Pokemon Unevolved - Chapter 3

Story by MrMoho on SoFurry

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#4 of Pokemon Unevolved

Kelly is asked by Professor Juniper to go on an Pokémon Journey through Unova with the restriction that she cannot evolve her Pokémon. It all seemed rather innocent, and probably would've been so, if it wasn't for her Starters special 'trait'...

Alrighty then, chapter 3! The next one probably will take a bit longer. Let's say about, erm, a wekk, I suppose?

I also going to take this opportunity to thank everybody who like my story thus far. I greatly appreciate it, truly, I do!

Chapter 3 Oh, lucky day!

The next day they finally reached Floccesy Town. Kelly twisted her aching back as she entered the town, grumbling obscenities to the empty air around her. Sleeping inside a bedroll on nothing but grass or dirt was definitely something she still had get used too, the sooner the better, since she probably was going to do that a lot during her travels.

She looked down at her Eevee who was walking right next to her. For some reason he was really jumpy this whole day, tensing up every time Kelly addressed him. Did he also have a terrible night? Hm, maybe he still felt roughened up from his fight with Filou, or did he caught something during the night? Maybe she should have him checked up inside the local Pokémon Center. Well, Kelly wanted to reach the Floccesy Ranch today, so it'd be best avoid any unnecessary stops, but then again it wouldn't take long and she should put her Pokémon's health above anything else. It actually ought to be somewhere at the entrance of town, anyways. Might be a good opportunity to stack up on snacks, too!

As the girl walked down the street, she noticed a poncho wearing man with fiery, long hair, some of which he had bundled together into a ponytail, just standing there in the middle of the road, looking skyward. His white pants were ripped at the bottom, indicating he travels a lot, or he only owns the one pair, giving full view of his black sandals. His appearance was rather obscure, contrasting that of any person Kelly ever met in her life. The man turned, showing his clearly elderly face with purple eyes over which a bushy pair of stalwart eyebrows hung.

"You there, Trainer!", he suddenly exclaimed. Kelly recoiled at his loud and gruff voice, looking behind her, hoping that he maybe meant someone else. Alas, there was nobody there. Oh boy...

"Don't worry, I'm talking to you", he laughed heartily at her alleged confusion, stepping closer to introduce himself, "My name is Alder. And you must be someone who just started his Journey, right?"

Kelly blinked her eyes dumbfounded. "H-how did you-?"

"It's clear by your aura, a young gal on her travels searching for purpose!," he rubbed the bottom of his nose with an impish grin, "Also, there aren't a whole lot of people with a big hiking backpack and a Pokémon with them coming through town."

Yeah... Why was he talking to her again? She meant no offense, but this guy just spoke to her out of the blue. He also reeked of sweat and his clothes were really dirty. If it wasn't for the rows of Pokéballs around his neck she would've figured that he was some random bum.

"Anyways, what might your name be?", the man asked, his untamed mane waggling in the wind. He did look kinda epic, in a very homeless way.

"Uhm, my names Kelly, I just started my journey from Aspertia City."

"Hmph, so a Trainer from Aspertia! Not many begin their journey from there.", he crouched down to face Vellon, who in responds tried to hide himself behind Kelly's legs from the imposing man. He laughed hearty, grinning afterward with his teeth showing, "A bit insecure, but your Eevee is a fine-looking Pokémon! Although," he paused as he stood back up and looked down at the far smaller girl, "he is not as insecure as his Trainer."

"Huh?", this man was really throwing her off. What was he talking about? Better yet, why were they talking at all?! Who was this guy!?

"Tell me, why did you go on this Pokémon Journey?"

"Well," Kelly swallowed down her irritation. Maybe if she just play along this overgrown old man would leave sooner, "Professor Juniper asked me to get on one to see how strong a Pokémon can get without evolving while traveling with a Trainer.", Kelly explained reluctantly. Sheesh, why was she still having a conversation with him?!, "She is also the one I got my Eevee from."

"Ha! I see the Professor is still up to her usual hijinks!", the red-haired man folded his arms and leaned back a bit, smiling widely at the mention of the Professor, but that smile faltered quickly and he gazed down strictly at Kelly, "But you didn't answer me: Why did you go on this journey?"

She frowned at this question, fairly certain that this is all a huge waste of time. Didn't she just tell him? Or wait,... did she?

Actually, now that she was thinking about it, why did she start traveling from home with nothing than a bag full of stuff and an Eevee? Kelly could've always decline the Professors offer, so why was she here? Surely because it all sounded like it could be fun, that's what she though back then. But was that true? Did the girl just lie to herself when she thought that? Ugh, this man was making her head spin...

"Heh, looks like you don't have that answer yourself yet." he tightened the grip around is arms and closed his eyes knowingly as if he was some sort of wise guy, "so might I suggest that you go on and collect the Unova Badges? You may find the purpose of this journey while doing so, and besides", he opened one eye and gave her a little wink, "It should also please the Professor, it'll be good workout for your Pokémon."

