Lady of the Lake

Story by Darkfang Magus on SoFurry

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#5 of Short Stories

Lady of the Lake

By: Darkfang Magus.

Moist grasses play between curled toes, wetting my claws. The moisture is cold against my flesh. Ahead of me a small lake sits black as the night sky. Amid droning crickets, a lone bird calls out his mellow song. Breathing deeply, I inhale the scent of summer night. Unblemished, the wind brings forth aromas that no company could ever hope to bottle and sell at their leisure.

My sharp eyes scan the shoreline. To me the night is akin to a grayer version of day. My azure eyes, catlike in their clarity at night, shine with the feral nature of a tiger. Not a soul roams about, save me. Men fear the dark, the unseen. I fear it not, but rather revel in it. On the bank now, sharp sticks prick at me, but all the thorns and brambles in this land of night cannot pierce the thick calloused pads of my feet.

One last scan for onlookers, and then I cast my eyes to the water. It has no light of its own, only the fallow reflections of starlight and waning moon. As I release the zipper on my slacks, I begin to realize how truly free I feel at night. No deadlines, no jobs to finish, only the warm night air against my flesh.

Now fully nude, I look to the water again. It is beckons me invitingly, a cool ripple along the shallows licks my toes. My first step into the abyss is met by soft water-weeds winding around my feet. Amid the leaves and debris slick with algae, I make my way. Being careful not to slip, for a feline loathes the shame of losing his balance, I push onward carefully, every movement as decisive as that of a hunter on the prowl. The lakebed collapses underfoot. Struggling to stand upright, my fingertips brush the water's surface. Taking another pleasant breath, I grin glancing at the stars. It is almost as if they speak to me.

Now up to my knees in the water, I step with a surer foot. The floor is more solid, though still rich with grasses. The warm water rises up my legs, finally coming to kiss my loosely hanging balls. Closing my eyes for the moment I dream that it is more than the water but rather soft hands. Feeling something brush my leg, I look about but the water keeps its secrets for now.

The lake is like black glass as far as the next bank. The only disturbance seen is from my own movements. With a huge intake of breath, I dive below the surface. In the dark water I see something. After fruitlessly looking about, I rise for air. The water is deeper here, my feet barely touching the bottom.

The cold liquid coming up from below greets my body refreshingly. Again, I feel the hands upon me, soft and feminine. I cannot help but feel as my penis rises to attention. Cool lips kiss the head, and soft hair teases my belly. She, it, the water whatever it may be, beacons me deeper. For a brief moment, I feel her body press to mine, her sex groping my manhood.

No quite sure why, I swim deeper, into her waiting arms. Her lips, so cool, surround my cock. I reach out to touch her but she pulls away. Struggling to find her I sink into the abyss. She greets me with her cold sensuous touch. Her sex though, it is hot against my cock. Sinking underwater, desperate for breath, I thrust into her willing body.

With each thrust, she pulls me deeper under her spell, under the surface. In my haste I had fallen for her trap. Enthralled by her I cannot hope to break free from the watery grave which awaits. All is black, cold, utterly quiet. I feel I will never again see the surface.

BUT I MUST. Valiantly, I pull back. Back toward the shallows. The lake is her realm, but even so, we are caught at a standstill, neither sinking into the abyss, nor reaching the safety of shore. She soothes me holding her seemingly willing form close. Amid the bubbles which rise as my feet trail the bottom, I see a glimpse of her face.

Like ebony pools those orbs draw me in. I cannot breathe as the black lake crushes down on me. Uncontrollably I thrust into her. I am mad with lust. Caught in an unspeakable act with some creature of the depths. In my passion, I lean forward and kiss her. The air in my mouth mixes with the water in hers.

She is surprised and momentarily stops fighting me. Taking hold of the opportunity, I pull myself to the surface, bringing her with me as we are still joined in coitus. Breaking the surface, I arch my back breathing deeply. Through the shower of water I catch a brief glimpse of her tail fin slipping back underneath.

Now able to touch the bottom as I breathe the sweet lifegiving air, I almost slip from her sex. Reacting quickly, I thrust inward as I grip her soft flowing hair. Caught between abandoning her attempts and continuing our pleasurable dace, her face looks up at me from under the surface.

In no mood to quit now, though she obviously means me harm, I lean down to plant another kiss on her lips. I do not fear this creature; my feline body is strong my wit quick. Beating her at her own game, it is an interesting challenge to be sure.

