands and loincloths.

The old pigeon was equally aghast at how overdressed these mammals and reptiles were, especially under this bright, hot sun. Didn't they get too hot? He bumped into a fellow avian, a crow and couldn't believe how much clothing she wore.

She ignored him and instead turned her sights on the inquisitive young wren that walked with the trio.

Maureen explained her plight to the crow and the bird led them to a local tavern, one that was a popular location for creatures of all shape and size. She nearly cried when she saw it was her father's tavern.

She walked inside the building that she had fled from so many months ago. She brushed her palm on the bar counter which she often sat at. She looked around at the many different people enjoying fine meals and drink and remembered when she served these people as a helpful teenager, ever obedient to her hard-working father.

The crow took Maureen and her companions to meet the current owner.

He was a middle-aged billy goat wearing spectacles. He looked up from his book he had been reading when they approached, "Yes?" He saw the crow, "Mavis, what trouble have you gotten yourself into this time, naughty black bird?"

The crow ruffled her feathers at his snide comment, "None so far, old goat! These kind folk come here from the woods to speak with the good people of our town."

The goat sat up, "There are still good people here?" He affixed his spectacles before he stood to extend a hand to the marten female, "Jarlsberg, madam. What is it you come to speak of?"

Maureen had to know first, "Before that... Do you know what happened to the man who ran this tavern before you?"

The goat scratched his beard, "Our previous owner? Mmm, yes... I bought this place from him, poor fellow was too sick to keep running it so he gave it to me for a fraction of what this old girl is really worth. He's passed away, I'm afraid."

Tears filled Maureen's eyes, "He's dead?" And she never got to apologize for leaving him alone. She broke down, slamming her fist on the bar before her, while the three birds who stood around her shuffled their feet uncomfortably.

Jarlsberg petted the distraught female, "I take it that man was your father. I'm terrible sorry to have made you cry my dear."

Maureen sniffed, "No... You did nothing wrong. I'm the one who ran away when he needed me. I'm why he's dead." She looked up at the building around her, "He opened this tavern so he could support me. I was all he had after Mom died. He raised me here, I slept here, worked here... Lost my virginity here. This tavern was my life."

Jarlsberg poured some ale for her, "Can't dwell on the past, dear. You're still here." He placed the tankard on the counter for her. "Drink up..."

She sniffed it, "That smells.. So different from what Dad made." She drank some and right away was struck by the cinnamon and cardamom flavoring the drink. "It's spiced. I've never had it that way."

Jarlsberg smiled, "My own recipe, your father loved it too. I feel its the real reason he let me have this place. This ale has made this old girl the talk of the town now."

She smiled sadly, "And he was alive to see that?"

The goat nodded, "He endorsed the ale himself. But the only thing he would always say was how much greater it would be if his daughter could be here to share the new fame."

Maureen sobbed, "Thank you... But this was my past, and you're right, I shouldn't stay too long. I have my own life and a new home with these fine birds here." She gestured to the pigeon and wren. The wren was distracted by the pretty crow who threw many flirty winks his way.

Jarlsberg listened, "You live with these birds?"

She nodded, "In the village, deep within those woods."

He leaned forward, "You come from the bird village?"

The old pigeon stepped forth, "We come in peace, tavern keeper. We wish to make, how do you say, deals with your folk. We feathered folk of the wood extend our blessings and our wings, welcoming all you kind outsiders. We are opening up trade with your towns."

Jarlsberg listened, "I see... That does sound like a marvelous development, but I'm only a tavern keeper, kind sir. You'll need an official." He chuckled, "Lucky for you, my ale brings even official peoples to my tavern."

And so they met with the necessary people to set up the trade, promising all that Chief Nestor has promised.

One or two seemed unconvinced until bestowed with the gold the birds had brought with them.

Another required a different kind of convincing... Maureen cleaned her mouth much following that unhappy experience.

The trio stayed some nights in the tavern as deals were made.

Maureen felt like a child again, sleeping in a warm bed after so many nights sleeping bundled up with birdies. She didn't get much sleep though... Not when there were shrill moans coming from the neighboring room where the young wren was staying.

That very next morning, she saw the wren walk out of that room, hand in hand with the crow who lovingly preened the newly deflowered male.