Collecting the Badges? Kelly never thought about doing that. It was the most common thing people went for when going on a Pokémon Journey. But she herself doing this? Well, all of the Gym's are on the way. It wouldn't hurt trying it out. No, wait, it would hurt a lot, her Pokémon, that is.

"But I don't want to keep you too long! Good travels, Kelly! May you meet many new Pokémon and people on your journey!" And with that, the weird old guy walked off and kept her standing in the middle of the road, the girls head a swirl. Who was that?! And why did he ask her that weird question?

Why did she begin her Pokémon Journey? She honestly couldn't tell. Kelly looked down to Vellon, hoping he might have an answer, but he just looked as baffled as she did. Maybe she should start collecting these Badges? It meant that she had to train her Pokémon and have them grow stronger, so might as well, huh?

But before all this, she had to visit the Pokémon Center. Her Eevee still needed a check up, and while she was there, Filou as well.

After finding the red and white colored building, they stepped through the slide door. Walking up the nurse, Kelly lifted him up on the counter the pink haired woman was standing behind, as well as handing over the Pokéball containing Filou.

The nurse happily accepted her Pokémon, picking up Vellon and placing him and the Pokéball on a table trolly. She then proceeded to roll him and Filou into the back room, the wheels of the trolly squeaking. This wasn't his first visit to a Pokémon Center, so he didn't feel to nervous of getting checked on by Nurse Joy. She was very kind and always knew what was wrong with somebody. Also, for some reason she was in every single Pokémon Center he ever was in, including the one they visited two days ago. Weird, how did she do that?

Though the Eevee was a little perplexed as of why Kelly had him checked. He fully recovered from the battle against Filou and didn't feel strange otherwise, beside that stinging feeling in his gut when he thought about last night. A blush grew on his face, ears dropping ashamed. Hopefully Kelly wasn't going to find out about that, or else he may never be able to show his face to her ever again!

"So, little guy, let's see how you're doing!"

They entered a room in the back of the building, filled with all sort of machinery, beforehand giving the Pokéball with Filou inside to a Audino who wandered off with it. Nurse Joy placed the table he was sitting on underneath one of the devices and sat down in front of a computer. When she put in some entries, the machine above Vellon came to live and moved back and forth, shining a bright light over his body. It was a standard process for him by now. All she really did was scanning him with that odd machine and somehow managed to find out if something was wrong with him. Vellon always wondered how she could check on his condition with him just by brighten him up and look at that screen. It was really fascinating!

"Hm, nothing seems to be wrong with you.", she concluded as he expected, spinning her chair around to look at the Eevee, "Better save then sorry, though, mh?"

Vellon nodded in agreement, not sure if the nurse was even noticing. Kelly just got scared because of him getting hurt, as little as it was. He really liked her, she was such a nice Trainer! And pretty, too! His cheeks became rosy underneath his fur as he thought that, but he wasn't ashamed of that sentiment. She was really pretty!

"Although...", Nurse Joy's vision slowly traveled down the little Eevee, "You do look a little pent up. We might have to check on your virility.", she slyly added while eying his crotch, rolling her chair over to the table he sat on.

Vellon's ears twitched befuddled. Didn't she just say everything was okay? And what did she mean with him looking pent up-?"

The Eevee gasped startled when the nurse out of nowhere reached forward with her hands and cupped his testicles. Wh-Wh-Wha-?!

"Don't worry, this is all part of the procedure.", Nurse Joy soothed as she massaged his big nuts.

What?! It never was before! Why was she doing this now?!

She caressed his balls with precision, pulling and tickling at all the right spots, drawing forth dainty moans from the little Pokémon. With such medical fineness it took no time for his cock to leave his sheath, the prick inflating rapidly. Nurse Joy grabbed hold of the awing tool, scientifically surveying its size by delicately rubbing her finger along the length, her face growing extraordinarily excited.

"Far bigger than an average Eevee!", she proclaimed impressed, "Looks like I'll be needing some additional medical instruments..."

After fumbling a bit with the back of her dress, Joy pulled the top of her clothing down to her waist, popping out her large pair of breasts with a hypnotizing jiggle on the way. She then grabbed the sides of her tits with her slender finger and leaned forward to squeeze them around his fat cock, completely enveloping the lower parts with her generous mounds and smothering his lower body beneath them.

Not waiting for him to adjust, the nurse then slid her boobs over his throbbing shaft, her blue eyes lustfully staring directly into those of Vellon. The Eevee wound himself from the mind-numbing pleasure he received, his penis safely trapped between the nurses squishy breasts. Her skin felt so pleasantly soft on his cock. It almost made him give in to Nurse Joy. But no, he had to think of what Kelly would say! He had to think... of... Kelly... Her cute face... Her petite body... her divine smell- Whoa, what was that!?

"The procedure seems to go smoothly, but just to be safe I'd better use some more medical supplies.", the nurse playfully added, clearly not being serious with the medical lingo that she was throwing around.