Cupping her waist under my forearm, we turn toward shore. She resists but my grip is unwavering. Tenderly I kiss her again. Her lips feel like the lake itself upon my skin. Her mouth so smooth and strangely filled with water greets my tongue. Our lovemaking continues as I struggle to pull us closer to shore. Gazing up at me, she never brings her face to the surface. How she can breathe is beyond me. Though her face is wavering in the dark water, her eyes hold me with their depth. As we kiss and rock in the shallows, her eyes suck me in. It is like staring into the indomitable abyss of the Atlantic. So powerful are they that the very moonlight is pulled into their depths forever.

I blink twice shaking my head. She yearns to have me spellbound, but I am a creature who is not so easily tamed. Looming over her, I thrust downward pressing her form to the bed of the lake. With her hair gripped tightly in my hands, I rain down kisses. Though unable to breathe as I kiss her ample breasts, I continue relentlessly.

My rod is planted deep inside her as I hold her captive. Between my legs, her tail-fin sways, not left to right like a fish but up and down like a dolphin. Interesting as that fact may be, my mind is wrapped in other notions. Her lips part slightly with each thrust I make. We both know we are using one another but for the moment that matters not.

Though robbed of the chance to doom me, she is still gifted with mating a tiger. Small pebbles become mixed in her hair as I hold her down. My grip is no longer necessary to keep her with me, her passionate lust holds her here, rather my dominating attitude causes me to act as I do. Never speaking, her eyes beg me to mate her, to let my seed rush into her neither folds.

All around, the crickets are silent, the sullen bird has taken flight in hopes of calmer accommodations. The soft roll of water and light splash from my thrusts are the only sounds. Deep in my throat a roar is building, demanding to shake loose the stillness of the night. Such passion cannot go on unannounced. How much longer I can hold out, I do not know.

She seems to melt into my arms, her heaving breasts pushing against my chest. Has she reached her peak, perhaps such a creature is capable of pleasure as well. My kisses are returned softer now. She is at my command as her body flows like the water around us.

Sinking my face into her hair, I toy at her ear with my fangs. Her eyes slightly lidded now, look me over gratefully. Coming to the surface, my breathing is labored. My tail slaps the water spasmodically in time to the beat of each thrust. Shaking my head through the spray, I flick water free from my pointed ears.

Her flesh seems so much warmer underneath me now. Desperately, her quivering cunt sucks at my cock. Thrusting against the current has tired me. For the moment, I let her sex do the work pulling at my cock. She has me now as much as I have her. It is no longer about winning now, but rather finishing what we have begun.

At this point I am sure she has come to an orgasm, With each pull of her vagina, a warm sticky fluid coats my penis, easing the entry. Laying against her warm supple body, I know my own peak is not far off. Her vagina is tight due to the strong muscles that tense the sides, but the girth is capable of taking a much larger male. A horse would be hard pressed to fill her completely. This I know because in addition to my cock being lodged in her body, one after the other my balls too slip into the wonderful massaging passage.

No blowjob, no matter how well executed, could compete with having my cock and balls massaged relentlessly inside this seductress' body. Soon... I can feel it. Brushing the lilly pads away, I grip her soft hair. Between my fingers, the strands flow like see grass. With our eyes locked, I sink my face beneath the water for a parting kiss.

Hips bucking spasmodically, I feel a churning deep in my feline balls. Seeming to know my imminent release, she returns the kiss ever more forcefully. With my cock locked in her sucking chasm I feel my first burst prepare to fire.

It is like having every orgasm of my life all combined into a single moment. Taut muscles straining, I pull her body tight. Though my eyes are clenched, I know her passion from the sounds she emits. My bursts are matched by the sucking motion of her sex. It is as if she is pulling the semen from me rather than me pumping it into her.

Her supple belly presses to my hard abs. Our passion, forbidden, but enjoyed nonetheless, crosses all boundaries. The deep abyss of her eyes greets me when my vision breaks through the rising murk. Deep in her belly, my sperm rushes forth. To impregnate her? Who knows. Her motives are beyond my understanding.

The unfettered high, that is all that matters for the moment. Two souls bringing a moment of pure bliss to eachother; that is of undeniable importance. Her tongue plays with mine as I strain for breath in our passionate embrace. She gasps with the movement of my spined cock inside her. In that moment I rise for air.

My victorious roars shatter the night. Our coitus is coming to an end, even a tiger cannot stand to go beyond the twentieth burst as he mates. Rolling onto my back, my rigid cock slips free and I gasp for precious breath.

When our bodies part, she whisks herself away deep into the water. I struggle to sit upright in the now murky water. All is still, the world is dead to my eyes and ears.

For a brief moment, I can almost make out a tail breaking the surface in the distance.

Then she is gone.

If she ever really existed at all.