Maureen snickered when he blushed after seeing her.

The next night, Maureen joined them and the crow was gracious enough to share him.

Five nights they stayed, and for those nights, Maureen helped that young bird rediscover himself, over and over many times. He gave generously as well.


Those happy memories ended when Maureen heard the horns. A part of her now wished those officials had refused the offer, but... This was the way now, she supposed.

She exchanged glances with the other two females, "Whose turn is it to entertain our visitors?"

Kali was the least eager, but to spare her friends, especially Caryn, she'd volunteered herself. "I'll go."

Maureen placed a paw on her friend's shoulder, "I'll come with you."

"No... I don't want you, or Caryn to be hurt, Maureen."

Caryn sobbed, "And what if they hurt you, Kali?"

Kali glanced coldly outside, "They won't." Then she went outside.


The people of the village gathered around as travelers from outside came in.

Chief Nestor extended a generous welcome to the traveling mammals, reptiles, even avians that came to their village, always. This time around, it was a traveling troupe of foxes.

They were all gypsies, the males dressed in elaborate clothes which left their chests exposed and showed their bulges in their pantaloons. The vixens wore elegant dresses with many shiny baubles and earrings jingling as they walked. Their children walked with them too.

The head of the gypsies met with Nestor and pleasantries were exchanged along with goods and, of course, riches.

One vixen, an elder female who was nonetheless very beautiful and very easy on the eyes, offered herself personally to the chief.

The eagle preferred younger females, but he enjoyed the woman's enthusiasm so he accepted her offer.

Nestor then gave his blessing for the gypsies to begin trading their wares with the kind bird folk of the village, before he let the vixen, and her attractive daughter, escort him inside his own hut.

The gypsy foxes were very gracious guests themselves, very respectful, though their younger males were boisterous, looking at the many pretty young female birds gathering around.

Kali watched as the foxes walked through the village. Even she had to admit, they weren't bad to look at. She stood outside her hut and presented herself as best as she could, she had to play her part and help procure more gold from these rich gypsies, for the good of the village. She did not even have to turn before she heard footsteps approaching. She looked up and was staring at a pair of strapping young tods, both of whom seemed taken in by the blue jay's unique beauty. There were no other blue jays in the village, Kali's parents and Justin's had both passed on ages ago.

The blue, black and white hen smiled seductively then displayed herself for the two interested teenagers. "Well," Kali egged them on, "Don't just stare." She felt herself wanting to gag at how she'd grown to accept this new way of life. She was a proud hunter, now she was a prostitute for her village. If her Justin were here, he wouldn't have allowed this, he would defend her honor.

The two young tods looked at each other before one reached for a fat money bag tied to his waist with a maroon sash.

Kali held up a hand, "Time for that later, you boys look hungry. Come inside." She held open the flap of her tent for them to go in. She caught herself staring at the boys' tight abs and tighter hindquarters.

Inside, Maureen had the children. Ruby and Iomer both nursed from her breasts while Caryn cooked fish and some vegetables in a cast-iron pan over flaming coals. She fanned the fumes with her wings so they did not fill the tent, and the fumes left through a vent constructed in the roof of their hut.

Both looked up as the tall young males stumbled awkwardly into their humble abode. Caryn smiled politely to them, though she resolved that she would not give herself to these foxes. Canines, as she'd learned from a previous visit, had knots and those things made her ache something awful when they tied with her.

Maureen had her paws full taking care of the kids but still offered a kind smile to the visiting males, "Come right in, sit down, young travelers."

Kali closed the flap behind her after walking in. She turned just as the two foxes sat down with their legs crossed carefully beneath them. She sat with them, as her son was given his baby food by Caryn. Kali introduced herself, her mates then their children to the remarkably polite teenagers.

Caryn served the foxes some of the salmon. They thanked her then ate the food.

Kali laid down some quick ground rules while they ate, "Now... I'm sure you boys must have heard some interesting things about us birdies, hmm? How we give ourselves to cuties like you for some of your money. It is true, however, you boys are in my hut, under my roof, so you must follow a few rules before you can... Enjoy yourselves." She smiled, "These lovely ladies here with me, they are my wives... Yes, wives. That is allowed here in our village. Either way, Maureen and Caryn are off limits; you don't touch them, you don't so much as look at them wrong, unless they allow it and they are their own people, so they are free to do whatever they wish, right ladies?"