Joy then promptly shoved her mouth around his size that was poking out from between her soft melons, her tongue dancing around his sensitive dick as she forced more of his cockflesh down her throat, the woman apparently void of a gag reflex. Like this, she lubed up his length, helping her quacking tits to smoothly rub up and down his huge man-meat. The nurse was able gulp up so much of his mast that her face partly disappeared inside her own valley of tit-flesh, her throat visibly bulging as she swallowed inch after inch. Once her lips came in contact with his knot, she stretched out her tongue from between her lips and started licking around the round growth.

Any pre that might have escaped his cock was immediately sucked down into the pink haired woman's stomach. Vellon panted heavily from the stimulation the nurse gave him, her lips sliding up and down his cock with rhythmic motion, only ceasing her work whenever she had to stop for a second in order to catch her breath, but still dutifully massaging his prick with her breasts. There was no way he could hold on for long and the nurse knew this.

Vellon's lust got the better of him, his hips beginning to move by their own, thrusting needfully into Joy's tight-pressed cleavage, causing her boobflesh to quake obscenely every time his crotch hit the underside of her tits. Because of his flimsy body and soft fur, there was barely any audible smacking of skin, the slurping and sucking of the nurse easily overpowering the noise. His newfound eagerness pleased Nurse Joy, her mouth curling into a smile around his red dong. She went on to finish him off, increasing the pace of her cock-sucking and tightening the grip of her mammaries.

The combined powers of her tongue, mouth and tits were just too much for Vellon to take anymore. With one final thrust he shoved his tool as far inside her throat as he could. Since of his little body he was rather unsuccessful with that, so the nurse assisted him by greedily swallowing as much cock as she could possibly fit inside her oral entrance, even managing to get his knot inside her mouth, bulging out her cheeks around the fist-sized gristle. With Nurse Joy safely secured, he emitted a barking like scream as over a gallon worth of spunk shot out his penis and down the nurses throat, directly into her stomach. Despite the huge load the Eevee was unleashing, the human woman drank everything like a profi, not chocking even a little bit. Her lips were so tightly sealed around his shaft that not a single drop escape her mouth, keeping both of them perfectly clean. Jet after jet of warm baby-batter made its way into her gullet, Vellon's production potent enough that her belly began to bloat, it starting to bulge against her dress so much that she almost looked pregnant.

When the little Pokémon was done, Nurse Joy pulled herself off his junk, sucking any remains of cum left inside his cock-slit before finally letting go of his dick with a wet plop. Smiling contended, she rubbed her bloated midriff, covering her mouth as a cute burp sneaked past her lips. Vellon never seen anyone swallow his stuff up so easily! Well, then again he only was with two other girls, and that not even two days ago...

"I'd say your virility is perfectly intact." Nurse Joy happily prognosticated, hand still holding her sloshing gut, "That'll be everything for today."

Vellon was barely able to listen, too exhausted to even make a sound other than heavy breathing, laying dazed on his back like a used plushy. Why was it that since he traveled with Kelly everyone wanted to suck on his... his thing?!

"Don't worry, little man, I've got something that'll pep you up in no time!", Joy promised, her polite habit back again as if the whole previous encounter didn't happen.

She then rolled his table off to who knows where, the faint smell of womanly juices tickling Vellon's sensitive nosetrils.

Finally they were out of town. Kelly didn't wanted to dwell too long in Floccesy, since she already knew the place somewhat and, more importantly, wanted to go visit the Floccesy Farm. She never went there before, so it sounded like fun. A place filled with cute barnyard Pokémon? Count her in! But nooo, some red-headed, sweaty weirdo had to give her an existential crisis and convert her to collect the Unova Badges. Just perfect.

Vellon didn't seem as enthusiastic about the farm as she was, though. The visit to the Pokémon Center only worsen his mood, making him look downright depressed, head hanging low and ears falling off to the side of his head. The nurse said that he was fit as a fiddle, so it wasn't anything physical. Maybe he just had a bad day? Kelly should probably talk to him or something, although that would be a pretty one-sided conversation since she wasn't a Pokéwhisperer...

Ha! She got it! Winning against Filou and catching her yesterday made him jump for joy! Kelly was in the mood for a little Pokémon hunting herself! And besides, she needed a bigger team if she wanted to win against the Gym Leaders.

"Hey Vellon!", she exclaimed, standing still and pointing off the road. Vellon yelped surprised at her sudden motion, almost falling over backwards, "How about we go and get us a new friend?"

He looked up at her with heavy eyes, but, not to make the girl feel bad for him, tried his best to put on a happy smile.

Hmpf, guess that's all she can get out of him right now. And so, she traveled off road, in the attempts of finding new Pokémon to catch. They should take note from where they came from, otherwise they might find themselves lost in the woods.

Well, getting lost was funny. Kelly didn't even dare to walk further than like fifty feet into the wild. Luckily, they already found a clearing this short into the already leaky forest, void of any Pokémon. Hm, sooo, now what?

