Secret Stream

Story by coolboyyo on SoFurry

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it's not long. The pair might pop up in other stuff

Octavio's eyes open slowly. 'Jeez, how long was I out?' He reaches to scratch his eyes, only to find himself restrained. He looks up, seeing his wrists tied with a thick rope. The rope extends up into a black void. Quickly, he begins to formulate a plan. With a kick, he attempts to swing his legs up to possibly catch on the rope. From there, he could get some slack on it to start at untying himself. His idea was cut very short as his ankles were yanked back, tied to the ground with another length of rope. He groans, unhappy with the revelation. Then, suddenly, the lights click on. He holds his breath, afraid of someone coming in. When no one does, he exhales and looks at his newly revealed surroundings.

It must be a warehouse, that's the only thing that could be this large and spacious. In front of him sits a camera, a fairly large one, connected to a laptop on a small rolling cart. The camera's lens gives a distorted reflection of the buck's predicament, showing him something he hadn't realized in the dark. Looking down, he confirms it.

He's naked.

How he didn't notice it he has no idea. Every attempt at covering himself is thwarted by his restraints. A chill runs through him. Is there a draft? At his position, he can't see any sort of entrances. No doors, no windows... He looks back at the camera and notices something odd. Was that light always on?


A pair of clawed hands slap on his shoulders, making him let out a terrified yelp. From around behind him steps a hyena, dressed in a smock and green latex gloves and, from what the captive can tell, nothing else. Stuttering, the buck tries to speak, "W-who a-are you? Where am I?"

All he gets in response is a laugh, something characteristic of the species, "Who? Where? You sure do like questions!" With almost a bouncing gait, the hyena walks to the laptop and spins it around. On the screen is what seems to be a video. The video is...him? Octavio looks at the screen and sees, well, Octavio. He moves his head, watching the video move. A white box sits next to the video, scrolling ever so often. Then suddenly, it hits him. That isn't a video.

It's a livestream.

His eyes widen as he starts to struggle again, the rope stripping the fur from his wrists. The thought of people watching him, watching whatever this insane hyena is going to do, scares him to the bone. "Please! Let me go!" he begs. The hyena laughs again, head thrown back.

"After all the trouble I went through? Why should I!" He pulls a box from the bottom of the cart, setting it by the laptop. Opening it, he pulls out what looks like a swab and dips it in a translucent blue liquid. Walking back to the buck, he rubs it down his naked chest. It's cold.

"W-what is that? What are you doing?"

"Oh questions questions~ You LOVE questions~ It's a disinfectant! Wouldn't want you to get sick during our fun~"

The mention of 'fun' only raises more questions, ones Octavio doesn't know if he wants answered. The hyena looks over to the screen, walking to retrieve something from the box. One of the many scrolling comments catches his eye, eliciting another manic laugh from him. "Well now, looks like you already have some fans~ Maybe you should put on a show before the 'main attraction'"

He sets down whatever he picked up, turning to the deer. His gloved hand tickles as it runs up Octavio's hardening cock. He thrashes again, wanting to escape from his captor's touch. "S-stop it!" he shouts, unable to get away. The other hand starts moving up his side, fingers walking up like he's some sort of child. They reach his head, sliding the first two digits in his mouth, silencing his protests. He can feel something pricking his tongue through the gloves, claws maybe? He bites at the oral intruders, wanting to at least show that he won't give in. Sadly, that was a mistake. The hand on his shaft grabs tight to his balls, claws poking at it painfully. The hyena looks up with a smile, a look of malice in his eyes.

"Hey now, friend, don't do that! If you do something like that again, I'll have to take something away from you. You wouldn't want that, would you?" The grip tightens, claws digging into the skin. Before said skin is broken, he releases, the deer sighing as the pain stops. "Now then, let's get on with the show~" He walks back to the box and pulls out a sharp scalpel, going back to the captive. He presses the tip into Octavio, making him bite his lip to hold back the sound of pain. Holding back doesn't last long as the blade is dragged across him. Octavio lets out a wail of pain as the chat goes wild. Red blood starts to drip down out the wound, coloring the green gloves along with staining his fur. As he reaches the other side of the deer, the hyena sets down the scalpel, turning to mug for the camera. Then, with another manic laugh, he dives his hands into the wound, laughter mixing with the screams of pain from his unwilling patient.

"NO! STOP! PLEASE!" the deer shrieks as he looks down, seeing his guts being slowly pulled out. His head feels light as he sees his own insides, unable to process the events. The hyena stretches the intestines out, making sure the viewers can see as much as possible. With a grin, he sets them around his neck like a macabre parody of a scarf.

Laughing, he flicks the deer's still hard cock, "You're enjoying this? You really ARE a freak!" He takes another grip of the shaft, blood oozing down to soak it, and strokes it. Octavio, still partially numb from the whole sensation, barely can feel anything. Nevertheless, the hyena continues to play with his victim's meat, jerking him off until finally, and reluctantly, he cums. The white sticky seed blends with the red blood and viscera, a mixture the hyena licks up gladly. Standing up, he forcefully kisses him, forcing him to taste his own seed, mixed with his blood. As he's distracted by the kiss, he slips off a glove, revealing a sharp set of claws. In one swift movement, his hand moves up and slashes at his throat, red blood spraying freely. The hyena doesn't break the kiss, holding the victim in place as he gurgles, choking on his blood. He drinks up his last breaths, feeling the body going limp. The hyena slides down, dragging blood with him, as he drinks straight from the gushing wound. Walking back to the camera, swinging his hips, he gives the audience a good view of his bloody maw before switching the stream off, cleaning up for the next stream.