Maureen and Caryn both nodded in unison, "Of course, Kali."

Kali kept going, "You will also not touch our children, not one claw on their little heads. If you can't follow these few simple rules, you can just get the hell out now. And, if you boys even think you can hurt me or my girls..." She pulled out her biggest hunting knife she had, then drove it threateningly into the small table the foxes were eating off of.

Both teenagers gulped.

Kali cracked a smile, "Are we clear, boys?"

Both nodded quickly.

Kali pulled her knife free and sheathed it, "Then... Let's not waste more time on words... I know what you want." She crawled over to her bed, lewdly allowing her loincloth to fall wayside and show off her firm butt. She untied it and let it fall off completely.

One fox crawled after her and his eager hands filled with her soft feathery butt.

Kali cooed playfully and pushed her rear back against the young male's exploring hands.

Maureen didn't feel like being left out on this. She passed the children off to Caryn before she went up to the other fox.

Caryn sat there holding the babies now, sighing comically while she watched her two mates help the foxes out of their vests and their trousers.

Once both tods were naked, their respective females were all over them.

Kali had hers on his back, moaning while she dragged her moist slit over his erecting foxhood. She preened his neckfur and pinched his nipples, making the youth whimper while she teased him.

Maureen locked muzzles with her chosen lover, she let him put her on her back and, with little preamble, she felt the young fox penetrate her swollen vulva. She held him as he pushed inside her, she wasn't wet enough yet, and she was still very tight.

Kali chirped in her lover's ear when she allowed him in and felt the youth spread her tight slit with his young cock.

Maureen's mate for the moment was an eager-to-please young fox, already happy that he could be inside such a beautiful, voluptuous female. He slowed once, so he could sample her nipples. He suckled fresh mother's milk from her breast and Maureen allowed it before she impatiently bucked to remind him of his task at hand. Neither he nor his equally addled brother seemed to question why a pine marten was living with birds, neither cared right now.

Kali rode her selected mate, letting him guide her with his groping paws on her butt, pulling her off his cock then pushing up in her as she pushed back down on him.

Caryn tended to the babies while her mates worked with these two handsome males. From her viewpoint, she could see both identical pairs of fox balls jostling as the two worked hard to please these females. Though she didn't fancy canines, she had to admit, she'd probably give Maureen's one a spin. She thought he was the cutest of the pair. She loved the faces he was making with each thrust, the little whimpers and barks he let go as he mated with the pine marten. Caryn watched his plump balls battering away at Maureen's labia as the fox's speed increased.

Maureen arched against him, feeling the fox's precum squirting inside her, through her cervix.

Kali felt the same sensations as her fox drew near to his own climax.

Eventually, it was an unofficial race to see which brother would cross the finish line first.

Caryn finally couldn't help herself. She scooted closer, Ruby still clutched under one arm. Caryn reached out and she caught the balls of Maureen's fox in her hand.

That surprise hand pushed him over and he plunged his knot inside, tying himself with her before his balls clenched. With a loud yip heard by giggling birds who passed by outside, the young fox erupted long strings of his young seed into the fertile female beneath him.

Kali heard the unified moans of her colleague and her fox, not wishing to be outdone, Kali slammed herself hard on her lover's knot, tying with him as the young male began bucking into her, spraying down his female's insides with his own potent batch.

Caryn rolled the balls she held, enjoyed how they pulsed in her grasp while this male continued to pump more of his cum into Maureen.


Nestor was in his hut, after having pumped his offering inside both vixens, now he fed his son his food while Feroz took advantage of the situation and bred with the two vixens, with the eagle's cum still warming their insides.

Nestor chuckled, "I told you this would be a good idea, Feroz."

The vulture certainly enjoyed the perks, whatever part of him wished ill of this plan had since evaporated.


Meanwhile, on the outer ridge of the village, two lone birds stalked outside, except they weren't alone. Accompanying them was a wolf with an eyepatch.

Justin and Orion were back.