Now that she was thinking about it, how does one hunt Pokémon? They pretty must just walked into Filou last time. Maybe they should put out some lure, then hide and wait for something to come by? Deciding that was probably a good idea, she unbuckled her backpack and retrieved some Pokéfood out of one of the open bags. After placing it somewhat in the middle of the clearing, she searched for a fairly thick bush and tried her best to crouch behind it silently. Vellon pretty much just sat by and watched Kelly do all this without a clue of what was going on. At least he realized that they should be hiding when she waved him over behind the bush.

Alright, bait in place, vision on the target in concealment aaaaand... now they wait!...



Okay, maybe this was a stupid idea...

She only knew about this whole luring stuff because of common rumors. Who knew if those were actually true? It could probably take hours before a Pokémon would come by, and by then probably only by pure chance! Ugh, what was she thinking?-

Just as she was about to stand up and groan like an annoyed Lilipup, some bushes from across the clearing started to rustle. Kelly abruptly threw herself back onto the ground, not wanting to get seen by whatever was making those noises. Wow, did that just seriously work?! Or was it just dumb luck? It probably was just dumb luck, wasn't it? She rubbed the back of her head a little frustrated. At least it meant they wouldn't have to hang around here for who knows how long.

Carefully, she peeked over the bush to see what was entering the clearing. To her amazement it was a small, black horse, a couple of white stripes randomly scattered around its fur, with a mane reminiscent of a thunderbolt. It sniffed at the digits of food on the ground before carefully nibbling on a single small lump. Quickly, she got her Pokédex out and traced it over the hoofed Pokémon while it was distracted eating.

"Blitzle, the Electrified Pokémon. Its mane shines when it discharges electricity. They use the frequency and rhythm of these flashes to communicate. "

Holy Miltank! She always thought Blitzle were only to be found in the south-eastern or north-western parts of Unova! This might be her lucky day! Also, it was apparently a male, though that was besides the point right now!

Feeling good, Kelly jumped from behind her cover to face the electric Pokémon. The Blitzle looked a little shocked as he saw the human suddenly come out of nowhere, but was quick to ready himself into a battle-stance nonetheless. For some reason he was a little unsteady on his feet, and his form looked meager overall. Not that she knew the exact standard appearance of a Blitzle, anyways.

"Alright, Vellon, let's go!"

The little Eevee also ran out of the hiding spot, ready to fight the over twice as tall Pokémon. Seeing the difference in size between the two, she wondered if this was such a good idea. Shaking off her concerns, the girl herself got ready for this battle to come. Size didn't matter in a Pokémon fight, that much even Kelly knew!

Let's see. A direct tackle would probably just end like last time against Filou, so maybe that Tail Whip will work again.

"Use Tail Whip!", she shouted, maybe a little too excited.

Like with Filou yesterday, Vellon turned around and wagged his tail at the Blitzle. The black and white horse however didn't mind this much besides maybe a short bewildered look that had a hint of disgust in it. Huh, that worked way better against Filou.

Snarling as if both of them just insulted him, the opposing Pokémon then charged forward at a tremendous speed. Vellon barely even had enough time to realize that the Blitzle was attacking, getting rammed directly by the taller Pokémon. He flew backwards and tumbled off the ground a couple feet, but did manage to stand back up again during a roll.

Whoa, what was that attack?! The Blitzle was so fast that he had turned into a blurry! Oh dear, looks like her lucky day was already coming to an end!

"T-try a Tackle!", she said, her enthusiasm from earlier attenuated.

Vellon nimbly jumped forward a couple times, trying to get in distance for his attack. The small horse attempted to dodge him, though was way too sluggish on his feet to do so. The Eevee got a nice hit in, tumbling the taller Pokémon over. Yeah, nice hit!

On trembling legs the Blitzle heaved itself off the ground, glaring daggers at Vellon. Why was he so unsafe on his hooves after just one hit? Is Vellon just really strong or Blitzle's not as resilient as she imagined?

Clearly angered, the Pokémon readied its next attack. Instead of charging forward again however, it loaded up some electricity in its mane, his hair crackling with energy. Uh oh, what was he doing?! Kelly didn't come up with a quick enough command for her Eevee to counter the attack with, and so the Blitzle unleashed a bright wave of thunder, covering a large field around the horse and hitting Vellon, shocking his body harshly. The little Pokémon collapsed, yelping in pain as he felt the electricity traversing through his form.

Oh no, that looked really bad! Kelly's gasped as she saw her Pokémon twitching convulsive on the ground. Somehow the tough little guy stood back up, one eye closed and his teeth clenched, still some bolts cracking through his brown fur. Wow, Vellon was more enduring than he looked! She should take notice of that.

It looked like the Blitzle was preparing another attack. Darn, what now?! Kelly had no clue as of what to do against that attack. Maybe she should switch out to Filou? The Purrloin was faster than Vellon, although it didn't appear as if speed would win this fight, seeing how fast the Blitzle was on foot, or how much space that thunder attack covered.

But before the Blitzle could throw anything else at the two, his form nodded back and forth before suddenly the horses eyes closed, his body falling over and collapsing motionless inside the middle of the clearing.

Kelly shrieked a little as that happened. Both she and Vellon looked flabbergasted down at the fallen Pokémon. What was wrong with him? Did he just...?

No, there is no way! She ran over to the Blitzle and checked on his condition. As her hand touched his fur she gasped horrified. No wonder the small horse just went down, he was only skin and bones! How didn't she see that from a distance?! After slapping herself mentally for her stupidity, the girl hold her hand over his mouth to see if he was still breathing. Luckily there was a faint puff coming out, meaning he wasn't dead. But it was very weak, so if she wouldn't get him help soon he might be a goner for real!

Kelly weighed her options. Going back to Floccesy Town would probably take too long, the farm on the other hand might be close enough. But how would she get the Blitzle there? Suppose she had to carry him. The Pokémon might not look too heavy, especially since he was at the verge of starvation, but she was by no means a heavy weight herself.

The girl bit the bottom of her lip until it was hurting. Well, might as well try it, huh?

After throwing off her backpack she send Vellon back into his Pokéball. She might had let him be outside of it the past couple days, but he was hurt himself and therefore would just slow her down. Then she got Filou out of hers, a white flash forming the cat on the ground.

"Hey, Filou!", the Purrloin looked at her a little mystified, unsure what to make about the scene around her, "Can you please carry my backpack over to the farm? It's just down the rode behind those bushes!", she pointed at the greenery from which they first emerged.

The Purrloin just looked baffled and appalled at her suggestion. Having no time to deal with Filou any longer, she picked up and threw the small horse over her shoulders. He was definitely way heavier than her backpack, despite it being brimmed to the edge. Kelly groaned under the weight of the Blitzle. This was going to be a looong walk. Staggering forward, she made her way to the Floccesy Farm, leaving Filou behind with her luggage.

The purple cat fluttered her eyelids dumbstruck towards the dainty girl carrying the black and white colored Pokémon, then at the big travel backpack lying next to her. She experimentally pulled at the straps with one paw, the heavy bag not moving an inch. Looks like it was her lucky day...

Vellon stretched himself on a pile of hay, trying to get a better resting position. Next to him, Kelly was deeply slumbering, her chest softly raising with every breath she took. Someho, she had managed to carry the Blitzle all the way over to the Floccesy Farm, probably using up every last inch of her strength in the process. By then, the sun was already going down, but there were still some farmers around to help her. They took care of the Blitzle and even offered them to rest in their barn, something Kelly eagerly accepted, passing out as soon as her body literally hit the hay.

Another exhausted snore echoed in his ears. He lifted his upper body a little to look over the human girl's form. Filou also was sleeping to Kelly's left, just as utterly beat as their Trainer. The Purrloin had to drag Kelly's bag all the way to the farm, probably leaving behind a ditch on the road and straining who knows how many muscles. Vellon giggled warmly. Maybe she wasn't such a bad Pokémon after all.

And then there was the saved Blitzle. He laid on a smaller pile of hay next to the bigger one all three of them were on. Next to him were two big bowls of food and water for him if he should wake up. A few bandages were wrapped around his form, including around his stomach where Vellon had hit him. Looking at the bandage made the Eevee feel guilty. He didn't realize that the Blitzle was in such a bad condition and him slamming into the black and white horse certainly didn't help!

Small mumbling dragged him out of his drowsy state, emitting from somewhere the hoofed Pokémon was laying. It took him a few seconds to fully realize what that meant: The Blitzle was waking up! Vellon jumped off the pile of hay and walked over to the weakened Pokémon, sitting down in front of him in anticipation. It be for the best if he had somebody to tell him what was going on, the Eevee thought.

The horse opened his eyes, the moonlight just enough to allow Vellon to see his glowing, blue irises. He glanced around dazed, not being able to get anything into focus straightaway. Once he did, the first thing he saw was the fluffy Eevee.

The Blitzle jumped, but regretted it instantly, cringing back into position. Despite the farm owners best efforts, he was still in pretty bad shape. Not a chance that he could stand up on those rickety legs of his.

"Whoa, slow down!", Vellon tried to calm the Blitzle. If he'd panic now he might hurt himself more than the thunder Pokémon already was!

"W-where am I?", the small horse stared around flustered, shooting Vellon a demanding glare afterward, "And why are you here?!"

The Blitzle tried his best to sound tough, but his miserable form made his voice audibly tremble, his eyes straining from a presumable awful headache. Looks like he was still mad at them for attacking him. The Eevee couldn't blame him, nobody liked to get tricked and then be attempted to be beaten up.

"You're in Floccesy Farm," Vellon explained to him. One more time the black and white horse looked around the barn, his blank stare telling that he had no clue what 'Floccesy Farm' was, "and I'm here because Kelly there saved you.", the Eevee finished, pointing with his head towards the mellow snoring Trainer when he mentioned her.

"Saved me? What do you mean?", the Blitzle blinked at him puzzled. Couldn't he remember? Then again, he was unconscious during the whole trip, maybe he wasn't able to recollect everything that happened before he passed out.

"Well, when we fought, you suddenly collapsed and Kelly carried you all the way here!" It was a really short explanation, but he himself wasn't all there when it happened, still feeling numb in his toes from that thunder attack he received during their fight.

"What? Why would she do that?", the small horse almost looked outraged as he heard the Eevee's words. Was it really such a shock that somebody saved him from possibly dying?

"Erm, because you needed help?", he blandly answered, feeling that the Blitzle's question was trivial. Why would you need a reason to help somebody? Even worse, why would you be shocked that somebody helped you? It was baffling to the little Eevee's naive mind.

The Blitzle frowned down at the ground, unsure what to think. Vellon pursed his lips, concerns for the gloomy Pokémon raising inside his head. The Eevee needed something to cheer him up. But what would be something good to accomplish that? From the corner of his eyes he notice the two bowls on the floor. Ah, these were just the perfect resources for a little spirit lifting!

"Hey, you must be hungry!", he toddled over to one of the bowls and shoved it closer to the Blitzle with his muzzle, "The farmers left you some food, why don't you eat some?"

The Pokémon eyed the food inside the one bowl and then sniffed at it suspiciously, turning away in disgust after doing so.

"Tch, what, so you can try to catch me again?", he snarled distrustingly at the Eevee.

Vellon in response just twitched his ears confused at his leery behavior. "How could I do that? I can't use a Pokéball!"

"No, I mean you and your Trainer!", the thunder Pokémon explained, his face saying that he felt a little ridiculed by the Eeeve for some reason.

"Kelly's asleep, so how could she use a Pokéball?" Vellon asked. He really wasn't getting behind his logic.

"I- she- you- ugh!", the Blitzle gave up, moaning out loud and dropping his ears annoyed.

"Fine...," he snorted disgruntled, before pointing his hoof at the fluff-ball, "But I still don't trust you!"

The small horse stuck out his neck towards the bowl that was just overflowing with nourishment and took wary bites from the small nuggets of Pokéfood. Judging by his face, he quickly started to like the taste, eating faster and faster until he was practically devouring every single chunk. Once he was finished with the big bits, he licked up the smaller pieces that had broken off the bigger once and now were clinging to the walls of the bowl.

"See?", Vellon happily chuckled, "Tastes great, doesn't it?"

Realizing he ate up the hole bowl in seconds and still greedily was licking up just the aroma lingering inside before he even knew it, the Blitzle quickly removed his head from the plastic vessel, swallowing anything still left inside his mouth with a big gulp, pupils flinging around embarrassed inside his eyes and cheeks slightly flushing.

"So, how was it?",

"Good...", he pouted, unable to look at the Eevee directly after his shameful display.

"Really, only good?", the fluffy Pokémon pushed the horse for an answer, wanting the Blitzle to admit the foods great taste.

"Fine, it was really good, geez. You happy now?", he hissed at Vellon, shooting him an upset glare.

"Yeah!", the smaller Pokémon responded carefree, smiling dopy.

The Blitzle groaned irritated and laid his head back down into the hay, rolling his eyes. Despite his reactions, Vellon was glad. Seeing how he still had enough energy to get mad at him meant he probably would be able to get back on his feet- or should he say hoofs- in no time!

"So, how did you end up here, anyways?", the Eevee said in an attempt to small-talk. That way he might gain more trust from the Blitzle and potentially even learn a thing or two about him, "I heard Blitzle's usually aren't found around here."

"I don't see why I should tell you!", the black and white Pokémon grumbled into the hay.

Boy, he was a tough nut to crack! Though Vellon wouldn't let that stop him of making friends with the Blitzle! Maybe a compliment? Yeah, talking good about somebody usually softens them up!

"You're pretty strong, even in your condition. You probably walked all the way here, right?"

"I... Yes, but-"

"Cool!", the Eevee exclaimed, loosing his tact due to excessive excitement, "You must have seen a lot of really amazing stuff then!"

"Did I? Yeah, I think so, but-"

"Wow, that's something! I bet your family must really miss you, though."

"I... I...", the thunder Pokémon began breath heavy all of the sudden, his eyes growing exceptionally sad. The Eevee finally noticed his distress and stopped his bombardment of questions.

"Hm, what is it?",Vellon turned his head puzzled. Did he say something wrong?

"I don't wanna talk about it!", the Blitzle snapped, yelling loud enough to probably wake the girls if they wouldn't had been completely winded.

Vellon winced at the horses harsh tone. Looks like he went too far. He should probably leave him some room for now and talk to him tomorrow again. Though he might not have that much time left to speak with him then, since Kelly probably wanted to leave as soon as possible. No matter, he had to give him time to think! As he got ready to walk away however, the small horse spoke up.

"Hey, I... I'm sorry...", the thunder Pokémon started. Apologizing to Vellon looked like it took him a lot of effort. Even an attempt was more than enough for the fluffy Pokémon, a warm smile appearing on his face. Instead of away like he initially intended, he turned and walked a little closer to the white and black horse, "I-I know you guys helped me, but it's just that I'm... not very good with others, I guess..."

"Don't sweat it, I'm all ears if you decided to talk!", Vellon reassured him, sitting back down next to the horse, a bit nearer this time, his fluffy tail swaying behind his back, eager to find out more about the Blitzle. "Names Vellon, by the way!"

"Oh, uh, hi, Vellon.", the thunder Pokémon fumbled awkwardly inside the hay with his hoofs, as if he was trying to find the right words inside them. Guess he was more used of beating somebody up then talking if even a normal greeting gave him trouble.

"You got a name, too?", the Eevee leaned in a little closer, the brightest, most adorable dorky smile on his face. He just couldn't help but get super excited when he met other Pokémon!

"Erm, n-no...", in response of Vellon getting nearer, the Blitzle backed away. Wow, he really wasn't comfortable around others, was he?

"That's alright!", no longer ignorant about the horses personal space, the smaller Pokémon removed himself from his bubble, "Not a whole lot of Pokémon have one! I actually just got mine from Kelly a few days ago!"

"So," the Eevee continued, "where are you from?"

"I, uh, well," the Blitzle pondered a little about the question before answering, "from up north, I think?"

"You can't remember?"

"Sorta," he grimaced as he tried to remember the path he took, "I didn't really kept track of where I was going. I ran into a bunch of Pokémon on the way, though nobody was as, uhm," the black and white horse stopped as he tried to find the right word to describe the Eevee with, "'enthusiastic' as you."

Woah, how awesome was that? Travel around and meet tons of Pokémon? Man, he hoped that they also would get around as much as this guy! Though, wait, he did it all by his lonesome. Wouldn't you be lonely that way?

"But... Why did you travel all by yourself?"

"I-I...", the taller Pokémon paused and gazed off into the distance with a sorrowful expression," I wanted to become stronger..."

"Huh, why did you wanted to become stronger?"

"I... Sorry, I can't say it...", the thunder Pokémon shook his head saddened. There was a certain melancholy to him, heavy enough that Vellon could practically feel its weight in the air. Just what happened to him?

"H-Hey, it's okay if you rather not talk about it.", the fluffy Pokémon assured him.

The horse nodded grateful, but didn't change his facial features. He really must be troubled about his past, Vellon thought. Maybe he should ask him later about this when they knew each other better. The Eeevee pouted his lips, thinking about what to do with this Blitzle. He seemed ruff, but there was a soft spot underneath his pelt. Maybe... Yeah, maybe that was a brilliant idea!

"How about you join us?", he asked kinda abrupt.

"H-huh?!", the horse boggled at his suggestion that Vellon just blurted out of nowhere, "Why?"

"Kelly's a trainer, so its more or less her job to make us stronger. Well, she's actually a bit new at the whole Trainer business," his eyes shortly flashed sheepishly to the side when he admitted they all were just a bunch of rookies, "but she's super nice and really determined on it! I bet she'd be able to get you back into shape in no time!"

"Sorry," the Blitzle shook his head disinterested, "but I'm not a fan on this following a master thing."

"Master? What are you talking about?", Vellon chuckled, bemused by his ridicules assumption, "Kelly's our friend, not our 'master', silly! Where did you get that idea from?"

"Well, uh, from..." the thunder Pokémon hesitated, looking distraught for a moment, his eyes clenching together as if he was trying to hold back some tears, "nevermind..."

"I..." he opened his eyes again, something glistening inside his sky-blue eyes, "Let me think about it until tomorrow, I-," again, he faltered, swallowing hefty, "I need to catch some sleep..."

"Sure thing." Vellon noticed the Blitzle's discomfort, worrying him. But he respected his demand and walked back over to the spot in the hay right next to Kelly and got himself comfortable within it. As he closed his eyes, a happy smile crept on his face. He did good today, and maybe with a little luck tomorrow they will have a new friend! What a lucky day!

The distant triple resounding coo of a Dodrio pulled Kelly out of her dreams. Groggily, she got up and stretched her sore arms. She slept really well inside the mountain of hay despite the terrible stiffness inside her muscles, albeit her clothes now reeked of the dry grass and probably would so for a while. Rubbing her eyes, she yawned with a wide stretched mouth. For every stroke of luck you also get some misfortune, she guessed.

Speaking of misfortune, what about the Blitzle? Kelly slid of the comfortable hay, dusting off her clothes, the dirt cloud she created in the process causing her to sneeze. Gah, good thing she wasn't allergic our this would really suck!

Never minding her own suffering, she looked around the barn. There was Vellon and Filou still snoring away behind her, but no sight of a Blitzle. She pressed her lips together, disappointed. Kelly wanted to at least know how he as doing before they would leave. Guess she can't have everything...

With a heavy sigh the girl squatted down to the same level as her Pokémon and woke up the two sleepyheads inside the hay, poking and tickling them behind their ears and under their chins. They both were unable to continue sleeping under such a ruthless attack, the Eevee quickly getting up properly with a cute yawn, while the Purrloin only reluctantly opened her eyes. When Filou's iris focused the human, the cat immediately looked away all huffily. Seems like she was still mad at Kelly for dragging the girls backpack all the way over here.

"Oh, don't be that way." Kelly begged sweetly, "I'm really sorry for making you schlep my stuff all the way here. Could you please forgive me?", she tickled the back of Filou's ear, the Purrloin clearly enjoying her work despite trying her best not to. Finally, the cat rolled her eyes with a dry smile as if to say "Alright, but only this once!".

Kelly grinned grateful and went to grab her backpack. It leaned against the wall next to the entrance of the barn. The side was worn down and really dirty from the Purrloin pulling it across the ground. Welp, this was the price the girl had to pay for having her small Pokémon do her dirty work. She brushed off as much mud clinging to the bag before putting it back on. Between her smelly clothes and dirty backpack, during their next visit to a Pokémon Center she absolutely had to wash her stuff and take a long shower.

Kelly grabbed Filou's Pokéball and retracted her back inside it, letting Vellon out of his ball as usual. No point in lingering around, she thought. Thanking the farmers is probably something she should do, but the little girl had no clue were to find them and even what to say besides more thanks.

Stepping outside, her heart skipped a beat. There, standing in front of the big building, she saw the white-striped horse standing, staring off motionless into the horizon. He turned, his face stricken with uncertainty and head hung low as he walked over to the girl. When the Blitzle stood in front of Kelly, he still didn't dare to look at her face.

"What is it?...", she asked, not sure about the horses intentions. This was really weird, but kinda awesome in a way. This combinations of strange amazement had the girl on edge.

The Pokémon paused, looking behind him as if he himself didn't even knew. The wind glided through their hair, as if nature itself was trying to a push one of them into making a move. Then, the Blitzle gathered all his courage, tread in closer and reached around her side with his head to nuzzle the bottom of her backpack.

Kelly yelped at his sudden action, but quickly figured what he was trying to tell her.

"You want to come with us?"

The Blitzle nodded, his face now stern with determination. Looks like he really wanted to do it.

She wasn't sure what to think. Why did he want to join them? Didn't he mind that she tried to catch him? Kelly looked the Blitzle into the eye for a while longer, before finally nodding as well and pulling out a Pokéball from her backpack. With a slight bump against his large, dark nose, the thunder Pokémon disappeared within the ball. It started to shake in the girls palm, one, two, three times, and then the satisfying click rang once more inside her ears.

Pressing on the button on the front of the ball, she released the Blitzle again, now a fresh member of her team. She stroke his white mane, smiling happy. Looks like her lucky day is going into overtime.

"I already got a name for you: Torden. What do you think?"

The Blitzle didn't ponder long over the name, and quickly nodded as if he fully anticipated this. Huh, Pokémon really weren't picky with name's, were they?

"Erm, hey, you mind wearing this?", she grabbed one of the collars and showed it to him, "In the collar is a Everstone. It'll prevent you from evolving. Its okay if you don't want to use it."

Torden looked at the collar intensely, his eyeballs not moving an inch. To be perfectly frank, this was the moment that had Kelly shudder in her shoes. Not the wiggling Pokéball before it successfully caught a Pokémon, but the fact if they accept the collar from Professor Juniper.

Finally, the Blitzle made a move, and, much to her relief, it was a nod. She attached the collar to his right front leg, considering that his neck was far to thick to fit around. It slipped down and hang loosely over his hoof. Well, he still was really thin, so maybe over time when he got some meat back on his bones it would properly fit. Another good reminder that the Blitzle was in a very bad condition and that she had to check up on him regularly, and also buy some extra portions of food for the thunder Pokémon to eat. And of course definitely regular check ins into Pokémon Centers. And probably a lot more stuff Nurse Joy will tell her about.

The girl petted his mane one last time before putting Torden back into his Pokéball, staring at the ball inside her hand afterward. Three. She now had three Pokémon. Wow. When she left her home she'd never thought to get this many so early on. Kelly looked down at her first Pokémon, the one the Professor gave her not three days ago. On his face was a knowing smile, an expression she missed from him yesterday. She put the Pokéball away and got back on her way, happy.

Onto Virbank City, then!

Pokemon Unevolved - Chapter 4

Hm, this chapter turned out to be shorter than I thought. And now that I read through it again, this seems more like a filler. Well, never mind, I'm pretty sure the next one will be longer again. Speaking of which, I'm not sure if I will be able to get...

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Pokemon Unevolved - Chapter 2

Looks like this story got a lot more attention then I initally assumed. Welp, just as I promised, this chapter has more sexins 'n stuff. Or whatever you call it... * * * **Chapter 2** **Purple is the Color of...** Exhausted, Kelly kicked off her...

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Pokémon Unevolved - Chapter 1

Welp, here's my very first smutty story, so this is new territory for me. It isn't my first story written in English, but there probably will be countless grammatical errors regardless. Tell me if you like or dislike the story, any sort of critic is...

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